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11 11 2016

11 11 in 2016 adds up to 31 (11+11+9), and 31 adds up to 4.

We are also in a 10 week cycle in which all the Week Numbers begin with 4. And a man who was born on the 4 Destiny Path has just become President Elect of the United States.

This is scaring a lot of people throughout the world – as it should. There is no doubt that difficult times lay ahead. 4 is restrictive energy which can hold us back and box us in until its lessons are learned. The natural emotions of fear and frustration arise as a result. There is a very serious tone to this vibration.

4 is the number of system, work, how things work, and all things work-related, including jobs and the ‘cost of living’. 4 thrives on effort, determination, precision, and efficiency. 4 also signifies the vital INNER work which will bring peace into this world. Until our masculine minds make peace with our feminine feelings, outer repression will only grow. Everything starts within and generates outwardly. 4 is also the number of breakthrough.

4’s karmic vibration, 13, is associated with overwork, carelessness with essential details, laziness, and ill-preparedness, which we often mistake for being “unlucky”. There are major lessons for us all to learn from karmic 13. And because 11 ILLUMINATES and INSPIRES, it helps us to focus on – or at least search for – what we most need to see and understand.

11+11 gives us 4’s Master vibration, 22. The 22/4 vibration focuses on the conditions in which large groups of people live, and in the right hands, 22 brings measurable improvement – to the many rather than the few. In the wrong hands, however, 22/4 brings chaos to the many, (and the few as well).

We need to look at this date in its entirety because the information it contains does change each year. Without this understanding, we can slip through the cracks of this ‘road of opportunity’ without truly understanding what the opportunity was. 11 11 2016 is ‘big picture’ energy, and provides essential context and depth – if we open ourselves to it.

Awareness is our greatest safety net.



Not only is this  Week 45 of 2016, it is also the week in which the United States chooses its 45th president.

4+5 = 9, and Week 45 is the final 9 Week in this turbulent 9 Year of 2016.

9 is the number of drama and deep emotions. The number of spirals and endings. And this week, we get spirals within spirals, and endings within endings.

“The most authentic endings are the ones which are already revolving towards another beginning.”~Sam Shepard, (born in Week 45, November 5, 1943)

The last time we experienced Week 45 in a 9 year, (which, like 2016, was also a leap year), was in 1980, when Ronald Reagan became the 40th president of the USA. This established the decade of the 80s as a high-energy era in which so many safeguards and regulations were repealed – the banks were given even more power – and greed and materialism were ‘normalized’.

“I been laid off from work, my rent is due  //  My kids all need brand new shoes  //  So I went to the bank to see what they could do  //  They said son – looks like bad luck got a hold on you….  //  Money’s too tight to mention..”  ~Written by The Valentine Brothers in 1982 and recorded by Simply Red in 1985.

8 is the number of POWER in the material world, and it was during the 1980s that the whole concept of ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’ entered mainstream consciousness as “a fact of life”, rather than the great imbalance that it was, and still is. But time has moved forward, and we are now in the decade of the masculine 10s in the millennium of the feminine 2000s – and another major shift is imminent.

4 = system, order, work, how things work, precision, detail, and the LOGICAL MIND.

5 = change, freedom, resourcefulness, adventure, sex, and the PHYSICAL BODY.

9 = conclusions, drama, the end of an era, letting go, and DEEP FEELINGS.

Week 45 runs from November 4th – 10th, and is the 6th week of a 10 week cycle in which all the Week Numbers begin with 4 – the number of both restriction and breakthrough.

The USA is in a 2 National Year and a 4 month. Both 2 and 4 thrive on ACCURATE DETAIL, and have a way of making us look at ourselves, and each other, more honestly. And because the entire world is affected by this election, and many other countries are going through their own Clinton/Trump-like situations, we are all going through the evolutionary process of facing our own reflections and interpreting reality – realistically.


The human journey is reaching a crescendo, not only because Week 45 is the last 9 Week in this 9 Year, but also because 2016 is the last 9 Year before the great numeric turning point of 2020. The 10/1 energy of the current decade gives us alternating glimpses (visions) of what could be if we continue in the same old disproportionate way – or – make a vital shift towards equality, fairness, justice, and BALANCE.

People are trapped in history, and history is trapped in them. ~James Baldwin

We do not look deeply enough into the details of our present reality. We do not use THE PAST as the learning experience it is meant to be. So, although we can see the end result, we remain unaware of what led to it. Without this understanding, history has no choice but to repeat itself.

Life moves forever forward, and when we do not move with it, we become compressed, stuck, and helpless. 4 is symbolized by the box or square, and the feeling of being ‘boxed in’ and spun around has been prevalent during this long 10 week cycle.

All the ‘positive thinking’ in the world cannot find solutions to problems we deny having. Consequently, denial of reality is the biggest problem we face on Earth today. Resistance to change is also denial. The system of the male driven 1000s is battling the feminine 2000s with every ounce of its remaining power. The war on women is real and dangerous.

And yet, feminine energy (which all men and women possess) is rising regardless. Feminine energy is our ability to feel, empathize, relate, and express ourselves honestly. The honesty that comes with the 2 energy is driving a spear of reality into our current system, which runs on dishonesty. Consequently, blatant lies can no longer go unnoticed. Humanity’s awareness is increasing rapidly as our emotional energy insists on truth.

The circumstances of this DOUBLE 9 WEEK remind us that the age of patriarchy and male dominance is in a downward spiral as time continues its journey into the 2000s. 9 enables us to let go of the past so that we can move forward – and the only way to let go of the past is to FORGIVE. This may turn out to be the hardest lesson of all because to forgive repression while it is still going on, without entering into the classic “Stockholm Syndrome“, seems all but impossible. And yet, the fact remains that forgiveness is the very definition of letting go.

Meanwhile, we are traveling a section of the human journey in which the ‘old school’ are desperately trying to alter our perception of reality. The impunity with which blatant lies are being spewed into the collective psyche is truly staggering. They obviously believe wholeheartedly that the ‘masses’ are stupid and will believe anything you say if you just keep repeating it.


Although 11/11 (November 11) does not occur until the first day of Week 46 (a 10 week in this 10 decade), the first occurrence of 11/11 this month comes on November 9, which is an 11 day in this 11th month. (11+9+9=29=11).

November 9th is formatted as 11/9 in the USA, but for the rest of the world, it is 9 November, or 9/11.

Historically, 9/11 and 11/9 have enormous significance, including the onset of World War 2, the fall of the Berlin Wall and with it, communism, and of course, the 9/11 attacks which destroyed the biggest symbol of 11 in the world – the Twin Towers in New York, (just a few examples).

Keep in mind that 11+11 adds up to 22. The USA is in a 22/4 day on November 9 – the day after the election. The master Number 11 illuminates reality so that we can see what we’re dealing with, and at the same time provides the connection between the 1000s and the 2000s. What appears to be the simplest of equations, 1+1=2, is actually a complex and vital set of numbers – which provides basic understanding. 22 focuses on the conditions in which large groups of people are experiencing life.

Our true INTENT – what is in our hearts – will drive this massive change, and the choice is what it has always been – between LOVE and HATE.



Week 44 of this 9 year produces a strong 5/3 atmosphere which focuses on creativity and ‘new life’. The combination of 5 and 3 is the ultimate pregnancy vibration because 5 denotes sex and the physical body, and 3 represents the child. Both 44 and 53 = 8, the number of manifestation, making this a time to be as creative as you can be, not only in matters of the arts, but in all areas in which IMAGINATION is needed to change what you already have into what you want.

Although both 4 and 8 are numbers of attainment, their approaches are quite different. 4 brings results through hard work, determination, and great attention to detail. 8 brings results through attraction, desire, and feelings of worthiness and even entitlement (“I deserve to succeed”).

This week, as both approaches work in balance, you may find the very formula you are looking for to make something special happen, either immediately or in the near future. This is a week of conception! A week in which IDEAS can come to life! This is a week in which to lay a firm foundation for future results.

44/8 enables great levels of concentration and determination which can be used to accomplish almost anything you put your heart and mind into. 44 just ‘gets on with the work’ and does not have time for airs and graces, self- consciousness, or fear of what others may think of your efforts. (A similar energy occurs in Week 48 which runs from November 25 to December 1 – so you have time in which to discover what those changes entail).

It is said that ‘necessity is the mother of invention’ – and we must develop the courage to let our ideas flow beyond our usual ‘cut-off point’, and WILL them into being with the power of our desire. THAT is Free Will. We have been programmed to believe that desire is somehow wrong, but that is not true. It is desire that keeps life alive, starting with the survival instinct. It is the intent behind the desire that brings ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ into it.

This week, the detail-oriented 44 energy, which thrives on logic and the laws of cause and effect, demonstrates that if we do not recognize what the past has to teach, history will simply repeat itself until its lessons are learned. There are so many different issues involved in the world that it is impossible to recognize them all. But no matter where we live, unresolved historic issues are now emerging in present time – and in our own lives. The combination of 9 and 44 prevents forward movement until matters of the past are SETTLED. True settlement means that the realities of all concerned are put in perspective, given acceptance, and concluded fairly. True settlement means that those involved genuinely accept what is agreed upon, so that peace can arise out of the discord.

Unfortunately, the word “settlement” has become warped in the effort to WIN rather than cooperate. Notice how indigenous people – natives – are clearly in view now because fairness was never part of their ‘settlement’. Notice how the “contracts” of capitalism are ironclad, while “treaties” for the wellbeing of people who suffered OCCUPATION are ignored and dismantled.

American history often conjures up images of the “wild, wild, west.” But Hollywood turned those very real colonial days of “cowboys and Indians” into mere entertainment, with the cowboys (white Europeans) as the ‘good guys’, and the Indians as inferior ‘savages’ and ‘red skins’. Now, reflections of what we thought were times-gone-by are re-appearing in the present, but in quite a different light.

cvzjct5wyaaly4lLook at the history of the corporate takeover of Standing Rock, North Dakota in 2016, and the massacre at Wounded Knee in South Dakota in 1890. Both are 9 Years, which indicates that nothing was learned from the Wounded Knee atrocity which took place 126 years ago, (1+2+6=9).

9 takes us back so that we can learn what we were unable to learn.

The protective protests of Standing Rock cover many issues, including the human rights of Native Americans, the impact of OIL on climate change and the environment, the collaboration of oil/mining companies with the police, and the corporate control of WATER. Back in Week 39 (North Dakota is the 39th State) pepper spray and dogs were used as weapons by private security companies against those taking a stand to PROTECT their land, water, sacred grounds, and their very dignity.

Like the air we breathe, water is essential to all life and is not something to be ‘owned”. But the CEO of Nestle, Peter Brabeck, believes this to be an “extreme” point of view. He has stated, quite famously, that water is the same as any other ‘food product’ and must therefore have a market value. This is extreme denial of reality!

The focus on water is deeply connected to the rise of feminine energy across the globe because feminine energy is emotional energy, which is fluid. Emotion is intrinsically associated with water and the respiratory system within the body. It is through the power of the feminine moon – LUNA – that the oceanic tides find their rhythm, as well as the cyclical movement of a woman’s menstrual cycle. WATER, like blood, is the flow of LIFE. But water is being poisoned, and blood is being shed, for industrial profit and domination.

The poisoning of the water supply in FLINT, Michigan, is another prime example. Water shortages in the Middle East and Africa are adding to the refugee problem as people are forced to move to areas where water is less scarce.

Both North and South Dakota turn 127 years old this week – week 44 – on November 2. Both Dakotas are in the 4 Year in 2016, producing another set of two 4s. Perhaps this will bring a climax of events. Or perhaps all this 44 energy will bring a much needed intervention by the 44th President of the USA, Barack Obama.

This is an urgent situation. This week, Amnesty International USA sent human rights observers to monitor the North Dakota protests.



Also this week, 141 unarmed Native American protesters at Standing Rock, were maced, assaulted, and arrested for trying to protect the land and water-supply that was bestowed to them by TREATY with the US government. The connection here between mining and oil industries – and a militarized police force – is undeniable.


ON THE SAME DAY, a group of armed white men, headed by brothers Amman and Ryan Bundy, who earlier this year, seized a public wildlife refuge in Oregon, were cleared of all charges, including ‘firearms charges and conspiracy to impede federal workers’. The situation involved unpaid grazing fees for their cattle on government land, and their story played out day after day on national TV last January and February. Their astonishing acquittal has been attributed to the incompetence and over-confidence of the prosecutors, but one must wonder how any legal team could be SO remiss. White privilege works in mysterious ways.

The Bureau of Land Management(BLM) was involved, which at the time caused some confusion because the Black Lives Matter movement (also BLM) was simultaneously making news of its own with protests against police brutality, and a police presence in black neighborhoods which is becoming more and more militarized. BLM also adds up to 9.

Blatant racism runs through the Bundy case, too. It was Amman and Ryan’s father, Cliven Bundy who, after his own ‘land rights’ standoff in 2014, made this highly racial statement which, at the time, seemed completely out of context. In retrospect, it is all connected.

“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro… in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids – and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch – they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do. And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do? They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”


There is even a symbolic connection this week between the massacre at Wounded Knee and the recent practice of ‘taking a knee’, instead of standing for the national anthem at sports events to protest police brutality against black people in America. We kneel in prayer. We also kneel before our oppressors. In this case, athletes kneel to take a stand.


presstvBlack Lives Matter  is no longer a solely American movement. Its principles have also taken root in the UK, Australia, Canada, and other nations around the world — along with other movements to recognize and protect the rights of indigenous people. Australia is also looking inward now at the treatment of aboriginal people there. Canada has it’s own indigenous situation going on as a hydro-electrical corporation intends to build on sacred Indian ground.

There is an enormous attempt right now to force those under occupation to comply with the system that overpowered them, and remove whatever ‘rights’ they had. Colonialism is fighting to remain relevant in a world that is evolving into FREE WILL. Position is what gives structure to the class system – which is why titles are so important to it. The ultimate position is #1 – the number we are evolving from = as we continue our journey into the 2000s. 2 is the number of EQUALITY.

All this is happening at a time when human consciousness is expanding beyond the old illusions of reality and tactics of deceit. It was Nazi Propaganda Minister, Joseph Goebbels, who wrote:

“Always accuse the other side of that which you are guilty….”

…and this almost unbelievable tactic is being played out – invading and draining our senses – every day – by power-hungry individuals around the world.

Meanwhile, with the American election just a week away (week 45), the announcement by FBI director James Comey that he is ‘reopening’ the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails – without giving any details whatsoever – threw the mainstream media into a speculative frenzy. The timing of this announcement is extremely dubious since the activation of early voting means that the election is already underway. Such vagueness in this week’s 44 energy suggests it will not hold up. 4 thrives on the study of specifics. Perhaps one of the reasons the Wikileaks ‘revelations’ have had little impact is that since September 30, we have been traveling through a ten week cycle in which all the week numbers begin with 4. DETAIL is paramount to 4.

slide1There is always an upsurge of tension when master numbers are present – and ALL the master numbers are represented this week, and throughout November. No one is immune to the nervous tension that master numbers generate, and we must remember this when things get rough or confusing.

As we move closer to the turning point of 2020, every effort will be made to knock us backwards, so that feminine 2 does not get a chance to take root. It may even seem that everything that has been blocked is surging forward at the same time… but TIME is the moving framework on which life evolves, and its power and meaning extend way beyond the clocks and calendars around which we currently ‘design’ our lives. Time has far more depth and dimension than we realize, although the study of numbers does bring some understanding if we are prepared to go deep enough.

slide1In the 2000s, we will learn that 2 is a gentle, peaceful, and slow-moving feminine energy which activates our sensitivity and feelings. But if you try to push against it or speed it up, it pushes back hard and slows you down even more! 2 is the number of PATIENCE AND RIGHT TIMING.

2 provides added depth and the wider view that comes with patient attention to detail. 2 brings INCREASED INTELLIGENCE – which is why the surge of anti-intellectualism is so strong right now. 2 brings caring and fairness which are essential aspects of humanity’s survival.

We ALL have a role to play. 44 is the most balanced form of 8, and 8 is the number of POWER in the material world, including the personal power that each of us holds as individuals – power that we have never been able to utilize fully in this system of control. But the purpose of power is not to overpower or control the population. Its purpose is to empower and enlighten the people so that energy can run smoothly without one energy overpowering another. The freeing of the human will is happening, and there is much reason to be optimistic about it provided we understand the timing involved. (Again, 2 is the number of patience and right timing).

8 governs economic matters, the procedures of the corporate world, and what we call the ‘establishment’. It is possible that a major change in these areas could occur in this 44/8 energy – but because so much secrecy is involved in such matters, we may not know about it for some time to come. This does not have to be a traumatic event (although it could be). When 44 is active, situations often arise which are beneficial to the people.

4 is the number of ORDER, SYSTEM, and DESIGN, and 44 shines its light directly on the order of preference (prejudice) in which this “class” system operates. All Master Numbers are made up of multiples of 11, the number of illumination, enlightenment, inspiration, and transformation from within. 2016 is a 9 year – and November is the 11th month. Therefore the urgency of the 9/11 vibration is working here, too. Both 9/11 and 11/9 have a tendency to produce REVERSAL.

Not only is 11 the most balanced form of 2 – it is the ONLY way that 2 can form.

Humanity is moving so fast, that we cannot see how one thing is connected to another. The pressure that comes from speeding things up against 2’s deliberately slow current can make you physically, emotionally, or mentally ill. So whenever you feel intolerable pressure, you are probably pushing too hard or are allowing yourself to be pushed beyond your endurance level. You may have a lot going on in your life, but you will deal with it more efficiently (and enjoyably) if you do it at a slower pace and observe the details and nuances as you go. 2 gives us the ability to RECOGNIZE, RELATE, and ASSOCIATE (connect the dots).

There are wonderful things happening in our world against this cruel and violent backdrop, and it is important to recognize the balance that is forming between the pain and unfairness of the past, and the potential of the future, without denying our true feelings about either. For all the dire circumstances and atrocities, progress is being made in all areas of life by people who are dedicated to transforming our world into a more loving, fair, unbiased, and livable place. Even on the streets of Aleppo, and other areas that have been torn to shreds by war, there are beautiful precious people there who try each day to make a positive difference. Even under conditions that most of us could not even begin to imagine, people try to balance their despair with hope. Even where Free Will is most deprived, the Will pushes forward nonetheless – the will to LIVE. But so much Will energy remains to be freed in terms of human trafficking (slavery), and so many other crimes against humanity.

Denial of reality is what gives the power-hungry the power to continue their control.  Denial of reality is the biggest obstacle that Free Will faces. Awareness of reality has always been our most effective safety net – which is why we are always kept so distracted. Once we stop denying the truth of our situation, as precarious as it may be, we take back the power that was extracted from us, leaving the ‘controllers’ weakened and less able to manipulate. But it is not just people who need to regain their will. The whole planet has been rendered will-less, including the animals who are under constant relentless and heartless attack. Mother nature is feminine energy in material form – and she must be protected. She is our home and our sustenance.

This does not mean that you have to get involved in protests or engage in radical action. Free Will means not having to do anything you don’t want to do. All you have to do is express your feelings about what’s happening – to yourself – or to someone you trust. The capture of the Will is the capture of the very thing that drives us forward – our ability to express outwardly what we are feeling inside.

On a personal level, this is an ideal week for establishing something important by giving it foundation and form. Laying down roots. Helping something to take shape. Looking for ongoing and long lasting results, rather than a quick fix. 44/8 is fundamental life-changing energy, the results of which often surpass the original vision.

arpanetFor instance, the INTERNET dates back to October 29th in week 44 of 1969: It was called ARPANET back then, and was the first-ever computer-to-computer link. While the internet of today certainly has its drawbacks, it has helped form the transparency that is so essential to understanding our world – and ourselves.

In the other extreme, it was in Week 44 in 1911, on 1 November, (1 11 1911), that the first combat aerial bombing mission took place in Libya during the Italian/Turkish war. Several small bombs were dropped on that day, and the tactic was obviously successful. The practice has escalated to the most terrifying levels. But only by making peace within ourselves between our masculine and our feminine within the love that’s in our hearts can we ever stop the wars in the outer world. Emotional healing – the freeing of the will – is a huge responsibility for us all.

44/8 represents STRANGERS and the MEETING OF OPPOSITES. In order to keep this aggressive system in place, people are set against each other. Having enemies (and often for the most ridiculous reasons) ensures that wars are endless. This is why war – and post-war rebuilding – are the most profitable industries of all. Divide and conquer is an evil tactic – and it works. But as we move forward towards 2020, our increasing awareness gives us a much better chance to change things than we have ever had before.

NEXT WEEK: Week 45 is the last 9 week in this 9 year – the week in which the 45th President of the USA will be elected.

SOUL SEARCH (week 43)

Week 43 is a 7 Week. It runs from October 21 to 27. This is the 4th week in a 10 week cycle in which all the Week Numbers begin with 4 – the number of both obstruction and breakthrough.

7 is the deeply spiritual number of contemplation, intuition, learning, and self-examination. 7 is the mirror that reflects ourselves back to us, and plays a vital part in our individual and collective evolution.

When 7 is derived from 43, its natural ‘need to know’ is enhanced by 4’s strong need for detail, and 3’s need to communicate.

This is a week of soul searching and delving more deeply into who we really are inside – in order to understand more clearly how the system has shaped us – and who we have it in us to become. This is a week in which to feel and appreciate our greater potential in these serious evolutionary times.

7 is the number of FAITH, and although this can refer to religious or spiritual beliefs, it also highlights ‘what we believe’ in all areas of our lives. 7 also refers to belief in yourself. This, in turn, is connected to pride and shame – and we need to understand these emotional energies more deeply. The perception of “self” is behind the enormous superiority complex which has arisen throughout the world, and which is based on egos that are over-inflated – or deflated. We have much to learn about the vital role that ego plays when it has an accurate appreciation of itself.

7 also represents fear, dread, panic, and paranoia, along with secrets, lies, scandal, and downfall. This week’s 4/3/7 vibrations, each in their own way, have a tendency to criticize, spread rumor, and generally find fault. If we find ourselves facing a situation where it is impossible to know what to believe, this could be the trigger that pushes us inward to search for what we truly feel.

NOTE: Wednesday, October 26 is the 300th day of this Leap Year, and nothing is ever quite as it seems when 3 is so concentrated. This energy amplifies communication and sets a scene. We must be careful not to react impulsively. 3 contains the power of all the arts, including illusion. At the same time, the spiraling 9 energy of 2016 is bringing events to their inevitable conclusions. Life is an ongoing story, and we have to determine, from moment to moment, whether we are reading fact or fiction – which is not always an easy task!

This is a week in which to notice what our beliefs and priorities actually are, and weigh them up against what we are hearing. 3 exposes the dangers of hearsay, gossip, and over-simplification. 4 sorts and identifies the details and puts them in order. 3 communicates data from the feelings to the mind. 7 analyzes it all and produces a theory – which is why 7 is so strongly connected to science, research, and wisdom. And yet, in the words of physicist, Max Planck:

“Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are part of nature and therefore part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.”

And so, although scientific knowledge is essential to our survival and our ability to understand and thrive, we must constantly go within to learn more about who and what we are. 7 studies and analyzes the details and exposes not only the inaccuracies, but also important truths that have been kept hidden. It was physicist, Nikola Tesla who said:

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

There is always a ‘strangeness’ in the air when 7 is active. Weird and wonderful – or weird and frightening. Situations arise which are perplexing and hard to explain. This is the energy of the ‘unknown’, all things alien and foreign. 7 is the number of MYSTERY.

7 is also the ultimate conspiracy theory energy, and we must remember that ‘conspiracy’ and ‘conspiracy theory’ are not the same thing. Conspiracy theory often claims to offer proof of wrong-doing, but is almost always speculative and filled with hidden agendas. A lie is easier to swallow when sandwiched between layers of truth.

7 represents the INTELLECT, but we are currently traveling through an era in which anti-intellectualism (the dumbing-down process) has taken hold to a large degree. We are in the process of finding balance between our masculine minds (electricity) and our feminine feelings (magnetism).

We must remember that to allow our emotions to control us is as one-sided as living only in the mind, or only in the physical. BALANCE is needed between those 3 parts of ourselves, (mind/emotion/body) and this can only be achieved by the 4th dimension – the heart – the 4th chakra – balance itself.

The 3, 4, and 7 personal forecasts can be very helpful to us this 43 / 7 week.

4: Let your heart soften where it has been hurt and hardened. Don’t be pushed into moving at an unnatural pace. In this cycle, Free Will means being able to operate in a way that feels appropriate to the situation, and slowly enough to notice the details that will help you make sense of it all. By focusing on what really matters at this time,  you will gain insight that can improve many areas of your life.

3: Do not take anything for granted. Look for truth in opposing points of view. Appearances can be deceiving, so independently check the facts and take a more self-reliant stance in general. If you are confronted with facts you would rather not hear, or a reality you would rather not accept, do not create unnecessary problems for yourself by spinning the truth and denying the obvious. There is a fine line between ‘positive thinking’ and denial.

7:  As you dig deeper for answers, you are seeing things in a new light which can increase your power. However, accepting reality could be a test of your self-respect: a test of whether you are willing to receive, with dignity, the gift of wisdom – or, for the sake of pride or convenience, you will choose to remain ‘safely’ in the dark. Be prepared to change your mind about something of which you were once so sure.

NEXT WEEK, as we travel through this 10-week cycle in which all the Week Numbers begin with 4, we arrive at WEEK 44 – a master number which gives BALANCE to the number 8 (the number of POWER in the material world).

POINT OF EXIT (week 42)

Week 42 runs from October 14 to 20. This is a 6 week in the world, the number of love, responsibility, and balance. Both 4 and 2 gather information through patient attention to detail. This enables us  to see a  bigger picture and gain a much fuller awareness.

The truth-seeking combination of 42 sparks new ideas and visions of future possibility. 42 adds up to 6 – the number of reinvention, and despite the often terrifying spiral we are traveling in 2016, and from which we really cannot escape, we are also in the process of reinventing ourselves.

6 makes us responsible for our own decisions, and helps us find balance in common-ground. 6 represents all MATTERS OF THE HEART and is strongly associated with love, marriage, children, family, devotion, education, entertainment, health, healing, justice, and peace.

This energy can also be judgmental, ‘superior’, territorial, and ruthless towards opposition. And yet, even in this extreme position, 6 provides the experience from which to find BALANCE. The physical heart is where everything MEETS within our own bodies, as well as in the wider world.

9 is the number of endings, outcomes and eventualities, while 10 reminds us that an ending is often the start of something new, and that life does indeed go on. We are propelled forward in the course of time, but are held back by our inability to learn as we go. And so, here we are, in the 10th month of this 9 year, where so many different things are coming to a head at the same time.

That’s the spiral effect that the 9 energy emits. When 9 is active, we either change what needs to be changed, or we have to start all over again – until the lesson is learned. We are certainly at a major turning point in the human journey, and the principle choices include:

love or hate

hope or despair

caring or cruelty

stability or chaos

confidence or fear

And notice how we are having to experience hate in order to fully appreciate love; how we must experience despair in order to understand the power of hope; how we have to be caring to counteract cruelty; how the terrors of chaos help us seek true and lasting stability; and how courage develops out of fear.

This week, spiraling 6 joins spiraling 9 to help us recognize what we need to learn. We are holding on to the past because we are afraid of what the future may bring – forgetting that we create the future as we go, but never reach it. Our only way forward is in present time, which is why we must learn from the past so that it can move to its natural place behind us – and stop dragging us backwards.

9 IS A POINT OF EXIT, and we are likely to find that there is a LOT for us to let go and leave behind this week – willingly.

Emotion is our response to experience – our inner truth – our honesty. To evolve emotionally does not mean resisting our feelings. It means being able to feel everything we are feeling more easily and acceptingly. Only then can we truly understand what the experience actually is. Emotion is feminine energy, and the chaos surrounding us now is bringing our feelings to life. We are evolving both emotionally and mentally as a result.

Much of what is happening on Earth right now is the shock produced by leaving denial and facing reality. When the numbers shift at thousand year increments, the change of frequency is so immense that we are forced to look at what we have avoided and what has been hidden from us. This increase of awareness helps us find our footing in present time, which in turn builds evolutionary bridges between the past and present. This enables us to transform what we have, rather than have to start all over again – from nothing.

The decade of the 10s is a cycle of systemic change – and introduces a whole different way of doing things. One of the major lessons we are currently learning from 1 is that if we are to make any progress at all, humanity has to love itself as a species – to unite in a spirit of caring, inclusion, and peace… which is what 2 symbolizes. This does not take the joy and excitement out of life – it takes the utter misery and drudgery out of life. What the world needs now really is love sweet love.

There is never a time at which love does not love unconditionally. Love is love, no matter how we channel it in and out of us. Love is the central theme of this week, and with all that is going on in the world, and in our own lives, we must try to take some time to simply BE, to breathe, and to find balance and peace within.

People everywhere are demanding change where there is atrocity, injustice, inequality, unfairness, and bigotry – all of which describe IMBALANCE. 6 is the number of BALANCE and EXTREMES – and there are likely to be vivid reflections of both this week. 6 provides us with reflective insight. What we see started somewhere else. Every story has a beginning – followed by the steps it took from there.

6 represents FAMILY, and we are likely to feel this strongly this week, both personally and on the world stage. We must never lose sight of the fact that we are all part of one big family called humanity.

As we leave the 1000s, 1 teaches us about the SELF, and right now we are on the very rocky road towards SELF ACCEPTANCE. We cannot have or even understand the concepts of unity and equality until we know who we are as individuals. Perhaps the events of this week will bring us a little closer to that understanding.

THE POWER OF 10 (week 41)

Week 41 –  October 2016 is a major turning point in the human journey because it is here in the 10th month of this 9 year that we start to feel the vibrant 10 energy of 2017. (2+0+1+7=10/1).

 These two 10s connect to the 10 energy of the current decade. So we are in a numeric surge of 10 10 10 energy throughout October, intertwined with the spiraling movement of this 9 year.

On Monday October 10, we are in 10 10 10 10 energy. 10 is the number of fundamental change.

10 x 3 = 30 = 3

10 x 4 = 40 = 4

3 represents the vital power of communication between people and populations. 3 is the number of entertainment, presentation, illusion, gossip, judgment, hearsay, and shallowness – and the exchange of information and ideas. Nothing is quite what it seems in the 3 energy because 3 represents all the arts, and the art of illusion is one of its principle gifts.

And because 3 is the number of communication, the role of the media is under tremendous scrutiny – and it needs to be.

No matter what happens to Donald Trump in the days and weeks ahead, the Trump problem does not go away. There are already threats of violence from neo-nazis, ku klux klan, and other hate groups that support him, and the mainstream press has helped normalize their hate. Not only has the venom been unleashed, it was showcased! And yet, ironically, even paradoxically, perhaps it needed to be this way so that we can finally distinguish important information (news) from entertainment.

The following is an excerpt from my 2011 article “Numerology and EXTREMES” which fits the current situation well:

“Every emotion has its place in life, even hate. And “place” is very much the point here. Extremes are the furthermost edges of life, which is where hate belongs. The more humanity seeks individual and collective balance, the more the extremes fight back. But extreme energy is so immersed in irrational fear, hate, and rage that it cannot reason or be ‘reasoned with’.

…. they cannot take complete control because the 2 energy of the 2000s has brought us to the right time – the right cycle – for the Will of humanity – our emotional feminine energy – to begin the evolutionary process of freeing itself.

The extremes, left, right, top and bottom, want so much to be right about everything that they have rendered themselves unable to learn anything new.

This is not the rise of the extremes but a violent reaction to their fear of being irrelevant. This irrational fear is uniting with hatred and rage, all of which is spewing out against those they feel most threatened by. No matter how clever they believe themselves to be, they are lashing out mindlessly which is what makes them so dangerous.

The extremes are the manifestation of hatred and rage, each of which has a right to exist, because everything in life has its furthest point….”

10 10 10 10 = 40 = 4. This is the energy of Monday, October 10, 2016. This in turn corresponds to this 10-week cycle in which all the Week Numbers begin with 4. We now have a major opportunity to become more aware of the limiting patterns we maintain through habitual routines and choices. There is no better time than this to CHANGE whatever does not serve our best interests. And there is no better time to become more aware of who we really are deep inside.

The United States faces much more than a political crisis. It is a matter of personal and collective IDENTITY.  4 identifies, sorts and classifies. 4 is the number of foundation, order, system, reasoning and logic. These crises of identity are also happening in The UK, Portugal, Greece, the Middle East, Ethiopia, Australia, China, and all over the world, as we grapple with the question of who we are as a people, as well as individuals. As a species, we are in the process of evolving beyond national and political identity – and the whole concept of political parties is laying bare the corruption of leadership. 1 is the number of leadership – and 10 is 1 amplified.

10 represents real movement, change and progress – the NEXT STEP. We have taken the same basic 9 steps repeatedly through multiple generations. The system is so ingrained with repetition that we don’t even recognize the repeated history in which we partake, and assume that this is just the way life IS. But the way things are now is not how life is supposed to be for ever.

We live in a system that allows a few individuals to determine the fate of all humanity. We are in the process of accepting that this is totally unacceptable.

The more we allow ourselves to feel, the more we are able to revive the human Will, which is the feminine energy that all human beings possess, male and female alike, which has been numbed and silenced through the repression of emotion. As we move further into the 2000s (2 is the number of sensitivity), we are more able to ‘sense’ reality – not the ‘virtual reality’ that the system has painted for us. 1 reflects our precious individuality and 2 reflects the need for unity among individuals.

This multiple-10 vibration provides opportunities to discover the new potential that arises out of new circumstances. It seems like a very slow process, but the first thing we learn from 2 is that PATIENCE is a great power in itself which we must develop and apply as needed: patience with detail, with the process of learning life’s lessons, with ourselves and each other, and with the pace of our progress.

There are only 3 years left before we leave the decade of the 10s and enter the magnetic, emotional, and deeply intuitive 2 vibrations of 2020. To make this transition without destroying ourselves – we must learn what 1 has to teach, and find its connection to what we are simultaneously learning from 2 – the number of unity, cooperation, and caring.

1 = origins, the seed, masculine energy, electricity, territory, ideas, game-playing, competing, winning and losing, leadership, ego, vanity, confidence, independence, invention, innovation, the spirit, the SELF.

In order for the self to evolve and be whole, it must first accept itself just as it is. Self-acceptance is therefore essential. Only then can 2’s nurturing energy help us see BEYOND ourselves and accept others, too. It is our disconnection with SELF that creates the horrors of racism and hate, kept in place by a system that runs on guilt, blame, and shame, all of which are forms of judgment.

1 teaches us that we must love ourselves in order to know the depth at which we can love others. Self love is self respect. And week 41 in this 1 Month/9 Year turns SELF RESPECT and DIGNITY into major issues. We cannot truly respect ourselves or maintain authentic dignity while we ignore and disrespect the dignity of others who are suffering.

WAR IS HELL  ~General William Sherman.

War is hell on Earth – by humanity – against humanity. We are the only species on the planet that is at war with its SELF. And because all change starts within, we cannot claim there is nothing that we as individuals can do about it. If we want a more peaceful world, we must BE more peaceful.

4 is the number of form, matter, dimensions, measurement, classification, law, order, and system. By nature, 4 is judgmental – and while it is active there will be guilt and blame flying everywhere – until breakthrough (understanding) is reached.

As we face our own violence as a species, it is obvious that nothing is more needed now than a desire to understand and love oneself. 2 is the number of relation and relativity, so if we do not understand and accept ourselves, how can we understand and accept anyone else? But this is something we must feel deep within – something we must desire.

We are programmed on a spiritual level to believe that desire is ‘wrong’, but the truth is that desire is the vibration that sets our direction and carries us forward. What matters is the INTENT behind the desire and whether or not it is peaceful. Desire creates the future – and lack of desire enables others to create the future for us. And because we are programmed to believe that success is measured in monetary terms, loving intentions are often overshadowed by the singular desire to accumulate wealth.

Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see…  ~John Lennon, Strawberry Fields

The system in which we are trapped comes from ancient misunderstandings about power on Earth. Our inability to learn from experience has kept us stuck in a violent circle – the karmic wheel – which reflects our inability to get past ZERO.

The word “IS” has great significance at this time. It was Bill Clinton who famously said back in 1998 at his impeachment hearing, “It depends upon what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is”. 1998 was a 9 year, and so much of what’s happening now reflects the decade of the 90s.

Reality is what IS. Not the illusion presented by this ever repeating system. But when a system has established itself, it is difficult to recognize it, let alone change it. The numeric value of IS is 91 which is precisely where we are right now – in the final quarter of a 9 Year, spiraling rapidly toward the 1 Year of 2017. When 1 and 9 merge, we become conscious of many things that were previously unclear.

S is also the 19th letter of the alphabet, and the karmic 19/1 energy is perhaps the principle lesson to be learned as we evolve. 19 adds up to 10, and 1+0 brings us to a whole new level of 1 – the number of new beginnings and change. 19 is the holding pattern that contains everything we did not learn – and everything we need to know – in order to move forward. 19 exposes hypocrisy and atrocity, so that healing can occur. (See link to article about karmic 19/1 at end of page).

Then there is that form of IS that calls itself “islamic state” – but it is not Islamic – and it is not a state. It exists, but its correct place is not in present time – as is the case with all terrorist organizations which spawn inevitably from our system of never-ending war.

Much of the energy that must leave the Earth as we evolve is fighting brutally to retain possession and position – not only in the Arab world, but EVERYWHERE! This is not a matter of politics. The old party system is falling apart all over the world. It is a matter of shaping the future. That is why the past comes back to us in a 9 Year – to help us learn what the past has to teach.

This brings us into the present, which is where we create what WILL be. And that is the part of us that is freeing itself and evolving – the human WILL. Our emotional circuitry. Our feelings and senses. This is why there is so much emphasis on both the power and the degradation of women. But it is not only women who are under assault. Men have emotions too of course, but have been programmed to subdue their feelings to an even larger extent or be perceived as ‘weak’ and ‘womanish’. Feminine emotion is equal to the masculine mind. Different, but equal. Unity within will bring unity to the outside world.

ignorance allied with power is the most ferocious enemy justice can have. ‪  ~James Baldwin

The Donald Trump phenomenon is not a distraction. It is an important reflection of reality on Earth. As the human journey shifts from masculine 1 to feminine 2, one of the most obvious lessons that 1 has to teach is that hatred and mistreatment of women IS violence against the WILL of humanity. This is where racism and all injustices on earth START because sex is where everything starts. It is how we are born. Sexual/gender imbalance is the principle effect preventing forward movement.

Balance is equality.

Balance is fairness.

Balance is justice.

Balance is peace.

Week 41 is a 5 Week – the number of SEX, GENDER, and the PHYSICAL BODY. On October 14th, (1+4=5), Trump faces a federal charge of child rape, (now postponed until December 16) the details of which have been available for many weeks, but have been held back by the mainstream press. Perhaps they are afraid of being sued. Perhaps they simply don’t know how to deal with it. There are also allegations of human trafficking and sex slavery, and how telling it is that the women making these allegations were largely ignored by the media – until the ‘pussy-tape’ surfaced.

And then there is Trump’s connection to Vladimir Putin who had a pussy scandal of his own 4 years ago in 2012 (a 5 year) when the female punk-rock group “Pussy Riot” protested Putin’s totalitarianism and served time in prison for it. Even the name Pussy Riot is a reflection of the upsurge of feminine energy and the Will of humanity which needs truth, healing, and unity in order to survive.

culattcwcaaueffThis 5 week also brings back into view the CENTRAL PARK 5 – the 4 black and 1 Latino teenagers – children – who were wrongfully imprisoned for many years for the brutal attack and rape of Trisha Meili, known then as the ‘Central Park Jogger’. Her terrifying experience occurred on April 19, 1989…. a 5 day, in a 9 year, a 4 month, on the karmic 19th. (All of those numbers correspond to the numbers we are experiencing this week and this month).

Trump took out a full page ad in the New York Daily News calling for the return of the death penalty for these innocent boys. And even after their innocence was proven, he would not back down, arguing that they were ‘no angels’. One of these young men, Yusef Salaam, asked in a recent interview that if Trump still believes they are guilty, would he as president come after them again? What a terrifying thought. Thankfully, The Central Park 5 are now playing an important role in Trump’s downfall, and there is justice in that!

Here in this 1 month (beginnings) in this 9 Year (endings), we are experiencing the beginning of an end. But we cannot assume that we know what this may entail. There are so many different aspects involved and we are not accustomed to this level of complexity.

Slide1Week 41 is a 5 week which could bring sudden shifts in many different areas. 5 is the number of VARIETY.  When 5 is active, things tend to slip back and forth because 5 sits at the very center of the numeric spectrum and has a see-saw effect, depending on the weight or gravity of the situation – and our reaction to it.

HOW DO YOU FEEL? (week 40)

4 represents both chaos and order. They are interchangeable. Order can slip into chaos. And chaos can be organized. Week 40 marks the beginning of a 10 week cycle in which all the week numbers begin with 4.

4 = achievement through hard work, limitation, law, delay, obstruction, detail, identity, precision, effort, industry, strategy, construction, science, economics, practicality, the square, the box, the color green, the 4th estate, the 4th chakra, the heart, courage, struggle, and breakthrough.

4 is the number of ‘system’ – as in method and approach. It also means ‘the system’ – the class system – which divides us into sides, teams, countries, colors, religions, ages, genders, winners and losers. The class system keeps us racing against time, and each other, through the inhumane and cleverly disguised laws of divide and conquer.

We are told: “you can’t change the system”, and this false claim makes us feel that we are trapped with no way out. But this nauseating feeling of having ‘no choice’ is actually opening the space within us for intuition (feeling) and logic (mind) to join forces and produce clarity, inner balance, and outer results. 4 breaks through our resistance to truth and forces us to face reality. However, the awakening it produces is often a rude one. 4 doesn’t sugar-coat.

Matters in need of forgiveness return to us when 4 is active. We then feel the heaviness of all the ‘ill feelings’ we’ve been carrying, and the only way to set them free is to allow them to express themselves. And we have to find a way to do this without aiming those emotions at others.

40 unearths hypocrisy. So ‘the pot calling the kettle black’ could reach new levels now. It is impossible to lie, especially on a large scale, in the transparency of the 2000s. 4 exposes obsessions and stubbornness – not just on the world stage where it is most noticeable, but in our own lives too, especially when we insist on doing things ‘our way’ with no acceptance for new information, or other people’s needs or views. When 4 is active, fixed belief encounters fixed belief, horns lock, heels dig in, and ‘common ground’ is squeezed out.

2 is the number of UNITY, and in the  course of time, humanity will be able to free itself by uniting. There is strength in numbers. But humanity is so splintered and divided right now that there is no way to connect. The principle lesson of 1 is that we are 1 – as individuals – and – as a collective. The belief that some people are superior to others shuts the connectors down. 2 is the product of two 1s accepting each other. This gives us the greatest connector of all – 11 – the number of illumination, enlightenment, and inspiration. 11 connects 1 to 2 because 1 + 1 = 2.

In the current atmosphere of hate, division, fascism, and the absurd idea that male is superior to female, and white is superior to everything, it is difficult to see how things can change. But it is all in the timing. TIMES CHANGE! And we are in the process of an enormous change on Earth in these early days of the 2000s. We all have a role to play, starting with simply wanting, desiring, leaning towards, and encouraging a more peaceful and loving existence here on Earth.

But this is going to take effort and determination. Wishful thinking is not going to change anything. We cannot wish away the fact that the horror of fascism is emerging yet again. This is why there are so many parallels to Hitler’s nazi Germany and Mussolini’s fascist Italy. Yes, we are THERE again – at the point where history could so easily repeat itself.

The frustration so many of us are feeling is made up of part fear, part anger, and part desire for real change. Emotional energy is creative energy – and the emotional combination of frustration is often the mother of invention.

Some are not so lucky. There is no way out for the people of Aleppo, Gaza, Yemen, and so many other places around the world that are in the heartless clutches of war. Those who do escape are met with hostility wherever they find themselves. The refugee situation worsens as our wars pound on and on. Even so, we see tremendous courage and enterprise in those places. People trying to function and take care of each other, despite the horrors. They carry on – because they have the WILL to live.

It is the human WILL that is evolving now. The Will is our feminine energy – our emotions – our ability to express what we feel. So when we encounter people (and not just men) who want to keep women and other “minorities” subdued and controlled, we encounter the main opposition to humanity’s evolution.

Getting organized provides the order and system necessary to operate effectively. Organization provides a firm foundation on which to build. And if we look at what is happening globally, we see that PEOPLE are becoming more organized than ever by moving forward while simultaneously learning from past experience.

It is encouraging to see such an increase in all ethnicities, including white, standing firm with the Black Lives Matter movement in the USA and around the world. The brutality and injustice aimed at our fellow human beings has to stop. We are not the human ‘race’. We are human BE-ings. And we need to BE free.

4 is symbolized by the ‘square’, and the numbers we are traveling through now are being ‘squared’, (multiplied by themselves) and greatly intensified. Emotional energy is symbolized by the feminine number 2, which is the square root of 4. And 4 brings us to the ‘root’ of the matter.

The cause of your current dilemma goes back longer than you may want to venture, and deeper than surface appearances. Use this 40 / 4 energy to recognize the details involved and forgive whenever possible. Letting go of old hurts and grievances, fears and obsessions, is a major part of the healing process. Letting go of the past is how we move into the present, and the present is where we create the future. 9 takes you back, 4 shows you the facts, and the 1 energy of October provides a step forward, if you can just let go of what you’re holding on to.

Greed doesn’t care about the damage it causes as it bulldozes its way through life. The ‘ruling class’ live by a code of entitlement and privilege and are committed to keeping the masses down – as a matter of responsibility! Their way of life must be preserved. But those who have these delusions of superiority cannot sustain their misconceptions because the very idea of class-based superiority has no place in the 2000s. 2 is the number of equality, fairness, caring and sensitivity. One of the principles of 2 is that success comes through SHARING. For many, this will not be an easy lesson.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with wealth in this abundant world. But when all the wealth is syphoned to the top, the imbalance can bring the entire financial system down – as it almost did in 2008.

In a world in which the majority is made up of “minorities”, those who believe in the illusion of white/male superiority are feeling that they are the ones being oppressed. The ‘angry white male’ has been a strong factor since the 1990s, and we are currently dealing with unresolved matters of the 90’s in this 9 year. This is reflected in the presence of Hillary Clinton who was America’s First Lady during the 90s, and the 42nd President, Bill Clinton. Also highly visible in the 90s was Donald Trump, whose own exploits from that era are now coming back to haunt him. Meanwhile life-and-death policies, including environmental matters, are given such little coverage by a the media. In this 10 week period in which 4 plays such a vital role, journalism – the 4th Estate – may finally learn that its function is to inform, not sensationalize or entertain.

It was in the 1990s that the ‘normality’ of being white was challenged by the fact that ‘minorities’ were gaining ground in this futile ‘race’ we call life. Without justice, fairness, and balance, the diversity of life cannot hold itself together, and everything collapses. No Justice, No Peace. We are all evolving in our own way and at our own pace – even those who are putting up the most resistance to it.

Karmic 16 is also a big factor for the next 10 weeks because 4 is its square root and is intensified further by the presence of 16 in the year 2016.

16 is 7’s karmic vibration (1+6=7). It emphasizes secrets, lies, conspiracy, scandal, and the classic ‘fall from grace’. 7 represents wisdom and deep intuition – and wants nothing but the truth. 7 enables us to plan our way ahead with knowledge and the art of orchestration. This fits beautifully with 4’s propensity for detail and organization. But when these aspects are used in devious ways, when they are used to plot against others, great harm is unleashed upon many aspects of life, the result of which is decried, and whoever caused it is held accountable.

We are seeing stark reflections of what happens to people when all that matters to them revolves around greed and self-aggrandizement. The mind becomes so narrow that awareness of anything but the SELF and what the self desires eclipses the broader intelligence. This is why big business must not be allowed to rule the world. This does not suggest that corporations should not exist, only that they should not rule.

Corporations and governments know that de-funding the population is a means of control, (austerity), but people without money to spend means ‘no customers’ (recession). So why impose restrictions that would limit the spending capacity of the populace? Because greed has reached such a narrow point that it no longer understands the logic of balance and wants to control everything, including the very people whose energy – and money – keeps the system going. The class system is the foundation of slavery. And the people who run it are also enslaved – to greed – which will be their downfall.

The more we are able to feel, the more we evolve into FREE WILL. But as things stand now, we are so deeply programmed by the system that the concept of Free Will is still quite foreign to us. Of course it is – we are programmed to distrust and dislike many of our feelings – and all things ‘foreign’. But this programming is unraveling as we move from 1 (the loneliest number) to 2 – the number of relationship.

4 is the number of IDENTITY and, until we know who we are and why we are here, we cannot know where we stand, what we want, or where we are headed. The ongoing frenzy of greed, war, destruction, political mayhem, and environmental disasters are reflections of the turmoil going on within each one of us – even if we believe we are calm and in control of our lives.

In the 4 energy, anger is frequently and easily triggered. Anger that is not allowed to move, (including the anger we hold inside because guilt tells us that anger is ‘wrong’), eventually turns to rage – or illness. Rage develops when anger is silenced. Rage does not allow anything to be worked out or settled, whereas some kind of solution or settlement could have occurred through anger. Rage wants revenge and control. Rage exudes hatred because all it knows how to do is blame and shame.

We have to let go of the guilt and blame that prevents forgiveness. We can only do this by expressing and accepting the emotions which guilt and blame have conditioned us to believe are ‘bad’, ‘unloving’, ‘negative’ and ‘weak’, and work instead at changing the conditions that triggered them.

4 is the number of the Heart, which is where courage comes from  (coeur is the French word for heart.) The Heart is the 4th Chakra and is likely to play an important role in the next 10 weeks. The human heart really must heal now because it is torn and broken in too many places, and this is what is causing so much heartlessness on Earth.

We are told: “follow your heart”. But what does this mean? Well, 4 is the number of the heart and also the number of priority. Therefore, following your heart means knowing what your true priorities are and arranging your life around them.

With each beautiful or horrible moment, each kind or unloving person and each blessed or difficult experience you encounter, ask your Self this question: What Would Love Do?  Melanie Miner,




Week 39 is the final week of a 10-week cycle in which all the week numbers begin with 3 – the number of words, images, sounds, enjoyment, and all forms of communication. 3 also represents people, population, popularity, appearances, the arts, entertainment, sport, performance, the stage, social matters, social media, and the internet. First, however, let’s look at how Week 38 ended.

slide1September 22, 2016 was a momentous day in many respects. It was the Autumn Equinox: a day when day and night – light and dark – were of equal duration. A day of evenness and balance. It was also a day on which the numbers involved formed an unusual pattern.

This stunning array of numbers signifies a precise shift in time that is having a deep effect on our emotions and the way we perceive what is happening. People are less afraid to be afraid, more aware of what our fears are communicating to us, and more determined to do something about it.

September 22 was not just another wake-up call, but an actual waking of hearts and minds everywhere, despite the terrible conditions under which people are living, and the brutal effort to keep us misinformed.

22 emphasizes large-scale events that influence the lives of the many (not just the few). Major accomplishments can be made when this energy is used intelligently and compassionately. But in the wrong hands, 22 brings ongoing confusion and havoc. And while confusion and havoc will not go away any time soon, September 22 brought a much needed infusion of perspective, depth, and clarity – through our growing ability to feel, sense, and intuit. Just remember that we will inevitably experience alternating bouts of chaos and clarity as we shift from one depth of consciousness to another.

The double 9 energy of September 2016 continues to take us backwards – into our personal and collective history – so that we can LET GO of the past an move forward. If old memories keep popping into your mind – fleeting or lasting – things you haven’t thought of in years – remember that 9 takes us back to what is stopping us from moving forward, and reveals old feelings that we denied or did not express as fully as they needed to be expressed. 9 brings acceptance, forgiveness, letting go, completion, and healing. It wipes the old slate clean, which provides the space for new possibilities to form. 9 takes us back to the future!

When we cannot heal from past events, we then have to carry all that pain, anger, fear, and grief around with us in the present, often unaware of what is weighing us down and holding us back.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016, brings us into 999 energy for the 3rd time this month – a perfect day for broken hearts to heal.  3 x 3 x 3 = 27, and the combination of 2 and 7 brings heart and mind TOGETHER in the spirit of cooperation, and a willingness to learn from each other. Today, the power of 27 is doubled, and we can all gain strength from this.

The hearts and minds of people everywhere are becoming more open and receptive now, and more determined to live and learn. The enormous emphasis on 3 and 9 this week is likely to bring the power of communication to a crescendo on many levels. 3 is strong enough on its own right now, but 9 is the result of 3 x 3. The square root.

“Creativity is not confined to artistic pursuits. Each situation we encounter has the potential for a creative – or destructive – outcome.” ~from my book Life Cycles – September in the 3 year)

3 is the number of friends and friendliness. Be careful of gossip, hearsay, and the misuse of words. There are major lessons to learn in all of 3s aspects this week, including creativity.

160324062935-hillary-clinton-donald-trump-exlarge-169Communication this week can reach new highs – and new lows. And with the first US presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on Monday, September 26, who knows which way it will go. It’s an 8 day in the world. A 1 day in the USA.

8 is power.  1 is leadership.  3 is the stage.

Charlotte, North Carolina

To condemn the uprising in Charlotte would be to condemn a man for thrashing when someone is trying to drown him.   ~Rev. William Barber

When an event affects us on an emotional level, its impact sends out clusters of numbers which expose a specific theme, revealing how various aspects are connected. In this instance, 3 and 9 are the dominant vibrations. When Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson Missouri, in 2014, the dominant number was 6 – the number of justice, family, and neighborhood. When the Twin Towers were destroyed on September 11, 2001, there were so many instances of 11 flying around that it was almost impossible to keep up with them. Every major event (every event actually) creates its own distinct numeric pattern.

Something changed in the collective American psyche last week with two more needless police killings of black men. In the case of Terence Crutcher in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the police officer was charged with manslaughter.  But the horrific killing of Keith Lamont Scott, as his wife begged the police not to shoot him, is unlikely to fade away, even though a dash-cam video has finally been released by the police. There is still no evidence that Keith Scott had a gun. Something changed last week. A door opened. The Black Lives Matter movement is essential to humanity’s evolution, and not just in the USA. “No justice, no peace” is not a threat or a mere slogan. It is science. Where there is injustice, there is imbalance. And where there is imbalance, there can never be stability – for anyone.

slide1The name Charlotte has the numerical makeup of 3 9 3. And not only do all the letters in Charlotte add up to 3, but are derived from the number 39 – the number of this week.

North Carolina is the 12th State of the Union. 1+2=3.

Statehood was gained on November 21, 1789 (11+3+7=2+1=3). So North Carolina was born on the 3 Destiny Path – and on the 21st of the month (3).

slide1KEITH LAMONT SCOTT was born on February 3, 1973.

At 2:22 pm on the day he died, Keith Lamont Scott left a message for his mother. When prompted to leave his name, he said “Lamont”, (not Keith). All the numbers in the name Lamont add up to 3.

7 is the dominant number in his birth name – which brings us to the significance of the number 7 at this time in the journey. 7 is the number of DIGNITY. It is also the number of intelligence, learning, intuition, and analysis. 7 uncovers secrets and lies.

time-magazine-colin-kaepernick-640x480And 7 has been thrust into the limelight in recent weeks by #7 player, Colin Kaepernick, of the San Francisco 49ers, who has started a nationwide movement of “taking a knee” instead of standing for the national anthem, to protest police brutality against the black community, nationwide. 3 is the number of entertainment, which includes sports. 3 is the number of the stage – the platform. 3 is where you get your message out!

It was on August 26, 2016 that Colin Kaepernick first gained attention by sitting out the national anthem. That was a 7 day in the world. (8+8+9=2+5=7).


He was born on the 3 Destiny Path (November 3, 1987 = 11+3+7=2+1=3), and the letters in his birth name convert to 9 3 3. He was born in the 30th state of Wisconsin.

WASHINGTON, DC AUGUST 9: The first direct morning sun paints the Washington Monument a shade of red as it skims the top of the Smithsonian Institute''s National Museum of African American History and Culture - NMAAHC - on Tuesday, August 9, 2016, in Washington, DC. The new museum is scheduled to open to the public September 24 of this year. When viewed from particular angles, the two structures fit together like puzzle pieces. (Photo by Jahi Chikwendiu/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

(Photo by Jahi Chikwendiu/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

On the 1st and 2nd days of Week 39, President Obama oversaw the opening of the Smithsonian Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington. It was a grand but bitter sweet celebration. It took more than 100 years after it was first proposed to actually get the museum built. This testament to the “journey of a people” covers all sides of the story, from the sheer horror of slavery to the great successes and contributions of African Americans over the years – this all happening amid the grief and anger going on 300 miles away in Charlotte.

It is important to keep the good news and the bad news in perspective as we move further away from the 1000s and more deeply into the 2000s. Until we learn what the 1000s had to teach, we will continue to live in two different cycles of time simultaneously.

The American story is only one example. This is happening all over the world. 3 is the number of PEOPLE – and people have the power to change the world, emotionally, intellectually, and physically. But we are being held back – controlled – by a system that manipulates our emotions. We are held hostage by our heartstrings. Emotion is our feminine energy – which is why women’s rights and gender rights are such central issues of these times.

The entire system is based on race – because that’s what it is – a race – for power over others. It can only be changed from within – and beneficial change IS taking place even though it is difficult to see most of the time.

Of course, change will not happen overnight. How heart-breaking it is that the cease-fire in Syria did not hold and that Aleppo was then bombed harder than ever. The refugee crisis worsens. The Middle East continues to be the most torn and damaged area in the fabric of human life. And yet great change is happening there too as people are moved, mentally and emotionally, by a deeper understanding of their own value. The transparency of 2 is opening everything up. Every day, the picture gets a little clearer and we see more of how the system works, how it’s being run, and who is running it. Humanity is feeling the inevitable shock that coming out of denial evokes.

We do not have to go down the fascist path again. Not if we are more aware, less afraid, and more comfortable in our own skins. To live our lives judging others and being judged is not living. It is stagnating – dying.

As we enter a ten week cycle on September 30 in which all the week numbers begin with 4, our understanding of what we are really dealing with – as a species – and as individuals – can only expand. 4 is the number of RULES, LAW, ORDER, SYSTEM, ORGANIZATION, DETAILS, LIMITATION, HARD WORK, DETERMINATION, and BREAKTHROUGH.

The last day of Week 39 is Thursday, September 29 (9+11+9=29=11/2), and is another major point of change in our journey through the cycles of time. Here we have two 9s, two 11s, and two 2s. It’s rather like the energy of September 22, but it is not the same.

Anything can happen in this spiraling 9 energy. It often feels as if we are on the brink of disaster one moment, and the brink of breakthrough the next. But, according to these numbers, we will make much more progress if we are prepared to cooperate with others and be helpful – and KIND – just for the sake of it. That’s a lot to ask in such a greedy world. But it will carry us forward.

The only way for our hearts to heal is to allow more love to flow through them.

Emotional healing is the next vital step in the human journey – and that means learning to express what we are feeling, fully and honestly, without hurting ourselves or others. The function of a 9 year (2+0+1+6=9) is to bring old matters to a conclusion so that they can move where they need to be – behind us. 9 strengthens our power of empathy and caring and enables us to LET GO of the pain we are holding. Without forgiveness, there is no progress, just the same old rut repeating itself. People are exhausted by this  and are seeking real change that is based on LOVE — not hate, contest and never-ending war. In order to heal and go forward, we must first go back to the ROOT cause and free ourselves from it. Let it go. This means forgiving. And when 3 and 9 combine, forgiveness is the principle theme.


Week 38 runs from September 16 to 22. It is an 11/2 Week, and is the 9th of 10 weeks in which all the week numbers begin with 3 – which is the number of COMMUNICATION. This places a heavy emphasis on media, journalism, news, truth, and how the communications ‘industry’ can hold back our potential to evolve.

A system that is based on secrecy cannot function if people are aware of how it works. And as we move further into the 2000s, we see the bigger picture and how it is all connected.

Variations of 38 emphasize the following numbers:








There is nothing predictable about our current spiral-shaped course. We cannot see around these corners and have no idea what to expect next. And because 9 is at double power throughout September, (triple on the 9th, 18th and 27th), this 9th month of this 9 year can feel like we are spinning out of control. In reality, we are spinning out of denial, which is a necessary but uncomfortable trip.

With so much suffering, hate, and destruction occurring in the world, this 10 week journey through creative 3 gives you an opportunity to open your imagination and find your own creative energy within. Creative urges are surfacing now so that we can communicate our inner feelings into our outer situation, for the purpose of improving the quality of our lives. We must learn to soothe not escalate; clarify not complicate; heal not harm.

Any situation can have a creative or destructive outcome, and the most creative approach at this time is to be aware of the choices we make, and whether we are making them out of habitual thinking, or whether we’ve given the matter any thought at all.

Progress can be made this week by being ultra-honest with ourselves about how we really feel inside. Try not to label your feelings as ‘positive’ and negative’. The point is to know that they are indeed your feelings and listen to the messages they send to your mind. All feeling is negative energy – magnetism – even those we label “positive”.

EMOTION IS YIN TO THE MIND’S YANG –  each as necessary and sacred as the other. When we can make this connection within our biological bodies, we gain self awareness, self acceptance, self love, and INNER BALANCE.

“Neo: What truth?

Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.”   ~The Matrix

Whatever happens this week, and no matter where in the world you happen to be, notice the true power of WORDS in action, and how communication has been weaponized in this battle to capture the hearts and minds of the population. To capture is to hold against one’s WILL. In the 2000s, humanity is in the process of rescuing and freeing its own WILL.

We are now dealing with the fascist tactic of THE BIG LIE – lies so big and so shameless that people simply cannot believe anyone could possibly tell such gigantic lies and, therefore, they must be true. It was “the Big Lie”, and the disbelief of the population, that brought Hitler to power in an 11 year span between 1934 and 1945. An estimated 50 TO 85 MILLION PEOPLE were killed in World War 2 – the deadliest of all our wars so far.

“I know not with what weapons World War 3 will be fought, but World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones.” ~Albert Einstein

In this year’s 9 vibration, with less than 3 years before the decade of the 10s comes to an end and we reach 2020, here we are at the top of the karmic wheel again – as it prepares for yet another ride through the same old mistakes and unlearned lessons. We cannot allow history to repeat itself. We simply cannot.

There is nothing wrong with being afraid provided we learn to identify what needs to be feared and what does not. Fear does not always stop us from progressing. Fear can also spur us on. That is because fear and courage are opposite ends of the same emotional string which measures, interprets, and expresses our sense of security as we make our way through life.

Fear can also indicate that we are finally ready to accept the truth and take the action we need to take. And we often find that fear is not necessary at all. It is also useful to remember that fear is what’s been waking us up to reality. All emotions have a constructive purpose if we will allow ourselves to feel and sense what they have to teach.

No one wants to live in fear. To live in constant fear is to live in hell. But, in itself, fear is not the problem. Being unable to face our fears is the problem – and the more we refuse to face our fears, the more we attract conditions that force us to do so.

2 is the number of empathy, and in order to be aware of reality, we must also be aware of those whose situations are so dire, so hopeless, that they really do live in fear all the time. That’s what war is. On going, unrelenting terror. The refugee situation is as great now as was the displacement of people during World War 2 – this time the result of OUR wars in the Middle East and Africa which were fought mainly for oil and other resources.

38/11/2 carries high sensitivity, and September’s 999 environment is likely to produce many different levels of fear. But if we know this and try to allow for it – this week’s illuminating energy can transform our feelings into accurate and enlightening intuition, the vibrations of which will shake open and expand our minds with new understanding. Acceptance of reality, being real, seeing things as they really are – is how we evolve. It is also how we find valid solutions to current problems.

2 is the number of sincerity. 2 is also the number of persuasion instead of force. So when people try to persuade in a forceful way, the transparency of 2 allows us to see through the deceit and feel and sense the hypocrisy for ourselves. Sensitive 2 is a gentle and slow-moving energy, but if you try to push against it or speed it up, it pushes back hard, and slows you down even more! 2 is the number of RIGHT TIMING and PATIENCE. 2 is also the number of UNITY, COOPERATION, PARTNERSHIP, CARING, DETAIL, and THE BIGGER PICTURE.

Of course, 1 will always be the 1st number. That’s where everything starts. As a species, we have started to move beyond the ‘I AM’ energy of 1, and are discovering the connections and depth that the ‘WE ARE’ 2 energy provides. 1+1=2, and putting 1 and 1 together is the basic mechanism of expanding awareness.

Our fears in the present are pushing emotional denials from the past back into consciousness – and that is why so many people are feeling disoriented, dizzy, and anxious. Facing reality is not a function of the mind alone. Only by feeling how our various realities make us feel can we accurately understand what is happening. The programming instilled by the old system is breaking down, and what we believed was true in the past may not be true now. We can choose the intelligence that comes from accepting reality or the ignorance that comes from ignoring it.

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive. ~ Sir Walter Scott

The battle to preserve the old system is getting all the more fierce and threatening, but also more inept. This is the energy of the “winner” who is terrified at the very thought of somehow “losing”.

“What do you have to lose?” Donald Trump asked of Black Americans as he addressed an all white audience, a couple of weeks ago. “Everything!” came back an emphatic collective reply. Matters of race and diversity are foremost in the American election, which is only a few weeks away, because as the WILL of the people frees itself and heals in the nurturing environment of 2, UNITY is formed, not only between the people of a specific “race”, but between people of different “races” who realize that our differences (diversity) are our strength and depth and richness – not something to divide us.

And that’s what’s happening here, the age-old tactic of DIVIDE and CONQUER.

It was the stirring up people’s emotions by pitting group against group, religion against religion, nation against nation, that triggered both World Wars.

It is so important to understand that we are not the human “race”. The human race is a system, not a species – a system of competition and greed, founded on delusions of superiority (inflated ego). 1 is the number of ego. And as 2 rises in the course of time, some of the biggest egos on the face of the Earth are also rising, to claim superiority over others. All of this is essential to know if we are to pull away from the clutches of fascism.

We are human beings. Our species is humanity. And we are just one species among many on this living breathing Earth.

Emotional healing and development of our feminine energy is a vital and ongoing step in our evolutionary journey. We cannot even imagine our potential as human beings if our masculine minds and feminine emotions were to unite, cooperate, and work together in harmony. Such is the nature of the 2 energy – the most powerful number of our times. It is this movement – this evolution – that the old powers are desperate to prevent. We have never been allowed to BE who we really are.

t-magazine-logoThis week, on September 18, the NEW YORK TIMES turns 165 YEARS OLD. The New York Times is in 999 energy right now – at the top of the Karmic wheel – deciding what its next step should be. Much of the media have shown themselves to be helpless against fascism’s rise because they are corporations which, when combined with government, are Benito Mussolini’s very definition of fascism. Many individuals in this field do not understand the energy they are dealing with. Or, because they too are only human, their own denials enable the lies and deceit to roll right over them. It is not the job of the press to bring any political contender down. It is their job to investigate and analyze people and situations – not for entertainment, but to accurately inform the population. That is the fundamental purpose of the press.

If you tell the truth it becomes part of your past. But if you lie it becomes part of your future. ~Unknown

In this age of openness and transparency, it will eventually become less desirable to lie and cheat. Lies have a way of coming back to haunt you because they are denials of truth, and it is only through the acceptance of reality that we can move forward in the 2000s.

What we have now is a false reality which cannot stay manifest in the fields of honesty that are growing and expanding in the 2 energy. How long it takes us to move out of this deadly rut we are in is, again, a matter of the choices we make. As it is often said, “the lesson continues until it is learned…”


OLD MEETS NEW (week 37)

This week’s 37 / 10 / 1 energy contains opportunities to be more aware of what we are truly feeling, to shake ourselves awake, expand our awareness – and discover who we are and where we stand. But as this millennial segment of the human journey moves further away from the old masculine 1000s and more deeply into the new feminine 2000s, humanity has encountered an enormous struggle between wanting to evolve into a more peaceful and sustainable existence – and the urge to drag ourselves back to a time when we perceived life to be simpler and more peaceful – a time when our awareness of reality was so much less than it is today – back to a time that no longer exists.

Just as two like poles of a magnet can never connect, we are separated by a clash of unmoving belief, paranoia, and hate. 2 is the number of sensitivity, and is causing our emotional vibrations to rise – to the extent that we can no longer contain the feelings we are holding in – and there’s a LOT of hate and paranoia out there – or perhaps I should say “in” there.

Somehow, in order to survive and thrive, we must find a way to heal that gap and unite as a species. 2 is the number of UNITY – which is why there is such an urgent need to build uniting bridges, not obstructive walls. On the road of life, energy MUST flow.

Week 37 is the 8th week of a 10-week run in which all the week numbers begin with 3 – the number of WORDS, IMAGES, MEDIA, POPULATION, APPEARANCES, THE STAGE, (and how things are staged).

3 represents communication, happiness, beauty, and life’s ‘lighter’ side.

7 is the number of the inner self, learning, intellect, analysis, and the desire for accurate information.

10 helps us to reach new levels of mental, physical, and emotional reality. 10 is also the number of the current decade.

1 is the number of self, ego, the individual, masculine energy, and action.

AT THEIR LOWER END OF 37, both 3 and 7 love to criticize and find fault. Therefore, gossip, hearsay, name-calling, and general conversation could reach new levels this week. And at the lower end of 10 and 1 are the highly competitive and ‘do anything to get ahead’ energies.


All this is going on within the double 9 vibration of September 2016. 9 takes the shape of a spiral but this month it is a double spiral, and on certain dates (9, 18, and 27), we find ourselves in triple spiral energy. We are likely to experience a lot of confusion this month as an old thousand-year segment of time meets a new segment of possibility.

The struggle to move forward continues against the pull of those who want to take things BACKWARDS in a futile attempt to keep this dying system alive. As evolving life, we cannot avoid this struggle, or the alternating feelings of losing and gaining control, as this mental/emotional rollercoaster speeds up, slows down, and speeds up again.

As the ‘information age’ evolves into THE AGE OF TRUTH, our minds and emotions are being bombarded with lies, including lies that have some truth to them. The multi-billion dollar conspiracy theory industry is attempting a hostile takeover of the mainstream media, which has left itself open to such attacks because of its focus on ratings and revenue and the negligence of turning NEWS and knowledge (7) into entertainment (3).

But we the people (3) have to take responsibility too, because in this supply-and-demand system, journalism’s ‘lowering of the bar’ was possible because of the population’s insatiable need to be entertained. 3 is the number of people, population, popularity, and popular culture.

After an entire week of 999 energy in week 36, Week 37 began on Friday, September 9 with a distinct burst of 999.

Year 2016 = 9

Month = 9

Day = 9

 And… at 9 a.m. local time in this 999 energy, North Korea, conducted its 5th and most powerful nuclear test, triggering a 5.3 magnitude earthquake. Dictator, Kim Jong-un was born on 8 January, 1984. And on September 9th, he was personally in a 9 day, 9 month, and 9 year. This created a 999+999+9=6+3=9 dynamic, which suggests that this situation is more complex than we currently know.

South Korea’s President Park Geun-hye condemned the action as “maniacal recklessness”, and her use of the word ‘maniacal’ is certainly appropriate. Humanity’s insanity is exposing itself, and it exists in some very powerful places. China “intensely urges” Kim to adhere to its nuclear promises, and the US warns of “serious consequences”. The prevalence of highly concentrated 9, (the number of drama, deep emotions, loss, and endings), suggests that something “new” has been triggered here. A new approach to the madness of Kim Jong-Un must be devised.


Last week, Kim had two members of his cabinet executed for frivolous reasons, one for falling asleep during a meeting, another for proposing a project which could undermine Kim’s authority. They were executed by anti-aircraft guns. This picture shows a North Korean Anti-Aircraft gun.


In 2013, he famously had his uncle executed, and in 2014 he reportedly executed 50 officials on frivolous or trumped-up charges, one of which was ‘watching South Korean soap operas’.

After the 4th nuclear test on January 6 this year, Donald Trump paid credit to Kim: You’ve got to give him credit. How many young guys – he was like 26 or 25 when his father died – take over these tough generals, and all of a sudden… he goes in, he takes over, he’s the boss. It’s incredible. He wiped out the uncle, he wiped out this one, that one. This guy doesn’t play games.”

In a surprising move, in the 999/999 energy of September 9th, the USA and RUSSIA agreed to a breakthrough deal which could lead to peace in Syria.

U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, said: “Today the United States and Russia are announcing a plan which we hope will reduce violence, reduce suffering, and resume movement toward a negotiated peace and a transition in Syria … if followed, has the ability to provide a turning point, a moment of change,”

10 represents innovative ideas, turning points, and profound and lasting change.

John Kerry is himself in a 9 year in 2016 and is dealing with 999/999 energy this month. He also helped broker the historic (and still holding) Iranian Arms Deal on April 2, 2015. We are in the 2000s – and 2 is the number of diplomacy – as difficult as it may be.


Traumatized children in Aleppo, September 2016 ©Al Jazeera

The Guardian reports: “As part of the complex agreement, a seven-day pause in the fighting would begin on Monday evening, the beginning of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha. During that time, the Syrian army would relax its stranglehold on rebel-held areas of Aleppo, allowing humanitarian aid to be delivered to the starving city, while rebels would stop fighting around government areas.”

Monday, September 12 is a 3 day in the world. 3 is the number of optimism, which is another word for hope. SO LET’S HOPE!

The focus on nuclear energy is paramount as we move from 1 to 2, because 1 is the nucleus of all the other numbers. The splitting of the atom is 1 split in 2 – which is 11. What we must learn from this is that we can destroy ourselves with ignorance of our own origins (the atom) – or we can strive to understand ourselves, and evolve beyond “self-destruct”. We can have yet another war in the Middle East, or a nuclear arms race in the region, or we can take a different road entirely.

(I doubt if it is a coincidence that the first number starts with the atom and the first man, according to Christian teaching, was called Adam. Just a thought).


Also on Friday, September 9, 2016: earthquake capital of the world, Oklahoma, was hit by a series of 6 quakes which started on the 8th and ended on the 9th. Oklahoma became a US State on November 16, 1907, which means it is also in a 9 year in 2016, and that the 999/999 energy was also active there this week. While none of these quakes were extreme in magnitude, the situation is likely to be more complex than meets the eye. As noted in my article 2016 -THE POWER OF 9, Oklahoma is the 46th US State. 4+6=10 and connects to the 10 energy of Week 37.


Michio Kaku photo from Wikipedia

This combination of 999 and 10 energy was taken even further on September 9 when theoretical physicist Michio Kaku, who was born on the 10 Destiny Path, (and whose very name is teeming with 10 and 11 energy), announced that he will be recording a show for CBS regarding the Oklahoma quakes and their connection to the oil industry.


We need  honest scientific voices, and I hope he is able to communicate honestly about the dangers of fracking as the great assault on Mother Earth that it is. We are one species, among countless other species – all of which have a right to exist and coexist.

We are in the 2000s, and 2 is mother energy. 2 is the number of connection. And as far as Oklahoma is concerned, I wonder if there is a connection between what happened this week and what occurs in the 46th state in week 46, which runs from 11/11 to 11/17.

And then, this week, comes September 11, 2016. (9 11 9). Not only is this the 15th anniversary of the day on which thousands of people were killed, and the biggest symbol of 11 on Earth, the World Trade Center, was blown out of existence, this was perhaps one of the biggest ‘game changers’ the world has ever seen. There are vital connections to be made here.

Only America has the date format of month/day/year. The majority of nations use day/month/year, and this makes a difference to the way our national energies flow. We shape and organize our lives around our calendars – which gives them tremendous power. So, 9/11 in the USA is September 11, but elsewhere it is the 9th of November which is a deeply historic date – including the anniversary of Kristallnacht in 1938 which effectively triggered World War 2 in 1939.

(The 1st of September last week marked the 77th anniversary of the start of WW2. The Master Number 77 denotes great freedom and adventure, provided the lessons of karmic 14/5 are learned – which include the burden of excess and addiction, and being unable to learn from mistakes.)

9 November, 2016 is also the 27th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, and 27=9. And 27 is the energy through which electrical mind and magnetic emotion discover just how at odds they are, and seek ways to find their natural connection.

Other historical events occurred on the 9th of November, some of which are now tied to neo-nazi groups all over the world – and it is so important to notice how history is right there before our very eyes – poised to repeat itself if we do not learn what we have to learn and move FORWARD. 10 is the number of true forward movement and not just a repeat of the past in a different wrapping.

This year, the 9th of November is the day after the US Presidential election, followed two days later by 11/11 which is the same in all calendar formats. November 9 occurs in Week 45 which is the last 9 Week in this 9 year. This occurs in the 11th month, on an 11 day, and so the 9/11 connection is extremely potent this year (and the fact that 2016 is a Leap Year adds further complexity to this flow of numbers).

911 is an evolutionary vibration because 9+1+1=11, and 11 is the great connector between the 1000s and the 2000s. 11 provides the connection between 1’s primitive singular vibration of competition and war, and the harmony that 2 offers. (1+1=2). The competitive nature of 1 is struggling with the cooperative nature of 2.

But right here in the double 9 vibrations of September, there is something vital we need to learn about 9’s magical energy.

“LET GO”, 9 tells us. Complete things. Get it over with. Be generous. GIVE. But there is a deeper and yet simpler way to look at 9.

9 is the number of TOLERANCE. Tolerance is strength – which we are going to need as we continue to evolve and the reality on Earth continues to change. Giving includes for-giving, and generosity includes kindness and the willingness to help others in need. No progress can be made until we understand this.

Forgiving does not require us to embrace those who hurt us, we forgive so that the hurt can heal. Letting go of whatever hurt us is forgiveness, and it takes great generosity of heart to let go at this level – the emotional level – the level where pain is felt.

You see, everything meets at the heart – the heart of anything is its center – the source of balance itself. Everything else flows from there – and that’s where we are right now – as old pain meets the bridge of new potential. We are seeking ways to transform this heartless system into one of balance, fairness, justice, peace, and love. Humanity is in the frightening and painful process of healing its broken heart.

*** NOTE ADDED on September 11, 2016:  Hillary Clinton was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday, September 9. She is in a 9 year, which means she was in 999/999 energy on the 9th, and 999/9119 energy on the 11th.




As we evolve from the masculine 1000s to the feminine 2000s, we are experiencing a change of frequency in which the old male-driven system (1) is breaking down under the incoming power of 2’s feminine vibration which is slowly bringing equality, fairness, justice, and a much needed BALANCE into the world. But the old is resisting the new with a voracity that would rather destroy everything than have to share the abundance of Mother Earth with “others”.

The old tactic is to keep the feminine under control, and Mother Earth is the ultimate feminine vibration in physical form.

She is simply to be ‘used’ and capitalized on. This relentless ongoing attack on Mother Nature to extract her resources (abundance) forms the basis of misogyny (the pathological hatred of women), and gives rise to wars that never end.

In this overly-competitive system, some people think of themselves as the ‘winners’, and everyone else as losers. The very thought of losing is unthinkable and terrifying to them, but the feeling of terror must be denied no matter what. Of course, they cannot win this futile fight because time is the framework of evolution, and time is forever moving forward – in millennial proportions. But it’s becoming apparent that the damage they can do on the way out can be globally catastrophic.

In an evolving world, nothing can stay the same indefinitely. But power-hungry people like Donald Trump are still following the ways of the 1000s, using the tactic of DENIAL to delay this vital transition.

The 8th month of August emphasizes our own personal power. 8 exposes how those seeking power make themselves appear more powerful than they actually are – by disempowering others. They do this by homing in to people’s denials, things they fear other people knowing about. But when denial breaks down, as it must do as we evolve, we must take responsibility for what we have denied and bring it to full consciousness as quickly as possible. There is still a dangerous tendency to blame others for the problems on Earth, without seeing how we ourselves are contributing.

It is impossible to look honestly at today’s reality without having an emotional response. Emotion is feminine energy. To maintain control, the system subdues and manipulates the power of our feelings because that IS our own personal power. Our ability to FEEL is the WILL of life. It is what propels us in the direction we want to take. And the reason it is so hard to believe that we actually have Free Will is because the system only has acceptance for happy or so-called ‘positive’ feelings, which is only half the emotional range.


The Republican Party, which Donald Trump chose as his platform, is now having to confront its own denials which allowed Trump to slide in there so easily to begin with. When you openly deny scientific facts; when you deny basic human rights to certain sections of the population, while hailing another section as “superior”; when you deny women the right to govern their own bodies; when you deny equal pay for equal work – or a livable wage, you have set yourself up for people like Trump to rise – and take over.

There is no ‘master race’ on Earth. The belief in racial supremacy is primitive and repulsive. It was through these channels of denial that the master denier Donald Trump, emerged as a popular contender for the most powerful position on Earth. And yet he knows nothing about how the world works. How could he? He is in denial of reality itself!

Denial is a disease we all suffer from. This is why Trump’s rise is inevitable and necessary. If human beings did not deny reality, we would have already accepted our astonishing diversity and we would be evolved and enlightened beings. The world would be a very different place. But the system we are trapped in requires us to deny our emotions – deny how we REALLY feel inside – as we strive to conform to what we are told is “normal and natural” behavior. This too is denial of reality. There is nothing normal or natural about the industrial system of war and misery that we are evolving from. This system defies nature.

Yes, Donald Trump lies constantly … but lying is only one part of denial’s range. Denial is humanity’s most serious disease because it is the basis of self-destruction. Self sabotage is the result of continued denial of reality, so we have much to learn from the example that Donald Trump is reflecting.

Our need to be constantly ‘entertained’, and our addiction to ‘popular culture’, particularly TV, has also enabled him to rise to this power-position. “Reality TV” has been his forte for many years. That is where he learned the finer aspects of mass-manipulation through the stirring-up of people’s emotions, especially those emotions that are buried in denial, such as hate, rage, fear of inadequacy, fear of being wrong, fear of loss.

Denial acts as a malevolent firewall, the mission of which is to extract truth from consciousness, and prevent truth from reaching consciousness in the first place. In Donald Trump, we are seeing the extent of humanity’s denials being reflected back to us from the world stage. But denial denies everything, including its own existence. And this gives him another edge:


I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK? It’s, like, incredible.”  ~DONALD TRUMP (Jan. 23, 2016)

People are asking, in stunned disbelief, how Trump is able to get away with all the lies, hate, fear mongering, and bigotry – and why some of the very people he attacked are now lining up to “serve” him. It is obvious that he is a master at manipulating emotions. But he himself is not an emotional man. It is unlikely that he ‘feels’ much at all, other than his own presence. His own ego – a ‘sense of self’ so out of proportion that he believes he is the most important and magnificent man on Earth. He ‘senses’ that everyone is hiding something. We all have denials of our own, no matter how cleverly we deny them.

He takes full advantage of the confusion he creates by throwing out suggestions, innuendos, accusations, and creating layer after layer of lies. No one could possibly get away with this for very long, but he is doing so because what he does is always BEYOND BELIEF. No one knows how to deal with the COLOSSAL LIE because anyone who tries is immediately confronted with their own denials. Fear of being exposed keeps most people too ‘frozen’ to be effective against such an unfeeling force.

This is what Adolf Hitler wrote about the ‘big lie’ in his book, Mein Kampf:

“The principle was that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victim to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying”.

This appears to be the strategy of Donald Trump, too. The “small minded masses” cannot conceive of someone telling such enormous and outrageous lies. But as we move further into the transparency of the 2000s, we are more able to ‘see through’ the lies, which is why Donald Trump is (at last) starting to loose his grasp.

But do not be lulled into a false sense of security about this. He has triggered the uprising of a misogynistic and racist following, who will still be there long after Trump falls. One of the reasons denial is so hard to take is that you then have to deal with the reality you were hiding – the secrets you were keeping from yourself.

As he continues to overestimate the stupidity of the masses, his strategy is backfiring and his own stupidity is on full display. But there are always those who stand behind the bully. Not only do they believe that the bully will keep them safe, but he also legitimizes their own bullying behavior.


“… there’s a deep, instinctual cruelty in Trump — he finds people’s weak spots, their insecurities, and he exposes them in front of crowds.” ~Ezra Klein

Many psychiatrists have now attested to the fact that Trump meets every description of Narcissistic Personality Disorder – which we used to call egomania – an obsessive preoccupation with one’s self. (1 is the number of SELF.) He acts on his own uncontrolled impulses and is possessed by delusions of grandeur and superiority. The egomaniac cannot empathize with others.

In her Book “Why Is It Always About You?”, Sandy Hotchkiss describes “the seven deadly sins of narcissism” as follows, (and every one of them is quite visible in Donald Trump):

1: Shamelessness. Shame is the feeling that lurks beneath all unhealthy narcissism, and the inability to process shame in healthy ways.

2: Magical thinking. Narcissists see themselves as perfect, using distortion and illusion known as magical thinking. They also use projection to dump shame onto others.

3: Arrogance. A narcissist who is feeling deflated may re-inflate by diminishing, debasing, or degrading somebody else.

4: Envy. A narcissist may secure a sense of superiority in the face of another person’s ability by using contempt to minimize the other person.

5: Entitlement. Narcissists hold unreasonable expectations of particularly favorable treatment and automatic compliance because they consider themselves special. Failure to comply is considered an attack on their superiority, and the perpetrator is considered an “awkward” or “difficult” person. Defiance of their will is a narcissistic injury that can trigger narcissistic rage.

6: Exploitation can take many forms but always involves the exploitation of others without regard for their feelings or interests. Often the other person is in a subservient position where resistance would be difficult or even impossible. Sometimes the subservience is not so much real as assumed.

7: Bad boundaries. Narcissists do not recognize that they have boundaries and that others are separate and are not extensions of themselves. Others either exist to meet their needs or may as well not exist at all. Those who provide “narcissistic supply” to the narcissist are treated as if they are part of the narcissist and are expected to live up to those expectations. In the mind of a narcissist, there is no boundary between self and other.

On this basis, it is doubtful that he would willingly drop out of the race, even though his campaign is floundering badly. He would have to be forced out, or he would have to invent another ‘big lie’. But whatever happens, we must not lose this opportunity to learn more about the debilitating force of denial, both our own and other people’s.

I am not just running against Crooked Hillary Clinton, I am running against the very dishonest and totally biased media – but I will win!   ~Donald Trump (August 6, 2016)

Denial shuts down the imagination and diminishes awareness. Whatever realities we refuse to recognize is a measure of our ignorance. That is what the dumbing down process is – the closing of our minds through emotional manipulation. Trump denies his own dishonesty through deflection – throwing it at other people: the dishonest press, crooked Hillary, lyin’ Ted, Pocahontas, etc., while praising anyone who praises him.

We are evolving beyond the easily manipulated INFORMATION AGE into the AGE OF TRUTH – and the ‘truth deniers’ are rising against this in brutal fashion. They will do anything to take life back to how it used to be when their “authority” went unchallenged. In the case of Trump, that would be the 1980s and 90s.


“Honesty is such a lonely word, Everyone is so untrue, Honesty is hardly ever heard, And mostly what I need from you. ~Billy Joel (52nd Street, 1978)

Billy Joel’s classic song, “Honesty”, is about lack of shame – which is guilt in denial. And denied guilt is what makes our world so dishonest, brutal, and totally out of balance.

Denial is also the most misunderstood disease. This is why MENTAL HEALTH is now a serious topic of conversation at all levels, covering not only Donald Trump’s sanity, but also the spate of people whose backlog of denied emotions is now bursting out and killing other people – all over the world.

On the basis of “everything starts within”, all hatred is self hatred. When you do not accept what you are honestly feeling, you are denying it the path it needs to take in order to heal, and so the hate just sits there, within the body, and festers – until it makes you physically ill, or something in your outer life triggers it – and it rushes to the surface. When emotions burst out like that, they can be very dangerous. And this is the energy Trump is using as fuel. Denied emotion. Denied reality. Denied guilt.

The fact is that we are all responsible for our own emotions because they are an inseparable part of who we are as individuals. There is never a need to harm yourself, or others, in the process of emotional expression.


The USA has seen itself as “#1” for so long that we can learn many lessons about the  1 energy from what she is experiencing now. 1 is the number of SELF. The number of ego. The number of leadership. The number of change.

2 is the number of principle, sincerity, and the ability to persuade without force. 2 is also the number of accountability. As terrifying as the thought of a Donald Trump presidency may be, (and it is looking more unlikely by the day), his emergence as a strong presidential contender is both inevitable and rich in karmic lessons which we all have to learn at this precise time in the human journey.

As a species, no matter where we live in the world, we have reached a tipping point here in this 9 year of endings and completion, (2+0+1+6=9), regarding the dumbing down process, and we have to continue figuring things out for ourselves. To do so effectively, each of us must find our point of balance between masculine mind, feminine emotion, and biological body. Those three parts of ourselves are shattered and scattered by a system which, to a larger extent than we may want to admit, is doing our thinking for us, by controlling our emotions.

But when those three parts of ourselves align within the individual, they align with other individuals who are also healing and evolving from the old system. Out of that balance emerges the fourth dimension in the form of WHOLE human beings – unique individuals who are spiritually, emotionally, and physically connected. Thus the reality of WE ARE 1.

1 is the number of ego – and we have been so misinformed about the ego that it’s very easy to blame it for everything. Ego is your sense of who you are, as an individual. Ego is not the culprit. Ego is the gauge. It moves one way when one’s sense of superiority oversteps the bounds of balance (inflated ego) – and the other way when self-hatred gets the better of you (deflated ego). Finding this inner balance is an essential part of our evolution.

Meanwhile, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right – on we go – marching to the same old beat of the established, politics-as-usual, drum. But as we evolve, we are learning to dance to the beat of our own drum which, of course, comes from our own individual hearts. That’s where our LOVE resides. It is only our denials that prevent us from loving more fully.

Remember: humanity is not losing its mind. Our minds are being stretched and expanded by our recognition of reality. The vibrations emanating from our feelings are cracking the walls of denial and are pulling our minds OPEN. And so, we are evolving emotionally and intellectually at the same time.

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CLICK HERE  for IN-DEPTH ARTICLES as to how the numbers are playing out in the world in these rough, tense, evolutionary times. 

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Tesla: His Astonishing Life and Death Numbers

Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856. He died on January 7, 1943 – and his lifespan contains a very interesting numeric pattern. His work helped to revolutionize our understanding of electricity, radio waves, x-rays, and many other important scientific aspects…. and some profoundly spiritual aspects, too.

If you are not familiar with Tesla’s work, and how credit for his accomplishments was withheld until well after his death, it is a story well worth looking up and delving into.

His life and death numbers are certainly food for thought!

6 represents BALANCE between the powers of electricity, magnetism, and matter. The first multiple of 3 is 6, the combination of which brings 9 into being. Numbers are not static, or even linear. They move in all directions. Therefore, Tesla’s birth and death numbers actually demonstrate the 369 sequence.

“If only you would know the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, you would have a key to the Universe.” ~Nikola Tesla

Although I am still unable to find the above quote in any of Tesla’s written or spoken works, there is no doubt that 3, 6, and 9 play enormous roles in the numerics of life – the roles of continuance, repetition, variation, pattern, reflection, communication, creativity, responsibility and love. At its most basic level, 369 represents survival.

Notice in the chart below the significance of the number 8  (1+7=8 as in his date of birth and his date of death)…













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The Iran Agreement

Creative Numerology – The Iran Agreement: when an event affects us on a global or national scale, its impact sends out clusters of numbers which expose a specific theme, revealing how various aspects are connected.

2 was the most obvious number that jumped out as this historic agreement was announced, between Iran’s foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, US Secretary of State, John Kerry, and other members of the UN Security Council.

We are in the 2000s – and 2 is the number of diplomacy, partnership, dealing with complex issues, tireless attention to detail, great patience, cooperation, partnership, teamwork, flexibility, and a deep desire for peace and harmony. 2 is the number of AGREEMENT.

2 brings new understanding about the power and purpose of time, relativity, and balance. 2 also slows us down so that we can see the reality of the matter instead of racing past the vital details. In order to change something, we must first understand it. We are in an 8 Global Year in 2015 (2+0+1+5=8), which emphasizes the power of accurate understanding.

Barack Obama was born on the 2 Destiny Path, and he is in a 2 Personal Year in 2015. He is in what I call a “Destiny Year”.

John Kerry was born on the 22/4 Destiny Path – (December 11, 1943 = 3+11+8=22/4).

He is also in a 22/4 “Destiny Year” in 2015. (December 11, 2015 = 3+11+8=22/4).

Kerry was born in an 8 year, and this April, he is in an 8 month. 22/4 is the number of the mover and shaker, the skillful negotiator, the architect and master builder. The mission of 22 is to improve conditions for the masses.

11 is the number of illumination, and is the most balanced form of 2. The only way to arrive at 2 is through two 1s. That is why people see the number 11 everywhere. It has been quite a phenomenon in the world since the end of the 1980s.

11 = nuclear energy – 1 split in 2. The splitting of the atom. This agreement is deeply symbolic of the choices open to us. We can destroy ourselves with ignorance of our own origins (the atom) – or we can strive to understand ourselves, and evolve beyond the tendency to self-destruct. We can have yet another war in the Middle East, or a nuclear arms race in the region, or we can take a different road entirely, as laid out so thoroughly in this agreement.

Communication is taking place in a way that informs rather than confuses. Facts are being explained in whole sentences and paragraphs, rather than the usual deflective sound-bites.

And then there is 8 – the number of POWER in the material world. 2015 is an 8 year in the world, and it is in an 8 year that humanity is most able to empower itself and free its Will – its feminine energy. 

The most balanced form of 8 comes from the master number 44 which, again, connects this event to Barack Obama. He was in an 8 personal day on April 2. It should also be noted that Barack Obama recently made similar strides in the direction of peace in Burma and Cuba.

8 gives power to correctly understood facts, enabling us to enhance life, not destroy it. Our endless wars have done a lot of damage throughout time, and humanity must find a way to stop its senseless fighting and heal – if we are to survive. The violence in the world is the manifestation of heartlessness. It is cruelty and hatred, given form. And those energies, as terrifying as they may be, must come to the surface if they are ever to leave this planet.

Nuclear power wasn’t the only form of power at issue in the Iran Agreement. A group of intelligent determined people decided to use their personal power to cooperate, work together, and persist, until they found that set of steps which would lift us out of this rut of endless war and suffering. This was a solid first step.

8 is the number of manifestation – making something happen – bringing something into being. 8 represents the material world – a world of atoms and nuclear energy. Iran will never have a nuclear weapon because it vowed to annihilate its neighbors, and there are still some who hold this vow dear, just as there are people in every country who do not want the old war-torn system to end.

At some point, the ONLY way forward is through forgiveness. Just knowing this can set in motion our intent to forgive, let go of the past, move with the times, the 2000s, and evolve into a more peaceful, loving, abundant, and satisfying way of life. Of course, we are nowhere near such a scenario, but on April 2, a firm step was taken which changed the course of humanity in that direction.

In many ways, 2015 is bringing us back to issues of the 1980s so that we can resolve them. The Iranian Hostage Crisis began in 1979, which was also an 8 year. And then came the decadent decade of the 80s – that’s when greed started to justify itself, and the philosophy that ‘greed is good’ became mainstream. 8 represents abundance, not greed. 8 does not cause greed. That is caused by our inability to feel satisfied. The more we have, the more we want.

52 American diplomats and citizens were taken hostage on 4 November, 1979, and the American Embassy in Tehran was taken over by a large group of Iranian students who were followers of the hardline Ayatollah Khomeini. That was a 5 day in the world (4+11+8=2+3=5).

The hostages were held for a total of 444 days, and those multiple 4s connect rather obviously to the 44th president of the USA. 5 fours = 20, which brings us back to the evolutionary, feminine, magnetic energy of the 2000s – and times have certainly changed.

5 is playing a very big role right now. 5 brings a merging of time – the past to the present and the present to the future. The karmic vibration of 5 comes from the number 14.

April 2, 2015 was a 14/5 day in Calendar Week 14. The karmic implications of 14/5 are greatly intensified because this number encapsulates the whole concept of karma – learning from mistakes, from success, from experience – learning as we go. Shock, sometimes pleasant, sometimes not, is also involved here because this vibration happens in spurts of sudden and unexpected activity. The depth and magnitude of this announcement was indeed unexpected.

14/5 reveals our inability to find kindred spirits, like-mindedness, or common ground because of our fear of those who are somehow ‘different’. It sometimes triggers a fear of the feelings of sex and orgasm, and produces unrealistic/idealized beliefs about love and romance. 14/5 brings to light an inner detachment in which recognition of one’s true self can be truly terrifying. We are experiencing this energy so that we can learn what it has to teach us, and evolve.

On April 2, 2015, we experienced real movement in time, instead of the repeated history we have become accustomed to. Real change. We finally learned something from history and took a different route. In the chaos of 5, we learn that there is no road to peace – there is only the road of peace.

The USA was born in 14/5 energy on July 4, 1776. (7+4+3=14/5). Freedom and change is her destiny. In 2015, the USA is in a karmic 19/1 National Year (7+4+8=19/10/1), which is ALSO the number of change, but of a different kind. Changes that occur in 1 are a matter of step-by-step progress. The changes that occur in 5 are sudden and unforeseen, and are often the result of several of 1’s changes all happening at the same time.

It took 19 rounds of negotiation in 18 months to reach this agreement. That level of resolve, patience, and optimism is what it takes. (There are links to information on the 19/10/1 and 14/5 karmic energy at the end of this page. Also to an article of the power of 8).

5 helps us to create change – 14 points out what is preventing us from doing so, and we can appear most incompetent until we do – and dangerously so. That is why trains are blowing up all over the place, planes are crashing, ships are sinking, pipelines are leaking, as negligence and greed combine. This karmic number exposes our deep-rooted fear of discovering our own hearts, our center, our authentic selves, and what we are really ‘made of’ inside. And because we do not fully trust ourselves, our fear of “others” is automatic.

Of course, we are programmed to believe that fear is a weakness and therefore deny our fears to a large extent. But denied fear is what makes a bully a bully; denied fear morphs into terror; and terrorism is the act of transferring one’s own fears onto others. However, the bully is easily identified now that we have moved into the transparency of the 2000s, and is being exposed accordingly. Bullies are so afraid of being seen to be afraid. Fear is a natural emotion. It is not the problem. Our misunderstanding and subsequent repression of fear is the problem. We have to face our fears and use our intelligence (knowledge) to solve the difficulties we encounter. By not facing our fears, we push this natural emotion into the oblivion of denial. Then fear’s magnetic energy attracts and draws the very thing we fear until we are forced to face it. There is much denial in focusing only on upliftment and ‘feeling good’.

For as long as we mechanically repeat the messages we received from old outdated programming, we cannot progress; we can only go around and around in the same old rut that we’ve been forever digging. “That’s life”, we tell ourselves, and sure enough, there we go on another spin around the karmic wheel.

Well, that wheel got a jolt on April 2 because a group of people got together, determined to release us from that old programming that never ever worked, and develop a real thought process towards freeing the world, not controlling it. On that day, we moved. Progress was made. And yet, as big as this event is, it is only the first step towards healing the damage that humanity inflicted on itself because we could not face the feelings that facing reality would inevitably create.

That’s what 14 is all about: learning from our mistakes and habits, and using what we’ve learned to change our behavior, and thus our direction. 14 teaches us how to learn. It teaches us to be patient with our perceptions and give our feelings and thoughts the time they need to develop fully. As Einstein so famously said: “We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” Humanity is indeed moving to a different level of thinking – because we are feeling more deeply.

14 leaves us standing there, looking at the wild, exhilarating, and frightening unpredictability of life. That’s where we are. Coming out of the darkness of denial and seeing not only how cruel and senseless life on Earth is, but also actual solutions and workable strategies for change – based on the value we place on ourselves and each other.

The agreement of April 2 has yet to be formalized. The expected date for its completion is 30 June, 2015, which is the last day of a 14/5 month. It is an 8 day in an 8 year.



Evolution is transformation. We evolve, not by discarding or destroying what is, but by transforming it into a higher form of itself.

We heal our ill feelings, not by casting them out or holding them in, but by transforming them into the love they once were.

We heal our karma, not by ignoring it or suffering more than we need to, but by transforming our ignorance into understanding and acceptance.

However, evolution is not an automatic ever-ascending spiritual conveyor-belt, but the result of our ability to face reality, adjust, adapt, and change.

The process of transformation includes taking responsibility for the problems we face and being determined to not only do something about them, but to look more deeply into them so that we can know HOW to transform them. Knowledge is power, but only if it is correctly understood. We must be prepared to let old dogma go and learn new things.

As we evolve, the outer persona is swept away, and we are seen for who we really are inside. At this phase of our transformation, we are starting to see ourselves and each other as we truly are – and not who we are programmed to believe we are. We are in the process of becoming our WHOLE selves – which we are feeling profoundly. In fact, what we are experiencing on Earth at this time is awakening our entire emotional range – the feminine energy that exists within each of us, male and female alike. And as we express our feelings (our honesty), our true colors start to shine.

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Numerology and EXTREMES

Every emotion has its place in life, even hate. And “place” is very much the point here. Extremes are the furthermost edges of life, which is where hate belongs. The more humanity seeks individual and collective balance, the more the extremes will fight back. But, extreme energy is so immersed in irrational fear, hate and rage that it cannot reason – or be ‘reasoned with’.

Extremes have been penetrating the main evolving body of humanity far too deeply, and almost crushed any hope for Free Will in the first decade of the new millennium. But they cannot take complete control because the 2 energy of the 2000s has brought us to the right time – the right cycle – for the Will of humanity – our emotional feminine energy – to begin the evolutionary process of freeing itself.

The extremes, left, right, top and bottom, want so much to be right about everything that they have rendered themselves unable to learn anything new. Their reasoning consists of mindless repetition of the same old antiquated beliefs. This is not the rise of the extremes but, rather, a violent reaction to their fear of being irrelevant. This irrational form of fear is uniting with hatred and rage, all of which is spewing outwardly against those they feel most threatened by. No matter how clever they believe themselves to be, they are lashing out mindlessly which is what makes them so dangerous. The extremes are the manifestation of hatred and rage, each of which has a right to exist, because everything in life has its furthest point.

The extremes must be kept in their natural position – way out there – and kept apart until opposites find a way to coexist. And that’s the role that the main body of humanity (you and me) are meant to be playing at this precarious stage of the journey. We have to find a way to exist freely among others with whom we do not agree. The extremes are afraid of being washed into irrelevance by a new majority – a new reality – the conscious acceptance of diversity – which is the conscious acceptance of differences.

Their understanding is amazingly limited. Most of them don’t believe in ‘evolution’ because their limited belief system prevents understanding of it. We are on the evolutionary fast track right now, but we also need to recognize that evolution is GRADUAL DEVELOPMENT – the result of progress made over time. Everything in life, even an atmosphere, is created. Evolution and creation are different functions of the same process – as are so many other things that people are currently fighting over.

No one knows how large the extreme backlash will be, or how long it will last, but we do know that extremes will always be there, and will evolve proportionately in the passage of time. They believe they are in a constant state of war,  and they are, forever trying to prove themselves to be ‘right’.  But that war can only occur if the rest of us take the bait. Since the beginning of the new millennium, we have been traveling the evolutionary ‘2’, ‘we are’ journey of the 2000s in which nature seeks balance in diversity by pushing the extremes back to the edges, where they belong. People who are drawn into the extremes will fight back.

As we move further into the 2000s, and no matter how vehemently the extremes, right, left, top or bottom, try to control the journey, we must remember that 2 is the number of PEACE not war, COOPERATION not competition, HARMONY not discord, CONNECTION not isolation, PARTNERSHIP not selfishness, ACCEPTANCE not denial, SENSITIVITY not numbness, INTELLIGENCE not dumbness, INTUITION not mind control, UNDERSTANDING not misunderstanding, EQUALITY not superiority, LOVE not hate.

When our love of truth outweighs our fear of it, openness and cooperation will activate the power of friendship between human beings.

There are bound to be some very rough experiences in the process of balancing ourselves, individually and collectively. If we pay attention to the details (a very important aspect of the 2 energy) we will see, or at least sense, that the center itself has moved. It has moved further to the left. But we cannot go to extremes in that direction either. Balance can only come from equality, and equality can only come from the ACCEPTANCE of diversity… you and me, brother, sister… we are all in this together… PEACE.