Tag Archives: 77

WEEKLY FORECAST – March 12, 2025

Weekly Forecast

TO CALCULATE YOUR NUMBER FOR 2025, simply add 9 to your MONTH and DAY of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation). 

Example birthday: March 25:

Birth Month: 3

Birth Day: 2+5 = 7

Current Year: 2+0+2+5 = 9

3 + 79 =19

keep adding until you get a single number.

1+9  = 10, and 1+0 = 1. In this example, the Personal Year Number for 2025 is 1.

Use your YEARLY NUMBER to read your Monthly and Weekly Forecasts until the end of 2025.

Your YEARLY NUMBER runs from January 1st to December 31st (not from birthday to birthday).

If you would like to be notified by email about new articles and forecasts, please subscribe to my newsletter (see the form at the bottom of this page). You can unsubscribe at any time. Your information will never be used for any other reason than notifications about this website.



NOTE 1: This week, you are likely to experience reflections of who you once were, who you are now, and who you are becoming. WEEK 11‘s illuminating energy can help you recognize your TRUE SELF, in a world in which SELF AWARENESS is curtailed by others telling us who we “should” be.

But SELF AWARENESS is not enough. In order to evolve, we must aim for SELF ACCEPTANCE – which is inner peace – and the only means of there ever being peace on Earth.

11 is such a powerful number as we continue to transition from the male-dominated, ego-driven, 1000s, to the balance that emerges when masculine 1 and feminine 2 accept each other as EQUALS. By nature, the feminine does not dominate, but facilitates fairness and equality. But this shift towards the feminine is creating a sense of terror and fragility in certain segments of masculine energy.

Masculine 1 is the number of SELF. Ego is our natural SENSE of self, without which we cannot achieve SELF-ACCEPTANCE. Problems arise when the ego is over inflated or deflated. And many people have falsely inflated egos by over-compensating for their deflated egos – which is a severe form of insanity. EGOMANIA is such a dangerous illness because it will destroy everything rather than lose anything. The most inflated egos are fighting to retain what is most important to them – wealth and power. Thinking they are smarter and stronger than everyone else, their greed, arrogance, incompetence, and thin skins will not only bring about their downfall, but possibly a catastrophic collapse of existing systems, too. They are not creative. They are destructive..

1 is the number of LEADERSHIP. But the state of the world today shows us just how little we understand the concepts of leadership – or self-determination. Humanity is being led, against its WILL, by people whose insatiable greed has narrowed their minds to such a degree that they cannot perceive any other realities besides their own wealth and power. Such empty headedness cannot take the wellbeing of others into account because they are not interested in anyone’s wellbeing but their own. They take great pleasure in their cruelty. Their minds are so narrow that all connections to the heart have been turned off. They are heartless.

I want freedom for the full expression of my personality. 


Each one of us is 1, and the evolutionary challenge coming from 2 is to develop the WILL to not only lead our own unique lives, but also assist those who are unable to do so. Without that, humanity cannot hold itself together and will remain fragmented and vulnerable to attack by those who would crush freedom itself. To succeed, they must silence the feminine WILL because OPEN EXPRESSION (free speech) is the basis of FREE WILL.

FREE WILL is ever increasing openness and spontaneity.

Illuminating 11 spotlights what we most need to see. This double-1 energy will shed its light on the evil that is trying to hijack the world, and encourage us to keep our own hearts warm and alive. 11 will also reveal these people’s vulnerabilities, along with ideas and strategies with which to defeat their bid for total domination.

Inspiring 11 reveals different angles from which to observe what we’re dealing with. But we really must change our understanding of what RESISTANCE, at this precise time in our evolutionary journey, actually entails. As Einstein famously said: “The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking that created them.

Life is not a race. And our species is NOT the “human race”, which keeps us divided and at war with each other. Our species is HUMANITY. We have to stop “racing” and start BEING the human beings that we are. This means seeing all others as fellow beings on the road of life – no one superior to another. And those who think it does not apply to them, or that they are somehow ‘above’ the rest of humanity, the bigger the shock will be when they realize that their notion of ‘superiority’ was actually denial of reality.

EMOTIONAL HEALING is our only means of rescuing our personal and collective WILL. As we heal from the past, we evolve. And every 1 of us can help shape the new reality ahead, by healing our own WILL – our own emotional feminine energy – which was damaged by trauma of one kind or another. This includes the damage caused by living in a false reality that blinds us to our true capacity. Humanity must mend its broken heart, or we will never comprehend our  potential.

There is much talk about how we must heal and save the natural world, often forgetting that we are part of nature, not separate from it. And what can be more feminine than Mother Nature herself? Sadly, though, there is nothing more abused than this precious planet which sustains us in every way. To heal the planet, we must heal ourselves.

There are also factions and fragments of humanity who hate themselves so much that they really do have a wish to destroy all of life – so that there is no chance they will ever have to experience it again.

In WEEK 11, the 2 energy is just as important as the 11. (1+1=2). The only way for 2 to exist is for 1 to split itself into 2. That is why 11 is such a major numerological force – and why painful splits occurring between people all over the world are inevitable. The gap between the two 1s in 11 represents the gaps we experience between one another.

11 also represents the splitting of the atom, which gave birth to nuclear weaponry. FRIDAY, MARCH 14 is the 146th anniversary of Albert Einstein’s birth, and his historic connection to nuclear energy. 1 is the nucleus of all the other numbers and represents the atom. The nuclear threat could increase in WEEK 11. Even 146 adds up to 11. And MARCH 14 is an 8 DAY (3+1+4=8), which represents POWER.

 1+1=2, and as we move more deeply into the 2000s, we must replace our antiquated need to compete, win, and “wipe out the competition”, with the evolved art of CARING, COOPERATION, PATIENCE, TEAMWORK, PRECISION, PARTNERSHIP, FAIRNESS, RIGHT TIMING, and COORDINATION, for the good of the many, not just the few.

2 is the “next step”, movement, survival, continuance, and evolution. 2 represents generational growth. And now we have a whole new generation of human beings who were born in the 2000s – born into a very different vibration than the rest of us. It is THEY who will shape the future, and it is WE who must help them to do so.

2025 is the 1st year of the second half of the decade of the 2020s, and people are now aware of things they did not dream could be real, and are feeling things they didn’t know they could feel. The situation on Earth today, as dire and dangerous as it is, is waking up our senses and increasing our ability to face and deal with reality. But it’s not only our immediate reality that needs to be recognized, and it’s not only what’s going on in our particular country or region. It’s a matter of what’s happening in the world at large.

“History is not a procession of illustrious people. It’s about what happens to a people. Millions of anonymous people is what history is about.”  

~James Baldwin

The extermination of entire peoples, their achievements, history, culture, and their very existence is not only happening in full view of the world, but is gleefully celebrated by the oppressors. But the shock of one atrocity after another can deaden our ability to take it all in. That’s the strategy – to wear down our natural ability to CARE, to make us forget what we did care about, and replace our memories with false information. That is why the richest men in the world own the most prominent news and information outlets.

“The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.”


SATURDAY, MARCH 15 is a ‘double dose’ day on which your weekly forecast repeats as a daily forecast. This occurs when the month and day add up to 9 (3+15=1+8=9). On these dates, circumstances and feelings intensify. This energy helps us to LET GO, in order to move forward. Be sure to re-read your WEEKLY FORECAST on SATURDAY.

TUESDAY, MARCH 18 is the 77th day of this 9 Year. 77 = freedom, fame, fortune, excitement, wealth, and global recognition. 77 is the number of those of elevated or inherited position. This is the energy of celebrity and privilege.

Master 77 produces Karmic 14/5, so there is often a struggle with addiction, to substances, power, money, applause, or anything that produces obsession. 14/5 arises from wasted or misused freedom, irresponsibility, and lack of accountability. 77/14/5 can bring a resounding ‘fall from grace’ through scandal or ‘being caught’. It highlights the arrogance of believing in one’s own superiority or invincibility.

14/5 demonstrates the consequences of recklessness and refusing to learn. So, this is a time to admit our mistakes and stop making them. Sometimes we have to make the same mistake over and over until, one day, we finally ‘get it’, and take a different and more mature approach

77 reminds us that in order to bring about large-scale beneficial change, we must feel our desire for change on a deeper level than we are accustomed to – and stay balanced between the extremes of greed – and total self-denial. The mind tends to cut away from any emotions that feel uncomfortable. But in these uncertain and unstable times, uncomfortable feelings can be our greatest teacher.

NOTE 2: The world is in a 9 GLOBAL YEAR (2+0+2+5=9), and additional insight can be gained by reading the 9 Forecast as well as your own. The 1, 2, 3, and 5 Forecasts are also very active this week.



Weekly Forecst


In this hurry-up-and-wait, stop-and-go cycle, boundaries must be respected. You will be unable to proceed effectively until the reality of what you are experiencing sinks in. Consider what you desire for your future – and start organizing your life around creating it. Your plan must involve a series of changes, brought together at the right time, in the right place, in the right way, and among the right people.

Before you can know where you’re going, you have to know where you are. So be sure to familiarize yourself with your 1 PERSONAL YEAR.

2 forecastWEEKLY FORECAST / 2 YEAR / WEEK 11

More time must pass, and more understanding must be gained before a certain discomfort can be eased. Patience and attention to detail are vital. There is a gap that needs to be bridged – or an emptiness that needs to be filled. Be honest with yourself about the true cause of the problem and you will discover how to heal it. Do not let guilt or blame get the upper hand.

Before you can know where you’re going, you have to know where you are. So be sure to familiarize yourself with your 2 PERSONAL YEAR.

Weekly ForecstWEEKLY FORECAST / 3 YEAR / WEEK 11

If guilt is making you feel responsible for something that could not have been handled any differently at the time, now is the time to soothe those erratic thoughts which tell you that you have no right to feel anything but guilt. You are a free spirit. You have choices. And you have every right to feel the optimism that is trying to filter its way through that wall-of-doubt which guilt has been silently building.

Before you can know where you’re going, you have to know where you are. So be sure to familiarize yourself with your 3 PERSONAL YEAR.

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Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

gain a more realistic idea of where you’re going – and what you must learn to get there…

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use this contact form to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, (and/or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for), and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

YOUR DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY and YEARLY GUIDE… Our personal numbers are communicating loud and clear in these unstable evolutionary times. And there is a Creative Numerology Year Book for each of the 9 yearly cycles to help you find your way. Each collectable and reusable book provides a rich description of your yearly cycle, and an entire year of accurate and inspiring MONTHLY, WEEKLY, and DAILY forecasts. Your CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK brings clarity to your personal journey through this turbulent and emotional cycle of time. This is numerology you can both FEEL and use.

You can buy these books individually, or buy all 9 books and GET ONE FREE (free book is not available with kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

Treat yourself, or someone you care about, to the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness.   (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE). IT’S THE BOOK THAT’S ALL ABOUT YOU – AND YOURS….   ORDER  HERE 

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE :

votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $120

Weekly Forecst


You may wonder where all your energy is coming from since you are dealing with a situation that is far from settled – dealing with it every day – day in and day out. However, this cycle really does bring movement to the stagnation, breaks the monotony, and clears the air. Many details must be considered. This is an opportunity to take responsibility in a way that relieves ongoing tension, and benefits others as well as yourself.

Before you can know where you’re going, you have to know where you are. So be sure to familiarize yourself with your 4 PERSONAL YEAR.

Weekly Forecst


This week’s lesson in appropriateness has little to do with what society deems to be “correct”. To act appropriately is to do what you believe is right, regardless of what others think. In your urge to keep it all private, be sure you are not wasting precious time and energy on a needless cover-up. After all, people already know you. Accept where you got it wrong – and where you got it right. Free yourself from all that pressure – and relax with who you really are.

Before you can know where you’re going, you have to know where you are. So be sure to familiarize yourself with your 5 PERSONAL YEAR.

Weekly ForecastWEEKLY FORECAST / 6 YEAR / WEEK 11

It’s time to get inventive, creative, and resourceful. Something that appears to have limited potential can now be combined with something else to create something new. Of course, you must first let go of the old so that the new can develop its own characteristics. Once you understand the chemistry involved, a new sense of responsibility will empower you – like that of a parent for a new child.

Before you can know where you’re going, you have to know where you are. So be sure to familiarize yourself with your 6 PERSONAL YEAR.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it freely available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

gain a more realistic idea of where you’re going – and what you must learn to get there…

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use this contact form to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, (and/or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for), and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

YOUR DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY and YEARLY GUIDE… Our personal numbers are communicating loud and clear in these unstable evolutionary times. And there is a Creative Numerology Year Book for each of the 9 yearly cycles to help you find your way. Each collectable and reusable book provides a rich description of your yearly cycle, and an entire year of accurate and inspiring MONTHLY, WEEKLY, and DAILY forecasts. Your CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK brings clarity to your personal journey through this turbulent and emotional cycle of time. This is numerology you can both FEEL and use.

You can buy these books individually, or buy all 9 books and GET ONE FREE (free book is not available with kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

Treat yourself, or someone you care about, to the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness.   (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE). IT’S THE BOOK THAT’S ALL ABOUT YOU – AND YOURS….   ORDER  HERE 

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE :

votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $120

Weekly Forecst


The hard part about leaving the past behind is that the only place left to go is the present – which is the result of the past. Facing the reality of what has gone before can feel overwhelming – until you accept that the past is not something to deny or discard. The past is a deep source of experience and knowledge, from which to learn and grow. Only by accepting your greater potential can you effectively plan your way forward.

Before you can know where you’re going, you have to know where you are. So be sure to familiarize yourself with your 7 PERSONAL YEAR.

Weekly Forecst


Trust your instincts. Know when to take control and when to stay in the background. Your own plans may be enhanced by a temporary diversion or clash of ideals. Your cooperation is indispensable to someone else, and you will find that a deeper level of commitment and compassion are the keys to forward movement, independence, and the attainment of something you really desire.

Before you can know where you’re going, you have to know where you are. So be sure to familiarize yourself with your 8 PERSONAL YEAR.

Weekly Forecst


What you see, hear, or sense in this cycle are alternating reflections of who you used to be and who you are becoming. Your discomfort is the inevitable response to changes taking place in the way you perceive yourself. Life is trying to help you experience the joy and inspiration that occur when you finally let go of who you used to be, and allow yourself to evolve into a stronger and more authentic version of yourself.

Before you can know where you’re going, you have to know where you are. So be sure to familiarize yourself with your 9 PERSONAL YEAR

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it freely available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

gain a more realistic idea of where you’re going – and what you must learn to get there…

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use this contact form to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, (and/or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for), and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

YOUR DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY and YEARLY GUIDE… Our personal numbers are communicating loud and clear in these unstable evolutionary times. And there is a Creative Numerology Year Book for each of the 9 yearly cycles to help you find your way. Each collectable and reusable book provides a rich description of your yearly cycle, and an entire year of accurate and inspiring MONTHLY, WEEKLY, and DAILY forecasts. Your CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK brings clarity to your personal journey through this turbulent and emotional cycle of time. This is numerology you can both FEEL and use.

You can buy these books individually, or buy all 9 books and GET ONE FREE (free book is not available with kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

Treat yourself, or someone you care about, to the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness.   (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE). IT’S THE BOOK THAT’S ALL ABOUT YOU – AND YOURS….   ORDER  HERE 

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE :

votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $120



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11 WEEK – 11 YEAR – continued – (March 18)

77The last day of this 11 Week in this 11 Year happens to be the 77th day of the year. (7 multiplied by 11).

While 77 can generate much wisdom when it comes to making the changes we need to make, we must first deal with its karmic compound which is 14/5 – affecting matters of freedom, change, expression, the physical body, sex, fertility, gender, different cultures, sudden, unexpected or unusual experiences – and commitment.

March 18, 2018 is also a 5 day (3+9+11=2+3=5).

14/5 Karmic energy arises from wasted or misused freedom, irresponsibility, and unwillingness to account for our actions. 77/14/5 often brings a ‘fall from grace’ brought about by scandal and ‘being caught’. No one is immune from the karma they create. 77/14/5 highlights the arrogance of believing in one’s own superiority.

7 is the number of conspiracy – and 77 magnifies this tendency 11 times.

77 is the number of stardom, celebrity, fame and fortune, the high life, the charmed life, tremendous privilege, affluence, and power over others. This often refers to the titans of politics, industry, and entertainment, and those in inherited power positions. There is nothing wrong with wealth and influence – unless it is abused. For instance, when you hold in your hands the power to make others suffer and choose to do so, privilege turns to cruelty and atrocity.

77 symbolizes a highly intelligent and principled mind – but when it’s karmic 14/5 lessons are not learned, we have a mind that is so shallow and self-absorbed that the suffering of others can actually be self-gratifying and even ‘amusing’ – such a dangerous form of insanity.

This major karmic influence implies that we must LEARN from past and present mistakes, let go of outdated ideas and practices, and be willing to learn new things as we go. But at this stage of our journey, almost 20 years into the 2000s, a willingness to learn is not enough. We will never be able to make the changes we must make unless we are emotionally driven to do so. 2 is the number of emotional drive – feminine energy.

77/14/5 implies change on a grand scale – not just waiting for others to change things or merely re-arranging the status quo so that it looks like change. We are talking about real and lasting transformation. In order to bring about change of such magnitude, we have to feel our desire for change on a much deeper level than we are accustomed to – and keep it balanced between the extremes of greed on the one hand and total self denial on the other. Desire is the spark that sets the power of attraction in motion.

7 is the number of the mind and learning. 11 is the number of light and revelation. So there is a lot to learn from this energy, provided we can keep our minds open to the vibrations of our feelings. But the mind tends to cut away from our emotional energy when those feelings get uncomfortable. But the fact is that we have arrived at a moment in time in which uncomfortable feelings are our greatest teacher.

An enormous emotional awakening is occurring in these early days of the new millennium. When we refuse to recognize reality, the emotional connection gets shut down, and we go about our lives, oblivious to something important that’s happening right before our eyes. In doing so, we cut ourselves off from a major part of our power as human beings. We cut ourselves off from our Will – the feminine vibration that keeps our masculine minds open and expandable.

14 is an emptiness you feel when you live a mind-body life in which emotions are exaggerated and insincere, or completely subdued. You’ve got to be cool. Cannot let them see you sweat. Show no emotion unless it suits the moment. Must be seen to be perfect.

When 14 is derived from 77, it takes shallowness to a dangerous level, because all culpability is denied. Never admit guilt. But this is just a ruse to insulate us from having to say we were wrong. Denied guilt is a tactic of the racist, bigot, and bully – and the pathological liar who manipulates people’s senses and perceptions, and convinces them that up is down.

When people deny their own guilt, they project it onto others and accuse them of what they themselves are guilty of. But because the weight of denied guilt is so burdensome, addictions of one form or another are required to deny and distract from that, too.

14/5 reveals a part of us that cannot or will not LEARN, and the consequences this brings. It emphasizes a part of us that is afraid to admit mistakes and stop making them. Sometimes we have to make the same old mistake over and over until one day the penny drops and we finally get it – and take a different and more reasonable approach.

The present is always the result of the past. Learning from our mistakes enables us to leave the past and enter the present. Facing the reality of how the past has unfolded can feel overwhelming. But we must remember that the past is a deep source of experience and knowledge from which to learn and grow.

This is the final day of Week 11, and the final article in this 7-Day series. I hope it has been helpful.

NOTE: If you are reading this after the day or week in question, there is still SO much to learn from this life-changing energy we’re traveling through. These articles represent important aspects of what we must learn between now and 2020.

March 18 is the 7th and final day of this 11/11 week. To read about the preceding days, follow the links below:

The week itself + Monday March 12th

Tuesday March 13th 

Wednesday March 14

 Thursday March 15 

Friday March 16

Saturday March 17



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2018 – WEEK 10

Week 10 runs from March 5 to 11. This is the 10th Week of an 11 Year – in a 10 Decade. Week 10 represents intense, immense, fundamental change which brings us to the ‘next level’ – while the light of 11 exposes what is hidden.

As we move deeper into the 2000s, we encounter feminine 2’s openness and transparency. Humanity is in the process of freeing our Will (feminine energy/emotion) – which is prompting cruel and desperate attempts to prevent the truth from surfacing. Suppression of the truth is denial of reality, which is the main problem on Earth today, and opens the door for authoritarianism to step in and take over. Denial is the barrier that stands between consciousness and Free Will.

Some people are in so much denial that their minds automatically shut out new information, rendering them unable to learn anything new.  Many of these people have risen to positions of great power on Earth, and denial has become ‘policy’. In the 2000s though, truth will prevail because truth and accuracy is 2’s nature.

Stay informed. Don’t ignore (deny) what is happening. And understand that this descent into fascism is happening all over the world. This is an attack on humanity BY other human beings. The power of humanity is its WILL – and that is what we must rescue, heal, and develop – the feminine aspects of life – our ability to feel, sense, empathize, and intuit.

The forward-moving and innovative nature of Week 10 can help us face the truth more willingly.

Week 10 

starts on the 64th day of the year, 6+4=10.

March 5, 2018 = 3+5+11=19/10/1

Decade = 10

Monday, the first day of Week 10, is a 10 10 10 10 day. This combination will have a profound effect on us as individuals because 1 represents the self. Multiple 1s represent many selves. We are 1.

4 x 10 = 40, and 4 is the number of both limitation and breakthrough. Although the attempts to dominate humanity (and all of life) are real and highly dangerous, we have it in us as a species to break through the barriers of the old failing system into a freer and more peaceful existence. But we are living in two different segments of time simultaneously, and we have to find our way through the chaos.

Humanity must rise to free its own Will. It’s the only way forward.

1 = masculine electricity

2 = feminine magnetism.

There are likely to be a few ‘lightening bolts’ this week that illuminate the shadows, if only for a moment, exposing the true nature of what’s going on. Our feminine senses are increasing their focus, and the vibrations of our constantly rattled feelings are opening our minds to the reality of our situation.

Tuesday, March 6 is a 2 Day in the world (3+6+11=2+0=2). It is also the 65th day of the year which = 11. This connects to the 11/2 year of 2018, making this an 11:11 day. Sunday, March 11 is another 11:11 day.

Also on Tuesday, your Weekly Forecast is repeated as a Daily Forecast. This repetition occurs when the month and day of any date add up to 9. (3+6=9). Feelings and circumstances intensify or reach a peak on these dates. (See link to the weekly forecasts at the bottom of this page).

Wednesday, March 7 is the 66th day of the year. 66 helps us develop the courage to take full responsibility for ourselves, to stop worrying about what others think of us, and stand tall in our own skin. Of course we cannot be independent in a system that thrives on our dependence on it, but the power of 66 enables us to see things as they really are, which is the first step to breaking free.

66 represents children and young people all over the world. While 3 is the number of the child, (1 is the father and 2 is the mother), 66 is 3‘s most balanced form, and represents maturity.

The wisdom of the millennial generation comes from their honesty – which comes from their feminine emotional energy. They are showing us that it is not enough to merely ‘know’ something. The mind alone cannot change anything. We can study a problem all we want, but until we are emotionally driven to do something about it, nothing changes.

Today’s young people were born into the chaos of changing millennia and they feel this on a profound and practical level. 66 is the number of the Master Communicator. And 6+6 = 12, which represents our current position – the gap between the 1000s and the 2000s.

1+2 = 3, the number of COMMUNICATION. 3 also represents the 21st CENTURY which is where today’s young people have taken root. And look what they are doing as we move into 2’s openness. They are opening the lines of communication that the fears and denials of preceding generations shut down. March 7, 2018 is a 3 Day in the world (3+7+11=21=3).

11 is the number of light and inspiration.

66 multiplies 11’s light 6 times!

No matter how old or young we are, this is a time to experience the power of our own youth by letting go of the guilt and emotional denial that ages us. So today be honest with yourself about how you are truly feeling, even if you don’t have all the facts.

Be prepared to let go of the dogma imposed on us by this greed-ravaged and war-torn system – and imagine the potential of life on Earth if we could evolve out of this path of self-destruction. We are ALL children – and it’s time to grow up.

Day 66 in this 11 year produces another Master Number – 77, and its karmic 14/5 aspect. 77 represents fame and fortune, the high life, riches, celebrity, inheritance, hierarchy, “affluenza”, and the power of awards and titles. 77 is an exciting energy – the number of sex, drugs, and the means to have whatever your heart desires. I will write more about this next week because the very last day of Week 11 (March 18th) is the 77th day of the year.

Thursday, March 8th is a 22/4 day, (3+8+11=22/4), which focuses on the conditions in which people (and animals) exist on Earth. This is accompanied by 4’s karmic 13 vibration which comes from the 67th day of the year. This combination focuses on our individual and collective sense of identity. The world is changing, and the validity of what we are programmed to believe is the ‘norm’ is collapsing. 11:11 = 22, and symbolizes equality. Turn 11 on its side, and you have the equals sign. We are living in symbolic times. And symbols of every nature are forms of communication.


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