Tag Archives: feelings


(Written Jul 26, 2011)    

Our 19-1 Karmic Rut is the holding pattern that contains everything we did not learn – and everything we need to know – in order to evolve into a new and more peaceful form of existence. 19 exposes hypocrisy and atrocity, so that healing can occur.

1 is the number of beginnings. 9 is the number of endings..1 is the first number – from which all other numbers are formed. 9 is the last number in the numerological spectrum and contains the energies of all the other numbers. (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 = 3+6 = 9).

Add 1 and 9, and we have 10 – the number of significant change, innovation, and advanced solutions. When we convert the 1 and the 0 into a single digit, we go back to 1 again, but this time around, our understanding of 1 has evolved. Notice that 1 is the number that all the other karmic numbers, (13/4, 14/5 and 16/7) have in common.

1 takes.  9 gives.

The karmic energy of 19/1 is teaching us about the power of ‘give and take’ – compromise – individuals pulling together for the common good. And we are also seeing the deadlock that forms when the gap between ‘give and take’ is out of balance, in which case compromise simply cannot work. 1 is the number of self-interest. 9 is the number of giving — and something really really does have to give before greed destroys everything.

1 is the number of progress, but we are at a point in the human journey where we can progress no further until we gain the power that comes from better understanding ourselves; from knowing who we are and why we are here. 9 takes us backwards – into the past – so that we can learn whatever we failed to learn from past experience. 1 is the number of SELF.

Much of what we have to learn now is reflected in history, especially the 1800s (19th century), and the 1900s (20th century). History is repeating itself – yet again. All that’s changed are the fashions and the technology. The brutality, the greed, the wars, the imbalance, and even some of the names are the same. In all that time, we have not progressed very far at all.

The more we learn about ourselves, personally and collectively, the more aware we become of just how long and hard humanity has suffered over the course of time. Surely, by now, we have learned enough from our mistakes to want to transform this heartless patriarchal/industrial system into something that is based on love, not profit.

In the last two decades, people have learned a lot about how this system works – which is the first step to releasing ourselves from it. 1 is the number of new beginnings. 9 is the number of letting go.

1 is the number of THE SELF, 9 is the number of ACCEPTANCE. Therefore 19 offers major lessons in SELF-ACCEPTANCE. This means loving ourselves fully and unconditionally. It means recognizing our potential and finding ways to fulfill it within this physical lifetime, while respecting the rights of other individuals to do the same. Self acceptance is inner peace. It is the only means of there ever being peace on Earth.

Our inability to break through our limitations and actually reach that point is reflected in the number 19 – and manifests in the form of our own IGNORANCE – our tendency to IGNORE anything that could result in our having to feel emotions we do not like to feel. Our own ignorance does not want to get involved with anything that could upset, disturb, or inconvenience us in any way.

Ignorance is not bliss. On the contrary, ignorance is lack of awareness. When we ignore reality, our denials keep this cruel and ugly system going, and we shrug it off as ‘human nature’. This hell on  Earth in which people are reduced to mere ‘units of productivity’ is not the result of human nature. It is the result of human nature captured in the darkness of denial. There is no such a thing as a ‘necessary evil’.

Denial is a numbing place to be in. A dumbing experience. When we do look at reality and truly feel it and empathize, and react with our feelings, people tell us to keep everything ‘positive’. They say, ‘Don’t let it get to you. That’s just life.’  But, if we are awake and aware, it gets to us anyway. That’s conscious life!

“Letting it get to you… you know what they call that?  Being alive!”  Doctor Who: “The Doctor’s Wife”

A lot of things are going to ‘get to us’ as we continue our evolutionary journey out of denial into the openness of Free Will. It is not a matter of thinking positively or negatively. It is a matter of thinking and responding – realistically.

We are evolving in many ways, but most noticeably, we are evolving emotionally. We are realizing how powerful life’s feminine energy is, rather than how weakening we have been led to believe it is. 19 reveals the extent to which we have been ‘led’ to believe many things. When misinformation grasps the mind, rational thought cannot form, and the dumbing down process is firmly in place.

We have been programmed to believe that fear is the problem, when in reality, our rejection of what fear has to teach has created so many of the problems we now face on Earth. We must gain a deeper understanding of natural emotions such as fear, and all their layers, circuits, triggers, and forms of expression. It is not enough to speak of fear as if it has only one frequency, meaning, or purpose. Fear of WHAT? We need to be specific.

Sorry Franklin Roosevelt, but ‘the only thing we have to fear is fear itself’ is not quite true. When the messages that fear sends are correctly understood in any situation, they can alert us to potential harm and even save our lives! Misunderstanding of fear has caused many to believe that ‘fearlessness’ is the only way forward when in fact it is nothing more than fear of fear.

Fear is a vital part of our complete emotional range. But we do have to learn how it works so that we do not become paralyzed by it. Our blanket resistance to feeling this particular emotion is so magnetic that it is attracting the very things we fear the most but do not want to look at, talk about, or acknowledge.

Terror is denied fear, manifest. We need to face our fears so that we can pay attention to what really does require caution on our part, and learn to let go of fears that are irrational and unnecessary.

When we accept our fear of having personal power, denial loses its grip and cannot suck us back in. Each of us has power, which the system uses for whatever its purpose happens to be at any given time.  This system RUNS on the power of human energy. We give it away – we give our Will away without knowing how to survive otherwise. And right now, because the system is collapsing under the weight of its own greed-ridden top-heaviness, it is trying to suck us all dry.

By ignoring our feelings and relying only on what we ‘think’, we cannot release ourselves from this self-defeating and pointless system, in which the only consistent purpose appears to be WORK – and the pressure that comes from having to compete – often referred to as the ‘rat race’, in reference to the rat’s undignified scramble for survival.

The Will of humanity – the will to live – the survival instinct – is rising in the form of emotional energy. Our base chakra is awakening and we are starting to give it consciousness. Not that consciousness likes this state of affairs. Consciousness does not want to feel fear, or anger, or grief, and given the choice, consciousness would only feel what feels pleasant to it and discard everything else. Indeed, that is exactly what we have been doing throughout the ages. But, now, as one age evolves into another and we realize just how divided and broken we are as a species, consciousness is expanding as a result of the vibratory messages that our feelings are transmitting to it.

No one can bring us the enlightenment we need. There are no pills, therapies, or gurus for this. If we cannot make the connection for ourselves, in our hearts, we remain disconnected and we don’t evolve. It is this personal association that frees the Will of an individual. As our emotional journey continues, we are going to feel our feelings strongly, no matter how hard we try to fend them off, but we can take comfort in knowing that all that feeling is helping us evolve and become whole.

The 19-1 Karmic Rut exposes the selfishness that is in all of us. But in some, selfishness has reached the most dangerous proportions in which nothing else matters but the fulfillment of one’s own personal desires and ambitions.

As we watch our so called leaders reach impasse after impasse, and create crisis after crisis, we realize that we individuals are not meant to be led, and the purpose of government is not to control, but to create a level of balance that will facilitate humanity’s evolution into Free Will and openness. Until we do eventually learn what 19/1 has to teach, leadership as we know it will repeat episode after episode of brinkmanship, fear-mongering, dictatorship, and WAR. We must develop what it takes to independently lead our own lives. If we don’t own our own lives, we have nothing.

1 is also the number of independence – which does not mean isolating oneself from others. In fact, independence is best achieved through friendly and cooperative connections. We all need to soften our hard edges when it comes to our relationships, and let others see our vulnerabilities as well as our strengths.

19-1 karma manifests in our lives by making even our closest relationships feel uncomfortable, or in some way disadvantageous, because we are so concerned about how others may judge us. We are going to learn that judgment is a very big problem in the world and is preventing progress to a huge extent. Judgment is what guilt and blame are made of – neither of which can coexist with love. Guilt and blame seek punishment and revenge which serve only to perpetuate hatred. Love, on the other hand, seeks forgiveness and healing.

Love is the ultimate feeling. Love is experienced through feeling. Love IS feeling.

The entire emotional range from the highest high to the lowest low reflects love’s response to experience. By denying our emotions, we deny love the chance to heal itself. Denied emotions prevent forgiveness, which is the healing balm itself.

In unevolved 1 energy, we believe that competition is the way forward, but in reality it is competition that keeps this karmic roadblock in place. If we are to learn from history, we will see that competition – the need to win at all costs – is the basis of greed and war. 19/1 reveals a part of us that is never satisfied. We always want more. We want to outdo others, no matter how much we’ve already got. Comparing ourselves to others rather than simply being ourselves is the problem here – and it’s all related to competition.

When we left the 1900s and entered the 2000s, life’s vibrations changed significantly. The masculine era of competition and war ended. The feminine era of cooperation and diplomacy began. But we cannot make progress until we recognize our new position in the journey and make the necessary inner shift.

1 is the number of SELF and therefore relates to EGO, which is one’s sense of self, or self awareness. Ego is a sacred inner mechanism that enables us to recognize oneself as oneself, rather than some ‘label’ that judgment has placed on the individual. Instead of blaming the ego for everything that goes wrong, we must HEAL the ego and allow it to balance itself between over-inflation or deflation so that it can evolve with the rest of us. Until we do, the great imbalance between those who feel superior and those who feel inferior can only deepen. This misunderstanding of ego can be seen quite clearly among those who impose great hardship on the masses for the purpose of increasing their own power and wealth.

19-1 reveals hidden matters for the world to see in which the indignity of being ‘unmasked’ is suffered by those involved. If, even then, they continue to act self-centeredly, other problems will arise to compound the original problem. This is happening now as scandal after scandal sheds more light on the hidden aspects of this terribly imbalanced system we live in. Eventually, we will realize that the ‘hierarchy’ on Earth is a façade, and that all human beings share the same strengths and weaknesses and are subject to the same karmic principles. Until we understand 19’s lessons of balance and equality, we will be unable to independently plan for the future – or our plans will always be subject to the whims and dictates of others.

It is not simply a matter of creating a more ‘even playing-field’. That just changes the rules of the ‘game’ but leaves in place the principles of competition and the fight between individuals to out-do each other.  If we are ever to be the ‘ONE’ that so many of us insist we are meant to be, we must see competition for what it is: rivalry, the assumption of superiority or inferiority, judgment, and ONE-upmanship.

Let’s elevate ourselves out of the deep groove of conditioned thinking and herd mentality and become Originators again…instead of Imitators.~Oshum

We are not simple beings. We are thinking, feeling, multi-dimensional marvels, the depths and heights of which some people are so afraid of exploring that their life’s work is to keep everyone numb and dumb. There are those who will do anything to prevent humanity’s evolution towards peace, love, and understanding, because there’s nothing in it for them… (other than survival, of course, but they don’t see that).

We must be patient with ourselves and each other. We must be patient with the pace of our progress and with the details that come to light when we move more deliberately and consciously. Remember that nature moves to the rhythm of whatever time it takes…

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WEEK 7 – Part 1

Week 7 2018Week 7 runs from February 12 to 18.

It began on a strong 7 7 7 vibe, which involves karmic 16/7, the master number 77, and the 14/5 karma that 77 contains. And that was just the first day of the week.

Calendar Week = 7

The 43rd day of the year = 7

February 12, 2018 = 2+3+11= 16/7

The master 11 energy from 2018 is constant throughout the year.

We are on the brink of disaster one moment, and the brink of breakthrough the next. The vibrations of Week 7 in this 11 Year have us swinging between the edge of true evolution – and the backwardness of the past. As the old system collapses, our subdued feminine energy is escaping through the cracks – and is the ONLY thing that can bring this man’s world into balance. But remember that humanity has never known true balance, and there is nothing predictable about the outcome. The future unfolds from the actions of the present – and we all have vital roles to play.

Facing the realities of this cruel, heartless, and meaningless world has triggered our first and foremost emotion – the survival instinct. We are feeling the wild effects of our un-evolved male-dominant world being brought into balance by the very energy it is most afraid of and has deliberately kept down … our feminine energy … our emotions … our WILL.

Week 7 brings us into the realms of the mind: information, analysis, learning, and planning. 7 represents the nonphysical, introspective, under-the-surface aspects of life, and our ability to get tangible results from knowledge gained.

7 also represents mystery and intrigue, strangeness, secrets, lies, conspiracy, scandal, deception, blackmail, treachery, and the classic ‘fall from grace’.

7 brings out our fears like no other number, and we must recognize how cleverly this natural emotion is used to control us. Yes, there is much to fear in these uncertain and volatile times, but remember that we’re evolving emotionally. Fear is not the problem. Fear is the messenger. The problem is being unable to face our fears – and name our fears (and what triggered them) – and know the difference between what needs to be feared and what does not. Week 7 is a learning week, and we have SO much to learn about the loving power and purpose of the entire emotional range, with all its strings, layers, and combinations.

The masculine mind has always considered itself superior to feminine emotion and the physical body, and has used RACE and GENDER as qualifiers of worth and merit. But in the increasing transparency of the 2000s, no matter how this lop-sided class system has classified us, we are facing realities about ourselves and each other that we’ve been ignoring – denying – for ever. As I have written many times before, the human RACE is not our species. We are humanity. The human RACE is the system in which we are trapped. 

For as long as we accept this big ‘RACE to nowhere’ as the norm, racism is held in place, and humanity remains the only species on Earth at war with itself. Week 7 draws us closer to war, but also gives us glimpses of what our potential could be, in a state of peace (balance).

Karmic 16/7 affects matters of secrets, self-awareness, and excessive pride (supremacy). 16/7 sometimes brings us in to an emotional mixture of fear, anger and suspicion, and the constant stress of having to calculate our every move.

However, the first day of Week 7, February 12, 2018, occurred in the company of two other 7s which do not have karmic vibrations. The masculine mind is moving – and it’s moving to the rhythm of our feminine emotions. Intelligence is expanding as our emotional vibrations pry our minds OPEN!

We are now facing the reality of what we are evolving from. But we cannot evolve from it if we do not understand how it came to be. Without this understanding, we will just do the same old thing over again. Those two other 7s are producing the 14/5 karmic vibration and may show us, through something unexpected, how denial of reality is the greatest problem on Earth today.

We deny reality because we don’t like the way certain feelings feel. But it takes both the mind AND the feelings to interpret reality. The mind believes that the feelings are an impediment, often oblivious to the fact that the vibrations of our feelings is what keeps our minds OPEN. If we cannot feel, the mind is closed to new understandings. This week’s 7 7 7 vibe is an opportunity to be more honest with ourselves and break through these ‘restraints of our own making’ – our denials.

16/7 focuses on the abuse of power. It focuses on unusual partnerships that conspire to out-do others or hurt people. This is not just about what’s happening on the world stage. Similar scenarios are going on in our own lives, or nearby.

16/7 highlights areas of self-centeredness and lack of accountability. It shows us where love has been violated by distorted motives. The horrible, deadly, heartless behavior occurring all over the world reflects those old unevolved parts of us that we don’t want to admit are there. That cannot change until we allow ourselves to express the emotions we’ve been holding in – for generations. However, such an outpouring could be dangerous if we do not understand the power, purpose, and the essentialness of the feminine energy that exists in everyone.

February 2018 is a karmic 13/4 month (2+11=13), the number of restriction, delay, effort, breakthrough, identity, organization, and detail. 4 seeks correctness and exactitude, and points out errors and deceptions. 4 is the number of system, work, how things work, and all work-related matters, including economics, jobs, the cost of living, and other practicalities. 4 thrives on effort, determination, precision, and efficiency.

4 also signifies the INNER work that will bring peace into our world. Until our masculine minds make peace with our feminine feelings, outer repression and aggression can only grow. Everything starts within and generates outwardly. 4 represents breakthrough.

4’s karmic vibration, 13, is associated with overwork, laziness, and ill-preparedness, (which we often mistake for being “unlucky”). 13/4 represents carelessness in situations where attention to detail is essential.  There are major lessons for us all to learn from karmic 13. And because the 11 energy ILLUMINATES and INSPIRES, it helps us to focus on – or at least search for – what we most need to see and understand. No one is immune to what is happening on Earth right now. This is what “we are one” (we are 1) is all about. Pulling ourselves TOGETHER.



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Balance and Extremes are the principle themes this week.

Also see FOOTNOTE added at the bottom of this page.

Week 6 runs from Monday, February 5th to Sunday the 11th. There’s a LOT going on, and I will try to break it down as best I can.

6 represents both balance and extremes, and warns of the consequences of people overstepping their limits and then not knowing how to deal with the chaos they create. As evolving beings, we will always have boundaries which we cannot safely pass until we learn what they have to teach.

February is a karmic 13/4 month in this illuminating 11/2 year. This combination can feel restrictive and oppressive, as 11 sheds its light on what we most need to see. 4 represents limits, barriers, determination, attention to detail, hard work, and breakthrough. Feelings of being boxed in or held back can provide the incentive – and the WILL – to see things from a more realistic viewpoint, and generate new ideas and solutions. This enables us to feel and sense the contrasts between the safety of balance and the dangers of extremes in the most practical – logical – ways. Without balance (fairness, equality, justice) there can never be peace.

6 can be very judgmental, yet unable to see its own flaws. Therefore, absurd denials and outright hypocrisy may loom even larger than usual this week. Taking responsibility, and being held responsible, are also emphasized.

6 is the number of the ‘tyrant’, so be aware of how easily our minds and emotions can be manipulated by those who want to control us. As the WILL of the people continues to rise all over the world, authoritarianism is also rising all over the world, to keep it down.  We must use our common sense – and ALL our senses – to see the truth behind the outer impression – and the reality behind the ‘reality show.’

As well as balance and extremes, 6 represents family, community, institutions, traditions, education, healing, justice, entertainment, and politics. 6 has enormous problem-solving qualities which can help us cope with the inescapable difficulties of our times. This too will expand our understanding of balance and extremes. Learning from the past is essential now.

Albert Einstein was born on the 6 Destiny Path, and these famous words of his have great relevance this week. He wrote: “We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.”  

So be aware of any beliefs, practices, or habits you may be holding on to, or which are being imposed on you, that do not make sense in today’s reality.

Wednesday, February 7th is the 38th day of this 11 Year, making it an 11/11 day. (3+8=11). Both 3 and 8 are extremely creative vibrations which, together, conjure up ideas which are original and unique. The four 1s that emanate from this date strip away the outer shell and show us  the bare bones – the reality – and the potential – of any situation. 1 (the nucleus of all the other numbers), is the principle number involved in nuclear energy. 11 is the principle number involved in nuclear weaponry, in which 1 (the atom) is split in half. The splitting of the atom gives us 11, and 11 brings us to where we are in the human journey – leaving the masculine 1000s behind and entering the feminine 2000s. 1+1=2.

Wednesday, February 7th is a 2 Day in the world (2+7+11=2+0=2). This is a day to slow down and really NOTICE what is happening. Attention to detail provides a bigger picture and greater intelligence.

Sunday, February 11, 2018 is another 11/11 day – and also a 6 day (2+11+11 = 2+4=6). This intensifies this week’s 6 energy considerably. February 11 is also the 42nd day of the year – which gives us 666.

The 666 sequence also appeared last week when the Dow Jones Index closed at 666 points down, the biggest decline since Brexit shook the markets two years ago. Then there are the questionable business dealings of Ivanka Trump’s husband, Jared Kushner, regarding the property, 666 Fifth Avenue, NYC.

Religion tells us that 666 is a symbol of evil. As a numerologist, I see 666 like this:

6+6+6=18 and 1+8=9. Both 1 (the number of self and ego) and 8 (the number of power and money) are the main energies that drive the industrial/class system in which the principles of balance and extremes are ignored – at our peril. This system is collapsing under the weight of its own greed and hate, and it is this shallowness and utter cruelty that we are evolving from. The combination of 1 and 8, when misused, not only brings out the evil in human beings, but also brings downfall and self-destruction. 1+8=9, and 9 is the number of drama and endings.


Your own Weekly Forecast repeats as a daily forecast on Wednesday, February 7. This occurs whenever the month and day = 9. (2+7=9). On these days, circumstances, memories, and emotions intensify. 9 helps us to ‘let go’ in order to move forward. 9 brings dramatic situations and outcomes (cause and effect) – along with generosity, empathy, and caring. These ‘double dose’ days increase our understanding of large-scale and global matters, and deep-rooted personal issues. No matter which year you happen to be in personally, the world is in an 11/2 year in 2018. Therefore, insight can be gained by reading the 2 forecast, as well as your own. The 4 and 6 forecasts are also very powerful this week.

Today’s front page of Berliner Zeigung

FOOTNOTE (added Monday, February 5): Talking of 11/11: The Berlin Wall has now been down for as long as it was up. 10316 days up and 10316 days down – which brings yet another 11/11 into this week’s powerful numerology.

The history reflected here is stunning – with direct connections to what is happening today, including the great division between East and West, the connections to Russia, The USA, Britain, Israel, Japan, and the constant threat of another world war….. and, as I mentioned at the top of this article “the consequences of people overstepping their limits and then not knowing how to deal with the chaos they create”. 




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© Christine DeLorey – 2018 – all rights reserved



speak your truthSPEAK YOUR TRUTH is a fitting mantra for this year. The 11/2 energy of 2018 connects with the 2 energy of the 2000s, offering us the potential to move beyond the limits that this old collapsing system has imposed on our hearts and minds – and on our ability to express ourselves.

The combined vibrations from 2, 0, 1, and 8, are raising our empathy and compassion, and demonstrating just how powerful kindness and caring can be. Without this counter-balance, we remain trapped in this wave of cruelty and destruction.

Evolution transforms potential into being. We evolve through our ability to face reality, learn, adjust, let go of the old, and become the change we desire. But the chaos and confusion of such large-scale transformation, with its constant drama, immaturity, and existential threats, can prevent us from making the inner changes needed to bring change to the outside world.

So we remain prisoners of this antiquated system, unaware of our true potential as human beings – a system that still refers to us as the human “RACE” – which provides the very foundation of racism. The human race is the system, not our species.

We HUMAN BEINGS are also referred to as “consumers”, and for as long as this focus on materialism consumes our lives, we have no WILL of our own. We have to pay to live – and live according to the rules of a system that is ravaged by hate and greed. It is in such denial of reality that it does not even realize that self-destruction is its nature. The system thrives by destroying our main source of feminine energy, MOTHER EARTH herself, without which humanity cannot exist in physical form.

However, the chaos is also activating our emotions – our own feminine energy – our WILL – the vibrations of which are opening our masculine minds. Our ability to FEEL is all that keeps us from becoming permanently enslaved.

This upsurge of feminine energy is making us more AWARE and ALIVE; more able to open our hearts, expand our consciousness, and put right what is wrong. It enables us to imagine NEW possibilities from a more loving, creative, and realistic perspective – and to more deeply understand how powerful we can be when masculine MIND and feminine WILL work together – as equals. Without that, we exist partially, not fully.

Speak your truth

In January, we are moving through the monthly vibration of 3.

January = 1



3 is the number of communication, and reminds us that everyone has a story to tell. So you must speak your truth among others who are also speaking their truth. 3 also represents appearances, illusion, the stage, creativity, attraction, popularity, people, happiness, good times, fashion, gossip, the arts, entertainment, peer pressure, insecurity, and fear of rejection. We are plainly seeing the results of our ‘reality TV’ culture, and how easily manipulated we are by pettiness and hearsay. 3 is known as the number of SHALLOWNESS. But that is only because the way we are living has prevented us from experiencing 3’s opposite end – DEPTH. Now is the time to communicate on a more profound, honest, and effective level. Speak your truth. Speak from your heart. Being honest with yourself in this blatantly dishonest world has a magic all its own.

January’s powerful 11 1 12 3 vibrations emphasize the importance of being able to sense what is true and what is not – and to act in the present based on how it will affect the future. When mind and emotion work together – intelligence expands. Therefore, although the age-old battle to suppress the feminine continues, feminine energy is moving into a position of equality anyway. This balance can only bring clarification to our minds, healing to our biological bodies, AND EQUALITY ON ALL LEVELS. The peace within then reflects as peace in the outer world. Balance is equality. Balance is fairness. Balance is justice. And “No justice, no peace” is a major truth in itself.

We are each having our own unique experience. The experience of BEING who we are inside, in physical form. This is why it is SO essential to understand what the human WILL is …. and that without FREE Will, we cannot experience life fully, or reach our full potential. The WILL is our feminine energy – emotion – feeling – sensation.

The domination of the world by male energy has created this mighty imbalance, the spin of which gives the impression of turning reality upside down and inside out. 2 is the number of transparency. And now, as the 11/2 energy of 2018 joins forces with the 2 energy of the 2000s, it will be much easier to see through the subterfuge and lies.

As more truth is revealed, the more desperate and dangerous those who are hiding the truth are likely to become. And yet the potential here is to move beyond the easily manipulated ‘information age’, and enter the age of TRUTH. Again, speak your truth is an ideal mantra for 2018.

The 11/2 energy of 2018 will shine its light into the shadows. 11/2 illuminates. 11/2 informs and clarifies. 11/2 raises the power of intuition and insight. 11 reveals what we most need to see. 1+1 gives us 2: the number of cooperation, patience, connection, caring, nurturing, diplomacy, fairness, and the importance of detail. 11/2 makes us sensitive, but at the same time helps us to turn our sensitivity into heightened intuition and courage.

Of course, this is the energy within us all that the system is trying to destroy. The energy of FREE WILL. But as January’s 3 vibration moves you into deeper waters, you will be able to understand complexities that once eluded you. In turn, you will be able to speak your truth with much more confidence.

Meanwhile, all over the world, those who are insane enough to want to control everything are telling us that only THEY can be trusted; Don’t trust the media. Don’t trust your own feelings and instincts. Don’t trust anyone but them. This is an age-old tactic of tyrants and despots. The 11/2 energy of 2018 will help us to trust ourselves on a level we have not known before, and BECOME the balance our world so desperately needs. 11/2 gives us courage. 1 is the number of SELF, and we cannot evolve into 2 (1+1=2) until we understand just how powerful we ourselves actually are.

The Master Number 11/2 is so informative, so powerful, so complex, and so transformational, that it will take more than just one article to describe it. I will be writing much more about this as the year unfolds. In real time, I am sure we will learn many new things about 11 – how this 11 year connects to the 11:11 year of 2020 – and Master Numbers in general.

To be continued…..

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Creative Numerology – Week 49 runs from December 3 to 9. This is a karmic 13/4 Week. (4+9=13=4).  4 is the number of restriction, obstruction, delay, hard work, dedication, and breakthrough. Attention to detail is essential in this energy.


Week 49 brings to a conclusion a 10 week cycle in which all the week numbers began with 4. In this 10/1 year of 2017, this has been a crucial time in the human journey.

In Week 45, we passed through what I call the Plane Of Reversal which comes from the sequence 11/9 and 9/11. This energy has a tendency to turn things up-side-down and inside-out. In the USA, the infamous Tax Reform Plan was unveiled by the Republican Party on November 9 (11/9). This suggests that the plan could be reversed and replaced with something more feasible and fair. Or that it really will reverse the status quo and plunge millions of Americans into widespread hardship and eliminate healthcare for millions more. We already know that this plan will do the reverse of what its architects say it will do. Perhaps the restrictive nature of Week 49 will stop it from going any further. Or perhaps not.

Only time will tell as the USA moves forward towards its limiting and ‘practical’ 4 National Year in 2018. The same applies to the ‘austerity’ and racism taking place in Britain (also moving into a 4 Year in 2018). Donald Trump moves into his 4 Personal year, too, which makes 2018 a Destiny Year for him – a year that connects directly to the 4 path on which he was born.

Humanity is in the midst of an evolutionary process in which we must free our WILL from those who are oppressing it. We cannot evolve until we deal with these two major evolutionary elements: DENIAL and REVERSAL and, in particular, the ability of people to reverse this brutal push toward authoritarianism. We are far more powerful than we realize.

1 represents individuality and independence, and we have to stop denying that WE, individually, are the 1s who must implement reversal instead of waiting for it to miraculously occur with little effort on our part. How we achieve this must be uppermost in our minds. None of us are free – and none of us are above this fray. We must learn what 1 has to teach before we can move into 2, without destroying ourselves and our precious Mother Earth.

We traveled through an abundance of 1 energy during this 10-week period, including two days of 11:11 vibrations. And on November 29th / Week 48, 15 distinct 1s occurred in the date alone. Yes, 1 is definitely trying to teach us something! (See link at end of article).

And now, we are moving through a week-long segment of karmic 13/4 energy. It began on Sunday, December 3, which is the 337th day of the year, which also adds up to 13/4. Add the two 13s together and you have 2+6=8 – the number of POWER in the material world. On its baser level, 8 is also the number of greed, bullying, and the delusion of superiority based on wealth, background, or physical might.


December = 1+2=3



These two 4s give us a more balanced form of 8, and yet, wherever there are two 4s, there are always opposites and opposition. 44 exposes just how divided we are as individuals – and as a species – and breaks down our denials with logic – so that we have no choice but to face reality. This can feel as if we are moving through a compression chamber as so many different feelings rush to the surface and pull us in all directions at the same time. As difficult as this is, it is to be expected since we are evolving emotionally.

44/8 not only brings correct information, but also a deeper understanding of it. Most of the information coming to us now is much more complex than it first appears. Mentally and emotionally, this is a push-and-pull, stop-and-go, hurry-up-and-wait, what-the-hell-is-happening, kind of week. Although that sounds like every week, this chaotic atmosphere is likely to intensify as we move closer to 2020.

It is essential that we strengthen ourselves emotionally for whatever lies ahead – not by denying what we feel and pretending we are somehow above it all – and not by being so overwhelmed by our feelings that we become despondent and broken. There is nothing wrong with fear when we understand its natural power and purpose. Denial of rational fear has played quite a role in enabling the power-hungry to take more of our power away.

Strengthening ourselves emotionally requires masculine mind to accept feminine emotion just as it is – and as an equal. In the outside world, this has reflected as women having to behave more like men in order to have some semblance of equality, but never actually being equal. As our feminine energy rises, it is confronted in the outside world by bullies and ‘strongmen’ who are terrified of being ‘replaced’ by women. This is where ALL racism begins in this ‘human race’ we are told is life.

As more truth is exposed, denial will continue to deny, regardless of evidence. That’s what denial does. Denial of reality is the root-cause of most of our problems on Earth today, and the combination of karmic 13/4 and master 44 may bring us ‘down-to-Earth’, perhaps with a thud! And perhaps with a reversal that is quite unexpected. As truth seeps through denial’s cracking walls, denial has less and less ground on which to stand, and those making the denials appear more and more insane. The more we face and deal with reality, the more sane we become – and the easier it is to recognize the dangerous insanity that has pushed its way into the highest power-positions – and from which we must evolve.

As hardline masculine 1 continues its effort to drag us back to a time when it reigned supreme, equality-seeking feminine 2 is finding its power here in the 2000s by providing a counterweight to what would otherwise be total male domination. It’s not just women doing this. We all have feminine energy. We all have emotions, and this ability to feel is the basis of Free Will. The feminine Will, which is present in both women and men, is RISING to free itself, while the forces that have kept the Will subdued are DESCENDING into outright authoritarianism because of their denied irrational fear of becoming irrelevant.

Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight.   ~Albert Schweitzer

Week 49 brings obstruction, but also the means and determination to break through barriers. 4 = success through effort and hard work. Things are happening in the world – and in our own lives – which we cannot afford to ignore. The 49/13/4 vibration can help us move out of denial into the light of reality, even if it feels like an assault on our senses. We cannot change what we refuse to see.

Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see.  ~John Lennon, Strawberry Fields…

In Week 49, on December 8, 1980, 37 years ago, John Lennon was murdered. He was 40. This occurred 3 weeks after the release of his new album with Yoko Ono, “Double Fantasy”. One of the most pertinent tracks on this album is “Watching The Wheels”, which sums up his disdain for the industrial system pretty well. And of course, there will always be “IMAGINE”, which is more than a song about peace. It is also about our need to stretch our minds – to image-in – to visualize and create a better world. Without the power of imagination, we cannot make the reversals we need to make. We have been living in a system that prevents us from imagining anything outside the system.

In terms of the numerology involved, it was obvious back in the 1990s that the system would collapse in the 2000s, especially after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. The current system certainly needs to go because a system that is based on competition but simultaneously strives to ‘destroy the competition’, is a system of self-destruction. Our task is to transform what we have left into a  system that will nurture life, not destroy it. Only through the power of our WILL, in the spirit of peacefulness, can this be achieved.

December resonates to the number 3 (1+2=3) – the number of communication, the internet, media, ‘society’, social media, social matters, words and images, entertainment, population, and popularity. 3 is the number of EXPRESSION, and it is essential that we express ourselves openly and honestly if we are to save our fundamental NEED to express ourselves! When we do not express spontaneously, or when we express spontaneously but without correct understanding, we do not produce enough energy to keep the space around us open. So it seems as if life is closing in on us. It is not. It is only the suppression of our Will – holding back our true feelings – that makes us feel this way.

I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain. ~James Baldwin

The feeling of anger is totally compatible with love. Anger is the result of pain, which love wants to heal. Yelling out or cursing when we hurt ourselves is a normal outward expression of pain. But when we hold our anger IN, it hardens – and is hard to heal. Then it turns to rage, and then hate. And because our emotional denials have been so commonplace and normalized, we don’t even realize that this is happening within us.


Hate is NOT an emotion. Hate is an infection of the emotions caused by suppression. Hate is a severe deficiency of love. The tendency, even in the most loving heart, is to hate hate – and that’s how the infection spreads. Hate thrives on hate and therefore needs you to hate it. That is our dilemma. When we equate justifiable anger with hate, it becomes frozen in guilt and cannot change or even understand the conditions that caused it.

In dealing with stark opposition and opposites, we are dealing with fixed belief against fixed belief. This is like trying to connect two like-ends of a magnet. They simply cannot connect. The means of connection (and our current phase of evolution) can only be found when positive (masculine mind) accepts negative (feminine feelings) in the balance of equality.

This brings us back to the karmic aspect of Week 49. Karma is not punishment. Karma is the learning of what we have been unable to learn – the natural laws of ’cause and effect’. We are likely to learn something important in this regard on Wednesday, December 6, when the month and day add up to 9.

As we move towards 2020 (a variation of both 11/11 and 22/4), we are having to face our own reflection – which is often quite frightening because we see our weaknesses along with our strengths. In the 2000s, we must move beyond the confines of 1 as the FIRST number. This is reflected in extreme ideologies, such as “Britain First” and “America First”… and any irrational sense of superiority.

Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person. ~ Mother Teresa

Once we accept our rational fear of having no set path before us, our natural pioneering spirit can kick in, imagination can expand, and progress can be made. We came into this millennial lifetime to cut a new and original path for ourselves. 1 is the number of leadership, which does not necessarily mean leading others, or following someone else. The lessons of 1 enable us to lead ourselves. 1 is the number of independence, and we are now realizing just how dependent we are – all of us.

Those that care for the sick, the unloved, the abused and the abandoned I count as the greatest Angels amongst us. ~Sass Jordan

1 is the number of SELF. We came into this lifetime to learn how to be independent and take care of and be responsible for the SELF – and still have deep and meaningful relationships; to help people up when they are down; and care for people who cannot get up at all. It’s not all about people though. Basic kindness must start with the animals. But the assault on wildlife is so rampant and heartless right now that entire species are going extinct. To create a kinder world, we must be kind to all of life.

The essence of independence is choice, and we all have some very important choices to make in the weeks and months ahead. They will not all be watersheds and defining moments. It is the choices we make in our ordinary everyday lives that will forge the path towards where we want to be.

Meanwhile, the frenetic pace of our evolutionary spirals and reversals will not slow down. 2018 is an 11 year in the world – two 1s bringing us forward in time towards 2020.

I had a dream that all of time was running dry
And life was like a comet falling from the sky
I woke so frightened in the dawning, oh so clear
How precious is the time we have here.

Are we not wise enough to give all we are?
Surely we’re bright enough to outshine the stars
The human kind gets so lost in finding its way
But we have a chance to make a difference til our dying day

LAMB, “Wise Enough” official video 

11:11 2017 – THE WAY OF THE WILL

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11 11 2017 – THE WAY OF THE WILL

Every year, the 11 11 vibration peaks on November 11, (and 29th), but because each year has its own unique energy, the angle from which we look at this sequence differs. 2017 is a 10/1 Year (2+0+1+7=10=1), in a 10/1 decade. So, in 2017, 10/10 and 11:11 are working side by side.

There are only 9 numbers in the numeric spectrum, and 10 brings us back to 1, but at an elevated level. 10 represents deep systemic change. 11 brings light, revelation, inspiration, and movement.

11:11 in this 10/10 year signifies rapid development in whatever direction our evolving minds take us. Both form a metaphysical bridge from 1 to 2.



These dangerous chaotic times are the result of humanity trying to live as we did in the electrical male-driven 1000s, even though we moved into the magnetic feminine 2000s almost 2 decades ago.

11:11Of course, our masculine energy isn’t going away. 1 will always be the first number. But we must now make room for our feminine energy (we all have both) so that EQUALITY can be attained, first inwardly, and then in the outer world. When you look at 11 from a different angle, you can see the equals sign.

10 represents the binary code – the mainstay of our digital world. So it is not surprising that we are seeing such numeric sequences in our day-to-day lives. Digits are numbers, and numbers have energy, power, and purpose. They are the language of learning, and the building blocks of life.

11 is the most balanced form of 2. In fact, 1 + 1 is the ONLY means of reaching 2. And while 1 represents the masculine SPIRIT (consciousness), 2 represents the feminine WILL (emotion).

We are in the process of freeing our feelings from the prison that our minds created for them. This is freeing our WILL from the prison created by this ‘man’s world’ we’re all trapped in. The vibrations of our feminine feelings are forcing our masculine minds to open, enabling us to evolve mentally and emotionally at the same time. We are programmed to believe there is no such thing as FREE WILL. But there is. And the freeing starts when we honestly express how what is happening in our lives, and in the world, is making us feel.

Anger is rising – and it’s about time! Anger is the most judged against and therefore suppressed emotion of all. Expressing anger, or any emotion, does not mean harming another, or yourself. It means experiencing the sensation of the feeling without your mind shutting it down before it can complete itself, just as men have typically shut women down when they become ‘too emotional’. But no matter what our gender happens to be, emotion is our honesty!

The Will is not only our ability to feel and sense, but also our ability to know. It is our inner radar. Our deepest intuition. Its feminine nature, and the overall role of women in this dishonest world are paramount to our evolution. Feminine energy does not want to dominate. It wants to be equal. It instinctively knows that fairness, justice, and equality bring balance – and balance is peace. It is this feminine wisdom that the old war-ridden system has suppressed throughout time, but that will change here in the 2000s.

The power of the 11/2 vibration can only get stronger as we move through these dangerous and unpredictable times towards 2020. That is where 11:11 finally converts to 22, and this has enormous significance as our evolutionary journey unfolds. The time between now and 2020 is short, and we have much to experience and learn en-route.

22 is the most balanced form of 4, the number of correctness, detail, order, system, limitation, dealing with decay, hard work, how things work, dedication, and breakthrough. The road towards 2020 (and the decade of the 20s) is a tough one, filled with pitfalls, shocks, and sorrows, but it is also filled with hope, inspiration, and the opening of our imagination. A new reality will form one way or another, and it will do so from our ability to imagine something better than we currently have – to “image-in” and create a more loving and sustainable way to live on Earth.

The anger that people are feeling now is opening the way forward, and the balance that feminine energy brings paves the way to major transformation.

1 = SELF, and 11 provides the MIRROR IMAGE through which we become self-aware. Then, through the process of emotional healing, we become self accepting. This requires self-forgiveness, and the understanding that we are SO much more than this insane system has ever allowed us to know.

11+11= 22, which focuses on the many, rather than the few. 22 emphasizes the conditions and circumstances under which human beings live. In its highest form, 22 brings improvement, cooperation, and acceptance for each other. But when 22 is misused, the caring and empathy that 2 produces is replaced by indifference to the suffering of others, and the few feel justified to take cruel advantage of the many, usually for the sake of greed.

11 and 22 have always been synonymous with power-grabs and war. November 11 is Veterans Day in the USA – and Armistice Day all over the world. It marks the 99th anniversary of the end of World War 1 on November 11, 1918. This is important to remember as world leaders meet in Asia this week to make their deals, and decide the fate of the masses.

The huge shake-up in Saudi Arabia and the sale of billions of dollars worth of arms from the USA and UK, leans heavily towards a massive war against Iran. Let’s hope not. Meanwhile, according to the UN, the Saudi stranglehold on Yemen, which has already claimed thousands of civilian lives, could bring forth a famine of unprecedented proportions. The suffering there is immense.

November 11th occurs on the 315th day of the year, which adds up to 9. It occurs on the very last day of Week 45, which is a 9 Week. This emphasizes the 9/11 or 11/9 sequence, which produces reversal, catalyst, and strong reaction to sudden experience. 9 takes us backwards so we can learn from the past, while 11 sheds its light on specific areas in need of adjustment and healing. It was in week 45 that the 45th U.S.president, Donald Trump, praised the government of Saudi Arabia, and tweeted: “I have great confidence in King Salman and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, they know exactly what they are doing.”  On 9 November, (9/11) the government of Saudi Arabia ordered all Saudi citizens in Lebanon to leave!

The situation with North Korea is also tied to the 11 energy, because 1 is the nucleus of all the other numbers, and 11 symbolizes the splitting of the atom, and nuclear weaponry. The North Korean people are a reflection of extreme suppression of the WILL. They are totally controlled by their emotions, especially terror – the most heightened form of fear.

In reference to North Korea, Donald Trump recently declared “the era of strategic patience is over”, but the reality is that the era of strategic patience has only just begun. 2 is the number of strategic patience – and dedicated diplomacy. War is the way of the 1000s – the way of the past. The same is true of white supremacy, which begins with male supremacy.

1 is the number of leadership, and it is becoming clear that we are not meant to be ‘led’. We are meant to learn how to lead our own lives according to our own Will. The true purpose of government is to facilitate this evolution, not crush it.

2 also makes it clear that the ‘human race’ is not our species. The human RACE is the cruel unfeeling system from which we are evolving. Our species is humanity. Racism is rampant because, from the moment we are born until the day we die, the system forces us to race and compete against each other. 11:11 is a symbol of humanity rescuing its own Will. We are all involved in this process, whether we know it or not, even those who are quite happy with the way things are. We are in the 2000s now, and it’s a very different vibe. This is where we learn the true meaning of “we are 1”.

November 11 in this 1 Global Year is a 5 Day in the world (11+11+1=2+3=5)

1 2 3 4 – 5 – 6 7 8 9

5 is the number of freedom, change, and the unusual and unfamiliar. 5 brings sudden development, the end result of which is open to speculation because 5 sits at the very center of the numeric scale and can go ‘either way’, like a see-saw, until stability is regained. 5 represents gambling and taking chances. It is also the number of adventure and excitement, sex, and the ‘high life’.

Wednesday, November 29 is an 11:11 day in the world. It is also the 333rd day of the year which translates to 111 111 111. 2017 is a 1 year (2+0+1+7=1+0=1). We are also in the decade of the 10s, and 1+0=1. That’s an awful lot of 1s as we evolve from the 1000s to the 2000s.

November 2017 is a 3 Month (11+1=1+2=3).

3 is a complex and magical number which represents all forms of communication. 3 also represents the arts, the ones that make us happy and enthralled – and the ones that harm and deceive. 3 is the number of the stage, how things are ‘staged’, and the various stages we – or a process – go through.

3 symbolizes people, population, popularity, and popular culture. 3 represents social interaction, social media, and the social discord that splits us. 11 is a symbol of this split – and 2 is the energy of unity, cooperation, and the acceptance of differences. And what is diversity if not our ‘differences’? Without diversity, there is no chemistry or contrast. Diversity is our richness and potential. This week’s state and local elections in the USA were a reflection of people communicating their acceptance of diversity, and their rejection of division and hate.

Meanwhile, there is much danger of losing ‘net neutrality’ which would give government and business more control over the internet. Communication at all levels, including journalism, is extremely vulnerable. The more transparent life becomes, the closer we get to the truth. And the closer we get to the truth, the more vulnerable we are to the self-protective reactions of those being exposed.

The emphasis on entertainment and communication has spotlighted masculine abuses with stunning disclosures about film mogul Harvey Weinstein. This quickly spread to other areas where the masculine has routinely abused the feminine. As we move towards the end of the decade of the 10s, the extent of sexual abuse, especially where children and young people are involved, could reach an entirely new level. Attempts to cover up the truth lose their effectiveness as we move further into the transparency of the 2000s. Feminine 2 will eventually curb masculine energy that refuses to evolve. And no matter what happens in the world, the feminine WILL in all of us, by nature, must RESIST its own oppression.

In the meantime, the wars and atrocities cannot help but continue – until we learn life’s most basic steps: the lessons of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. This years trip through the 11 11 energy contains them all.

“We will get there,

heaven knows how we will get there,

we know we will.

It will be hard we know,

and the road will be muddy and rough,

but we’ll get there,

heaven knows how we will get there,

we know we will…”

Osibisa, Woyaya

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The numerology of calendar WEEK 43 is busy and diverse, and while the pace of life on Earth continues to accelerate, we are in a cycle that is trying to slow us down.

Week 43 is a 7 WEEK, (4+3=7), which is the number of learning. But unless we slow down to a pace that allows us to study the details of one situation before rushing into another, very little can be learned, and our minds become more prone to distraction and manipulation.

7 is the number of the mind, analysis, and the flow of information. 7 is also the number of secrets, scandal, conspiracy, and exposure. Both 4 and 7 are truth-seeking and error-correcting numbers, and Week 43 is the 4th week of a 10 week cycle in which all the Week Numbers begin with 4.

4 = limitation

3 = communication

7 = knowledge

Calendar Week 43 begins on Sunday, October 22, 2017 (1/22/1) which is a 6 Day – and represents justice, education, healing, family, home, and responsibility. 6 is the number of the dictator or tyrant – the number of control. The patriarchal system from which we are evolving, with all its extremism, austerity, and cruelty, is a product of under-developed 6. But this is also the number of the loving father, and the evolving man who promotes equality and fairness. While 6 can take us to extremes, it is also the number of BALANCE.

Master Number 22 focuses on a larger picture and sheds its enormous light on how ‘the few’ affect ‘the many’. This numeric mixture reminds us that humanity is one family, and Mother Earth is our home. 22 provides enormous potential to improve conditions for people (and all life forms). But in the wrong hands, it can result in incompetence, selfishness, and sheer spite. 22 is the most balanced form of 4, but when balance is lost, inflated egos become extremely dangerous, especially when supported by deflated egos.

On Thursday, October 26, your personal weekly forecast repeats as a daily forecast. This repetition occurs when the month and day add up to 9. (1+0+2+6=9). On these ‘double dose’ days, conditions, memories, and feelings intensify. 9 represents ‘letting go’ in order to move forward. Be sure to re-read your personal forecast on Thursday.

October 26, 2017, also has a 10/1 vibration (1/8/1) which focuses on the power of the individual, the abuse of power, and the need to maintain our free will amid such great efforts to stifle it. This is a day to be super-conscious of the rise of fascism in the world, and use this week’s 4 energy to develop your determination to keep yourself, and those you care for, free and safe from this very real threat. To ignore it is ignorance. And we live at a time in which ignoring or denying the truth can create dire consequences.

Friday, October 27 is the 300th day of this 10/1 Year. October is an 11/2 Month, and October 27, 2017 is an 11/2 Day (1/9/1). 11 illuminates what we most need to see. These two 11s are connected to the 22 energy we experienced at the beginning of the week, making this an entire week of connecting dots and producing a bigger picture and a deeper understanding. 2 is the number of connection. In this energy, suddenly we realize something important after a period of oblivion. Suddenly the penny drops – and we finally ‘get it’.

Feminine 2 is the number of the new millennium which is why feminine energy, all over the world, is now rising so visibly, vocally, and effectively. The timing is right. The male-driven 1000s are over, and 2 will bring balance to what has always been a ‘man’s world’. Feminine energy is humanity’s WILL, which has never been free, but is rising to free itself now by expressing – without guilt or shame – just how badly it has been treated in the course of time.

Allow your fear to work for you, not paralyze you. Allow its messages to transform themselves into courage and resolve. The opposite of love is not fear. The opposite of love is hate. The opposite of fear is confidence – and the belief that no matter what, you will find your way.

In this week’s busy numeric blend, nothing is quite as it seems. 3 provides a platform, and amplifies communication. This includes the way you communicate with yourself, so be careful not to react impulsively or believe everything you hear. 3 fuels all the arts, including illusion. Remember that denial, deception, distraction, and diversion are arts unto themselves.

3 also enables us to speak from the heart – which then touches the hearts of others. One of 3’s qualities is to spread and expand, sometimes as rumor, gossip, and hearsay, but also as truth, inspiration, excitement, and incentive.

3 is such an important vibration here in the early 21st century (2+1=3) because it provides the sustaining energy of optimism – which is another word for hope. Hope is a vital lifeline – something to hold on to as we move through this rough uncharted territory.

27 is a form of 9. It activates our intuition by merging emotion (2) and mind (7), which provides a more balanced appreciation of what is happening – in an atmosphere in which reality is being deliberately blurred. Yes, we are up against a lot as we struggle to hold onto our WILL and rescue parts of it that are already enslaved to this collapsing system.

Life is an ongoing story, and we must constantly determine whether we are dealing with fact or fiction, truth or lies – and this is not an easy task! However, despite this week’s contradictions and ‘strangeness’, we are likely to unearth NEW information that can make the task a little easier. And the way we react to what we learn is most important too. FREE WILL – the ability to express outwardly what we are feeling inwardly – is at stake here.

Controlling the Will Of The People starts with controlling women – and most specifically, women’s bodies – because it is the physical body, both female and male, that enables us to FEEL our emotions. That is why so much effort is being put into preventing free expression, and why the whole issue of free speech is so prominent at this time. 27/9 urges honest and open response to experience.

At the same time, the innovative 10/1 energy of 2017 shows us alternatives and solutions – and attention to detail is essential. But only a greater awareness – an expansion of consciousness – can accommodate all the different factors at play. This is something you have to want so strongly that you literally WILL it into being. You cannot force your mind to open. Only when it opens is there space for new understanding to come in. Open-mindedness has nothing to do with being gullible or easily led. Open-mindedness requires a deep desire to learn, to know, to understand. And of course, desire is a feeling.

2 is the number of PEACE through diplomacy, not force. On October 20th, Donald Trump, signed an executive order which expands his authority – and the Department of Defense headed by General Mattis, to declare a national state of emergency. This is an addendum to a George W. Bush Executive Order made after the 9/11 attacks which makes it easier to call up Reserves and retired military personnel, at short notice, for indefinite duty. At the time of writing, one can only speculate what this could mean, but it does not bode well.


Signed 10/20/2017 = 10/20/10

On Saturday, October 28th, we are once again in 10 10 10 10 energy. To better understand this quadruple-10 vibration, please read my article for Week 41, entitled: PAY ATTENTION”.

Decade = 10.

Year = 10.

Month = 10.

Day = 2+8 = 10.

10  10  10  10 = 40.

The very next day, on Sunday, October 29, (10/11/10=3+1=4), we enter the ‘master energy’ of WEEK 44.

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This week’s numerology urges us to PAY ATTENTION to what is going on, even though the pace of events is so hard to keep up with. Week 41 is a 5 week (4+1=5) which sparks our intellectual curiosity and a desire to be better informed. In the 4 1 5 vibration, we want to get things ‘right’. We want to understand.

Practical 4 seeks out and corrects inaccuracy. 4 represents challenge, strictness, restriction, and success through effort and determination. 1 represents the individual, the ego, one-step-at-a-time movement, and progressive change. 5 represents sudden change, unexpected development, the physical world, our physical bodies, “all walks of life”, variety, variation, and freedom.

Tuesday, October 10 brings us into 10  10  10  10 energy.

Decade = 10

Year = 10

Month = 10

Day = 10

10  10  10  10 = 40.

This corresponds with this 10 week cycle in which all the week numbers begin with 4, (Week 40 to 49).

The last time we experienced the quadruple-10 sequence was 9 years ago, on October 10th, 2008. On that date, the stock markets across Europe, Asia, and the USA crashed. The system was broken by greed and incompetence, and so began an unprecedented financial crisis that is still affecting economies today.

So here we are, moving through that volatile 10  10  10  10 energy again, but even more vulnerable this time around. Human rights, at so many levels, are being violated on a scale we have seldom seen before. Slavery never ended. It just changed its outer appearance – and its name. In this age of transparency, its diabolical image is reappearing, but now it’s called ‘trafficking’.

10 Downing Street is very much in the spotlight. The British Government’s Headquarters is often referred to as simply, “Number 10”. And this seat of global power is in uncommon disharmony at this time.

Environmental disasters are happening with greater frequency and impact, while our assault on Mother Earth worsens. There are more displaced people in the world now than after World War 2. Human and animal suffering never ends. Then there is the threat of nuclear engagement in which millions of lives are at stake – while the gigantic yet fragile egos of leaders Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un spar with each other. October 10 is a big day in North Korea – the 68th anniversary of the founding of its “ruling political party”.

The Iran Nuclear Agreement is also in danger of being abandoned. 1 signifies all things nuclear. In fact, it was in October 1962 that the Cuban Missile Crisis put the whole world on edge. This involved leaders John F. Kennedy (USA) and Nikita Khrushchev (USSR) and Fidel Castro (Cuba).

And then there is the upsurge of authoritarianism, (nazi-ism) that is trying its best to take control of all life on Earth. Hate and violence go hand in hand.

It is imperative that we PAY ATTENTION to what is happening as the effort to drag us backwards  intensifies, and the attempt to normalize authoritarianism accelerates. While we are all distracted by very real and emotionally rousing events that are coming at us so rapidly, laws are being passed which make authoritarianism LEGAL.

Someone tweeted just recently “I long for the day when people wearing swastikas and people wearing Black Lives Matter tee shirts accept each other and just ‘get along'”. It is shocking to see the number of people who do not understand what nazi-ism actually is – an irrational belief in racial superiority – the ‘master race’ – racism at its MOST extreme. There is no middle ground once we reach that level of authoritarianism. If you resist its ‘authority’, you die. Yes, resistance continues and becomes more resolved, but under the most extreme danger of exposure. Resistance has to be coordinated in secret. It becomes ‘the underground’.

When we are no longer permitted to question authority, our WILL, (the feminine energy that all human beings possess), is completely trapped and restrained, and our lives are no longer our own. The regime OWNS us. When we can no longer express dissent, we are enslaved! Expressing outwardly what we feel inwardly propels us forward in the journey of life. And this is precisely why women’s rights are always under attack. If feminine energy were to attain equality in this man’s world, the whole system would fall apart – which it is currently doing.

“We are not what happened to us, we are what we wish to become.” ~Carl Jung

At the same time, we have to focus on creating the kind of world we want to live in – to set our priorities – and arrange our lives around them. If we give up on this, we give away our Will. By focusing on building a new way of life that makes the old way obsolete, we give ourselves a goal which can carry us through the inevitable rough spots ahead.

Without 1 there can be no other numbers. 1 is the nucleus, the atom, the beginning, the first step.

1 = leadership – and being ‘in the lead’. 1 also refers to leading our own lives – and being ‘led’.

1 = the “RACE” for superiority – actually BEING #1.

1 = contest and competition.

1 = the self ~ the individual.

1 = the ego (one’s sense of self).

1 = unevolving masculine aggression and contest (war)

1 = the divine masculine – the evolving man – (equality)

1 = action and speed.

1 = 1-step-at-a-time development (1 thing leads to another – cause and effect).

1 = the power of 1 ~ and the power of many 1s who are united in a common cause.

And this week there are many 1s affecting our lives. (10 is 1 multiplied by 10).

One of the challenges of the 1 energy is to speak up for ourselves and let it be known how we feel, instead of allowing uncomfortable situations to escalate without ever speaking up to clear the air. This means developing courage and determination (which are characteristics of 4).

Remember that guilt and blame are not emotions. They are judgments which may, or may not, be accurate. Judgments we have made over time, as well as those we have inherited from previous generations, create a belief system that affect all the decisions we make today.

There is an emphasis on relationship and loyalty this week. This can help us to untangle ourselves from hurts and insecurities of the past, so that we can BE in, and deal with, what’s happening in the present. Begin with a judgment you have made about how certain people or situations should be. Then look more closely at how they actually are, and how they became that way. If we cannot find the cause, changing the effect will be impossible. And so, we are going back and forth between areas of the past from which we must free ourselves, the emergencies of the present, and the potential in the present from which to create the future. There’s a lot going on in the evolving human condition right now.

There is no shame in not knowing all the answers, and we should not pretend to understand something if we don’t, or try to be someone we are not. Week 41 emphasizes the qualities of honesty and sincerity. We give these feelings consciousness when we express them not only in the words we speak, but also in the actions we take.

Week 41 is a 5 Week, and 5 is the number of all things ‘different’ – diversity – variety – the ‘spice of life’. 5 is physical and sexual. The 5 vibration helps us to LEARN from past and present mistakes and mis-steps, so that we can stop repeating them on the great karmic wheel of unlearned lessons.

5 represents learning from experience. 5 brings contrast to the openness that life is becoming – which enables us to see things more clearly, and many things for the first time, even though they have been there all along. We are all in the evolutionary process of understanding the concept of FREE WILL, and the absolute necessity to rescue and protect it.

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WEEK 40 – Logic and Reason

October is the 10th month of this 10/1 year: (2+0+1+7=10=1). Every week has its own unique numerology too, and on October 1st, we entered a 10-week cycle in which all the week numbers begin with 4 – the number of logic and reason. 4 teaches us what we most need to learn. Delays and restrictions occur when 4 is active, but this vibration also provides us with the determination, persistence, and common sense to hang in there – prevail – when the going gets tough.

From now until late-December, 4 brings obstruction – but it also enables progress and breakthrough. 4 focuses on the reality of what we’re dealing with, and areas of our lives in which we feel ‘stuck’. 4 exposes ruts and routines – habits and addictions – and shows us that “it doesn’t have to be this way”.

Tradition is questioned – and we must remember that by nature, tradition resists change. And so, paradoxically, 4 also brings out opposition to new ideas.

4 represents success through hard work, organization, and diligent attention to DETAIL. Its critical eye points out errors and holds us back until we correct them. This mechanical energy shows us procedure, framework, and how things work.

“We are all just prisoners here, of our own device…” ~The Eagles, Hotel California

4 is a serious vibration. Only the facts will do. Precision. Exactness. Science. Focus. Method. Rules. Regulations. Observation. Correctness. Efficiency. Organization. Just imagine what can be achieved if we utilize this energy consciously, for the purpose of freeing ourselves from this box we are all trapped in.

4 is symbolized by the square, the box, the cube, the container, the prison. 4 represents SYSTEM – and it is this industrial/militarized/class system that boxes us in and holds the box in place. 4 represents barriers, law, order, policing, justice, maintaining control – and at the most extreme levels, austerity and authoritarian oppression.

The strictness of 4 may not sound appealing, but what we are dealing with now requires our strict attention. No matter what our personal plans happen to be, planning ahead makes little sense if we don’t know the direction we are headed in. 4 is the number of purposeful delay – thus the saying: “there is a reason for everything”.

The mix of inexperience and impatience with detail make standstill inevitable. 4 exposes the details, so we can study the facts and base our decisions on what we learn from them.

We’ll be learning a lot about karmic 13/4 in the next ten weeks. 13 is not ‘unlucky’, but it does insist that we take responsibility for our mistakes and miscalculations – and correct them. There may be some inner-shock involved as new understandings dislodge old beliefs – followed by the fulfillment that comes with learning something new.

We will also be feeling the affects of master number 22/4 which enables us to think and act BIG in terms of helping people, not harming them. But if 22 is mishandled, it creates chaos on a very large scale. For every action, there is a consequence, and both 13/4 and 22/4 show us that the consequence of power depends very much upon whose hands it is in.

“When a situation is not made conscious, it occurs outside, as fate.” Carl Jung

1 brings change through activity, actualization, and activism. 1 is the number of action. 3 communicates outwardly what we feel inside. 3 = population, popularity, entertainment (and our addiction to it). It’s not a matter of suppressing art. On the contrary, when we come out of this wall of denial that we’re currently struggling through, consciousness will expand and our creative abilities will reach entirely new levels. 3 is the number of creativity, and the 21st century places us in a hundred year cycle of expansive, communicative, creative 3 energy (2+1=3).

The first day of October gave us four distinct bursts of 1:

Month =10=1.

Day =1.

Year = 2+0+1+7=1+0=1.

Decade =10=1.

( 1+1+1+1 = 4)

It was on the 274th day of the year that the USA suffered its 273rd mass shooting of 2017, at the “Route 91 Harvest Music Festival”  in Las Vegas. The 10 energy brings things to new levels – and the demand for gun regulation in the USA is increasing significantly. With such a powerful gun lobby, changing the rules will be extremely difficult, but with the resolve of both 4 and 10, (logic, reason, intelligence, innovation, and new potential), progress can be made if the WILL is strong enough. The Will is made up of our emotions – the feminine energy within us all.

As we learn more about our emotional power, remember that terror is also an emotion – the most heightened form of fear. And terror-ism is the deliberate infliction of terror on others – no matter where that person is from or what ideologies are in place. It takes more than the customary “thoughts and prayers” to achieve meaningful change when it comes to this horrific loss of precious life. Only a large scale voluntary change of heart and mind can do that. When logic and reason spread, mind and emotion can then agree with each other – and that is when truly meaningful change can be implemented.

“Racism is man’s gravest threat to man – the maximum of hatred for a minimum of reason.” Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel

On October 2, the much loved multi-talented rock star Tom Petty died. This sad event is also connected, in an inspiring way, to the upsurge of hate, racism, nazi-ism, and old programming – and the overcoming of these things. There was a time when Tom Petty used the confederate flag as part of his act (1985). He grew up in the south, where this flag was part of daily life for most (white) southerners. But as he became educated on its symbolism and its connection to slavery and the Ku Kulx Klan, he expressed his deep regret and completely denounced it. He said:

“people just need to think about how it looks to a black person. It’s just awful. It’s like how a swastika looks to a Jewish person.”

What a timely analogy. Along with his music and other talents, he left us with a visual, emotional, intellectual, and logical message of love. A vital aspect of our evolution is to recognize the ignorance we inherited from previous generations, which left us oblivious to the harm it does. Understanding the past is how we learn what works, and what doesn’t, and what’s real and what isn’t.

But much effort is being put into whitewashing history so that we cannot learn from the mistakes of our ancestors. Many text books, (especially children’s), routinely distort the facts. This Canadian book completely erases the plight of Native Americans, blotting out the Trail Of Tears and all the other atrocities, by stating that Native Americans merely “agreed to move to other areas” to accommodate the influx of white Europeans. This of course is just one example. The erasing of history (cover-up) is happening everywhere.

There is so much going on all over the world – all connected to history and our endless wars, and by the brutal (and illogical) nature of the system itself. 4 is the number of system, and in this age of transparency, we can see things more clearly now.

1 is the number of the individual. The number of change and progress. 10 brings us to new levels and new potentials. Mixed with this concentration of 4, blockages can be removed by pushing practical ideas into reality. This gives individuals a larger role in changing the overall direction.

On October 10, 19, and 28, we are moving through 10 10 10 10 energy. That’s 4 tenfold – requiring major effort – and hopefully resulting in major breakthrough.

2 = caring, cooperation, connection, patience, and UNITY.

2 = others.

22 = many others, and connects directly to the circumstances of large groups of people.

22 takes us beyond our limits and enables us to focus on our true intent. But if our intent is selfish, greedy, or inhumane, the results are chaotic and destructive.

In a world that demands instant gratification, it is difficult to accept that a quieter, humbler, slower, and more focused pace is needed. But that is what we must do if we are to notice the details and make the right decisions.

These waves of concentrated 10 energy remain with us through October and November – and the 11 year of 2018. As we evolve out of the 1 energy of the 1000s and move further into the 2000s (towards 2020, (which is when the decade of the 10s ends), we are forced to learn what 1 has to teach. Things cannot improve until we do. 

For the next 15 months, we are moving through alternating and often clashing bands of masculine-electrical-intellectual 10/1 energy – and feminine-magnetic-sensitive 11/2 energy. Circumstances are rigorously triggering our emotions, but our conditioned minds want to prevent our feelings from expressing themselves outwardly. When we hold our feelings in, (denial), they settle in specific areas of the body where they fester and make us ill. We all have ill-feelings which must be allowed to move and heal if we are to move forward in the journey of life. But in some cases, we will see these repressed emotions bursting out of people as rage – sometimes silent rage which can be even more deadly because we cannot see it coming.

Ill feelings have different causes and symptoms because we have all had different programming and experiences. We are 1 – but we are not all the same. That’s where 2 comes in to teach us about the chemistry – and potential – of our own different parts – mind, body, emotion – our individual diversity. October 2017 is a 2 month. Only inner peace can create outer peace. Everything starts within.

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WEEK 38 – The Power Of People

WEEK 38 is the 9th week in a 10 week cycle in which all the week numbers begin with 3. We often have the most to learn as a cycle comes to an end – and there is a LOT to learn about 3 in the next two weeks. This week’s combination of 3 and 8 sheds light on what we most need to see and understand (whatever that turns out to be).

38 gives us 11, the number of illumination and inspiration. Both 3 and 8 are the principle numbers of creativity and making things happen – and 11 has intuitive and inventive qualities that are uniquely its own.

3 represents PEOPLE, communication, expression, creativity, friends, joy, entertainment, sport, media, social-media, social interaction, words, images, optimism, drama, humor, color, sound, appearance, illusion, shallowness, hearsay, gossip, and envy.

8 is the number of POWER in all its forms, including economic, political, and military matters. 8 is an enforcing energy, which is often used by bullies and tyrants to make themselves feel powerful. 8 is utilized to maintain control over the material world, which is an unnatural use of this energy, the true purpose of which is to protect nature. 8 is the number of abundance, resources, and resourcefulness. Human beings are not separate from nature. Our very existence is part of the natural process.

8 is the number of prosperity. It incorporates existing resources to increase function and value. All too often, the business world  incorporates existing resources to simply increase profit. Week 38 sheds light on the natural environment and the devastating effect of this unchecked industrial system.

When 3 and 8 meet, communications are loud and insistent, but not always logical. People go to great lengths to get a point across, whether there is a valid point to be made or not.

Like never before, we are seeing the terrible suffering caused by people imposing their power over other people. This has always been the case, but the extent of the cruelty has become more blatant. Yes, empathy and love are spreading among humanity, but the sheer hatred out there is more widespread than ever. This is why we must be more aware of the hate – ill feeling – that we ourselves are holding inside but are denying.

Hate is not an emotion, but the result of emotions that have become infected by indifference and lack of love. The extremes of hate are emerging all over the world in the form of nationalism (nazi-ism) and authoritarianism – and we all hold some hatred inside. We might not call it hatred, but that’s what it is when we say,  I can’t stand that”, or “I detest this person“. Emotions are felt in varying degrees, and hate follows that pattern too.

The evolutionary process of emotional healing applies to all of us and is the only means of relieving ourselves of old sadness, grief, unresolved dispute and anger, lingering fears, and the inability to move out of our comfort zones and venture more deeply into life. This week’s 3 8 11 vibration can help us to IMAGINE alternatives.

88 years ago, on 26 October, 1929, a 3 day in the world (8+1+3=1+2=3), in an interview with The Saturday Evening Post, Albert Einstein said:

“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, whereas imagination encircles the world.”

While knowledge is essential, imagination enables us to go beyond what we already know, so that new knowledge can form. The POWER of PEOPLE also consists of the ability to learn new things. Being able to visualize POTENTIAL is vital to our evolution. 3 provides the OPTIMISM that can carry us through difficult, mind-bending, and heart-breaking times like these. 8 provides self-empowerment, essential information, and unpretentious confidence.

The inner condition of humanity is projected into the outer world. The world stage is a reflection of ourselves. 3 is the number of the arts – and inner communication (feelings and thoughts), is where art – and imagination – begin.

Our emotions are messages we send to ourselves. But because we are so unfamiliar with the interaction of emotion with the mind and biological body, this energy is easily manipulated by outside forces. In the chillingly competitive race to influence the masses, we are controlled by our emotions, a process that the system refers to as the ‘battle for hearts and minds’.

Emotion is the WILL of life. The nature of the WILL is to be FREE. From the highest joy to the depths of despair – the entire emotional range is a measure of how free – or un-free – we are. Free Will is the next evolutionary step in the human journey, which is why the current system is doing everything it can to keep the feminine down, numb our feelings, and dumb down our minds. Emotion is our honesty, and as we evolve, we are learning to be honest with ourselves. Free Will begins with the freedom to express outwardly what we feel inwardly. This is what it means to live from the ‘inside out’. Expression is what propels us.

In the transparency of the 2000s, we are able to see the driving force behind this capitalistic system – which is based on winning and losing. No wonder so many believe that life is just a ‘game’.

The white male claims superiority by eliminating competition. But isn’t competition what capitalism is all about? No. Capitalism wants to destroy the competition and reign supreme – which is why the issues of white supremacy – and male supremacy – are so prevalent. The self-destructive class system is falling apart under the weight of its own imbalance, hypocrisy, and denials.

It is often said, and usually with good intent, that “there is only one race – the human race”, but this is a misunderstanding. There is no “race” at all. A race is a contest, a competition, which keeps us divided and constantly striving to outdo each other. We are NOT the human “race”. Each ONE of us is a unique individual HUMAN BEING. Each of us is 1. And together we are 1. It is imperative that we learn this fundamental lesson of the 1 energy as we make our way further into the 2000s. If not, a race war (which is what ALL wars are) could be instigated just to keep the system – the human ‘race’ – going.

An important characteristic of 3 is that it helps information to spread. This is why 3 is known as the number of gossip, hearsay, and rumor. 3 also helps us to put our knowledge, thoughts, and feelings, into words that we ourselves can understand – which then spreads to others – for better or worse. 11 will bring to light a lot of hypocrisy and dishonesty this week, but we can expect to be enlightened and inspired, too. As we evolve emotionally and intellectually, we express ourselves from the heart which then speaks to the hearts of others.

3 can be very distracting – as reflected in the entertainment industry, the news, the internet, and the creative world in general. But when we allow ourselves to focus in 3, we can create amazing things which apply to all aspects of life, not just the arts. You may want to create a business, a solid relationship, a situation, a home, or even an atmosphere. Or a book, a painting, or anything you feel aligned with and dedicated to. There is a creative way and a destructive way in all the decisions we make.

8 also amplifies the power of 3 by providing opportunity. 8 is a metaphysical magnet – the material world’s great attracter. 8 is a feminine number – the number of abundance, just as Mother Earth herself provides absolutely everything we have. 11 is the number of LIGHT – illumination – and regardless of where we live, we are likely to see some serious light being shed where we were previously kept in the dark.

September’s 9 energy is amplifying everything right now, boosted by the double-10 energy that comes from the 9th month of a 10/1 year. 9 (the number of endings and conclusions) takes us back to the past so we can learn what we failed to learn back then, while 1 brings us forward in direct proportion to our ability to learn. A massive increase of consciousness is forming as a result, along with the frustration of what seems like such SLOW progress. Frustration is a mix of fear and anger, and is quite natural under these circumstances.

Our biological bodies are the instrument through which the emotional range (magnetism) expresses itself. Feelings are the sensations created when emotion meets body. The mind (electricity) then interprets what the emotions are conveying (depending on how open the mind is to receiving the physical feelings).

The emotional range is our inner radar. Don’t let the need for ‘certainty’ shut it down. Remember that awareness of reality is our best safety net.

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