Weekly Forecast
TO CALCULATE YOUR NUMBER FOR 2024, simply add 8 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation).
Example birthday: April 25:
Month: 4
Day: 2+5 = 7
Year: 2+0+2+4 = 8
4 + 7 + 8 =19 (Keep adding until you get a single number).
1+9 =10
1+0 = 1
In this example, the Year Number for 2024 is 1.
If you are in doubt about your Year Number, use the contact form on this website – or leave a reply at the end of this page – and let me know your month and day of birth. (Year of birth is unnecessary in this calculation).
Use your YEARLY NUMBER to read your Monthly and Weekly Forecasts until the end of 2024.
Your YEARLY NUMBER runs from January 1st to December 31st (not from birthday to birthday).
NOTE 1: WEEK 16 is the 4TH WEEK of a 7-WEEK CYCLE in which all the Week Numbers are TEEN NUMBERS. Their karmic nature is sending profound messages which reflect the seriousness of these times. 16/7 affects matters of SECRECY, SNOBBERY, and ARROGANCE. It exists in karmic form because humanity has failed to learn the principal lessons regarding the ABUSE OF POWER.
2024 is an 8 YEAR – the number of power itself.
No matter how things seem, or what we are told is happening, we are traveling through a strange fog, which comes from this 7 WEEK in a 3 MONTH (8+4=1+2=3). Whatever the situation turns out to be, there is no room for knee-jerk decisions or unplanned moves. Be prepared for uncertainty, the twisting of facts, and confusing distractions. And of course, on top of the fog that 3 and 7 produce, there is nothing as effective in camouflaging the truth than the fog of war.
If you find yourself ‘out of your depth’ in these deep karmic waters, keep in mind that the feeling of being “lost” is part of the karmic experience, and will result in your gaining the experience you most need.
7 represents WISDOM and DEEP UNDERSTANDING, the ability to analyze information, and orchestrate the details in a way that may enable others to understand it too.
7 is looking for TRUTH. It represents the INTELLIGENCE and the power of the MIND. It enables us to think, investigate, study, and produce ideas and practical solutions. 7 is both the student and the teacher.
Karmic 16/7 exposes aberrations of the mind, such as SECRETS and LIES – some of which are likely to be revealed this week. 16/7 exposes devious partnerships which conspire to control or outdo others, with no consideration for the harm and suffering caused by their actions. 16/7 brings strange and mysterious situations which appear as quirks of fate or sheer coincidence, and have no definitive explanation. This energy reflects a complete lack of self-awareness, accountability, and responsibility.
In its most positive form, 7 exudes SINCERITY and HONESTY. And although humanity is incapable of such an evolutionary feat at this point in time, these qualities are the basis of FREE WILL, which is what we are evolving INTO. The same is true of FORGIVENESS, which is the only answer to the suffering, insanity, and endlessness of WAR.
16/7 reveals how modern technology is used to saturate us with so much information that our minds cannot absorb it all, thus the tendency to skip the detail-rich history of a situation and believe the most uncomplicated version. Disinformation is spread by keeping it simple and repeating it constantly.
3 represents COMMUNICATION, a natural phenomenon which has been captured by a handful of people who decide what we the people can and cannot be aware of. LIMITING our understanding of reality is an assault on the MASCULINE MIND and the FEMININE WILL because freedom of thought and emotion propels us through this evolutionary journey called life. But we cannot express a thought or an emotion about something that we’re unaware of.
7 enables us to see through the propaganda, and actually understand the facts. However, this level of “reality-facing” also increases our fear levels, and that is exactly what the controlling forces want. Our own fear then becomes another weapon to use against us.
Fear of fear makes us too afraid to be afraid – when fear is the natural and necessary response to the experience. We cannot change what threatens us if we are too afraid to look at it. This may become more apparent in WEEK 16 as well-hidden aspects come to light and secrets are exposed.
At the same time, the propaganda machine will serve up their stories to deny what we see with our own eyes, hear with our own ears, or feel in our own hearts.
The theory that you have to choose between love and fear is an incorrect comparison because it undermines loves ability to love unconditionally. Fear is a natural emotion which love can soothe and heal – or use to warn and caution. Fear is waking humanity up right now! It is unaddressed fear that drags us into the darkness of denial, which in the end, attracts more fear.
When properly understood, and allowed to move, instead of being held-in (and prolonged), fear evolves into courage, confidence, and vital intelligence. Learn to accept your feelings of fear AND your feelings of confidence. Let the process they generate together bring you correct understanding.
In this energy, arrogance, pride, and vanity can result in downfall. The same applies to those who seek revenge, or have been engaged in some kind of conspiracy for the purpose of improving their own position.
16/7 allows the abuse of power to continue until the outcome of that abuse is thoroughly understood – and then, suddenly, the tables turn, and conditions change which cause the abusers to fall and fail.
7 is the learning number, and what we learn this week can help to prepare us for the 16/7 energy that runs through the entire month of AUGUST 2024 – the 8TH MONTH of this 8 YEAR.
8 is the number of POWER itself, and two 8s produce 16/7.
8 is also the number of GREED, which is addiction in one form or another. Past mishandling of 8 energy has produced the greatest and deadliest addiction of all – addiction to POWER.
This week, keep in mind that the ABUSE OF POWER, LIES, PROPAGANDA, GASLIGHTING, CONSPIRACY THEORIES, and FEAR, are the actual theme of this 7-day cycle.
NOTE 2: Additional insight can be gained this week by reading the 1, 3, 6, 7, and 8 forecasts as well as your own.
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You have the ability to move your life in a new direction, but you do not have the power to stay afloat in an old situation or frame of mind. This major crossroads is so busy that you cannot backtrack without the risk of some kind of collision or clash. So, look forward instead. Something new is calling. There’s no going back to the old you, or to the old reality in which the old you existed. It has all changed.
How can you proceed with dignity if you feel you are not being respected or taken seriously? With great tactand patience, that’s how. Be aware of how you are communicating – and more aware of what others may be experiencing. You must understand them if you want them to understand you. As something from the past enters the present, remember how you felt back then – and how your circumstances and feelings have changed over time.
Do not cut off from your thoughts and feelings before you have a chance to understand them. In order to stand on your own two feet, you need clarity. But that cannot be achieved if you don’t let your thoughts and feelings complete themselves. Independence of thought and freedom of expression are essential to your progress. Have patience with unusual ideas.
PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much. DONATE HERE
Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.
YOUR DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY and YEARLY GUIDE… Our personal numbers are communicating loud and clear in these unstable evolutionary times. And there is a Creative Numerology Year Book for each of the 9 yearly cycles to help you find your way. Each collectable and reusable book provides a rich description of your yearly cycle, and an entire year of accurate and inspiring MONTHLY, WEEKLY, and DAILY forecasts. Your CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK brings clarity to your personal journey through this turbulent and emotional cycle of time. This is numerology you can both FEEL and use.
You can buy these books individually, or buy all 9 books and GET ONE FREE (free book is not available with kindle).
If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.
Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness HERE (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE). THE BOOK THAT’S ALL ABOUT YOU – AND YOURS….
Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI
WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHERE ARE YOU GOING? This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From $95.00
Look for ways to combine the needs or ideas of others with your own. Be aware of what you’ve got, see where it is needed, and prepare to offer your support or service to others. Your success depends on whether you are patient enough to notice the various details involved. Don’t push ahead until you fully understand them. This is all part of what it takes to get organized.

Think before you act. When you realize that you’re on automatic pilot, bring yourself back to manual control and notice all the details of your situation or surroundings. Reassess your position and needs. Even the best ideas must remain mere concepts until they are taken beyond the idea stage and brought to life. Be careful how you judge others, especially if you feel you cannot reach them emotionally or intellectually.
Emotions are not meant to be acted or blurted out. They are meant to be FELT – as sensations – within the physical body. It is frustrating when your answers produce more questions, but at least you’re asking the right questions now. Your desire to live more fully and take life in, (rather than merely protect yourself from it) is pushing its way through the false belief that you cannot make constructive changes. Yes, you can!
PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much. DONATE HERE
Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.
YOUR DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY and YEARLY GUIDE… Our personal numbers are communicating loud and clear in these unstable evolutionary times. And there is a Creative Numerology Year Book for each of the 9 yearly cycles to help you find your way. Each collectable and reusable book provides a rich description of your yearly cycle, and an entire year of accurate and inspiring MONTHLY, WEEKLY, and DAILY forecasts. Your CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK brings clarity to your personal journey through this turbulent and emotional cycle of time. This is numerology you can both FEEL and use.
You can buy these books individually, or buy all 9 books and GET ONE FREE (free book is not available with kindle).
If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.
Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness HERE (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE). THE BOOK THAT’S ALL ABOUT YOU – AND YOURS….
Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI
WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHERE ARE YOU GOING? This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From $95.00
The more you accept your own reality, the more you will be able to appreciate the realities of others. Wisdom is not handed to us on a plate. Insight reaches us after experience opens a space for it to enter the mind. The only way to embrace others without losing your precious individuality is by being yourself – and by accepting them just as they are, too. We are diversity. We are chemistry. We are all evolving in our own way, and at our own pace. To each their own.
If shallow rewards are what you seek, you will find them at the shallow end of life. However, this is a chance to swim further afield. In order to stay afloat when you are out of your depth, discard that competitive streak. It weighs you down. And know the difference between a friend and an acquaintance. Make time for all that is important to you. Don’t let anything distract you from what truly matters.
Just look at that ball of confusion in which you’ve been living: thoughts, feelings, memories, disappointments, hopes, joys, fears, relationships, responsibilities, all jumbled together with no separation between what feels good and what does not. It’s time to sort it out and regain some stability. Feel those buried feelings and express them safely and privately out of your body. This is how you heal from the inside out. It is how you let go of the past.
PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much. DONATE HERE
Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.
YOUR DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY and YEARLY GUIDE… Our personal numbers are communicating loud and clear in these unstable evolutionary times. And there is a Creative Numerology Year Book for each of the 9 yearly cycles to help you find your way. Each collectable and reusable book provides a rich description of your yearly cycle, and an entire year of accurate and inspiring MONTHLY, WEEKLY, and DAILY forecasts. Your CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK brings clarity to your personal journey through this turbulent and emotional cycle of time. This is numerology you can both FEEL and use.
You can buy these books individually, or buy all 9 books and GET ONE FREE (free book is not available with kindle).
If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.
Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness HERE (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE). THE BOOK THAT’S ALL ABOUT YOU – AND YOURS….
Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI
WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHERE ARE YOU GOING? This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From $95.00
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I don’t not understand how to calculate 10 29 2024 please help
Hello Lisa,
MONTH: 1+0 = 1
DAY: 2+9 = 11
YEAR: 2+0+2+4 = 8
1+11+8 = 2+0 = 2
With love,
Dear Christine,
I am so happy to have the chance to read your messages every week. It has been helping me to understand all feelings and emotions of my 9 cycle, and at the same time keeping going with all the craziness today.
With love & gratitude
Hello Soraya,
Yes the 9 Year can be confusing, emotional, and deeply inspiring, all at the same time. I am so glad to hear this work is helpful to you.
With love,