TO CALCULATE YOUR NUMBER FOR 2023, simply add 7 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation).

Example birthday: April 26:

Month: 4

Day: 2+6 = 8

Year: 2+0+2+3 = 7

4 + 87 =19 (Keep adding until you get a single number).

1+9 = 10

1+0 = 1

In this example, the Year Number for 2023 is 1.

If you are in doubt about your Year Number, use the CONTACT FORM at the bottom of this page to send me your month and day of birth. (Year of birth is unnecessary in this calculation).

Use your Yearly Number to read your Monthly and Weekly forecasts throughout 2023. (Your Personal Year runs from calendar year to calendar year – not from birthday to birthday).



NOTE 1:  WEEK 23 is the 4th week of a 10-WEEK-CYCLE in which all the WEEK NUMBERS begin with 2:

(WEEK 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, and WEEK 29),

each of which connects to the 10-YEAR CYCLE of the current DECADE:

(2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, and 2029.

2023 is a 7 YEAR (2+0+2+3=7) – the number of introspection, thinking, and learning, and WEEK 23 is a 5 WEEK, which teaches us the essential art of RESOURCEFULNESS. Deep and beneficial CHANGE can occur in this cycle, if we are open enough to see and sense what it has to teach. In this energy, it is best to assume that you have something new and  important to learn.

JUNE is the 6th month of this 7 YEAR and is therefore a karmic 13/4 MONTH (6+7=1+3=4). This vibration places serious limits on what can be achieved – until we get our PRIORITIES in the right order. To bring some ORDER to the CHAOS, you will have to focus on what truly matters in the long-term scheme of things, and let go of temporary whims and distractions.

6 is the number of HOME and FAMILY. It reminds us that PLANET EARTH is our home, and that humanity is our family. There is also a focus this week on our “right place” in the world, what we consider to be “home”, or where we would like our home to be.

The focus on “home” certainly includes the millions of displaced people all over the world, forced to flee their homes by war, violence, poverty, drought, famine, or other great sufferings. 6 is the number of both BALANCE and EXTREMES, and we will become more aware of this as the events of June unfold.

The circumstances of WEEK 23 will intensify 7‘s need to UNCOVER what is hidden and DISCOVER what is true. 5 brings the opportunity to LEARN FROM NEW EXPERIENCE, and utilize what we have learned from PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. 2 will teach us about the power of PATIENCE and the importance of DETAIL and ACCURACY, which are both forms of TRUTH. That is what we are evolving towards. The corrupt INFORMATION AGE must evolve into the AGE OF TRUTH. And, yes, we’re a long way from home as far as truth is concerned, but that tide is turning too, albeit slowly.

With its emphasis on FREEDOM and ADVENTURE, 5 can take us in a multitude of directions, veering from one thing to another without warning. 5 represents the SUDDEN and UNEXPECTED. 23/5’s IMAGINATION and INVENTIVENESS enables us to ‘connect’ one thing to another, and helps us to communicate and generate unusual but workable ideas.

Of course, every number has its shadow side. In the case of 5, this includes recklessness, failing to learn obvious lessons, addiction, abusing freedom, and simply not caring about anything that does not pertain to the present moment, or to our own selfish needs.

5 also represents our physical bodies – and the physical world. The natural environment is highlighted – along with humanity’s reckless ignorance when it comes to recognizing the damage we are inflicting on the very planet that sustains us. Mother Earth is our ultimate life-support machine. She enables us to exist in physical form.

Conscious disregard for vitally important matters is also one of 5’s shadow elements, not only in environmental terms, but also when it comes to how we treat each other. The younger generation have a colossal task ahead of them if they are to accomplish what previous generations could not. But they do have the 2 vibration of the 2000s on their side, which prioritizes those very aspects, whereas the 1 vibration of the 1000s was so focused on the SELF.

So, yes, the opportunity does exist for humanity to learn what we need to learn in order to survive, and evolve into Free Will, openness, spontaneity, caring, and PEACE.

In response, however, the old male-driven, self-centered system of the 1000s is tightening its grip in sheer terror at the thought of being “replaced”. But that old self-destructive way of life cannot evolve with the times because it’s very basis revolves around winners and losers, control, deceit, cruelty, selfishness, bullying, war, and the ultimate prize – being #1 (supremacy).

2 is the number of sharing, and the old system has no acceptance for that. As the old ways descend further into the unconsciousness of denial, their destructiveness and ill-feelings pose a tremendous danger to all of life on Earth, and to the planet herself – but they are sinking, nonetheless.

We are experiencing the end of an age – an entire 1000-year cycle of time. And until we, as individuals, and as a species, start laying the groundwork for something new and different in terms of HOW we live, the chaos, danger, destruction, and suffering can only increase. We cannot continue to live in two different time frames simultaneously.

And that’s where the evolving 1 energy has something to say, as it is 1 that we are evolving FROM. 1 is the number of the individual. 1 is also the number of change. 1 is the first number. So, the necessary changes must take place in the individual first. Only then can we connect to other numbers (other people) and EXPAND our potential to create and grow.

23/5 brings change through friendly collaboration. People working together for the good of all, opens the way forward.

There is something extremely appealing about the number 23. It attracts. It draws. It is magnetic. It gets attention. Of course, it can suck us into false realities and make us believe things that are not true. But it can also uncover common ground on which people can unite for important causes, despite any differences they may have.

7 is the number of THE MIND, and 5 is the number of CHANGE. And a change of mind creates a change of direction. 5 represents all things ‘different’, including the different layers and cultures that make up life’s beautiful and essential diversity. When 5 is derived from 23, we see different ways to proceed. We recognize our options.

2 represents transparency and openness, while 3 represents all forms of communication. So, while 23 can certainly facilitate trickery and deception, it also enables us to recognize and see through those old pretexts and ruses.

NOTE 2: It would be a good idea to read all of this week’s forecasts as well as your own. They are all connected through the central positioning of 5.



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Stop trying to control things. Certain information must fall into place before you can know what to do next. Your fear of losing control is understandable, but it is creating unnecessary friction. In this case, losing control does not mean losing out. It means finding a way to release yourself from whatever is controlling you. The tide is turning. Swim with it, not against it.


This cycle enables you to better understand your position within a relationship or group. It may not be perfect, but it can certainly grow stronger if you act with fairness, dignity, and intelligence. This is a cycle of connection, knowledge, and balance, and if you see yourself as others see you, you will soon realize the value of what you have to offer.


You can now complete an important part of a creative process. However, if you are trying to please or cooperate to the extent that your own needs are going unsatisfied, this cannot work to anyone’s advantage, and must stop. Only from a more balanced approach can the right decisions be made. Take some time – just for you.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






Recognize where you are unprepared, inexperienced, or just disappointed. Try to accept differences with grace and patience. It could be that you have something to learn in a roundabout way. Your current situation is temporary – a short pit-stop at which to unclog the lines of communication, remove an uncomfortable inner blockage, fuel up with wisdom and encouragement, and allow that defensive wall you’ve been building – to soften, crumble, and fall.


You must find a way to live freely among others who also have a right to live freely. You may be tempted to brush someone or something off as irrelevant, but the fact is that you need a friendly base from which to operate, to feel comfortable, and perhaps share a responsibility that you cannot handle alone. If this union is to succeed, your cooperation or contribution must be genuine.


If anger arises, don’t get too involved in what is triggering it until your view of the situation is clear. Meanwhile, find a way to keep your faith alive. Spontaneous expression is very healing, but it can be harmful if its purpose is misunderstood or momentarily forgotten. Avoid other people’s outbursts, and if you feel the urge to have one of your own, do so privately and safely. Emotions are not meant to be acted or blurted out – they are meant to be felt.

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





Weekly Forecst


You need to get a feeling or suspicion off your chest. The situation seems ‘strange’ and may involve a reality that you’re trying to protect – or protect yourself from. Once your fears are expressed, relief can be experienced. Being honest with yourself will dislodge the deadlock that is weighing you down and blocking your imagination. This cycle enables you to see yourself – and others – in a more realistic light.

Weekly Forecst


The emphasis is on resourcefulness, developing confidence, and changing a habit or routine – permanently. Be honest about what you want and what you don’t want – what is possible and what is not. Be aware of what you already have – what you have to work with – your resources. This cycle can help you to intelligently assess where, how, and with whom to proceed.

Weekly Forecst


As one situation ends, another is showing signs of growth and potential. However, feelings of instability will be felt until you recognize what’s holding you back. In order to move forward, you have to LET GO of what you’re holding onto. Your sense of belonging is affected and may involve your feelings about loyalty and love. Keep your deepest principles in mind as you decide what you really desire, and how to make it happen.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






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2 thoughts on “WEEKLY FORECAST – JUNE 4, 2023

  1. KJ

    I especially love the intro explaining week 23 in a world year cycle 7. It brings order to the chaotic events and exposes the deceitfulness of the disinformation age. Your works of truth presented through numerology are a tremendous act of cosmic love. Your devotion and consistency to this Great Work are admirable

    1. Christine Delorey Post author

      Yes, 7 is the number of secrets and all that is hidden. It seems to both facilitate them AND expose them. So, we are going to learn a lot in this 7 Year. Kind words, Kyle. Thank you.


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