WEEK 7 – Part 1

Week 7 2018Week 7 runs from February 12 to 18.

It began on a strong 7 7 7 vibe, which involves karmic 16/7, the master number 77, and the 14/5 karma that 77 contains. And that was just the first day of the week.

Calendar Week = 7

The 43rd day of the year = 7

February 12, 2018 = 2+3+11= 16/7

The master 11 energy from 2018 is constant throughout the year.

We are on the brink of disaster one moment, and the brink of breakthrough the next. The vibrations of Week 7 in this 11 Year have us swinging between the edge of true evolution – and the backwardness of the past. As the old system collapses, our subdued feminine energy is escaping through the cracks – and is the ONLY thing that can bring this man’s world into balance. But remember that humanity has never known true balance, and there is nothing predictable about the outcome. The future unfolds from the actions of the present – and we all have vital roles to play.

Facing the realities of this cruel, heartless, and meaningless world has triggered our first and foremost emotion – the survival instinct. We are feeling the wild effects of our un-evolved male-dominant world being brought into balance by the very energy it is most afraid of and has deliberately kept down … our feminine energy … our emotions … our WILL.

Week 7 brings us into the realms of the mind: information, analysis, learning, and planning. 7 represents the nonphysical, introspective, under-the-surface aspects of life, and our ability to get tangible results from knowledge gained.

7 also represents mystery and intrigue, strangeness, secrets, lies, conspiracy, scandal, deception, blackmail, treachery, and the classic ‘fall from grace’.

7 brings out our fears like no other number, and we must recognize how cleverly this natural emotion is used to control us. Yes, there is much to fear in these uncertain and volatile times, but remember that we’re evolving emotionally. Fear is not the problem. Fear is the messenger. The problem is being unable to face our fears – and name our fears (and what triggered them) – and know the difference between what needs to be feared and what does not. Week 7 is a learning week, and we have SO much to learn about the loving power and purpose of the entire emotional range, with all its strings, layers, and combinations.

The masculine mind has always considered itself superior to feminine emotion and the physical body, and has used RACE and GENDER as qualifiers of worth and merit. But in the increasing transparency of the 2000s, no matter how this lop-sided class system has classified us, we are facing realities about ourselves and each other that we’ve been ignoring – denying – for ever. As I have written many times before, the human RACE is not our species. We are humanity. The human RACE is the system in which we are trapped. 

For as long as we accept this big ‘RACE to nowhere’ as the norm, racism is held in place, and humanity remains the only species on Earth at war with itself. Week 7 draws us closer to war, but also gives us glimpses of what our potential could be, in a state of peace (balance).

Karmic 16/7 affects matters of secrets, self-awareness, and excessive pride (supremacy). 16/7 sometimes brings us in to an emotional mixture of fear, anger and suspicion, and the constant stress of having to calculate our every move.

However, the first day of Week 7, February 12, 2018, occurred in the company of two other 7s which do not have karmic vibrations. The masculine mind is moving – and it’s moving to the rhythm of our feminine emotions. Intelligence is expanding as our emotional vibrations pry our minds OPEN!

We are now facing the reality of what we are evolving from. But we cannot evolve from it if we do not understand how it came to be. Without this understanding, we will just do the same old thing over again. Those two other 7s are producing the 14/5 karmic vibration and may show us, through something unexpected, how denial of reality is the greatest problem on Earth today.

We deny reality because we don’t like the way certain feelings feel. But it takes both the mind AND the feelings to interpret reality. The mind believes that the feelings are an impediment, often oblivious to the fact that the vibrations of our feelings is what keeps our minds OPEN. If we cannot feel, the mind is closed to new understandings. This week’s 7 7 7 vibe is an opportunity to be more honest with ourselves and break through these ‘restraints of our own making’ – our denials.

16/7 focuses on the abuse of power. It focuses on unusual partnerships that conspire to out-do others or hurt people. This is not just about what’s happening on the world stage. Similar scenarios are going on in our own lives, or nearby.

16/7 highlights areas of self-centeredness and lack of accountability. It shows us where love has been violated by distorted motives. The horrible, deadly, heartless behavior occurring all over the world reflects those old unevolved parts of us that we don’t want to admit are there. That cannot change until we allow ourselves to express the emotions we’ve been holding in – for generations. However, such an outpouring could be dangerous if we do not understand the power, purpose, and the essentialness of the feminine energy that exists in everyone.

February 2018 is a karmic 13/4 month (2+11=13), the number of restriction, delay, effort, breakthrough, identity, organization, and detail. 4 seeks correctness and exactitude, and points out errors and deceptions. 4 is the number of system, work, how things work, and all work-related matters, including economics, jobs, the cost of living, and other practicalities. 4 thrives on effort, determination, precision, and efficiency.

4 also signifies the INNER work that will bring peace into our world. Until our masculine minds make peace with our feminine feelings, outer repression and aggression can only grow. Everything starts within and generates outwardly. 4 represents breakthrough.

4’s karmic vibration, 13, is associated with overwork, laziness, and ill-preparedness, (which we often mistake for being “unlucky”). 13/4 represents carelessness in situations where attention to detail is essential.  There are major lessons for us all to learn from karmic 13. And because the 11 energy ILLUMINATES and INSPIRES, it helps us to focus on – or at least search for – what we most need to see and understand. No one is immune to what is happening on Earth right now. This is what “we are one” (we are 1) is all about. Pulling ourselves TOGETHER.



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