Week 32 2018 – a numeric BURST

WEEK 32 runs from August 6 to 12. And oh what a week it is in terms of raising our awareness of what’s happening in our own lives, and in the world! 3 is the number of communication, and 2 is the number of sharing.

ALL the numbers are active this week – basic numbers, master numbers, and karmic numbers. The general theme is ‘learning from past mistakes’. So, if you know that an adverse behavior or situation must stop, now is the time to stop it! Nothing new can begin until you do! But do remember that past mistakes are often not mistakes at all, but situations you had to encounter in order to learn and evolve.

Week 32 is a wake-up week! And the more awake and aware we are, the more we will appreciate our personal ability to reason, learn, and understand. The more consciousness we give to our feelings, the more depth the mind receives in return. Pieces of the puzzle will fall into place this week.

August in this 11/2 Year is a 19/1 month. 19 is the karmic holding pattern that contains everything we did not learn – and everything we must learn – in order to progress. 2018 is the 19th year of the 2000s, so we have two 19s converging, giving us 38, which produces another 11.

11 is the number of ILLUMINATION, INSPIRATION, and the power of CONNECTION. Without the two 1s in 11, we cannot move from 1 to 2. We cannot progress at all.

Week 32 connects us to the creative 3 energy of the 21st century, and the 2 energy of the 2000s. This gives us the incentive to persevere, be creative, and pursue our passions wholeheartedly. As others strive to control our WILL, remember that our feelings, emotions, senses, and impulses, (our feminine energy) are what the Will is made of.

We have to keep moving in the direction we want to go. We have to keep believing in ourselves. And we have to keep increasing our capacity to give and receive LOVE. These are the feelings that will carry us forward.

As we increase our understanding of this ‘divide and conquer’ system, humanity is starting to CONNECT where there has always been separation. But the sheer barbarism of separating children from their parents as political policy is still not resolved in the USA – and such atrocities are happening everywhere as people continue to be uprooted and separated by war, poverty, and other acts of gross inhumanity.

Transparent 11 is exposing the imbalance, unfairness, and injustice that has been there all along, but was shoved into the darkness of denial. People are so busy keeping up with the pace that the system sets for us that we ignore things that really do matter. Distraction is a brutal weapon. We cannot afford to ignore reality this week, because the theme is CHOICE – and we have to know what our choices consist of.

Week 32 is a 5 week in the world (3+2=5), the number of sudden change, unexpected development, choice, and freedom. Feelings of uncertainty (fear) are inevitable. Awareness of your situation and surroundings is essential. This is ‘eyes-wide-open’ energy.

Be aware of excesses that feel like freedom at the time, but are actually avoidance of facing reality. 32/5 is an energy of contrasts – including the pain and suffering that greed inflicts on the world – and the beauty and intelligence that comes from caring and giving.

Week 32

5 sits at the center of the numeric spectrum. Things can go ‘either way’ when 5 is active, and although we cannot prepare for all eventualities, we can at least be prepared to be flexible. 5 requires us to be IN THE MOMENT because only in present time can we see what our options actually are, and how capable we can be. 5 helps us to learn from experience. Then, instead of being stopped in our tracks by guilt, over things that went wrong, we realize that life itself is one big evolving learning experience.

Some people are so afraid of change that they choose to stay trapped in the past, incapable of learning anything new. They know that life is changing anyway, but they deny this reality and try to drag us BACK to a time when their power was taken for granted. They express rage and hate, and notions of ‘superiority’ to cover up their fear of being ‘irrelevant’ and ‘inferior’.

Our emotional and intellectual evolution has been underway for quite some time, and nothing will change that. Time moves forward – and life goes on.

Human cruelty (towards all living beings) isn’t new. But in the transparency of the 2000s, it can no longer be denied. The 1000s are what we are evolving FROM. Until we let go of the past, we will have the impossible dilemma of living in two different ‘times’ simultaneously.

WEEK 32 2018

3 represents appearances, performance, communication, words, images, sound, shape, the arts, the stage – and the way things are staged. In this 10 week period in which all the Week Numbers begin with 3, we are learning deep lessons about the power of communication, authenticity, shallowness, depth, and how to sense when something is real or contrived.

2 is the principle number of our times – real time – the 2000s – and represents transparency, honesty, cooperation, teamwork, sensitivity, and the power of patience. Very soon, we will enter the decade of the 20s. But here in the 10s, many of the old ways of the 1000s are falling apart.

No, humanity is not losing its mind. Our minds are being stretched and expanded by our recognition of reality. Our emotional vibrations are so intense that they are cracking the walls of lies and denial and are pushing and pulling our minds OPEN. As a result, (and as painful and confusing as this can be), we are evolving emotionally and intellectually at the same time.

TUESDAY, AUGUST 7, 2018  (8+7+11=26=8). This 88 energy also occurs on Wednesday, August 8, which is the 8th day of the 8th month. And because 2018 is an 11 Year, the 99 energy creates intense numeric spirals that propel us backwards to learn from the past, and rapidly forward once the lesson is learned.

8 represents POWER in the physical world, and the dangers of power when understanding is lacking.

TUESDAY, AUGUST 7 is also the 74th birthday of Special Counsel ROBERT MUELLER. (7+4=11).  He was born in the 18/9 Year of 1944. Therefore, a strong 911 vibration surrounds his birthday this year. 911 and 119 often reverse the status quo, and trigger both the highest and lowest vibrations on the emotional range.

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8th is the 220th day of the year and activates the Master Numbers 22 and 88.

22 is directly connected to the circumstances and conditions of large groups of people. 22 takes us beyond our limits – and enables us to focus deeply on our true intent. But when the intent is selfish, petty, greedy, or inhumane, the result can be restrictive, harsh, and destructive.

88 sets karmic 16/7 in motion. This focuses on the abuse of power through secrecy, conspiracy, and trickery, and exposes these things. 7 represents our capacity to LEARN.

Humanity is caught up in a futile battle to BE #1. But true leadership does not involve being ‘led’, or being ahead in the ‘game’ of life. Rather, leadership is the ability to lead one’s own life and to help those who cannot. This is how evolutionary progress is made – not through the cruel and selfish ways of the past that tear each other down.

In the transformational energy of Week 32, 1 represents the individual.  1 lifts other 1s UP. That is how 11 is formed. This is how life continues and flourishes.

FRIDAY,  AUGUST 10 is the 222nd day of the year, and these are powerful vibrations indeed. 222 adds up to 6, the number of justice, family, home, caring and responsibility, and the loving connection between parent and child. And because 2 also represents sensitivity, deep emotions are bound to arise today.

The 222nd day of this 11/2 Year, creates even more 8 energy (2+2+2+2=8) – the number of POWER – the power of the individual – and the combined power of many individuals. These multiple 2s, at a time when we are evolving from 1 to 2, carry an important message: the only antidote to self-destruction is self-acceptance, self-respect, self-love. Love is the greatest power of all. Outer peace comes from inner peace. 

Also on Friday, August 10, your personal weekly reading doubles as a daily reading. This occurs when the month and day add up to 9. (8+1+0=9). 9 represents endings, completion, drama, feelings, awareness, giving, empathy, compassion, and letting go in order to move forward. Circumstances and emotions intensify on these dates.

 When 9 is derived from 1 and 8, the focus is on worldly and economic matters. 1 = LEADERSHIP, including world leaders. 8 signifies POWER on the material plane. 10 brings existing conditions to a new level – usually for the better – but it can work both ways in this erratic 32/5 Week. New lows can be reached, too. And yet, the essence of Week 32 is one of personal freedom – amid others whose personal freedom is equally important.

Week 30 “DON’T DENY IT”

The pivotal affect of Week 29 in the world

Buy my book, LIFE CYCLES: Your Emotional Journey to Freedom And Happiness,





Cover Art courtesy of ractapopulous / Pixabay.com

13 thoughts on “Week 32 2018 – a numeric BURST

  1. Elizabeth

    Hello Christine,
    I am in my 1 year, 9 month. My Destiny is 23/5. When I have a double # ie 1, 8, 9 or 5 showing up, I feel that those numbers are especially revealing. Any thoughts?

    1. Christine Delorey Post author

      It sounds like you are very much in tune with your own numbers, Elizabeth. August is your 9 Month, but it is derived from your 1 Year and the 8th calendar month. And of course, your 5 Destiny Path will always be a strong factor.

      1. Elizabeth

        Thank you for your beautiful, remarkable work.
        This year and especially this month I am releasing physical, emotional, mental and spiritual stuff that I accumulated over several decades. Preparing to start a new chapter in my new condo in December 2018. Thank you.

        1. Christine Delorey Post author

          That’s so kind. Thank you. And my very best wishes with your healing process. So, at the very end of your 1 Year of new beginnings, you are beginning a whole new chapter, in a new home, and are letting go of all that old ‘stuff’ before you get there. How wonderful! Wishing you every happiness, Elizabeth.

  2. Mahan

    Dear Christine,
    Thank you for your generosity in sharing your knowledge. I am so grateful for it. I have been reading you faithfully and the guidance you offer is always an inspiration.

  3. Ugne

    Thank You, I’m a big fan and always read Your articles for like 3 years…always great insights and gentle guidance…this week seems to be immensely powerful, I’ll make the best of it. Thank You!

    1. Christine Delorey Post author

      Hello Ugne, yes it’s a big week! And because 5 is the number of the ‘unexpected’, who knows what it will bring. I love your attitude: “I’ll make the best of it”. That’s exactly what’s needed!

      I am so happy you’re enjoying this work. Thank you!

  4. Louise Black

    Thank you Christine for writing that article. It is definitely a strong week according to the numbers. Personally, I am ready for everything to get out into the open, regardless. I am so tired of the secrecy, the decietfullness, and people thinking you are deaf, dumb, and blind. I feel like I am surrounded by a brick wall, and it has pretty much ruined my life.

    1. Christine Delorey Post author

      Hello Louise, I think this week is a test of our resilience against the very people you mention. It’s so important that we move forward with our own lives – and our own desires and passions – despite the massive effort being made to control us. Their goal is to extract our free will, confuse our minds, and syphon the joy right out of us. Don’t let them!

      Yes, we must remain vigilant, and do whatever we can to resist this vile attempt – part of which is to keep moving in the direction WE want to go, whatever that may be. Wishing you love and joy and all the good things xx


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