Weekly Forecast
TO CALCULATE YOUR NUMBER FOR 2024, simply add 8 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation).
Example birthday: April 25:
Month: 4
Day: 2+5 = 7
Year: 2+0+2+4 = 8
4 + 7 + 8 = 19 (Keep adding until you get a single number).
1+9 =10
1+0 = 1
In this example, the Year Number for 2024 is 1.
If you are in doubt about your Year Number, use the contact form on this website – or leave a reply at the end of this page – and let me know your month and day of birth. (Year of birth is unnecessary in this calculation).
Use your YEARLY NUMBER to read your Monthly and Weekly Forecasts until the end of 2024.
Your YEARLY NUMBER runs from January 1st to December 31st (not from birthday to birthday).
NOTE 1: WEEK 47 (4+7=11), is always a complex cycle, because it is an 11 WEEK in the 11TH MONTH. This produces some illuminating, reflective, sensitive, and volatile 11:11 energy.
WEEK 47 is the 8th week of a 10-week cycle in which all the Week Numbers begin with restrictive 4. Typically, 47 stirs things up in order to get accurate information – or to obtain a particular result. This can create confusion and alarm, but also resistance, resilience, and dedication.
The world is changing rapidly and drastically, and this mind-opening energy is occurring at a time when many people are shutting their minds down because the uncertainty, hate, chaos, death, destruction, and suffering in the world, is just too much to handle.
But humanity is meant to be feeling on this level, at this precise time, in order to develop our feminine power and our ability to feel and sense our way through dire and unusual situations. Our masculine minds cannot do it alone. We each have our own role to play in rescuing the human WILL, which starts within ourselves.
Many people do not understand the gravity of what’s happening on Earth, and some would rather give up their Will completely than have to feel the feelings that the Will is holding, especially feelings of fear. But we cannot evolve out of this misery until we accept what’s happening, and that more will happen until we do.
And yet, in order to move forward, we will have to look backwards. If we are not aware of how PAST actions led us to where we are now, all we can do is repeat the same old mistakes. Only by knowing how we got here, can we possibly understand what the PRESENT holds, and how to WILL a better FUTURE into being.
WEEK 47 brings an influx of insight which can help us discover effective ways to resist the current barrage of existential threats, even if we cannot immediately see what we, the people, can actually do about them.
47/11/2 sheds its light on the human tendency to ignore what we erroneously believe isn’t affecting us directly. 2 is particularly important here because it is the predominant number of our times – the millennium of the 2000s, and the decade of the 2020s. 2 = caring rather than indifference, cooperation rather than competition, peace rather than war.
Feminine 2 also tells us that when we feel “positive” without a detailed understanding of what we’re dealing with, it is a false-positive – a false confidence. And as this 8 YEAR (the number of POWER) moves into its final weeks, we are indeed dealing with power in unqualified and/or ill-intended hands, and partnerships which strive to control others.
This week, goal-oriented 4 represents work (and how things work), our sense of identity, restriction, order, system, detail, correction, and determination. 4 can also evoke bullying – and bulldozing one’s way ahead without regard for others.
Introspective 7 represents the mind, going inwards, spirituality, learning, analysis, planning, science, secrets, conspiracy theories, actual conspiracies, snobbery, lies, fear, scandal, and blackmail.
11/2 represents clarity, awareness, inspiration, connection, cooperation, partnership, and coordination. However, in the wrong hands, it has the opposite effect of manipulation, disillusionment, chaos, careless planning, opposition, and recklessness.
NOTE 2: Yes, there’s a bit of a numeric whirlwind going on here. The week begins on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2024, which is a 1 Day in the world (11+9+8=28+10=1). We cannot move safely into the 2000s without first learning the lessons of the 1000s, which involve blatant self-interest, greed, and arrogance. Therefore, November 18 could bring selfishness to a new level, in a way that says, “if I can’t have it, no one can have it”.
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2024, highlights the most important karmic number of these times (19), and brings even more 11 energy (the number of light) into our lives. (11+19+8=3+8=11/2). 19 is the karmic vibration of 1 – the masculine territorial energy we are evolving from. 11 gives us 2 (1+1=2), and this vibration can help us to equate how humanity’s actions in the 1900s led to where we are today. 1 is the nucleus of all the other numbers, and therefore, nuclear matters are always prominent.
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2024, is a 3 DAY in the world (11+2+8=21=3). It reminds us of just how deceptive outer appearances can be. 3 = friends and enemies, creativity and destruction, openness and deception. 3 represents communication, and what is communicated to the masses on this day is significant, but interpretations may differ considerably. Remember that lies are easier to swallow when sandwiched between layers of truth.
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER, 21, 2024, is a 22/4 day in the world (11+3+8=22/4), which not only connects to the 22nd day of the month tomorrow, but also to the 11:11 energy of this week (11+11=22). 22 connects to the two 2s in the decade of the 2020s.
This is also the 326th day of this Leap Year which brings another 11 into this week’s complex equation (3+2+6=11/2). So, November 21, 2024 is emitting 33/6 energy – which extends into tomorrow’s 11-22-33 vibrations.
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2024, is a 5 Day in the world (11+22+8=4+1=5), which represents freedom, diversity, unexpected development, and sudden change. Try not to jump to conclusions. In the busy multi-directional 5 energy, important details are easily overlooked. So stay awake and aware.
11 and 22 = 33, and so, this is a day to be particularly aware of what you are feeling and thinking, what you are being told by others, and what your own feelings and intuition (your feminine energy) are telling you.
33/6 connects us to the 3 energy of the 21st Century, and represents people, population, happiness, friends, enemies, spite, blackmail, illusion, the arts, the stage (and how things are staged), the platform, social matters, social media, and the enormous power of communication. 6 represents both BALANCE and EXTREMES – the height of LOVE – the height of CRUELTY – and the indifference in between.
6 also represents loyalty, community, home, hospitals, healing, schools, education, courts, law, order, justice, prisons, libraries, social welfare, and other institutions. 33/6 represents the MASTER HEALER and MASTER TEACHER. Of course, it can also empower propagandists, gas-lighters, and bullies. The numbers are overlapping this week, and today’s 33/6 energy is likely to fuse with tomorrow’s 6 energy.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2024, is a 6 Day in the world (11+5+8=2+4=6). 6 represents both BALANCE and EXTREMES, RESPONSIBILITY, RIGHT and WRONG. There is also an emphasis on FAMILY, HOME, and LOVE. Be determined to do the right thing, simply because it is the right thing.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2024, is a 7 Day in the world (11+6+8=2+5=7). This indicates changes of direction, changes of mind, changes of circumstance. And the emphasis on doing the “right thing” continues.
NOTE 3: This is one of those weeks in which additional insight can be gained by reading ALL the Weekly Forecasts below, as well as your own.
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You need social contact, friendship, and support, but you also want seclusion and privacy. Your life has changed – and you must accept the person you are now – someone who has turned a corner only to find yourself having a new experience – for which you may not be fully prepared. The purpose here is to increase your appreciation of love, life, and liberty – for all.
Guilt will try to convince you that you should have approached matters differently, but guilt is wrong. It was not possible to learn what you had to learn until now. In order to move forward, you really do need to break away from guilt. If you feel emotionally drained – rest. Spent energy must be replenished, otherwise you will run out of steam – which is exactly what guilt wants.
A struggle continues only because you continue to struggle with it. And you keep struggling because you cannot believe that a certain struggle is over. You are reluctant to raise your expectations because you are afraid of getting hurt. But you must start believing in yourself again. Then you will be able to breathe new life into your own imagination. The key is to think for yourself – by knowing what it is you are feeling.
PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much. DONATE HERE
Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.
YOUR DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY and YEARLY GUIDE… Our personal numbers are communicating loud and clear in these unstable evolutionary times. And there is a Creative Numerology Year Book for each of the 9 yearly cycles to help you find your way. Each collectable and reusable book provides a rich description of your yearly cycle, and an entire year of accurate and inspiring MONTHLY, WEEKLY, and DAILY forecasts. Your CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK brings clarity to your personal journey through this turbulent and emotional cycle of time. This is numerology you can both FEEL and use.
You can buy these books individually, or buy all 9 books and GET ONE FREE (free book is not available with kindle).
…and remember that these books make the most ideal (and affordable) gifts for the upcoming holidays and new year… If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use this contact form to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, (or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for), and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.
ANOTHER EXCELLENT HOLIDAY (or anytime) GIFT: Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness HERE (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE). THE BOOK THAT’S ALL ABOUT YOU – AND YOURS….
Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI
WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHERE ARE YOU GOING? This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From $120
As your understanding of life continues to change and expand, you may need to question the relevance of certain matters that you once considered unquestionable, and possibly still do. Resistance to facing changing realities can cause an uncomfortable drag on your progress. You will gain significant insight when you accept things exactly as they are – and put your priorities in the right order.

You need some time alone with your feelings and thoughts. Someone else’s cooperation will prove to be invaluable now, and all that’s needed in return is your appreciation. Far from making you dependent or vulnerable, this is the inspiring experience of sharing part of your life with someone else without feeling indebted or infringed upon. It is a lesson in faith, loyalty, friendship, appreciation, and/or forgiveness.
Do not judge yourself harshly for the mental/emotional tug-of-war that’s been going on inside you. It is this judgment – the attachment to only one point of view – that is causing both the imbalance and the confusion. This is a chance to start living your life more fully, while standing more firmly on your own two feet. Great things can be organized from such a balanced position – and from giving other people thanks or credit where it’s due.
PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much. DONATE HERE
Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.
YOUR DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY and YEARLY GUIDE… Our personal numbers are communicating loud and clear in these unstable evolutionary times. And there is a Creative Numerology Year Book for each of the 9 yearly cycles to help you find your way. Each collectable and reusable book provides a rich description of your yearly cycle, and an entire year of accurate and inspiring MONTHLY, WEEKLY, and DAILY forecasts. Your CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK brings clarity to your personal journey through this turbulent and emotional cycle of time. This is numerology you can both FEEL and use.
You can buy these books individually, or buy all 9 books and GET ONE FREE (free book is not available with kindle).
…and remember that these books make the most ideal (and affordable) gifts for the upcoming holidays and new year… If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use this contact form to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, (or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for), and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.
ANOTHER EXCELLENT HOLIDAY (or anytime) GIFT: Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness HERE (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE). THE BOOK THAT’S ALL ABOUT YOU – AND YOURS….
Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI
WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHERE ARE YOU GOING? This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From $120
You have refused to think certain thoughts because you were afraid of the feelings they could trigger. Now, however, you want nothing but the truth. You want to feel the power of your emotions rather than the weakness you once thought they were. It is impossible to change your mind without first changing your feelings, and you cannot truly ‘know’ something until you feel it. Emotional denial comes with many strings attached.
When we are preoccupied with competing or ‘fitting in’, or when we need the approval of others to feel secure, we forget who we are and why we are here in this evolving creation called life. Stop worrying about how others see you and focus on carving your own route into the future. This cycle offers a clear path forward – which needs to be traveled with confidence – and great attention to detail.
Change is in the air, and your emotions are reacting strongly. ‘Sense’ (intelligence) is what this cycle offers – common-sense, instinct, intuition, and a deeper sense of discretion. Even if you feel oversensitive or vulnerable, be patient, courteous, and caring, as you sense your way along. Notice how you are connected to the different people and components involved, and you will more effectively fulfill your current role of helper, healer, facilitator, or peacemaker.
PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much. DONATE HERE
Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.
YOUR DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY and YEARLY GUIDE… Our personal numbers are communicating loud and clear in these unstable evolutionary times. And there is a Creative Numerology Year Book for each of the 9 yearly cycles to help you find your way. Each collectable and reusable book provides a rich description of your yearly cycle, and an entire year of accurate and inspiring MONTHLY, WEEKLY, and DAILY forecasts. Your CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK brings clarity to your personal journey through this turbulent and emotional cycle of time. This is numerology you can both FEEL and use.
You can buy these books individually, or buy all 9 books and GET ONE FREE (free book is not available with kindle).
…and remember that these books make the most ideal (and affordable) gifts for the upcoming holidays and new year… If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use this contact form to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, (or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for), and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.
ANOTHER EXCELLENT HOLIDAY (or anytime) GIFT: Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness HERE (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE). THE BOOK THAT’S ALL ABOUT YOU – AND YOURS….
Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI
WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHERE ARE YOU GOING? This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From $120
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