Balance and Extremes are the principle themes this week.
Also see FOOTNOTE added at the bottom of this page.
Week 6 runs from Monday, February 5th to Sunday the 11th. There’s a LOT going on, and I will try to break it down as best I can.
6 represents both balance and extremes, and warns of the consequences of people overstepping their limits and then not knowing how to deal with the chaos they create. As evolving beings, we will always have boundaries which we cannot safely pass until we learn what they have to teach.
February is a karmic 13/4 month in this illuminating 11/2 year. This combination can feel restrictive and oppressive, as 11 sheds its light on what we most need to see. 4 represents limits, barriers, determination, attention to detail, hard work, and breakthrough. Feelings of being boxed in or held back can provide the incentive – and the WILL – to see things from a more realistic viewpoint, and generate new ideas and solutions. This enables us to feel and sense the contrasts between the safety of balance and the dangers of extremes in the most practical – logical – ways. Without balance (fairness, equality, justice) there can never be peace.
6 can be very judgmental, yet unable to see its own flaws. Therefore, absurd denials and outright hypocrisy may loom even larger than usual this week. Taking responsibility, and being held responsible, are also emphasized.
6 is the number of the ‘tyrant’, so be aware of how easily our minds and emotions can be manipulated by those who want to control us. As the WILL of the people continues to rise all over the world, authoritarianism is also rising all over the world, to keep it down. We must use our common sense – and ALL our senses – to see the truth behind the outer impression – and the reality behind the ‘reality show.’
As well as balance and extremes, 6 represents family, community, institutions, traditions, education, healing, justice, entertainment, and politics. 6 has enormous problem-solving qualities which can help us cope with the inescapable difficulties of our times. This too will expand our understanding of balance and extremes. Learning from the past is essential now.
Albert Einstein was born on the 6 Destiny Path, and these famous words of his have great relevance this week. He wrote: “We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.”
So be aware of any beliefs, practices, or habits you may be holding on to, or which are being imposed on you, that do not make sense in today’s reality.
Wednesday, February 7th is the 38th day of this 11 Year, making it an 11/11 day. (3+8=11). Both 3 and 8 are extremely creative vibrations which, together, conjure up ideas which are original and unique. The four 1s that emanate from this date strip away the outer shell and show us the bare bones – the reality – and the potential – of any situation. 1 (the nucleus of all the other numbers), is the principle number involved in nuclear energy. 11 is the principle number involved in nuclear weaponry, in which 1 (the atom) is split in half. The splitting of the atom gives us 11, and 11 brings us to where we are in the human journey – leaving the masculine 1000s behind and entering the feminine 2000s. 1+1=2.
Wednesday, February 7th is a 2 Day in the world (2+7+11=2+0=2). This is a day to slow down and really NOTICE what is happening. Attention to detail provides a bigger picture and greater intelligence.
Sunday, February 11, 2018 is another 11/11 day – and also a 6 day (2+11+11 = 2+4=6). This intensifies this week’s 6 energy considerably. February 11 is also the 42nd day of the year – which gives us 666.
The 666 sequence also appeared last week when the Dow Jones Index closed at 666 points down, the biggest decline since Brexit shook the markets two years ago. Then there are the questionable business dealings of Ivanka Trump’s husband, Jared Kushner, regarding the property, 666 Fifth Avenue, NYC.
Religion tells us that 666 is a symbol of evil. As a numerologist, I see 666 like this:
6+6+6=18 and 1+8=9. Both 1 (the number of self and ego) and 8 (the number of power and money) are the main energies that drive the industrial/class system in which the principles of balance and extremes are ignored – at our peril. This system is collapsing under the weight of its own greed and hate, and it is this shallowness and utter cruelty that we are evolving from. The combination of 1 and 8, when misused, not only brings out the evil in human beings, but also brings downfall and self-destruction. 1+8=9, and 9 is the number of drama and endings.
Your own Weekly Forecast repeats as a daily forecast on Wednesday, February 7. This occurs whenever the month and day = 9. (2+7=9). On these days, circumstances, memories, and emotions intensify. 9 helps us to ‘let go’ in order to move forward. 9 brings dramatic situations and outcomes (cause and effect) – along with generosity, empathy, and caring. These ‘double dose’ days increase our understanding of large-scale and global matters, and deep-rooted personal issues. No matter which year you happen to be in personally, the world is in an 11/2 year in 2018. Therefore, insight can be gained by reading the 2 forecast, as well as your own. The 4 and 6 forecasts are also very powerful this week.

Today’s front page of Berliner Zeigung
FOOTNOTE (added Monday, February 5): Talking of 11/11: The Berlin Wall has now been down for as long as it was up. 10316 days up and 10316 days down – which brings yet another 11/11 into this week’s powerful numerology.
The history reflected here is stunning – with direct connections to what is happening today, including the great division between East and West, the connections to Russia, The USA, Britain, Israel, Japan, and the constant threat of another world war….. and, as I mentioned at the top of this article “the consequences of people overstepping their limits and then not knowing how to deal with the chaos they create”.
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© Christine DeLorey – 2018 – all rights reserved