Tag Archives: narcissism

WEEK 37, 2019 – A SURGE OF 10

WEEK 37 is a week of movement, action, change, obviousness, analysis, consequence, and all manner of communications. This is one step in a series of vital steps as we move towards the turning point of 2020.  

WEEK 37 is a 10/1 week (3+7=10=1) which runs from Tuesday, September 10th to Monday the 16th.

Combined with the 9th month of the year, the karmic 19/1 vibration emerges – the number from which we have the most to learn as we continue to transition from the 1000s to the 2000s. This is reinforced by the 19 in 2019. And 19 brings us back to 10 (1+9=10). 

The next 15 weeks ‘on the road to 2020 and the decade of the 20s’, will certainly be an enormous learning experience for us all, in our personal lives – and collectively as a species. Humanity is on an arduous evolutionary journey. And we know it’s going to get worse before it gets better. However, as June Jordan wrote in 1978, in her poem about the bravery of South African women and children: “We are the one’s we have been waiting for”.  And this is very much the theme of this highly important week.

WEEK 37 begins on September 10, which is the 253rd day of the year – from which another 10 emerges. 10 represents forward movement, innovation, and fundamental change.  10 is the next step. But whether this new phase is beneficial – or detrimental – depends on how open we are to what it has to teach regarding the power of the individual, the power of individuals who are united in a cause, and the power of persistence.

This is a week in which to experience the sense of accomplishment that occurs when you do what you have to do, in  the right way, and at the right time. So, DON’T GIVE UP! And don’t put things off that really need to be done.

Don’t let yourself become numb to this. Don’t let them bombard you with inhumanity that you just tune it out. Don’t give up on the dream of living in a humane world, where people in need are cherished and lifted up rather than turned away. They want you to give in. Don’t.  ~ Elad Nehorai   https://twitter.com/PopChassid

is the number of SELF, and is the number of OTHERS. is the number of self-care. is the number of caring about others. We must learn to do both. And yet you cannot reliably care for others if you do not take care of yourself first. 1 is the first number. Simple kindness, however, is easily given, and usually costs nothing. The 9 energy of September represents generosity and giving. There are many ways to give. Getting THIS right is a major part of the balance we must achieve in order to evolve.

1 shows us the dangers of egos that are out of control – precariously swinging between over-inflation AND deflation – those who think they have all the power – and those who think they have none. AND – those who think they have all the power, only to discover they do not, and are prepared to go to maniacal lengths to maintain their ‘position’!

Egomania is massive SELFISHNESS (of which white supremacy plays a major role at this time). Egomania / extreme narcissism is creating the destruction of two massive empires, the UNITED States, and the UNITED Kingdom, each of which is anything but united. After all, “divide and conquer” is how they retained control all along. But that can’t work in the openness and transparency of the 2000s. We can SEE what’s happening. We can sense it.

One of the most visible 10s right now is the headquarters of the British Government, 10 DOWNING STREET, where the British establishment has been thrown into chaos. Boris Johnson was born on the 19th (1+9=10). And, finally, the media is discovering the behavioral and political similarities between Boris Johnson and Donald Trump, which I’ve been seeing since October 2016 when Donald Trump started referring to Brexit – while obviously knowing nothing about it.  Not only was this the 10th month, but 2016 was a 9 Year. 1+0+9=10. And 1+0 = 1, the number of origins – the starting point of any situation.

Other numerological connections between these two men include being born in New York, 18 years apart (two full numerological cycles of 9):

BJ: June 19, 1964

DT: June 14, 1946 




BJ is 55 years old. 5+5=10

DT is 73 years old. 7+3=10

WEEK 37 may have a decisive effect on both men .

Meanwhile, 3 and appear to be opposites in many ways. is lighthearted, creative, and communicative. is serious, analytical, and intellectual. But in terms of karma, both tend to criticize and blame. Both have a flamboyant side which sensationalizes and exaggerates. Put and together, and the truth can be hard to figure out while masculine mind and feminine emotion fight with each other.

Another 10 pattern can be seen by combining the day-numbers for this week. The 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, and 16th = 91, which gives us another 10.

10 really is trying to show us something this week.

10 brings us to the point where the ‘old ways’ lose their relevance and give way to the new. 10 also represents the digital age, computerization, the  binary code, and our tendency for ‘binary thinking’, which gives us only two choices – or no choice at all. This is reflected in the 2-party political systems all over the world which limit us to the simplistic and inadequate alternatives of left or right, and has us marching to the same old political ‘left-right-left-right’ tune – the march of repeated history (karma). On it goes, the same old thing, generation after generation. Business as usual, no change, constant war.

And remember that there is a very big connection to the 10 energy yet to come – the entire month of October! This will be a Month in the world which is likely to bring restriction, judgment, and a vital correction of some kind.

Meanwhile, distractions are occurring everywhere to divert us from aspects of the old system that are collapsing, or from plans that can only succeed in secrecy. No one can be sure where – or how – we will land when this process of transformation completes itself. This is why it’s so important, on a personal level, to understand the significance of our actions – or inaction. As we sow, so we reap, in this cause-and-effect world.



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