Tag Archives: emotion


The 5 Year Journey of 2021 reminds us that FREE WILL is our natural state, and yet none of us are free. 5 reminds us that we cannot be free while we are shackled to the past by our own feelings. No matter what else is going on in our lives, 5 is drawing our memories into present time, so that we can heal from the pain and misunderstanding of both the past and present.

“Your trauma is valid. Even if others have experienced “worse”. Even if someone else who went through the same experience doesn’t feel debilitated by it. Even if it “could have been avoided”. Even if it happened a long time ago. Even if no one knows…. Your pain matters. Your experience matters. Your healing matters. ”  ~ Daniell Koepke

The 7 energy of WEEK 25 takes us inwards so that we can see our own history more clearly. When we venture far enough inside ourselves, we find old issues that we never processes enough to be able to heal from them and put them behind us.

25/7 can also help us to understand the PRESENT trauma that we are all experiencing here in the 2nd year of the 2020s. We are evolving toward Free Will, which is total openness and spontaneity. It begins with the freedom to express outwardly what we feel inwardly.  But the Will is not FREE if it harms or imposes on others. This is a major lesson of the 2020s –  being honest with ourselves and others – and learning from HINDSIGHT.

TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 2021 is an extraordinary day. Yes, June 22 (6/22) occurs every year, but because each year happens only once, 6/22/2021 is a sequence unto itself. These numbers can help us to remember areas of our past that we’ve buried deep inside.

Month = 6

Day = 22(4)

Year = 2+0+2+1 = 5

6+22+= 33/6

33 connects to the 3 energy of the 21st Century. 3 represents COMMUNICATION, which is the basis of consciousness. But communication has been hijacked by the destructive old system which refuses to move into the past, where it belongs. Consequently, we are awash in lies, distractions, violence, hatred, and blatant denial of reality.

33/6 represents the master teacher, healer, entertainer, artist, and communicator whose lessons are learned – and taught – through unusual means. Popular culture plays a big part here, along with the innovative use of words, sounds, and images.

But in the wrong hands, 33’s approach becomes “populism” which masquerades as “the voice of the people” – when its true intent is to control the people. In its basest form, 33/6 is the number of the tyrant and narcissist. DENIAL is one of humanity’s biggest problems – and it is rampant right now.

With peaceful intent, 33/6 brings unique approaches to COMMUNICATION and CREATIVITY. 6 connects to the 6th month of this 5 Year. June 2021 is therefore an 11/2 month. 11 is the number of illumination, inspiration, creativeness, and producing a bigger picture by connecting the various details. CONNECTION is a major theme of the 11 energy – since 2 cannot exist without the connection of two 1s. While 1 represents the 1st step, 11 represents the next step.

JUNE 22 is also the 173rd day of the year (1+7+3=11/2).

The 22nd connects to the two 2s in the decade of the 2020s, and with the 2 energy of the millennial 2000s. Master Numbers are multiples of 11 (from 11 to 99), and they are all active on JUNE 22, 2021. This is a day to REMEMBER what has been forgotten or hidden. This will enable us to take that next step in whatever we are trying to achieve. Or perhaps we will realize that we have already taken it. We are each having our own unique experience here.

Caution is needed when considering what is best for others. 22 can inspire the world with its power of compassion and constructive good – or it can create havoc, destruction, and cruelty, through the abuse of power.

22/4 represents the master achiever, builder, diplomat, and organizer. It provides intelligence, instinctive understanding (intuition), and impressive administrative abilities. 22 helps us to achieve large-scale goals through partnership and teamwork. The abundance of 2 is teaching us how to channel our talents and qualities in ways that improve conditions for others. And 4 (the number of work – and how things work – gives us the stamina and determination to get the job done!

In the process of freeing the human WILL, we are evolving emotionally – and just look at what’s happening to people, everywhere. What is trapped inside is coming out – and while this is needed for the healing to progress, it can also produce dangerous situations in which people simply cannot control themselves.

Unprocessed emotions are flying all over the place. FEAR OF CHANGE is causing tempers to rage and hate to spew. But do remember that hate is not an emotion. Hate is a disease of the emotions, which only love can heal. And it is often the case that hate is so deeply entrenched that it cannot be healed at all, and it just has to die out.

People are unaccustomed to this level of feeling. Some are afraid they are losing their minds. But that very fear is preventing us from creating the alignment that comes when our masculine Mind accepts our feminine Will as an equal. This is plain to see in the outer world – the fear that this “man’s world” (1) will be ruled by women (2).  But feminine 2 does not want to control. It wants to remove control so that equality, fairness, justice, truth, and caring (all of which are forms of balance) can create a new foundation on which to build a better, freer, and more loving way of life.

But we cannot heal from something if we pretend it didn’t happen, or that it didn’t affect us. We let go of the past, not by forgetting it, but by remembering what there was to learn from it.

“We are not ready to return to “normal.” There is no normal. If 600,000 people died in, say, a nuclear strike, there would be endless memorials, holidays, acts of sympathy and healing. We would be forced to acknowledge it. Instead, we are all just. . .living with all that grief.”   ~ Mikel Jollett, author of the best-selling book, “Hollywood Park.”

Our present trauma is an accumulation of our past traumas and right now, 25/7 is taking us inwards… to help us HEAL at the root. The present is always the result of the past. And the present is alwayswhere the future is created. Each of us has our own inside story to tell, our own truth, our own reality, and we have to learn to EXPRESS our feelings honestly and spontaneously without harming ourselves or anyone else. 

LETTING GO of our traumas often means forgiving ourselves and others.  We cannot be in present time if we’re clinging to the past. But forgiving is not a mental switch that we turn on at our convenience. Forgiveness is an emotional process, something we must FEEL, including the feelings that the trauma itself generates. Forgiveness opens the heart in the places it is closed. Forgiveness is the ability to LET GO and MOVE ON.

However, ongoing abuse and continuing atrocities all over the world make forgiveness impossible. And that, too, is a major part of humanity’s present trauma. A system that profits from contest, war, and the suffering of others, will never change the tactics that keeps it afloat. Therefore, the system itself must BE changed. Knowing that it all has to change is part of the current trauma, too, because no one knows what the future holds – and we are all afraid of the unknown.

Nonetheless, change is inevitable because we cannot shift from the electrical masculine 1000s to the magnetic feminine 2000s without major systemic changes. 1 and 2 are completely different energies, and yet 2 is always the product of two 1s.

1 is the number of SELF. It instinctively “takes care of number one”.  Selfish, proud, adventurous, fast, forward-moving, inventive, independent, territorial, competitive, wants to be first, best, most successful, wants to BE Number One. 1 is the individual. 1 is light. 1 is masculine energy. 1 is paternal energy (but the patriarchy has overwhelmed life on Earth). 1 is electricity. 1 is the nucleus of all the other numbers. 1 is the beginning – the 1st step.

2 represents the relationship between our selves – and other selves. 2 = connection, and disconnection. When two 1s unite they produce 11, which is an essential evolutionary energy. It is the simplest of sums: 1+1 =2.

2 enables us to feel at the maternal level with empathy, sharing, caring, attention to detail, and PATIENCE. Of course, paternal energy is also loving and benevolent, but as our understanding of it evolves, we have to leave behind the antiquated notion that “father knows best” – or – masculine is superior to feminine. That’s where the whole idea of “supremacy” originates, along with all the other imbalances, prejudices, snobbery, and hate.

Patriarchy operates on the belief that feminine emotions are the servants of the masculine mind and must be kept firmly under control, that light is good (positive) and dark is bad (negative) – and we wonder why the horrors of racism exist.  

As the feminine become more powerful in this masculine world, the patriarchal reign cannot survive. There is patriarchy in all societies, but the most dominant strain sees its collective self as “white supremacy” … just as the nazis saw themselves as the “master race”. As I often say, the human race is NOT our species. The human race is the cruel war-driven class system that sets us against each other – with the so-called “ruling class” – white males – controlling everything.

We are evolving from a world in which the phrase “it’s a man’s world” was taken as fact – into a very different world in which masculine and feminine must work together to keep the balance. The sensitive 2 energy that 1 + 1 produces “reads” reality and relays its findings (feelings) to 1. Then 1 takes the action that the situation requires.

The 7 energy of WEEK 25 is taking you inward so that you can take a detailed look at what’s buried there – to experience all that feeling you have been unwilling to feel – and LET IT GO. This is how we lighten up. This is how we heal.

Of course, inner healing does not occur in a single day, week, or month. Emotional healing is ongoing – the work of a lifetime. But it does tend to happen in spurts and surges, and the array of numbers in action right now can certainly facilitate such growth.

On MONDAY JUNE 21, your WEEKLY FORECAST doubles as a daily forecast. This occurs when the month and day add up to 9. (6+2+1=9). Feelings and circumstances intensify on these dates. 9 represents completion, endings, awareness, global matters, outward expression, empathy, giving, compassion, and LETTING GO in order to move forward. 9 takes us back to the past to tie up the loose ends we left there, including a multitude of hurt feelings that we have yet to express. As we evolve, reflections of the past appear everywhere – and we must remember that in this cause-and-effect world, the past is an essential teacher.

Introspective 7 enables you to analyze your own life and get to the root of how your various experiences have shaped your present self. This is an opportunity to accept yourself exactly as you are and heal from whatever is preventing you from being who you have it in you to become.

We are moving through 7’s “strangeness”, enigmas, puzzles, and the unfamiliar feelings and thoughts they trigger. 7 brings out our fears, often to the point of paranoia. But emotional energy is magnetic, and living with all that fear, especially if we deny that we’re afraid, attracts the very experience we’re afraid of in order to break our denials down. 7 is the learning number – and this is a time to do our homework and get our facts straight. There is fact. And there is fiction.

Emotion is our honesty. Being honest with ourselves is a vital 1st step. The more we allow others to manipulate our emotions, the easier it will be for the old system to control us. Fascism does not declare itself. It slides into our lives by normalizing and legalizing, itself. It deceives, lies, and bullies. And once it takes hold, IT DOES NOT LET GO! That is why emotional healing is so necessary at this precise time, regardless of what else is on your agenda.

Although the energies of WEEK 25 and JUNE 22, 2021 are unique, it doesn’t mean that their effects only last for a week or a day. In fact, this week appears to be a vital turning point. What we learn from it – immediately or later on – stays with us in the form of lessons learned and experience gained.

Art Attribution: Copyright: https://www.123rf.com

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these tense, extraordinary, unpredictable, and  evolutionary times, each book contains inspiring monthly, weekly, and daily readings for your specific yearly cycle.

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WEEK 22, 2021 – Creative Numerology

When the world changed from the fast, electrical, masculine 1000s to the slower, magnetic, feminine 2000s, we did not change with it. We are on a completely new wavelength now, and the increase of suffering all over the planet, is the result of our inability to change with the times. Instead of slowing down when 1999 brought us into the 2000s, we accelerated instead.

We cannot appreciate the massiveness of this shift in time, if we do not understand the nature of time, in all its simplicity, and all its complexity. Time provides the framework upon which we learn, grow, heal, and evolve. Time is the flow of numbers. Time is movement. Movement is life. And Life is the ultimate mystery.

2 represents balance, fairness, equality, and justice. We are currently traveling through:

  • The MILLENNIUM of the 2000s
  • The 21ST CENTURY (2+1=3)
  • The DECADE of the 2020s
  • A 10-WEEK CYCLE in which all the WEEK NUMBERS begin with 2, and which directly reflect the YEAR NUMBERS of the decade (from 20 to 29)s.
  • June = 6 + the 5 YEAR of 2021 = 11=2. Therefore, JUNE 2021 is a 2 MONTH, derived from the Master Number 11.

This convergence of 2 energy is mirror-like and reflective – and we’re seeing ourselves, and each other, as we really are. It is also helping us to learn how to live as spiritual/emotional beings in these physical bodies of ours. We seem to be a long way from learning this lesson, and yet people everywhere realize that there is more to life than the way we are living now!

When 2 and 2 connect, the ideal merges with the practical. Great ideas can emerge from opposing points of view. For example, instead of “evolution vs creation”, we can see that life is an evolving creation in which both positive and negative are natural – and necessary to a balanced existence. 22/4 often entails big ideas – and big changes which improve the lives of the masses.

22/4 can take you onto a much more prominent stage where you can be a talented builder of new concepts and new realities – diplomat, organizer, negotiator, and orchestrator. 11 has the dream, and 22 brings it to life. 22 is the Master Builder.

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace,” ~ Jimi Hendrix.

2 represents CONNECTION and DISCONNECTION. And the disconnect between people, as we transition further into the 2000s, has become a tug-of-war between the past and the present – between the love of power – and the power of love.

22 represents large-scale events and accomplishments, brought about by cooperation, diplomacy, persuasion, and great attention to detail, for the purpose of improving conditions for the masses (not just the few). But when ‘just a few’ use the 22 energy for selfish, greedy, or vengeful purposes, the end result is confusion, insensitivity, inappropriate responses, deception, and utter chaos.

22 gives us a choice from which none of us are immune: we can ask ourselves what we can get out of a situation, or what we can contribute to it. We can enflame volatile situations, or we can diffuse them. We can move through life with unloving intent. Or we can move through life with loving intent.

We are living in an age in which we are giving balance to our masculine minds, our feminine emotions, and that vital part of our physical existence – our bodies. This is an opportunity for some serious healing and inner connecting. 1 is the first number. The number of self – the individual. And that’s where BEING ONE starts. All growth starts within.

22/4 enables us to find workable solutions by being patient with detailed and complex matters and dedicated enough to keep going when the going gets tough.

22/4 gives us the gift of commitment and perseverance and helps us move safely and effectively through chaotic times such as these with our eyes, ears, minds, and hearts wide open. That’s what facing reality entails. Being your true self means being truthful to yourself. That is where we are – still – in the process of coming out of denial and seeing the world, ourselves, and each other as we really are.

We are ONE species. Not the human “race”. The race is the system. The race enables the wars and atrocities. Someone said to me recently that we are all “Earthlings”. I like that. Yes, we are.

22/4 gives us courage – and the ability to go after what we want. Fear does not always stop us from moving ahead. Fear can also spur us on – because fear and courage are opposite ends of the same emotional string which measures, interprets, and expresses our sense of security as we wing our way through life. (And yes, we’re all “winging it” through the transformational decade of the 2020s). Fear often indicates that we are finally ready to “feel the fear and do it anyway” – and keeps us aware of possible dangers along the way. Courage and fear work together.

If life is a symphony, we have reached that part of the score where everything slows down, and a different atmosphere is created. The key shifts from major to minor, as life shifts from 1 to 2; from thought to feeling; from light to dark, from action to contemplation. And from this comes depth, understanding, planning, and right timing. 2 slows everything down, and in such a concentration of 2, we must not try to push our way forward. That doesn’t mean that we should not act quickly and efficiently when needed. It means that we are involved in a slow process – which requires time to complete itself. 2 is the number of PATIENCE, and patience is the acceptance of time, and above all, the acceptance of reality.

When certain information comes to light, people often refuse to believe that their original belief could be wrong and will fight to uphold their preferred theories. The same applies to certain ‘experts’ who cannot change their minds because their income and prestige depend on continuing the BIG LIE. In the words of Carl Sagan:

“If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”

The devastating experience of Covid-19 gave us an opportunity to slow it all down, stand back, and take an honest overview of our lives and relationships, including our relationship with Mother Nature. It gave us long moments of reflection so that we can see where certain beliefs have bamboozled us. And to find ways to go about our lives which do not buy-in to a system that is killing us.

2 shows us, in different ways, just how powerful feminine energy is. We may find that in WEEK 22, (or any of the Week numbers that begin with 2), shows us the stunning difference between “strongman” tactics, and the power of a strong woman – or an emotionally honest man and a feelingless woman. Yes, these are complicated gender oriented times.

1 is the SELF. The EGO. 1’s unevolved nature is combative and territorial. But 1 is also the energy of ideas, action, invention, and electricity.

2 is the magnetic behind-the-scenes energy that takes care of the all-important details, connects it all together, and makes it all work – without which 1 cannot function successfully. But unevolved 1 barely acknowledges 2 and takes credit for 2’s efforts.

Unevolved 2 does not know its own value, or that it is the offspring of 1 that has split itself in two. This miraculous evolutionary growth is the reason 11 is such is sacred number, especially right now, as humanity continues down this evolutionary path on which everything appears to be upside-down. But this is not the way things on Earth have suddenly become. This is the way things have always been. And we’re only just realizing it.

There is a strong connection between COVID-19 – and the century we are evolving from – the 1900s,which is the main timeframe of the industrial age. Karmic 19/1 contains everything we need to learn in order to move out of this deadly imbalance and into a new form of sustainable life. People understandably want to get back to normal. And in the USA, here we are – almost back to normal – with a mass shooting almost every day.

There is much to learn from the year 1919. Many of the events taking place today, especially in matters of banking, oil, weapons, racism, and war, are connected to what happened in 1919 (which was a 2 Year in the world). This included the signing of the 19th Amendment in the U.S. on June 4, (102 years ago) regarding a woman’s right to vote. There were also deadly race riots in Chicago and Omaha. There was the 1918/19 Flu pandemic, the capturing of Jerusalem by British Forces which led to the creation of Israel in 1948 (a 22/4 Year), and the colonization of the Indian, African, and Australian continents (and more) by Britain.

22 is the most balanced form of 4.

 4 is such a practical number – the number of PRIORITIES, OBLIGATIONS, EFFORT, and DETERMINATION, while realistic 2 gives us DETAIL, PERSPECTIVE, and COORDINATION. As we move through these powerful vibrations, solutions for the present and future may be very different to the solutions that ‘appeared’ to work in the past. So much has changed and continues to change.

22/4 also represents obstruction, barriers, and opposition. When a hidden reality is about to be exposed, a barrage of denial is released to prevent the truth from reaching consciousness. And denial is the biggest problem we face on Earth at the present time because it poisons people’s hearts and minds. But denial is slippery by nature. It’s hard to pin denial down because it denies its own existence. Denial denies everything. Denial is difficult to confront, and yet that is what we must do. Denial is at the root of the famous “BIG LIE” theory put out by Joseph Goebbels and Adolf Hitler in the 1930s:

Always accuse the other side of that of which you are guilty.”


“If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it.” 

We can expect to see a lot of denial this week, and breakthrough, too, when it comes to leaving denial behind.

Everything on Earth is CONNECTED. To attack nature is to attack ourselves since we are part of nature and not separate from it. Until we start connecting what is happening to humanity to what is being done by humanity, we will remain stuck in this self-imposed unsurvivable box. We are meant to be free spirits. Competition is the nature of unevolved 1 and the futile need to BE #1.

However, 1 is also the number of CHANGE. Black lives really do matter, and the racial divide is shifting drastically. But the damage that has been done must be acknowledged and allowed to HEAL. 2 does not compete. 2 cooperates. 2 brings caring, equality, partnership, common sense, justice, and BALANCE into life.

“Air, water and soil are not economic entities. They’re sacred. Nature doesn’t care about the economy.” ~Barry Smit, 2007 Nobel Peace Prize winner for his work on Climate Change.

We must fully accept reality on Earth because this planet is all we have to stand on. Mother Nature is pure feminine energy. As the journey proceeds, we must pay great attention, not only to what we are told is happening, but most especially to what we are FEELING, because that is where our power is. 2 gives us the power of instinct and intuition and the ability to think for ourselves.

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these tense, extraordinary, unpredictable, and  evolutionary times, each book contains inspiring monthly, weekly, and daily readings for your specific yearly cycle.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free.(Free Book does not apply to Kindle). These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated for the entire year ahead … 

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Buy my book, LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness, HERELife Cycles by Christine DeLorey


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 9/11 is the CODE OF REVERSAL. It turns things around. And one of the prominent numbers that came out of the brutal murder of George Floyd is 9.29 – the exact length of time – 9 minutes and 29 seconds – that a depraved white police officer cut off his air supply by kneeling on his neck, every horrifying moment of which was caught on film. In numerology, 9.29 converts to 911. (2+9=11). 

In the height of the Covid pandemic, this moved people, all over the world, emotionally, intellectually, and physically, in the most profound evolutionary way. The protests were massive and inconsolable. A reversal of the status quo had begun on the date of George Floyd’s death: May 25, 2020.

 911 is the emergency code for the United States. And the emergency in this case is white supremacy, the systemic inequity and violence towards people of color, and the disease of hatred that keeps it all in place. But on April 20, 2021, the USA turned a sinister corner in its history – especially its policing history – and arrived in the stark reality of present-time. The past just got pushed a little further into its right place – behind us – but there is still a long way to go.

The letters in the name George Floyd convert to 11. His life, and his death, are creating a monumental CHANGE OF DIRECTION, a much-needed reversal on the road to equality and a more balanced, loving, and caring existence on Earth. 2021 is a 5 Year, (2+0+2+1=5) which means that April 2021 is a 9 month (4+5=9)9 represents THE END OF AN ERA.

April 20, 2021 adds up to 11. (4+2+5=11). 11 provides the metaphysical bridge between the millennium of the masculine war-torn 1000s and the balance that the feminine 2000s is bringing. (1+1=2).

 1 = the individual, 11 = multiple individuals, and 2 connects us all as a species. 2 is the number of connection, partnership, equality, patience, detail, and new depths of understanding.

His murder occurred on May 25, 2020 (5+7+4=1+6=7) – a karmic 16/7 day in the world. And April 20, 2021, (the day on which the murderer was found guilty on all three counts) occurred in Calendar Week 16. The letters in George Floyd’s last words, “I CAN’T BREATHE”, which he cried out multiple times as his life was being stolen from him, also convert to 16. In its basest form, 16/7 represents the abuse of power.

George Floyd was in a 1 Personal Year in 2020. 1 brings CHANGE, PROGRESS, and NEW BEGINNINGS. All this occurred in the city of MINNEAPOLIS, and when you convert those letters into numbers, you get the master number 55 (49555176391).  55 gives us 10 – and 10 gives us 1. And when 1 is derived from 55, many ideas and situations are simply “before their time”. But in this case, we have an idea and a situation whose time is long overdue and is finally here!  There’s no going back from this enormous evolutionary step.

May in a 1 Year is a 6 month – and 6 is the number of JUSTICE. It reminds us of the countless others whose murders were not filmed, or they were filmed but the officers involved got away with it. It reminds us that we are not the human RACE. The system is the human “race”. WE are humanity. The reality of “no justice, no peace” is a major lesson for us all.

To better understand what is happening under the surface this week, read the notes about WEEK 16, in this week’s forecasts. And don’t forget to read your own personal forecast too.

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9 energy


I started writing this in the 9th week of 2021, (Feb 26 to Mar 4), but this focus on 9 is not just about one week. It is about the ongoing effect that 9 – the number of ENDINGS and RENEWAL – is constantly playing in our lives. Not only are we experiencing the end of an entire millennial cycle, and the beginning of a new one, but there is also the fact that 9 contains all the other numbers combined. (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9=4+5=9).  

3 is the square root of 9 (3×3=9). And 3 is extremely prominent now in the 3rd month of the year. 3 is the number of COMMUNICATION, WORDS, IMAGES, SYMBOLS, THE ARTS, THE STAGE, THE WORLD STAGE, POPULARITY, POPULATION, SOCIAL MATTERS, OUTER APPEARANCE, LAUGHTER, HAPPINESS, and OPTIMISM.

Optimism is hope, and we cannot survive without that. It is often said that “hope is the last thing to go, so hold on to it.” But we have to be realistic, too. True optimism is not a matter of thinking, “oh don’t worry, it will all work itself out in the end”, and then leave the burden of working things out to other people. We all have a part to play – and most of it goes no further than the decisions we make in our own everyday lives.

Evolution is not an automatic spiritual conveyer-belt which requires no effort on our part. It is the result of our ability to face the harshest aspects of whatever our reality happens to be, to honestly feel how it makes us feel, to empathize, learn, adjust, LET GO of the past, and BE the change we desire.

3 enables things to spread, such as hope, happiness, illness, lies, rumor, gossip, anger, and yes, LOVE. Be aware of how all of those things “spread” – and the forces behind them.

March 2021 (3+5) is an 8 Month – the number of POWER ON THE MATERIAL PLANE – the number of VALUE and WORTH. Economic, governmental, and military matters are likely to be in the spotlight, but whatever our personal situation happens to be, this is a time to evaluate what we ourselves are investing our time, energy, and money into – and what we are getting in return. It is a time to understand the nature of what we are supporting. It is also a time to LET GO of harmful habits, which we may not at first realize are harmful.

The MATERIAL PLANE is actually MOTHER EARTH. Everything we have of a material nature comes from her. Absolutely everything! MATERIALITY is GREED, which is a form of hate. And greed has ravaged this living, breathing, thinking, and loving planet to the most shameful and alarming degree. But she will bounce back in the 2000s because 2 is feminine energy – mother energy.

The 3 5 8 vibrations of March 2021 have highly creative potential, since all three of those numbers result in manifestation. So, let your mind open – and imagine new possibilities. 8 is the number of PERSONAL POWER – your personal ability to make things happen.

8 also represents the POWER that comes from accurate understanding. This means recognizing and LETTING GO of preconceived ideas and dogma so that the mind can open and learn new things. Our task is to LET GO of the past so that we can create a future that is not just a repeat of the past. 9 is the number of LETTING GO.

The dictionary definition of misogyny is hatred of, aversion to, or prejudice against women”. And misogyny is on display – all over the world. That is to be expected as the masculine 1000s give way to the feminine 2000s. But this “man’s world” is not going to change into a “woman’s world”. That would not bring the balance we need so desperately. But a partnership of masculine electricity and feminine magnetism (mind and emotion) will create a world in which the worth of a man and a woman are equal, without either having to become more like the other. A world in which a female child is valued the same as a male child. A world in which our understanding of gender expands beyond the primitive confines of male at one end and female at the other. A world in which the value of all others is recognized and embraced. A world of EQUALITY among the sheer beauty and richness of life’s DIVERSITY.

This expands to the primitive idea of white supremacy, too. 1 represents SELF. 2 represents OTHERS. The human “race” is not our species. The human race is the combative and unprincipled system that we’re trapped in, and out of which we must evolve. Life is not a race. Life is not a contest.

Not only are we in the new millennium of the 2000s, but also the new decade of the 2020s – a 10-year cycle in which life will force us to look to the past to understand how the present was formed, bringing fresh meaning to the term “20-20 hindsight”.

But it is 9 that enables us to look back and release ourselves from whatever is keeping us trapped. 9 takes us backwards in order to move forward. And 2, the number of PATIENCE, slows everything down until the correct understanding comes.

Time is the rhythm of nature. Time is the framework that makes evolution possible in the first place. Take your time. This is a complicated journey we’re on. A mystifying but fragile blend of creation and evolution – a partnership of Yin and Yang – and we are only taking our FIRST STEP – from “I AM” (1) to “WE ARE (2)”.

Conditions on Earth are enabling us to BE who we really are. The old system dictated our identity by labeling and classifying. That is what a class system does. But much of what we experience in the decade of the 2020s (2+0+2+0=4) is a matter of recognizing – for ourselves – who we really are – and then BEING that person. 4 enhances our sense of IDENTITY.

We can clearly see the extent of the selfishness and cruelty that humanity reached in the 1000s. 1 is the first number and is therefore the number of leadership. As our understanding of 1 evolves, a different kind of leadership is emerging which does not seek to control, but rather enables us to lead our own lives. Humanity is freeing its feminine energy – its WILL. This is what our current evolution is all about.

The purpose of government is to help facilitate and maintain this balance. And what is balance if not equality, justice, fairness, and stability? But because humanity has never experienced this level of existence before, it is difficult for many to LET GO of the old imbalanced ways. They want to get “back to normal” which cannot happen in these times of change. It is time to LET GO of the past and change the way we live. 9 enables us to LET GO – in order to move forward.

Meanwhile, in the 8 energy of March 2021, the powers of banking, government, the military, industry, religion, royalty, and other forceful influences, are all vying for position as their structures are buffeted around in this evolutionary whirlwind. While they fight amongst themselves, it is the people and planet that suffer.

Looking ahead, APRIL 2021 (4+5) is a 9 month in the world, and it would seem that some kind of crescendo is likely to occur. 45/9 is a dramatic energy in which the endings involved are life-changing and final. Whatever ends with 45, really does END. In this instance, 4 signifies the end of a particular road – a dead-end – and 5 suggests something new and unfamiliar. But if we try to stay on the old road that is leading nowhere, we create a dangerous standstill. Life is energy, and energy must move. FRIDAY, APRIL 9TH looks like a day of movement in the world since it is the 99th day of the year. The date itself = 9, too: 4+9+5=1+8=9.

It is easy to believe that life on Earth suddenly got turned up-side down in the past few years, but in reality, it was always up-side down, trickle-down, keeping the down-trodden down (and out). We are feeling the enormous pressure and confusion of turning ourselves the right way up. This is new and unfamiliar territory. But being on a new road doesn’t mean that it can’t lead to something wonderful.

2021 is a 5 Year – the number of adventure and excitement, and above all, learning from our experiences. It is a time to recognize our mistakes and bad habits, and stop repeating them. 5 is the number of CHOICE, CHANGE, and FREEDOM.

Things that we always took for granted are changing, and there is no shame in not having immediate answers. The moment we realize that we got something wrong, we automatically gain wisdom. The mind expands. Awareness increases. Then, a way forward becomes visible, the old ways lose their grip, confusion turns to clarity, and there is new light on the path.

Emotional 9 is the number of endings, from which new beginnings emerge. 9 generates new life out of the old. 9 is what allows life to continue. 9 enables us to FEEL alive. Life goes on, thanks to 9.

After 9 comes 10 – which brings us back to 1 where we begin again, on a more experienced and wiser level.

The world is full of existential problems – but for every problem, there is a solution that does not entail killing, destroying, and making things worse. We need the WILL to make this happen, and the willingness to open our imaginations. We are all going through something. We are all going through changes. That’s what evolution is. There is a much more fulfilling and happier way to exist – and co-exist – if only we could imagine it with ALL our senses, and not just the mind.

As Einstein so brilliantly observed, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, whereas imagination encircles the world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.”

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We are moving through a segment of time that is different to anything we have experienced before. Multiple historic events are converging in the millennium of the 2000s – and the decade of the 20s. We thought 2020 was behind us, but it’s not that simple.

We are still in 2020, but this year, we’re calling it twenty-twenty-1. Next year will be twenty-twenty-2, and so on, until the end of twenty-twenty-9. We are in a 10-year cycle in which we must grasp the concept of “20/20 hindsight” – which means seeing what we could not see before. It means learning from experience. Learning as we go. 2021 is a 5 Year, (2+0+2+1=5). The principal theme of 5 is to learn from both mistakes and successes. The goal is to see life as it really is.

This is a year in which to focus on our repeated experiences – and the programming that comes from that. When something is repeated enough, it becomes normalized, habitual, and imprinted on our psyche as unavoidable. This conditioning is how the system captures large chunks of the human WILL. We tell ourselves, “that’s life”  but this imprinted rut insists that nothing can change, which prevents us from expanding our experience of life. 5 represents both EXPERIENCE and CHANGE.

The 5 Global Year is a time to recognize and dismantle our ingrained patterns so that our personal history does not merely repeat itself. The instability of 5 can affect our perception and perspective, to the extent that we cannot be sure of what we are seeing, hearing, or sensing. We cannot be sure because we tend to shut down our sensory system whenever we see or hear something that feels unpleasant, or something we don’t understand.

Our personal patterns always reflect the same points of view which we cannot look beyond. This means that we cannot learn anything new. The circumstances of 2021 will make us look beyond what has always been, so that a  more sustainable and loving way of life can form.  5 is the main point of balance in the numeric spectrum. All roads lead to – and from – 5.

On the 6th day of 2021, the Capitol Building in Washington DC was violently attacked by those who are desperate to keep the old ways of the 1000s – the ways of white supremacy and male dominance – firmly in place. It was not an uprising – it was a push-back – back to the past. This is 2021, and men and women everywhere are evolving beyond those old concepts.

January 6 = 1+6=7. And 7 is the learning number. The number of introspection and analysis. 7 takes us within – to find the cause of a problem and arrange a way out of it. 7 is also the number of conspiracy theory, secrets, lies, plotting and planning to outdo others. 7 exposes wrongdoing in a way that brings downfall and disgrace.

The USA – and the UK – are in the 7 National Year in 2021.

The 1st month of a 5 Year = 6, and 6 is the number of EXTREMES. 6 is also the number of balance. In the instability of this 5 Year, we may find ourselves teetering between one extreme and another for some time to come, but knowing this in advance can help us deal more effectively with such situations as they arise.

Both 1 and 5 represent CHANGE. 1 teaches us that one step leads to another – and another – and for every step we take, there is a reaction. The raw aggression that occurred on January 6 is the result of generations of “steps” all reaching critical mass simultaneously. THIS is why it’s so important to understand the laws of karma – the laws of cause-and-effect.

Despite the rigors and the heartbreaking death toll of 2020, the first year of the 20s also marked a shift in consciousness when it came to the power of women, especially black and brown women, and the racism on which the old dying system is based. And now we are in the 2nd year of the 20s.

Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.” Stephen Hawking

As I have often written, the human “race” is not our species. The human “race” is the system in which our species (humanity) is trapped. A race is a contest to be the best, to win, to be first, to BE #1. This constant state of contest, one-upmanship, and the need to ‘trump’ each other, manifests on a larger scale as never-ending WAR.

For as long as we think of ourselves as the human ‘race’, racism is unavoidable. Yes, 2020 was a terrible year in many respects, but it also enabled the white population, especially after the horrific televised murder of George Floyd, to finally understand the terms “white privilege” and “Black Lives Matter”. Tremendous insight was gained from that, which spread, world-wide. It finally sank in that the atrocities of racism have been going on forever, and must end.

2020 was the beginning of a new reality in which feminine 2 will bring true equality, fairness, justice, and balance into this cruel and primitive “man’s world”. It will not be an easy transition. After all, we are experiencing the end of the world – as we know it.

As we move further into the equality that comes from 2, there are likely to be many attempts to drag us back to the past. It could take the entire decade for the fringe to evolve – and much of it never will. There will always be EXTREMES. Everything has its furthest point.

Just as we cannot move safely into the 2 energy until we learn the lessons of 1, we cannot fix our problems until we understand the full extent of what we are dealing with, and how it began. 2 is the number of DETAIL, and it is the details of a situation that create the bigger picture.

Similarly, we cannot heal until we recognize just how sick we are.  Not just from Covid-19, which from a metaphysical perspective is a symptom of a more deeply rooted cause – the race itself – the class system, which classifies us according to how useful or desirable the system judges us to be.  No one is immune to this. We are all labelled, one way or another.

The principal technique of this judgmental male-driven system is DIVIDE AND CONQUER, the consequences of which have manifested in the most violent way – not just in the USA, but everywhere. We are all experiencing the divisions, gaps, and misunderstandings that separate us as a species. Suppressed feelings, many of which are extremely dangerous, are being drawn to the surface. Unbridled rage is not acting from intelligence. Rage shuts reason down.

2021 is about CHOICE. We can avert total disaster by making the right choices, which means being AWARE and not merely influenced by what others tell us, by not being “glued” to our electronic devices and the tentacles of social media. Our connection to technology is overriding our connection to the natural world. But we cannot exist in physical form without feminine energy – Mother Nature herself.

Both FaceBook and Twitter are in a 2 Year in 2021, so that should be interesting.

The destructiveness of the conspiracy theory industry is becoming more exposed as we move further into the transparency of the 2000s. But oh, what damage it has done! Vital details are concealed, truth is twisted and engineered to suit the desired narrative. Emotions are “whipped up” so that they express themselves on cue, rather than naturally.

We are evolving emotionally. When electrical masculine 1 aligns with magnetic feminine 2, we have INNER BALANCE, which manifests as peace in the outer world. Every feeling that was ever held back will have to move OUT of us if we are to heal and evolve. This is why issues of freedom, slavery, oppression, poverty, domination, hate, terror, cruelty, war, and today’s “by-hook-or-by-crook” approach to business and politics, are such major issues of these times.

Our emotions are our truth tellers. But it is hard to know what to express when the facts are twisted to suit someone else’s agenda or beliefs. What we call public opinion is often the result of carefully crafted corporate and political efforts to manipulate the public heart. The ‘war for hearts and minds’ is a war ON hearts and minds, for the purpose of brainwashing and gaining compliance.

We are in the process of freeing our individual and collective WILL. Covid-19 is metaphysically connected to the WILL: for instance, a ‘nasal drip’ indicates emotions that want to leave the body but cannot find their way out.  A hacking cough is a sign of emotions stuck in the lungs, literally trying to hack their way out. Emotions are fluid. They leave our bodies through the respiratory system – mucus through our mouths and noses, and the shedding of tears through our eyes.

However, hate is NOT an emotion. Hate is a disease OF the emotions. The absence of love. Ill feelings. The spread of hate throughout the globe is a pandemic in itself, which only love can heal.

Surviving these tumultuous times will give us enormous resilience and the courage to open our imaginations. How we change this world will be the direct result of our intent and our resolve to make things better. There is no going back to the way things were. What we eventually create out of the current mess must be healed of racism, sexism, and all prejudices. Healed of greed and the urge to do harm.

We are being pushed and pulled in all directions, but these ongoing jolts and stretches of uncertainty are helping us to evolve, emotionally and mentally. People are feeling everything more deeply every day, and the vibrations coming from our feelings release us from denial and open our minds.

The harm that denial does is highly visible. It is everywhere. As we recognize our own denials and stop denying, reality falls into view and the truth reveals itself. We see that many people in positions of great power are sick and demented. The insanity of the old system has pushed its way to the top, and we are now face to face with the dangers of that reality.

2 = timing. 2 = transparency. 2 = behind-the-scenes activity. 2 reveals the hidden details. 2 exposes the underlying truth. 2 connects it all together. And 2 activates our feelings as we come face to face with the truth.

I am writing this on January 16th. The presidential inauguration in the USA occurs on the 20th. And from the 20th to the 29th, like an echo of the decade of the 20s, we have 10 days in which every day is a 20 day – the 21st, 22nd, 23rd etc. And then, we enter the 28 days of February – month #2.

The first two months of 2021 contain an extraordinary concentration of 2 energy. The 1000s are over and 2 is the principle number of our times. The 2020s are indeed uncharted territory – which cannot be charted until we realize and accept that this is where we are. 


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This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free.(Free Book does not apply to Kindle). These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated for the entire year ahead … 

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Buy my book, LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness, HERELife Cycles by Christine DeLorey


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2020 – WEEK 24

WEEK 24 runs from Wednesday, June 10 to Tuesday June 16. It is a 6 Week (2+4=6) in the 6th Month of the year. This double-6 vibration represents both balance and extremes, which suggests that we have arrived at some kind of tipping point – not just in the world at large, but also in our own personal lives. People are remembering aspects of the past that are connected to what is happening today, bringing answers and solutions. 6 is true problem-solving energy. But it has its dark side, too. 6 is also the number of the tyrant and controller.

2020 was always going to be the year in which it all changes. The numbers may have changed when the 1000s ceased, and the 2000 started, but it’s not until 2020 that the grip of masculine 1 is finally shifting. The Will of the people is rising as feminine 2 starts to turn this upside-down world the right way up.

The symbolism of 2020 makes sense. It is the number most associated with vision, retrospect, hindsight, cause and effect – recognizing how actions of the past LED to where we are now – in the throes of a systemic balancing. In order to understand the present, we have to LOOK BACK at how things were, why they were not changed long ago, and what needs to happen now – all of which supports the idea that hindsight is indeed 20/20.

Humanity is claiming back its stolen WILL – the energy that the old system takes from us in order to serve the system. Feminine energy is our ability to feel and sense – our WILL. The more we allow ourselves to truly FEEL how reality is making us feel, the more aware of reality we become – and consciousness expands.

Covid-19 slowed the whole world down and made us look at things as they really are. Look at how the word is formed:

CO = jointly, together.

V = the 22nd letter of the alphabet which connects to the two 2s in 2020.

ID = ego (and identity).

19 = 2019, the karmic energy of the 1900s, and the unlearned lessons which caused this mass dis – ease.

I cannot help but wonder if the colossal outpouring of emotion over the murder of George Floyd, and so many other black Americans who were killed at the hands of the police, will have any influence on the pandemic. Outwardly expressing all our backed-up feelings is the most healing thing we can do for ourselves. Emotional energy travels from generation to generation, and finally, 400 years of oppression, and the feelings that accompany such atrociousness, have risen to the surface so that empathy can expand, and healing can eventually occur. The healing of humanity is not a simple process. It will not be easy!

When the evolving masculine mind stops blocking the feminine feelings, we increase our inner power, and evolve as WHOLE human beings, not the fragments of ourselves that this system turned us into. We have an almighty healing ahead of us, starting wherever the WILL is most oppressed. Consequently, BLACK LIVES MATTER is one of the most important aspects of the human condition at this time.

The hindsight of 2020 enables us to acknowledge the horrors of the past so that we can right those wrongs, let go of the “I AM” 1000s, and move into the present “WE ARE” vibrations of 2 – the number of fairness, equality, justice, BALANCE, and  mother’s love.

The murder of George Floyd and the spontaneous uprising in the United States occurred in Week 22, of 2020, in the millennium of the 2000s. Transparent 2 is knocking down the walls of denial that the old system built around our minds in order to control and DOMINATE. In the 2000s, there is no place for walls – or separation – or domination.

Humanity is in the process of reinventing itself (evolving), while the old system will do anything to stop it.  But it can’t be stopped. Not permanently. A spontaneous coming together of hearts and minds is breaking down those old walls of ignorance, indifference, and hate. As the transparency of 2 expands, we see reality more clearly. 2020 is a 4 Year – the number of PRIORITY – and it does seem that humans are putting our priorities in the right order – the first of which is SURVIVAL. Rage is the Will’s reaction to pain and expresses itself in RED – the survival chakra. The first instinct of the Will is THE WILL TO LIVE.

The feminine Will within us all is jolting us – shocking us – with truth. Waking us up. We’ve all got 20/20 vision this year. Of course, many people don’t like this, and will do anything they can to drag us back to the old familiar archaic ways in which white reigned supreme.

No more. The feminine Will is bringing equality (balance) into our dangerously imbalanced world.

June 2020 is a 10/1 month. 10/1 represents ‘the next step’ and moving to a ‘new level’.  The discomfort we are experiencing is the pressure of being stuck in the past while time moves forever forward.

We are also seeing the power of raw, primitive, unevolved 1, (the number of leadership and ego), whose secrets were so easy to hide in the old system. But the transparency of 2 exposes all – especially in this 4 Year that is derived from two 2s.  Even the bible has something to say about the 4/22 sequence, (from Mark 4:22) “For everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every secret will be brought to light.”

In the weeks and months ahead, some of the murkiest secrets are likely to burst open. Such is the nature of the 2 energy which thrives on honesty.

The more we truly feel our feelings and express them outwardly, the more aware we become. We’ve been without our true depth of feelings forever, and we became numb where our deepest feelings were meant to be. Without our feelings we cannot be fully aware. So here we are. Evolving. Feeling on a deeper level than ever before – and we see the power of people. The power of the individual. And the power of individuals agreeing, uniting, feeling, and empathizing, seeing ourselves in each other, seeing for ourselves the massive wound that was inflicted on black people, and knowing that the healing is beginning. In turn, this is increasing the attention on others, all over the world, whose Wills have been stolen from them. Men, women, and children who are ‘taken’, trafficked, enslaved, and rendered helpless.

We are learning about the 1 energy. The number of LEADERSHIP – and the true role of government – which is to keep the balance points open so that people can lead their own lives, and to assist those who cannot.

As it all unfolds, keep these words of civil rights activist, poet, writer, and mother, Audre Lorde in mind (from her essay, The Transformation of Silence into Language and Action. This has a profound meaning at this precise time in the journey:

“Life is very short. What we have to do must be done in the now.”

Click below to listen to my rhyme… “THE WAY OF THE WILL”…

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WEEK 22, 2020 – A pivotal week in a pivotal year


2020 (Part 1) – HOLD ON! LET GO! It describes the complex and transforming energies of this very special year in the human journey,

2020 Leap Year

2020 (Part 2) THE LEAP YEAR WOBBLE. This is a monumental year in the human journey, and the disruption in time that a Leap Year creates is going to be very obvious as 2020 unfolds.  

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these tense, extraordinary, unpredictable, and  evolutionary times, each book contains inspiring monthly, weekly, and daily readings for your specific yearly cycle.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free.(Free Book does not apply to Kindle). These books also make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated for the entire year ahead … 

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00


Buy my book, LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness, HERELife Cycles by Christine DeLorey


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2020 – WEEK 22

WEEK 22 runs from Wednesday, May 27th to Tuesday, June 2nd. 2 is the number of CONNECTION. And look at how all the 2s are connecting this week.

WEEK 22 is the 3rd week in a 10-week cycle in which all the Week Numbers begin with 2.

WEEK 22 connects with the two 2s in 2020.

2020 connects with the millennium of the 2000s

…and the decade of the 20s.

MAY 2020 is a 9 MONTH in the world (5+4=9), and 9 represents ENDINGS, COMPLETION, DRAMA, EMOTIONAL RESPONSE, and LETTING GO in order to move forward.  What needs to end is coming to the surface so it can move back into the past, where it belongs. But for as long as we cling to the past while time moves forward, all we will get is this deadly standstill.

However, all those 2s are reminding us that we are not in the male-driven 1000s anymore, and that feminine 2 will bring life into balance – despite the massive effort to drag us back to the past. This week, we cannot see too far ahead, and our movement is limited, which can help us discover HOW what is happening came about. Everything happening now is the result of what happened – or didn’t happen – in the past.

Add that 9 to 2 and you have 11, which produces yet another 2.

Put 9 and 11 together, not only do you have 20, but you also have the USA’s emergency code.

22 is the sum of two 11s, or 11:11.

Humanity is in the midst of a much-needed reality check – and the unprecedented chaos gripping the world could become even more chaotic as we move into June’s 6 energy later this week.

Both the United States and Britain, whose national situations seem to mirror each other so much of the time, are both in a 6 National Year in 2020, and a 2 NATIONAL MONTH in May. Russia and China are also in a 6 National Year.  6 represents domestic issues, home, family, responsibility, institutions, education, health, problem solving, balance and extremes, the need to control, and patriarchy.

Donald Trump is in a 6 PERSONAL YEAR / 2 MONTH in May, and despite so much feminine 2 energy in his chart, he exhibits the exact opposite of 2’s evolutionary traits. Lies and denial are his principle tools. He is cruel. His ego is manic. And now, after initially playing down the severity of the virus, over 100,000 Americans have died in the space of four months. WEEK 22 is likely to be a crucial time for him. He was born on the 22/4 Life Path which dedicates itself to helping others in need – unless it is in unloving and incompetent hands. 22 is the Master Builder – or – the master destroyer. Literally anything can occur this week – and as he himself would say, “we’ll see what happens.”

2 = CONNECTION – literally being able to put 1 and 1 together. This is how 2 is formed. We must build the road ahead as we go, by connecting one thing to another. Where there are adverse reactions, different approaches will be needed. This will advance our understanding of cause and effect, and chemistry, and HOW to peacefully co-exist with each other – and with the planet that gives us everything we need.

Of course, not everyone wants to move in this peaceful direction and would rather get back to how it was, which is impossible. Everything changes in the course of time. And a change of millennia is a drastic change indeed. If we refuse to go with this natural flow, we cannot survive Mother Earth’s re-balancing that will occur with or without the participation of humans.

The two 2s in WEEK 22 connect to the two 2s in 2020, creating a 44/8 vibration throughout this 7-day cycle.  8 represents POWER in the material, political, financial, and industrial/military world, and the fact that it is derived from four 2s suggests that its effect on the masses will be profound.

44 is extremely practical, which not only helps us to recognize and retain pertinent information, but also organize the facts in a way that paints a more accurate picture. This is a mind-expanding week. 4 = effort and determination. This week, there are two prominent 4’s at our disposal, reminding us that WE have the power to save ourselves if only we could see our problems in terms of cause and effect – instead of random occurrences.

When 44 is active, the accuracy of the details is vital to obtain a realistic multi-layered picture of reality.  44 examines the root of a problem, rather than just the outer symptoms, and teaches us that problems are bound to recur if we do not know what created them.

4 is also the number of obstruction, barriers, and opposition. When a hidden reality is about to be exposed, a barrage of denial is released to prevent the truth from reaching consciousness. And right now, denial is the biggest problem we face, to the extent that our survival depends on our ‘snapping out of it’ and facing life as it really is.

44 cannot tolerate denial. So, this week, recognizing our own denials – our inability to face the facts – is necessary for our individual and collective evolution. But denial is slippery by nature. It’s hard to pin denial down because it denies its own existence. Denial denies it is denying. Denial is difficult to confront, and yet that is what we must do. Denial is at the root of the famous “big lie” theory put out by Joseph Goebbels and Adolf Hitler in the 1930s: “Always accuse the other side of that of which you are guilty.” AND, “If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it.”  We can expect to see a lot of denial this week.

Everything on Earth is CONNECTED. To attack nature is to attack ourselves since we are part of nature and not separate from it. Until we start connecting what is happening to humanity to what is being done by humanity, we will remain stuck in this self-imposed box which we cannot survive.

It is a box so steeped in racism that we even call ourselves the human RACE.  We are not meant to be ‘racing’. We are meant to be free spirits. Competition is the nature of 1 – and the fight to BE #1.

1 is also the number of CHANGE, and the racial divide is about to shift drastically. 2 does not compete. cooperates. 2 brings caring, equality, partnership, common sense, justice, and BALANCE into life.


And now, in the morbid light of yet another black American man being choked to death by a white Minneapolis police officer, let’s not forget that justice is fairness, fairness is balance, and balance is peace. This is simple physics.  NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE!

In 2014, Eric Garner’s last words were “I can’t breathe” as a NYPD officer named Daniel Pantaleo, choked him to death. Six years later, on May 26, 2020, George Floyd, begged for his life as he told a Minneapolis police officer who was kneeling on his neck and openly murdering him, “I cannot breathe”.

At a time when the whole world can’t breathe, it becomes even more obvious that these are all CONNECTIONS to what humanity is doing to itself!

The burning of the AMAZON RAIN FOREST – the destruction of mother Earth’s LUNGS – continues unmentioned by the media, while Jeff Bezos became the world’s richest man by taking the name AMAZON to sell the very ‘stuff’ that is choking the natural world to death. 

And then there was white woman Amy Cooper calling the police on Christian Cooper, a black man, in Central Park, NY, on the pretext that he was threatening her, and knowing that such a call could result in his death. Which connects to another great injustice of the past – the Central Park 5, against whom Donald Trump actually placed a full-page ad in the New York Times demanding the death penalty for these innocent young men (boys at the time) among countless other black men, women, and children – who have been terrorized and murdered – just for being black.

This murderous racist system is starting to break – and I can only pray that it does not get worse before it gets better. This state terrorism is enabled by the false sense of superiority that we call “white privilege” which comes from the nonsensical notion of “white supremacy”. The system must be dismantled and replaced by unbiased protective justice. To create a balance in which all human beings can prosper and be safe is the principle purpose of government.

However, if you cannot embrace the words “BLACK LIVES MATTER” on their own merit, how can you say “all lives matter” with any sincerity?  I cannot know what it is to be black, but I know that what’s being done to my black brothers and sisters needs everyone with a heart to offer sustained empathy, support, and as many platforms, spotlights, and mentions as possible. We are not the human RACE. We are human BEINGS whose true nature is to BE and LET BE.

It’s important to understand that this is not just about racism in the USA. The entire world-wide system is run on the same racial principles. Police brutality is everywhere. But are we becoming desensitized to the word ‘brutality’ since it is used so much without consequence? Perhaps the term ‘police savagery’ would make a deeper point.

It is lack of FEELING that enables people to kill and harm others so easily.

22 gives us the power to build something great and monumental which improves conditions for the many, not just the few. But when great feats are undertaken for personal glory (inflated ego), all we will have is chaos. And so, we have to learn how to attain INNER alignment between those 2 equal parts of us – mind and emotion. And because our emotions have always been subdued by the mind, people everywhere are now feeling on a much more profound level.

2 is showing us, in many different ways, how powerful feminine energy is.  We may find that WEEK 22 shows us the stunning difference between a “strongman” and a strong woman – or an emotionally balanced man and a feelingless woman. Yes, these are complicated times.

1 is the SELF. The EGO. 1’s unevolved nature is combative and territorial. But 1 is also the energy of ideas, action, invention, and electricity.

2 is the magnetic behind-the-scenes energy that takes care of the all-important details, connects it all together, and makes it all work – without which 1 cannot function successfully. But unevolved 1 barely acknowledges 2 and takes credit for 2’s efforts. 2 is indispensable.

Unevolved 2 does not know its own value, or that it is the offspring of 1 that has split itself in two. This miraculous evolutionary growth is the reason 11 is such is sacred number, especially right now, as humanity continues down this evolutionary path on which everything appears to be upside-down. But this is not the way things on Earth have suddenly become. This is the way things have always been. And we’re just realizing it.

When the world changed from the 1000s to the 2000s, we did not change with it. We are on a completely new wavelength now, and the terror and suffering going on all over the planet, the horror of it – and the sheer absurdity of it – is the result of our inability to change with the times. We did not slow down when 1999 brought us into the 2000s. We accelerated instead.

In these terrifying days of Covid-19, economic insecurity, environmental devastation, political mayhem, and racism, one of the biggest problems we face is being unable to admit where we went wrong. This is reflected plainly on the world stage by lack of intelligence, outright denial, and no accountability. If we cannot accept our mistakes and mis-steps, we cannot learn anything new.

There is a strong connection between COVID-19 – and the century we are evolving from – the 1900swhich is the main timeframe of the industrial age. Karmic 19/1 contains everything we need to learn in order to move out of this deadly imbalance and into some semblance of sustainable life. There is much to learn from the year 1919. Many of the events taking place today, especially in matters of banking, racism, and war, are connected to what happened in 1919 (which was a 2 Year in the world). This included the signing of the 19th Amendment in the U.S. on June 4, (101 years ago next week) regarding a woman’s right to vote. There were also deadly race riots (uprisings) in Chicago and Omaha. There was the 1918/19 Flu pandemic, the capturing of Jerusalem by British Forces which led to the creation of Israel in 1948 (a 22/4Year), and the ongoing colonization of the Indian, African, and Australian continents (and more) by Britain.

22 is the most balanced form of 4 – and 4 is such a practical number – the number of PRIORITIES, OBLIGATIONS, and DETERMINATION, while realistic 2 gives us DETAIL and PERSPECTIVE. That’s where we are right now – moving through powerful vibrations in which seriousness is essential. Solutions for the present and future may be very different to the solutions that ‘appeared’ to work in the past.

What if there is no cure or vaccine for Covid-19? What if the remedy is not drug-related at all? What if the only way to cure this virus is to change the human behavior that caused it.? This includes the way we treat animals, vegetation, the oceans and waterways, the air, and all the other natural wonders that Mother Nature gives freely, but over which we fight and kill each other. War is always about resources. That’s the way of the old system.

We are dealing with a contagion that spreads from animal to human – and there is little difference between the cruelty of the Wuhan wet markets and the cruelty of factory farming and slaughterhouses around the world.

Experimenting on animals is not science. Cruelty is science in reverse. Strong animal rights are necessary not only because human rights are gauged on the way we treat animals, but also for the sake of rendering cruelty unacceptable. Sometimes the answer to what ails us is not always pharmaceutical or surgical. Very often, it is a matter of reversing the damage by changing the way we live.

Keep your masculine mind open this week so that it has more awareness of your feminine feelings. Masculine and feminine must learn to work together, within the body, in perfect balance, in agreement, in LOVE. The emotions cannot “rule” any more than the mind can rule, if we are to find balance (peace) in the outer world. It’s about equality, not ruling.

This week’s 9/22 combination involves global matters, large-scale projects and events, some beneficial – and some absolutely atrocious by those who can “never let a good crisis go to waste”.

Dealing with our own and other people’s denials is paramount this week. When new facts come to light, people often refuse to believe that their original belief could be untrue and are prepared to fight to uphold their familiar old theories. The same applies to certain ‘experts’ out there who cannot change their minds because their income depends on carrying the false narrative forward. In the words of Carl Sagan:

“If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”  

The ISOLATION in which we find ourselves now enables us to slow it all down, stand back, and take an honest overview of our own lives, our relationships, and most importantly our relationship to the world herself. It gives us long moments of reflection so that we can see where old understandings have bamboozled us. And to find ways to go about our lives which do not buy-in to the system that is killing us. 

Self-acceptance is a massive component of our evolution (massive as in ‘the masses’). But how can we accept ourselves if we don’t know ourselves? Current circumstances are giving us a chance to get to know our natural selves rather than who the system tells us we should be.

If life is a symphony, we have reached that part of the score where everything slows down and a different atmosphere is created – and the key has shifted from major to minor, as life shifts from 1 to 2; from thought to feeling; from light to dark, from action to contemplation. From this comes depth, understanding, planning, and back to action again – but action of a more sustainable kind. 2 slows everything down, and in such a concentration of 2, we must not try to push our way forward. That does not mean not acting quickly and efficiently when needed. It means that we are involved in a slow process – which requires some of 2’s greatest powers:





On June 3rd, the 1 Month of June and the 5 energy of WEEK 23 will change the atmosphere considerably.

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2020 (Part 1) – HOLD ON! LET GO! It describes the complex and transforming energies of this very special year in the human journey,

2020 Leap Year

2020 (Part 2) THE LEAP YEAR WOBBLE. This is a monumental year in the human journey, and the disruption in time that a Leap Year creates is going to be very obvious as 2020 unfolds.  

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these tense, extraordinary, unpredictable, and  evolutionary times, each book contains inspiring monthly, weekly, and daily readings for your specific yearly cycle.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free.(Free Book does not apply to Kindle). These books also make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated for the entire year ahead … 

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00


Buy my book, LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness, HERELife Cycles by Christine DeLorey


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2020-THE WAY OF THE WILL – Part 1

Listen to this short introduction to THE WAY OF THE WILL (volume up)…


In 1999, as I was writing my book “LIFE CYCLES”, it became obvious to me that as we moved from the 1000s to the 2000s, life on Earth would change drastically. All of my work with numerology is based on that understanding. Masculine 1 and feminine 2 are very different frequencies, and yet, the only way that 2 can exist is through the joining together of two 1s. We cannot possibly understand what 2 has to teach without a solid understanding of 1.

1 is the number of the SELF – the individual.

2 is the number of OTHERS – and the connection between individuals.

How telling it is that we now live at a time when we individuals must keep our physical distance from each other. As we remain ‘trapped in time’, between the 1000s and the 2000s, we cannot understand OTHERS, until we understand our SELVES. And we cannot move from one millennium to the next (without destroying ourselves) until we learn what the previous millennium had to teach. What we did not learn from that thousand-year journey, we are scrambling to learn now – at this pivotal point of 2020.

It’s almost as if the term “hindsight is 20/20” was coined specifically for this year. Because here we are, looking back at how we have been living and realizing just how wrong we got so many different aspects. But that’s OK. “Better late than never” is also a highly relevant term from the 1000s.

Matters of the past must be resolved before we can be fully in the present. And this applies to our own personal and family lives as much as it does to the wars and other atrocities that affected huge groups of people, countries, and continents. The only way forward is to forgive, but unless we allow old and current feelings to express themselves as they need to, the emotional healing that is SO necessary to our survival cannot occur.

Forgiveness is not a mental concept. It is something we really do have to FEEL. As the WILL rises, you will learn that there is never a need to harm yourself or anyone else in the process of emotional healing. And so, in some cases, the healing must be done privately. Forgiveness does not need to be mutual. It is a private thing. By forgiving, you let go of the pain you would otherwise continue to carry inside. Of course, this does not mean we should ignore those who cause deliberate harm to others. Part of freeing the WILL involves finding ways to render harmful people harmless, or moving away from harmful situations. This can be an extremely difficult, dangerous, and complex procedure, but vital, nonetheless.

As science searches frantically for a cure or vaccine for the Covid-19 pandemic, it is becoming increasingly clear that the way we live our lives must change drastically. The old system is collapsing and will never be the same again. The thoughtless, cruel, and utterly destructive way we treat Mother Nature and all her life forms (of which we human beings are only one species) is no longer sustainable. This means that Mother Nature will no longer sustain us under the cruel conditions we impose on her. Mother Earth will shake us until she wakes us – which is why everyone is feeling their emotions on a level we have never felt before.

The reason we could not feel this deeply despite all the pain, suffering, and atrocity in the world, is because this old system took away our WILL – our ability to feel – by blinding us to reality and numbing our senses. Consequently, much of our way of living is nonsensical, insensitive, and senseless.

But this terrifying situation is finally waking people up. One of the main functions of the natural emotion of fear is to do just that – to wake us up to potential danger – and save our lives.

The hideous “reality show” that we’ve all been a part of for many years, and which was frightening enough as it was, has now transitioned into a doomsday movie. And so many of those in power positions have the persona of Hollywood’s most evil villains. But what did we expect from a species for whom being ‘entertained’ is a top priority?

Fear is a natural response. To be unafraid as the whole global system grinds to a halt while a deadly virus spreads at the most alarming speed, is to be unconscious, unaware, and in denial of reality. But the fact that all of humanity is involved, and that the entire species is feeling this fear, is the first step to regaining the consciousness that the old system extracted from us – to control us.

The degree to which people are waking up now is reason to be very hopeful. But this really is the 11th hour (1+1=2), and the fear will persist. There has been a massive focus on the 11:11 sequence since the 1990s, and it appears to be directly connected to the millennium of the 2000s, the decade of the 20s, and most precisely, the year 2020.



The two 2s in 11:11 connect directly to the two 2s in 2020, our urgent need to learn from 1, and the joining together of individuals in a spirit of COOPERATION, rather than combat. It’s very obvious right now that if we do not pull together AS ONE, we will be pulled apart (distanced) by our own inability to change. 1 is the number of change and forward movement, and in order to move forward, major systemic change is needed.

Yes, we are afraid. We are supposed to be afraid. This is frightening. But we must keep in mind that we are evolving as a species – and we have what it takes to get through this – and come out the other side with new evolved understandings, and a WILL that is strong enough to actually make a difference.

“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable Will” ~Gandhi.

The WILL is our ability to feel. Emotion in all its forms, including fear – and joy – is our feminine energy; magnetism, gravity. On the other hand, masculine energy produces thought, action, and the tendency to control. Masculine energy is electrical and mental. Together, they produce our electromagnetic nature.

But the masculine mind has always believed it is superior to feminine emotion and has always strived to keep the feminine down. Everything starts within, and therefore, on an outer level this has produced the gender war and resulted very recently in widespread recognition of gender disparity. This is where ALL inequality – and imbalance – begins. The rise of feminine energy is absolutely vital to our survival by bringing balance into life – and life into balance.

The WILL is also where empathy and kindness come from.

We all have masculine energy. We all have feminine energy. So, it is not a matter of reversing roles so that women are the dominant ones. That would not bring balance, just reversal. The feminine energy that is in all of us – our ability to feel – our HONESTY – is finding its right place – it’s equal place – to save us from the cruel one-sidedness and unfairness of this ‘man’s world’. Men are evolving too – and there are also women who are not!

The imbalance cannot be sustained. This is why many women are visibly rising now and are changing the entire dynamic, along with men who are also finding the inner balance between their minds and emotions.

This is also why so much effort is being made by the old system which refuses to evolve (and doesn’t even believe in evolution), to keep women down, and children, and the animals. From an un-evolving masculine standpoint, the “minorities” must be kept in their place beneath the ‘superior’ male and, in particular, but not exclusively, the ‘superior’ white male.

But that is no longer the case. The mind CANNOT keep the feelings down in this terrifying situation which, when we look deeper than the virus itself, is a direct result of this untenable IMBALANCE. The virus is the outer symptom. The disproportion started on the inside first. Although the feeling of powerlessness is prevalent, there is also a rising recognition of the sheer power of the human WILL – and the dire necessity to set it FREE.

As a result, we are becoming more creative, and less destructive, more inventive, and less complacent – at least that is the positive potential that comes from this pandemic. The more we are able to feel our true feelings, the more intelligent we become. Without the vibration of our feelings to keep the mind open, the mind closes and becomes fixed.

And that’s precisely what we’ve been experiencing as a species, politically, socially, racially, and in all the other places kept apart by the system’s ‘divide and conquer’ policies. Fixed idea against fixed idea produces stalemate in the evolutionary process, but that constant and bitter discord is precisely what the old system uses as fuel to keep itself going. And now we have to figure out how to keep ourselves going when, clearly, the old system is collapsing.

And yet, for the first time in all our lives, the entire world is having the same experience. For the first time in all our lives, we realize just how close to the edge we actually are. For the first time in all our lives, humanity realizes that we are, indeed, 1.

Good luck my friends and fellow travelers. We can and WILL get through this.

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2020 (Part 1) – HOLD ON! LET GO! It describes the complex and transforming energies of this very special year in the human journey,

2020 Leap Year

2020 (Part 2) THE LEAP YEAR WOBBLE. This is a monumental year in the human journey, and the disruption in time that a Leap Year creates is going to be very obvious as 2020 unfolds.  

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these tense, extraordinary, unpredictable, and  evolutionary times, each book contains inspiring monthly, weekly, and daily readings for your specific yearly cycle.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free.(Free Book does not apply to Kindle). These books also make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated for the entire year ahead … 

PDF (instant download)  $11


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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00


Buy my book, LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness, HERELife Cycles by Christine DeLorey


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2020 Leap Year


2020 brings us into uncharted territory which is triggering our deepest fear – fear of the unknown. However, although these are times of massive change, it is important to notice those areas that have not changed at all because we cannot yet see viable alternatives. These critical aspects are easier to recognize in a Leap Year.

As the system of the 1000s continues to collapse, it is essential to our survival that we learn what 1 has to teach. As the first number, 1 LEADS. Notice how the major issues of the day revolve around those in LEADERSHIP positions. And notice just how unqualified, incompetent, and out of touch with reality so many of those people are.

The collapse of the old system is revealing how some ‘leaders’ are pushing humanity backwards in the hope that this will revive the old system. But that is impossible. Everything changes in the passage of time. Empires rise – and empires fall. And in the 2000s, the very existence of ‘empires’ is being seriously questioned.

1 is the number of SELF and our natural uniqueness. As a species, we are 1, and yet each 1 of us is a separate and distinct INDIVIDUAL — a ‘1-off’. You are the 1-and-only-YOU – among billions of unique others. But we give the power of our individuality away because the power-hungry convince us that only they can lead.

A LEAP YEAR  occurs every four years. An additional day (February 29th) ensures that the calendar remains in alignment with Earth’s rotation around the sun. However, that extra day produces a vibrational “wobble” or see-saw-effect which is felt throughout the year. The Leap Year Wobble shows us how we have been going around in ever-repeating circles by CONNECTING past events to present events. Time passes, but nothing changes.

We organize our lives around our calendars. Birthdays, marriages, anniversaries, life events, religious and cultural observances, coordination, appointments, and planning. This is how we record our journey through time. The calendar has tremendous power – especially the Gregorian Calendar which is the most widely used around the world.

2 is the number of CONNECTION, and we have to connect 1 and 1 together (11) in order to reach the next step – 2. The change of millennium (from electrical 1 to magnetic 2) has disrupted our sense of certainty to a massive degree, and Leap Years seem to intensify things even more. Therefore, 2020 is likely to take our fear of the unknown to another level entirely. Human beings have a debilitating fear of CHANGE which we must overcome – because we also know that things cannot stay the way they are.

2019 brought us to the end of the decade of the 10s, and 10 brings CHANGE whether we feel ready for it or not. You see, there are only 9 numbers in the numeric spectrum, after which all other numbers can be reduced to a single digit. 10 brings us back to 1, but on a new level.











19/10/1 is the holding pattern that contains everything we did not learn – and everything we need to know – in order to evolve into a new and more peaceful form of existence. 19 exposes hypocrisy and atrocity, so that healing can occur. 1 takes.  9 gives. The karmic energy of 19/10/1 is teaching us about the power of ‘give and take’ – compromise – individuals pulling together for the common good. And we are also seeing the deadlock that forms when fixed belief against fixed belief stops progress in its tracks.

Only by moving through unstable Karmic 19 and all those unresolved matters of the 1900s can we move safely into the 2000s. That bygone era still has much to teach us in matters of industry, banking, politics, war and peace, the racial divide, the gender gap, control of the ‘masses’, and how primitive those days actually were. We have experienced a LOT since then, including two world wars – and now is the time to learn and grow from those experiences.

The double-2 energy of 2020 translates as the Master Number 22/4.

22 is the most balanced form of 4. So, both numbers are equally important this year. Practical 4 is always present, while the more idealistic 22 moves through our lives in less frequent but more intense waves of both empathy and opportunity. Both 2 and 4 emphasize the importance of PATIENCE, DETAIL, EFFICIENCY, ORGANIZATION, and RIGHT TIMING.

22 pertains to the ‘masses’, or to use a more accurate word – PEOPLE. 2 is the number of CONNECTION. It connects individual people together. 22 is the number that connects people together on a global scale. And right now, the entire world is connected through a global dis-ease known as Covid-19 – or Coronavirus.

2 = SENSITIVITY and governs the respiratory system – the lungs – breathing – and the heaviest of emotions, grief. The heart and lungs are SO closely connected when it comes to the impact that emotions carry, especially when they are held in and denied access out of the body. It is impossible to look at what is happening to people, the animals, and Earth herself without feeling the grief of so much suffering and terror. We are evolving emotionally, and emotion is our response to experience. The heaviness we are feeling right now is coming from our awareness of reality, without which we remain in denial.

How heartbreaking it is to know that we are still tearing each other to pieces – dropping bombs on people in their homes – shooting children in their schools. Aren’t our lives short enough? Why must we kill each other? Why must we kill total strangers for some political reason to which they are not directly connected? Why do we tolerate such cruelty and disregard for life? And not just human life. What we do to animals is beyond anything I can describe.

The quest for certainty blocks the search for meaning. Uncertainty is the very condition which impels people to unfold their powers. ~Eric Fromm

This era of UNCERTAINTY reminds us that the future is not something to be predicted or be overwhelmed by. It is something to be created and participated in.

The decade of the 10s (which was also the decade of the teens) brought us to the next step – which is where we are now.  After 19/1 comes 20/2. And it now becomes apparent, in the see-saw – roller coaster – Jack-in-a-box movement of 2020 and its Leap Year Wobble – just how unexplored the feminine side of life actually is.

2020 brings us firmly into the feminine 2000s and yet we are trying to live as if we are still in the masculine 1000s. The more we struggle to get back to the way things were, the further we drift from real, meaningful, systemic, and life-sustaining CHANGE.

Movement is life. Life is movement. But the push and pull of trying to move forward and hold on to the past at the same time is creating a deadly standstill. And look – the global system – the industrial system – the class system – is indeed starting to grind to a halt. Movement is restricted.

“The future is uncharted, and we can’t map it until we get there.” ~Margaret Heffernan

2 is the number of cooperation and coming together to achieve a common goal. 22 brings INVENTION to a whole new level. Not mere extensions of existing technology or ideas – but something completely NEW and untried. We live in a time of dire necessity – and necessity is indeed the mother of invention.

22 enables us to bring large-scale ideas to fruition. This is the number of the master builder, the mover and shaker, and the architect of well laid plans. 22/4 can greatly improve conditions for the general population. But in unloving and uncaring hands, it can bring untold chaos and suffering. 22 is also the MASTER DESTROYER.

When 22 is infused with LOVE, CARING, and COOPERATION, human life will have a chance to heal, evolve, move out of the deadly rut we’re in, and discover our true potential, despite the efforts being made to stop us.

2 represents DETAIL and THOROUGHNESS. We are dealing with complex intertwined situations for which accurate information is not immediately available. We must  develop patience with detail, and instead of jumping to premature conclusions, learn to WAIT for workable solutions to form. 2 is the number of PATIENCE and slows everything down. But unevolved 1 makes us impatient for results and speeds everything up as we blindly race past the most vital details.

We have to stop racing through life. Competing. Comparing. Judging. Dividing. Separating. Until we stop racing, racism will remain firmly in place.

2 also reminds us that we are all fellow travelers on the road of life. 2 is always the result of TWO 1s, and when you turn those two 1s on their side, you have the equals sign. 2 is the number of EQUALITY. We have been programmed to believe that the accumulation of money is the mark of a person’s WORTH. In the 2000s, we are going to realize that this is a gross miscalculation – not only by those who have enormous amounts of money, but also by those who don’t.

The last time we experienced a Leap Year that was also a 22/4 year was 1984. And we cannot ignore the obvious connection to George Orwell’s prophetic novel, “NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR”, about a cruel, insane, dystopian, ‘up is down’ ‘war is peace’ world which bears a sinister resemblance to the world we live in today. Amazingly, this work may have been about a futuristic 1984, but he wrote it 36 years earlier in 1948, which was also a 22/4 Leap Year.

Here are some other connections between what happened in 1984 and what’s happening now:

The first MAC personal computers went on sale in 1984.

The first TED conference occurred in 1984.

The discovery of the AIDS Virus was announced in the USA in 1984.

It was in the 22/4 Leap Year of 1984 that MICHAEL MILKEN was at the height of the unprecedented insider-trading scam for which he was eventually sentenced to 10 years in prison and fined $600 million. And leaping forward 36 years, Donald Trump issued a pardon to Michael Milken in February, 2020.

12 years ago, in the Leap Year of 2008, and the final year of the George W. Bush presidency, the Leap Year ushered in a financial crisis that almost brought the entire global economy down. The banks were “too big to fail” and were abusing the global economy – gambling with it – risking it all.  At the end of 2008, as this was reaching severe-crisis-level, the USA voted for its first black president, which was a shock to the ‘establishment’ in itself, and which brought the question of race right into the open. Racial and economic matters are intrinsically connected.

In the end, the banks had to be bailed out by the people, and the people were angry and afraid. Suddenly we were talking about austerity, eviction, foreclosure, unemployment, recession, depression, and the ‘banksters’ who were openly draining the wealth of the people – and continue to do so now.

Four years later, 2012 (a 5 year in the world – the number of freedom and sudden development) not only brought the re-election of Barack Obama, but also the height of the Arab Spring and the Occupy Movement – and a global condemnation of the political/industrial/military complex. The Will of the People was rising up in astonishing numbers to claim their freedom, city after city, country after country.

But then came the inevitable backlash and crackdown by those in power – along with a new awareness of how cold and militarized the police throughout the world had become. 2012 also brought Super Storm Sandy which hit the US East Coast in October, and Super Typhoon Pablo which hit the Philippines in December. We had not experienced such devastating and widespread storms before. And then there was the horrifying shooting of 20 little children and 6 adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School – which did NOTHING to change the gun laws in the USA.

In the Leap Year 2016 The World Health Organization announced an epidemic of the Zika Virus. And a vaccine was found to be effective against the Ebola Virus which broke out in West Africa three years earlier. 2016 was a 9 Year in the world – the number of endings, completion, and deep emotions. February 29, 2016 was a 22/4 day in the world, (2+11+9=22/4), and so the events of that particular Leap Year are being felt 4 years later in 2020. 2016 also brought the election of Donald Trump.

Going back 72 years, 1948 (another 22/4 Leap Year), brought us the creation of ISRAEL and the continuation of the brutal never-ending Arab/Israeli war. 

WHO (the World Health Organization was established, and the NHS (National Health Service) was established in the U.K.

We are living through the end of an entire era in the human journey, the collapse of established norms – the establishment itself, and a dangerous wave of anti-intellectualism from which a new form of fascism is rising. The age of the bully is reaching a crescendo. These are dangerous times indeed in which the choices we make are vital to our future wellbeing – as individuals – as a species – and as individual parts of a living planet.

We are learning things now that we could not have known before. The more we evolve emotionally, the more we evolve intellectually. The vibrations of our feminine magnetic feelings are forcing open our masculine electrical minds – and that is why there is not only a surge of anti-intellectualism, but also a war on women – all over the world.

The Leap Year shakes things loose. INCOMPETENCE is something we may see a lot of this year – from people who are in over their heads and have no experience of what they are dealing with.

What we are experiencing now, both personally and collectively, is what we have to move THROUGH in order to evolve. No one is immune.



2020 (Part 1) – HOLD ON! LET GO! It describes the complex and transforming energies of this very special year in the human journey,

How telling it is that we now live at a time when we individuals must keep our physical distance from each other. As we remain ‘trapped in time’, between the 1000s and the 2000s, we cannot understand OTHERS, until we understand our SELVES.  What we did not learn from that thousand-year journey, we are scrambling to learn now – at this pivotal point of 2020.




Buy my book LIFE CYCLES – your emotional journey to freedom and happiness




2020 is a phenomenal number. The emotional healing of lifetimes and generations, individuals and nations, lies ahead. Humanity is evolving, reluctantly, painfully, and chaotically.

It is often said that life is “a balance of holding on and letting go” – and we must learn when to hold on – and when to let go – as we make our way through the chaos of 2020. The horrors we are experiencing on Earth are the result of trying to exit the past before we have learned what it has to teach. So, the past keeps repeating until we learn.

Time moves forever forward.  It is WE who stand still until reality finally sinks in, and the path ahead can be seen more clearly. And it is clearly a difficult path. 2020 adds up to 4, which brings out our most difficult lessons.

“People are trapped in history, and history is trapped in them.”  ~James Baldwin

We are trapped between two very different segments of time – the masculine 1000s and the feminine 2000s. The “strongmen” (reflections of the past) are rising all over the world – in their full despicability – to prevent our unstoppable transition into equality and balance.

Another common saying is, “hindsight is 20/20” which implies that things that are obvious now were not obvious while they were happening. At least, not to all. The state of the natural world and the mass extinction of multiple species is a prime example of how we have denied the human impact on the very environment that enables us to exist. People see it now, along with the fact that the human species can also be wiped out. And if this should happen, it will be self-inflicted.

The Antarctic Peninsula is among the fastest-warming regions on earth ©Getty Images

This month, it was reported by the World Meteorological Organization that the temperatures on Antarctica/South Pole are the hottest ever and are melting its massive glaziers and ice sheets far more rapidly than expected. This puts not only coastal areas around the world in greater jeopardy, but also the world’s inland waterways which drain into the oceans. The first month of 2020 saw the hottest January temperatures ever, all across Europe.

Without full attention on climate change, our self-destructive system will destroy us. Our antiquated governments, and the industries they answer to, are reducing environmental oversight instead of upholding or increasing it. They attack Mother Nature first and foremost because she is THE MOTHER LODE – she is where everything comes from. They must therefore control her. And In doing so, they control our ability to feel and sense. SHE, Mother Nature, is the source of feminine energy on Earth.

“Ms. McSpadden, what will it take to bring peace to the streets of Ferguson?”


We cannot continue to deny the overwhelming role that racism plays in the ongoing global chaos. How can this tired old system not be racist when it is based on racing, competing, being first, biggest, fastest, richest, and best?

The “human race” is not our species, it is the system itself. We are free evolving beings who are captured in a system fueled by hatred for the ‘other side’, and the belief that “winning” is everything. These brutal divide-and-conquer tactics are where so much of the hatred comes from! And it is much easier to control people in the grip of orchestrated chaos.

But a system that depends on secrecy and behind-the-scenes manipulation cannot survive in the 2000s because 2 is the number of transparency and openness, and exposes what is happening in the background. Then, when the truth emerges, there is an enormous but visible effort to cover it up.

A system that believes white people are the ‘norm’ while everyone else is somehow inferior cannot survive in the 2000s because 2 is the number of equality and balance. Meanwhile, there is an enormous but visible effort to keep “minorities” down, even though the combined minority is very much the majority.

A system that runs on selfishness cannot survive in the 2000s because 2 is the number of empathy and caring. Meanwhile, the level of cruelty dealt out to people, animals, and all aspects of life is visibly intensified, and we live in a state of constant humanitarian and environmental crisis.

This old system depends on we the people NOT becoming the powerful beings we can be when we’re being our true selves. 1 is the number of SELF – and being more aware of our own identity (self-awareness) was a major role of the decade of the 10s, which ended just a few weeks ago.

Foresight is 10 10.

Insight is 11 11.

Hindsight is 20 20.

In order to move forward we must understand WHY we are in this mess. 2020 = BALANCE, which is the result of EQUALITY. And because 2 also = sensitivity and caring, 2020 provides the motivation to firmly COMMIT to what we are aiming for. 11 11 provides the inspiration. 10 10 takes us to the next level – which is where we are now!

creative numerology

Look at the equals sign. It is 11 observed from a different angle. Being able to see the numbers from different angles lets us see the flexibility in life. It enables us to see other points of view besides our own. We can home-in on a specific aspect – and we can also take a broader view and see all the different connections involved. 2 = CONNECTION. And we are ALL connected – every single 1 of us.

We are learning to LET GO of old perceptions and HOLD ON to a realistic sense of self (ego) as we weave our way through conflicting states of mind and emotion. We have to be prepared for this inner turmoil – and savor the instances of new awareness and possibility. This is a time of invention and societal progress, based on NEW understanding – not the same tired old ways.

2020 is a MOMENTOUS year in the human journey in which we must learn about the power of 1 – the number of BEGINNINGS, ORIGINS, the INDIVIDUAL, the SELF, INDEPENDENCE, ACTION, CHANGE, LEADERSHIP, and MASCULINE ENERGY. We cannot find stability in the feminine 2000s until we do, just as we cannot cross a bridge until we come to it. Understanding masculine 1 is the bridge to feminine 2 – because 2 is always made of two 1s.

1 is the FIRST number, and 11 is the 1st of 9 Master Numbers. Master Numbers are TRANSFORMERS, and we are in a major transformation of humanity in these early days of the 2000s.

2020 seems to be a predetermined point in time when feminine 2 rises and brings balance within ourselves (1 = self), and within our species (1+1 = each other). 2020 is what the whole 11:11 phenomenon has been leading to – making this a crucial turning point in the human journey.




11:11 means many things to many people. To some, it means nothing at all. But from the standpoint of numerology, the events of 2020 can help us understand who we are, why we are here, and decide for ourselves the direction we want to take. Both 2 and 4 help us to look more closely and patiently at the details.

So, HOLD ON, WORLD! The results of the past are pouring into the present. The closer we get to the truth, the more dangerous the world becomes. So, LET GO, WORLD, of the systemic programming which tells us that we have no power. We have more power than we have ever been allowed to imagine. We just have to recognize the Will for what it is – and develop it – efficiently – with loving intent.

We are learning about our own power to change things, and the power of others to prevent such changes. The imbalance on Earth has always been about the power of individuals to overpower other individuals. We have been programmed to believe there is nothing we can do about it. We even call them the ‘powers that be’ – or – the ‘ruling class’ – titles of the class system that suggest they have a divine right to overpower everyone else. They do not. And the fact that they believe they do, shows just how deep their denial of reality runs.

4 is the number of system, and in 2020, this collapsing greed-driven system is likely to be severely shaken by events that are beyond its ability to control. Once they can no longer deny that a problem exists, they will deny that they caused it and blame others. 2 = TRANSPARENCY – and in 2020, more than ever, we can see right through the deception and lies.

We are now in a rapid evolutionary phase which is forcing us to recognize the very part of us that is being controlled. Our WILL.

So, HOLD ON world! It’s time to LET GO of the past and create the future. But do keep in mind that 4 is the number of success through HARD WORK, DEDICATION, DETERMINATION, and working through LIMITATIONS and OBSTACLES. This will not be an easy year. 4 requires great EFFORT.

HOLD ON! And LET GO of the notion that we are unable to help ourselves.  Indeed, helping ourselves is the nature of this evolutionary process. The process of freeing the human WILL can only be done by the human Will.

And while we must resist the total capture of the Will, we must also  FREE those parts of our Will that are captured. And keep in mind that it is the Will that enables us to resist in the first place.

No one is free. We are all owned by this global system, the nature of which is ownership. Even those who control it are chained to it by their greed and fear of loss. 

The system wants us to believe that we have no Will of our own, but just look at how the Will of the people keeps rising up to free herself, all over the world.

A major part of freeing the Will is to stretch our imaginations and open our minds – so that alternative ways to exist and flourish can be envisaged, created, and upheld.

It is not just human beings who have a WILL. All of life, the animals, and the planet herself, have WILL energy, feminine energy, depth, darkness, gravity, magnetism, and emotion. And all of life has CONSCIOUSNESS, masculine energy, light, action, electricity, and intellect. Yin and Yang. Without this understanding, we can never eradicate the utter cruelty, self-indulgence, and corruption that is attacking all areas of life.

A major change of gears is in progress. It began as December 1999 flowed into January 2000. On September 11, 2001, the world’s biggest physical symbol of 11 – the World Trade Center in New York was destroyed, and the world has been in turmoil ever since. That was the first IMPACT of the global transformation that we’re now experiencing.

FREE WILL starts with the freedom to express outwardly what we feel inwardly. This is what propels us. This is what is meant by ‘living from the inside out’. Humanity is learning to be moved by our feelings, instead of treating them as mental glitches. We cannot be the free spirits we are until we realize the true purpose, power, and importance of our feminine vibration. 2 teaches us how to do this without being so overwhelmed by feelings that we become a danger to ourselves and others.

2 = perspective, perception, purpose, and appropriateness.  2 = growing up, maturing, and being able to withstand the realities of life instead of denying them. And it does seem that THE WALL of our own denials is starting to crack. As denial falls away, reality stares back at us, and our minds expand with new awareness. Until we understand the true power, purpose, and complexity of emotion, we will continue to be manipulated by those who have learned how to turn our own feelings into weapons to use against us.

This is not a matter of emotional people imposing their feelings on the populace, but of emotionless people casting deliberate emotional blows that are so cruel that we often can’t believe that such heartlessness is possible. They are able to do this because they are unable to feel anything at all – other than hate – which is not an emotion. Hate is emotional disease. An illness of the sensory system. Hate is the absence of love.

Emotion is our inner-radar system which measures and interprets our outer experiences. Emotional intelligence is so powerful that those who control the world cannot allow us to recognize or develop this power – the power of our own Free Will. Resisting this oppression is essential if we are to evolve out of this tragic segment of the journey. As we gain inner balance between masculine mind and feminine emotion, within the physical body, we bring balance into life – and life into balance.

But masculine mind often plays victim when feminine emotion gets too close. And when victimhood takes hold, empathy dies. Then, the only concern is ‘looking out for number 1’ – the SELF.   Ignorance believes it is intelligence – and hate takes over from there.

2 gives us sensitivity. 2 enables us to sense our way along. 2 is sensible. 2 makes sense of things. 2 organizes and coordinates. Feminine 2 expands and develops what masculine 1 has to offer (1+1=2) and opens up space in which ideas can take shape instead of remaining mere mental concepts.

2 is DETAIL.

2 is DEPTH.

2 is a gentle slow-moving energy – but if you try to push against it or speed it up, it pushes back hard and slows you down even more! 2 is the number of patience, attention to detail, right timing, and it feeds the mind with intelligence.

…and look where we are right now.

February is the 2nd month of 2020 – a 22/4 Year. The millennium of the 2000s has just completed 2 DECADES. And now we’re in the decade of the 20s. And on February 2, 2020, we passed through the palindromic date of

0 2 0 2 2 0 2 0

…which is a true rarity.

A palindrome reads the same forwards as it does backwards. So, what was its message? To begin with, it tells us that events and circumstances could go either way. The outcome is not set in stone. 2 denotes CHOICE. And the controlling forces are determined to reduce our choices to just 2 options: do as we say, or we will attack you. And look at the 22, right in the center. The number of the MASTER BUILDER – and the MASTER DESTROYER.

There is a LOT of 22 energy in the flow right now. For instance, DONALD TRUMP was born on the 22/4 Life Path (6+14+2=22/4). He was born in a 2 Year. (1+9+4+6=2+0=2).  He is in a 4 Year in 2020.

22 is the number of GREATNESS. 22 is the most balanced form of 4. But when its intent is unloving, its cold-heartedness is MAGNIFIED. When 2’s perspective is unbalanced, it confuses coldness with greatness. When 22 is in careless or unloving hands, it can be ultra-destructive.

The word GREAT is open to constant interpretation. Greatness can refer to MAGNITUDE, SIZE, IMMENSITY, and IMPACT – or the SERIOUSNESS or SIGNIFICANCE of something. Without these distinctions, we are unable to respond appropriately to the very real emergencies that are happening all over the world, including the continued attacks on the GREATNESS of feminine energy – MOTHER EARTH herself.

We cannot merely shrug and say: “we’ll see what happens.”  Part of what it takes to evolve into Free Will is finding a way to make something happen – to create the changes that will set us free. 4 is the number of BREAKTHROUGH. 4 is also the number of PRIORITY – and many of our priorities must change this year.

In 2020, we must find our way through the haze of lies and deception.  However, this constant uncertainty has a purpose: to force us out of our complacency and ACCEPT the need for NEW ideas and solutions, especially as far as leadership is concerned.

1 = LEADERSHIP. 1 also = CHANGE. It is time to change our definition of leadership. 1 teaches us that we are not here to be ‘led’ but to learn how to lead our own lives. The purpose of government, therefore, is to hold the balance points open so that ALL of life can flow and flourish, not just a selected portion of it.

While 4 can bring great limitations, it also represents SUCCESS through hard work, dedication, determination, and meticulous attention to detail. 4 separates fact from fiction. Only the truth will do. 4 = ORDER, METHOD, PROCESS, and RESULT.

On the other hand, 4 can be so prone to order and correctness, that it becomes obsessed by an unshakable need to be right. 4 can go to great lengths to push back when a belief is challenged or when its ‘norm’ feels threatened. In this case, senses become hardened, including the sense of compassion. 4’s over-reliance on logic can dull the mind because it shuts off (denies) the possibility that it could be wrong and closes itself off to alternatives. There are a lot of closed minds in the world, but let’s not get smug about this. We ALL have areas of unconsciousness from which we need to evolve. The circumstances of 2020 can help us do this.

4 represents the heart chakra. And the heart is where courage comes from (not the testicles as masculine 1 would have us believe). The vibrations of 2020 will help us to open our hearts and be brave when we need to be.

I’ll be writing more as 2020 unfolds.

“To make one good action succeed another is the perfection of goodness.”  ~Ali ibn abi Talib

HERE IS 2020 – PART 2 – THE LEAP YEAR WOBBLE2020 Leap Year


How telling it is that we now live at a time when we individuals must keep our physical distance from each other. As we remain ‘trapped in time’, between the 1000s and the 2000s, we cannot understand OTHERS, until we understand our SELVES.  What we did not learn from that thousand-year journey, we are scrambling to learn now – at this pivotal point of 2020.




Buy my book LIFE CYCLES – your emotional journey to freedom and happiness



MIDPOINT 2019 – the second half of the year

MIDPOINT 2019 occurs at 12 a.m. on TUESDAY JULY 2. And so begins the SECOND HALF of this chaotic 3 Global Year (2+0+1+9=1+2=3).

Many of the norms of the past are changing beyond recognition and have gone past the point where they can be revived. It is not a matter of getting things back to the way they were, because many of those old ways are the cause of our current problems.

It is our DESIRE for a more loving and sustainable way of life that is forcing humanity to evolve. Desire drives us. Therefore, being specific about what we desire is essential. If we don’t CARE, the world will become even more uncaring.

We start the second half of 2019 in a 1 MONTH (July = 7.  2019 = 3.  7+3=1+0=1), and we will make progress to the same degree that the lessons of the first half were learned. Consider what you have experienced so far this year, and what that experience has taught you. July is the 7th month of the year (the number of learning – and secrets), and 1 is the number of action and speed. So, expect the pace to quicken now.

The MIDPOINT of July 2 also brings a total eclipse of the sun over Argentina and Chile, at a time when South America, Central America, The United States of America, Canada, and the Caribbean Islands, are in a state of historical and evolutional flux. The combined history of the American continent is converging as an effect of the past. And this is connected to the karmic attachments that exist on all the other continents, too. Everything on Earth is connected – and not just the people. The 1 energy of July reminds us that WE ARE 1 WORLD, being held together by the feminine energy of MOTHER NATURE herself. The world does not ‘belong’ to us.

2019 brings us to the end of the decade of the 10s – which is also the decade of the teens. The teen numbers are karmic numbers – and these are indeed karmic times in which we have major lessons to learn, including the fact that ‘what goes around, comes around’. We get back from life what we put into it. Cause and effect.

July 2019 is a 10/1 Month (7+3=10/1).

The 19 in 2019 also adds up to 10.

10 takes us to the NEXT STAGE – provided we learn what 1, the number of SELF, has to teach. This includes many misunderstandings about the power and purpose of EGO (our sense of SELF) and what happens when the ego is over or under inflated.

1 is the number of the INDIVIDUAL. We cannot have a balanced sense of self while part of us is held captive. That part of us is our WILL (our feminine energy) which only we, as individuals, can rescue. The Will of the People keeps the system going, but it is taken from us, against our Will, and against our best interests – and many people are still oblivious to the fact that we even have a Will.

3 is the number of PEOPLE and POPULATION – particularly FAMILIES.

1 is the father.

2 is the mother.

3 is the child.

Such is the sequence of CREATIVITY.

And when you put 1, 2, and 3 together, you have 6 – the number of family, community, stability, healing, teaching, justice, responsibility, balance, and LOVE.

However, 6 is also the number of extremes, patriarchy, control, force, and cruelty.

This self-destructive system has no future. It abuses children because children ARE the future. 3 is the number of the CHILD. And 2019 is a 3 Year.

Any system that methodically abuses people, rips families and communities apart, imprisons children, and concentrates perceived enemies in camps and ghettos, can be easily compared to NAZI GERMANY and its belief that Germans were the “master race”, and that Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, and other minorities, were a scourge on the nation. Or compared to APARTHEID – a system of racial division in South Africa.  Apartheid, in Afrikaans, means ‘APARTNESS’. This too was based on the notion of racial superiority – white supremacy.

The PARTITION OF INDIA (by Britain) split the country in two – into INDIA and PAKISTAN – both of which are now in constant conflict with each other – and both have nuclear weapons.

In CHINA, huge numbers of Uighur people and other ethnic minorities are being held in prison camps, against their Will, to undergo what China calls “transformation through education.”

Splitting countries in two and turning them against each other – DIVIDE AND CONQUER – is a despicable, archaic tactic that has no place in present time.

We are NOT the human ‘race’. We are humanity. We call ourselves the human race because that’s what the system has named us. The system is the race – one enormous contest which separates us by color, gender, affluence, and other ‘classes’. We are always at war, and on the brink of war. Me against you – us against them.

The system tells us that there is a ‘ruling class’. What does that even mean in this day and age? The idea of ‘divine right’ has resulted in some of the most heartless, greedy, unintelligent, and perverted people holding positions of great power. We are in a different age now (the 2000s), and those old ways cannot work in 2’s  balanced and cooperative energy. But the power of the ‘old school’ is still formidable and on a mission to win at all costs. Great damage can occur in its death throes.

We must evolve emotionally because it is through our emotions that the system controls us. We have to LOOK at what we are evolving from and allow ourselves to FEEL the emotions it triggers. Our feelings need to complete themselves in order to FLOW through and out of the body. But because we still have so much to learn about emotional energy, this process can take a long time, especially when the mind denies the feeling because it hates having to feel it.

We must learn to feel as spontaneously as possible, without harming ourselves or others. Then, as the mind gains a deeper understanding of the emotional-healing process, we will be more able to recognize new potentials, and new ideas. The merging of mind and emotion – in a state of equality – will produce BIG IDEAS that will create new norms and priorities.

We cannot be WHOLE human beings if parts of us are unconscious. But the more we allow ourselves to feel, the more intelligence we gain. The vibrations of our feelings shake our minds open, and the mind then gives our feelings the consciousness that the system has denied them.  

To evolve out of this vast pocket of hate – we have to recognize the hate within ourselves and understand that hate is not an emotion, but a disease of the emotions that occurs when we shut down our feelings. As you face your personal problems, dilemmas, conundrums,  and “catch-22s”, hate is bound to arise as your true feelings start to penetrate the numbness that emotional denial created.

Even if you cannot see how forgiveness is possible at this stage, try to make it your basic intent, because without forgiveness no progress can be made. Forgiveness means letting go (expressing outwardly) the feelings you are holding on to inwardly. Forgiveness enables us to LET GO of the past and move into present time. We are capable of this. Thankfully, 2 provides the enormous power of PATIENCE as we try to figure out what all this means to us, personally.

These “strong-men” – these cruel, dominating men – and women – have risen to the top of this collapsing male-driven system – because THEY are its downfall. The nature of the system is self-destruction – and cannot help but bring itself down under the weight of its own greed and ignorance.  Focusing on the positive while ignoring the negative has cost us dearly. If you siphon all the wealth to the top, the walls cannot hold, and the whole thing comes tumbling down.

Metaphysically, 1 represents the atom, because 1 is the nucleus of all the other numbers. And 11 symbolizes the splitting of the atom, the creation of 2, and then 3, and then 4 and so on.  But these people have no time for any science or fact that undermines their need for dominance.

MAJOR adjustments and reforms are needed to an enormous degree. In order to evolve, we must learn to transform what we’ve got into what we want. We can do this. In the 2000s and especially in the upcoming decade of the 20s, the time is right for this.

Great effort will be required, but by doing what we have to do to make something HAPPEN, we are learning how to make a desire come true (out of necessity at this stage). Making a desire come true is not the same as making a dream come true. If it’s ‘just a dream’, the odds are stacked against you. A desire already has INTENT and built-in potential. But first, you have to recognize what needs to change – and know what the alternatives are. Emotional vibrations open the imagination. Emotional energy is CREATIVE energy. 3 is the number of CREATIVITY, and this focus stretches way beyond the 3 Year of 2019. The 21st Century is a 100-year cycle of 3!

Just imagine what human beings can achieve creatively by the year 2099 – and the extraordinary feats that could manifest in the 22nd Century, (22 is the Master Number that facilitates massive accomplishment).

In the meantime though, our only way forward is to learn from experience – and not in an abstract sense. We really do have to make a choice – because choice is the basis of Free Will. Not just a choice of which brand to buy, which job to take, or how to vote, but which direction you want your life to go. Do you want to follow the hate? Or do you want to be where there is at least loving intent and the Will to find a better way?

We all have electrical masculine energy (mind) and magnetic feminine energy (emotions) running through our biological bodies. It is the feminine that is being kept down by the masculine – and this original aggression is causing the dangerous imbalance that we’re all experiencing now – and have always experienced throughout time. Misogyny is the deliberate act of keeping women in a subservient position so that male dominance can continue. However, in the 2000s, dominance in any area cannot prevail.

2 brings BALANCE into life, and life into balance. 2 is the number of equality. That’s why 11 has been a major factor in the world since the 1980s.  1+1=2. Turn 11 on its side, and you have the ‘equals’ sign. Note that August 2019 is an 11/2 month in the world. (8+3=11/2).

2 teaches us that the mind is NOT superior to the emotions. And men are not superior to women. In our journey forward, we are tasked with finding this balance – inwardly to begin with, and then in the outer world. This will become even more obvious in the 4 energy of 2020.

“1, 2, 3, 4!

Wake up and live, y’all,
Wake up and live!
Wake up and live now!
Wake up and live!

Life is one big road with a lot of signs
So when you riding through the ruts
Don’t you complicate your mind
Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy!
Don’t bury your thoughts
Put your vision to reality.!”

~Bob Marley, “Wake Up and Live”.

It’s not just a matter of getting rid of Donald Trump. It is a matter of transforming the system that enabled the likes of Donald Trump to wield such power in the first place. The world is very sick, and he and others like him, are symptoms of the past that have risen to the surface. To defeat this energy, anyone who goes up against him must be without any denials of their own, because he FEEDS on denial. The art of the deal was never his forte. The art of denial is where his power comes from. We cannot find the balance we need to evolve if we are denying reality.

The nature of denial is to deny, and here we are still debating whether CLIMATE CHANGE is real or not. We are still debating whether RACISM is a problem! We are still debating whether MEN and WOMEN have equal rights. Denial prevents reality from reaching consciousness – and we have to recognize our own denials as well as those of other people.

The people who defeat Donald Trump and the other ego-maniacs around the world, will be driven by an authentic desire to help those in need, and help everyone to help themselves. They want to preserve what is good about our world. They will be the ones who hold the least baggage – or can shed their baggage easily. They will be able to see and sense what’s happening to the extent that he or she have very few personal denials to deal with, which enables the ego to balance itself. They will be open, honest, and detail oriented. If they’re covering something up, that will be their downfall. (Not only covering up past or present wrongs, but also covering up their true feelings or past actions in order to gain popularity).

3 is the number of popularity, population, expression, happiness, and celebrity. 3 represents artists, performers, and the arts themselves. Politics in this system is indeed a performance art, but it goes deeper than that. In the transparency of the 2000s, the massive extent of what goes on behind the scenes is imaging itself back to us through 3’s reflective nature. 3 is the sparkly happy number of entertainment, the platform, and the artists who dazzle us with their magic. 3 focuses on both the entertainers and those being entertained because 3 is the energy of ENTICEMENT AND DRAW – which itself is an art that comes from combining 1’s electricity and need for action – and 2’s magnetism and sensitivity. Again, such is the sequence of CREATIVITY (1+2=3). 

3 represents both shallowness and depth. At the shallow end we have gossip, rumor, and non-stop-yakety-yak. In shallow 3, pretense is a way of life, and  the judgments are trite but very harsh. 3 also represents jealousy, blackmail, kidnapping, trafficking, the staging of events and situations, deception, sensationalism, pettiness, hypocrisy, spite, cruelty, delusions of grandeur, being unwilling to accept reality, and all the other insanities of narcissism and the extremes of ego (both inflated and deflated).

But at the deep end of 3’s pool of energy is the astounding and greatly underestimated  power of COMMUNICATION, and the intelligence to use it in a way that informs, heals, soothes, inspires, and motivates. As we continue to evolve into the openness, honesty, and transparency of 2, our use of words and images is likely to increase its potency. 3 is the number of SELF-EXPRESSION. So, be who you are, and EXPRESS YOURSELF accordingly.

As we evolve, ideas we have staunchly held onto give way to new understandings which open the mind and increase our consciousness. Evolution is ongoing breakthrough!


Read previous articles here





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WEEK 22 – on the road to 2020

Week 22 runs from May 28th to June 3rd.  2 represents feelings, sensitivity, and awareness of “other” realities – making this an extremely sensitive week in which our individual and collective SENSE OF IDENTITY is emphasized. 22 is an important number on the road to 2020, and the decade of the 20s.  And this is the third week in a 10-week cycle in which all the Week Numbers begin with 2.

As we move further away from the masculine 1000s and go deeper in to the feminine 2000s, we cannot predict the future because we are creating the future as we go – with every decision we make and every action we take. As confusing as current conditions on Earth may be, the prevailing numbers can help us recognize what we are dealing with – and what must change.

 22 is the most balanced form of 4 – the number of obstruction and delay. 4 points out the limitations we create for ourselves when we are careless in situations that require attention to detail. 4 exposes our inexperience and provides opportunities to learn – if we have the WILL to do so. Humanity is in the process of freeing its own Will so that we can know what our true potential as human beings actually is.

4 is the number of ORDER, which is often a matter of upholding and enforcing the LAW. But without equality, there can be no JUSTICE. Therefore, the so-called order is out of balance and is actually a form of disorder. And so we have a paradoxical situation – a “CATCH-22”.  (Joseph Heller’s novel “Catch-22” is a prime example of how art reflects reality.)

week 22

Life is filled with Catch-22s. For example:

  • We have to have money in order to make money.
  • In the entertainment business, you cannot work without an agent, but you cannot get an agent if you have not worked.
  • A Catch-22 can refer to any situation that is unreasonable and senseless, particularly where a law stands in the way of the obvious solution. As 2020 approaches, such ‘laws’ are being put in place by authoritarian governments – laws that prohibit solutions but legitimize the authoritarian, which makes law itself irrelevant.

While the old system continues its descent into fascism, hatred, and political, social, and environmental mayhem, there are people everywhere who are working hard, in many different areas of life, to form a new and more sustainable system, to undo these absurd laws, and to maintain some form of stability on Earth. 4 helps us to achieve results through SERIOUSNESS, HARD WORK, and DEDICATION.

22 focuses on the CONDITION of the masses. “Condition” can refer to the circumstances in which we find ourselves. It can refer to whether someone or something is in ‘good or ‘bad’ shape.  It can refer to the rules and regulations we live by. It can refer to our unwillingness to give without getting something in return. Conditioning can also refer to the way our minds and hearts are controlled and programmed.

22 is the MASTER BUILDER  – and the MASTER DESTROYER. This week, 22 meets the 11 energy that comes from outgoing May and incoming June – the 5th and 6th months.  (5+6=11/2).   



These are the contradictory vibrations we are currently traveling in our journey through the cycles of time. It is the nature of the human Will to be free, so we can experience life in our own way – and discover what it really means to thrive here on Mother Earth without the absurd RACE to BE #1. The entire system is, by nature, racial, because the system is one big RACE – to nowhere.

1 is the number of SELF – and our sense of SELF is measured through the EGO. We do not have to look far to see just how out-of-control certain egos have become, by their sense of SELF-IMPORTANCE and ENTITLEMENT.

1 is the number of LEADERSHIP. But we are not meant to be ‘led’ by others. We are here to learn how to lead our own individual lives – in a way that enables others to do the same, and assist those who are having difficulties. Peace comes through acceptance of each other. The problem is that the individual has yet to accept its SELF. Without that, accepting others is impossible, and tolerance is as far as we get on the road to freeing the human WILL.

The breakdown of tolerance is reflected in the breaking of truces and treaties and the resurfacing of old unresolved aggressions. For the sake of our survival as a species, we must understand that SELF-ACCEPTANCE is the next evolutionary step in the human journey – and that GUILT and BLAME contribute to our self-destruction. Nothing can change until we learn how to forgive and let go.

2 represents PERCEPTION, and the two 2s in 22 show us how easily we believe things that are simply not true – or how the facts are obscured so we don’t know what’s real and what’s not. Being able to  control  our perception of reality – our senses  –  is a vital component in the industrial system. But 2 also brings TRANSPARENCY, and the further we move into the 2000s, the more we are able to SEE THROUGH the deception and recognize the tactics being used. 2 takes us behind the scenes and under the surface and exposes the sinister powers of denial, lies, and propaganda.

Every feeling, emotion, instinct, and urge you have is flowing with information. Your emotions are your sensory system – your inner radar – with which to accurately feel and sense your way through life. Your emotions are your WILL. But this industrial/financial/military/religious system prevents us from using our feminine power – our full emotional range. There cannot be equality in a system of inequality – but such a system cannot exist if the WILL of the people is FREE.

And then there is the “Big Lie’ theory in which the lie is SO big and unbelievable that we start to believe that there must be some truth in it. And there usually is. What makes this mind-control tactic so effective is that the ‘big lie’ is often sandwiched between layers of truth, the mixture of which obscures our perception of reality, by twisting our emotions.

It is not unusual for the BIG IDEA to be converted into the BIG LIE, and we must be constantly aware of these vindictive nazi tactics – products of misused 11, 22, and 33 energy – and the weapons of despots and dictators who abuse,  torture, and kill without consequence. Master Numbers are POWER NUMBERS, and when such power ends up in greedy, feelingless, narcissistic hands, there is always chaos, pain, and misery – on a massive scale.

Not only are we in a 3 Year in 2019 (2+0+1+9=1+2=3), we are also in a 3 Century (2+1=3).  3 represents THE POWER OF COMMUNICATION. But 3 also distracts – which reduces our attention span and scatters the details that would otherwise bring clarity. But the truth is in those details. Ignoring them traps us at the shallow end of life where it is impossible to grasp the true DEPTH of a situation. This is how people are so easily manipulated and tricked by the liars and deniers. Our lack of focus enables others to create illusions by manipulating the way the details are presented.  

If we think we can evolve into a higher frequency by ignoring what we are evolving from, we lose the vital lessons that make evolution possible. 3 is reflecting to us right now – from the world stage – precisely what we must leave behind in order to move forward. This degree of ‘letting go’ can be frightening when there is nothing to replace what we are leaving behind, and knowing that it is up to us to fill the void.

22 is the number of MASTER ACCOMPLISHMENT – based on big ideas and dedicated effort. It is showing us this week that we are SO much more than pawns in a system that keeps us dependent on it.

As our feminine energy responds honestly to the waves created by all this movement and change, jolts of emotion are forcing our masculine minds OPEN – forcing us to look at the realities we MUST change in order to survive. And then, as both men and women gain inner balance between mind and emotion, within our biological bodies, we bring balance into life – and life into balance.

My next article will be about the 6th month of JUNE, 2019 – a Global Month in this Global Year. 9 is the number of ENDINGS and LETTING GO. Naturally, there will be more upheaval. But it is our emotional response that will set the course. In June, we are traveling the   3 6  9  vibration of repetition and continuance.

Be sure to read your personal WEEKLY FORECAST for WEEK 22

2019 (Part 1) – WILL POWER

NOTE: I will write 2019 (Part 2) after we have experienced Weeks 20 to 22. It is likely that the transition from Week 19 to Week 20 will give us a glimpse of what we need to know about the transition from 2019 to 2020.








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WEEK 19 – on the road to 2020 – UNLEARNED LESSONS

WEEK 19 runs from Tuesday, May 7 to Monday, May 13. It contains the evolutionary lessons of karmic 19, which are intensified by the 19 in 2019 (1+9=10=1). Both 19 and 10 are variations of 1, and what humanity is experiencing now are the consequences of what we did not learn from our journey through the millennium of the 1000s.

19 is a karmic holding pattern that contains everything we need to know in order to evolve into a new and more peaceful existence. Between 1 and 9 are all the other numbers and what they have to teach. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9.  1 generates all the other numbers.

But will we learn? Will we be able to avert another descent into the horrors of fascism? We can if we decide to make that our priority. This will take a very strong Will. Therefore, the Will of humanity must evolve into something more capable than it’s ever been. Resistance, after all, is a matter of WILL.

The results of action we took in the 1900s are now playing out in the 2000s, and it is likely that Week 19 and Week 20 will hold some vital clues as to what we most need to learn – and do – as we move from 2019 to 2020, and the decade of the 10s becomes the decade of the 20s.

One of these actions was the creation of Israel, 71 years ago on 14 May, 1948 – the first day of Week 20. The ensuing exodus and annexation of the Palestinian people has been at the root of war and suffering in the Middle East and around the world ever since. More on that next week – and the buildup of U.S. military might in the region, aimed at Iran. After the horrors of the Iraq War in which we were lied to about so many things, including the big lie about ‘weapons of mass destruction”, there is much skepticism about yet another Middle East war.

So here we are in Week 19 facing a multitude of personal and collective unlearned lessons. We are evolving in many ways, but most noticeably, we are evolving emotionally and are realizing how powerful our feminine energy is, rather than how weakening we have been led to believe it is. The Will is our feminine energy – our emotions and senses.

When misinformation grasps the mind, rational thought cannot form, and the dumbing down process is firmly in place. We have been programmed to believe that fear is the problem when, in reality, our rejection of what fear has to teach has created many of the problems we now face. We must gain a deeper understanding of this natural and necessary emotion and all its layers, circuits, triggers, and forms of expression. It is not enough to speak of fear as if it has only one frequency, meaning, or purpose. Fear of WHAT? We need to be specific.

2019 is a 3 Year in the world. 3 represents all forms of communication, and the numbers are communicating very loudly.

This is the 5th month of this 3 year, making May an 8 Month in the world – the number of POWER on the material plane. The combination of 3 and 8 is one of the most creative vibrations in the numeric spectrum – not exclusively in an artistic way – but exceedingly productive when it comes to RESULTS. However, to create is not always a desirable course of action. People also create distractions, disturbances, toxic atmospheres, and havoc. This is the energy in which ideas and plans MATERIALIZE. And 5 (May itself) brings sudden and unexpected development and reveals the extent of our unpreparedness.

Thankfully, the potential for real and meaningful progress is present, too. It is a matter of whether the leaders (1 is the number of leadership) have the Will, imagination, and knowledge to diffuse rather than inflame this volatile current we’re traveling.

The timing is clear. 1+9=10, and 10 is the number of innovation and the implementation of NEW and groundbreaking ideas. The atmosphere is likely to change drastically in 2020, but it is not clear what those changes entail.

1 is the number of SELF – and the EGO is one’s sense of self. With some of the most inflated egos dominating the world right now, 19 shows us the consequences of out-of-balance EGO – a highly toxic and dangerous personality disorder – also known as egomania or narcissism. This involves a “long-term pattern of abnormal behavior, characterized by exaggerated feelings of self-importance, excessive need for admiration, and a lack of empathy.”  The narcissist is arrogant, self-admiring, self-absorbed, self-obsessed, self-righteous, controlling, cruel, and dictatorial. Narcissists and their helpers are running the world and controlling all life upon it – and as we evolve from 1 to 2, this cannot remain to be the case.

It is not a matter of destroying or subduing the ego, but to obtain BALANCE between an over-inflated ego and a deflated one. The ego is a natural part of us without which we cannot be whole. And becoming one whole human being is what our personal evolution is about. 1 is the number of the INDIVIDUAL. 2 is the number of OTHER INDIVIDUALS.

2 gives us the DEPTH that comes from looking patiently at DETAIL in order to see the bigger picture. 2 provides us with empathy, a balanced sense of self-worth, and the power that comes from working together rather than competing. 2 differentiates between fact and fiction, but the closer we get to those facts (and accountability), the more irrational and dangerous the narcissist becomes.  

Week 19 is the final week in a 7-week cycle in which all the Week Numbers are karmic TEEN numbers. (13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, reaching a peak here in Week 19). The  karmic numbers provide fundamental information, examples, and lessons, which can help us evolve in the flow of life. Karma is the learning of what we most need to know – and when we don’t learn what it has to teach, the lessons repeat until we do. Karma often feels like punishment, when in fact it is vital experience. It is what enables us to learn as we go.

This is why our teenage years can be confusing and  painful. And this is why today’s teenagers (all of whom were born in the 2000s) have such an important role to play in changing the world for the better. (This is likely to be even more pronounced in children born between 2010 and 2019 – the teen years themselves). We must never forget that young people ARE the future – right before our eyes!

We must also realize that the karmic numbers reveal our own immaturity and lack of experience, no matter how old we are.

Week 19 is reflecting more clearly now the terrifying rise of global authoritarianism around the world, based on the insane fantasy of male supremacy and white supremacy. POWER in the wrong hands has no ability or incentive to check itself.

2019 is a 3 Year – the number of creativity and destruction, friends and enemies, and all forms of communication – that which inspires, informs, and entertains – and – that which lies, threatens, and manipulates.

Awareness of reality is expanding here in the transparency of the 2000s. The battle to subdue and control the human Will is growing more drastic and dangerous by the minute, and yet the Will is evolving anyway. It is a matter of timing (time is numbers), and 2 gives us a deeper and wider view of our potential as individuals, groups, cultures, and as a species.

Evolving is not a matter of getting swept up on some magical wave of transformation. It MUST be a matter of Free Will because Free Will is what we are evolving TO.

Although the Will is feminine in nature, it is not exclusively about women. We ALL possess feminine energy – the ability to FEEL, SENSE, and INTUIT. We ALL possess masculine energy, too – the ability to THINK, ACT, and LEAD. But those natural abilities must find peace with each other within the biological body, if there is ever to be peace in the outer world. Feminine energy must rise to free itself – and masculine energy must help it to do so.

2 represents partnership, equality, and cooperation. We are in the 2000s. The time is right. 2020 is an important turning point. Which way, I wonder, will we choose to go?

Karmic 19 exposes humanity’s LACK OF POWER which is triggering emotions that have been suppressed for years, lifetimes, and generations. Terror is the most heightened form of fear. Terror-ism terrorizes people in order to control – turning our own fear into a weapon to use against us. Emotion is our WILL.  And when we can take no more, the emotion of anger rises up to free the Will, to heal our damaged feelings, and bring balance into the world. Anger is a great agent of change. There is nothing wrong with anger. But the only way for peace to occur is through peaceful INTENT – otherwise this hellish system of never-ending war – never ends.

Violence against violence expands the violence. Hate against hate increases the hate. We have never truly learned this lesson.  

1 is the number of ACTION – and as life unfolds at breakneck speed, we must learn to align our sense of time with the slowness and deeper awareness of the 2000s. 2 is a sensitive feminine vibration which truly CARES about all of life. If we don’t care, we are careless. If we are careless, we make big mistakes. Details MATTER.

The 9 in 19 is symbolized by the SPIRAL, and just like being on a spiral staircase, we cannot see what’s around the corner. So, the logical thing to do is try to slow things down and see how all those details connect together. A major part of our evolution entails learning how to think and feel at the same time without our masculine minds shutting down the Will whenever our feminine emotions feel uncomfortable. This is difficult to achieve while we are so distracted by the wall of lies and deceit that is designed to prevent us from thinking and feeling coherently.

“It’s 2019. Can we all now please stop saying “climate change” and instead call it what it is: climate breakdown, climate crisis, climate emergency, ecological breakdown, ecological crisis, and ecological emergency?”  ~16-year-old Swedish Climate Activist Greta Thunberg‏

Be sure to read your personal WEEKLY FORECAST for Week beginning May 7 HERE

2019 (Part 1) – WILL POWER

NOTE: I will write 2019 (Part 2) after we have experienced Weeks 20 to 22. It is likely that the transition from Week 19 to Week 20 will give us a glimpse of what we need to know about the transition from 2019 to 2020.







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MAY 25 2018

may 25 2018May 25 2018 brings unexpected flashes of light that penetrate the darkness and reveal what’s going on behind the scenes or beneath the surface. There is an emphasis on communication, action, reaction, opinion, learning, the opening of the mind and heart, secrets, lies, power, bullying, and the games people play.

YEAR = 2+0+1+8=11

MONTH = May = 5

MAY 2018 = 5+11=16/7

DAY = 25th = 7

DATE = 5+7+11=2+3=5

WEEK = 21 = 3

A change of course and atmosphere begins on Friday, May 25 2018. It seems to reach a preliminary climax on June 2nd or 3rd, but it actually expands for many months. With so much disinformation and sheer hatred being thrown at the population, our hearts, minds, and physical bodies are under enormous stress. When our inborn ability to express ourselves is compromised, we have no Free Will because the Will operates and advances through a balance of emotional and intellectual expression. Outward expression. We all have a voice – and therefore we all have a say in how we live. There is no one on Earth qualified enough to dictate this to us.

There is SO much going on here, including an unavoidable surge of anger and outrage, and the relief that comes when pent up emotions are finally released. Just remember that emotions are not weapons. They are your honest feelings, and in order to turn them into appropriate response and  action, you really do have to feel them as they move through and out of your body.

The development of our emotional power is not about screaming and yelling or being depressed. It’s about feeling the impact of a situation strongly enough to want to do something about it – and then BEING part of the solution. We must FEEL what is happening in order to change it.

Free Will is the future. With Free Will, we create our own realities by being who we really are, and learning as we go.  Everyone has a Will (feminine energy). But without peaceful intent, the Will is not free.


Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Numerology … get your Creative Numerology Year Book here –     PDF (by email)   OR   PRINTED           KINDLE

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Week 20, 2018

Week 20Week 20 runs from Monday, May 14 to Sunday, May 20.

People are not protesting political differences. People are protesting systemic injustice, cruelty, murder, incompetence, negligence, and the capture of the human Will. Our current position in the cycles of time is one in which the Will is rising to free itself – and we cannot know our true potential as human beings until we achieve this. When the feminine Will becomes equal to the masculine Mind, and they operate together, in harmony, who knows what can be achieved in this inner balance.

2 represents equality, partnership, cooperation, connection, details, and caring. We are awash in 2 energy in Week 20 – as flashes of 11 and 22 shed light on all those denials and distortions of the truth. We are moving further away from the 1000s and deeper into the 2000s, towards the end of the decade of the 10s – towards 2020 and the decade of the 20s.

It is not the nature of 2 to dominate, but 2 is nonetheless in the most dominant position as it takes its natural place in time. But we are being subjected to the dangerous denials of those who are terrified of losing their position in this game we call the human “RACE”.  They throw their denied fear at the world – and it hits us as terror.

In Week 20, we are at an important turning point. For the next 10 weeks, all the Week numbers begin with 2. No matter how fast things are moving in the outer world, 2 is trying to slow us down internally to give us a clearer sense of what is going on, and how we are ALL connected to current events – and each other.

The race is so complex in the Middle East that it seems to be spiraling in ways we have not seen before. As soon as Donald Trump pulled out of the Iran Nuclear Agreement in Week 19, a spontaneous escalation of bombing, suffering, and death occurred in the region. In these early days of the 2000s, we are dealing with the consequences of actions taken in the 1900s, and the overpowering growth of the industrial system which depends on both OIL and CHEAP LABOR – slave labor in many cases. The jockeying for position is breathtaking to observe.


Week 20 begins on May 14 – the 70th anniversary of Israel’s Declaration Of Independence in 1948.

This year on May 14 the USA makes its provocative embassy relocation from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

The following day, May 15, is the “Day Of The Catastrophe” or Nakba Day. The day on which the real physical occupation of Palestine began, ousting 700,000 Palestinians from their homes.

May 15 is also the first day of Ramadan – the 9th month of the Islamic calendar – a strictly observed holy month of prayer and fasting.

2018 is an 11 Year

May 15, 2018 is a 22/4 Day

1948 was a 22/4 Year

11:11 = 22

2 cannot exist without two 1s (1+1=2)

11 = connection. Therefore, 2020 = 11:11

The Master Numbers 11 and 22 are prominent as we approach 2020, and because all the master numbers, from 11 to 99, are multiples of 11, all nine of them are active in 2018.

Through its power of CONNECTION, 11 illuminates what we’re dealing with and forms a bigger, more precise picture. It shines its light on what we most need to see. But it also produces defense mechanisms for those who don’t want to be seen, which include creating distraction, blurring perception, muddying waters, reversing blame, the devious art of denial, and sheer brute force. While 11 signifies connection and unity, it also makes opposition to these qualities inevitable.

1 = SELF and 2 = SELVES…
1 = EACH and 2 = OTHER…

22 = large groups of people – the masses – and because it is a generally caring energy, 22 focuses on the conditions in which all of us find ourselves. But when the ego is over-inflated, caring is limited to the self, and others suffer as a result.

22 is the number of the Master Architect and Builder – and – the great destroyer that rips things to pieces. 22 represents large-scale concepts. For better or worse, 22 represents GREATNESS. With loving intent, 22 creates change by building something new which is designed to render the old irrelevant. But when the motivation is ego-based and selfish, the results are destructive and chaotic.

In the next 10 Weeks, the ways of the past will inevitably double-down and create chaos everywhere. But as humanity continues to free its own Will and evolve, it will be easier to see the potential of the future. It is vital that we do not normalize this ‘hostile takeover’ of the world.

Donald Trump was born on the 22/4 Destiny Path (6+14+1946 = 6+14+2=22/4), and the USA is in a 22/4 National Year in 2018. (7+4+11=22/4). May in a 22/4 Year is a 27/9 Month – the number of endings, conclusions, drama, deep emotions, and the opportunity to acquire genuine confidence, regenerate, reorganize, and rebuild.

People are trapped in history, and history is trapped in them. ~James Baldwin

Because the dying system itself is one big race to be #1 – racism can no longer be hidden or ignored. It is everywhere, and it affects everyone.

When racial discrimination become national policy, we have apartheid in our midst. Apartheid means “separateness”. Segregation. The police are often the worst offenders because their function is to uphold policy. In an authoritarian system, the police do not protect and serve the people. They protect and serve the system. These assaults and murders are distinct acts of terrorism. Crimes against humanity. And such tactics belong in the segment of time we are evolving FROM, and must never be ‘normalized’.

“One love, one heart, let’s get together and feel all right..” ~Bob Marley, One Love

Old concepts are changing drastically now, as the hypocrisy of white privilege is seen more clearly. White people can no longer hide behind the mask of superiority that the system imprinted on them. As some complain that “not all” white people are like this, the fact is that all white people have white privilege – put in place to keep poor whites in line by instilling the belief that even the poorest white is superior to any black. White people, including myself, need to be humbled and inspired by this – not crippled by guilt or made defiant by denied guilt – just humbly aware of our place in a diverse, fair, balanced, evolving world. Humility does not mean being any less than you are. It means accepting yourself exactly as you are. Self Acceptance is the greatest lesson that 1 has to teach at this time, and it applies to ALL of humanity.

The cruel act of separation (divide and conquer), is part of many immigration tactics around the world, including the separation of refugee children from their parents, announced as policy in the USA just last week. Separation tactics were used in Britain, as part of the Windrush atrocity.

1 = separation
2 = 1+1 = unity

If we look at 11 from a different angle, it is the very symbol of EQUALITY. Turn 11 on its side, and there it is. 

 The Will is made of feminine energy, (emotion). That’s the part of us that is evolving now. But the development of our emotional power is not about crying, yelling, or being depressed. It’s about feeling the impact of a situation strongly enough to want to do something about it – and then BEING part of the solution. We must FEEL what is happening in order to change it. This is how we WILL things into being.

War is not the answer. But it is the tactic of masculine energy that refuses to evolve into its higher potential. Unevolved 1 focuses only on the SELF and feels superior to others. It has to win, it has to be better, bigger, faster, smarter – it has to be best. It has to win at all costs. And when it feels itself slipping, it bullies its way back to the ‘top’. This small-mindedness creates the concepts of MALE SUPERIORITY, WHITE SUPREMACY – and the RACE to be #1. Unevolved 1 cannot move beyond the extremes of inflated or deflated EGO.

On the other hand, evolved 1 desires to learn new things, to lead its own life, and to accept that OTHERS have the same rights. Evolved 1 brings BALANCE to the ego. This is authenticity and genuine confidence (not a false outer appearance of confidence which cannot be maintained in 2’s transparency). 1 is the nucleus of all the OTHER numbers, and its purpose is to generate life, not hold it back.

When we take freedom and abundance for granted, we lose the balancing power that gratitude brings and we move into the tangle of greed, which is compounded by denied guilt. Not only is greed the inability to feel satisfied, it is also the inability to feel grateful. And taking the gifts of life for granted brings many problems. Greed renders us so afraid of loss that it closes our hearts to others, even those we love.

This transition between 1 and 2 is complex and difficult. 2 does not compete. 2 cares, cooperates, and accommodates. 2 is sensitive, intuitive, has patience, notices the details – and makes us aware of how 1 thing leads to another.

Week 20 ends on the 20th, which should be interesting.


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Week 18, 2018

Week 18WEEK 18 is a 9 Week (1+8=9). It runs from Monday, April 30 to Sunday, May 6.

1 = THE INDIVIDUAL, ego, self, beginnings.

8 = POWER, position, money.

9 = ENDINGS, drama, karma, deep emotions.

When 18/9 is out of balance, there is a tendency to go to extremes in pursuit of a goal. People stop caring about anything that does not pertain to what they are aiming for, and get caught up in selfishness, greed, contest, and irrational behavior. Here in Week 18 of this 11/2 Year (2+0+1+8=11=2), the EMPOWERMENT and DISEMPOWERMENT of INDIVIDUALS is strongly emphasized.

Imbalanced 18/9 denies the relevance of anything that stands in its way. Even the most obvious truths are denied. Imbalanced 18/9 narrows its focus to materiality, money, status, and power, to shield itself from guilt. It is important to remember that guilt is not an emotion. Guilt is a judgment we make against ourselves. And there is nothing more dangerous than denied guilt.

Guilt is inevitable in 18/9’s vibration because 9 represents compassion, caring, giving, healing, sympathy, empathy, and awareness. But it is difficult to live up to 9’s potential when 1 and 8’s denials prevent them from CARING about outcomes. Unbalanced 18/9 cuts off its nose to spite its face.


BALANCED 18/9 incorporates vision, personal power, potential, and resources – and works diligently with an idea until it comes to life. It sees this system of greed and hate for what it is  – one big RACE to be #1. Balanced 18/9 dismantles our racist programming and helps us see what is possible when we work together. Every individual is 1. We are all 1.

9 takes us backwards – to learn from the past.

1 brings us forward and 8 gives us the power of correct understanding.

Balanced 18/9 enables us to feel satisfied… (the opposite of greed). New ideas and ideals can then create the beginnings of a new system where balance is maintained through fairness, equality, justice, and truth. Yes, we are a long way from such a reality, but this vibration within 2018’s 11/2 energy of CONNECTION, can deepen our desire for it.  And desire brings movement…


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Week 17, 2018

week 17Week 17 runs from Monday, April 23, to Sunday the 29th.

1 (action) + 7 (intelligence) = 8 (power). It sounds simple, but at this stage of the human journey, there is a great complexity involved. 8 focuses on POWER in all its forms, including the power of DESIRE.

8 represents the Material Plane, which we often confuse with ‘materiality’ and greed. The Material Plane is Mother Nature herself, our main source of feminine energy, which greed is constantly attacking and throwing out of balance.

Everything on Earth originates in nature. Whatever we DESIRE, Mother Nature provides.

DESIRE is one of the strongest vibrations we have. We cannot exist without it because desire is the initial movement of life. The desire to BE. The Will to LIVE.  However, the  fact that human beings can desire horrific and despicable things doesn’t alter the fact that desire is an essential part of life. It all depends on whether our overall intent is loving – or not.

We are evolving from an antiquated system of male supremacy, white supremacy, and wealth supremacy, which relies on DENIAL OF REALITY for its existence. This system of competition and contest is where the horrors and atrocities of racism originate – and all forms of prejudice. We are not the ‘human RACE’. We are human beings.

In Week 17 of this illuminating 11/2 year, denial is much harder to maintain. No one is immune here. Our personal and collective awareness is expanding. And the more conscious we become, the more we recognize the predicament we are in!

In a system that is driven by contest and war, it is only a matter of time before the system goes to war with itself. And it’s only a matter of time before a system driven by destruction destroys itself.

The road out of denial is fraught with danger and brutality. But here in the feminine 2000s, our position is also filled with opportunity, potential, creativity, and the wonders we can achieve when we express ourselves from the heart – openly and freely. Peaceful intent takes us onto a path of realism and honesty, and the DESIRE to transform what we already have into something more caring, imaginative, intelligent, fair, balanced, loving, and joyful.

Greed is desire that is so out-of-control that it desires to control the desires of others. What craziness we live in! We are programmed to believe that desire is the problem, while being bombarded with advertising and enticements which increase our desire – for material things. It is our desire for freedom, justice, peace, and harmony that this system cannot tolerate.

1 is the INDIVIDUAL. 

7 is the MIND. 

1 is outgoing.

7 takes you inward.

1 exudes confidence and fearlessness.  

7 needs to know exactly what it’s dealing with.

1 is doing.  

7 is learning.

In Week 17, we experience both the chaos caused by lack of awareness – and the bigger picture that attention to detail creates. 17/8 highlights efficient planning, true understanding of existing information, and an intuitive ability to correct its own imbalances. But when the imbalance goes unchecked, 17/8 exposes extreme self-interest, arrogance, greed, jealousy, impatience with detail, and denial of the facts.


The events of Week 17 are connected in various ways to the decade of the 1980s. The decade of money and power, bullying, hostile takeovers, insider trading, and the  belief that money rules, might is right, and greed is good.

The main reward of 8 is the feeling of SATISFACTION that comes when you truly and thoroughly appreciate what you already have; and when you know you have enough. Greed is the inability to feel satisfied and therefore never happy. Greed is the belief that there is no such thing as enough, thus a constant feeling of lack.

As we evolve into our true selves, we see the shallowness of those outdated tactics. 17/8 shows us that we are so much more than the old system allows us to be. Fascism exists to prevent us from realizing our true worth, our true power, and our free Will. It must not be given a chance to take hold!

As we gain the power of self-acceptance, the controlling forces are scrambling to extinguish the rising WILL of humanity. As we move further into the transparency of the 2000s, the denials, lies, deflections and maneuvers are utterly astonishing. Therefore, on the road to 2020, we really must BE “the change we want to see in the world”.


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WEEK 38 – The Power Of People

WEEK 38 is the 9th week in a 10 week cycle in which all the week numbers begin with 3. We often have the most to learn as a cycle comes to an end – and there is a LOT to learn about 3 in the next two weeks. This week’s combination of 3 and 8 sheds light on what we most need to see and understand (whatever that turns out to be).

38 gives us 11, the number of illumination and inspiration. Both 3 and 8 are the principle numbers of creativity and making things happen – and 11 has intuitive and inventive qualities that are uniquely its own.

3 represents PEOPLE, communication, expression, creativity, friends, joy, entertainment, sport, media, social-media, social interaction, words, images, optimism, drama, humor, color, sound, appearance, illusion, shallowness, hearsay, gossip, and envy.

8 is the number of POWER in all its forms, including economic, political, and military matters. 8 is an enforcing energy, which is often used by bullies and tyrants to make themselves feel powerful. 8 is utilized to maintain control over the material world, which is an unnatural use of this energy, the true purpose of which is to protect nature. 8 is the number of abundance, resources, and resourcefulness. Human beings are not separate from nature. Our very existence is part of the natural process.

8 is the number of prosperity. It incorporates existing resources to increase function and value. All too often, the business world  incorporates existing resources to simply increase profit. Week 38 sheds light on the natural environment and the devastating effect of this unchecked industrial system.

When 3 and 8 meet, communications are loud and insistent, but not always logical. People go to great lengths to get a point across, whether there is a valid point to be made or not.

Like never before, we are seeing the terrible suffering caused by people imposing their power over other people. This has always been the case, but the extent of the cruelty has become more blatant. Yes, empathy and love are spreading among humanity, but the sheer hatred out there is more widespread than ever. This is why we must be more aware of the hate – ill feeling – that we ourselves are holding inside but are denying.

Hate is not an emotion, but the result of emotions that have become infected by indifference and lack of love. The extremes of hate are emerging all over the world in the form of nationalism (nazi-ism) and authoritarianism – and we all hold some hatred inside. We might not call it hatred, but that’s what it is when we say,  I can’t stand that”, or “I detest this person“. Emotions are felt in varying degrees, and hate follows that pattern too.

The evolutionary process of emotional healing applies to all of us and is the only means of relieving ourselves of old sadness, grief, unresolved dispute and anger, lingering fears, and the inability to move out of our comfort zones and venture more deeply into life. This week’s 3 8 11 vibration can help us to IMAGINE alternatives.

88 years ago, on 26 October, 1929, a 3 day in the world (8+1+3=1+2=3), in an interview with The Saturday Evening Post, Albert Einstein said:

“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, whereas imagination encircles the world.”

While knowledge is essential, imagination enables us to go beyond what we already know, so that new knowledge can form. The POWER of PEOPLE also consists of the ability to learn new things. Being able to visualize POTENTIAL is vital to our evolution. 3 provides the OPTIMISM that can carry us through difficult, mind-bending, and heart-breaking times like these. 8 provides self-empowerment, essential information, and unpretentious confidence.

The inner condition of humanity is projected into the outer world. The world stage is a reflection of ourselves. 3 is the number of the arts – and inner communication (feelings and thoughts), is where art – and imagination – begin.

Our emotions are messages we send to ourselves. But because we are so unfamiliar with the interaction of emotion with the mind and biological body, this energy is easily manipulated by outside forces. In the chillingly competitive race to influence the masses, we are controlled by our emotions, a process that the system refers to as the ‘battle for hearts and minds’.

Emotion is the WILL of life. The nature of the WILL is to be FREE. From the highest joy to the depths of despair – the entire emotional range is a measure of how free – or un-free – we are. Free Will is the next evolutionary step in the human journey, which is why the current system is doing everything it can to keep the feminine down, numb our feelings, and dumb down our minds. Emotion is our honesty, and as we evolve, we are learning to be honest with ourselves. Free Will begins with the freedom to express outwardly what we feel inwardly. This is what it means to live from the ‘inside out’. Expression is what propels us.

In the transparency of the 2000s, we are able to see the driving force behind this capitalistic system – which is based on winning and losing. No wonder so many believe that life is just a ‘game’.

The white male claims superiority by eliminating competition. But isn’t competition what capitalism is all about? No. Capitalism wants to destroy the competition and reign supreme – which is why the issues of white supremacy – and male supremacy – are so prevalent. The self-destructive class system is falling apart under the weight of its own imbalance, hypocrisy, and denials.

It is often said, and usually with good intent, that “there is only one race – the human race”, but this is a misunderstanding. There is no “race” at all. A race is a contest, a competition, which keeps us divided and constantly striving to outdo each other. We are NOT the human “race”. Each ONE of us is a unique individual HUMAN BEING. Each of us is 1. And together we are 1. It is imperative that we learn this fundamental lesson of the 1 energy as we make our way further into the 2000s. If not, a race war (which is what ALL wars are) could be instigated just to keep the system – the human ‘race’ – going.

An important characteristic of 3 is that it helps information to spread. This is why 3 is known as the number of gossip, hearsay, and rumor. 3 also helps us to put our knowledge, thoughts, and feelings, into words that we ourselves can understand – which then spreads to others – for better or worse. 11 will bring to light a lot of hypocrisy and dishonesty this week, but we can expect to be enlightened and inspired, too. As we evolve emotionally and intellectually, we express ourselves from the heart which then speaks to the hearts of others.

3 can be very distracting – as reflected in the entertainment industry, the news, the internet, and the creative world in general. But when we allow ourselves to focus in 3, we can create amazing things which apply to all aspects of life, not just the arts. You may want to create a business, a solid relationship, a situation, a home, or even an atmosphere. Or a book, a painting, or anything you feel aligned with and dedicated to. There is a creative way and a destructive way in all the decisions we make.

8 also amplifies the power of 3 by providing opportunity. 8 is a metaphysical magnet – the material world’s great attracter. 8 is a feminine number – the number of abundance, just as Mother Earth herself provides absolutely everything we have. 11 is the number of LIGHT – illumination – and regardless of where we live, we are likely to see some serious light being shed where we were previously kept in the dark.

September’s 9 energy is amplifying everything right now, boosted by the double-10 energy that comes from the 9th month of a 10/1 year. 9 (the number of endings and conclusions) takes us back to the past so we can learn what we failed to learn back then, while 1 brings us forward in direct proportion to our ability to learn. A massive increase of consciousness is forming as a result, along with the frustration of what seems like such SLOW progress. Frustration is a mix of fear and anger, and is quite natural under these circumstances.

Our biological bodies are the instrument through which the emotional range (magnetism) expresses itself. Feelings are the sensations created when emotion meets body. The mind (electricity) then interprets what the emotions are conveying (depending on how open the mind is to receiving the physical feelings).

The emotional range is our inner radar. Don’t let the need for ‘certainty’ shut it down. Remember that awareness of reality is our best safety net.

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THE POWER OF 10 (week 41)

Week 41 –  October 2016 is a major turning point in the human journey because it is here in the 10th month of this 9 year that we start to feel the vibrant 10 energy of 2017. (2+0+1+7=10/1).

 These two 10s connect to the 10 energy of the current decade. So we are in a numeric surge of 10 10 10 energy throughout October, intertwined with the spiraling movement of this 9 year.

On Monday October 10, we are in 10 10 10 10 energy. 10 is the number of fundamental change.

10 x 3 = 30 = 3

10 x 4 = 40 = 4

3 represents the vital power of communication between people and populations. 3 is the number of entertainment, presentation, illusion, gossip, judgment, hearsay, and shallowness – and the exchange of information and ideas. Nothing is quite what it seems in the 3 energy because 3 represents all the arts, and the art of illusion is one of its principle gifts.

And because 3 is the number of communication, the role of the media is under tremendous scrutiny – and it needs to be.

No matter what happens to Donald Trump in the days and weeks ahead, the Trump problem does not go away. There are already threats of violence from neo-nazis, ku klux klan, and other hate groups that support him, and the mainstream press has helped normalize their hate. Not only has the venom been unleashed, it was showcased! And yet, ironically, even paradoxically, perhaps it needed to be this way so that we can finally distinguish important information (news) from entertainment.

The following is an excerpt from my 2011 article “Numerology and EXTREMES” which fits the current situation well:

“Every emotion has its place in life, even hate. And “place” is very much the point here. Extremes are the furthermost edges of life, which is where hate belongs. The more humanity seeks individual and collective balance, the more the extremes fight back. But extreme energy is so immersed in irrational fear, hate, and rage that it cannot reason or be ‘reasoned with’.

…. they cannot take complete control because the 2 energy of the 2000s has brought us to the right time – the right cycle – for the Will of humanity – our emotional feminine energy – to begin the evolutionary process of freeing itself.

The extremes, left, right, top and bottom, want so much to be right about everything that they have rendered themselves unable to learn anything new.

This is not the rise of the extremes but a violent reaction to their fear of being irrelevant. This irrational fear is uniting with hatred and rage, all of which is spewing out against those they feel most threatened by. No matter how clever they believe themselves to be, they are lashing out mindlessly which is what makes them so dangerous.

The extremes are the manifestation of hatred and rage, each of which has a right to exist, because everything in life has its furthest point….”

10 10 10 10 = 40 = 4. This is the energy of Monday, October 10, 2016. This in turn corresponds to this 10-week cycle in which all the Week Numbers begin with 4. We now have a major opportunity to become more aware of the limiting patterns we maintain through habitual routines and choices. There is no better time than this to CHANGE whatever does not serve our best interests. And there is no better time to become more aware of who we really are deep inside.

The United States faces much more than a political crisis. It is a matter of personal and collective IDENTITY.  4 identifies, sorts and classifies. 4 is the number of foundation, order, system, reasoning and logic. These crises of identity are also happening in The UK, Portugal, Greece, the Middle East, Ethiopia, Australia, China, and all over the world, as we grapple with the question of who we are as a people, as well as individuals. As a species, we are in the process of evolving beyond national and political identity – and the whole concept of political parties is laying bare the corruption of leadership. 1 is the number of leadership – and 10 is 1 amplified.

10 represents real movement, change and progress – the NEXT STEP. We have taken the same basic 9 steps repeatedly through multiple generations. The system is so ingrained with repetition that we don’t even recognize the repeated history in which we partake, and assume that this is just the way life IS. But the way things are now is not how life is supposed to be for ever.

We live in a system that allows a few individuals to determine the fate of all humanity. We are in the process of accepting that this is totally unacceptable.

The more we allow ourselves to feel, the more we are able to revive the human Will, which is the feminine energy that all human beings possess, male and female alike, which has been numbed and silenced through the repression of emotion. As we move further into the 2000s (2 is the number of sensitivity), we are more able to ‘sense’ reality – not the ‘virtual reality’ that the system has painted for us. 1 reflects our precious individuality and 2 reflects the need for unity among individuals.

This multiple-10 vibration provides opportunities to discover the new potential that arises out of new circumstances. It seems like a very slow process, but the first thing we learn from 2 is that PATIENCE is a great power in itself which we must develop and apply as needed: patience with detail, with the process of learning life’s lessons, with ourselves and each other, and with the pace of our progress.

There are only 3 years left before we leave the decade of the 10s and enter the magnetic, emotional, and deeply intuitive 2 vibrations of 2020. To make this transition without destroying ourselves – we must learn what 1 has to teach, and find its connection to what we are simultaneously learning from 2 – the number of unity, cooperation, and caring.

1 = origins, the seed, masculine energy, electricity, territory, ideas, game-playing, competing, winning and losing, leadership, ego, vanity, confidence, independence, invention, innovation, the spirit, the SELF.

In order for the self to evolve and be whole, it must first accept itself just as it is. Self-acceptance is therefore essential. Only then can 2’s nurturing energy help us see BEYOND ourselves and accept others, too. It is our disconnection with SELF that creates the horrors of racism and hate, kept in place by a system that runs on guilt, blame, and shame, all of which are forms of judgment.

1 teaches us that we must love ourselves in order to know the depth at which we can love others. Self love is self respect. And week 41 in this 1 Month/9 Year turns SELF RESPECT and DIGNITY into major issues. We cannot truly respect ourselves or maintain authentic dignity while we ignore and disrespect the dignity of others who are suffering.

WAR IS HELL  ~General William Sherman.

War is hell on Earth – by humanity – against humanity. We are the only species on the planet that is at war with its SELF. And because all change starts within, we cannot claim there is nothing that we as individuals can do about it. If we want a more peaceful world, we must BE more peaceful.

4 is the number of form, matter, dimensions, measurement, classification, law, order, and system. By nature, 4 is judgmental – and while it is active there will be guilt and blame flying everywhere – until breakthrough (understanding) is reached.

As we face our own violence as a species, it is obvious that nothing is more needed now than a desire to understand and love oneself. 2 is the number of relation and relativity, so if we do not understand and accept ourselves, how can we understand and accept anyone else? But this is something we must feel deep within – something we must desire.

We are programmed on a spiritual level to believe that desire is ‘wrong’, but the truth is that desire is the vibration that sets our direction and carries us forward. What matters is the INTENT behind the desire and whether or not it is peaceful. Desire creates the future – and lack of desire enables others to create the future for us. And because we are programmed to believe that success is measured in monetary terms, loving intentions are often overshadowed by the singular desire to accumulate wealth.

Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see…  ~John Lennon, Strawberry Fields

The system in which we are trapped comes from ancient misunderstandings about power on Earth. Our inability to learn from experience has kept us stuck in a violent circle – the karmic wheel – which reflects our inability to get past ZERO.

The word “IS” has great significance at this time. It was Bill Clinton who famously said back in 1998 at his impeachment hearing, “It depends upon what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is”. 1998 was a 9 year, and so much of what’s happening now reflects the decade of the 90s.

Reality is what IS. Not the illusion presented by this ever repeating system. But when a system has established itself, it is difficult to recognize it, let alone change it. The numeric value of IS is 91 which is precisely where we are right now – in the final quarter of a 9 Year, spiraling rapidly toward the 1 Year of 2017. When 1 and 9 merge, we become conscious of many things that were previously unclear.

S is also the 19th letter of the alphabet, and the karmic 19/1 energy is perhaps the principle lesson to be learned as we evolve. 19 adds up to 10, and 1+0 brings us to a whole new level of 1 – the number of new beginnings and change. 19 is the holding pattern that contains everything we did not learn – and everything we need to know – in order to move forward. 19 exposes hypocrisy and atrocity, so that healing can occur. (See link to article about karmic 19/1 at end of page).

Then there is that form of IS that calls itself “islamic state” – but it is not Islamic – and it is not a state. It exists, but its correct place is not in present time – as is the case with all terrorist organizations which spawn inevitably from our system of never-ending war.

Much of the energy that must leave the Earth as we evolve is fighting brutally to retain possession and position – not only in the Arab world, but EVERYWHERE! This is not a matter of politics. The old party system is falling apart all over the world. It is a matter of shaping the future. That is why the past comes back to us in a 9 Year – to help us learn what the past has to teach.

This brings us into the present, which is where we create what WILL be. And that is the part of us that is freeing itself and evolving – the human WILL. Our emotional circuitry. Our feelings and senses. This is why there is so much emphasis on both the power and the degradation of women. But it is not only women who are under assault. Men have emotions too of course, but have been programmed to subdue their feelings to an even larger extent or be perceived as ‘weak’ and ‘womanish’. Feminine emotion is equal to the masculine mind. Different, but equal. Unity within will bring unity to the outside world.

ignorance allied with power is the most ferocious enemy justice can have. ‪  ~James Baldwin

The Donald Trump phenomenon is not a distraction. It is an important reflection of reality on Earth. As the human journey shifts from masculine 1 to feminine 2, one of the most obvious lessons that 1 has to teach is that hatred and mistreatment of women IS violence against the WILL of humanity. This is where racism and all injustices on earth START because sex is where everything starts. It is how we are born. Sexual/gender imbalance is the principle effect preventing forward movement.

Balance is equality.

Balance is fairness.

Balance is justice.

Balance is peace.

Week 41 is a 5 Week – the number of SEX, GENDER, and the PHYSICAL BODY. On October 14th, (1+4=5), Trump faces a federal charge of child rape, (now postponed until December 16) the details of which have been available for many weeks, but have been held back by the mainstream press. Perhaps they are afraid of being sued. Perhaps they simply don’t know how to deal with it. There are also allegations of human trafficking and sex slavery, and how telling it is that the women making these allegations were largely ignored by the media – until the ‘pussy-tape’ surfaced.

And then there is Trump’s connection to Vladimir Putin who had a pussy scandal of his own 4 years ago in 2012 (a 5 year) when the female punk-rock group “Pussy Riot” protested Putin’s totalitarianism and served time in prison for it. Even the name Pussy Riot is a reflection of the upsurge of feminine energy and the Will of humanity which needs truth, healing, and unity in order to survive.

culattcwcaaueffThis 5 week also brings back into view the CENTRAL PARK 5 – the 4 black and 1 Latino teenagers – children – who were wrongfully imprisoned for many years for the brutal attack and rape of Trisha Meili, known then as the ‘Central Park Jogger’. Her terrifying experience occurred on April 19, 1989…. a 5 day, in a 9 year, a 4 month, on the karmic 19th. (All of those numbers correspond to the numbers we are experiencing this week and this month).

Trump took out a full page ad in the New York Daily News calling for the return of the death penalty for these innocent boys. And even after their innocence was proven, he would not back down, arguing that they were ‘no angels’. One of these young men, Yusef Salaam, asked in a recent interview that if Trump still believes they are guilty, would he as president come after them again? What a terrifying thought. Thankfully, The Central Park 5 are now playing an important role in Trump’s downfall, and there is justice in that!

Here in this 1 month (beginnings) in this 9 Year (endings), we are experiencing the beginning of an end. But we cannot assume that we know what this may entail. There are so many different aspects involved and we are not accustomed to this level of complexity.

Slide1Week 41 is a 5 week which could bring sudden shifts in many different areas. 5 is the number of VARIETY.  When 5 is active, things tend to slip back and forth because 5 sits at the very center of the numeric spectrum and has a see-saw effect, depending on the weight or gravity of the situation – and our reaction to it.


Week 39 is the final week of a 10-week cycle in which all the week numbers begin with 3 – the number of words, images, sounds, enjoyment, and all forms of communication. 3 also represents people, population, popularity, appearances, the arts, entertainment, sport, performance, the stage, social matters, social media, and the internet. First, however, let’s look at how Week 38 ended.

slide1September 22, 2016 was a momentous day in many respects. It was the Autumn Equinox: a day when day and night – light and dark – were of equal duration. A day of evenness and balance. It was also a day on which the numbers involved formed an unusual pattern.

This stunning array of numbers signifies a precise shift in time that is having a deep effect on our emotions and the way we perceive what is happening. People are less afraid to be afraid, more aware of what our fears are communicating to us, and more determined to do something about it.

September 22 was not just another wake-up call, but an actual waking of hearts and minds everywhere, despite the terrible conditions under which people are living, and the brutal effort to keep us misinformed.

22 emphasizes large-scale events that influence the lives of the many (not just the few). Major accomplishments can be made when this energy is used intelligently and compassionately. But in the wrong hands, 22 brings ongoing confusion and havoc. And while confusion and havoc will not go away any time soon, September 22 brought a much needed infusion of perspective, depth, and clarity – through our growing ability to feel, sense, and intuit. Just remember that we will inevitably experience alternating bouts of chaos and clarity as we shift from one depth of consciousness to another.

The double 9 energy of September 2016 continues to take us backwards – into our personal and collective history – so that we can LET GO of the past an move forward. If old memories keep popping into your mind – fleeting or lasting – things you haven’t thought of in years – remember that 9 takes us back to what is stopping us from moving forward, and reveals old feelings that we denied or did not express as fully as they needed to be expressed. 9 brings acceptance, forgiveness, letting go, completion, and healing. It wipes the old slate clean, which provides the space for new possibilities to form. 9 takes us back to the future!

When we cannot heal from past events, we then have to carry all that pain, anger, fear, and grief around with us in the present, often unaware of what is weighing us down and holding us back.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016, brings us into 999 energy for the 3rd time this month – a perfect day for broken hearts to heal.  3 x 3 x 3 = 27, and the combination of 2 and 7 brings heart and mind TOGETHER in the spirit of cooperation, and a willingness to learn from each other. Today, the power of 27 is doubled, and we can all gain strength from this.

The hearts and minds of people everywhere are becoming more open and receptive now, and more determined to live and learn. The enormous emphasis on 3 and 9 this week is likely to bring the power of communication to a crescendo on many levels. 3 is strong enough on its own right now, but 9 is the result of 3 x 3. The square root.

“Creativity is not confined to artistic pursuits. Each situation we encounter has the potential for a creative – or destructive – outcome.” ~from my book Life Cycles – September in the 3 year)

3 is the number of friends and friendliness. Be careful of gossip, hearsay, and the misuse of words. There are major lessons to learn in all of 3s aspects this week, including creativity.

160324062935-hillary-clinton-donald-trump-exlarge-169Communication this week can reach new highs – and new lows. And with the first US presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on Monday, September 26, who knows which way it will go. It’s an 8 day in the world. A 1 day in the USA.

8 is power.  1 is leadership.  3 is the stage.

Charlotte, North Carolina

To condemn the uprising in Charlotte would be to condemn a man for thrashing when someone is trying to drown him.   ~Rev. William Barber

When an event affects us on an emotional level, its impact sends out clusters of numbers which expose a specific theme, revealing how various aspects are connected. In this instance, 3 and 9 are the dominant vibrations. When Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson Missouri, in 2014, the dominant number was 6 – the number of justice, family, and neighborhood. When the Twin Towers were destroyed on September 11, 2001, there were so many instances of 11 flying around that it was almost impossible to keep up with them. Every major event (every event actually) creates its own distinct numeric pattern.

Something changed in the collective American psyche last week with two more needless police killings of black men. In the case of Terence Crutcher in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the police officer was charged with manslaughter.  But the horrific killing of Keith Lamont Scott, as his wife begged the police not to shoot him, is unlikely to fade away, even though a dash-cam video has finally been released by the police. There is still no evidence that Keith Scott had a gun. Something changed last week. A door opened. The Black Lives Matter movement is essential to humanity’s evolution, and not just in the USA. “No justice, no peace” is not a threat or a mere slogan. It is science. Where there is injustice, there is imbalance. And where there is imbalance, there can never be stability – for anyone.

slide1The name Charlotte has the numerical makeup of 3 9 3. And not only do all the letters in Charlotte add up to 3, but are derived from the number 39 – the number of this week.

North Carolina is the 12th State of the Union. 1+2=3.

Statehood was gained on November 21, 1789 (11+3+7=2+1=3). So North Carolina was born on the 3 Destiny Path – and on the 21st of the month (3).

slide1KEITH LAMONT SCOTT was born on February 3, 1973.

At 2:22 pm on the day he died, Keith Lamont Scott left a message for his mother. When prompted to leave his name, he said “Lamont”, (not Keith). All the numbers in the name Lamont add up to 3.

7 is the dominant number in his birth name – which brings us to the significance of the number 7 at this time in the journey. 7 is the number of DIGNITY. It is also the number of intelligence, learning, intuition, and analysis. 7 uncovers secrets and lies.

time-magazine-colin-kaepernick-640x480And 7 has been thrust into the limelight in recent weeks by #7 player, Colin Kaepernick, of the San Francisco 49ers, who has started a nationwide movement of “taking a knee” instead of standing for the national anthem, to protest police brutality against the black community, nationwide. 3 is the number of entertainment, which includes sports. 3 is the number of the stage – the platform. 3 is where you get your message out!

It was on August 26, 2016 that Colin Kaepernick first gained attention by sitting out the national anthem. That was a 7 day in the world. (8+8+9=2+5=7).


He was born on the 3 Destiny Path (November 3, 1987 = 11+3+7=2+1=3), and the letters in his birth name convert to 9 3 3. He was born in the 30th state of Wisconsin.

WASHINGTON, DC AUGUST 9: The first direct morning sun paints the Washington Monument a shade of red as it skims the top of the Smithsonian Institute''s National Museum of African American History and Culture - NMAAHC - on Tuesday, August 9, 2016, in Washington, DC. The new museum is scheduled to open to the public September 24 of this year. When viewed from particular angles, the two structures fit together like puzzle pieces. (Photo by Jahi Chikwendiu/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

(Photo by Jahi Chikwendiu/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

On the 1st and 2nd days of Week 39, President Obama oversaw the opening of the Smithsonian Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington. It was a grand but bitter sweet celebration. It took more than 100 years after it was first proposed to actually get the museum built. This testament to the “journey of a people” covers all sides of the story, from the sheer horror of slavery to the great successes and contributions of African Americans over the years – this all happening amid the grief and anger going on 300 miles away in Charlotte.

It is important to keep the good news and the bad news in perspective as we move further away from the 1000s and more deeply into the 2000s. Until we learn what the 1000s had to teach, we will continue to live in two different cycles of time simultaneously.

The American story is only one example. This is happening all over the world. 3 is the number of PEOPLE – and people have the power to change the world, emotionally, intellectually, and physically. But we are being held back – controlled – by a system that manipulates our emotions. We are held hostage by our heartstrings. Emotion is our feminine energy – which is why women’s rights and gender rights are such central issues of these times.

The entire system is based on race – because that’s what it is – a race – for power over others. It can only be changed from within – and beneficial change IS taking place even though it is difficult to see most of the time.

Of course, change will not happen overnight. How heart-breaking it is that the cease-fire in Syria did not hold and that Aleppo was then bombed harder than ever. The refugee crisis worsens. The Middle East continues to be the most torn and damaged area in the fabric of human life. And yet great change is happening there too as people are moved, mentally and emotionally, by a deeper understanding of their own value. The transparency of 2 is opening everything up. Every day, the picture gets a little clearer and we see more of how the system works, how it’s being run, and who is running it. Humanity is feeling the inevitable shock that coming out of denial evokes.

We do not have to go down the fascist path again. Not if we are more aware, less afraid, and more comfortable in our own skins. To live our lives judging others and being judged is not living. It is stagnating – dying.

As we enter a ten week cycle on September 30 in which all the week numbers begin with 4, our understanding of what we are really dealing with – as a species – and as individuals – can only expand. 4 is the number of RULES, LAW, ORDER, SYSTEM, ORGANIZATION, DETAILS, LIMITATION, HARD WORK, DETERMINATION, and BREAKTHROUGH.

The last day of Week 39 is Thursday, September 29 (9+11+9=29=11/2), and is another major point of change in our journey through the cycles of time. Here we have two 9s, two 11s, and two 2s. It’s rather like the energy of September 22, but it is not the same.

Anything can happen in this spiraling 9 energy. It often feels as if we are on the brink of disaster one moment, and the brink of breakthrough the next. But, according to these numbers, we will make much more progress if we are prepared to cooperate with others and be helpful – and KIND – just for the sake of it. That’s a lot to ask in such a greedy world. But it will carry us forward.

The only way for our hearts to heal is to allow more love to flow through them.

Emotional healing is the next vital step in the human journey – and that means learning to express what we are feeling, fully and honestly, without hurting ourselves or others. The function of a 9 year (2+0+1+6=9) is to bring old matters to a conclusion so that they can move where they need to be – behind us. 9 strengthens our power of empathy and caring and enables us to LET GO of the pain we are holding. Without forgiveness, there is no progress, just the same old rut repeating itself. People are exhausted by this  and are seeking real change that is based on LOVE — not hate, contest and never-ending war. In order to heal and go forward, we must first go back to the ROOT cause and free ourselves from it. Let it go. This means forgiving. And when 3 and 9 combine, forgiveness is the principle theme.