TO CALCULATE YOUR PERSONAL NUMBER FOR 2023, simply add 7 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation).

Example birthday: April 26:

Month: 4

Day: 2+6 = 8

Year: 2+0+2+3 = 7

4 + 87 =19 (Keep adding until you get a single number).

1+9 = 10

1+0 = 1

In this example, the Year Number for 2023 is 1.

If you are in doubt about your Year Number, just leave a reply at the bottom of this page, and let me know your month and day of birth. (Your year of birth is unnecessary in this calculation).

Use your Yearly Number to read your Monthly and Weekly forecasts throughout 2023. (Your Personal Year runs from calendar year to calendar year – not from birthday to birthday).



WEEK 26 is the 7th week of a 10-week cycle in which all the Week Numbers not only begin with 2, but also correspond to the 10-YEAR CYCLE of the decade of the 2020s:

WEEKS: 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, and WEEK 29.

DECADE: 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, and 2029.

This concentration of 2 energy is creating dramatic vibrations in many different areas of life, both in the world, and in our own personal lives. And yet it is all linked in some way – because 2 is the number of CONNECTION. 

WEEK 26 also brings us to the EXACT MIDPOINT OF 2023 (more on that, below).

NOTE 1:  WEEK 26 is an 8 WEEK (2+6=8), and 8 is the number of POWER in all its forms. 8 is also the number of GREED. This week we are likely to see the chaos that occurs when power clings to power. And this focus on POWER and GREED is likely to intensify as we move towards 2024, which is an 8 YEAR in the world (2+0+2+4=8).

What happens in Russia this week is likely to bring drastic change not only to the immediate region, but because Russia is a nuclear power, the entire world is affected. Prigozhin has a monstrous reputation – as does Putin. So, this is not a matter of good vs. evil.  In a  global system that is driven by greed and violence,  two brutal billionaires – two oligarchs – went to war with each other.

Russia is in a 9 National Year in 2023 – the number of trauma, drama, upheaval, emotional expression, and the laws of cause-and-effect, (karma).

9 signifies the end of an era so that a new phase, for better or worse, can begin. The USA is also in a 9 Year. So is the UK.

Meanwhile, in this power-infused week, the key to empowering ourselves is to CORRECTLY UNDERSTAND the facts of whatever we are dealing with. The world is full of knowledge, but if we do not fully understand the facts, and if we cannot see where one fact connects to another, we see only part of the picture, not the whole story. If the facts are inaccurately presented or deliberately hidden, or if we refuse to look at something because it feels “unpleasant”, we cut ourselves off from a vital aspect of our own personal power. Denial of reality deadens the mind.

The fact that we are in a secretive 7 year in 2023 makes obtaining accurate information all the more difficult. And yet, while 7 is the number of secrets and lies, its need for intelligence – its need to know – also exposes what is hidden and uncovers the truth.

7‘s emphasis on intelligence also includes the “intelligence community”, and the world of spies, espionage, and national secrets.

8 is the number of GREED. It also represents greed’s only antidote, which is GRATITUDE. 8 represents the power (and joy) of CONTENTMENT, whereas GREED is an emotional disease which freezes our ability to feel SATISFIED. 8 represents APPRECIATION – which increases the value of what we already have.

NOTE 2: The EXACT MIDPOINT of this 7 YEAR (2+0+2+3=7) begins on the last day of WEEK 26SATURDAY, JULY 1, at 12 noon. It ends on the first day of WEEK 27SUNDAY, JULY 2, at 12 noon. That puts 182 days and 12 hours behind us, and 182 days and 12 hours ahead of us.

1+8+2=11, and so we are experiencing 11:11 energy for those full 24 hours – an ideal time to honestly assess where you have come from,  where you are now, and where you want to be.

We are also experiencing the two-dot punctuation mark – the colon – which sits between the two 11s. The purpose of a colon is to draw attention to what follows, which in this case is another 11 – the number of LIGHT – the number of ILLUMINATION.  

Therefore, at the halfway point of 2023, we have an opportunity to “see” things in a different light, to see things more clearly – to more accurately UNDERSTAND.

The colon also acts as a separator which enables 11’s light to expose what separates us not only from each other, but from the entire natural world, of which we human beings are just one part.  

11:11 is a metaphysical scale which helps us to see the significance of proportion, perception, and appropriateness, as we strive to find BALANCE in this dangerously imbalanced world.

1 signifies the individual. 11 signifies multiple individuals. On a global level, nothing says ‘WE ARE ONE” more plainly than 11:11. The colon signifies the divisions between us – and the bridges we must build.

1 is also the energy we are evolving fromthe 1000s.

11, (1+1=2), represents the 2 energy we are evolving into – the 2000s.  And we are in the midst of SO MUCH 1 and  2 energy right now.

11+11=22, and 22 represents “the masses”, the conditions in which humanity exists, and our indisputable connection to the natural environment. How small-minded it is to think that we can destroy nature without destroying ourselves! 22/4 helps us to get to the ROOT of the problem. 22/4 is the number of BIG ideas and major undertakings.

4 is the number of order and system, limitation and breakthrough, detail and accuracy, and discovering our true sense of identity, rather than who the system tells us we ‘should’ be. As we move further into the decade of the 2020s (every year of which contains at least two 2s), we continue to face the reality (and the insanity) of this failing system – and our ability to build something much better, IF our endeavors are based on ACCURATE INFORMATION, CORRECT UNDERSTANDING, and PEACEFUL INTENT.

Will the second half of 2023 bring more of the same? Or will the balanced be “tipped” one way or another as we move past the center point of this 7 YEAR – the number of the MIND – the number of CONSCIOUSNESS.

1 is the number of EGO, and some of the most inflated egos have pushed themselves to the forefront of the world stage. 22 represents both GREATNESS – and DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR (an over-estimation of one’s own importance). Therefore, ego is very much connected to 22.

1 is the number of SELF. Ego is our sense of self, without which we would be unconscious. 1 is where everything starts, and everything starts within the self.  Ego is not something to subdue or kill, it is the gauge by which we develop a balanced appreciation of our own worth as individuals – self-acceptance. The balance involved is between self-inflation and self-depreciation. This very real imbalance in our species is causing the absurdity of “white supremacy”, male domination, a competitive streak that would destroy rather than ‘lose’, and other horrific distortions of reality.

 Until we learn what 1 has to teach, and at the same time recognize what the transparency of 2 reveals, this millennial interim cannot help but be a tug of war between the antiquated ways of the past, and the undiscovered potentials of the future.

NOTE 3:  Your weekly forecast DOUBLES as a daily forecast on FRIDAY, JUNE 30th. This occurs when the month and day add up to 9(6+3=9). This brings us face to face with old patterns of behavior and beliefs that keep us tied to the self-defeating ways of the past. We have to LET GO in order to move forward. And in order to let go, we have to trust ourselves and our abilities. 9 brings endings and completion, drama, emotional expression, increased awareness, and a focus on global matters. 

NOTE 4:  SATURDAY, JULY 1, not only ushers in the 2nd HALF of 2023, but also brings us into a Karmic 14/5 MONTH (7+7=14=5), which focuses on our ability to change course by changing our minds, based on lessons learned from previous or present experience. 5 is the number of CONSTRUCTIVE FREEDOM, as opposed to the various ADDICTIONS we all have. 

JULY is a month of course-corrections, enthusiasm, resourcefulness, and dealing with sudden and unexpected circumstances. This is a month in which the POWER of communication becomes self-evident – in its ability to deceive, confuse, and harm – and its ability to enlighten, inspire, and heal.  

NOTE 5:  You can gain additional insight this week by reading the 2, 6, 7, and 8 Forecasts as well as your own. But, as has been the case throughout this 10-week cycle in which all the week numbers begin with connective 2, you are likely to gain additional insight from ALL the forecasts below:



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You are dealing with the limitations of your own belief system – an experience that can help you to open your mind and widen your viewpoint. Feelings of loss, frustration, inadequacy, or resentment, reflect how much you have been resisting this tense but vital expansion of your consciousness. Even if you know that your version of the story is correct, you will benefit from understanding why others believe as they do.


Notice how the big picture changes in relation to how the smaller details are dealt with. This cycle emphasizes the power of teamwork. Ask for the cooperation you need. Give cooperation where it is needed. The pressure you have been under can be alleviated by finally recognizing what you are feeling and letting it out. Write important things down because, this week, your memory is working overtime.


You already know how deceiving appearances can be, so catch yourself believing something without checking its accuracy. Remember previous encounters you had with hearsay, gossip, or “appearance”, and notice where you may still be buying in to a false belief. It is time to soften your heart so that love and creativity can flow more freely. You may even see beauty in something you once thought was ugly.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






Don’t let yourself be distracted from a matter that cannot be ignored. You are at the end of the “coming-to-a-head” stage, and the beginning of the “doing-something-about-it” stage, which can feel quite intense. Do not take things too personally or let problems, commitments, or the behavior of others overwhelm you. As you make an effort to turn things around, don’t compete. Be genuine. Be yourself. Let your heart do the talking.


There is a serious tone to this cycle. Do not act impulsively because, deep down, you want to get things right this time, instead of making the same old mistakes. Don’t worry about how others may see you. Discard ideas that could lead to self-sabotage. Devise a plan, and make sure you express your needs and ideas clearly. Notice how powerful and soothing words such as “thank you”, “sorry”, “well done”, or “I love you”, can be.


There is a simpler way to get your point across – or perhaps your point has become dull and needs to be sharpened or revitalized! Current conditions are producing a change in the way you see yourself, and until you let go of an outdated belief or viewpoint, your rights, reputation, or good nature could be infringed upon. Get into a more adventurous frame of mind and be prepared to take a chance or two.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





Weekly Forecst


Waste no more time on guilt and blame. Accept whatever is wrong and look for ways to put it right. If it is no longer relevant (or perhaps never was), LET IT GO! Take responsibility for your own wellbeing. You have more options than you may realize. We are all in the process of waking up to reality, we are all searching, and we are all learning from experience. You are not alone.

Weekly Forecst


It is difficult to focus on anything while so many doors are opening and closing at the same time. What you already have is your means of getting what you desire, and it will take time, patience, resourcefulness, and faith in yourself to rearrange and orchestrate existing conditions. A new reality is emerging out of an old one – and this is an important transition.

Weekly Forecst


If you can no longer count on support that you previously took for granted, remember that endings create ideal conditions for new beginnings to take root. Look beyond what feels like a loss or problem, put yourself in different surroundings (or a different frame of mind), involve yourself in something new, alter your focus, and take a break from the stress. A change really can be as good as a rest.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






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