Week 39 is the final week of a 10-week cycle in which all the week numbers begin with 3 – the number of words, images, sounds, enjoyment, and all forms of communication. 3 also represents people, population, popularity, appearances, the arts, entertainment, sport, performance, the stage, social matters, social media, and the internet. First, however, let’s look at how Week 38 ended.
September 22, 2016 was a momentous day in many respects. It was the Autumn Equinox: a day when day and night – light and dark – were of equal duration. A day of evenness and balance. It was also a day on which the numbers involved formed an unusual pattern.
This stunning array of numbers signifies a precise shift in time that is having a deep effect on our emotions and the way we perceive what is happening. People are less afraid to be afraid, more aware of what our fears are communicating to us, and more determined to do something about it.
September 22 was not just another wake-up call, but an actual waking of hearts and minds everywhere, despite the terrible conditions under which people are living, and the brutal effort to keep us misinformed.
22 emphasizes large-scale events that influence the lives of the many (not just the few). Major accomplishments can be made when this energy is used intelligently and compassionately. But in the wrong hands, 22 brings ongoing confusion and havoc. And while confusion and havoc will not go away any time soon, September 22 brought a much needed infusion of perspective, depth, and clarity – through our growing ability to feel, sense, and intuit. Just remember that we will inevitably experience alternating bouts of chaos and clarity as we shift from one depth of consciousness to another.
The double 9 energy of September 2016 continues to take us backwards – into our personal and collective history – so that we can LET GO of the past an move forward. If old memories keep popping into your mind – fleeting or lasting – things you haven’t thought of in years – remember that 9 takes us back to what is stopping us from moving forward, and reveals old feelings that we denied or did not express as fully as they needed to be expressed. 9 brings acceptance, forgiveness, letting go, completion, and healing. It wipes the old slate clean, which provides the space for new possibilities to form. 9 takes us back to the future!
When we cannot heal from past events, we then have to carry all that pain, anger, fear, and grief around with us in the present, often unaware of what is weighing us down and holding us back.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016, brings us into 999 energy for the 3rd time this month – a perfect day for broken hearts to heal. 3 x 3 x 3 = 27, and the combination of 2 and 7 brings heart and mind TOGETHER in the spirit of cooperation, and a willingness to learn from each other. Today, the power of 27 is doubled, and we can all gain strength from this.
The hearts and minds of people everywhere are becoming more open and receptive now, and more determined to live and learn. The enormous emphasis on 3 and 9 this week is likely to bring the power of communication to a crescendo on many levels. 3 is strong enough on its own right now, but 9 is the result of 3 x 3. The square root.
“Creativity is not confined to artistic pursuits. Each situation we encounter has the potential for a creative – or destructive – outcome.” ~from my book Life Cycles – September in the 3 year)
3 is the number of friends and friendliness. Be careful of gossip, hearsay, and the misuse of words. There are major lessons to learn in all of 3s aspects this week, including creativity.
Communication this week can reach new highs – and new lows. And with the first US presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on Monday, September 26, who knows which way it will go. It’s an 8 day in the world. A 1 day in the USA.
8 is power. 1 is leadership. 3 is the stage.
Charlotte, North Carolina
To condemn the uprising in Charlotte would be to condemn a man for thrashing when someone is trying to drown him. ~Rev. William Barber
When an event affects us on an emotional level, its impact sends out clusters of numbers which expose a specific theme, revealing how various aspects are connected. In this instance, 3 and 9 are the dominant vibrations. When Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson Missouri, in 2014, the dominant number was 6 – the number of justice, family, and neighborhood. When the Twin Towers were destroyed on September 11, 2001, there were so many instances of 11 flying around that it was almost impossible to keep up with them. Every major event (every event actually) creates its own distinct numeric pattern.
Something changed in the collective American psyche last week with two more needless police killings of black men. In the case of Terence Crutcher in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the police officer was charged with manslaughter. But the horrific killing of Keith Lamont Scott, as his wife begged the police not to shoot him, is unlikely to fade away, even though a dash-cam video has finally been released by the police. There is still no evidence that Keith Scott had a gun. Something changed last week. A door opened. The Black Lives Matter movement is essential to humanity’s evolution, and not just in the USA. “No justice, no peace” is not a threat or a mere slogan. It is science. Where there is injustice, there is imbalance. And where there is imbalance, there can never be stability – for anyone.
The name Charlotte has the numerical makeup of 3 9 3. And not only do all the letters in Charlotte add up to 3, but are derived from the number 39 – the number of this week.
North Carolina is the 12th State of the Union. 1+2=3.
Statehood was gained on November 21, 1789 (11+3+7=2+1=3). So North Carolina was born on the 3 Destiny Path – and on the 21st of the month (3).
KEITH LAMONT SCOTT was born on February 3, 1973.
At 2:22 pm on the day he died, Keith Lamont Scott left a message for his mother. When prompted to leave his name, he said “Lamont”, (not Keith). All the numbers in the name Lamont add up to 3.
7 is the dominant number in his birth name – which brings us to the significance of the number 7 at this time in the journey. 7 is the number of DIGNITY. It is also the number of intelligence, learning, intuition, and analysis. 7 uncovers secrets and lies.
And 7 has been thrust into the limelight in recent weeks by #7 player, Colin Kaepernick, of the San Francisco 49ers, who has started a nationwide movement of “taking a knee” instead of standing for the national anthem, to protest police brutality against the black community, nationwide. 3 is the number of entertainment, which includes sports. 3 is the number of the stage – the platform. 3 is where you get your message out!
It was on August 26, 2016 that Colin Kaepernick first gained attention by sitting out the national anthem. That was a 7 day in the world. (8+8+9=2+5=7).
He was born on the 3 Destiny Path (November 3, 1987 = 11+3+7=2+1=3), and the letters in his birth name convert to 9 3 3. He was born in the 30th state of Wisconsin.

(Photo by Jahi Chikwendiu/The Washington Post via Getty Images)
On the 1st and 2nd days of Week 39, President Obama oversaw the opening of the Smithsonian Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington. It was a grand but bitter sweet celebration. It took more than 100 years after it was first proposed to actually get the museum built. This testament to the “journey of a people” covers all sides of the story, from the sheer horror of slavery to the great successes and contributions of African Americans over the years – this all happening amid the grief and anger going on 300 miles away in Charlotte.
It is important to keep the good news and the bad news in perspective as we move further away from the 1000s and more deeply into the 2000s. Until we learn what the 1000s had to teach, we will continue to live in two different cycles of time simultaneously.
The American story is only one example. This is happening all over the world. 3 is the number of PEOPLE – and people have the power to change the world, emotionally, intellectually, and physically. But we are being held back – controlled – by a system that manipulates our emotions. We are held hostage by our heartstrings. Emotion is our feminine energy – which is why women’s rights and gender rights are such central issues of these times.
The entire system is based on race – because that’s what it is – a race – for power over others. It can only be changed from within – and beneficial change IS taking place even though it is difficult to see most of the time.
Of course, change will not happen overnight. How heart-breaking it is that the cease-fire in Syria did not hold and that Aleppo was then bombed harder than ever. The refugee crisis worsens. The Middle East continues to be the most torn and damaged area in the fabric of human life. And yet great change is happening there too as people are moved, mentally and emotionally, by a deeper understanding of their own value. The transparency of 2 is opening everything up. Every day, the picture gets a little clearer and we see more of how the system works, how it’s being run, and who is running it. Humanity is feeling the inevitable shock that coming out of denial evokes.
We do not have to go down the fascist path again. Not if we are more aware, less afraid, and more comfortable in our own skins. To live our lives judging others and being judged is not living. It is stagnating – dying.
As we enter a ten week cycle on September 30 in which all the week numbers begin with 4, our understanding of what we are really dealing with – as a species – and as individuals – can only expand. 4 is the number of RULES, LAW, ORDER, SYSTEM, ORGANIZATION, DETAILS, LIMITATION, HARD WORK, DETERMINATION, and BREAKTHROUGH.
The last day of Week 39 is Thursday, September 29 (9+11+9=29=11/2), and is another major point of change in our journey through the cycles of time. Here we have two 9s, two 11s, and two 2s. It’s rather like the energy of September 22, but it is not the same.
Anything can happen in this spiraling 9 energy. It often feels as if we are on the brink of disaster one moment, and the brink of breakthrough the next. But, according to these numbers, we will make much more progress if we are prepared to cooperate with others and be helpful – and KIND – just for the sake of it. That’s a lot to ask in such a greedy world. But it will carry us forward.
The only way for our hearts to heal is to allow more love to flow through them.
Emotional healing is the next vital step in the human journey – and that means learning to express what we are feeling, fully and honestly, without hurting ourselves or others. The function of a 9 year (2+0+1+6=9) is to bring old matters to a conclusion so that they can move where they need to be – behind us. 9 strengthens our power of empathy and caring and enables us to LET GO of the pain we are holding. Without forgiveness, there is no progress, just the same old rut repeating itself. People are exhausted by this and are seeking real change that is based on LOVE — not hate, contest and never-ending war. In order to heal and go forward, we must first go back to the ROOT cause and free ourselves from it. Let it go. This means forgiving. And when 3 and 9 combine, forgiveness is the principle theme.