Weekly Forecast
TO CALCULATE YOUR NUMBER FOR 2024, simply add 8 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation).
Example birthday: April 25:
Month: 4
Day: 2+5 = 7
Year: 2+0+2+4 = 8
4 + 7 + 8 =19 (Keep adding until you get a single number).
1+9 =10
1+0 = 1
In this example, the Year Number for 2024 is 1.
If you are in doubt about your Year Number, use the contact form on this website – or leave a reply at the end of this page – and let me know your month and day of birth. (Year of birth is unnecessary in this calculation).
Use your YEARLY NUMBER to read your Monthly and Weekly Forecasts until the end of 2024.
Your YEARLY NUMBER runs from January 1st to December 31st (not from birthday to birthday).
NOTE 1: WEEK 14 is the second week of a seven-week cycle in which all the WEEK NUMBERS are TEEN NUMBERS – KARMIC NUMBERS. These energies affect young people profoundly, but no matter what our age, they often bring us back to our own teen years, so that we might finally learn and heal from those early experiences.
This energy also has a profound effect on world events, which impact us all, whether we focus on them or not. Remember that karma is the learning of what we must learn in order to evolve OUT of this vicious system of hate, suffering, and perpetual war.
14 is the karmic vibration of 5, which reminds us that we cannot truly know what it is to be whole until we are whole. And we cannot truly know what it is to be free until we are free. And none of us are whole or free at this point in time.
14/5 reminds us that our potential as individuals, and as a species, is whatever we have the WILL to turn it into. FREE WILL begins with the freedom to express outwardly what we feel inwardly. That is what propels us. From the highest joy to the depths of despair – the entire emotional range is a measure of how free or un-free we are.
APRIL 2024 is a 3 MONTH in this 8 YEAR (4+8=1+2=3).
3 = PEOPLE and 8 = POWER. So this is the ideal energy in which to express ourselves openly and honestly about the self-destructive direction that governments, corporations, and egomaniacal billionaires are taking us in. Emotion is our honesty, and we will evolve to the same degree that we are honest with ourselves.
The instinct of KINDNESS originates in the WILL. Regardless of our physical gender, the WILL is our feminine energy – our ability to FEEL. And that is the essential part of us that the old system is relentlessly attacking; creating or exploiting situations so traumatizing that our feelings go numb, and using crises, disasters, and accidents to spread conspiracy theories which further divide an already divided population.
5 represents FREEDOM and CHANGE, both of which are in great jeopardy as we try to move forward in time. 5 gives us vital lessons which shock us with their suddenness, strangeness, and unpredictability. But 5 also adds to the FULLNESS of life by showing us contrast, alternatives, and variations.
Karmic 14/5 demonstrates what happens when we do not learn life’s lessons. It also highlights the consequences of POWER in the hands of inept, greedy, and hate-ridden people.
5 = DIVERSITY, without which there is no chemistry – no color – no variety – just sameness, monotony, shallowness, and emptiness. 5 also provides breaks from the turmoil, and brings spurts of excitement, creativity, and pure fun. We cannot move forward if we have nothing to look forward to. Nor can we move forward if we cannot admit our mistakes, or pretend that what happened didn’t happen.
This energy helps us to recognize our own addictions and denials, which if left unchecked, are not only self-destructive, but can also bring others down with it. Karmic 14 holds us back (and bounces us around) until we learn what our various experiences have to teach.
14 warns against impulsiveness and recklessness – and even those who believe they have nothing to learn are likely to learn a vital lesson or two this week. 5 represents ACTION and CONSEQUENCE, and 14 shows us the consequences of “playing with fire”, or ignoring obvious warning signs.
14/5 teaches us to be patient with our perceptions and give our feelings and thoughts the time they need to be correctly understood. As Einstein famously said: “We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” Humanity is indeed moving to a different level of thinking – because we are feeling more deeply. This emotional increase is reflected in the rise of women in so many different areas of life.
5 represents mental and physical agility, resourcefulness, and cleverness.
As we continue to leave the darkness of denial, we see not only how utterly cruel and senseless the current system is, but also actual solutions and workable strategies for change – based on the value we place on ourselves and each other.
NOTE 2: TUESDAY, APRIL 2, may contain important insight because it is a 14/5 day in a 14/5 week… and because April 2024 is a 3 MONTH in the world, (4+8=1+2=3), this is likely to involve partnerships and alliances, friends, enemies, and communication. The accuracy of DETAIL is ultra-important in this double 14/5 vibration. This may involve a kind of spiritual wakeup call as people realize just how adept the old system became at tricking and manipulating.
THURSDAY, APRIL 4 is the 95th day of the year – and 9+5 = 14/5. So, we have even more double 14/5 energy on this date.
On FRIDAY, APRIL 5, your weekly forecast repeats as a daily forecast. This occurs when the month and day add up to 9 (4+5=9). 9 represents giving, completion, letting go in order to move forward, deep emotions, empathy, and increased awareness. Circumstances and feelings intensify on these DOUBLE-DOSE days. Be sure to re-read your weekly forecast on FRIDAY.
NOTE 3: 5 is multi-directional and multi-dimensional, so there is insight to be gained this week by reading ALL the different forecasts as well as your own.
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To understand the changes taking place in your life, consider the people involved – and how you have affected, or are affecting, each other. Unless you are consciously seeking a complete break, it would not be wise to forge ahead without considering the feelings and needs of everyone involved. Yes, you need more freedom and independence, but you also need the balance that makes those things possible.
Something must end, but there are things you don’t want to lose in the process. You may not be as free as you desire, but you are free to make choices which can relieve the overall tension. The love in your heart wants to express itself, but it cannot compete with your fear of losing position or dignity. In this cycle, fairness restores dignity, humility enhances position, and patience gives everyone, including you, some much needed breathing space.
This is a chance to move ahead. Something you thought you were in danger of losing can now recover and grow. Long-term fulfillment is emphasized. If you are wondering what your next step should be, slow down! This opportunity cannot be rushed or taken for granted. It needs to be taken seriously, appreciated, examined, and carefully planned for. It is time to start gathering accurate information.
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Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.
YOUR DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY and YEARLY GUIDE… Our personal numbers are communicating loud and clear in these unstable evolutionary times. And there is a Creative Numerology Year Book for each of the 9 yearly cycles to help you find your way. Each collectable and reusable book provides a rich description of your yearly cycle, and an entire year of accurate and inspiring MONTHLY, WEEKLY, and DAILY forecasts. Your CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK brings clarity to your personal journey through this turbulent and emotional cycle of time. This is numerology you can both FEEL and use.
You can buy these books individually, or buy all 9 books and GET ONE FREE (free book is not available with kindle).
If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.
Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness HERE (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE). THE BOOK THAT’S ALL ABOUT YOU – AND YOURS….
Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI
WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHERE ARE YOU GOING? This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From $95.00
With all that has recently occurred mentally and emotionally, don’t ignore the physical toll it has taken. Pace yourself sensibly. A certain matter can be rewarding if handled correctly. Do not merely drift along as if you have no Will of your own. There are some aspects that you cannot control, but you hold a valuable card, nonetheless. Much depends on your ability to be honest with yourself.

Your feelings are more intense than usual – for the purpose of anchoring you to reality; and to stop you from drifting off to some undesired area, or back to undesired circumstances. You have reason to feel confident, but remember that in freedom, you can only rely on other people for so much, and for so long. Focus on increasing your independence – and recognizing the gifts and potentials that your changing horizons offer.
It seems that you have outgrown a situation, and you need to focus on something that is more in keeping with who you are now. Be honest with yourself and others as to what you are truly feeling. You cannot expect anyone to read your mind. Nothing in life is guaranteed, but progress can be made by accepting your mixed emotions. Apply those simple things that are believed to heal all. Time. Rest. Hope. Love.
PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much. DONATE HERE
Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.
YOUR DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY and YEARLY GUIDE… Our personal numbers are communicating loud and clear in these unstable evolutionary times. And there is a Creative Numerology Year Book for each of the 9 yearly cycles to help you find your way. Each collectable and reusable book provides a rich description of your yearly cycle, and an entire year of accurate and inspiring MONTHLY, WEEKLY, and DAILY forecasts. Your CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK brings clarity to your personal journey through this turbulent and emotional cycle of time. This is numerology you can both FEEL and use.
You can buy these books individually, or buy all 9 books and GET ONE FREE (free book is not available with kindle).
If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.
Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness HERE (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE). THE BOOK THAT’S ALL ABOUT YOU – AND YOURS….
Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI
WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHERE ARE YOU GOING? This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From $95.00
Your view of reality and your feelings towards others have changed. The way you think and communicate have changed too. YOU have changed. Now, in order to feel comfortable again, you must adjust to your new reality. As your mind expands, the confusion is temporary, but it is still confusion. Take things slowly – and not too personally. Be patient. To succeed, you may have to change your definition of success.
Whether you feel overwhelmed or underwhelmed, take some deep breaths and try to relax. Perhaps you are not seeing an opportunity because it is so different from what you expected it to look like. So, allow your expectations to rearrange themselves to suit reality. The finer details are important. This cycle can be exciting, but chaotic. Get organized. Be determined to complete whatever needs to be done.
As far as your sense of direction is concerned, the information coming from your feelings – senses – instincts – and dreams – will be indispensable in the weeks ahead. Now, as things start to shift, shake, and, in some cases fall apart, be assured that everything will fall into place again, albeit a different place, as new circumstances form. This is an opportunity to stabilize a difficult area of your life and increase your long-term security.
PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much. DONATE HERE
Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.
YOUR DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY and YEARLY GUIDE… Our personal numbers are communicating loud and clear in these unstable evolutionary times. And there is a Creative Numerology Year Book for each of the 9 yearly cycles to help you find your way. Each collectable and reusable book provides a rich description of your yearly cycle, and an entire year of accurate and inspiring MONTHLY, WEEKLY, and DAILY forecasts. Your CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK brings clarity to your personal journey through this turbulent and emotional cycle of time. This is numerology you can both FEEL and use.
You can buy these books individually, or buy all 9 books and GET ONE FREE (free book is not available with kindle).
If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.
Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness HERE (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE). THE BOOK THAT’S ALL ABOUT YOU – AND YOURS….
Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI
WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHERE ARE YOU GOING? This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From $95.00
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