Tag Archives: 2021 numerology


The 5 Year Journey of 2021 reminds us that FREE WILL is our natural state, and yet none of us are free. 5 reminds us that we cannot be free while we are shackled to the past by our own feelings. No matter what else is going on in our lives, 5 is drawing our memories into present time, so that we can heal from the pain and misunderstanding of both the past and present.

“Your trauma is valid. Even if others have experienced “worse”. Even if someone else who went through the same experience doesn’t feel debilitated by it. Even if it “could have been avoided”. Even if it happened a long time ago. Even if no one knows…. Your pain matters. Your experience matters. Your healing matters. ”  ~ Daniell Koepke

The 7 energy of WEEK 25 takes us inwards so that we can see our own history more clearly. When we venture far enough inside ourselves, we find old issues that we never processes enough to be able to heal from them and put them behind us.

25/7 can also help us to understand the PRESENT trauma that we are all experiencing here in the 2nd year of the 2020s. We are evolving toward Free Will, which is total openness and spontaneity. It begins with the freedom to express outwardly what we feel inwardly.  But the Will is not FREE if it harms or imposes on others. This is a major lesson of the 2020s –  being honest with ourselves and others – and learning from HINDSIGHT.

TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 2021 is an extraordinary day. Yes, June 22 (6/22) occurs every year, but because each year happens only once, 6/22/2021 is a sequence unto itself. These numbers can help us to remember areas of our past that we’ve buried deep inside.

Month = 6

Day = 22(4)

Year = 2+0+2+1 = 5

6+22+= 33/6

33 connects to the 3 energy of the 21st Century. 3 represents COMMUNICATION, which is the basis of consciousness. But communication has been hijacked by the destructive old system which refuses to move into the past, where it belongs. Consequently, we are awash in lies, distractions, violence, hatred, and blatant denial of reality.

33/6 represents the master teacher, healer, entertainer, artist, and communicator whose lessons are learned – and taught – through unusual means. Popular culture plays a big part here, along with the innovative use of words, sounds, and images.

But in the wrong hands, 33’s approach becomes “populism” which masquerades as “the voice of the people” – when its true intent is to control the people. In its basest form, 33/6 is the number of the tyrant and narcissist. DENIAL is one of humanity’s biggest problems – and it is rampant right now.

With peaceful intent, 33/6 brings unique approaches to COMMUNICATION and CREATIVITY. 6 connects to the 6th month of this 5 Year. June 2021 is therefore an 11/2 month. 11 is the number of illumination, inspiration, creativeness, and producing a bigger picture by connecting the various details. CONNECTION is a major theme of the 11 energy – since 2 cannot exist without the connection of two 1s. While 1 represents the 1st step, 11 represents the next step.

JUNE 22 is also the 173rd day of the year (1+7+3=11/2).

The 22nd connects to the two 2s in the decade of the 2020s, and with the 2 energy of the millennial 2000s. Master Numbers are multiples of 11 (from 11 to 99), and they are all active on JUNE 22, 2021. This is a day to REMEMBER what has been forgotten or hidden. This will enable us to take that next step in whatever we are trying to achieve. Or perhaps we will realize that we have already taken it. We are each having our own unique experience here.

Caution is needed when considering what is best for others. 22 can inspire the world with its power of compassion and constructive good – or it can create havoc, destruction, and cruelty, through the abuse of power.

22/4 represents the master achiever, builder, diplomat, and organizer. It provides intelligence, instinctive understanding (intuition), and impressive administrative abilities. 22 helps us to achieve large-scale goals through partnership and teamwork. The abundance of 2 is teaching us how to channel our talents and qualities in ways that improve conditions for others. And 4 (the number of work – and how things work – gives us the stamina and determination to get the job done!

In the process of freeing the human WILL, we are evolving emotionally – and just look at what’s happening to people, everywhere. What is trapped inside is coming out – and while this is needed for the healing to progress, it can also produce dangerous situations in which people simply cannot control themselves.

Unprocessed emotions are flying all over the place. FEAR OF CHANGE is causing tempers to rage and hate to spew. But do remember that hate is not an emotion. Hate is a disease of the emotions, which only love can heal. And it is often the case that hate is so deeply entrenched that it cannot be healed at all, and it just has to die out.

People are unaccustomed to this level of feeling. Some are afraid they are losing their minds. But that very fear is preventing us from creating the alignment that comes when our masculine Mind accepts our feminine Will as an equal. This is plain to see in the outer world – the fear that this “man’s world” (1) will be ruled by women (2).  But feminine 2 does not want to control. It wants to remove control so that equality, fairness, justice, truth, and caring (all of which are forms of balance) can create a new foundation on which to build a better, freer, and more loving way of life.

But we cannot heal from something if we pretend it didn’t happen, or that it didn’t affect us. We let go of the past, not by forgetting it, but by remembering what there was to learn from it.

“We are not ready to return to “normal.” There is no normal. If 600,000 people died in, say, a nuclear strike, there would be endless memorials, holidays, acts of sympathy and healing. We would be forced to acknowledge it. Instead, we are all just. . .living with all that grief.”   ~ Mikel Jollett, author of the best-selling book, “Hollywood Park.”

Our present trauma is an accumulation of our past traumas and right now, 25/7 is taking us inwards… to help us HEAL at the root. The present is always the result of the past. And the present is alwayswhere the future is created. Each of us has our own inside story to tell, our own truth, our own reality, and we have to learn to EXPRESS our feelings honestly and spontaneously without harming ourselves or anyone else. 

LETTING GO of our traumas often means forgiving ourselves and others.  We cannot be in present time if we’re clinging to the past. But forgiving is not a mental switch that we turn on at our convenience. Forgiveness is an emotional process, something we must FEEL, including the feelings that the trauma itself generates. Forgiveness opens the heart in the places it is closed. Forgiveness is the ability to LET GO and MOVE ON.

However, ongoing abuse and continuing atrocities all over the world make forgiveness impossible. And that, too, is a major part of humanity’s present trauma. A system that profits from contest, war, and the suffering of others, will never change the tactics that keeps it afloat. Therefore, the system itself must BE changed. Knowing that it all has to change is part of the current trauma, too, because no one knows what the future holds – and we are all afraid of the unknown.

Nonetheless, change is inevitable because we cannot shift from the electrical masculine 1000s to the magnetic feminine 2000s without major systemic changes. 1 and 2 are completely different energies, and yet 2 is always the product of two 1s.

1 is the number of SELF. It instinctively “takes care of number one”.  Selfish, proud, adventurous, fast, forward-moving, inventive, independent, territorial, competitive, wants to be first, best, most successful, wants to BE Number One. 1 is the individual. 1 is light. 1 is masculine energy. 1 is paternal energy (but the patriarchy has overwhelmed life on Earth). 1 is electricity. 1 is the nucleus of all the other numbers. 1 is the beginning – the 1st step.

2 represents the relationship between our selves – and other selves. 2 = connection, and disconnection. When two 1s unite they produce 11, which is an essential evolutionary energy. It is the simplest of sums: 1+1 =2.

2 enables us to feel at the maternal level with empathy, sharing, caring, attention to detail, and PATIENCE. Of course, paternal energy is also loving and benevolent, but as our understanding of it evolves, we have to leave behind the antiquated notion that “father knows best” – or – masculine is superior to feminine. That’s where the whole idea of “supremacy” originates, along with all the other imbalances, prejudices, snobbery, and hate.

Patriarchy operates on the belief that feminine emotions are the servants of the masculine mind and must be kept firmly under control, that light is good (positive) and dark is bad (negative) – and we wonder why the horrors of racism exist.  

As the feminine become more powerful in this masculine world, the patriarchal reign cannot survive. There is patriarchy in all societies, but the most dominant strain sees its collective self as “white supremacy” … just as the nazis saw themselves as the “master race”. As I often say, the human race is NOT our species. The human race is the cruel war-driven class system that sets us against each other – with the so-called “ruling class” – white males – controlling everything.

We are evolving from a world in which the phrase “it’s a man’s world” was taken as fact – into a very different world in which masculine and feminine must work together to keep the balance. The sensitive 2 energy that 1 + 1 produces “reads” reality and relays its findings (feelings) to 1. Then 1 takes the action that the situation requires.

The 7 energy of WEEK 25 is taking you inward so that you can take a detailed look at what’s buried there – to experience all that feeling you have been unwilling to feel – and LET IT GO. This is how we lighten up. This is how we heal.

Of course, inner healing does not occur in a single day, week, or month. Emotional healing is ongoing – the work of a lifetime. But it does tend to happen in spurts and surges, and the array of numbers in action right now can certainly facilitate such growth.

On MONDAY JUNE 21, your WEEKLY FORECAST doubles as a daily forecast. This occurs when the month and day add up to 9. (6+2+1=9). Feelings and circumstances intensify on these dates. 9 represents completion, endings, awareness, global matters, outward expression, empathy, giving, compassion, and LETTING GO in order to move forward. 9 takes us back to the past to tie up the loose ends we left there, including a multitude of hurt feelings that we have yet to express. As we evolve, reflections of the past appear everywhere – and we must remember that in this cause-and-effect world, the past is an essential teacher.

Introspective 7 enables you to analyze your own life and get to the root of how your various experiences have shaped your present self. This is an opportunity to accept yourself exactly as you are and heal from whatever is preventing you from being who you have it in you to become.

We are moving through 7’s “strangeness”, enigmas, puzzles, and the unfamiliar feelings and thoughts they trigger. 7 brings out our fears, often to the point of paranoia. But emotional energy is magnetic, and living with all that fear, especially if we deny that we’re afraid, attracts the very experience we’re afraid of in order to break our denials down. 7 is the learning number – and this is a time to do our homework and get our facts straight. There is fact. And there is fiction.

Emotion is our honesty. Being honest with ourselves is a vital 1st step. The more we allow others to manipulate our emotions, the easier it will be for the old system to control us. Fascism does not declare itself. It slides into our lives by normalizing and legalizing, itself. It deceives, lies, and bullies. And once it takes hold, IT DOES NOT LET GO! That is why emotional healing is so necessary at this precise time, regardless of what else is on your agenda.

Although the energies of WEEK 25 and JUNE 22, 2021 are unique, it doesn’t mean that their effects only last for a week or a day. In fact, this week appears to be a vital turning point. What we learn from it – immediately or later on – stays with us in the form of lessons learned and experience gained.

Art Attribution: Copyright: https://www.123rf.com

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these tense, extraordinary, unpredictable, and  evolutionary times, each book contains inspiring monthly, weekly, and daily readings for your specific yearly cycle.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free.(Free Book does not apply to Kindle). These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated for the entire year ahead … 

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WEEK 22, 2021 – Creative Numerology

When the world changed from the fast, electrical, masculine 1000s to the slower, magnetic, feminine 2000s, we did not change with it. We are on a completely new wavelength now, and the increase of suffering all over the planet, is the result of our inability to change with the times. Instead of slowing down when 1999 brought us into the 2000s, we accelerated instead.

We cannot appreciate the massiveness of this shift in time, if we do not understand the nature of time, in all its simplicity, and all its complexity. Time provides the framework upon which we learn, grow, heal, and evolve. Time is the flow of numbers. Time is movement. Movement is life. And Life is the ultimate mystery.

2 represents balance, fairness, equality, and justice. We are currently traveling through:

  • The MILLENNIUM of the 2000s
  • The 21ST CENTURY (2+1=3)
  • The DECADE of the 2020s
  • A 10-WEEK CYCLE in which all the WEEK NUMBERS begin with 2, and which directly reflect the YEAR NUMBERS of the decade (from 20 to 29)s.
  • June = 6 + the 5 YEAR of 2021 = 11=2. Therefore, JUNE 2021 is a 2 MONTH, derived from the Master Number 11.

This convergence of 2 energy is mirror-like and reflective – and we’re seeing ourselves, and each other, as we really are. It is also helping us to learn how to live as spiritual/emotional beings in these physical bodies of ours. We seem to be a long way from learning this lesson, and yet people everywhere realize that there is more to life than the way we are living now!

When 2 and 2 connect, the ideal merges with the practical. Great ideas can emerge from opposing points of view. For example, instead of “evolution vs creation”, we can see that life is an evolving creation in which both positive and negative are natural – and necessary to a balanced existence. 22/4 often entails big ideas – and big changes which improve the lives of the masses.

22/4 can take you onto a much more prominent stage where you can be a talented builder of new concepts and new realities – diplomat, organizer, negotiator, and orchestrator. 11 has the dream, and 22 brings it to life. 22 is the Master Builder.

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace,” ~ Jimi Hendrix.

2 represents CONNECTION and DISCONNECTION. And the disconnect between people, as we transition further into the 2000s, has become a tug-of-war between the past and the present – between the love of power – and the power of love.

22 represents large-scale events and accomplishments, brought about by cooperation, diplomacy, persuasion, and great attention to detail, for the purpose of improving conditions for the masses (not just the few). But when ‘just a few’ use the 22 energy for selfish, greedy, or vengeful purposes, the end result is confusion, insensitivity, inappropriate responses, deception, and utter chaos.

22 gives us a choice from which none of us are immune: we can ask ourselves what we can get out of a situation, or what we can contribute to it. We can enflame volatile situations, or we can diffuse them. We can move through life with unloving intent. Or we can move through life with loving intent.

We are living in an age in which we are giving balance to our masculine minds, our feminine emotions, and that vital part of our physical existence – our bodies. This is an opportunity for some serious healing and inner connecting. 1 is the first number. The number of self – the individual. And that’s where BEING ONE starts. All growth starts within.

22/4 enables us to find workable solutions by being patient with detailed and complex matters and dedicated enough to keep going when the going gets tough.

22/4 gives us the gift of commitment and perseverance and helps us move safely and effectively through chaotic times such as these with our eyes, ears, minds, and hearts wide open. That’s what facing reality entails. Being your true self means being truthful to yourself. That is where we are – still – in the process of coming out of denial and seeing the world, ourselves, and each other as we really are.

We are ONE species. Not the human “race”. The race is the system. The race enables the wars and atrocities. Someone said to me recently that we are all “Earthlings”. I like that. Yes, we are.

22/4 gives us courage – and the ability to go after what we want. Fear does not always stop us from moving ahead. Fear can also spur us on – because fear and courage are opposite ends of the same emotional string which measures, interprets, and expresses our sense of security as we wing our way through life. (And yes, we’re all “winging it” through the transformational decade of the 2020s). Fear often indicates that we are finally ready to “feel the fear and do it anyway” – and keeps us aware of possible dangers along the way. Courage and fear work together.

If life is a symphony, we have reached that part of the score where everything slows down, and a different atmosphere is created. The key shifts from major to minor, as life shifts from 1 to 2; from thought to feeling; from light to dark, from action to contemplation. And from this comes depth, understanding, planning, and right timing. 2 slows everything down, and in such a concentration of 2, we must not try to push our way forward. That doesn’t mean that we should not act quickly and efficiently when needed. It means that we are involved in a slow process – which requires time to complete itself. 2 is the number of PATIENCE, and patience is the acceptance of time, and above all, the acceptance of reality.

When certain information comes to light, people often refuse to believe that their original belief could be wrong and will fight to uphold their preferred theories. The same applies to certain ‘experts’ who cannot change their minds because their income and prestige depend on continuing the BIG LIE. In the words of Carl Sagan:

“If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”

The devastating experience of Covid-19 gave us an opportunity to slow it all down, stand back, and take an honest overview of our lives and relationships, including our relationship with Mother Nature. It gave us long moments of reflection so that we can see where certain beliefs have bamboozled us. And to find ways to go about our lives which do not buy-in to a system that is killing us.

2 shows us, in different ways, just how powerful feminine energy is. We may find that in WEEK 22, (or any of the Week numbers that begin with 2), shows us the stunning difference between “strongman” tactics, and the power of a strong woman – or an emotionally honest man and a feelingless woman. Yes, these are complicated gender oriented times.

1 is the SELF. The EGO. 1’s unevolved nature is combative and territorial. But 1 is also the energy of ideas, action, invention, and electricity.

2 is the magnetic behind-the-scenes energy that takes care of the all-important details, connects it all together, and makes it all work – without which 1 cannot function successfully. But unevolved 1 barely acknowledges 2 and takes credit for 2’s efforts.

Unevolved 2 does not know its own value, or that it is the offspring of 1 that has split itself in two. This miraculous evolutionary growth is the reason 11 is such is sacred number, especially right now, as humanity continues down this evolutionary path on which everything appears to be upside-down. But this is not the way things on Earth have suddenly become. This is the way things have always been. And we’re only just realizing it.

There is a strong connection between COVID-19 – and the century we are evolving from – the 1900s,which is the main timeframe of the industrial age. Karmic 19/1 contains everything we need to learn in order to move out of this deadly imbalance and into a new form of sustainable life. People understandably want to get back to normal. And in the USA, here we are – almost back to normal – with a mass shooting almost every day.

There is much to learn from the year 1919. Many of the events taking place today, especially in matters of banking, oil, weapons, racism, and war, are connected to what happened in 1919 (which was a 2 Year in the world). This included the signing of the 19th Amendment in the U.S. on June 4, (102 years ago) regarding a woman’s right to vote. There were also deadly race riots in Chicago and Omaha. There was the 1918/19 Flu pandemic, the capturing of Jerusalem by British Forces which led to the creation of Israel in 1948 (a 22/4 Year), and the colonization of the Indian, African, and Australian continents (and more) by Britain.

22 is the most balanced form of 4.

 4 is such a practical number – the number of PRIORITIES, OBLIGATIONS, EFFORT, and DETERMINATION, while realistic 2 gives us DETAIL, PERSPECTIVE, and COORDINATION. As we move through these powerful vibrations, solutions for the present and future may be very different to the solutions that ‘appeared’ to work in the past. So much has changed and continues to change.

22/4 also represents obstruction, barriers, and opposition. When a hidden reality is about to be exposed, a barrage of denial is released to prevent the truth from reaching consciousness. And denial is the biggest problem we face on Earth at the present time because it poisons people’s hearts and minds. But denial is slippery by nature. It’s hard to pin denial down because it denies its own existence. Denial denies everything. Denial is difficult to confront, and yet that is what we must do. Denial is at the root of the famous “BIG LIE” theory put out by Joseph Goebbels and Adolf Hitler in the 1930s:

Always accuse the other side of that of which you are guilty.”


“If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it.” 

We can expect to see a lot of denial this week, and breakthrough, too, when it comes to leaving denial behind.

Everything on Earth is CONNECTED. To attack nature is to attack ourselves since we are part of nature and not separate from it. Until we start connecting what is happening to humanity to what is being done by humanity, we will remain stuck in this self-imposed unsurvivable box. We are meant to be free spirits. Competition is the nature of unevolved 1 and the futile need to BE #1.

However, 1 is also the number of CHANGE. Black lives really do matter, and the racial divide is shifting drastically. But the damage that has been done must be acknowledged and allowed to HEAL. 2 does not compete. 2 cooperates. 2 brings caring, equality, partnership, common sense, justice, and BALANCE into life.

“Air, water and soil are not economic entities. They’re sacred. Nature doesn’t care about the economy.” ~Barry Smit, 2007 Nobel Peace Prize winner for his work on Climate Change.

We must fully accept reality on Earth because this planet is all we have to stand on. Mother Nature is pure feminine energy. As the journey proceeds, we must pay great attention, not only to what we are told is happening, but most especially to what we are FEELING, because that is where our power is. 2 gives us the power of instinct and intuition and the ability to think for ourselves.

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these tense, extraordinary, unpredictable, and  evolutionary times, each book contains inspiring monthly, weekly, and daily readings for your specific yearly cycle.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free.(Free Book does not apply to Kindle). These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated for the entire year ahead … 

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Buy my book, LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness, HERELife Cycles by Christine DeLorey


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9 energy


I started writing this in the 9th week of 2021, (Feb 26 to Mar 4), but this focus on 9 is not just about one week. It is about the ongoing effect that 9 – the number of ENDINGS and RENEWAL – is constantly playing in our lives. Not only are we experiencing the end of an entire millennial cycle, and the beginning of a new one, but there is also the fact that 9 contains all the other numbers combined. (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9=4+5=9).  

3 is the square root of 9 (3×3=9). And 3 is extremely prominent now in the 3rd month of the year. 3 is the number of COMMUNICATION, WORDS, IMAGES, SYMBOLS, THE ARTS, THE STAGE, THE WORLD STAGE, POPULARITY, POPULATION, SOCIAL MATTERS, OUTER APPEARANCE, LAUGHTER, HAPPINESS, and OPTIMISM.

Optimism is hope, and we cannot survive without that. It is often said that “hope is the last thing to go, so hold on to it.” But we have to be realistic, too. True optimism is not a matter of thinking, “oh don’t worry, it will all work itself out in the end”, and then leave the burden of working things out to other people. We all have a part to play – and most of it goes no further than the decisions we make in our own everyday lives.

Evolution is not an automatic spiritual conveyer-belt which requires no effort on our part. It is the result of our ability to face the harshest aspects of whatever our reality happens to be, to honestly feel how it makes us feel, to empathize, learn, adjust, LET GO of the past, and BE the change we desire.

3 enables things to spread, such as hope, happiness, illness, lies, rumor, gossip, anger, and yes, LOVE. Be aware of how all of those things “spread” – and the forces behind them.

March 2021 (3+5) is an 8 Month – the number of POWER ON THE MATERIAL PLANE – the number of VALUE and WORTH. Economic, governmental, and military matters are likely to be in the spotlight, but whatever our personal situation happens to be, this is a time to evaluate what we ourselves are investing our time, energy, and money into – and what we are getting in return. It is a time to understand the nature of what we are supporting. It is also a time to LET GO of harmful habits, which we may not at first realize are harmful.

The MATERIAL PLANE is actually MOTHER EARTH. Everything we have of a material nature comes from her. Absolutely everything! MATERIALITY is GREED, which is a form of hate. And greed has ravaged this living, breathing, thinking, and loving planet to the most shameful and alarming degree. But she will bounce back in the 2000s because 2 is feminine energy – mother energy.

The 3 5 8 vibrations of March 2021 have highly creative potential, since all three of those numbers result in manifestation. So, let your mind open – and imagine new possibilities. 8 is the number of PERSONAL POWER – your personal ability to make things happen.

8 also represents the POWER that comes from accurate understanding. This means recognizing and LETTING GO of preconceived ideas and dogma so that the mind can open and learn new things. Our task is to LET GO of the past so that we can create a future that is not just a repeat of the past. 9 is the number of LETTING GO.

The dictionary definition of misogyny is hatred of, aversion to, or prejudice against women”. And misogyny is on display – all over the world. That is to be expected as the masculine 1000s give way to the feminine 2000s. But this “man’s world” is not going to change into a “woman’s world”. That would not bring the balance we need so desperately. But a partnership of masculine electricity and feminine magnetism (mind and emotion) will create a world in which the worth of a man and a woman are equal, without either having to become more like the other. A world in which a female child is valued the same as a male child. A world in which our understanding of gender expands beyond the primitive confines of male at one end and female at the other. A world in which the value of all others is recognized and embraced. A world of EQUALITY among the sheer beauty and richness of life’s DIVERSITY.

This expands to the primitive idea of white supremacy, too. 1 represents SELF. 2 represents OTHERS. The human “race” is not our species. The human race is the combative and unprincipled system that we’re trapped in, and out of which we must evolve. Life is not a race. Life is not a contest.

Not only are we in the new millennium of the 2000s, but also the new decade of the 2020s – a 10-year cycle in which life will force us to look to the past to understand how the present was formed, bringing fresh meaning to the term “20-20 hindsight”.

But it is 9 that enables us to look back and release ourselves from whatever is keeping us trapped. 9 takes us backwards in order to move forward. And 2, the number of PATIENCE, slows everything down until the correct understanding comes.

Time is the rhythm of nature. Time is the framework that makes evolution possible in the first place. Take your time. This is a complicated journey we’re on. A mystifying but fragile blend of creation and evolution – a partnership of Yin and Yang – and we are only taking our FIRST STEP – from “I AM” (1) to “WE ARE (2)”.

Conditions on Earth are enabling us to BE who we really are. The old system dictated our identity by labeling and classifying. That is what a class system does. But much of what we experience in the decade of the 2020s (2+0+2+0=4) is a matter of recognizing – for ourselves – who we really are – and then BEING that person. 4 enhances our sense of IDENTITY.

We can clearly see the extent of the selfishness and cruelty that humanity reached in the 1000s. 1 is the first number and is therefore the number of leadership. As our understanding of 1 evolves, a different kind of leadership is emerging which does not seek to control, but rather enables us to lead our own lives. Humanity is freeing its feminine energy – its WILL. This is what our current evolution is all about.

The purpose of government is to help facilitate and maintain this balance. And what is balance if not equality, justice, fairness, and stability? But because humanity has never experienced this level of existence before, it is difficult for many to LET GO of the old imbalanced ways. They want to get “back to normal” which cannot happen in these times of change. It is time to LET GO of the past and change the way we live. 9 enables us to LET GO – in order to move forward.

Meanwhile, in the 8 energy of March 2021, the powers of banking, government, the military, industry, religion, royalty, and other forceful influences, are all vying for position as their structures are buffeted around in this evolutionary whirlwind. While they fight amongst themselves, it is the people and planet that suffer.

Looking ahead, APRIL 2021 (4+5) is a 9 month in the world, and it would seem that some kind of crescendo is likely to occur. 45/9 is a dramatic energy in which the endings involved are life-changing and final. Whatever ends with 45, really does END. In this instance, 4 signifies the end of a particular road – a dead-end – and 5 suggests something new and unfamiliar. But if we try to stay on the old road that is leading nowhere, we create a dangerous standstill. Life is energy, and energy must move. FRIDAY, APRIL 9TH looks like a day of movement in the world since it is the 99th day of the year. The date itself = 9, too: 4+9+5=1+8=9.

It is easy to believe that life on Earth suddenly got turned up-side down in the past few years, but in reality, it was always up-side down, trickle-down, keeping the down-trodden down (and out). We are feeling the enormous pressure and confusion of turning ourselves the right way up. This is new and unfamiliar territory. But being on a new road doesn’t mean that it can’t lead to something wonderful.

2021 is a 5 Year – the number of adventure and excitement, and above all, learning from our experiences. It is a time to recognize our mistakes and bad habits, and stop repeating them. 5 is the number of CHOICE, CHANGE, and FREEDOM.

Things that we always took for granted are changing, and there is no shame in not having immediate answers. The moment we realize that we got something wrong, we automatically gain wisdom. The mind expands. Awareness increases. Then, a way forward becomes visible, the old ways lose their grip, confusion turns to clarity, and there is new light on the path.

Emotional 9 is the number of endings, from which new beginnings emerge. 9 generates new life out of the old. 9 is what allows life to continue. 9 enables us to FEEL alive. Life goes on, thanks to 9.

After 9 comes 10 – which brings us back to 1 where we begin again, on a more experienced and wiser level.

The world is full of existential problems – but for every problem, there is a solution that does not entail killing, destroying, and making things worse. We need the WILL to make this happen, and the willingness to open our imaginations. We are all going through something. We are all going through changes. That’s what evolution is. There is a much more fulfilling and happier way to exist – and co-exist – if only we could imagine it with ALL our senses, and not just the mind.

As Einstein so brilliantly observed, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, whereas imagination encircles the world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.”

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these tense, extraordinary, unpredictable, and  evolutionary times, each book contains inspiring monthly, weekly, and daily readings for your specific yearly cycle.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free.(Free Book does not apply to Kindle). These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated for the entire year ahead … 

PDF (instant download)  $11

KINDLE $9.99


Buy my book, LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness, HERELife Cycles by Christine DeLorey


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We are moving through a segment of time that is different to anything we have experienced before. Multiple historic events are converging in the millennium of the 2000s – and the decade of the 20s. We thought 2020 was behind us, but it’s not that simple.

We are still in 2020, but this year, we’re calling it twenty-twenty-1. Next year will be twenty-twenty-2, and so on, until the end of twenty-twenty-9. We are in a 10-year cycle in which we must grasp the concept of “20/20 hindsight” – which means seeing what we could not see before. It means learning from experience. Learning as we go. 2021 is a 5 Year, (2+0+2+1=5). The principal theme of 5 is to learn from both mistakes and successes. The goal is to see life as it really is.

This is a year in which to focus on our repeated experiences – and the programming that comes from that. When something is repeated enough, it becomes normalized, habitual, and imprinted on our psyche as unavoidable. This conditioning is how the system captures large chunks of the human WILL. We tell ourselves, “that’s life”  but this imprinted rut insists that nothing can change, which prevents us from expanding our experience of life. 5 represents both EXPERIENCE and CHANGE.

The 5 Global Year is a time to recognize and dismantle our ingrained patterns so that our personal history does not merely repeat itself. The instability of 5 can affect our perception and perspective, to the extent that we cannot be sure of what we are seeing, hearing, or sensing. We cannot be sure because we tend to shut down our sensory system whenever we see or hear something that feels unpleasant, or something we don’t understand.

Our personal patterns always reflect the same points of view which we cannot look beyond. This means that we cannot learn anything new. The circumstances of 2021 will make us look beyond what has always been, so that a  more sustainable and loving way of life can form.  5 is the main point of balance in the numeric spectrum. All roads lead to – and from – 5.

On the 6th day of 2021, the Capitol Building in Washington DC was violently attacked by those who are desperate to keep the old ways of the 1000s – the ways of white supremacy and male dominance – firmly in place. It was not an uprising – it was a push-back – back to the past. This is 2021, and men and women everywhere are evolving beyond those old concepts.

January 6 = 1+6=7. And 7 is the learning number. The number of introspection and analysis. 7 takes us within – to find the cause of a problem and arrange a way out of it. 7 is also the number of conspiracy theory, secrets, lies, plotting and planning to outdo others. 7 exposes wrongdoing in a way that brings downfall and disgrace.

The USA – and the UK – are in the 7 National Year in 2021.

The 1st month of a 5 Year = 6, and 6 is the number of EXTREMES. 6 is also the number of balance. In the instability of this 5 Year, we may find ourselves teetering between one extreme and another for some time to come, but knowing this in advance can help us deal more effectively with such situations as they arise.

Both 1 and 5 represent CHANGE. 1 teaches us that one step leads to another – and another – and for every step we take, there is a reaction. The raw aggression that occurred on January 6 is the result of generations of “steps” all reaching critical mass simultaneously. THIS is why it’s so important to understand the laws of karma – the laws of cause-and-effect.

Despite the rigors and the heartbreaking death toll of 2020, the first year of the 20s also marked a shift in consciousness when it came to the power of women, especially black and brown women, and the racism on which the old dying system is based. And now we are in the 2nd year of the 20s.

Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.” Stephen Hawking

As I have often written, the human “race” is not our species. The human “race” is the system in which our species (humanity) is trapped. A race is a contest to be the best, to win, to be first, to BE #1. This constant state of contest, one-upmanship, and the need to ‘trump’ each other, manifests on a larger scale as never-ending WAR.

For as long as we think of ourselves as the human ‘race’, racism is unavoidable. Yes, 2020 was a terrible year in many respects, but it also enabled the white population, especially after the horrific televised murder of George Floyd, to finally understand the terms “white privilege” and “Black Lives Matter”. Tremendous insight was gained from that, which spread, world-wide. It finally sank in that the atrocities of racism have been going on forever, and must end.

2020 was the beginning of a new reality in which feminine 2 will bring true equality, fairness, justice, and balance into this cruel and primitive “man’s world”. It will not be an easy transition. After all, we are experiencing the end of the world – as we know it.

As we move further into the equality that comes from 2, there are likely to be many attempts to drag us back to the past. It could take the entire decade for the fringe to evolve – and much of it never will. There will always be EXTREMES. Everything has its furthest point.

Just as we cannot move safely into the 2 energy until we learn the lessons of 1, we cannot fix our problems until we understand the full extent of what we are dealing with, and how it began. 2 is the number of DETAIL, and it is the details of a situation that create the bigger picture.

Similarly, we cannot heal until we recognize just how sick we are.  Not just from Covid-19, which from a metaphysical perspective is a symptom of a more deeply rooted cause – the race itself – the class system, which classifies us according to how useful or desirable the system judges us to be.  No one is immune to this. We are all labelled, one way or another.

The principal technique of this judgmental male-driven system is DIVIDE AND CONQUER, the consequences of which have manifested in the most violent way – not just in the USA, but everywhere. We are all experiencing the divisions, gaps, and misunderstandings that separate us as a species. Suppressed feelings, many of which are extremely dangerous, are being drawn to the surface. Unbridled rage is not acting from intelligence. Rage shuts reason down.

2021 is about CHOICE. We can avert total disaster by making the right choices, which means being AWARE and not merely influenced by what others tell us, by not being “glued” to our electronic devices and the tentacles of social media. Our connection to technology is overriding our connection to the natural world. But we cannot exist in physical form without feminine energy – Mother Nature herself.

Both FaceBook and Twitter are in a 2 Year in 2021, so that should be interesting.

The destructiveness of the conspiracy theory industry is becoming more exposed as we move further into the transparency of the 2000s. But oh, what damage it has done! Vital details are concealed, truth is twisted and engineered to suit the desired narrative. Emotions are “whipped up” so that they express themselves on cue, rather than naturally.

We are evolving emotionally. When electrical masculine 1 aligns with magnetic feminine 2, we have INNER BALANCE, which manifests as peace in the outer world. Every feeling that was ever held back will have to move OUT of us if we are to heal and evolve. This is why issues of freedom, slavery, oppression, poverty, domination, hate, terror, cruelty, war, and today’s “by-hook-or-by-crook” approach to business and politics, are such major issues of these times.

Our emotions are our truth tellers. But it is hard to know what to express when the facts are twisted to suit someone else’s agenda or beliefs. What we call public opinion is often the result of carefully crafted corporate and political efforts to manipulate the public heart. The ‘war for hearts and minds’ is a war ON hearts and minds, for the purpose of brainwashing and gaining compliance.

We are in the process of freeing our individual and collective WILL. Covid-19 is metaphysically connected to the WILL: for instance, a ‘nasal drip’ indicates emotions that want to leave the body but cannot find their way out.  A hacking cough is a sign of emotions stuck in the lungs, literally trying to hack their way out. Emotions are fluid. They leave our bodies through the respiratory system – mucus through our mouths and noses, and the shedding of tears through our eyes.

However, hate is NOT an emotion. Hate is a disease OF the emotions. The absence of love. Ill feelings. The spread of hate throughout the globe is a pandemic in itself, which only love can heal.

Surviving these tumultuous times will give us enormous resilience and the courage to open our imaginations. How we change this world will be the direct result of our intent and our resolve to make things better. There is no going back to the way things were. What we eventually create out of the current mess must be healed of racism, sexism, and all prejudices. Healed of greed and the urge to do harm.

We are being pushed and pulled in all directions, but these ongoing jolts and stretches of uncertainty are helping us to evolve, emotionally and mentally. People are feeling everything more deeply every day, and the vibrations coming from our feelings release us from denial and open our minds.

The harm that denial does is highly visible. It is everywhere. As we recognize our own denials and stop denying, reality falls into view and the truth reveals itself. We see that many people in positions of great power are sick and demented. The insanity of the old system has pushed its way to the top, and we are now face to face with the dangers of that reality.

2 = timing. 2 = transparency. 2 = behind-the-scenes activity. 2 reveals the hidden details. 2 exposes the underlying truth. 2 connects it all together. And 2 activates our feelings as we come face to face with the truth.

I am writing this on January 16th. The presidential inauguration in the USA occurs on the 20th. And from the 20th to the 29th, like an echo of the decade of the 20s, we have 10 days in which every day is a 20 day – the 21st, 22nd, 23rd etc. And then, we enter the 28 days of February – month #2.

The first two months of 2021 contain an extraordinary concentration of 2 energy. The 1000s are over and 2 is the principle number of our times. The 2020s are indeed uncharted territory – which cannot be charted until we realize and accept that this is where we are. 


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You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these tense, extraordinary, unpredictable, and  evolutionary times, each book contains inspiring monthly, weekly, and daily readings for your specific yearly cycle.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free.(Free Book does not apply to Kindle). These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated for the entire year ahead … 

PDF (instant download)  $11

KINDLE $9.99



WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00

Buy my book, LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness, HERELife Cycles by Christine DeLorey


read your latest MONTHLY NUMEROLOGY

read your latest WEEKLY NUMEROLOGY

Buy my BOOKS – or order your PERSONAL READING  HERE

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yearly forecast 2021


YOUR YEARLY FORECAST – 2024 – Each year, on January 1st, we enter a new calendar cycle which holds a distinct personal theme. A simple calculation lets you know which yearly numerology cycle you are in. Just add the numbers in your month and day of birth to the numbers of the current year.

Example Birthday = July 13


DAY = 1+3 = 4

YEAR = 2+0+2+4 = 8

ADD  7 + 4 + 8 = 19

Keep adding until you get a single digit.

1+9 = 10

1+0 = 1.

In this example, someone born on July 13 is in the 1 Personal Year in 2024. Click on your yearly number below… and discover the nature of your personal journey ahead.

MASTER NUMBERS:   If your Yearly Forecast Number is 2, 4, or 6 and your sub-total is 1122, or 33 , there is additional information at the end of your Yearly Forecast which explains how these Master Numbers are likely to affect your journey.

Use your YEARLY FORECAST NUMBER to read your monthly and weekly forecasts, too…

Click your Yearly Forecast number, below:

Yearly Forecast 1 Yearly Forecast 2 Yearly Forecast 3
4 Year 5 Year 6 Year
7 Year 8 Year 9 Year

Why do you say that the yearly cycle starts on January 1st when some numerologists say it starts on your birthday? 


I have used both methods of calculation and have found that these cycles are most accurate when calculated ‘calendar year to calendar year’. Naturally, people can use whichever method they prefer, but here is what I have discovered over many years of working with this energy.

Numerology does not work like astrology, although there are some similarities. The astrological year is based on the position of the Sun at the time of one’s birth, which is why one’s birthday is often referred to as a ‘solar return’. This makes perfect sense.

However, in numerology, the new year is based on the change of NUMBERS (not planets) from one cycle to the next.

2020 = 4  

2021 = 5

2022 = 6

2023 = 7

2024 = 8

2025 = 9

2026 = 1+0 = 1

2027 = 11/2

2028 = 1+2 = 3

2029 = 13/4

Each year is an individual and unique cycle. Each year begins on January 1st – and our individual dates-of-birth occur at precise points within that cycle.