Monthly Forecast – MAY 2024
TO CALCULATE YOUR NUMBER FOR 2024, simply add 8 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation).
Example birthday: April 25:
Month: 4
Day: 2+5 = 7
Year: 2+0+2+4 = 8
4 + 7 + 8 =19 (Keep adding until you get a single number).
1+9 =10
1+0 = 1
In this example, the Year Number for 2024 is 1.
If you are in doubt about your Year Number, use the contact form on this website – or leave a reply at the end of this page – and let me know your month and day of birth. (Year of birth is unnecessary in this calculation).
Use your YEARLY NUMBER to read your MONTHLY and WEEKLY forecasts until the end of 2024.
Your YEARLY NUMBER runs from January 1st to December 31st (not from birthday to birthday).
MAY 2024
This Monthly Forecast describes how the 5th month of May interacts with your 1 Year (5+1=6).
The study of change is the study of survival. ~Edward T. Hall
May emphasizes balance and extremes, relationships, relatives, domestic matters, location, health and healing, responsibility, justice, forgiveness, and peace. It is important to base your decisions on your true feelings. However, because you may be feeling extremely protective towards yourself and loved ones, you must also be careful not to jump to conclusions or prejudge anything.
In May’s 5 1 6 energy, events may force you to focus on home or family matters, on those you love, or those to whom you are closely connected. If you have depended on someone or something too heavily, you will now realize that nothing and no one can be taken for granted in the 1 Year. And, because so much emotion is involved in this cycle, an extreme or uncomfortable situation could emerge, even though it may not be entirely unexpected.
Accept that everyone is living and evolving at their own pace and don’t try to manipulate or take control. Don’t take on responsibilities that are not yours. You may think you are responsible for someone else’s problem, or that they are responsible for yours. You may believe it is your responsibility to keep everyone happy. Or you may think you have no responsibilities at all. You may even find yourself being held responsible for something. This may be difficult to understand right now, but your responsibility is clear: you must take care of yourself first, otherwise you will wear yourself out and be unable to take care of anything else.
While others are caught up in their own changes, you may find yourself with a new problem to solve or a deeply emotional situation to deal with. Assess where you truly fit in to it. Appreciate the feelings and needs of all concerned. Do what you can to help, but encourage others to find their own solutions, and remember that independence is this year’s theme.
A know-it-all, self-righteous, or judgmental attitude is a sure sign that you are denying some powerful feelings, such as fear, grief, pain, and/or anger. Until the lessons of love and responsibility are learned, this leg of the journey may jolt you from one extreme to another.
Focus on your home. Or are you wondering where your real home actually is? As an old reality ends and a new one starts to form, try to renew your faith in yourself and in life. No matter how restless you feel, you are in the right place, and this is the right time, to gain the experience you need.
Begin or expand a project that is dear to your heart. Stop judging yourself from the perspective of who you used to be, and bring yourself to a new level of commitment. You will always be what you judge yourself to be, and until you change a particular way you see yourself – and what you are capable of – true satisfaction may never be reached. And then you will have to deal with the frustration of not knowing why.
You have reached the outer edges of a brand-new beginning in your life. Will you walk confidently into it? Will you take a greater responsibility for your own well-being and happiness? Will you accept this new path of love, balance, and connection?
If you find yourself traveling unfamiliar roads during May, this is an indication that you really are ready to take a different, exciting, and more responsible path out there in the world, and that no matter how hard it is to let go of the past, once you do, a new and better tomorrow will be able to form. This month, a new understanding about love can result in a loving new beginning or fresh start.
Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 1 YEAR CYCLE
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Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.
YOUR DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY and YEARLY GUIDE… Our personal numbers are communicating loud and clear in these unstable evolutionary times. And there is a Creative Numerology Year Book for each of the 9 yearly cycles to help you find your way. Each collectable and reusable book provides a rich description of your yearly cycle, and an entire year of accurate and inspiring MONTHLY, WEEKLY, and DAILY forecasts. Your CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK brings clarity to your personal journey through this turbulent and emotional cycle of time. This is numerology you can both FEEL and use.
You can buy these books individually, or buy all 9 books and GET ONE FREE (free book is not available with kindle).
If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.
Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness HERE (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE). THE BOOK THAT’S ALL ABOUT YOU – AND YOURS….
Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI
WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHERE ARE YOU GOING? This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From $95.00
This Monthly Forecast describes how the 5th month of May interacts with your 2 Year (5+2=7).
Courage does not always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow”. ~Mary Anne Radmacher
Having to face your own reality last month has probably left you eager to make some positive changes, but you still may not be able to see the best approach. Don’t rush. New understandings must be reached, and specific adjustments must be made before you can gain the stability you desire.
Slow down. Navigating your way through May’s ‘strange’ vibrations will require an open and alert mind. There is no outside light to guide you. In fact, the only light that can illuminate your current reality exists within – and this is also the only light that can help you revive your sense of dignity. Keep a low profile and go about your daily affairs slowly and quietly. Cooperate and help where you can, and ask for cooperation where needed.
Remember how the year started off and take a detailed look at where you stand now. Notice how you are connected to everyone and everything around you, and how you have handled certain people and situations. If your approach has yielded favorable results, continue in that way. If not, there may be some part of your reality that you are not seeing or relating to. Be honest with yourself. Only then can you relax from this stress, and gently move yourself into a kinder and easier segment of your journey.
To begin with, you don’t have to spend every waking moment reeling from a recent event or clash, or worried about what the next problem may be. Unexpressed emotions are causing this strain. Feel them – express them outwardly – and let them go. Then you will understand what needs to be done next. And while you’re waiting for more understanding to come in, make manageable and achievable plans which match the direction you want to take.
Don’t be afraid of strange dreams or sudden flashes of intuition. Equate them to your current situation. This month’s emotional awakening is trying to stir a sleeping (or battered) ambition. Feedback from others can trigger what needs to be felt here. Stay alert and remember that any problem you encounter in May’s sensitive 2 5 7 vibrations can be turned around to your advantage.
In this peculiar and perhaps surreal month – a cycle of secrets – you are learning about the power that comes with the acceptance of reality, and the deadlock brought about by denial.
Be tactful. Be careful with whom you associate – and be very aware of the games people play. You cannot afford to waste your time or resources. Don’t lower your standards.
The answers you seek can be found in the details, so pay great attention to aspects that you would usually ignore. Listen attentively, not only to what others are saying, but also to your own inner responses. Widen your outlook and try to be more flexible and relaxed.
Be aware of both your strengths and your weaknesses. The lessons here are those of self-acceptance and gaining a balanced appreciation of your own worth, (self-love). Of course, you may first have to feel your way out of some disappointment (sadness), frustration (anger), or confusion (fear). You may also find yourself facing a moral dilemma of some kind as you struggle to understand the meaning of freedom.
May’s energies can, at first, trigger feelings of being inadequate, vulnerable, or unprepared. You may believe you should be doing more to help yourself or someone else. Relax. Just do what you can. Guilt always tells you that you should be doing better than you are. But from the understanding that your best really IS good enough, your ability to relate to and cooperate with others will expand. Then you will experience a quiet confidence that feels warm, nurturing, and genuinely loving.
Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 2 YEAR CYCLE
PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much. DONATE HERE
Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.
YOUR DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY and YEARLY GUIDE… Our personal numbers are communicating loud and clear in these unstable evolutionary times. And there is a Creative Numerology Year Book for each of the 9 yearly cycles to help you find your way. Each collectable and reusable book provides a rich description of your yearly cycle, and an entire year of accurate and inspiring MONTHLY, WEEKLY, and DAILY forecasts. Your CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK brings clarity to your personal journey through this turbulent and emotional cycle of time. This is numerology you can both FEEL and use.
You can buy these books individually, or buy all 9 books and GET ONE FREE (free book is not available with kindle).
If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.
Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness HERE (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE). THE BOOK THAT’S ALL ABOUT YOU – AND YOURS….
Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI
WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHERE ARE YOU GOING? This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From $95.00
This Monthly Forecast describes how the 5th month of May interacts with your 3 Year (5+3=8).
What we vividly imagine, ardently desire, and enthusiastically act upon, must inevitably come to pass. ~Cezanne
It’s time to snap out of it, wake up, and make some positive waves. The power of communication is featured this month, along with friendliness, popularity, and giving others what they want in order to attain what you want. A potent energy has entered your world, urging you to implement last month’s plans or ideas even if, in part, they seem undoable. “Where there’s a Will there’s a way!” In May’s 5 3 8 vibrations, a decision must be made.
You may be afraid to do something that you are perfectly able to do. If so, it is time to face that fear head on. As abstract as it may seem, your biggest and most debilitating fear is likely to involve taking full responsibility for your own life. You can release this fear. You can succeed.
Feel the positive energy surrounding you, including an improvement in the way others are able to relate to your side of the story, your ideas, talents, or potential. Even if you are not getting this kind of attention from others right now, don’t worry. This could be a sign that these are not the people with whom you are meant to be dealing on a long-term basis. Or perhaps they simply distracted by issues of their own. No matter what, believe in your ability to succeed, and understand that you do not need the approval of others to live as you want to live.
In general, if you need something, ask for it. No matter how difficult a task appears to be, keep at it. Don’t give up. And don’t focus on the rewards alone, as this will reduce your focus on what you need to do in order for the rewards to follow.
It is important that you believe that your life has taken a turn for the better, no matter how turbulent the waters may seem. This month’s combination of energies represents a big step forward into a future which you are designing by the strength of your desire, belief, and action.
You have more ability to make things happen this month than you have had in a long time. If you have to rely on a friend or relative to assist you, be grateful, kind, and willing to learn new things. Don’t let anyone or anything undermine your confidence. The magnetism of your determination and clear-headedness will draw opportunity to you.
There may be an improvement in your finances, business affairs, or relationships, or an opportunity to enable these improvements to occur later. This level of growth often requires a courageous leap of faith – a radical shift beyond the previously imaginable. So jump in and become passionately involved. Do not limit yourself. Just do what needs to be done. The dress rehearsal of the past four years is over. This, my dear, is the real thing!
Now, each step you take towards a goal is a goal in itself. If you feel stuck, remove yourself from the situation for a while and focus on something unrelated. This diversion will relieve your stress, rejuvenate your senses, and give you the incentive to get back in the game.
But what if things are not going well? What if you have lost instead of gained? What if you feel disappointed, empty, or unable to see anything positive in your situation? What if there is no hope in sight? If you look closely at everything that has transpired in the last two years, you will realize that this cycle is showing you an aspect of your own power that you have not used before.
Keep going until you get it right! Yes, effort and determination are needed. But what a wonderful gift it is to finally know what you want, and what you have to do to get it.
One way or another, the events of May will reward you richly. The time for speculating is over. The time for doing is here. It may take longer to reach your destination than you imagined, but still, the journey has begun.
Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 3 YEAR CYCLE.
PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much. DONATE HERE
Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.
YOUR DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY and YEARLY GUIDE… Our personal numbers are communicating loud and clear in these unstable evolutionary times. And there is a Creative Numerology Year Book for each of the 9 yearly cycles to help you find your way. Each collectable and reusable book provides a rich description of your yearly cycle, and an entire year of accurate and inspiring MONTHLY, WEEKLY, and DAILY forecasts. Your CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK brings clarity to your personal journey through this turbulent and emotional cycle of time. This is numerology you can both FEEL and use.
You can buy these books individually, or buy all 9 books and GET ONE FREE (free book is not available with kindle).
If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.
Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness HERE (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE). THE BOOK THAT’S ALL ABOUT YOU – AND YOURS….
Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI
WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHERE ARE YOU GOING? This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From $95.00
This Monthly Forecast describes how the 5th month of May interacts with your 4 Year (5+4=9).
Those who don’t remember the lessons of the past are condemned to repeat them. ~ George Santayana
Endings, completions, tolerance, generosity, accepting reality, and letting go of the past, are the themes of May. The time has come to free yourself of the weight of unexpressed feelings because that is what is making you feel so confined. Let it all out, safely, and privately – and then feel yourself moving forward again.
In May’s emotional 5 4 9 vibrations, issues from the past may be preventing you from focusing on the positive potential of your present situation. You may feel angry towards someone else, but if you get deep into this feeling, you will realize that you are angry with yourself for a multitude of reasons which guilt keeps pointing out. Only you can end whatever you are subconsciously blaming yourself (or someone else) for. Once you do, you will be able to move comfortably ahead.
Finishing something you have been putting off will open more space in your life. Where there is space, there is potential for new opportunity. You really do need to simplify.
There may be some delay, frustration, or loss this month, or perhaps you are still feeling the effects of a previous loss. If someone or something has left you, or seems to be leaving you, understand that you do not own this person or situation. Look for the cause of the separation and allow the wheels of freedom to turn as they need to. This does not mean giving a free reign to those who need your assistance or guidance, but the energy of this month does suggest that a more accepting or understanding attitude will serve the best interests of all concerned.
Be generous. This includes giving your time and effort; giving of yourself in a particular field or service; giving a sympathetic ear or supportive shoulder – or giving practical assistance or advice. Let go of resentment or insecurity and openly encourage or assist someone else. In another instance, you may need to stand up for yourself, get back in the driver’s seat, and take control of your life as much as circumstances allow – without trying to control others.
Take the time to observe how you and certain people affect each other. Stand still and look at your reality, and how it is connected to theirs. Stop fighting the fact that you are who and where you are. This cycle is restrictive, but it provides a valuable lesson in seeing all sides of the story – not just the side you prefer, or the side you are afraid of.
Open your imagination and let those new ideas in – the ideas you have been shutting out of your conscious mind because you don’t know how to make them happen within the confines of your current circumstances. Look at the bigger picture instead of getting lost in the nit-picking details. How can you expect to create a new reality for yourself when you are merely lurking in its shadows, unable to stand out and dazzle the world with your true colors? Discard those old ways which never did work for you. Enough is enough. Out of endings, new beginnings rise.
Climb down from that roller coaster of disappointment. You will soon realize that a particular fear was unfounded. Stop struggling with a situation you can do absolutely nothing about! There is still a long way to go on your 4 journey, but if you are willing to accept that the present, regardless of its details, provides the only entry into the future, then you are over the worst of it now. Remember that the 4 road leads to breakthrough, not breakdown.
Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 4 YEAR CYCLE.
PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much. DONATE HERE
Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.
YOUR DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY and YEARLY GUIDE… Our personal numbers are communicating loud and clear in these unstable evolutionary times. And there is a Creative Numerology Year Book for each of the 9 yearly cycles to help you find your way. Each collectable and reusable book provides a rich description of your yearly cycle, and an entire year of accurate and inspiring MONTHLY, WEEKLY, and DAILY forecasts. Your CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK brings clarity to your personal journey through this turbulent and emotional cycle of time. This is numerology you can both FEEL and use.
You can buy these books individually, or buy all 9 books and GET ONE FREE (free book is not available with kindle).
If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.
Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness HERE (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE). THE BOOK THAT’S ALL ABOUT YOU – AND YOURS….
Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI
WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHERE ARE YOU GOING? This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From $95.00
This Monthly Forecast describes how the 5th month of May interacts with your 5 Year (5+5=1+0=1).
“If you don’t go after what you want, you will never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you are always in the same place.” ~ Nora Roberts
In the 5th month of your 5 Year, if something you have taken for granted reverses itself, face this reality squarely and notice that there is more than one way to proceed. You do have a choice. It may be difficult to take a route you have never taken before, but no matter how alien these untraveled roads seem, you can be sure that one of them will lead to the result you want. If it were not for this upheaval or change of focus, you could find yourself going around in the same old worn-out circles – yet again.
With courage and a sense of adventure, this is a month of dynamic forward movement, new ideas and people, enthusiasm, independence, and sudden development. Someone else’s situation may be reflecting important information to you – or showing you the outcome of not exerting your personal power in the world.
The climb you wish to make must start with a single step. All you need is the courage to make a particular move that you were unable to make before. You may even find yourself being supported in an unexpected way, by someone who has been drawn to your talent, originality, your belief in yourself, or simply to the beauty of your spirit.
Yet, despite all the encouragement that this month offers, you may feel vulnerable, abandoned, or stuck. This is because May’s 5 5 10 1 vibrations require you to stand alone in your new circumstances and experience the power of your individuality and independence. You are in new territory in which you must focus on you, your life, your desires and ambitions, and your ability to be yourself and lead your own life.
A significant change has taken place, and yet your life has not changed enough for you to feel totally comfortable. Give yourself time to adjust to an unexpected shift, and although it is necessary to focus on you, remember that others have their own agendas, priorities, needs, and problems, too.
Be sure that the attention you are receiving is not solely for the purpose of improving someone else’s situation while your own needs remain neglected. Be aware of the games people play. Be realistic.
BEGIN something – or start a new phase of an existing experience. Relax with who you are. Make a change that will remove you from those who don’t appreciate you, and place you where what you have to offer is actually being sought.
Recognize when you are behaving self-destructively and try to offset this tendency with a more constructive use of your time, energy, and resources. What you are trying to achieve is important – but other people’s goals and needs are important to them, too. The more at ease you feel around others, the more comfortable they will feel around you, and the more progress can be made.
Recognize past mistakes regarding your expectations of other people, and your sense of self-importance. Your reality has changed direction and it is very important to know where you stand – and to remain flexible. This is a chance to positively transform your life, your relationships, and your view of the world.
Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 5 YEAR CYCLE.
PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much. DONATE HERE
Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.
YOUR DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY and YEARLY GUIDE… Our personal numbers are communicating loud and clear in these unstable evolutionary times. And there is a Creative Numerology Year Book for each of the 9 yearly cycles to help you find your way. Each collectable and reusable book provides a rich description of your yearly cycle, and an entire year of accurate and inspiring MONTHLY, WEEKLY, and DAILY forecasts. Your CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK brings clarity to your personal journey through this turbulent and emotional cycle of time. This is numerology you can both FEEL and use.
You can buy these books individually, or buy all 9 books and GET ONE FREE (free book is not available with kindle).
If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.
Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness HERE (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE). THE BOOK THAT’S ALL ABOUT YOU – AND YOURS….
Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI
WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHERE ARE YOU GOING? This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From $95.00
This Monthly Forecast describes how the 5th month of May interacts with your 6 Year (5+6=11/2).
Peace can never be achieved by force. It can only be achieved by understanding. ~Albert Einstein
This month emphasizes relationships, cooperation, peace, love, compassion, details, CONNECTION, and being honest with yourself. Above all, be patient. The art of problem-solving is one of 6’s principle themes, and this month, life may send you a sensitive situation to practice on. Use gentle persuasion and tact. Make suggestions, not demands.
Force and aggression will work against you. But miracles can happen if you are patient enough to wait for them, and aware enough to see the different options available. Take it all in your stride – with the intent of understanding, deeply and compassionately, what is going on.
If you try to force your plans ahead, you may push them into the wrong place and time. By diverting your attention to another person or circumstance, a new experience will arise from which you will gain valuable information. A new intelligence will form which can help restore some much-needed harmony to an important relationship or situation.
If you find yourself saying, “I don’t have time for this”, take a deep breath and just take the time. The world will not fall apart if you stop what you’re doing to sort this out. In fact, something important could fall apart if you don’t. Many details are involved, including some that you are avoiding. Let go of all that stress and go slowly and peacefully instead. Be diplomatic and courteous. The people with whom you must interact this month are all potential partners in some way.
Others may need your attention, patience, and understanding. Don’t judge or condemn. You now have an opportunity to solve a problem which affects you and possibly others. You are well aware of a past mistake, and you know that there is too much to lose by repeating it even one more time.
By fully accepting your present reality, as nerve-racking as it may be, you will finally know what adjustments need to be made. By actually making those adjustments, you will be able to reinvent yourself and achieve an overall improvement in the way you live your life. The erratic pace of May’s sensitive 6 5 11 2 vibrations is helping you to build authentic COURAGE.
You may have to examine your own tactics and motivations to realize just how subtly you may have been controlling others – or have allowed your repressed feelings to control your own behavior. You may even find yourself being held accountable for past actions. If so, accept it. Don’t fight it. Life is merely pointing out a mistake so that you don’t have to suffer its consequences again.
Fear and anger must be recognized within you and given outer expression. Take responsibility for the role that you have played in a particular matter, and instead of allowing blame and guilt to rule, look for common ground on which to build.
Love must be free in order to be love, so relax with that fact and seek healing instead of deeper conflict. Consider the needs and feelings of all concerned. Insecurity breeds obsession, and this can jeopardize all your relationships. Don’t try to force someone into a position that is merely convenient for you, or allow yourself to be used for someone else’s ulterior motives. This is extreme behavior, and the only thing it creates is WAR. This is a month in which you are learning about PEACE, which of course, starts within.
Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 6 YEAR CYCLE.
PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much. DONATE HERE
Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.
YOUR DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY and YEARLY GUIDE… Our personal numbers are communicating loud and clear in these unstable evolutionary times. And there is a Creative Numerology Year Book for each of the 9 yearly cycles to help you find your way. Each collectable and reusable book provides a rich description of your yearly cycle, and an entire year of accurate and inspiring MONTHLY, WEEKLY, and DAILY forecasts. Your CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK brings clarity to your personal journey through this turbulent and emotional cycle of time. This is numerology you can both FEEL and use.
You can buy these books individually, or buy all 9 books and GET ONE FREE (free book is not available with kindle).
If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.
Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness HERE (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE). THE BOOK THAT’S ALL ABOUT YOU – AND YOURS….
Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI
WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHERE ARE YOU GOING? This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From $95.00
This Monthly Forecast describes how the 5th month of May interacts with your 7 Year (5+7=1+2=3).
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance. ~Confucius
This month emphasizes the joy of life. However, its 5 7 12 3 vibration is so light and carefree that you may fail to notice it or take it seriously. Now, in this serious 7 Year, it is time to understand how your present circumstances hold the answer to your future happiness and fulfillment.
There is also an emphasis on innocence, creativity, communication, social interaction, art, and beauty. Imagine how life would be without these joyful elements. It would not be worth living. Try to feel, accept, and embrace May’s exuberant energy. It will show you how helpful and supportive others can be if you approach them in a genuinely friendly way.
The weight you are carrying is made up of all those ideas, facts, and emotions that you are currently unable to process or express – compounded by guilt, which tells you that you should already know the answers to your questions. This can result in an uncomfortable tension in your shoulders as if you have been carrying something alien on your back and are now trying to shake it off.
Remember that guilt doesn’t care if you find the answers or not. It only wants you to feel guilty – a heaviness you can no longer afford to hold.
Be aware of the flaws, imperfections, or superficiality in some of the activities, people, and things you thought could or should make you happy. 7 dulls the gloss, glamour, and trivial aspects of life, so that you can see reality instead. There could be some concern in matters of friendship, creativity, social standing, your (or someone else’s) physical appearance, or the way in which you and others are expressing yourselves.
The change you desire may require you to learn new skills, behavior, or procedure. Being comfortable and self-assured in foreign or even hostile surroundings is part of what you must learn in order to groom yourself for the opportunities that lie ahead in the months to come.
Friends and family are an important part of May, so don’t become too withdrawn or reclusive. The elements of social connections and secrets come together in a strange way this month. 7 promotes openness, but its opposite reflection is that of plotting, scheming, or hiding the truth. Be aware of the motivations of others – without becoming paranoid. Or is it you yourself who is subconsciously plotting to bring yourself down?
Accept the situation, just as it is, and focus on finding a realistic solution. By creating an optimistic atmosphere, the solution will be easier to accept by all concerned. This is a cycle of self-expression, but do not use it to trivialize, criticize, spread gossip or rumor, or obsess over something. Thoughtlessly expressed words can create havoc in May’s communicative 7 5 12 3 vibrations. There is no need to hurt others – or yourself – just because you are dissatisfied. Communicate creatively, not destructively.
And remember that May in the 7 Year is about planning rather than doing. Be very patient. Give yourself time – the whole month if necessary – for new ideas and structures to form in your heart and mind.
Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 7 YEAR CYCLE
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Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.
YOUR DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY and YEARLY GUIDE… Our personal numbers are communicating loud and clear in these unstable evolutionary times. And there is a Creative Numerology Year Book for each of the 9 yearly cycles to help you find your way. Each collectable and reusable book provides a rich description of your yearly cycle, and an entire year of accurate and inspiring MONTHLY, WEEKLY, and DAILY forecasts. Your CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK brings clarity to your personal journey through this turbulent and emotional cycle of time. This is numerology you can both FEEL and use.
You can buy these books individually, or buy all 9 books and GET ONE FREE (free book is not available with kindle).
If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.
Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness HERE (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE). THE BOOK THAT’S ALL ABOUT YOU – AND YOURS….
Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI
WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHERE ARE YOU GOING? This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From $95.00
This Monthly Forecast describes how the 5th month of May interacts with your 8 Year (5+8=1+3=4).
Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works. ~ Steve Jobs
May’s 5 8 13 4 vibrations bring you into a down-to-earth karmic cycle which highlights the work that must be done to fulfill a goal – and the obstacles that stand in your way. This month emphasizes the way you see yourself – and how you believe others see you. The circumstances of May can revive your sense of identity, your sense of purpose, and your sense of direction.
As you sort out your beliefs about you and your reputation, you may experience limitations, delays, postponements, mental blocks, and other complications. If so, consider all the details as they arise. Only then can you analyze the situation realistically, and get organized. Make a commitment to getting through this obstacle course, and then feel yourself and your capabilities grow!
You will be amazed at what you can achieve with patience, effort, efficiency, and belief in yourself. This means that you must feel your fear. You may not like how it feels, but this is nothing compared to the feeling of dissatisfaction – self-hatred – you will experience if you do not face and feel your fear, head-on, and take advantage of this month’s opportunity to advance. The key to dealing successfully with fear is to know what should be feared and what should not.
Appreciate what you already have, including your ideas, resources, talent, passion, and imagination. Appreciating them means loving them, using them constructively, expanding them, and increasing their value. Appreciate, too, the people in your life whose individuality and problems are very real. Others may be only too happy to cooperate if they know that you truly believe in yourself.
Persevere, chip away at, and break through restrictive situations. In the process of laying this all-important groundwork, you will encounter what you thought were your limits, only to realize that your expanded belief in yourself has pushed your limits to a place where they no longer pressure you. You are READY to take this vital next step.
We often limit ourselves through outdated thinking or because we feel we must do things in a certain way. Some obstacles may seem immovable, such as age, responsibility, limitations of the physical body, finances, or the conditions of your personal or working environments. By accepting the reality of your life in all its detail, you may find that certain “obstacles” serve a constructive purpose.
An opportunity may arise to heal your physical body or make changes to other areas of your life with which you thought you would always be “stuck”. These represent some of the wonderful but less obvious rewards of the 8 Year.
Get plenty of rest this month because current circumstances can deplete your physical energy. Acknowledge that you have a fear of change and feel what your fear is telling you. When your passion becomes stronger than your fear, it is a sign that the power of your Will is finally breaking free. When you become passionately involved with the pressures of getting a goal off the ground, you will be able to look back over the past five months and pleasantly startle yourself with how far you have come.
Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 8 YEAR CYCLE
PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much. DONATE HERE
Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.
YOUR DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY and YEARLY GUIDE… Our personal numbers are communicating loud and clear in these unstable evolutionary times. And there is a Creative Numerology Year Book for each of the 9 yearly cycles to help you find your way. Each collectable and reusable book provides a rich description of your yearly cycle, and an entire year of accurate and inspiring MONTHLY, WEEKLY, and DAILY forecasts. Your CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK brings clarity to your personal journey through this turbulent and emotional cycle of time. This is numerology you can both FEEL and use.
You can buy these books individually, or buy all 9 books and GET ONE FREE (free book is not available with kindle).
If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.
Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness HERE (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE). THE BOOK THAT’S ALL ABOUT YOU – AND YOURS….
Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI
WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHERE ARE YOU GOING? This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From $95.00
This Monthly Forecast describes how the 5th month of May interacts with your 9 Year (5+9=1+4=5).
One’s knowledge cannot go beyond one’s experience. ~John Locke
May’s karmic 9 5 14 5 energy reveals old judgments that have been imprinted on you throughout your life. The more clearly you understand (feel) the inaccuracy or irrelevance of your old programming, and how it is restricting your progress today, the more easily you will be able to steer yourself in a direction that is right for you.
Old programming does not let you see the present situation for what it is. It prevents meaningful change by insisting that what once seemed ‘normal’ still is – or ever was. This month, you may find that what you believed was truth may not be true at all.
Part of you, (your mind), is demanding to know why all this change is necessary, and that you should pull yourself together, snap out of it, and get back to ‘normal’. But before you do shrug off that other part of you (emotion) as it tries to tell you what it needs in order to heal, be sure to notice how the past has made the present inevitable, and that your craving to get back to ‘normal’ is actually a wish to get back to the past – which is full of the same old mistakes, habits, and ‘programming’ that led you to your present circumstances. It all comes to a head this month.
That’s why issues you thought were over are now back in your life!
Guilt and blame have no place in this cycle. Admit that mistakes have been made, but don’t judge yourself or others for having made them. Simply realize that now, the only option left is that of real and meaningful CHANGE. Allow your mistakes – your mis-steps – to evolve into valuable experience.
Be aware of your surroundings or you could become accident-prone, reckless, or unable to keep up with changing situations.
There is an emphasis on your physical body this month. Take care of it and realize how vital a part of you it is. You may want to block out – deny – your present reality with excesses of food, alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, or some other means of avoiding the emotions involved. In May, your physical condition is an indicator of just how much memory you are suppressing, and how much buried emotion you are holding in.
You may feel lonely standing there at this crossroads – this major decision point – with no idea where any of these roads will lead. But you are not alone. Millions of people, all over the world, are also standing at their crossroads. But it is you alone who must make the choice of either moving forward into a reality of your own design – or returning to ‘normal’ and stagnating in an unacceptable situation.
This month emphasizes FREEDOM, and you must now free yourself from normal routines and activities, or at least approach them in a different way. In many cases, ‘normal’ is just another word for average.
Notice how normal conventional thinking has almost killed Free Will on this planet. Allow yourself to think differently. Make peace with yourself. Everything starts with the self, and if there is no peace within, there can be no peace in your outer reality either.
This cycle responds to your expectations; not what you think you expect, but on a deeper level, what you feel is going to happen. When sudden or unexpected things occur this month, they are likely to be things that you did expect deep down but were unwilling to bring into consciousness and shrugged them off instead. Or you may be thinking very positively about change – but nothing changes. This shows that deep down you did not expect anything to change – and that mere ‘positive thinking’ is always outweighed by denied feelings.
Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 9 YEAR CYCLE
PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much. DONATE HERE
THE WORLD IS IN AN 8 GLOBAL YEAR IN 2024… And the world is in great turmoil. Be sure to read my latest article: 2024 – THE KARMIC POWER OF 8 (what goes around comes around.) 8 represents power itself and is an ideal gauge for understanding what needs to change if we are to survive this evolutional transition.
Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.
YOUR DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY and YEARLY GUIDE… Our personal numbers are communicating loud and clear in these unstable evolutionary times. And there is a Creative Numerology Year Book for each of the 9 yearly cycles to help you find your way. Each collectable and reusable book provides a rich description of your yearly cycle, and an entire year of accurate and inspiring MONTHLY, WEEKLY, and DAILY forecasts. Your CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK brings clarity to your personal journey through this turbulent and emotional cycle of time. This is numerology you can both FEEL and use.
You can buy these books individually, or buy all 9 books and GET ONE FREE (free book is not available with kindle).
If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.
Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness HERE (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE). THE BOOK THAT’S ALL ABOUT YOU – AND YOURS….
Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI
WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHERE ARE YOU GOING? This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From $95.00
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