July 2 is the first day of Calendar Week 27. It brings us into a seven-day expanse of double 9/11 and double 20, and these numbers are highly significant as we move towards the turning-point-year of 2020.
July 2 =7+2=9
week 27=9
911 signifies massive shifts in human consciousness and drastic changes of direction. 911 brings rapid evolvement, and outpourings of emotion, both in the world and in our own personal lives.
911 not only signifies ’emergency’, but is also a numeric transformer which resets the course – and the potential outcome. 9 is the emotional trigger that helps us to address unresolved matters of the past, while 11 illuminates the path, shows us what we need to see, and inspires us into action. But because the system programs us to deny reality, we can be easily persuaded to disbelieve what we see with our own eyes – or believe something that isn’t really happening.
This has been given the term “gaslighting”, which means to manipulate someone by confusing them to such an extent that they think they’re going crazy. The term is taken from the Academy Award winning 1944 film, “Gaslight”, in which a husband tries to drive his wife insane to distract her from his criminal activities. Things would go missing, and he would tell her that she took them and hid them. A familiar picture on the wall was suddenly gone. He suggested she took it, hid it, and was becoming a kleptomaniac. The gas lights in the house would dim and brighten for no apparent reason, and he would tell her that she was imagining it – along with her suspicions about him and the young maid. Well, the world is being gaslighted at the present time. Much of the confusion is a tactic. And much is the incompetence and small-mindedness that comes with arrogance.
2 is the number of perception and intuition, and the 2 energy of the 2000s is breaking the illusions created not only by the Trump regime, but by many governments around the world, and is showing us reality instead. 2 is the number of openness and transparency. People see through it. We see how it all works. And we struggle with the pain of how cruel and unjust it is, even if we are privileged enough to avoid the terror personally. But it is personal because none of us are free if one of us isn’t. 2 is the number of EMPATHY and CARING.
With 911 so prominent on July 2 and throughout July, there is an obvious connection to the emergency code for the USA. It also highlights the racism in the USA involving the HABIT of white people calling 911 – the police – to report what they perceive as ‘bad behavior’ by black people. They do this knowing how easily such an encounter can turn deadly. But at least this hatred is being exposed now, and those who are caught on camera usually do not fare too well. The problem of course are the many incidents that go unrecorded.
“People addicted to power and money are terrified of losing their position and becoming merely part of the masses that they hate so much. But they are in deep denial of their fear.” ~ High Sparrow, Game of Thrones
Everything in this system is based on race – THE race that pits us against each other in order to ‘divide and conquer’. As I have said so many times, we are NOT the human ‘race’. The human race is the system, not our species. We are human beings – who have been deprived of being who we truly are. Although this is a terrifying and dangerous transition, human beings everywhere are now evolving out of the gaslight of the past, into the true light of reality.
11/2 is the number of intuition and intelligence. 2 is the opener of hearts. 11 is the opener of minds. And in this 11 year, (1+1=2), our hearts and minds are evolving fast, (some faster than others – and some have chosen not to evolve at all).
July 2 is the 183rd day of the year and marks the exact mid-point of 2018. There are 182 days before it, and there are 182 days that follow it. (1+8+2=11). Therefore, July 2 is situated between two 11s, making this an 11:11 day as well. A day to get organized on the inside first, and then outwardly. And because 2018 is an 11 Year, the 11 energy is even more powerful on this mid-point date.
It is at the MIDPOINT that the past and present meet and it is essential at this time to lean more purposefully in the direction you want to go. This is a time of CHOICE – so decide well – and make a decision as to who you are and what you stand for.
“If we don’t fight hard enough for the things we stand for, at some point we have to recognize that we don’t really stand for them.” Paul Wellstone
It is hard to stand up for what you believe in when bullying is so rampant and unchecked in this interim age of Trump and other so-called ‘strongmen’ around the world. But it’s not just the bullying that must be confronted; it’s the bullies themselves. And this is starting to happen as emotions (including anger) can no longer be held back. This is not easy for most people because intimidation – inflicting fear on people – is the bully’s principle weapon. And since terror is the most heightened form of fear, bullies are terrorists.
Of course, many people don’t understand this because we are programmed to believe that all terrorists hail from the Middle East or South America! What absurdity that is. Bullies and manipulators are everywhere. At home. In the work place. At school. In institutions and positions of influence. On the street. In wealth. In poverty. Everywhere.
As the Will of the people rises, so does the entire emotional range, including the fears that have always held the Will back. And because people are so unaccustomed to feeling at this level, a lot of sick feelings are bursting out and creating the most dangerous situations. This includes hate, which is not a natural emotion, but one which has been held onto so tightly that it can no longer see anything beyond itself.
Hate is an ILL feeling, a sickness, which needs to heal. In some cases, however, hate is held onto beyond the stage where healing is possible and we have to protect ourselves from this in others, and recognize any hate that we too are holding inside, perhaps in denial.
These are the things we are dealing with consistently, day in and day out – including the daily news cycle which moves at a dizzying pace. We cannot fully understand what’s happening in the outer world if we are unaware of the underlying causes.
The rise of feminine energy into this man’s world is indeed causing much of the turbulence, but without which we would become even more imbalanced, and vulnerable to our own extinction. But make no mistake, although women hold the bulk of feminine energy, not all women live by the feminine principles of caring, nurturing, being fair and just, creative rather than destructive, and cooperative rather than combative. The feminine energy in men is evolving too. Balance occurs when both the masculine and feminine within (electricity and magnetism) coexist as equals.
Understanding the power and purpose of our emotional energy gives us our best chance of survival because fear originates from our survival chakra which extends from the base of the spine into the sexual organs. While we must be aware of what’s happening in the world, and make every conceivable effort to resist this descent into fascism, we cannot make a difference if we do not know what we’re dealing with in terms of energy, vibration, and our position in the course of time.
In the past, any time the human Will has tried to free itself from the grip of the system, the system tightened its grip even more, and the collective psyche reaffirmed the erroneous belief that “you can’t beat the system”. But now, in this age of transparency, we can see that the nature of the system is so corrupt, corroded, and destructive that it must eventually destroy itself – as it is in the process of doing right now.
The millennial shift from the 1000s to the 2000s has thrown us into a completely new frequency in which we are becoming our WHOLE selves, and not just the parts of ourselves that are useful to the system. As humanity frees its own Will, we are literally pulling ourselves together. There can be no resistance without a strong WILL. Free Will is the nature of this evolutionary phase.
The more the mind allows our emotions to express themselves spontaneously without judging the feeling, our thoughts expand, our feelings deepen, and the 3-way acceptance between masculine mind, feminine feeling, and biological body, brings about an inner 4th dimension , the nature of which depends on the INTENT in our hearts. So let your core intent be peaceful, loving, and caring, because that is the way of the future.
Week 27 runs from July 2 to July 8. It is a 9/11 week in a 9/11 month, with a stunning array of other numbers helping us to accept the reality of present conditions. Remember, 1 is the number of the independent self, and 11 is the number of illumination. Each one of us is our own light, which we have to learn how to switch on from within. 27/9 can help us here. More on this soon….
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