Tag Archives: 369


Nikola Tesla’s Astonishing Numbers

I wrote this article in July 2015, and have posted it a couple of times since then.  But this year, I noticed some additional information regarding the 3 6 9 sequence and the Tesla Coil. See details towards the end of the page…

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence”. ~Nikola Tesla

NIKOLA TESLA was born on July 10th, 1856. He was born on the 10/1 Destiny Path – the number of ELECTRICITY, innovation, movement, speed, progress, and the power of the individual. The 10th of the month also adds up to 1.  He was born in Week 28, which adds up to 10/1.

1 is the number of the PIONEER. And 10 is the form of 1 that brings things to a new level, which Tesla certainly did in his 87-year lifetime. He died on January 7, 1943 – producing some highly fascinating numeric patterns.
Tesla birth and death numbers6 represents BALANCE and EXTREMES, and the connection between the powers of electricity, magnetism, and matter. The first multiple of 3 is 6, the combination of which brings 9 into being. Numbers are not static, or even linear. They move in all directions. Therefore, Tesla’s birth and death numbers, as viewed in the above chart, contain the 369 sequence.

“If only you would know the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, you would have a key to the Universe.” ~Nikola Tesla

These famous words have always been attributed to Nikola Tesla, and although I am unable to find the above quote in any of his written or spoken works, there is no doubt that the 3 6 9 sequence plays an enormous role in life – the roles of continuance, survival, repetition, variation, pattern, reflection, communication, creativity, responsibility, emotion, and love.

The following chart demonstrates the never-ending 369 movement, and the creative rhythm of continuance…

Tesla 369 sequence

(There is also a connection here between the function of 8 in the above chart – and 1 and 7 which occur in both his date of birth and date of death.)

Tesla’s work helped to revolutionize our understanding of electricity, radio waves, x-rays, magnetism, and many other scientific aspects…. and some profoundly spiritual aspects, too.  He had a way of looking into the future, which, in the course of time, has become today.

As we move from the electrical 1000s into the magnetic 2000s, it seems that there may be a lot more to Tesla’s work than our evolving minds can currently comprehend!

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ADDED JULY 2019:  When the words TESLA COIL are converted into numbers, the vowels in TESLA add up to 6. The vowels in COIL add up to 6. (6+6= 3). The consonants in TESLA add up to 6. The consonants in COIL add up to 6. (Again, 6+6=3). Put it all together and we get 3+3=6. And whenever there is 3 and 6,  there is always 9.

Here is a link to a very cool video in which modern day engineers/musicians used TESLA COILS  to make music at University of Illinois concert in 2013.  When watching this video, just think: WE are part electricity (light/consciousness) and part magnetism (the dark matter that receives the light and gives it visibility, grounding, and functionality). This is the interaction of masculine/feminine energy…. It also demonstrates why we cannot be all positive – or all negative – all the time, and still be balanced.  (I DO NOT OWN THIS YOUTUBE VIDEO).

This article by Christine DeLorey was originally published in 2015

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WEEK 36 – The Will To Continue

Week 36 is a 9 Calendar Week in the 9th Calendar Month of September, and runs from September 3rd to the 9th. Its deeply sensitive vibrations bring out our empathy, caring, and compassion. But 9 also creates dramatic and often traumatic situations which can trigger our entire range of emotions. 9 has the shape of a spiral, and just like being on a spiral staircase, we can never be sure of what’s around the corner. Uncertainty produces fear. But this particular fear can also become the ‘mother of invention’.

The 369 sequence represents continuance, and helps us to sustain the load, get through the wilderness, and bear the brunt – until we finally reach what we are aiming for. 369 gives us the WILL to ‘carry on’. Continuance also suggests that we are more able to face reality rather than look the other way. 9 is the number of increased awareness.

As the old system continues to collapse, people are refusing to go backwards and repeat the same old historic nightmare. People are refusing to march along to that old monotonous ‘left/right/left/right” political rhythm that keeps us trapped on this karmic wheel to nowhere.

369 shows us where repeated patterns have created this rut in which we are stuck – and from which we must find our way out. 369 shows us where habit and history repeat and repeat – and where CHANGE is essential to our survival. Ultimately, survival and continuation are the same thing.

2017 is a 10/1 Year in the world (2+0+1+7=1+0=1) – the number of extraordinary change. It facilitates forward movement and brings us to the next step. September 2017 is a 10/1 Month in a 10/1 Year, which is taking us to new levels of experience.

10 is the nucleus of the decimal system, while 1 is the nucleus of ALL the numbers. North Korea’s hydrogen-bomb test this week is not surprising because 1 represents our atomic beginnings, and hydrogen is #1 in the Periodic Table. 11 symbolizes the splitting of the atom, on which nuclear weaponry is based. When a nucleus is deliberately split in two, enormous amounts of energy are produced. 1 is the number of origins, and we must learn what 1 has to teach before 11 can transform 1 into 2. (1+1=2). In the wrong hands, what enables life can also destroy it.

This splitting of a cell – nuclear fission – is also reflected in the splitting of countries, people, and families: i.e. India and Pakistan, North and South Korea, Israel and Palestine, the world-wide ‘trafficking’ of human beings as slaves, the threat of deportation of America’s DREAMERS, and the entire class system which is based on splitting us up and keeping us divided. These cruel and painful splits are releasing enormous amounts of emotional energy (magnetism) into the world, giving new life to the human WILL, which is emotional, magnetic, and feminine in nature. The rise of the WILL is the only thing that can bring balance to our dangerously imbalanced ‘man’s world’.

This huge degree of human (and animal) suffering is not new. At this point in our evolution, we are experiencing the accumulation of all we have not learned from our thousand-year journey through the 1 energy. Before we can evolve into the balance of the 2000s, we must recognize the sheer horror of what we are evolving from, and learn our lessons – the first of which is: we ARE 1. We are 1 species – made up of many 1’s (individuals).

11, from a different angle, gives us the equals sign and, indeed, teaches us to look at life from different points of view, not just the ones with which we have been programmed. 11 broadens our horizons, opens our minds, and increases our potentials and possibilities.

This 10/11 transition reminds us that cooperation rather than competition will change the way we live – from this aggressive, mindless, self-destructiveness, to something that is more tolerant, and less hate-filled and cruel. We repeat the same old patterns over and over, generation after generation and we call this ‘life’, when in fact it is a mere reflection of a failing system that runs on secrecy, ignorance,ILL WILL, greed, and ongoing war. But the change in millennial energy, from masculine 1 to feminine 2, gives us an opportunity to break this karmic loop, and evolve, emotionally, intellectually, and physically.

Be aware of the massive contribution coming from our emotions. Notice how our feelings hold our minds open while we analyze the reality of who we are – why we’re here – and where we’re going. This is one of the ways in which masculine and feminine work together, within the body, each with their own function, different but equal.

We cannot pass 1 – the first number – until we recognize ourselves for the individuals we are. From self-awareness comes self acceptance. We can never fully accept each other without accepting our own individual selves first. That’s what a balanced ego is. There is a great deal of love among humanity, but until we love ourselves first, we can never know how deeply we have it in us to love.

Meanwhile, we can see the ridiculousness of white supremacy as the main force behind this self-destructive system. We see that those who are labeled ‘minorities’ actually make up the majority here on Earth. We are experiencing reversals now, represented by the numbers 911 and 119. The 16th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the USA occurs next week – (Week 37 is a 10 10 10 week).

3 represents all forms of communication, including the media, social media, the stage, performance, acting, entertainment, appearances, talent, style, and beauty. However, the flip-side of 3 brings pettiness, trickery, illusion, deception, dishonesty, exaggeration, jealousy, smear campaigns, hearsay, and gossip.

6 = problem-solving, responsibility, the sharing of power, accountability, security, balance, domestic matters, home, family, children, parents, marriage, education, teaching, healing, justice, community, kindness, and LOVE. 6 reminds us that without justice, there can be no peace. However, 6 is also the number of extremes, the tyrant, the bully, the stealing of power and property, injustice, prejudice, unfairness, imbalance, insecurity, cruelty, and HATE.

The power-hungry always grow more heartless, cruel, and desperate as the times change, people evolve, and the power shifts. Just remember that love is the greatest power of all. It’s light will always outshine hate. Hate is not a natural emotion. Hate is an infection of our emotional circuitry which narrows and empties the mind. Hate is an ILL feeling.

9 brings drama into our lives for the purpose of showing us how the past is repeating itself and what is still to be learned from it. In your own personal life, don’t fight the memories. It’s time to heal from what they represent, and move forward with the 10 energy of real and significant CHANGE.

9’s healing vibrations help us to right the wrongs of the past by accepting their reality and allowing the feelings involved to express themselves OUT of the body. 9 is the number of FORGIVENESS and LETTING GO. Denial of reality is not easy to maintain in the presence of 9, and quite impossible when we are traveling through multiple bands of 9, as we are right now.

People are starting to recognize the magnitude of their own personal experience in this evolving journey we’re ALL on. Everyone has a story to tell. We are all story tellers. That’s our nature. Self expression. Living to tell the tale. We’ve all been through things that have broken down our false assumptions and made us more aware of reality. The pain we experience in the face of adversity puts tremendous pressure on the mind – forcing it open. We do not want to suffer, and so, as the suffering goes on, we must look for how it began.

1 is the number of origins and beginnings and getting to the true cause. 2 is the number of detail and sensitivity. When magnetic 2 and electrical 1 combine, creative 3 is born. The 21st century is a 100-year cycle of 3 energy which enables us to outgrow our destructiveness, open our imaginations, raise our creative vibration, and make something significant happen.

2 slows everything down so that we can actually see what we’re dealing with, what we are up against, and what we have the potential to become. Therefore, in the 2000s, we must develop the power of PATIENCE: with detail, other people, ourselves, the pace of our progress, and the time it takes to forgive.

By slowing ourselves down, we are able to see the finer details – the bigger picture – and the way things really are, rather than the illusion that the system has painted for us. 3 is the number of illusion, which truly is an art in itself. But 2’s transparency is showing the inner workings of everything now. We see the machinery that keeps the system chugging along. The system runs on secrecy and cover up, but the 2 energy brings openness instead.

The more the mind allows itself to feel, without casting judgment on the feeling, we recognize the height of our thoughts, the depth of our feelings, and the breadth that comes from a 3-way acceptance between our masculine minds, our feminine feelings, and our biological bodies. From this configuration, a 4th dimension emerges, the nature of which will come from the INTENT in our hearts.


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Nikola Tesla’s Astonishing Numbers

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence”. ~Nikola Tesla

NIKOLA TESLA was born on July 10th, 1856. He was born on the 10/1 Destiny Path – the number of ELECTRICITY, innovation, movement, speed, progress, and the power of the individual. The 10th of the month also adds up to 1.  He was born in Week 28, which adds up to 10/1.

1 is the number of the PIONEER. And 10 is the form of 1 that brings things to a new level, which Tesla certainly did in his 87-year lifetime. He died on January 7, 1943 – producing some highly fascinating numeric patterns.
Tesla birth and death numbers6 represents BALANCE and EXTREMES, and the connection between the powers of electricity, magnetism, and matter. The first multiple of 3 is 6, the combination of which brings 9 into being. Numbers are not static, or even linear. They move in all directions. Therefore, Tesla’s birth and death numbers, as viewed in the above chart, contain the 369 sequence.

“If only you would know the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, you would have a key to the Universe.”

These famous words have always been attributed to Nikola Tesla, and although I am unable to find the above quote in any of his written or spoken works, there is no doubt that the 3 6 9 sequence plays an enormous role in life – the roles of continuance, survival, repetition, variation, pattern, reflection, communication, creativity, responsibility, emotion, and love.

The following chart demonstrates the never-ending 369 movement, and the creative rhythm of continuance…

Tesla 369 sequence

(There is also a connection here between the function of 8 in the above chart – and 1 and 7 which occur in both his date of birth and date of death.)

Tesla’s work helped to revolutionize our understanding of electricity, radio waves, x-rays, magnetism, and many other scientific aspects…. and some profoundly spiritual aspects, too.  He had a way of looking into the future, which, in the course of time, has become today.

As we move from the electrical 1000s into the magnetic 2000s, it seems that there may be a lot more to Tesla’s work than our evolving minds can currently comprehend!

Here is a link to a very cool video in which modern day engineers/musicians used TESLA COILS  to make music at University of Illinois concert in 2013.  When watching this video, just think: WE are part electricity (light/consciousness) and part magnetism (the dark matter that receives the light and gives it visibility, grounding, and functionality). This is the interaction of masculine/feminine energy…. It also demonstrates why we cannot be all positive – or all negative – all the time, and still be balanced

Article posted on July 10, 2017: Happy Birthday Mr. Tesla!

This article was originally published in 2016


Tesla: His Astonishing Life and Death Numbers

Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856. He died on January 7, 1943 – and his lifespan contains a very interesting numeric pattern. His work helped to revolutionize our understanding of electricity, radio waves, x-rays, and many other important scientific aspects…. and some profoundly spiritual aspects, too.

If you are not familiar with Tesla’s work, and how credit for his accomplishments was withheld until well after his death, it is a story well worth looking up and delving into.

His life and death numbers are certainly food for thought!

6 represents BALANCE between the powers of electricity, magnetism, and matter. The first multiple of 3 is 6, the combination of which brings 9 into being. Numbers are not static, or even linear. They move in all directions. Therefore, Tesla’s birth and death numbers actually demonstrate the 369 sequence.

“If only you would know the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, you would have a key to the Universe.” ~Nikola Tesla

Although I am still unable to find the above quote in any of Tesla’s written or spoken works, there is no doubt that 3, 6, and 9 play enormous roles in the numerics of life – the roles of continuance, repetition, variation, pattern, reflection, communication, creativity, responsibility and love. At its most basic level, 369 represents survival.

Notice in the chart below the significance of the number 8  (1+7=8 as in his date of birth and his date of death)…













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