Week 30 2018 – DON’T DENY IT!

WEEK 30 runs from Monday, July 23 to Sunday, July 29, starting a 10 week cycle in which all the Week Numbers begin with 3.

3 represents communication, the stage, how things are staged and crafted, the arts, creativity, entertainment, illusion, appearance, and the enormous power of words, sounds, images, and first impressions.

3 represents population, people, populism, popularity, social contact, and optimism. 3 is the number of joy, beauty, children, childhood, innocence, laughter, and the ‘lighter’ side of life.

However, 3’s extreme side can be shallow, spiteful, critical, dishonest, and destructive. It judges by appearance, lacks empathy, loves gossip, and is entertained by the suffering of others. Instead of the innocence of the child, the ‘spoiled brat’ is reflected as infantile behavior in adults.

Almost anything can be staged, and manipulating the emotions of the population has become a sinister art. That’s why it’s so essential to strengthen our emotional power, not by denying our feelings, but by expressing exactly how we feel, as spontaneously as possible. 3 is the number of outward EXPRESSION, without which we have no say in the course of our own lives, and no Will of our own.

In an authoritarian world, shutting down open communication – censorship – is an essential tool. 3 is the number of appearances and the ability to convince. But when people cannot be persuaded, the trick then is to create confusion.

From Week 30 until the end of September, communication – in all its forms – sets the theme on Earth. Notice how words and images are used to inform or disinform, to enlighten or deceive, to heal or harm. Notice how you yourself are communicating, and whether you are actually listening.

Notice the communication that occurs within yourself between your thoughts, feelings, senses, and urges. In today’s chaotic reality, people are sensing the true magnitude of their feelings, and the positive purpose of their emotional range.

Week 30 produces optimism amid the chaos. Provided we do not underestimate the seriousness of our situation, optimism can carry us over the most daunting hurdles. Hope is always the last thing to go – so hold onto it.

Meanwhile, this ‘must win‘ and ‘destroy the competition’ system has reached a stage of self-destruct in which the greediest and most unloving among us are preparing to fight to the bitter end for the grand prize of BEING #1. But it’s too late for that. The millennium of the masculine 1s is over, and we are entering the balance of feminine 2.

We are dealing with the most creative energy – and the most destructive energy – at the same time. So the question is, where are your intentions coming from?  Love? Or Hate? As people all over the world express their true feelings, their true colors appear.  No matter who we are or profess to be, whatever is inside is going to come out.

Being honest with ourselves is part of our evolution. But until we bring ourselves into present time by learning from past experience, we run the risk of destroying ourselves through sheer stubbornness – our refusal to recognize and accept reality.

1 teaches us that change is the result of inspiration and action. 2 teaches us the importance of openness, response, and coordination. And 3 is the chemical result of 1 and 2 which holds 1 and 2 together. 1 is the father. 2 is the mother. 3 is the child.

1, 2, and 3 add up to 6, the number of family, home, love, and responsibility. There are millions of families out there who are torn apart, homeless, desperate, and suffering. Torn apart by war and other violence, including poverty – and political design.


The ‘cold war’ between the Soviet Union and the West was an offshoot of World War 2.

World War 2 was a continuation of World War 1.

The attack by Russia on modern day democratic systems is an offshoot of the cold war.

An estimated 106 MILLION PEOPLE lost their lives in the two world wars. This week marks the 104th anniversary of World War 1 which began on July 28, 1914. It seems that whenever the 3 energy is concentrated, people communicate more about the possibility of World War 3, because the power hungry individuals who control the world, communicate their desire for it.   

The September 11 attack on the USA in 2001, led to the second Iraq War in 2003 under George W. Bush (USA), and Tony Blair (UK).

The first Iraq War (the Gulf War), continued from 1990 to 1991, under George H.W. Bush and Britain’s Margaret Thatcher. Before that, there was another Iraq war, and another one before that, going back not decades, but centuries. Wars do not end. Wars quiet down, only to flare up again when those old damaged feelings are re-triggered, and they always are, like constantly opening up the same old scab so it can never heal.

Sometimes war is unavoidable, but only because the system in which we are trapped needs war in order to maintain control. 3 is the number of friends and enemies, friendliness and animosity.

As humanity evolves in the course of time, we are experiencing the fears of those who are stuck in the past, too afraid to move forward. The sensitivity of 2 is bringing our emotions to the surface as never before. Unfortunately, this includes people who are in such emotional denial that when their feelings do surface, they burst out uncontrollably and are extremely dangerous. Denied fear bursts out as terror, and materializes as terrorism – foreign and domestic.

The world is awash in LIES. A lie is denial of reality – the reversal of truth. Denial of reality is the biggest problem on Earth today. In the end, denial will destroy the deniers, because denial of reality is lack of awareness – stupidity.

And yet, we are all denying something. If we weren’t, we would have evolved past this chaos by now. So we have to be careful that we are not denying that we’re denying, which is the energy of a hypocrite.

But the more aware we are of our own denials, the more easily we see through the denials of others. Awareness of what is happening is essential. Awareness of reality is our greatest safety net.

One of the reasons even the most well-meaning people find it so difficult to combat the constant lies being told by governments, industries, and individuals, is that denial cannot be argued with. Whatever you say, it will be denied, turned upside-down, inside out, and tossed around until you start to question your own sanity. Denial denies everything – including its own existence. Denial will go to any length to divert attention from reality.

For as long as we are holding on to denials of our own – (for as long as we lie to ourselves), those who use denial as their primary tactic will always have the upper hand – because we are afraid of having our own denials exposed – accused of something we haven’t done – accused of the very thing that the deniers are guilty of – or denied recognition for something we have done.

11 is the number of illumination, exposure, connection, and inspiration. 2018 is an 11 year (2+0+1+8=11/2). In the next 10 weeks while the 3 energy of communication is so potent, there may be instances in which people shock us by expressing their true feelings. 3 can be such a gossipy energy that blackmail goes hand-in-hand with it. And in such a corrupt system, the threat of large-scale blackmail is extremely high, as we may see in the weeks to come.

We must be careful that the noise coming from everyone openly expressing themselves – or the noise of a system trying to divert our attention from something else – does not drown out some vital details. A detail is a slice of information. And the more information we have, the bigger and clearer the picture of reality becomes.

Injustice got a free ride in the masculine “I AM” 1000s. But that will change in the caring, sensitive, feminine 2000s. It was the combination of the 1, 2 and 3 vibrations that enabled the essential “Black Lives Matter” and “Me Too” movements to rise, along with many other forward-moving organizations that could not have survived in the previous millennium. For all the pain and suffering going on in the world, there is also great progress being made in all areas.

Being honest with ourselves is essential. Changing what we have been programmed to believe – changing our minds – can be confusing and painful. It can also be enlightening, elating, and exciting. As we open those parts of our minds that were closed, new possibilities come into view. We are not doomed or damned. We are evolving from an existence of deadly denial into one of truth.

It is through our feelings and senses that we experience physical life. Without our ability to feel, we are only a fraction of our whole selves. 1 is the number of SELF, and we cannot evolve into 2 (the number of others) until we can accept ourselves fully. Self-acceptance means loving all of yourself and not just parts of yourself. It means loving yourself unconditionally. You cannot love anyone else unconditionally if all of your self is not present to love them.

Read about the pivotal affect of Week 29 in the world

Buy my book, LIFE CYCLES: Your Emotional Journey to Freedom And Happiness, here.






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