Weekly Forecast
TO CALCULATE YOUR NUMBER FOR 2024, simply add 8 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation).
Example birthday: April 25:
Month: 4
Day: 2+5 = 7
Year: 2+0+2+4 = 8
4 + 7 + 8 =19 (Keep adding until you get a single number).
1+9 =10
1+0 = 1
In this example, the Year Number for 2024 is 1.
If you are in doubt about your Year Number, use the contact form on this website – or leave a reply at the end of this page – and let me know your month and day of birth. (Year of birth is unnecessary in this calculation).
Use your YEARLY NUMBER to read your Monthly and Weekly Forecasts until the end of 2024.
Your YEARLY NUMBER runs from January 1st to December 31st (not from birthday to birthday).
NOTE 1: WEEK 23 is the 4th week of a 10-WEEK-CYCLE in which all the WEEK NUMBERS are extensions of 20: (WEEK 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, and WEEK 29),
Notice how each week corresponds to each year of the 10-YEAR CYCLE of the current DECADE: (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, and 2029.
2024 is an 8 GLOBAL YEAR (2+0+2+4=8)
JUNE in an 8 GLOBAL YEAR is a 5 GLOBAL MONTH (8+6=1+4=5)
WEEK 23 is a 5 GLOBAL WEEK (2+3=5)
This indicates unexpected CHANGES in the POWER structures, not only in the world at large, but also in our personal and working lives. There is always a certain (or uncertain) mystique about the number 23, mainly because it is full of surprises, inconsistencies, and diversions.
2 = transparency and depth. It takes us behind the scenes and under the surface. 2 represents connection and detail.
3 communicates the details of our experience in words and images – at a time when it is often difficult to know whether those words and images are real or manipulated.
5 is a diverse, multi-directional, and unpredictable energy which, in the interests of freedom and constructive change, reveals aspects of the past that were misunderstood, disguised, or completely hidden.
23/5 has a strangeness to it, a suddenness, which reveals just how intelligent, resourceful, and organized we can be when unforeseen circumstances demand our attention.
The 6 ENERGY is also active throughout the month of June. 6 represents HOME, FAMILY, and RESPONSIBILITY. It reminds us that PLANET EARTH is our home, and that HUMANITY is our family. There is also a focus on our sense of “right place”; our sense of “belonging”.
This emphasis on “home” includes the millions of displaced, homeless, and terrified people all over the world, forced to flee their homes by war, violence, poverty, drought, famine, and other great sufferings. And we are likely to become more aware of our EXTREMES as a species – and what it will take to create BALANCE (peace).
6 represents the DICTATOR and CONTROLLER which is very visible in this system in which racism, fascism, “supremacy”, patriarchy, and misogyny have such a firm grip. However, 6 also represents the “ADULT IN THE ROOM”, the wise and loving father who encourages others to take responsibility for themselves, and assists those who cannot. We all have paternal energy (mind), just as we all have feminine energy (emotion). 6 is the number of BALANCE.
5 enables you to learn as you go – from experience. Part of this week’s experience is to recognize when you are expecting too much of yourself, or others; when you are being impatient for results, or whether or not what you are aiming for is realistic, given the extraordinary conditions involved.
23/5’s IMAGINATION and INVENTIVENESS enhances our ability to ‘connect’ one thing to another, and helps us to communicate and generate unusual but workable ideas.
The shadow side of 5 includes RECKLESSNESS, failing to learn obvious lessons, addiction, abusing one’s own and other people’s freedom, and not caring about anything that does not pertain to feeling satisfaction in the present moment. The shadow side of 5 is where denial of reality digs in its heels!
5 also represents the physical body – and the physical world. The natural environment is highlighted, along with humanity’s ignorance when it comes to the damage we are inflicting on this living, breathing, feeling, conscious planet which enables us to exist in physical form. Mother Earth is our essential life-support machine.
People working together, in a spirit if FRIENDSHIP and FRIENDLINESS, for the good of all, is the only path forward. And this week, 23/5 brings change through collaboration or partnership. 23 attracts. It draws. It is magnetic. It gets attention. Yes, it can sometimes suck us into false realities and make us believe things that are not true. But it can also uncover common ground on which people can unite for important causes, despite any differences they may have.
5 represents all things ‘different’, including the different layers and cultures that make up life’s beautiful and essential diversity. When 5 is derived from 23, we see different ways to proceed. We recognize our options. That is the potential now.
NOTE 2: In this 8 GLOBAL YEAR, additional insight can be gained by reading the 8 FORECAST as well as your own. And this week, the 2, 3, 5, and 6 forecasts are also very powerful.
NOTE 3: Your weekly forecast repeats as a DAILY FORECAST on MONDAY, JUNE 3. This repetition occurs whenever the day and month add up to 9. (6+3=9). Events and circumstances are intensified on these dates, and emotions run deep. Be sure to re-read your weekly forecast on MONDAY.
If you would like to be notified by email about new articles and forecasts, please subscribe to my newsletter (see form at the bottom of this page). You can unsubscribe at any time. Your information will never be used for any other reason than notifications about this website.
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Stop trying to control things. Certain information must fall into place before you can know what to do next. Your fear of losing control is understandable, but it is creating unnecessary friction. In this case, losing control does not mean losing out. It means finding a way to release yourself from whatever is controlling you. The tide is turning. Swim with it, not against it.
Be sure to read your MONTHLY FORECAST for June, too…
This cycle enables you to better understand your position within a relationship or group. It may not be perfect, but it can certainly grow stronger if you act with fairness, dignity, and intelligence. This is a cycle of connection, knowledge, and balance, and if you see yourself as others see you, you will soon realize the value of what you have to offer.
Be sure to read your MONTHLY FORECAST for June, too…
You can now complete an important part of a creative process. However, if you are trying to please or cooperate to the extent that your own needs are going unsatisfied, this cannot work to anyone’s advantage, and must stop. Only from a more balanced approach can the right decisions be made. Take some time – just for you.
Be sure to read your MONTHLY FORECAST for June, too…
PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much. DONATE HERE
Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.
YOUR DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY and YEARLY GUIDE… Our personal numbers are communicating loud and clear in these unstable evolutionary times. And there is a Creative Numerology Year Book for each of the 9 yearly cycles to help you find your way. Each collectable and reusable book provides a rich description of your yearly cycle, and an entire year of accurate and inspiring MONTHLY, WEEKLY, and DAILY forecasts. Your CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK brings clarity to your personal journey through this turbulent and emotional cycle of time. This is numerology you can both FEEL and use.
You can buy these books individually, or buy all 9 books and GET ONE FREE (free book is not available with kindle).
If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.
Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness HERE (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE). THE BOOK THAT’S ALL ABOUT YOU – AND YOURS….
Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI
WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHERE ARE YOU GOING? This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From $95.00
Recognize where you are unprepared, inexperienced, or just disappointed. Try to accept differences with grace and patience. It could be that you have something to learn in a roundabout way. Your current situation is temporary – a short pit-stop at which to unclog the lines of communication, remove an uncomfortable inner blockage, fuel up with wisdom and encouragement, and allow that defensive wall you’ve been building – to soften, crumble, and fall.
Be sure to read your MONTHLY FORECAST for June, too…

You must find a way to live freely among others who also have a right to live freely. You may be tempted to brush someone or something off as irrelevant, but the fact is that you need a friendly base from which to operate, to feel comfortable, and perhaps share a situation that you cannot handle alone. In order to succeed, your cooperation or contribution must be genuine. You can now make a fresh start, by bringing yourself into present time.
This is a 5 GLOBAL WEEK, in a 5 GLOBAL MONTH, and for those in a 5 PERSONAL YEAR, the 5 energy is tripled now – so be sure to read your MONTHLY FORECAST, too.
If anger arises, don’t get too involved in what is triggering it until your view of the situation is clear. Meanwhile, find a way to keep your faith alive. Spontaneous expression is very healing, but it can be harmful if its purpose is misunderstood or momentarily forgotten. Avoid other people’s outbursts, and if you feel the urge to have one of your own, do so privately and safely. Emotions are not meant to be acted or blurted out – they are meant to be felt.
Be sure to read your MONTHLY FORECAST for June, too…
PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much. DONATE HERE
Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.
YOUR DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY and YEARLY GUIDE… Our personal numbers are communicating loud and clear in these unstable evolutionary times. And there is a Creative Numerology Year Book for each of the 9 yearly cycles to help you find your way. Each collectable and reusable book provides a rich description of your yearly cycle, and an entire year of accurate and inspiring MONTHLY, WEEKLY, and DAILY forecasts. Your CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK brings clarity to your personal journey through this turbulent and emotional cycle of time. This is numerology you can both FEEL and use.
You can buy these books individually, or buy all 9 books and GET ONE FREE (free book is not available with kindle).
If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.
Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness HERE (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE). THE BOOK THAT’S ALL ABOUT YOU – AND YOURS….
Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI
WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHERE ARE YOU GOING? This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From $95.00
You need to get a feeling or suspicion off your chest. The situation seems ‘strange’ and may involve a reality that you’re trying to protect – or protect yourself from. Once your fears are expressed, relief can be experienced. Being honest with yourself will dislodge the deadlock that is weighing you down and blocking your imagination. This cycle enables you to see yourself – and others – in a more realistic light.
Be sure to read your MONTHLY FORECAST for June, too…
The emphasis is on resourcefulness, developing confidence, and changing a habit or routine – permanently. Be honest about what you want and what you don’t want – what is possible and what is not. Be aware of what you already have – what you have to work with – your resources. This cycle can help you to intelligently assess where, how, and with whom to proceed.
Be sure to read your MONTHLY FORECAST for June, too…
As one situation ends, another is showing signs of growth and potential. However, feelings of instability will be felt until you recognize what’s holding you back. In order to move forward, you have to LET GO of what you’re holding onto. Your sense of belonging is affected and may involve your feelings about loyalty and love. Keep your deepest principles in mind as you decide what you really desire, and how to make it happen.
Be sure to read your MONTHLY FORECAST for June, too…
PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much. DONATE HERE
Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.
YOUR DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY and YEARLY GUIDE… Our personal numbers are communicating loud and clear in these unstable evolutionary times. And there is a Creative Numerology Year Book for each of the 9 yearly cycles to help you find your way. Each collectable and reusable book provides a rich description of your yearly cycle, and an entire year of accurate and inspiring MONTHLY, WEEKLY, and DAILY forecasts. Your CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK brings clarity to your personal journey through this turbulent and emotional cycle of time. This is numerology you can both FEEL and use.
You can buy these books individually, or buy all 9 books and GET ONE FREE (free book is not available with kindle).
If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.
Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness HERE (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE). THE BOOK THAT’S ALL ABOUT YOU – AND YOURS….
Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI
WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHERE ARE YOU GOING? This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From $95.00
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My birthday is 11/11 so what is my number?
Hello Christina,
Month: 11
Day: 11
Current Year 2+0+2+4 = 8
11+11+8 = 3+0 = 3.
You are in the 3 YEAR in 2024, so read the 3 weekly and monthly forecasts until the end of the year.
With love,
March 9, what’s my number?
Hello Wayne,
Month: 3
Day: 9
Current Year: 2+0+2+4 = 8
3+9+8 = 2+0=2
You are in the 2 YEAR in 2024, so you’ll read the 2 weekly and monthly forecasts until the end of the year.
With love,