Not only is this  Week 45 of 2016, it is also the week in which the United States chooses its 45th president.

4+5 = 9, and Week 45 is the final 9 Week in this turbulent 9 Year of 2016.

9 is the number of drama and deep emotions. The number of spirals and endings. And this week, we get spirals within spirals, and endings within endings.

“The most authentic endings are the ones which are already revolving towards another beginning.”~Sam Shepard, (born in Week 45, November 5, 1943)

The last time we experienced Week 45 in a 9 year, (which, like 2016, was also a leap year), was in 1980, when Ronald Reagan became the 40th president of the USA. This established the decade of the 80s as a high-energy era in which so many safeguards and regulations were repealed – the banks were given even more power – and greed and materialism were ‘normalized’.

“I been laid off from work, my rent is due  //  My kids all need brand new shoes  //  So I went to the bank to see what they could do  //  They said son – looks like bad luck got a hold on you….  //  Money’s too tight to mention..”  ~Written by The Valentine Brothers in 1982 and recorded by Simply Red in 1985.

8 is the number of POWER in the material world, and it was during the 1980s that the whole concept of ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’ entered mainstream consciousness as “a fact of life”, rather than the great imbalance that it was, and still is. But time has moved forward, and we are now in the decade of the masculine 10s in the millennium of the feminine 2000s – and another major shift is imminent.

4 = system, order, work, how things work, precision, detail, and the LOGICAL MIND.

5 = change, freedom, resourcefulness, adventure, sex, and the PHYSICAL BODY.

9 = conclusions, drama, the end of an era, letting go, and DEEP FEELINGS.

Week 45 runs from November 4th – 10th, and is the 6th week of a 10 week cycle in which all the Week Numbers begin with 4 – the number of both restriction and breakthrough.

The USA is in a 2 National Year and a 4 month. Both 2 and 4 thrive on ACCURATE DETAIL, and have a way of making us look at ourselves, and each other, more honestly. And because the entire world is affected by this election, and many other countries are going through their own Clinton/Trump-like situations, we are all going through the evolutionary process of facing our own reflections and interpreting reality – realistically.


The human journey is reaching a crescendo, not only because Week 45 is the last 9 Week in this 9 Year, but also because 2016 is the last 9 Year before the great numeric turning point of 2020. The 10/1 energy of the current decade gives us alternating glimpses (visions) of what could be if we continue in the same old disproportionate way – or – make a vital shift towards equality, fairness, justice, and BALANCE.

People are trapped in history, and history is trapped in them. ~James Baldwin

We do not look deeply enough into the details of our present reality. We do not use THE PAST as the learning experience it is meant to be. So, although we can see the end result, we remain unaware of what led to it. Without this understanding, history has no choice but to repeat itself.

Life moves forever forward, and when we do not move with it, we become compressed, stuck, and helpless. 4 is symbolized by the box or square, and the feeling of being ‘boxed in’ and spun around has been prevalent during this long 10 week cycle.

All the ‘positive thinking’ in the world cannot find solutions to problems we deny having. Consequently, denial of reality is the biggest problem we face on Earth today. Resistance to change is also denial. The system of the male driven 1000s is battling the feminine 2000s with every ounce of its remaining power. The war on women is real and dangerous.

And yet, feminine energy (which all men and women possess) is rising regardless. Feminine energy is our ability to feel, empathize, relate, and express ourselves honestly. The honesty that comes with the 2 energy is driving a spear of reality into our current system, which runs on dishonesty. Consequently, blatant lies can no longer go unnoticed. Humanity’s awareness is increasing rapidly as our emotional energy insists on truth.

The circumstances of this DOUBLE 9 WEEK remind us that the age of patriarchy and male dominance is in a downward spiral as time continues its journey into the 2000s. 9 enables us to let go of the past so that we can move forward – and the only way to let go of the past is to FORGIVE. This may turn out to be the hardest lesson of all because to forgive repression while it is still going on, without entering into the classic “Stockholm Syndrome“, seems all but impossible. And yet, the fact remains that forgiveness is the very definition of letting go.

Meanwhile, we are traveling a section of the human journey in which the ‘old school’ are desperately trying to alter our perception of reality. The impunity with which blatant lies are being spewed into the collective psyche is truly staggering. They obviously believe wholeheartedly that the ‘masses’ are stupid and will believe anything you say if you just keep repeating it.


Although 11/11 (November 11) does not occur until the first day of Week 46 (a 10 week in this 10 decade), the first occurrence of 11/11 this month comes on November 9, which is an 11 day in this 11th month. (11+9+9=29=11).

November 9th is formatted as 11/9 in the USA, but for the rest of the world, it is 9 November, or 9/11.

Historically, 9/11 and 11/9 have enormous significance, including the onset of World War 2, the fall of the Berlin Wall and with it, communism, and of course, the 9/11 attacks which destroyed the biggest symbol of 11 in the world – the Twin Towers in New York, (just a few examples).

Keep in mind that 11+11 adds up to 22. The USA is in a 22/4 day on November 9 – the day after the election. The master Number 11 illuminates reality so that we can see what we’re dealing with, and at the same time provides the connection between the 1000s and the 2000s. What appears to be the simplest of equations, 1+1=2, is actually a complex and vital set of numbers – which provides basic understanding. 22 focuses on the conditions in which large groups of people are experiencing life.

Our true INTENT – what is in our hearts – will drive this massive change, and the choice is what it has always been – between LOVE and HATE.


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