Tag Archives: 11 November

11 11 2017 – THE WAY OF THE WILL

Every year, the 11 11 vibration peaks on November 11, (and 29th), but because each year has its own unique energy, the angle from which we look at this sequence differs. 2017 is a 10/1 Year (2+0+1+7=10=1), in a 10/1 decade. So, in 2017, 10/10 and 11:11 are working side by side.

There are only 9 numbers in the numeric spectrum, and 10 brings us back to 1, but at an elevated level. 10 represents deep systemic change. 11 brings light, revelation, inspiration, and movement.

11:11 in this 10/10 year signifies rapid development in whatever direction our evolving minds take us. Both form a metaphysical bridge from 1 to 2.



These dangerous chaotic times are the result of humanity trying to live as we did in the electrical male-driven 1000s, even though we moved into the magnetic feminine 2000s almost 2 decades ago.

11:11Of course, our masculine energy isn’t going away. 1 will always be the first number. But we must now make room for our feminine energy (we all have both) so that EQUALITY can be attained, first inwardly, and then in the outer world. When you look at 11 from a different angle, you can see the equals sign.

10 represents the binary code – the mainstay of our digital world. So it is not surprising that we are seeing such numeric sequences in our day-to-day lives. Digits are numbers, and numbers have energy, power, and purpose. They are the language of learning, and the building blocks of life.

11 is the most balanced form of 2. In fact, 1 + 1 is the ONLY means of reaching 2. And while 1 represents the masculine SPIRIT (consciousness), 2 represents the feminine WILL (emotion).

We are in the process of freeing our feelings from the prison that our minds created for them. This is freeing our WILL from the prison created by this ‘man’s world’ we’re all trapped in. The vibrations of our feminine feelings are forcing our masculine minds to open, enabling us to evolve mentally and emotionally at the same time. We are programmed to believe there is no such thing as FREE WILL. But there is. And the freeing starts when we honestly express how what is happening in our lives, and in the world, is making us feel.

Anger is rising – and it’s about time! Anger is the most judged against and therefore suppressed emotion of all. Expressing anger, or any emotion, does not mean harming another, or yourself. It means experiencing the sensation of the feeling without your mind shutting it down before it can complete itself, just as men have typically shut women down when they become ‘too emotional’. But no matter what our gender happens to be, emotion is our honesty!

The Will is not only our ability to feel and sense, but also our ability to know. It is our inner radar. Our deepest intuition. Its feminine nature, and the overall role of women in this dishonest world are paramount to our evolution. Feminine energy does not want to dominate. It wants to be equal. It instinctively knows that fairness, justice, and equality bring balance – and balance is peace. It is this feminine wisdom that the old war-ridden system has suppressed throughout time, but that will change here in the 2000s.

The power of the 11/2 vibration can only get stronger as we move through these dangerous and unpredictable times towards 2020. That is where 11:11 finally converts to 22, and this has enormous significance as our evolutionary journey unfolds. The time between now and 2020 is short, and we have much to experience and learn en-route.

22 is the most balanced form of 4, the number of correctness, detail, order, system, limitation, dealing with decay, hard work, how things work, dedication, and breakthrough. The road towards 2020 (and the decade of the 20s) is a tough one, filled with pitfalls, shocks, and sorrows, but it is also filled with hope, inspiration, and the opening of our imagination. A new reality will form one way or another, and it will do so from our ability to imagine something better than we currently have – to “image-in” and create a more loving and sustainable way to live on Earth.

The anger that people are feeling now is opening the way forward, and the balance that feminine energy brings paves the way to major transformation.

1 = SELF, and 11 provides the MIRROR IMAGE through which we become self-aware. Then, through the process of emotional healing, we become self accepting. This requires self-forgiveness, and the understanding that we are SO much more than this insane system has ever allowed us to know.

11+11= 22, which focuses on the many, rather than the few. 22 emphasizes the conditions and circumstances under which human beings live. In its highest form, 22 brings improvement, cooperation, and acceptance for each other. But when 22 is misused, the caring and empathy that 2 produces is replaced by indifference to the suffering of others, and the few feel justified to take cruel advantage of the many, usually for the sake of greed.

11 and 22 have always been synonymous with power-grabs and war. November 11 is Veterans Day in the USA – and Armistice Day all over the world. It marks the 99th anniversary of the end of World War 1 on November 11, 1918. This is important to remember as world leaders meet in Asia this week to make their deals, and decide the fate of the masses.

The huge shake-up in Saudi Arabia and the sale of billions of dollars worth of arms from the USA and UK, leans heavily towards a massive war against Iran. Let’s hope not. Meanwhile, according to the UN, the Saudi stranglehold on Yemen, which has already claimed thousands of civilian lives, could bring forth a famine of unprecedented proportions. The suffering there is immense.

November 11th occurs on the 315th day of the year, which adds up to 9. It occurs on the very last day of Week 45, which is a 9 Week. This emphasizes the 9/11 or 11/9 sequence, which produces reversal, catalyst, and strong reaction to sudden experience. 9 takes us backwards so we can learn from the past, while 11 sheds its light on specific areas in need of adjustment and healing. It was in week 45 that the 45th U.S.president, Donald Trump, praised the government of Saudi Arabia, and tweeted: “I have great confidence in King Salman and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, they know exactly what they are doing.”  On 9 November, (9/11) the government of Saudi Arabia ordered all Saudi citizens in Lebanon to leave!

The situation with North Korea is also tied to the 11 energy, because 1 is the nucleus of all the other numbers, and 11 symbolizes the splitting of the atom, and nuclear weaponry. The North Korean people are a reflection of extreme suppression of the WILL. They are totally controlled by their emotions, especially terror – the most heightened form of fear.

In reference to North Korea, Donald Trump recently declared “the era of strategic patience is over”, but the reality is that the era of strategic patience has only just begun. 2 is the number of strategic patience – and dedicated diplomacy. War is the way of the 1000s – the way of the past. The same is true of white supremacy, which begins with male supremacy.

1 is the number of leadership, and it is becoming clear that we are not meant to be ‘led’. We are meant to learn how to lead our own lives according to our own Will. The true purpose of government is to facilitate this evolution, not crush it.

2 also makes it clear that the ‘human race’ is not our species. The human RACE is the cruel unfeeling system from which we are evolving. Our species is humanity. Racism is rampant because, from the moment we are born until the day we die, the system forces us to race and compete against each other. 11:11 is a symbol of humanity rescuing its own Will. We are all involved in this process, whether we know it or not, even those who are quite happy with the way things are. We are in the 2000s now, and it’s a very different vibe. This is where we learn the true meaning of “we are 1”.

November 11 in this 1 Global Year is a 5 Day in the world (11+11+1=2+3=5)

1 2 3 4 – 5 – 6 7 8 9

5 is the number of freedom, change, and the unusual and unfamiliar. 5 brings sudden development, the end result of which is open to speculation because 5 sits at the very center of the numeric scale and can go ‘either way’, like a see-saw, until stability is regained. 5 represents gambling and taking chances. It is also the number of adventure and excitement, sex, and the ‘high life’.

Wednesday, November 29 is an 11:11 day in the world. It is also the 333rd day of the year which translates to 111 111 111. 2017 is a 1 year (2+0+1+7=1+0=1). We are also in the decade of the 10s, and 1+0=1. That’s an awful lot of 1s as we evolve from the 1000s to the 2000s.

November 2017 is a 3 Month (11+1=1+2=3).

3 is a complex and magical number which represents all forms of communication. 3 also represents the arts, the ones that make us happy and enthralled – and the ones that harm and deceive. 3 is the number of the stage, how things are ‘staged’, and the various stages we – or a process – go through.

3 symbolizes people, population, popularity, and popular culture. 3 represents social interaction, social media, and the social discord that splits us. 11 is a symbol of this split – and 2 is the energy of unity, cooperation, and the acceptance of differences. And what is diversity if not our ‘differences’? Without diversity, there is no chemistry or contrast. Diversity is our richness and potential. This week’s state and local elections in the USA were a reflection of people communicating their acceptance of diversity, and their rejection of division and hate.

Meanwhile, there is much danger of losing ‘net neutrality’ which would give government and business more control over the internet. Communication at all levels, including journalism, is extremely vulnerable. The more transparent life becomes, the closer we get to the truth. And the closer we get to the truth, the more vulnerable we are to the self-protective reactions of those being exposed.

The emphasis on entertainment and communication has spotlighted masculine abuses with stunning disclosures about film mogul Harvey Weinstein. This quickly spread to other areas where the masculine has routinely abused the feminine. As we move towards the end of the decade of the 10s, the extent of sexual abuse, especially where children and young people are involved, could reach an entirely new level. Attempts to cover up the truth lose their effectiveness as we move further into the transparency of the 2000s. Feminine 2 will eventually curb masculine energy that refuses to evolve. And no matter what happens in the world, the feminine WILL in all of us, by nature, must RESIST its own oppression.

In the meantime, the wars and atrocities cannot help but continue – until we learn life’s most basic steps: the lessons of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. This years trip through the 11 11 energy contains them all.

“We will get there,

heaven knows how we will get there,

we know we will.

It will be hard we know,

and the road will be muddy and rough,

but we’ll get there,

heaven knows how we will get there,

we know we will…”

Osibisa, Woyaya

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