2020 is a phenomenal number. The emotional healing of lifetimes and generations, individuals and nations, lies ahead. Humanity is evolving, reluctantly, painfully, and chaotically.
It is often said that life is “a balance of holding on and letting go” – and we must learn when to hold on – and when to let go – as we make our way through the chaos of 2020. The horrors we are experiencing on Earth are the result of trying to exit the past before we have learned what it has to teach. So, the past keeps repeating until we learn.
Time moves forever forward. It is WE who stand still until reality finally sinks in, and the path ahead can be seen more clearly. And it is clearly a difficult path. 2020 adds up to 4, which brings out our most difficult lessons.
“People are trapped in history, and history is trapped in them.” ~James Baldwin
We are trapped between two very different segments of time – the masculine 1000s and the feminine 2000s. The “strongmen” (reflections of the past) are rising all over the world – in their full despicability – to prevent our unstoppable transition into equality and balance.
Another common saying is, “hindsight is 20/20” which implies that things that are obvious now were not obvious while they were happening. At least, not to all. The state of the natural world and the mass extinction of multiple species is a prime example of how we have denied the human impact on the very environment that enables us to exist. People see it now, along with the fact that the human species can also be wiped out. And if this should happen, it will be self-inflicted.

The Antarctic Peninsula is among the fastest-warming regions on earth ©Getty Images
This month, it was reported by the World Meteorological Organization that the temperatures on Antarctica/South Pole are the hottest ever and are melting its massive glaziers and ice sheets far more rapidly than expected. This puts not only coastal areas around the world in greater jeopardy, but also the world’s inland waterways which drain into the oceans. The first month of 2020 saw the hottest January temperatures ever, all across Europe.
Without full attention on climate change, our self-destructive system will destroy us. Our antiquated governments, and the industries they answer to, are reducing environmental oversight instead of upholding or increasing it. They attack Mother Nature first and foremost because she is THE MOTHER LODE – she is where everything comes from. They must therefore control her. And In doing so, they control our ability to feel and sense. SHE, Mother Nature, is the source of feminine energy on Earth.
“Ms. McSpadden, what will it take to bring peace to the streets of Ferguson?”
We cannot continue to deny the overwhelming role that racism plays in the ongoing global chaos. How can this tired old system not be racist when it is based on racing, competing, being first, biggest, fastest, richest, and best?
The “human race” is not our species, it is the system itself. We are free evolving beings who are captured in a system fueled by hatred for the ‘other side’, and the belief that “winning” is everything. These brutal divide-and-conquer tactics are where so much of the hatred comes from! And it is much easier to control people in the grip of orchestrated chaos.
But a system that depends on secrecy and behind-the-scenes manipulation cannot survive in the 2000s because 2 is the number of transparency and openness, and exposes what is happening in the background. Then, when the truth emerges, there is an enormous but visible effort to cover it up.
A system that believes white people are the ‘norm’ while everyone else is somehow inferior cannot survive in the 2000s because 2 is the number of equality and balance. Meanwhile, there is an enormous but visible effort to keep “minorities” down, even though the combined minority is very much the majority.
A system that runs on selfishness cannot survive in the 2000s because 2 is the number of empathy and caring. Meanwhile, the level of cruelty dealt out to people, animals, and all aspects of life is visibly intensified, and we live in a state of constant humanitarian and environmental crisis.
This old system depends on we the people NOT becoming the powerful beings we can be when we’re being our true selves. 1 is the number of SELF – and being more aware of our own identity (self-awareness) was a major role of the decade of the 10s, which ended just a few weeks ago.
Foresight is 10 10.
Insight is 11 11.
Hindsight is 20 20.
In order to move forward we must understand WHY we are in this mess. 2020 = BALANCE, which is the result of EQUALITY. And because 2 also = sensitivity and caring, 2020 provides the motivation to firmly COMMIT to what we are aiming for. 11 11 provides the inspiration. 10 10 takes us to the next level – which is where we are now!
Look at the equals sign. It is 11 observed from a different angle. Being able to see the numbers from different angles lets us see the flexibility in life. It enables us to see other points of view besides our own. We can home-in on a specific aspect – and we can also take a broader view and see all the different connections involved. 2 = CONNECTION. And we are ALL connected – every single 1 of us.
We are learning to LET GO of old perceptions and HOLD ON to a realistic sense of self (ego) as we weave our way through conflicting states of mind and emotion. We have to be prepared for this inner turmoil – and savor the instances of new awareness and possibility. This is a time of invention and societal progress, based on NEW understanding – not the same tired old ways.
2020 is a MOMENTOUS year in the human journey in which we must learn about the power of 1 – the number of BEGINNINGS, ORIGINS, the INDIVIDUAL, the SELF, INDEPENDENCE, ACTION, CHANGE, LEADERSHIP, and MASCULINE ENERGY. We cannot find stability in the feminine 2000s until we do, just as we cannot cross a bridge until we come to it. Understanding masculine 1 is the bridge to feminine 2 – because 2 is always made of two 1s.
1 is the FIRST number, and 11 is the 1st of 9 Master Numbers. Master Numbers are TRANSFORMERS, and we are in a major transformation of humanity in these early days of the 2000s.
2020 seems to be a predetermined point in time when feminine 2 rises and brings balance within ourselves (1 = self), and within our species (1+1 = each other). 2020 is what the whole 11:11 phenomenon has been leading to – making this a crucial turning point in the human journey.
11:11 means many things to many people. To some, it means nothing at all. But from the standpoint of numerology, the events of 2020 can help us understand who we are, why we are here, and decide for ourselves the direction we want to take. Both 2 and 4 help us to look more closely and patiently at the details.
So, HOLD ON, WORLD! The results of the past are pouring into the present. The closer we get to the truth, the more dangerous the world becomes. So, LET GO, WORLD, of the systemic programming which tells us that we have no power. We have more power than we have ever been allowed to imagine. We just have to recognize the Will for what it is – and develop it – efficiently – with loving intent.
We are learning about our own power to change things, and the power of others to prevent such changes. The imbalance on Earth has always been about the power of individuals to overpower other individuals. We have been programmed to believe there is nothing we can do about it. We even call them the ‘powers that be’ – or – the ‘ruling class’ – titles of the class system that suggest they have a divine right to overpower everyone else. They do not. And the fact that they believe they do, shows just how deep their denial of reality runs.
4 is the number of system, and in 2020, this collapsing greed-driven system is likely to be severely shaken by events that are beyond its ability to control. Once they can no longer deny that a problem exists, they will deny that they caused it and blame others. 2 = TRANSPARENCY – and in 2020, more than ever, we can see right through the deception and lies.
We are now in a rapid evolutionary phase which is forcing us to recognize the very part of us that is being controlled. Our WILL.
So, HOLD ON world! It’s time to LET GO of the past and create the future. But do keep in mind that 4 is the number of success through HARD WORK, DEDICATION, DETERMINATION, and working through LIMITATIONS and OBSTACLES. This will not be an easy year. 4 requires great EFFORT.
HOLD ON! And LET GO of the notion that we are unable to help ourselves. Indeed, helping ourselves is the nature of this evolutionary process. The process of freeing the human WILL can only be done by the human Will.
And while we must resist the total capture of the Will, we must also FREE those parts of our Will that are captured. And keep in mind that it is the Will that enables us to resist in the first place.
No one is free. We are all owned by this global system, the nature of which is ownership. Even those who control it are chained to it by their greed and fear of loss.
The system wants us to believe that we have no Will of our own, but just look at how the Will of the people keeps rising up to free herself, all over the world.
A major part of freeing the Will is to stretch our imaginations and open our minds – so that alternative ways to exist and flourish can be envisaged, created, and upheld.
It is not just human beings who have a WILL. All of life, the animals, and the planet herself, have WILL energy, feminine energy, depth, darkness, gravity, magnetism, and emotion. And all of life has CONSCIOUSNESS, masculine energy, light, action, electricity, and intellect. Yin and Yang. Without this understanding, we can never eradicate the utter cruelty, self-indulgence, and corruption that is attacking all areas of life.
A major change of gears is in progress. It began as December 1999 flowed into January 2000. On September 11, 2001, the world’s biggest physical symbol of 11 – the World Trade Center in New York was destroyed, and the world has been in turmoil ever since. That was the first IMPACT of the global transformation that we’re now experiencing.
FREE WILL starts with the freedom to express outwardly what we feel inwardly. This is what propels us. This is what is meant by ‘living from the inside out’. Humanity is learning to be moved by our feelings, instead of treating them as mental glitches. We cannot be the free spirits we are until we realize the true purpose, power, and importance of our feminine vibration. 2 teaches us how to do this without being so overwhelmed by feelings that we become a danger to ourselves and others.
2 = perspective, perception, purpose, and appropriateness. 2 = growing up, maturing, and being able to withstand the realities of life instead of denying them. And it does seem that THE WALL of our own denials is starting to crack. As denial falls away, reality stares back at us, and our minds expand with new awareness. Until we understand the true power, purpose, and complexity of emotion, we will continue to be manipulated by those who have learned how to turn our own feelings into weapons to use against us.
This is not a matter of emotional people imposing their feelings on the populace, but of emotionless people casting deliberate emotional blows that are so cruel that we often can’t believe that such heartlessness is possible. They are able to do this because they are unable to feel anything at all – other than hate – which is not an emotion. Hate is emotional disease. An illness of the sensory system. Hate is the absence of love.
Emotion is our inner-radar system which measures and interprets our outer experiences. Emotional intelligence is so powerful that those who control the world cannot allow us to recognize or develop this power – the power of our own Free Will. Resisting this oppression is essential if we are to evolve out of this tragic segment of the journey. As we gain inner balance between masculine mind and feminine emotion, within the physical body, we bring balance into life – and life into balance.
But masculine mind often plays victim when feminine emotion gets too close. And when victimhood takes hold, empathy dies. Then, the only concern is ‘looking out for number 1’ – the SELF. Ignorance believes it is intelligence – and hate takes over from there.
2 gives us sensitivity. 2 enables us to sense our way along. 2 is sensible. 2 makes sense of things. 2 organizes and coordinates. Feminine 2 expands and develops what masculine 1 has to offer (1+1=2) and opens up space in which ideas can take shape instead of remaining mere mental concepts.
2 is DETAIL.
2 is DEPTH.
2 is a gentle slow-moving energy – but if you try to push against it or speed it up, it pushes back hard and slows you down even more! 2 is the number of patience, attention to detail, right timing, and it feeds the mind with intelligence.
…and look where we are right now.
February is the 2nd month of 2020 – a 22/4 Year. The millennium of the 2000s has just completed 2 DECADES. And now we’re in the decade of the 20s. And on February 2, 2020, we passed through the palindromic date of
0 2 0 2 2 0 2 0
…which is a true rarity.
A palindrome reads the same forwards as it does backwards. So, what was its message? To begin with, it tells us that events and circumstances could go either way. The outcome is not set in stone. 2 denotes CHOICE. And the controlling forces are determined to reduce our choices to just 2 options: do as we say, or we will attack you. And look at the 22, right in the center. The number of the MASTER BUILDER – and the MASTER DESTROYER.
There is a LOT of 22 energy in the flow right now. For instance, DONALD TRUMP was born on the 22/4 Life Path (6+14+2=22/4). He was born in a 2 Year. (1+9+4+6=2+0=2). He is in a 4 Year in 2020.
22 is the number of GREATNESS. 22 is the most balanced form of 4. But when its intent is unloving, its cold-heartedness is MAGNIFIED. When 2’s perspective is unbalanced, it confuses coldness with greatness. When 22 is in careless or unloving hands, it can be ultra-destructive.
The word GREAT is open to constant interpretation. Greatness can refer to MAGNITUDE, SIZE, IMMENSITY, and IMPACT – or the SERIOUSNESS or SIGNIFICANCE of something. Without these distinctions, we are unable to respond appropriately to the very real emergencies that are happening all over the world, including the continued attacks on the GREATNESS of feminine energy – MOTHER EARTH herself.
We cannot merely shrug and say: “we’ll see what happens.” Part of what it takes to evolve into Free Will is finding a way to make something happen – to create the changes that will set us free. 4 is the number of BREAKTHROUGH. 4 is also the number of PRIORITY – and many of our priorities must change this year.
In 2020, we must find our way through the haze of lies and deception. However, this constant uncertainty has a purpose: to force us out of our complacency and ACCEPT the need for NEW ideas and solutions, especially as far as leadership is concerned.
1 = LEADERSHIP. 1 also = CHANGE. It is time to change our definition of leadership. 1 teaches us that we are not here to be ‘led’ but to learn how to lead our own lives. The purpose of government, therefore, is to hold the balance points open so that ALL of life can flow and flourish, not just a selected portion of it.
While 4 can bring great limitations, it also represents SUCCESS through hard work, dedication, determination, and meticulous attention to detail. 4 separates fact from fiction. Only the truth will do. 4 = ORDER, METHOD, PROCESS, and RESULT.
On the other hand, 4 can be so prone to order and correctness, that it becomes obsessed by an unshakable need to be right. 4 can go to great lengths to push back when a belief is challenged or when its ‘norm’ feels threatened. In this case, senses become hardened, including the sense of compassion. 4’s over-reliance on logic can dull the mind because it shuts off (denies) the possibility that it could be wrong and closes itself off to alternatives. There are a lot of closed minds in the world, but let’s not get smug about this. We ALL have areas of unconsciousness from which we need to evolve. The circumstances of 2020 can help us do this.
4 represents the heart chakra. And the heart is where courage comes from (not the testicles as masculine 1 would have us believe). The vibrations of 2020 will help us to open our hearts and be brave when we need to be.
I’ll be writing more as 2020 unfolds.
“To make one good action succeed another is the perfection of goodness.” ~Ali ibn abi Talib
How telling it is that we now live at a time when we individuals must keep our physical distance from each other. As we remain ‘trapped in time’, between the 1000s and the 2000s, we cannot understand OTHERS, until we understand our SELVES. What we did not learn from that thousand-year journey, we are scrambling to learn now – at this pivotal point of 2020.
Buy my book LIFE CYCLES – your emotional journey to freedom and happiness
Ms. Delorey,
Reading your articles now, in 2021, for me, prove that numerology and those that understand its profundity, are vitally important to saving our world. I so very much wish I could print your wisdom and spread it a across the world for all to read. It’s is that important. Thank you for your generosity and dedication to helping the world. You are doing so much and your influence upon the lives of others is so important, you are an exceptional light worker shining into the dark places we must walk. From my Heart and Soul, I send you my graciousness and respect, now and always.
Thank you for such kind words, Roxanne. I am so encouraged when people see the depth and magnitude of the numbers, as you surely do.
It really is quite amazing to look back and see how it all panned out.
With love,
Thank you for your clearly expressed insights. I’m seeking balance and it’s already been much effort. Looking forward to gaining more insight and developing my Will, and celebrating untold blessings already on the way. Wishing you much joy on your path, Christine.
Thank you as always, Kelton. Wishing you much joy, too.
With love,
Thank you for a wonderfully written and inspiring article, I immensely enjoyed your thought provoking empowering connections to the Brave New World we all are becoming into.
Take care,
Thank you for your kind words, Ann. I am so glad you enjoyed this article.
With love,
Thank you so much for your articles, They bring so much understanding. I particularly appreciated this section.
“There are a lot of closed minds in the world, but let’s not get smug about this. We ALL have areas of unconsciousness from which we need to evolve. The circumstances of 2020 can help us do this.”
Love and light
Thank you so much Gregoria. You picked up on an important point!!
With love,
Blessings to your work : )
Thank you Vivi – and blessings to you too.
With love,
You have changed the way I approach life journey every I can’t wait to read my weekly horoscope so that I can understand what is waiting to fall in place
Hello Ramme,
I’m so happy to know you are enjoying this work. Thank you.
With love,