WEEK 38 runs from Monday September 17th to Sunday the 23rd.
Millennium = 2
Century = 2+1 =3
Decade = 10
Month = 9/11 and 20/2
Week 38 = 11/2
Year = 11/2
This is the energy of PARTICIPATION and WORKING TOGETHER, and what a creative vibration this has the potential to be. Amid all this chaos, hate, and destruction, there are things we can do, and there are behaviors and circumstances that we can transform if we put our minds and hearts into it.
When the mind and heart work together, they produce feelings of courage and confidence, and we trust ourselves. But the mind and heart must now evolve to a point where they accept all of our feelings, and not just the pleasant ones. The entire emotional range is an essential part of who we are. It enables us to express our true response to experience. Every feeling, instinct, and urge you have, is teeming with information about the reality of your situation.
The mind is distinctly masculine. The emotions are distinctly feminine. The physical heart is where they meet, as equals. The heart is the ‘go-between’ which resonates with both our masculine electricity and our feminine magnetism.
The heart is meant to be the BALANCE POINT between mind, emotion, and body. But our inner and outer realities are dangerously out of balance – because the masculine mind considers itself to be superior to emotion and body. Consequently, what’s happening in the outer world is all about the control of women, including women’s bodies – and destroying the balance that feminine energy (which we all possess) is bringing to Earth. Feminine energy is our WILL.
The fear and anger being triggered by this assault is switching our minds ON, and as the Will rises to defend itself, this turbulent transition from the 1000s to the 2000s is taking a turn towards truth and equality. Denial of reality is everywhere, and it’s killing us. But because our first instinct (our first feeling) is to survive, we are pulling ourselves out of denial – out of that insane illusion that has always distorted our understanding of the human journey.
Now we are seeing denial after denial, lie after lie – all over the world – in all walks of life, but especially among those whose power-positions are threatened by this shift in time. The old system is based on the number 1 – the number of SELF. But without truth, it is SELF DESTRUCTIVE. Without awareness, we cannot survive.
We have been repeating the same old events and circumstances throughout time, along with the same old outcomes. War. Death. Destruction. Pain. Misery. Slavery. Terror – all stemming from the antiquated idea that masculine mind is superior to feminine feelings, and that the body is a useless ‘shell’, rather than the temple that houses all these inner functions. These misunderstandings are where imbalance, injustice, and all other unfairness begin.
Here we are on Planet Earth – experiencing physical life – as the 1 millennium merges with the 2. We have to be awake for this – and willing to play our part in helping to shape a better existence for ourselves. And in such dangerous times, we have to develop the courage and confidence to do so as we go about our daily lives.
Look out into the world and you’ll see denial right before your eyes – denying guilt, denying fear, denying truth, denying reason, and denying its own denials. In the transparency of 2, you can see right through it. Of course, we also have to be aware of the feelings and realities that we ourselves are denying. Being honest with ourselves opens the evolutionary path.
We each have our own life to live, and our own story to tell, with its own cast of characters. We are expressive beings. 3 is the number of expression, communication, and creativity – and 8 puts power into it.
38 wants to create something special and worthwhile. But remember that 38 can also be deceptive. 3 represents illusion and appearance, and 8 can be quite the bully.
We can try to hide from reality. Or we can panic. Or we can raise our determination, pay attention to the details, find their connections, see the bigger picture, and increase our ability to understand and handle the complexities of these times. We evolve by learning from experience and steering ourselves accordingly. The vibrations coming from our emotions shake OPEN the mind and communicate TO the mind what the experience IS.
Tuesday, September 18, 2018 is the 261st day of the year, making this a 9 9 9 11 day. Be aware of what you are feeling and thinking as the day (and week) unfolds. 11 illuminates what we need to be aware of – and 9 absorbs this information. 9 represents expanded awareness. This is a time to make a point – or to recognize the relevance or irrelevance of someone else’s point. 9 is the number of completion, making this a good time to finalize something – but again, be very aware of the details. Don’t rush things along just because you want to see results.
Also on the 18th, your weekly forecast acts as a daily forecast. This happens whenever the month and day add up to 9. (9+1+8 =1+8=9). On this date, and again on the 27th, we get a much clearer view of how our emotions are used to control us. Both 9 and 11 can shock us with their revelations, but these numbers also inspire us to transform our feelings into beneficial change.
The 38/11/2 vibration enables us to see beyond the status quo and imagine new possibilities. 3 = creativity. 8 = manifestation. 11 = light, which is currently illuminating the gaps that exist between us – gaps that contain a lot of ILL feeling (hate).
38/11/2 is a healing and optimistic vibration that focuses on people (3), power (8), and connection (11). There IS common ground – and our DESIRE to find it draws us magnetically to it. Desire is a feeling – and a vital part of the emotional range. Everything starts within.
“Truth is so great a perfection, that if God would render himself visible, he would choose light for his body and truth for his soul.” ~ Pythagoras.
Denial of reality leaves us numb and unfeeling, but because denial denies its own existence, we do not realize just how feelingless and ‘indifferent’ we can be. We are afraid to face reality because the feelings involved are so intense. However, we’re a lot more honest with ourselves than we used to be – and naturally so, since emotion IS our honesty!
It is so important to have accurate information. 8 can help us here because 8 is the number of POWER through correct understanding.
2 is the number of perception. Old understandings of reality are breaking down as we leave the shadows of denial that have forever obscured our understanding of life. 2 is also the number of sensitivity, emotion, sensuality, cooperation, peacefulness and kindness. But look what happens in the old system when truth comes to light: denial, denial, and more denial…..
We have no patience because we misunderstand the power and purpose of TIME – just as we misunderstand the power and purpose of FREE WILL. As I have said many times, 2 is a gentle slow-moving energy, but if you try to push against it or speed it up, it pushes back hard and slows you down even more! 2 is the number of patience, attention to detail, and right timing.
There is never a need to harm yourself or anyone else in the process of expressing your feelings. Anger is the most judged against of all the emotions, especially in women. But that is changing, too. Women have a lot to be angry about, and important lasting change often begins with the honest expression of this natural emotion.
When the feelings of anger and rage are channeled with loving intention towards constructive change, mountains move.
We have VOCAL CHORDS for a reason. We are not all professional singers or speakers, but we do each have our own song – our own story – the mixed feelings coming from our hearts. Your vocal chords are your main means of releasing an emotion. There is a reason that the vocal chords look like a vagina. The vocal chords give birth to the feelings in your heart and sets them free.

Normal healthy vocal chords (voicedoctor.com)
Week 38 is the 9th week of a 10-week cycle in which all the Week Numbers begin with 3. Week 38 is a time of facing reality head-on and expressing inwardly and outwardly how it’s making us FEEL. With the 3 energy so strong right now, people may be expressing themselves, vocally, at a more heightened level than we are accustomed to. The freeing of the human WILL depends on the vocalization of what is in our hearts. But this does include our overall INTENT which is either loving or unloving. The way forward is with love.
8 = power, including holding power over others, or being overpowered. 3 is the number of communication, and its lowest ebbs include blackmail and other forms of pressure. This may be far more widespread than we imagine.
Humanity is time-traveling through the chaos and confusion of our own denials, and it is understandable that we often feel defeated and doomed by this system that refuses to die. Yet we can see it dying before our eyes. And in its death throes, it becomes more and more in denial, more and more insane.
As our journey through the cycles of time continues, remember that time is the rhythm of nature. Time is movement and growth. Time is numbers. Time is potential – and in order to fulfill potential, change is unavoidable. Time is change.
The system disables our ability to change and grow by deliberately keeping everything the same. It is from this monotony, (disguised as ‘normalcy’,) that we must escape. In the course of time, consistency and change work hand in hand. How astonishing it is that the only thing that is constant in this world, is change.
Buy my book, LIFE CYCLES: Your Emotional Journey to Freedom And Happiness, HERE
CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOKS – your journey through the cycles of time. Get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these tense, unpredictable, and evolutionary times, each book contains inspiring monthly, weekly, and daily readings for your specific yearly cycle. This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle). GET YOUR YEAR BOOK HERE
You are amazing! Spot on . I was up all night reading my profiles. I know numerology and your insights surpass, Glynis McCant, she is the author of the book , that I used to self teach myself about numerology for the last 4 years. I am a licensed marriage and family therapist for 25 years and I am learning the language of Oracles symbols insects animals and most Numbers and I was guided to your site last night.
My birth name is Rhonda guller
the name I go by is Rhonda Lynn Sojourn, when introduced and how i wish the world to know me as.
after my divorce, I changed my name to Rhonda guller sojourn ,
as I chose my own last name, and it became my husbands legal name, the day before our wedding. his name was Sjogren and I did want want that name, So we made up the name sojourn. ( when we were dating and I was in love, i wrote him a poem and one of the lines in the poem, I wrote , said , secure in his manhood he cuddles a bear, so precious, I get lost, in sojourn ,I stare. Sojourn was his favorite word. )
I put my last name back in my name as I was scheduled to die two years ago and I wanted my granddaughter and all the children that follow the sojourn name to find my roots. and theirs.
my drivers license says Rhonda Lynn Sojourn
SS says Rhonda guller sojourn
I was born Rhonda Lynn guller
and I introduce myself and go by Rhonda Lynn Sojourn , but my legal name is Rhonda guller sojourn
MY QUESTION IS …. WHICH NAME DO I USE WHEN I ORDER MY 2 PROFILES FOR CURRENT NAME. and can I use both for current name, please and how to I enter that ???
One last note, I am reversing my paralysis after 41 years. I am being guided and I was concerned I was losing my mind or having a brain tumor , but the MRI shows I am fine. I image you , know I am not a nut, just to the average person, I appear like I am . My profile was accurate in every detail. Literally, physically and mentally and emotionally. I look forward to having a personal reading or whatever you do on the phone or online in Skype.
* *
Please notify me by text to look for the email as I get 1000,ooo of junk mail and rarely use my email and don’t want to miss it.. Is that possible?
Thank you in advance.
From my heart, and from my angels and divine intelligence ,
we thank you,
Hello Rhonda,
I am so glad you are enjoying this work. You have been through so much, and it’s so good to know things are improving now.
I will always use your birth name as the basis of your chart because that is your foundation along with the date of birth. So we start with Rhonda Lynn Guller.
The name you go by now, Rhonda Lynn Sojourn, is your Present Self Name, and this has a very strong influence.
As your legal name, Rhonda Guller Sojourn is also a Present Self Name, and would be included in the profile.
However, I feel that it’s important to simplify your names as much as possible because with each name change – and each variation – you are dealing with ADDITIONAL energies which really can confuse your sense of identity.
When ordering, use Rhonda Lynn Guller + Rhonda Lynn Sojourn. I have the legal name on file.
My personal forecasts are always in writing, either printed and bound – or pdf by email.
I cannot text you, Rhonda, as I do not give out my phone/text details. I have also removed your phone number from your message as I don’t think it’s safe to have it out there so publicly. So I do hope you receive this reply.
Looking forward to working with you.
With love,
Thank you for your hard work and dedication. Much love to you.
And love to you, too, Carmen. Thank you so much