WEEK 8 runs from Monday February 19th to Sunday the 25th, bringing us into an unusually high concentration of 2 energy. 2018 is a 2 Year, (derived from master number 11), and February is the 2nd month of this 2 Year. There is a significant shift going on in Week 8, and if our senses are open, we will really feel it.
This karmic 13/4 Month emphasizes order and system, and the disorder that must occur as the old system – the old order – continues to implode under the weight of the chaos its demise is creating. With such lack of knowledge and constant denial of reality, it is obvious that humanity’s madness rose to the top, and the ‘inmates’ really are running this authoritarian madhouse.

Emma Gonzalez speaks from the heart with raw emotion – and moves the nation. See link below for whole speech….
Children are being killed and abused all over the world, in diabolical wars and other atrocities that keep the old system going. The heart-breaking yet now routine slaughter of children is a stark reflection of the heartlessness that rules us. Young people are the future, and they know it!
But this old dying system doesn’t want there to be a future if it cannot control it. “If I can’t have it, no one can”! “You will not replace us!” And this depraved and dangerous level of selfishness is what we’re all dealing with now – and what so many young people are openly and bravely standing up to. As a result, and despite the chaos yet to come, a new future is unfolding.
In the transparency of the 2000s, the fantasy of ‘supremacy’ is so out of place. But we have not seen the worst of it yet. Revelations about the abuse and sexual harassment of women have changed the whole dynamic. But just wait until more layers of denial slip away and new revelations about the physical and sexual abuse of children are brought to light.
Everything we do, every breath we breathe – is tied to the system. But we entered a new frequency when we moved from the masculine 1000s to the feminine 2000s, in which the old system of secrecy and dishonesty simply cannot sustain itself. Transparency is openness, and openness is honesty.
This transition from a violent top-heavy ‘man’s world’, into a balanced world will not be easy. Balance is the home of equality, fairness, justice, and LOVE. And it is not the nature of feminine energy to dominate – so the world is not going to change from a man’s world into a woman’s world. That would be just as imbalanced. But we instinctively know that male dominance cannot continue within the power of 2, and the circumstances of Week 8 will verify this fact.
Humanity has always been at war with itself. That is the insanity we are evolving from, and 2 will help us deal with these complex matters through its power of connection. Symbolically, ‘adding 1 and 1 together’ is also the nature of this 11/2 Year. (1+1=2).
2 slows things down so we can notice the details, see how they connect, and look at life from a wider and deeper perspective. 2 = feminine energy, intuition, patience, cooperation, right timing, and efficiency. 2 thrives in groups, partnerships, and joint effort.
2’s transparency enables us to see through the denials, deceptions, and lies. 2 represents the senses, sensitivity, our ability to feel and think at the same time, and indeed to know the difference between feminine feelings and masculine thoughts. The evolutionary balance we so desperately need – starts within.
On Tuesday February 20th, we enter a 10 day cycle in which all the day numbers have TRIPLE-2 (222) vibrations:
- February = 2,
- each day begins with 2, (20th, 21st etc).
- 2018 = 11 = 2
This infusion of 2 reminds us:
- we are in the 2000s.
- the decade of the 10s is ending soon.
- the decade of the 20s is just 22 months away.
- 2020 is likely to be a major turning point on Earth.
- Thursday, February 22, 2018 = 2222 = 8.
- The 53rd Day of the Year = 8.
- This is Calendar Week 8.
8 is the number of POWER in the material world. Knowledge is power. 8 provides peace and balance through accurate understanding. 8 enables us to thrive, not just survive. 8 represents manifestation, abundance, business, economics, and the power of Mother Nature and her resources.
However, 8 is also the number of greed, and the chaos and cruelty that come from DENIED GUILT – the basis of psychopathic illness. 8 is the number of the bully, the abuser, the manipulator – and the mayhem that comes from intellectual laziness and mishandling of information.
Week 8 is a POWER week – in all its manifestations. And the POWER OF 2 is intense. The power of emotion. The power of the mind. The power of the human Will. The power of caring. The power of potential, imagination, and visualization. And the power of LOVE.
Parkland shooting survivor Emma Gonzalez gives compelling speech