Tag Archives: numerologist

weekly forecast


TO CALCULATE YOUR PERSONAL NUMBER FOR 2023, simply add 7 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation).

Example birthday: April 26:

Month: 4

Day: 2+6 = 8

Year: 2+0+2+3 = 7

4 + 87 =19 (Keep adding until you get a single number).

1+9 = 10

1+0 = 1

In this example, the Year Number for 2023 is 1.

If you are in doubt about your Year Number, just leave a reply at the bottom of this page, and let me know your month and day of birth. (Your year of birth is unnecessary in this calculation).

Use your Yearly Number to read your Monthly and Weekly forecasts throughout 2023. (Your Personal Year runs from calendar year to calendar year – not from birthday to birthday).



NOTE 1:  WEEK 25 is the 6th week of a 10-WEEK-CYCLE in which all the WEEK NUMBERS not only begin with 2, but also correspond to the 10-YEAR CYCLE of the decade of the 2020s:

WEEKS: 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, and WEEK 29.

YEARS: 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, and 2029.

This concentration of 2 is creating dramatic vibrations in many different areas of life, both in the world, and in our own personal lives. And yet it is all linked in some way – because 2 is the number of CONNECTION.

WEEK 25 is a 7 GLOBAL WEEK (2+5=7), in a 7 GLOBAL YEAR (2+0+2+3=7). So, the 7 energy is also concentrated right now. Introspective 7  enables us to venture inside ourselves, to discover what we’re truly feeling and thinking, to discover what we’re holding back – and express it out of our biological bodies.

This is a week to get DEEP into your emotions, thoughts, instincts, urges, and senses. It is a time to analyze the facts of whatever you are experiencing, and arranging them in such a way that a much bigger and more accurate picture emerges.

7 is the LEARNING NUMBER – the number of THE MIND.

When 7 is derived from 2 and 5, patient attention to detail (and patience in general), enables us to LEARN from past and present experience. So much is unfolding in the world right now, but nothing is predictable in this frenetic segment of the human journey. However, we do know that it entails dealing with the extremes that prevent the human WILL from being FREE.

One year ago in Week 25, I wrote …

“The world-wide assault on democracy is real and dangerous. If we think things are bad now: war, political mayhem, racism, cruelty, hate, violence, environmental catastrophe, high prices, declining healthcare, and so on, this is NOTHING compared to how rough it will be if fascism really does get the upper hand.

Democracy is only the beginning of FREE WILL. It is extremely fragile right now, and is being attacked all over the world, by those whose interests depend on destroying freedom for everyone but themselves.”

… and this does seem to be even more relevant now than it was back then…

7 = LEARNING, and just look at the attempt to curtail humanity’s ability to learn, through the rewriting of historical facts, banning books, banning words (“don’t say GAY”), the debasement of words, such as the nonsensical twisting of the word “woke”. So, be awake. Be aware.

As journalist, Renée Graham wrote, “The greatest trick that white supremacy ever pulled was convincing the world that talking about racism is more dangerous than racism.”

Recognize the re-programming of the collective MIND through the manipulation of language and images. And the danger of “artificial intelligence” which, if left unchecked, will overpower our minds and do our thinking for us. That is the total opposite of Free Will.

The 7 energy of WEEK 25 is likely to make such scenarios blatantly obvious. So, again, be awake. Be aware.

NOTE 2:  Your weekly forecast DOUBLES as a daily forecast on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21. This occurs when the month and day add up to 9. (6+2+1=9). Feelings and circumstances intensify on these dates. 9 represents completion, endings, awareness, global matters, outward expression, empathy, compassion, and LETTING GO in order to move forward.

9 takes us back to the past to tie up the loose ends we left there, including a multitude of hurt feelings that we have yet to express. Vivid reflections of the past are appearing everywhere – and we must remember that in this cause-and-effect world, the past is the quintessential teacher. So, be sure to re-read your personal forecast on Wednesday, June 21 (which happens to be the Summer Solstice – the longest day of the year).

NOTE 3: Be sure to read the 7 Forecast as well as your own, and, as is the case throughout this 10-week cycle, there is additional insight to gain from reading ALL nine forecasts.



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Conditions may not be ideal, but this is still a chance to set your sights in a new direction and get closer to something you desire. Be prepared to learn new things – or to bring what you already know, or have, to a more useful level. If you’ve been feeling cut off or lonely, that’s life’s way of reminding you that the only person responsible for your actions, your success, and your happiness, is you.


Try to respect other people’s feelings, even if they feel unpleasant. Many people still don’t know the difference between a thought and a feeling – and the difference is enormous – like night and day, hot and cold, yin and yang, masculine and feminine! The circumstances of all concerned must be given acceptance if peace is to be restored and maintained. This cycle reveals the lack of balance that occurs when priorities – and facts – become muddled.


A decision you make now can place you on a long-haul road on which there can be no turning back! So, decide carefully, and remember that this has to be your decision – your choice – because, quite simply, this is your life. FEEL the connection between your feelings of sadness and your feelings of joy – and how both are being triggered by an empowering sense of independence.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






Hurt pride is a form of pain that needs to be healed, not blown out of proportion, or ignored. There is a gap between you and someone else which may not be easy to heal because it contains every unexpressed feeling you ever had about each other. When you realize that prolonging a conflict is in nobody’s interest, you will be able to release yourself from a lot of unnecessary pressure.


As your point-of-view widens, many feelings will need to be expressed. Let this happen privately – at least until you are sure of what your true feelings actually are. They may come as a shock. So be patient with yourself and others, and with the pace of developments, as you free yourself from a long ‘keeping-up-appearances’ or ‘trying-to please-everyone’ phase of your life. 


This cycle emphasizes beauty, hope, self-acceptance, and your sense of identity. It involves your true feelings about what you desire – and what stands in your way. Let yourself experience those simple pleasures which can seem so impractical when dealing with extreme situations. Remember: freedom is the fuel of an evolving creative life and must not be curtailed emotionally, intellectually, or physically. Strive to BE your true self!

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





Weekly Forecst


In our need to be ‘perfect’, we tend to measure our worth by how able we are to keep up with or surpass others. Then, when we cannot live up to these impossible standards, guilt steps in and makes our lives miserable. This is a chance to take the pressure off yourself and others, and strengthen your confidence and dignity. It is now possible to heal from something that happened in the past. Effort may be needed when it comes to the details involved, but the timing is just right for this.

Weekly Forecst


Fear of failure may be distorting your view. It is not a matter of denying or holding back this fear. You really must feel it. This is an old feeling which could never find its way out of your body because you never had acceptance for it. Now is the time to recognize it – and release it. This will help you to find balance between your masculine mind and feminine emotions – and will lead to real and measurable progress.

Weekly Forecst


If you feel unable to communicate your true feelings, it may seem that what you thought had changed, has not. And yet, this “disappointment” offers greater insight into your future happiness and security. This situation is triggering old hurt feelings so that they can finally be accepted and healed. You are not the person you used to be. No one is. We are all evolving – each at our own pace.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






 Subscribe to my FREE newsletter for email notifications of all my articles and forecasts. You can unsubscribe at any time. Your information will never be used for any other reason than notifications about this website.

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Creative Numerology 6


TO CALCULATE YOUR PERSONAL NUMBER FOR 2023, simply add 7 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation).

Example birthday: April 26:

Month: 4

Day: 2+6 = 8

Year: 2+0+2+3 = 7

4 + 87 =19 (Keep adding until you get a single number).

1+9 = 10

1+0 = 1

In this example, the Year Number for 2023 is 1.

If you are in doubt about your Year Number, just leave a reply at the bottom of this page, and let me know your month and day of birth. (Your year of birth is unnecessary in this calculation).

Use your Yearly Number to read your Monthly and Weekly forecasts throughout 2023. (Your Personal Year runs from calendar year to calendar year – not from birthday to birthday).



NOTE 1:  WEEK 24 is the 5th week of a 10-WEEK-CYCLE in which all the WEEK NUMBERS not only begin with 2, but also correspond to the 10-YEAR CYCLE of the decade of the 2020s:

WEEKS: 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, and WEEK 29.

YEARS: 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, and 2029.

This concentration of 2 is creating dramatic vibrations in many different areas of life, both in the world, and in our own personal lives. And yet it is all inked in some way. 2 is the number of CONNECTION.

WEEK 24 is a 6 WEEK (2+4=6) – the number of FAMILY, HOME, RESPONSIBILITY, JUSTICE, THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM, ACCOUNTABILITY, and PROBLEM-SOLVING. 6 is the number of BALANCE. It is also the number of EXTREMES.

NOTE 2: Your weekly forecast DOUBLES as a daily forecast on MONDAY, JUNE 12. This occurs when the month and day add up to 9 (6+1+2=9). Circumstances and feelings reach a peak on these dates. 9 represents endings, dramatic events, deep awareness, emotional expression, generosity, compassion – and LETTING GO in order to move forward. LETTING GO is the critical issue here – letting go of this primitive, misogynistic, and racist system which survives by keeping humanity at war with itself. Ultimately, LETTING GO means FORGIVENESS, which starts with forgiving ourselves. Without that, we cannot move into present time. I will be writing more about the power of forgiveness soon. It is such an important (but not necessarily “simple”) aspect of our evolution.

NOTE 3: Be sure to read the 7 Forecast as well as your own, and, as is the case throughout this 10-week cycle, there is additional insight to gain from reading ALL nine forecasts.



PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE




Try not to be inflexible, unreasonable, or paranoid. You may feel uneasy right now, but you really must give yourself more time and privacy to think, study, and notice the long-term implications and potentials of your situation. Do not render yourself helpless by giving the impression that you don’t need or want help. Advice is available and you would do well to listen to it. But do remember that in the end, your decisions are your responsibility.


The powers of discretion and right timing can help you turn a weak position into one of strength. Do not rush. Information is available, and you must be open enough to receive and understand it. Embrace those moments of joy, gratitude, and renewed belief in yourself – the chemistry of which, when the time is right, will reveal your next step. The purpose of power is not to overpower or control, but to empower.


This is a chance to release yourself from a burden, belief, or past mistake, and you need to be honest about your feelings. Do not let guilt (or the fear that guilt hides behind) throw you off course by questioning your right to personal fulfillment. Let those pent-up emotions out, privately and safely. It is time to shed some of that heaviness – that  excess baggage – and replace it with Free Will, constructive ideas, and optimism.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






How different everything looks now that light is being shed on a particular situation. The truth is literally ‘coming to light’. If it is correctly understood and appropriately handled, it will bring advantages your way. Your situation is a long way from settled, but at least you are now on a new road which can help you develop a deeper sense of self-acceptance – self-respect – self-love.


Don’t suppress the feelings that this cycle triggers. To ignore reality is ignorance, and you cannot allow ignorance (yours or anyone else’s) to determine the course of your life. If you cannot feel, you cannot think for yourself; and if you cannot think, your physical body cannot function as it needs to. Balance is the answer. Certain emotions have been held back for so long that they now need extra attention. Just remember that there is never a need to harm yourself or anyone else when expressing how you feel.


Certain beliefs and expectations have created a tipping point. Recognize these extremes and seek a more balanced approach. Lean more specifically in the direction you want to take. Make adjustments where needed. Don’t let anything overpower you. A new level of personal responsibility is developing, along with a growing need to express yourself openly. There is no room here for judgment, blame, or guilt. Just the facts. There is nothing more liberating than being totally honest with yourself.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





Weekly Forecst


Try to accept your entire reality – not just the present situation, but what caused it – and how things are likely to turn out if you proceed in the same old way. You are developing the power of determination, but what really matters is where you focus this energy. On something that has no basis for success? Or on finally accepting and adapting to the truth? Accept your life as it was – and how it has changed. Then relax.

Weekly Forecst


You need to simplify and lighten your load. Remember that your life belongs to you, and that you alone are responsible for your actions and wellbeing. On this basis, decisions will have to be made. Courage may well be the antidote to fear, but remember that courage is not fear denied. Courage is fear accepted. And accurate intelligence is often a matter of fear listened to, understood, and acted upon.

Weekly Forecst


This is a cycle of responsibility, love, healing, and hope. Do not take an extreme position because it is impossible to see the whole picture through a tightly held view. Only by looking at your differences from someone else’s perspective can you reach a position of peace and understanding. This cycle reflects the damage done by over-simplifying complex matters, or manipulating facts for the sake of convenience or ideology. This is a chance to experience the power that comes when you stop pre-judging the outcome – and start creating the outcome you desire.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






 Subscribe to my FREE newsletter for email notifications of all my articles and forecasts. You can unsubscribe at any time. Your information will never be used for any other reason than notifications about this website.

Join me on





TO CALCULATE YOUR NUMBER FOR 2023, simply add 7 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation).

Example birthday: April 26:

Month: 4

Day: 2+6 = 8

Year: 2+0+2+3 = 7

4 + 87 =19 (Keep adding until you get a single number).

1+9 = 10

1+0 = 1

In this example, the Year Number for 2023 is 1.

If you are in doubt about your Year Number, use the CONTACT FORM at the bottom of this page to send me your month and day of birth. (Year of birth is unnecessary in this calculation).

Use your Yearly Number to read your Monthly and Weekly forecasts throughout 2023. (Your Personal Year runs from calendar year to calendar year – not from birthday to birthday).



NOTE 1:  WEEK 23 is the 4th week of a 10-WEEK-CYCLE in which all the WEEK NUMBERS begin with 2:

(WEEK 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, and WEEK 29),

each of which connects to the 10-YEAR CYCLE of the current DECADE:

(2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, and 2029.

2023 is a 7 YEAR (2+0+2+3=7) – the number of introspection, thinking, and learning, and WEEK 23 is a 5 WEEK, which teaches us the essential art of RESOURCEFULNESS. Deep and beneficial CHANGE can occur in this cycle, if we are open enough to see and sense what it has to teach. In this energy, it is best to assume that you have something new and  important to learn.

JUNE is the 6th month of this 7 YEAR and is therefore a karmic 13/4 MONTH (6+7=1+3=4). This vibration places serious limits on what can be achieved – until we get our PRIORITIES in the right order. To bring some ORDER to the CHAOS, you will have to focus on what truly matters in the long-term scheme of things, and let go of temporary whims and distractions.

6 is the number of HOME and FAMILY. It reminds us that PLANET EARTH is our home, and that humanity is our family. There is also a focus this week on our “right place” in the world, what we consider to be “home”, or where we would like our home to be.

The focus on “home” certainly includes the millions of displaced people all over the world, forced to flee their homes by war, violence, poverty, drought, famine, or other great sufferings. 6 is the number of both BALANCE and EXTREMES, and we will become more aware of this as the events of June unfold.

The circumstances of WEEK 23 will intensify 7‘s need to UNCOVER what is hidden and DISCOVER what is true. 5 brings the opportunity to LEARN FROM NEW EXPERIENCE, and utilize what we have learned from PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. 2 will teach us about the power of PATIENCE and the importance of DETAIL and ACCURACY, which are both forms of TRUTH. That is what we are evolving towards. The corrupt INFORMATION AGE must evolve into the AGE OF TRUTH. And, yes, we’re a long way from home as far as truth is concerned, but that tide is turning too, albeit slowly.

With its emphasis on FREEDOM and ADVENTURE, 5 can take us in a multitude of directions, veering from one thing to another without warning. 5 represents the SUDDEN and UNEXPECTED. 23/5’s IMAGINATION and INVENTIVENESS enables us to ‘connect’ one thing to another, and helps us to communicate and generate unusual but workable ideas.

Of course, every number has its shadow side. In the case of 5, this includes recklessness, failing to learn obvious lessons, addiction, abusing freedom, and simply not caring about anything that does not pertain to the present moment, or to our own selfish needs.

5 also represents our physical bodies – and the physical world. The natural environment is highlighted – along with humanity’s reckless ignorance when it comes to recognizing the damage we are inflicting on the very planet that sustains us. Mother Earth is our ultimate life-support machine. She enables us to exist in physical form.

Conscious disregard for vitally important matters is also one of 5’s shadow elements, not only in environmental terms, but also when it comes to how we treat each other. The younger generation have a colossal task ahead of them if they are to accomplish what previous generations could not. But they do have the 2 vibration of the 2000s on their side, which prioritizes those very aspects, whereas the 1 vibration of the 1000s was so focused on the SELF.

So, yes, the opportunity does exist for humanity to learn what we need to learn in order to survive, and evolve into Free Will, openness, spontaneity, caring, and PEACE.

In response, however, the old male-driven, self-centered system of the 1000s is tightening its grip in sheer terror at the thought of being “replaced”. But that old self-destructive way of life cannot evolve with the times because it’s very basis revolves around winners and losers, control, deceit, cruelty, selfishness, bullying, war, and the ultimate prize – being #1 (supremacy).

2 is the number of sharing, and the old system has no acceptance for that. As the old ways descend further into the unconsciousness of denial, their destructiveness and ill-feelings pose a tremendous danger to all of life on Earth, and to the planet herself – but they are sinking, nonetheless.

We are experiencing the end of an age – an entire 1000-year cycle of time. And until we, as individuals, and as a species, start laying the groundwork for something new and different in terms of HOW we live, the chaos, danger, destruction, and suffering can only increase. We cannot continue to live in two different time frames simultaneously.

And that’s where the evolving 1 energy has something to say, as it is 1 that we are evolving FROM. 1 is the number of the individual. 1 is also the number of change. 1 is the first number. So, the necessary changes must take place in the individual first. Only then can we connect to other numbers (other people) and EXPAND our potential to create and grow.

23/5 brings change through friendly collaboration. People working together for the good of all, opens the way forward.

There is something extremely appealing about the number 23. It attracts. It draws. It is magnetic. It gets attention. Of course, it can suck us into false realities and make us believe things that are not true. But it can also uncover common ground on which people can unite for important causes, despite any differences they may have.

7 is the number of THE MIND, and 5 is the number of CHANGE. And a change of mind creates a change of direction. 5 represents all things ‘different’, including the different layers and cultures that make up life’s beautiful and essential diversity. When 5 is derived from 23, we see different ways to proceed. We recognize our options.

2 represents transparency and openness, while 3 represents all forms of communication. So, while 23 can certainly facilitate trickery and deception, it also enables us to recognize and see through those old pretexts and ruses.

NOTE 2: It would be a good idea to read all of this week’s forecasts as well as your own. They are all connected through the central positioning of 5.



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Stop trying to control things. Certain information must fall into place before you can know what to do next. Your fear of losing control is understandable, but it is creating unnecessary friction. In this case, losing control does not mean losing out. It means finding a way to release yourself from whatever is controlling you. The tide is turning. Swim with it, not against it.


This cycle enables you to better understand your position within a relationship or group. It may not be perfect, but it can certainly grow stronger if you act with fairness, dignity, and intelligence. This is a cycle of connection, knowledge, and balance, and if you see yourself as others see you, you will soon realize the value of what you have to offer.


You can now complete an important part of a creative process. However, if you are trying to please or cooperate to the extent that your own needs are going unsatisfied, this cannot work to anyone’s advantage, and must stop. Only from a more balanced approach can the right decisions be made. Take some time – just for you.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






Recognize where you are unprepared, inexperienced, or just disappointed. Try to accept differences with grace and patience. It could be that you have something to learn in a roundabout way. Your current situation is temporary – a short pit-stop at which to unclog the lines of communication, remove an uncomfortable inner blockage, fuel up with wisdom and encouragement, and allow that defensive wall you’ve been building – to soften, crumble, and fall.


You must find a way to live freely among others who also have a right to live freely. You may be tempted to brush someone or something off as irrelevant, but the fact is that you need a friendly base from which to operate, to feel comfortable, and perhaps share a responsibility that you cannot handle alone. If this union is to succeed, your cooperation or contribution must be genuine.


If anger arises, don’t get too involved in what is triggering it until your view of the situation is clear. Meanwhile, find a way to keep your faith alive. Spontaneous expression is very healing, but it can be harmful if its purpose is misunderstood or momentarily forgotten. Avoid other people’s outbursts, and if you feel the urge to have one of your own, do so privately and safely. Emotions are not meant to be acted or blurted out – they are meant to be felt.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





Weekly Forecst


You need to get a feeling or suspicion off your chest. The situation seems ‘strange’ and may involve a reality that you’re trying to protect – or protect yourself from. Once your fears are expressed, relief can be experienced. Being honest with yourself will dislodge the deadlock that is weighing you down and blocking your imagination. This cycle enables you to see yourself – and others – in a more realistic light.

Weekly Forecst


The emphasis is on resourcefulness, developing confidence, and changing a habit or routine – permanently. Be honest about what you want and what you don’t want – what is possible and what is not. Be aware of what you already have – what you have to work with – your resources. This cycle can help you to intelligently assess where, how, and with whom to proceed.

Weekly Forecst


As one situation ends, another is showing signs of growth and potential. However, feelings of instability will be felt until you recognize what’s holding you back. In order to move forward, you have to LET GO of what you’re holding onto. Your sense of belonging is affected and may involve your feelings about loyalty and love. Keep your deepest principles in mind as you decide what you really desire, and how to make it happen.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






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numerology 4.


Monthly Forecast – JUNE 2023

TO CALCULATE YOUR NUMBER FOR 2023, simply add 7 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation).

Example birthday: April 26:

Month: 4

Day: 2+6 = 8

Year: 2+0+2+3 = 7

4 + 87 =19 (Keep adding until you get a single number).

1+9 =10

1+0 = 1

In this example, the Year Number for 2023 is 1.

If you are in doubt about your Year Number, use the contact form on this website and let me know your month and day of birth. (Year of birth is unnecessary in this calculation).

Use your Yearly Number to read your Monthly and Weekly forecasts throughout 2023.



monthly forecast

This Monthly Forecast describes how the 6th month of JUNE interacts with your 1 YEAR (1+6=7).       

To learn is to change. Our destiny is to learn and keep learning as long as we live. ~George Leonard

Slow down. There are very few guiding lights in your life in June’s karmic  1 6 7   vibrations, other than your gut feelings. Life is urging you to let go of a variety of old beliefs and attitudes so that your new beginnings can actually begin. Until you do this, and accept your present reality for what it is, the tiresome game of ‘wait-and-see’ will continue.

It is perfectly natural for you to feel unsure of what lies ahead. Don’t rush, jump to conclusions, or criticize. Be quiet. Be alone. Be honest. You are on the brink of a major turning point, and you will be able to maneuver this change of direction more easily if you will just allow yourself to feel your inevitable fear of change which is being suppressed by guilt.

Guilt doesn’t want you to know that you’re feeling fear. Guilt doesn’t even want you to know you’re feeling guilt. When guilt is denied like this, it reverses itself into blame, which is then unwittingly projected onto someone else.

Undo any judgments you have made against yourself and others. This will bring you into the present, which is the only position that allows you to see how things have changed over time, and how to move forward from here.

Yes, this is a test of your faith in yourself, so do not give up on your hopes and dreams. But do be prepared to adjust them to suit changing realities. Be determined to learn what must be learned in order to take care of your needs and desires. Don’t worry about being alone. You need solitude and rest this month – and you need to listen to your own thoughts instead of other people’s ‘opinions’. It is time to stop being your own worst enemy, and become your best friend instead.

Do not try to put on a show or manipulate. This month provides an element of transparency in which others can see what you are refusing to see – or show.

You are capable of leading your own independent life, and no matter who is involved, you are the only one you can depend on for success and fulfillment. Once you accept this fact, you will be able to share your life with others in a state of ease.

If you feel pessimistic, intolerant, or unable to think straight, try to recognize those deeply buried emotions that you are refusing to admit and release. Admitting an emotion means LETTING IT IN to your consciousness. Healing an emotion means feeling it, accepting it, and releasing it OUT of your body – expressing it – from the inside out.

Others are not holding you back. It is your dependence on their acceptance, approval, or assistance that is causing the problem. When you get to the root of what you are truly feeling, there will be many moments of raised awareness and inspiration, and many questions will be answered as your natural energy levels are restored.

Accept the past just as it was, the recent past included. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have all the answers. Just have faith in the future – and in your ability to achieve what you were beginning to think was impossible.

You will be presenting yourself and your ideas to the world next month, so use June to make sure that you – and your ideas – are presentable. Life is slowing you down now so that you can gather information, study, and analyze the facts – before you make your case to others.

Be sure your plans don’t depend too heavily on other people or outside factors. Take full responsibility for yourself. Use your natural talents and assets. Don’t fool yourself about this. Whatever you are good at, whatever you enjoy, whatever you have an avid interest in, whatever you love – therein lies your talent – your calling. Listen! It is calling to you now.

 Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 1 YEAR CYCLE

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





monthly forecast

This Monthly Forecast describes how the 6th month of JUNE interacts with your 2 YEAR (2+6=8)

It is far better to let those concerned know what is on your mind than waste precious time playing hide and seek with other people’s feelings, while they do the same with yours.  ~Sally Brompton

Enough is enough! A certain situation has become self-defeating and can no longer be allowed to drift aimlessly along. Let others be who and what they are. It is time for you to regain your dignity and start realizing your own worth again. Then you will be more able to appreciate the worth of others whose good qualities, in most cases, really do outweigh their flaws.

Pay great attention to detail. June emphasizes your personal power and enhances your ability to make things happen and get things done. Despite interruptions and distractions, a jolt of inspiration could turn out to be a real boost to your confidence. Don’t exhaust yourself by taking on too much or aiming too high at a time when only smaller goals are attainable. A small as they seem, they are nonetheless vital steppingstones to your long-term aspirations – and they need to be treated as goals in themselves.

In June’s powerful 2 6 8 vibrations, you will need to focus on your reputation, finances, contacts, and other resources. By providing a service to others, you can open lucrative doors for yourself. You may have to share someone else’s problems this month, but you’ll also have a chance to share in another person’s gain. Listen. Someone else’s experience may help you better understand your own situation.

Restore your optimism by releasing the suppressed feelings you have been carrying inside for so long. Instead of being beaten by past and current circumstances, accept yourself as you are now, and sense the brightness of your future. Notice and appreciate those areas in which your life has become more comfortable, pleasant, and real.

One thing is certain: unless you learn to prosper independently and take care of your own needs, there will always be someone else to whom you must answer. No one owes you a living – or anything – and this is a time to appreciate the support you do have by showing others that it is worth their while to support you. You, in turn, may find yourself supporting someone else who really does need and deserve help.

Patience and diplomacy are the keys to your success this year, and you will lose valuable allies if you take an aggressive approach. Stay alert. Protect your assets. The path you are on right now is brimming with opportunity and hidden connections, but you will still have to use persuasion, not force, to make the most of them.

Resisting the power that other people exert over you is not a matter of severing ties, running away, or using aggression, but of changing the way you react to others. What may seem like a conflict of interests is actually a reminder that others have something valid or valuable to offer.  Or perhaps life is reminding you that unless you take care of yourself first, you will be unable to take care of anyone else.

Tread carefully. Consider other people’s feelings, rights, and circumstances. You may not have a leading role right now, but you do have a lot to contribute. Compliment and encourage others. Think things out before you act. Do one thing at a time. June provides a new sense of timing, ambition, and direction.

Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 2 YEAR CYCLE

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00


CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





monthly forecast

This Monthly Forecast describes how the 6th month of JUNE interacts with your 3 YEAR (3+6=9).       

There seems to be a door on the way to remarkable success that can be passed through only by those willing to persevere beyond the point where the majority stop and turn back. ~Earl Nightingale

June concludes another phase of your life which will be defined by whatever comes to an end. In these insightful 3 6 9 vibrations, an emotional situation must be put in its proper perspective as you make a change that you may have been avoiding. This is a cycle of tremendous growth if you can let go of things, attitudes, issues, habits, or even people that you have outgrown.

You may not actually take your next step until next month or later in the year, but an ending made now, in your heart, can set you in a new and more rewarding direction. Face the facts and clear some space in your life for new opportunities to come in.

A change must occur in the way you see and express yourself. Accept the past as it was so that it does not have a chance to contaminate the positive new reality that is forming in the present. Notice how you allow others to influence your decisions. Be aware of your fear of what others think of you.

A current problem may be based on your feelings towards a particular person – a parent, the beliefs of a parent, even a parent who is deceased; a spouse, lover, friend, relative, associate, boss, or some other figure who influences your thoughts and feelings more profoundly than is good for you.

No one is holding you back. It is your response to someone or something else that is preventing you from moving forward. When you are too concerned about other people’s opinions of you, guilt is involved, and it seems that in this cycle of ‘letting go’, guilt may be what you most need to let go of!

Just because someone else cannot take your needs seriously does not mean that they are not serious needs. If you have difficulty defining your present needs, they are those very basic and simple things which make you happy and for which you are now longing.

June brings an emotional situation to the forefront and may test your ability to remain optimistic. The purpose here is a cleansing and healing one with your future happiness and wellbeing in mind.

This is a transforming month, full of fabulous highs and sobering lows in which issues of the past return so that you can end misunderstandings. June is a cycle of giving, endings, and deep emotions. If you feel that you are sacrificing in order to give, then you are not giving because you want to, but because guilt is telling you that you should. Accept that guilt is dictating to you here and that giving, purely for the joy it brings, is one of the most satisfying feelings there is. No matter what you intend to give, it cannot happen until you let go of something.

Assess for yourself those things that have no constructive or loving purpose in your life; that have clearly prevented happiness – and let them go. Perhaps it is a feeling which needs to be released. Pride perhaps? Fear? Anger? The need to control? Let it OUT, and you will feel the exciting vibration of your new potential.

Forgive yourself – and others – and your optimism and belief in yourself will return. Whether you realize it or not, others are taking you seriously and are a little in awe of who you are, what you have accomplished, and what you can accomplish.

Sometimes, endings can feel like the weight of the world being lifted from your shoulders, so that balance, inner-peace, and a greater sense of self-worth can be experienced. These are the feelings that arise when emotional matters of the past have been accepted and healed. They enable us to deal more realistically with the stresses and strains of our times – and they shine a light on our next step forward.

Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 3 YEAR CYCLE.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00


CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





monthly forecast

This Monthly Forecast describes how the 6th month of JUNE interacts with your 4 YEAR (4+6=1+0=1).       

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. ~Buckminster Fuller

You have arrived at the 4 year’s exciting “fields of possibility”. and it’s time to stand tall and start taking a chance or two. It is also time to plant a seed, which if rooted in the right place and at the right time, will start to flourish in August. This is going to take focus, honesty, confidence, and hard work! Stay totally aware of your reality and you will land safely on your feet, in friendly territory.

However, a detrimental influence, which could be one of your own attitudes or habits, must be eliminated. This no-nonsense month urges you to take yourself and your abilities seriously. Self-acceptance and an independent approach are necessary. Delays and obstacles are indications of how dependent you are on outside factors, especially your need for the approval of others.

Obviously, you must approve of yourself first, but in order to do that, you must genuinely believe in what you are doing. 4 represents the BUILDER, and you must therefore understand the true nature of what you are trying to build, otherwise you cannot be sure that what you are creating is something you actually want.

Be aware of the ripples that emanate from any movement you make. Don’t just brush those flaws or problems under the rug. You need to clean up your act, rather than hide the dirt!

You now have the power to change a frustrating situation by changing your view of it, and your position within it. Embrace this month’s dynamic energies and realize just how much you love yourself – and your life; how much you are loved by others, and how much you love and appreciate them.

June’s innovative  4  6  10  1  vibrations heighten your perception of who you actually are – your sense of identity – and the importance you place on your reputation. One of the reasons you are comparing yourself to others this month and are seeing yourself in a new light, is because life is urging you to recognize and cherish those characteristics that make you unique.

This cycle can take you from the person you are now to the person you have it in you to be. Therefore, you will have to let the “old you” go, so that the “new you” can emerge more comfortably. You can only do this by having complete acceptance for who you were, and by realizing that regrets are unnecessary.

As new understandings occur within, many aspects of your outer reality will also start to change. Others are aware of the growth you are experiencing, but if you do experience someone else’s negativity, take a stand and speak up for yourself. In most cases, however, by focusing on what you have to do, the complaints or attitudes of others will have little influence.

Recognize where you are repeating the same old unproductive patterns. There is likely to be at least one instance of hypocrisy this month. Be aware of this inconsistency. Stop judging others simply because they are different. It is your own “differentness” that you must now accept with love.

Break from the old and limiting and welcome the new and exciting. Believe in yourself and start something NEW. Do something you have never done before. Be flexible. Learn to adapt and bend your uniqueness to your circumstances. Be yourself, but do not alienate yourself from the people you need by ill-timed or inappropriate actions, or by insisting that you are right, and they are wrong. Be willing to learn new things.

You may wish you had more encouragement or help with the workload, the details, your plans, your dreams, or even your basic needs. But you are left to fend for yourself. Although you certainly need others for love and support, it is important not to depend on them for the results you seek. If someone lets you down this month, or if you do not get the support you expected, it is all part of June’s theme of independence, self reliance, and change.

Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 4 YEAR CYCLE.  

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00


CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





monthly forecast

This Monthly Forecast describes how the 6th month of JUNE interacts with your 5 YEAR (5+6=11/2). 

No one wins a conflict unless both feel understood and enlightened about the theme or nature of the other. ~Arnold Mindell

Sense your way through this cycle by cooperating peacefully with current conditions, and with those people to whom you are connected. Many aspects of your past are catching up with you now, offering you a wonderful chance to soothe and heal old anger, sadness, and fear that you’ve been carrying around with you for far too long. This is also an opportunity to let go of any guilt or feelings of unworthiness that arose out of past events.

Allow old memories to emerge. Outwardly express the feelings they trigger. There is no need to be ashamed of or traumatized by the past, or afraid that the future will be a repeat of it. However, if your focus is overly self-serving, you could create a humbling situation. This is 5’s way of showing you that you cannot go any further in the direction you’ve been traveling. It all changes now – if you let it.

The 5 Year is one of change and freedom, but first your unexpressed feelings need attention. To heal them, you have to feel them! Once you do, you will realize just how free and open you are becoming. Be sure to remind yourself, frequently, that Free Will IS ever-expanding openness. So many details are coming into the open this month!

June’s  5  6  11  2  energy provides you with a heightened awareness of reality. It emphasizes your options, helps you to make intuitively-based decisions, and understand the roles that everyone is playing. The circumstances of June can renew your faith in yourself and help you to deal with an issue which, only a short time ago, you would have been afraid to face, or perhaps gave up on. As loose ends continue to be tied up, you will feel your personal power returning.

Meanwhile, blend in, take a moderate approach, and do not try to manipulate or force anything. Even if you become the center of attention, keep in mind that June is a time of WAITING.

Your understanding of personal or professional relationship is being put to the test. Recognize where you have allowed the beliefs or behavior of others to hold you back or push you in directions you didn’t want to go. You cannot change others. They are who they are, and their experience of life is different from yours. But you can change yourself – simply by BEING yourself.

Patience, sensitivity, reliability, and modesty are needed while you figure out what changes you will need to make in the near future, including changes to the way you communicate. Appreciate the input of others. Cooperate. Appreciate. It won’t be long before you need some willing cooperation yourself.

Remember: much is going on behind the scenes which will soon improve your situation. Be patient. Listen attentively. Pay attention to detail. Respect your own and other people’s feelings. This rather humbling month of distraction and intrusion is improving your overall timing and is providing vital clues to the direction you will soon be taking. Remember that nothing can be intimidated, coerced, or attacked within June’s magnetic field without it reacting to you in the same way.

June’s change of focus allows an exchange of information to take place which can help free you from the past, and at the same time, show you glimpses of a much brighter future.

Accept that mistakes have been made regarding your understanding of ego, patience, relationship, teamwork, cooperation, and how you deal with the everyday realities of life, which may include a very important responsibility. Be sure not to repeat these mistakes now. When this experience is gained, you will feel the stress of recent and past events leave your life. Your consciousness will expand, and you will sense the true connection between you and someone else whose reality you are only just beginning to comprehend.

Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 5 YEAR CYCLE.

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00


CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





monthly forecast

This Monthly Forecast describes how the 6th month of JUNE interacts with your 6 YEAR (6+6=1+2=3). 

The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice – it’s conformity. ~Earl Nightingale

June’s complex double-6 (12/3) vibrations enable you to communicate effectively in response to what could be an extreme situation. But this cycle is so light and “scattered” that you may have a problem noticing that such a situation exists until you find yourself in the middle of it.

You must develop a deeper appreciation for your own personal needs if you are to stop feeling like a victim. While some circumstances are indeed beyond your control, June brings opportunities to recognize and appreciate the happiness that already exists in your life and use this energy to turn a close relationship into a loving friendship. First, you may have to release some heavy feelings of resentment or hopelessness under which your natural optimism is buried.

Whether it feels this way or not, you are now in a cycle of creativity, joy, love, laughter, social interaction, communication, and natural beauty. These are the gifts which can sharpen your view of reality and make this a successful month. There is no need to force a smile or keep up a phony appearance of happiness. Just allow yourself to feel whatever happiness is within you, and it will be genuine.

If guilt tells you that it’s wrong to feel happiness when others cannot, remember that guilt’s nature is to deceive and deflect. Remember, too, that others cannot recover from their problems if guilt is telling them that they are responsible for your unhappy mood. This way guilt wins by bringing everyone down. Let others draw from your optimism and cheerfulness – as and when they need to, and indeed, if they choose to.

Some of June’s vibrations focus on physical attraction. Others emphasize emotional magnetism. This combination has distinct problem-solving and healing properties. One way or another, physical and emotional healing is what this month is about.

The past has gone, and yet it is still affecting your life and may now be draining your energies in a hard-to-define way. Regrets are unnecessary. In fact, you would do well to think of the past as wisdom – a pool of experience from which you can draw answers to a current problem. It is time to create a new experience by learning from the old, and then letting yourself move into present time.

Be friendly and encouraging, but do not be deceived by mere surface appearances. Be affectionate, helpful, and try to focus on what really matters. Communicate honestly with friends and family. Don’t assume that everyone will or should agree with you, or each other, and don’t jeopardize your safety or wellbeing by involving yourself in issues that have nothing to do with you. Remember your priorities, and do not give support to anything you don’t believe in.

In this reflective cycle, if you see yourself in people that you do not like, you are actually seeing the extent to which you dislike yourself. In this highly creative and innovative cycle, you may now have to contend with a destructive element – someone who is far from creative, far from cordial, and far from happy. If so, communicate in a way that does not overwhelm, scare, offend, shock, or bore. Don’t try to control or dominate. Happiness can only come from within, and can only have a positive effect on others when it is genuine.

You will be amazed at the solutions that come to you by relating your circumstances to nature’s eternal cycles of ebb and flow, day and night, beauty and beast, and life and death. Human life is only part of the big picture. A broader understanding of this will show you that your current circumstances have a deeply healing and loving purpose.

Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 6 YEAR CYCLE.

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00


CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





monthly forecast

This Monthly Forecast describes how the 6th month of JUNE interacts with your 7 YEAR (7+6=1+3=4). 

Everyone sees one or two things in his life that make him doubt his normality, doubt his sanity, doubt his very existence. For a moment the orderly universe is disarranged, and the fabric of belief is ripped. But the moment passes.  ~Robert Sheckley

If you sense that you are boxed in and that one problem only seems to compound the next, do not deny how this is making you feel. Instead of hiding your present reality, allow someone else into your private world. They may not hold the solution, but sharing your dilemma can give you a new perspective.

In June’s karmic  7   6   13   4   vibrations, feelings of restriction, loneliness and vulnerability may arise, along with delays, detours, cancellations, and tedious details. Approach such matters with the determination to do what needs to be done. Stop beating yourself up over a past event or ‘mistake’. It was a road you had to travel to get where you want to be.

June may bring you to what you believe are your emotional, mental, or physical limits. The answer is to accept your situation exactly as it is. Only then can you expand your belief in yourself. Your present limits are being caused by an inner fight you are having with reality – including the reality of what you are feeling.

Your willing acceptance of what ’is’ will push those limits away from you. Although they will still be there, (we all have limits), they will no longer place such extreme pressure on you. Then you will see where your next step lays.

By organizing, sorting, analyzing, and prioritizing, you will be clearing a path which will make a particular goal much easier to reach. Hard work now will pay off later. However, be aware that the hard work and clutter involved may be more mental and emotional than physical or material. Life is trying to help you build a solid base for your future. However, even the best laid plans may need to be changed to suit changing realities.

This month’s events are also pointing out that your plans must be put into action systematically, one step at a time. Face the facts (and the chores) that you have been avoiding. Sort it all out, detail by detail. Be aware of how your own stubbornness may have contributed to the problem. When you have squarely faced the facts about yourself and certain others in your life, you will experience a strong and comforting sense of accomplishment.

The restrictive nature of June in the 7 Year, can create a tendency to overanalyze, which means that you already have the answer but are refusing to accept it. Concentrate on a realistic outcome. Visualize and feel the results you want. Be aware of how your thoughts, beliefs, and actions may be compounding the problem. Are you denying your true feelings? Are you using – or losing – your Free Will?

7 can make you think the worst of a situation – the purpose of which is to help you build faith in yourself, and in life. Without faith, we cannot see beyond our so-called problems, and from this point of view, there is no hope. On top of this, June places obstacles on your path, the purpose of which is to help you realize that you are not as limited as you thought. June offers breakthrough – not breakdown – and the precious insight of what it will take to build the reality you want.

So, between thinking the worst, being confronted with obstacles, stretching yourself beyond your limits, exerting effort to build a new reality, and being unsure of what you want to build in the first place, you can see why June in the 7 Year seems tough … until you understand its healing purpose. Then you can regain your confidence, understand your options, decide to take things easier; and stop struggling against situations over which you have no control. You have learned a lot from the past, but now you must have faith in the future!

Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 7 YEAR CYCLE.

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00


CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





monthly forecast

This Monthly Forecast describes how the 6th month of JUNE interacts with your 8 YEAR (8+6=1+4=5).

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. ~Carl Sandburg

This busy karmic  8  6  14  5  cycle responds directly to your innermost feelings. What you are thinking is not the issue. What you are feeling will influence this month’s events, and it is important to know the difference between emotion and thought – and to experience your feelings without words of any kind. Feelings are felt – and positive thinking without honest feeling is mere self-deception.

If you confine your activities to one area you may start to feel restricted and lose the potential for advancement that June offers. Diversify! Where routine has become a bore, do only what must be done, and if possible, do it differently.

This cycle urges constant movement and changing environments, otherwise anxiety about ‘lack of movement’ can throw you off course. This is a time for excitement, resourcefulness, and a rush of adrenalin – and perhaps a vacation or break from the familiar. Travel, or some kind of connection to another culture or reality, is indicated. It is certainly time for a change.

If a situation arises in which you feel awkward or out of your depth, stay aware. This fast paced and unpredictable cycle emphasizes freedom, the sudden, the unexpected, and the use and abuse of power. This can involve people, places, and things that are different, strange, exotic, unusual, or challenging.

Because things happen quickly or erratically in this cycle, you could become reckless or accident-prone if you are not focused. You could get lost in someone else’s reality – or caught up in situations you would usually avoid.

So, pay attention, and as you look at all the chaos and deception in the world, you may need to reaffirm that YOU are responsible for your own wellbeing. It will be difficult to take care of anyone else, or move ahead securely, until you truly feel that way.

Many of June’s vibrations are concerned with the physical, material, financial, and sexual aspects of life and you may need to develop a deeper appreciation for your own physical body. You will then see yourself in a new light – as the beauty of your own personal power – your own Free Will – starts to shine through the surface of your outer skin.

Just remember that not everyone is able to share your point of view, and perhaps, never will. You would be wise to focus on those who are already friendly to your beliefs and needs and are on the same ‘wavelength’.

Don’t overindulge in “pleasures” which may seem enjoyable, but are actually forms of dependency. This includes excesses of food, alcohol, drugs, gambling, extravagance, TV, computer, and other areas that have become strong habits. Excesses of any kind can create unexpected problems this month. You need a clear head. Consider the degree to which any form of addiction depletes your personal power.

A chance encounter or simple conversation can provide the encouragement you need. Perhaps the only thing that needs to change is the self-doubt which arose last month. Again, 8 urges you to appreciate what you alreadyhave and use it to get what you want. Something in your life must change now.

You may want to hold on to – or run back to – an old situation just because you are accustomed to it. But now, life is urging you to develop more courage, accept your changing reality, let go of what is not working, and move confidently into new territory.

One of the main gifts of June is to profit from previous mistakes. Recognize and admit to a mistake, understand its consequences, and stop repeating it. Then it will no longer be a mistake. It will be experience. Are you about to make that same old mistake again? Take a different approach this time.

Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 8 YEAR CYCLE.

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00


CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





monthly forecast

This Monthly Forecast describes how the 6th month of JUNE interacts with your 9 YEAR (9+6=1+5=6).

The one thing we can never get enough of is love, and the one thing we never give enough of is love. ~Henry Miller

A selfless and realistic attitude is needed as you face certain facts about LOVE. June’s  9   6  15  6   vibrations emphasize the home, responsibility, spouse, lover, children, siblings, parents, parenting, pets, relatives, health, friends, and other matters of the heart.

Your deepest feelings are rising. Strong emotional movement is inevitable. Once you honestly express the feelings you have been holding in, you will realize just how much love is buried beneath them, and how holding them in can make you sick.

You may believe that the condition of your physical body affects the way you feel, but in reality, it is the way you feel that affects your physical health – and something is certainly going on with your body this month. Take care of it! If you hold your unexpressed feelings in any longer, their magnetism will attract whatever situation will trigger you into expressing them.

Be careful not to go to extremes in trying to defend your position or principles. June offers a chance for a new and loving beginning in an important relationship. Love must be free. Love that is “held on to” or controlled is not free. Love can only be felt, given, and received in a continuous free-flowing exchange.

Guilt doesn’t want you to admit that you may actually hate someone you claim to love, because guilt does not want you to feel your true feelings. Guilt wants to keep fear, anger, and hatred firmly in place by making you deny that you are feeling these things. However, working through your true feelings is going to make June a very warm and loving month, despite the apparent contradictions involved.

Mental concept – and brief experience – is as far as humanity has been able to develop unconditional love so far. No one on Earth is presently capable of loving everyone and everything. To start with, not everyone or everything can or wants to receive the love you have to give, and it is impossible to love those who horrify and disgust you without denying your feelings of horror and disgust.

Try to accept that everyone is evolving at their own speed, which may be very different to yours. Wanting others to be as you want them to be rather than who they are, is in fact placing conditions.

With so much emphasis on home and family, you may be wondering where “home” really is for you. Childhood memories may emerge: an old neighborhood, siblings, parents, children, old friends, or other matters that are close to your heart.

We are all searching for our ‘right place’ in life. For some, this may involve a geographical move. For others, it means pursuing something they feel passionate about. Consequently, even those who love each other deeply may not share the same ideals or desires. An acceptance of each other’s individuality will reduce the confusion and conflict within an important relationship. (Read each other’s yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily numerology. Read their Life Path numbers, too.) This will help you better understand that your right place in life must be felt on the inside first, and this applies to everyone.

You will also realize that until total acceptance for yourself and what you are trying to achieve takes place within YOU, it is impossible for anyone else to fully accept you either. Genuine love and closeness can only remain within a group if each individual is free to be who they are, learn what they need to learn, and go where they need to be, otherwise, familiarity really does breed contempt. Be patient though. Old habits die hard!

In a month in which responsibility is a key issue, realize that by trying to control another or allowing someone else to control you; by assuming that you are responsible for everything or not responsible for anything; by focusing too much on one area of your life and neglecting other aspects, neither peace nor love can exist within your relationships.

A balance must be found which makes room for everything you love.

This is the ideal time to DO whatever you have been putting off at home or work, and to clear any kind of backlog that is cluttering your life. There can be much relief here.

Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 9 YEAR CYCLE.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00


CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:







Creative Numerology – COPYRIGHT © 1999 TO 2024 – Christine DeLorey – all rights reserved

numerology 4.


TO CALCULATE YOUR NUMBER FOR 2023, simply add 7 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation).

Example birthday: April 26:

Month: 4

Day: 2+6 = 8

Year: 2+0+2+3 = 7

4 + 87 =19 (Keep adding until you get a single number).

1+9 = 10

1+0 = 1

In this example, the Year Number for 2023 is 1.

If you are in doubt about your Year Number, use the CONTACT FORM at the bottom of this page to send me your month and day of birth. (Year of birth is unnecessary in this calculation).

Use your Yearly Number to read your Monthly and Weekly forecasts throughout 2023. (Your Personal Year runs from calendar year to calendar year – not from birthday to birthday).



NOTE 1: Not only are we in the Millennium of the 2000s, the Decade of the 2020s, and a 10-week cycle in which all the Week Numbers begin with 2, we are now in WEEK 22 – a time for big ideas which benefit others, and being prepared to work hard to bring those ideas to fruition. 22 is the master vibration of 4, and 4 represents dedication.

This is also a time to take good care of yourself, because you can’t adequately do for others if you’re not doing for you. WEEK 22 is a time to raise your awareness, and sense your way along, no matter what the circumstances happen to be. Everything starts within, so, if you want to create a kinder world, start with being kinder to yourself.

Life pulsates, moves, and breathes. Life has rhythm, sound, vision, depth, perception, and multiple dimensions. Life is conscious. Life feels and is felt. As we continue to move more deeply into this concentration of 2, people everywhere are FEELING life with an ever-deepening clarity – and simply being aware of how confusing it all is, is an important part of that clarity.

Keep this in mind as the week unfolds:

2 is a gentle slow-moving energy,

but if you try to push against it or

speed it up, it pushes back hard

and slows you down even more!

2 is the number of patience,

caring, attention to detail,

and right timing.

NOTE 2: Your weekly forecast doubles as a daily reading on WEDNESDAY, MAY 31 (5+3+1=9), and again on SATURDAY, JUNE 3 (6+3=9). This repetition occurs when the month and day add up to 9.  Be sure to re-read your weekly forecast on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY.

NOTE 3: Additional insight can be gained by reading the 1, 2, 4, 5, and 7 Forecasts as well as your own.  In fact, ALL NINE forecasts are extremely potent this week, and will affect us all at various times.



PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE




Meaningful change is often accompanied by a temporary shock, infused with feelings of loneliness and confusion. Real change is not a mere mental concept. You really do have to feel it. This is a chance to heal from such a shock by forgiving yourself and others – letting go of guilt and blame – allowing the past to move into its right place, behind you – and moving with confidence into the reality of present time. Lighten the load! And remember that comparing your reality to other people’s, causes much unnecessary stress.


Is someone, or life itself, conspiring against you? Or is this just the fear that arises when aspects of your life are in a state of imbalance? Give others the cooperation they need and the credit they deserve. Listen to them. The truth may be uncomfortable, but don’t ignore it. Progress is possible now by taking a complete break from whatever has been draining your energy and throwing you out of balance.


Don’t make assumptions before you have all the facts. Judging by appearances – or believing that “appearance” is all that matters – are major lessons here. Stand back and carefully assess your position. Look beneath surface appearances. Seek more information. Think long-term. Devise a plan of action. Recent events reflect only pieces of a much larger picture. Quantity can be burdensome now, so choose quality instead. As you finally face your own denials, visions of your greater potential will occur.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






The theme is lightening the load and simplifying any overly complicated areas of your life. This is a time to relax, revitalize, and heal. Discomfort between certain people is a clear indication that a change is needed. Be yourself, and let others be who they are, but don’t allow anyone to lay down the law, issue ultimatums, or set your pace. Something unproductive must end before anything worthwhile can begin.


You may be shocked to know how much you depend on others for your everyday wellbeing. The truth is that you are the only one you can rely on. Who and what have you been taking for granted? If you are not aware of their value, you cannot appreciate them – giving rise to the saying: “you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone”. This cycle reveals a stubborn streak and involves an adjustment to the way you communicate.


Don’t be afraid to hold back until you have a more detailed view. Don’t be afraid to say, “I don’t know”.  But don’t use your ‘not knowing’ as an excuse to stay uninformed. Information is available. Get the details right because there is an opportunity here to achieve something important. However, good ideas and good news often fall victim to ignorant minds. So, an unexpected result, or a negative response, need not shock you unduly. Believe in yourself. Be prepared to adjust.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





Weekly Forecst


Don’t discard a good idea just because it’s not happening immediately. Patience and diplomacy are your greatest strengths now. Take everything in your stride, and find a balance between wanting too much and expecting too little. Your mind is being stretched by the new and untried. This may feel exciting, or it could feel like a mental overload. Relax. Your options are more numerous than you think.

Weekly Forecst


Take an objective view, rather than one that is blurred by hearsay or the fear of how others may judge you. Be friendly. People who believe in themselves have no need to be aggressive. Of course, it will be difficult to believe in yourself if you do not have all the facts, and especially if the facts are being, manipulated, covered up, or ignored. Keep an open mind. Test those ideas. Play with them. Experiment. And start turning an idea into reality.

Weekly Forecst


As parts of your past enter the present, you are likely to encounter glimpses of future possibilities. Action must be taken, but it is too early to know what is plausible and what is not. Meanwhile, you have much to offer. Be sensitive, reasonable, and kind to yourself as well as others. If you neglect ‘you’, you will be unable to take care of anything or anyone else.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






 Subscribe to my FREE newsletter for email notifications of all my articles and forecasts. You can unsubscribe at any time. Your information will never be used for any other reason than notifications about this website.

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TO CALCULATE YOUR NUMBER FOR 2023, simply add 7 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation).

Example birthday: April 26:

Month: 4

Day: 2+6 = 8

Year: 2+0+2+3 = 7

4 + 87 =19 (Keep adding until you get a single number).

1+9 = 10

1+0 = 1

In this example, the Year Number for 2023 is 1.

If you are in doubt about your Year Number, use the CONTACT FORM at the bottom of this page to send me your month and day of birth. (Year of birth is unnecessary in this calculation).

Use your Yearly Number to read your Monthly and Weekly forecasts throughout 2023. (Your Personal Year runs from calendar year to calendar year – not from birthday to birthday).



NOTE 1: WEEK 21 is a 3 Week, (2+1=3). It connects us to the 3 energy of the 21st CENTURY, (also 2+1=3), and emphasizes the enormous power of COMMUNICATION, the global fight to control it, and therefore control everything that goes into our minds. Mind control.

COMMUNICATION isn’t just an industry. COMMUNICATION is a natural phenomenon through which we LEARN and UNDERSTAND.  3 is the number of CREATIVITY, and this move to so-called “artificial intelligence” is stealing other people’s creative or intellectual output, and their hard work, and can potentially destroy the creative urge and the ability to learn.

The more we rely on technology to think for us, the less we can think for ourselves. And this destroys our feminine energy, which is our ability to FEEL. Without feelings, there is no curiosity, and no desire, the very things that keep our evolving creation (life on Earth) vibrating. Vibration is movement. And movement is life. The opposite of creation is destruction.

WEEK 21 has a “now you see it, now you don’t” quality to it. We are likely to become more aware this week of how deceiving outer appearances can be. When 3 is misunderstood or abused, our attention remains on the surface and cannot venture as deep as it needs to go. Yes, 3 represents shallowness – which can have us scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to quality and choice, and is the principle energy behind gossip, hearsay, and hostility towards “others”.

WEEK 21 is a 3 WEEK in a 3 MONTH. (May 2023 = 5 + 7 = 1+2=3).

3 is the number of friends and friendliness. It also represents enemies and spite.


WEEK 21 begins on the 21st of May, which produces even more 21/3 energy.

2 is where we are (the feminine magnetic 2000s)

1 is the era we are evolving from (the masculine electrical 1000s)

3 is the number of HAPPINESS, but it is difficult to sustain happiness in a world so rife in misery, suffering, hate, violence, and constant threat. Therefore, it is necessary to find and express happiness whenever we can – from those “little things” that bring us joy, to those big things that are so vital to life, such as love and friendship. And if love and friendship are not immediately attainable, then at least we can develop loving intent, rather than resentment and hate, and exhibit friendliness rather than hostility.

As we evolve from the corrupt “information age” to an age of truth, the truth itself continues to be twisted and manipulated. But remember that we are also moving through a 10-week cycle in which all the WEEK NUMBERS begin with 2, the number of OPENNESS and TRANSPARENCY. This connects us more securely to the 2 energy of the 2000s. And notice how the current WEEK NUMBERS correspond to the numbers of our current DECADE of the 2020s20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29, until July 23, when WEEK 30 brings a 10-week cycle in which all the week numbers begin with 3.

Of course, we are still in the fog of this 7 GLOBAL YEAR, (2+0+2+3=7), which adds to 3’s element of APPEARANCES, and how deceiving they can be.  7 is also the number of INTELLIGENCE, (natural not artificial). It is the number of learning and gaining wisdom. And 2 is helping to lift some of that fog, by demonstrating the importance of PATIENCE, INSTINCTIVE KNOWING (intuition), ATTENTION TO DETAIL, DIPLOMACY, COOPERATION, and RIGHT TIMING.

3 brings OPTIMISM and CONFIDENCE – and 7 brings PESSIMISM and FEAR – all of which are inevitable at this time.

NOTE 2: Your weekly forecast repeats as a daily forecast on MONDAY, MAY 22, 2023. This repetition occurs when the month and day add up to 9, (5+22=2+7=9).  9 is the number of endings, drama, awareness, empathy, and deep emotions.  

At the same time, 22 represents powerful alliances, big ideas, and large-scale action. This could also be a prelude for upcoming Calendar Week 22, which runs from May 28 to June 3.  

MAY 22, 2023 is a 7 DAY in the world (5+22+7=3+4=7), which connects to the 7 energy of 2023 itself (2+0+2+3=7), making this a day of unexpected revelations, or the learning of something we simply did not know before.

NOTE 3:  It would also be a good idea to read the 7 Forecast as well as your own. The 1, 2, 3, and 5 Forecasts are also highly potent this week.



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All that stands between you and your ‘right place’ in this chaotic world is lack of experience. If you feel unable to make a change, notice how you are pushing one way while the road itself has changed direction. Remember: “a bend in the road is not the end of the road – unless you fail to turn.  We often think of change as an abrupt reversal of what is, but what seems like abrupt change is often the result of steady and gradual progress – something that has been building up over time.


Realism is the theme. Don’t rush. You still don’t have or understand all the facts. Something must end, and you are feeling more sensitive than usual. Doing nothing is not an option, but you must exercise patience and caution in the action that you do take. If you cannot admit (or even see) where things went wrong, you will be unable to put them right. You are now dealing with true feelings – your own and/or someone else’s – which may come as a surprise!


Your resistance is visible, as if you are blocking anyone who could distract, disagree with, expose, or upstage you. Trying to hide your fears of failure or rejection cannot help. In fact, pretending they don’t exist is exhausting you. There is no need to be defensive. BE who you are. Relax with yourself. Communicate openly and encourage others to do the same.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






You are now able to attract others of like mind or those who can help you in some way. It is not a matter of getting others to approve of you, but to join up with people who already do; people who want you to succeed. Half of you has the desire to cooperate, but the other half is fighting to retain what it believes is your dignity. Know the difference between determination and stubbornness. Shed that awkward armor and accept yourself just as you are.


This cycle offers courage, insight, and enthusiasm as you change course and release yourself from an aspect of the past. As you evolve, it is natural to wonder if you are doing the right thing. However, now that your conscious mind has been stretched to new proportions, there can be no going back to what you are leaving behind. You are much freer than you may realize, but more time is needed before you can feel truly comfortable again.


This cycle highlights the beauty of friendship and peaceful acceptance. Make requests, not demands. Use words that heal, not hurt. Treat others as equals no matter what sort of hierarchy is in place. Notice the power that arises when two seemingly opposing ideas are combined. Notice the unnecessary pressure created by comparing yourself to others, while ignoring the extent of your own progress.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





Weekly Forecst


When you fight off your feelings, you fight with yourself, and this inner struggle is making your life heavier than it needs to be. The feelings involved are those you have judged to be ‘negative’ – the ones you’ve been holding IN instead of expressing OUT. Now is the time to release these natural emotions – safely and privately. Your feelings must be felt, accepted, and expressed, no matter what their form – and you must be fully responsible for them. Proceed with peaceful intent.

Weekly Forecst


A situation contains potential which, if felt at the emotional level, can bring the rewards of partnership and the merging of ideas. The importance of how you express yourself cannot be overstated. Do not take on too much or go overboard to make a point. You do not want to be judged any more than others want you to judge them. Your own star is burning brightly and has no need to outshine anyone else’s.

Weekly Forecst


Confidence cannot be faked indefinitely. Insecurities will eventually seep through. Genuine confidence inspires – but keeping up appearances is an impossible act to maintain. It’s not easy trying to build a satisfying future while aspects of the past keep invading the present. Their purpose, however, is to prevent you from repeating an old mistake, or to help you let go of an old unproductive habit or situation. This cycle can help you gain a more balanced appreciation of your own worth – not in monetary terms – but as a human being – which is where genuine confidence begins.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






 Subscribe to my FREE newsletter for email notifications of all my articles and forecasts. You can unsubscribe at any time. Your information will never be used for any other reason than notifications about this website.

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TO CALCULATE YOUR NUMBER FOR 2023, simply add 7 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation).

Example birthday: April 26:

Month: 4

Day: 2+6 = 8

Year: 2+0+2+3 = 7

4 + 87 =19 (Keep adding until you get a single number).

1+9 = 10

1+0 = 1

In this example, the Year Number for 2023 is 1.

If you are in doubt about your Year Number, use the CONTACT FORM at the bottom of this page to send me your month and day of birth. (Year of birth is unnecessary in this calculation).

Use your Yearly Number to read your Monthly and Weekly forecasts throughout 2023. (Your Personal Year runs from calendar year to calendar year – not from birthday to birthday).



NOTE 1: WEEK 20 marks the beginning of a 10-week cycle in which all the WEEK NUMBERS mirror the years of the CURRENT DECADE (20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29). This further empowers the principal number of our times — 2 — which comes from the new millennium of the 2000s.

We are moving through extremely sensitive energy which will affect us personally, and as an evolving species. We have experienced a lot of 2 energy in the past 23 years, but this is the most concentrated it has ever been, and it will grow even stronger as we make our way through this unpredictable evolutionary decade.

2 is the number of depth and substance, and we have much to learn from it. And because 2023 is a 7 Global Year (2+0+2+3=7) – the LEARNING YEAR – we are likely to learn more about the 2 energy (and ourselves) in the next 10 weeks than we’ve ever known. We now have an opportunity to evolve emotionally and mentally at the same time, as sensitive feminine 2 and intellectual masculine 7 combine and support each other.

Or, of course, they can fight each other, which is what happens when we shield ourselves from what we most need to look at and understand – otherwise known as denial of reality.

This week, the results of the past can be felt in the present, and this enables us to KNOW WHERE WE STAND. In WEEK 20, reality dawns, and we come face to face with what our true priorities need to be right now. We are living at a momentous time in which people everywhere must CHOOSE the direction they want their lives to go. CHOICE is the very basis of 2, which means that there is more than 1 option. And remember that a change in your priorities creates a change in your direction.

We are dealing with a diverse array of numbers and realities this week.




3 is the number of GOSSIP, RUMOR, and HEARSAY, because it enables things to SPREAD and SCATTER. 3 is the energy most used to deceive and misguide. COMMUNICATION in its many forms is under attack. 3 represents the EVENTS, the STAGE, and the STAGING OF EVENTS. 3 is also the number of the 100-year cycle of the 21st CENTURY, (2+1=3). 


It is also important to be aware of the time frame we are evolving from – the 1 energy of the 1000s.

1 represents competition, and what we’re experiencing now is COMPETITION at its most extreme.

You might say that a country that is invaded by another is not engaging in competition, but in self-defense, and that is true. But in order to defend itself, it must vehemently fight back, or become “occupied” – or “owned” – by the invader. That is the brutal and futile nature of war. The nature of competition is to destroy the competition, which is self-destruction.

The bullies, dictators, autocrats, and misogynists are competing amongst themselves as to who can be the most shocking and cruel. Their focus is on wielding power, not empowering people. And because the ultimate prize is BEING #1 itself – they will eventually destroy each other. In the process though, they will do their damage.

Remember that being afraid of something that stands to harm us is our honest response to reality. It gives us the incentive to be brave. Without fear, courage cannot exist. Don’t be afraid to be afraid. It was denied fear that kept us asleep for so long. But to prevent becoming stuck in fear, we must better understand what really does need to be feared, and let go of any irrational or petty fears we may be holding onto.

 The Will of the people is evolving. And that’s what the oppressors are so afraid of. However, their fear is so deeply denied that the chances of their ever waking up is slim. The nature of the Will is to be free, among others who are also free, to embrace the richness of our diversity, to peacefully experience life in our own unique way – and thrive. No matter where we live in the world, we are ALL connected. We are many – and we are 1.

 “Don’t let yourself become numb to this. Don’t let them bombard you with so much inhumanity that you just tune it out. Don’t give up on the dream of living in a humane world, where people in need are cherished and lifted up rather than turned away. They want you to give in. Don’t.”    ~Elad Nehorai

NOTE 2:  Be sure to read the 7 forecast as well as your own. The 1, 2, 3, and 5 forecasts are also very potent this week.



PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE




Whether you’re trying to make something happen, prevent something from happening, or both, notice where an old perspective or belief has become irrelevant. Slow everything down so that a new and more accurate understanding of reality can reach your consciousness. How others perceive you is not the issue. How you perceive yourself is what matters now. Who are you? What do you desire? Where are you going? Why?


You seem to be looking at reality more closely, patiently, and intelligently, rather than assuming you should already know the answers. The closer you get to a breakthrough, the more confined or ineffective you may feel. But don’t give up. As this slow cycle proceeds, make careful preparations and new connections, cooperate, look, and listen. Be patient with the details, with others, and yourself.


Let yourself adjust to the change of atmosphere that recently swept through your life. No matter how scattered you feel, remember that you do have choices. Notice how peer-pressure and keeping up appearances make achieving a goal – and your day-to-day life – so much harder. And notice how genuine belief in yourself has a way of smoothing the bumpiest roads. On the road to becoming yourself, you are developing COURAGE.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






You have been experiencing your own extremes just lately, and you must try to bring yourself back to a more balanced position. Don’t assume anything. An old chapter of your life is ending. How do you want the new chapter to begin? Be aware of your abilities – and visualize – conceptualize – how you can best put them to use. Then start to organize your life around that. Don’t compete. Just BE yourself.


You may be stuck in a situation you think is normal and therefore should not be changed. But oh how stifling ‘normal’ can be! Fear of feeling the emotions that facing the truth may trigger can cause you to turn a blind eye, a deaf ear, or an unfeeling heart to a very real situation. How relaxed are you with other people? Not how relaxed are you able to ‘appear’, but how relaxed do you actually feel inside?


You are experiencing your feelings more intensely because recent events have caused you to look at life from a more intense angle. Allow your feminine emotions to complete themselves. Once your masculine mind accepts its feminine counterpart as its equal, the intelligence you gain can be astonishing! Recognizing and accepting your powerlessness is often the first step to regaining your power.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





Weekly Forecst


Slow right down. Listen rather than speak. You have a lot to learn from other people now. Be flexible, willing to experiment with new ideas, and to UN-learn some of the things you thought you “knew”. This cycle reveals certain prejudices (pre-judgments) that you may be holding inside, so that you can become more accepting – which is very different from being more tolerant.

Weekly Forecst


Do not judge an idea until you are more aware of its possibilities. Look realistically at what you’ve already got. It holds many clues. Do not allow others to affect your decisions – or the quality of your life. If you try to carry more than you need, you could lose the sensitive balance it has taken you so long to achieve. Ask for the help you need – and accept it with grace and gratitude.

Weekly Forecst


The needs or circumstances of others may eclipse your own, but a better understanding of their reality can greatly improve yours. You are dealing with future possibilities, as well as matters of the past which are affecting the present. Take it slowly. Don’t force anything. Let things unfold in their own way and time. Relax. Conserve your energy. Be patient – especially with yourself.

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






 Subscribe to my FREE newsletter for email notifications of all my articles and forecasts. You can unsubscribe at any time. Your information will never be used for any other reason than notifications about this website.

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Weekly Forecast


TO CALCULATE YOUR NUMBER FOR 2023, simply add 7 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation).

Example birthday: April 26:

Month: 4

Day: 2+6 = 8

Year: 2+0+2+3 = 7

4 + 87 =19 (Keep adding until you get a single number).

1+9 = 10

1+0 = 1

In this example, the Year Number for 2023 is 1.

If you are in doubt about your Year Number, use the CONTACT FORM at the bottom of this page to send me your month and day of birth. (Year of birth is unnecessary in this calculation).

Use your Yearly Number to read your Monthly and Weekly forecasts throughout 2023. (Your Personal Year runs from calendar year to calendar year – not from birthday to birthday).



NOTE 1: WEEK 19 is a 1 WEEK (1+9=1+0=1). This is the final week of a 7-week cycle in which all the Week Numbers are KARMIC NUMBERS TEEN NUMBERS.

When this cycle started in WEEK 13, I said there would be an emphasis on teens and young people in general, and indeed there was, and still is. I also mentioned that the TEEN WEEKS always have a generational element to them, which tends to bring back memories of our own teen years, no matter how old we are.

19 is a karmic holding pattern that contains everything we did not learn (or let go of) in the past, and everything we need to let go of now in order to evolve into a more peaceful existence.

While 1 (the number of SELF) drives us forward, 9 (the number of COMPLETION) pulls us back to unresolved matters of the past. So, back and forth we go – unable to make real headway until we truly understand what our past experiences actually were – and the effect they are still having on us. That’s what the Karmic Wheel is – consequence – learning the laws of cause and effect – what goes around comes around.

Karmic 19 brings forward all that was started but not completed. Our unfinished business eventually boomerangs back to us – in the form of life-changing lessons and the tying up of loose ends.

This applies to the history of the world, as well as our own personal lives. Every year has a WEEK 19, but 2023 happens to be a 7 YEAR, (2+0+2+3=7) – the LEARNING YEAR, therefore, the lessons to be learned now are extremely important. Remember that your particular lessons or unfinished business may be quite different from other peoples’, even those to whom you are very close. We are all going through something.


WEEK 19 in a 7 YEAR is likely to reveal just how complicated and multi-layered our present reality on Earth actually is. So, we really do have to pay attention to detail.

19 is always followed by 20, and the fact that we are living in the transparent 2000s and the 2020s makes those lessons all the more urgent – as if we are finally catching up with time. We can only understand the present through awareness of the past.

Current events are conspicuously linked to events that occurred in the 1900s, and this week, 1919 and 1991 in particular.

1919 was the 19th Year of the 20th century.

It was in MAY 1919 that the 19th AMENDMENT of the USA was passed by the House of Representatives, recognizing the right of women to vote (although it was not certified until 1920).

In 1919, Italy’s Mussolini coined the phrase FASCISM to describe his cruel totalitarian political movement. It is important to understand how and when something started, and how it has ended up. 1 = beginnings and 9 = endings.

In 1919, in the USA, an outbreak of racial massacres occurred against prosperous black communities, in Tulsa, Washington DC, and several other cities across the country. This murderous theme continued into the 1920s as well.

In 1919, the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre occurred in India by the British colonists, using Gurkha, Baloch, Rajput, and Sikh troops. In other words, Indian soldiers were deployed to kill their own people.

In 1919, the Republic of Ireland was born, while Northern Ireland, (Ulster), remained under British control.

In 1919, the Russian Civil War was already underway, and resulted in the Russian occupation of many surrounding countries. It renamed itself the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics – or USSR. Ukraine was declared part of the USSR in 1919. That reversed itself in 1991 with the collapse of the USSR and its return to the name RUSSIA.

Also in 1991, Ukraine held a public referendum, the question being, “Do you support the Act of Declaration of Independence of Ukraine?” The response was overwhelmingly YES. But Russia attacked Ukraine again in 2014, and again in 2022. Will WEEK 19 bring decisive movement here, I wonder?

In 1991, Wayne LaPierre was elected CEO and executive vice president of the NRA.

1 = SELF, and 9 = LOVE. And so, SELF LOVE is a major aspect of what 19 has to teach. It shows us that when we truly love ourselves, we do not become more selfish – we become more loving.

19 emphasizes the uncertainty in your life and in the world. But the 2 energy of the new millennium brings transparency into the situation, and the 5 energy that comes from the month of May brings a yearning for meaningful and constructive change.

1+9 = innovative 10, which can bring you, and what you’re doing, to a whole new level… if you just let yourself feel the power of 1 – the power of YOU. Let your belief in yourself build.

On the other hand, 1 and 0 make up the binary code, and are the principal components of our computerized world. In the teen weeks of 2023, much attention has been given to the potential horrors of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.

In this 7 YEAR (the number of the mind) it is becoming frighteningly apparent that the more we allow machines to think for us, the less we are able to think for ourselves. The more we refuse to FEEL our true feelings, the less able we are to look at reality, and the more inclined we are to rely on machines instead of expanding our own ability to THINK. While it may have some extremely valuable uses, without strong regulation, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE is the opposite of FREE WILL.

The MASCULINE MIND can get things done provided there is a path available – a means to do it. But when it comes to breaking down barriers and creating meaningful change that will hold and endure, it is the feminine emotional WILL that opens new paths for the MIND to follow. FEMININE EMOTION without the benefit of the masculine mind makes emotional expression MINDLESS. And MASCULINE THOUGHT without the warmth of emotion freezes our thinking and renders us both THOUGHTLESS and FEELINGLESS. Machines do not – and CAN NOT – feel. 

Karmic 19 has much to teach us, especially as far as human evolution and all aspects of FREE WILL are concerned.

“When will they ever learn,

when will they ever learn.”

~ Pete Seeger (1919 – 2014),  Where have all the flowers gone

NOTE 2:  Be sure to read the 7 forecast as well as your own. The 1, 2, and 9 forecasts are also very potent this week.



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A delay or distraction is occurring for your benefit. The harmony you seek can only come through cooperation and the acceptance of differences. Your self-consciousness is a fear of how you are being perceived. It stems from your reluctance to accept yourself as an equal. This affects your inner comfort level, which in turn affects your behavior, habits, and confidence. This cycle enables you to learn from experience.


Try to relate to the needs and feelings of others. Don’t mistake humility for weakness. Genuine humility is your greatest asset now, and it is not something you can fake. Allow your heart to soften, and you will realize that humility enables you to communicate without self-consciousness, and to seek the truth rather than merely repeat what you have heard. This is not humble pie. It is knowledge. It is power. Eat it up!


You are standing on a steppingstone, and the resources at your disposal need a friendly and hospitable atmosphere in which to develop. Communicate your needs – and listen as others communicate theirs. Don’t stretch yourself in all directions to please or get ahead. Be clear about what you hope to achieve, and respect the hopes of others. You need them and they need you – and there is beauty in this balance. On the road to becoming yourself, you are developing COURAGE.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






It is time to look at your story from a different angle. Some things are simply not going to change any time soon, and you really do need to accept that fact. Focus on areas of your life with which you are actually content. Appreciation increases the value of what you already have. A wide array of feelings is moving within your body. Don’t ignore the ones that make you smile. They are a potent fuel, indeed!


Before you go rushing off into the jungle, gather relevant information and get organized. Be prepared. You may learn something valuable from an unexpected source. You are holding feelings inside that are bursting to get out – feelings that guilt has told you you’re not supposed to feel. But you ARE feeling them. You certainly don’t have to act them out; but you do need to acknowledge and better understand what is triggering them.


This is a cycle of deeper understanding. Communication is emphasized – how we hold words back to prevent personal involvement; how we use humor to deflect seriousness, how we twist words to obscure reality, and how we form opinions without studying the facts or questioning their source.  Speak your truth. Accept that others know more than you in certain matters – and vice versa. Listen carefully – and use what you learn to improve a difficult situation.  

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





Weekly Forecst


You are experiencing intense feelings, one of which could be hate. You may instantly deny this – until you consider that hate evolves out of anger that is not allowed to move. If you think recent events (or perhaps the events of a lifetime) did not trigger anger in you, then the guilt that is causing that denial must also be addressed. Only then can you put the past in its right place, behind you, and move on with your life. Recognize any hardened anger you are holding in, and allow this natural emotion to express itself – privately and safely – out of your body.

Weekly Forecst


Talk is useless when your emotions are all tied up in an unmoving ball inside you. So, don’t talk – just feel. Then you will be able to notice your advantages and resources. Knowing what you’ve got is the key to getting what you want. Perhaps you need to adjust and rearrange your life around what you want to achieve, instead of struggling to merely fit it in. It’s time to put your priorities in the right order. Remember that your life belongs to you!

Weekly Forecst


It may seem that no matter how hard you try to do things differently, you simply end up repeating the same old pattern. However, just noticing this pattern is the first step to breaking it. You may be reluctant to return to matters of the past, but it is in the past that the answer you seek is stuck. In order to recognize who you are and why you are here, you need accurate information about your own history.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






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Monthly Forecast – MAY 2023

TO CALCULATE YOUR NUMBER FOR 2023, simply add 7 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation).

Example birthday: April 26:

Month: 4

Day: 2+6 = 8

Year: 2+0+2+3 = 7

4 + 87 =19 (Keep adding until you get a single number).

1+9 =10

1+0 = 1

In this example, the Year Number for 2023 is 1.

If you are in doubt about your Year Number, use the contact form on this website and let me know your month and day of birth. (Year of birth is unnecessary in this calculation).

Use your Yearly Number to read your Monthly and Weekly forecasts throughout 2023.



monthly forecast

This Monthly Forecast describes how the 5th month of May interacts with your 1 Year (5+1=6).

The study of change is the study of survival.  ~Edward T. Hall

May emphasizes balance and extremes, relationships, relatives, domestic matters, location, health and healing, responsibility, justice, forgiveness, and peace. It is important to base your decisions on your true feelings. However, because you may be feeling extremely protective towards yourself and loved ones, you must also be careful not to jump to conclusions or prejudge anything.

In May’s   5   1   6   energy, events may force you to focus on home or family matters, on those you love, or those to whom you are closely connected. If you have depended on someone or something too heavily, you will now realize that nothing and no one can be taken for granted in the 1 Year. And, because so much emotion is involved in this cycle, an extreme or uncomfortable situation could emerge, even though it may not be entirely unexpected.

Accept that everyone is living and evolving at their own pace and don’t try to manipulate or take control. Don’t take on responsibilities that are not yours. You may think you are responsible for someone else’s problem, or that they are responsible for yours. You may believe it is your responsibility to keep everyone happy. You may think you have no responsibilities at all. You may even find yourself being held responsible for something. This may be difficult to understand right now but your responsibility is clear: you must take care of yourself first, otherwise you will wear yourself out and be unable to take care of anyone or anything else.

While others are caught up in their own changes, you may find yourself with a new problem to solve or a deeply emotional situation to deal with. Assess where you truly fit in to it. Appreciate the feelings and needs of all concerned. Do what you can to help, but encourage others to find their own solutions, and remember that independence is this year’s theme.

A know-it-all, self-righteous, or judgmental attitude, is a sure sign that you are denying some powerful feelings, such as fear, grief, and/or anger. Until the lessons of love and responsibility are learned, this leg of the journey may jolt you from one extreme to another.

Focus on your home. Or are you wondering where your real home actually is? As an old reality ends and a new one starts to form, try to renew your faith in yourself and in life. No matter how restless you feel, you are in the right place, and this is the right time, to gain the experience you need.

Begin or expand a project that is dear to your heart. Stop judging yourself from the perspective of who you used to be, and bring yourself to a new level of commitment. You will always be what you judge yourself to be, and until you change a particular way you see yourself – and what you are capable of – true satisfaction may never be reached. Then you will have to deal with the frustration of not knowing why.

You have reached the outer edges of a brand-new beginning in your life. Will you walk confidently into it? Will you take a greater responsibility for your own well-being and happiness? Will you accept this new path of love, balance, and connection?

If you find yourself traveling unfamiliar roads during May, this is an indication that you really are ready to take a different, exciting, and more responsible path out there in the world, and that no matter how hard it is to let go of the past, once you do, a new and better tomorrow will be able to form. This month, a new understanding about love can result in a loving new beginning or fresh start.

 Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 1 YEAR CYCLE

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





monthly forecast

This Monthly Forecast describes how the 5th month of May interacts with your 2 Year (5+2=7).

Courage does not always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow”. ~Mary Anne Radmacher

Having to face your own reality last month has probably left you eager to make some positive changes, but you still may not be able to see the best approach. Don’t rush. New understandings must be reached, and specific adjustments must be made before you can gain the stability you desire.

Slow down. Navigating your way through May’s ‘strange’ vibrations will require an open and alert mind. There is no outside light to guide you. In fact, the only light that can illuminate your current reality exists within – and this is also the only light that can help you revive your sense of dignity. Keep a low profile and go about your daily affairs slowly and quietly. Cooperate and help where you can and ask for cooperation where needed.

Remember how the year started off and take a detailed look at where you stand now. Notice how you are connected to everyone and everything around you, and how you have handled certain people and situations. If your approach has yielded favorable results, continue in that way. If not, there may be some part of your reality that you are not seeing or relating to. Be honest with yourself. Only then can you relax from this stress, and gently move yourself into a kinder and easier segment of your journey.

To begin with, you don’t have to spend every waking moment reeling from a recent event or clash, or worried about what the next problem may be. Unexpressed emotions are causing this strain. Feel them – express them outwardly – and let them go. Then you will understand what needs to be done next. And, while you’re waiting for more understanding to come in, make manageable and achievable plans which match the direction you want to take.

Don’t be afraid of strange dreams or sudden flashes of intuition. Equate them to your current situation. This month’s emotional awakening is trying to stir a sleeping (or battered) ambition. Feedback from others can trigger what needs to be felt here. Stay alert and remember that any problem you encounter in May’s   2   5   7   vibrations can be turned around to your advantage.

 In this peculiar and perhaps surreal month – a cycle of secrets – you are learning about the power that comes with the acceptance of reality, and the deadlock brought about by denial.

Be tactful. Be careful with whom you associate – and be very aware of the games people play in order to ‘get ahead’. You cannot afford to waste your time or resources. Don’t lower your standards.

The answers you seek can be found in the details, so pay great attention to aspects that you would usually ignore. Listen attentively, not only to what others are saying, but also to your own inner responses. Widen your outlook and try to be more flexible and relaxed.

 Be aware of both your strengths and your weaknesses. The lessons here are those of self-acceptance and gaining a balanced appreciation of your own worth, (self-love). Of course, you may have to feel your way out of some disappointment (sadness), frustration (anger), or confusion (fear) to learn them. You may also find yourself facing a moral dilemma of some kind as you struggle to understand the meaning of freedom.  

May’s energies can, at first, trigger feelings of being inadequate, vulnerable, or unprepared. You may believe you should be doing more to help yourself or someone else. Relax. Just do what you can. Guilt always tells you that you should be doing better than you are. But from the understanding that your best really IS good enough, your ability to relate to and cooperate with others will expand. Then you will experience a quiet confidence that feels warm, nurturing, and genuinely loving.

Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 2 YEAR CYCLE

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00


CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





monthly forecast

This Monthly Forecast describes how the 5th month of May interacts with your 3 Year (5+3=8).

What we vividly imagine, ardently desire, and enthusiastically act upon, must inevitably come to pass.  ~Cezanne

It’s time to snap out of it, wake up, and make some positive waves. The power of communication is featured this month, along with friendliness, popularity, and giving others what they want in order to attain what you want. A potent energy has entered your world, urging you to implement last month’s plans or ideas even if, in part, they seem undoable. “Where there is a Will there is a way!” In May’s    5   3   8  vibrations, a decision must be made and carried out.

You may be afraid to do something that you are perfectly able to do, and it is time to face that fear head on. As abstract as it may seem, your biggest and most debilitating fear is likely to be that of taking full responsibility for your own life. You can release this fear. You can succeed.

Feel the positive energy surrounding you, including an improvement in the way others are able to relate to your side of the story, your ideas, talents, or potential. Even if you are not getting this kind of attention from others right now, don’t worry. This could be a sign that these are not the people with whom you are meant to be dealing on a long-term basis. Or perhaps they are being distracted by other issues. No matter what, believe in your ability to succeed, and understand that you do not need the approval of other people to live as you want to live. 

In general, if you need something, ask for it. No matter how difficult a task appears to be, keep at it. Don’t give up. And don’t focus on the rewards alone, as this will reduce your focus on what you need to do in order for the rewards to follow.

It is important that you believe that your life has taken a turn for the better, no matter how turbulent the waters may seem. This month’s combination of energies represents a big step forward into a future which you are designing by the strength of your desire, belief, and action.

You have more ability to make things happen this month than you have had in a long time. If you have to rely on a friend or relative to assist you, be grateful, kind, and willing to learn new things. Don’t let anyone or anything undermine your confidence. The magnetism of your determination and clear-headedness will draw opportunity to you.

There may be an improvement in your finances, business affairs, or relationships, or an opportunity to enable these improvements to occur later. This level of growth often requires a courageous leap of faith – a radical shift beyond the previously imaginable. So jump in and become passionately involved. Do not limit yourself. Just do what needs to be done. The dress rehearsal of the past four years is over. This, my dear, is the real thing!

Now, each step you take towards a goal is a goal in itself. If you feel stuck, remove yourself from the situation for a while and focus on something unrelated. This diversion will relieve your stress, rejuvenate your senses, and give you the incentive to get back in the game.

But what if things are not going well? What if you have lost instead of gained? What if you feel disappointed, empty, or unable to see anything positive in your situation? What if there is no hope in sight? If you look closely at everything that has transpired in the last two years, you will realize that this cycle is showing you an aspect of your own power that you have not used before. Now is the time to start using it. 

Keep going until you get it right! Yes, effort and determination are needed. But what a wonderful gift it is to finally know what you want, and what you have to do to get it.

One way or another, the events of this month will reward you richly. The time for speculating is over. The time for doing is here. It may take longer to reach your destination than you imagined, but still, the journey has begun.

Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 3 YEAR CYCLE.

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00


CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





monthly forecast

This Monthly Forecast describes how the 5th month of May interacts with your 4 Year (5+4=9).

Those who don’t remember the lessons of the past are condemned to repeat them.  ~ George Santayana

Endings, completions, tolerance, generosity, accepting reality, and letting go of the past, are the themes of May. The time has come to free yourself of the weight of your unexpressed feelings, because that is what is making you feel so confined. Let it all out, safely, and privately – and then feel yourself moving forward again.

In May’s emotional   5   4   9   vibrations, issues from the past may be preventing you from focusing on the positive potential of your present situation. You may feel angry towards someone else, but if you get deep into this feeling, you will realize that you are angry with yourself for a multitude of reasons which guilt keeps pointing out.

Only you can end whatever you are subconsciously blaming yourself (or someone else) for. Once you do, you will be able to move comfortably ahead.

Finishing something you have been putting off will open more space in your life. Wherever there is space, there is potential for new opportunity to come in. You really do need to simplify.

There may be some delay, frustration, or loss this month, or perhaps you are still feeling the effects of a previous loss. If someone or something has left you, or seems to be leaving you, understand that you do not own this person or situation. Look for the cause of the separation and allow the wheels of freedom to turn as they need to. This does not mean giving a free reign to those who need assistance or guidance, such as children, but the energy of this month does suggest that a more accepting or understanding attitude will serve the best interests of all concerned. 

Be generous. This includes giving your time and effort; giving of yourself in a particular field or service; giving a sympathetic ear or supportive shoulder – or giving practical assistance or advice. Let go of resentment or insecurity and openly encourage or assist someone else. In another instance, you may need to stand up for yourself, get back in the driver’s seat, and take control of your life as much as circumstances allow – without trying to control others.

Take the time to observe how you and certain people affect each other. Stand still and look at your reality, and how it is connected to theirs. Stop fighting the fact that you are who and where you are. This cycle is restrictive, but it provides a valuable lesson in seeing all sides of the story – not just the side you prefer, or the side you are afraid of.

Open your imagination and let those new ideas in – the ideas you have been shutting out of your conscious mind because you don’t know how to make them happen within the confines of your current circumstances. Look at the bigger picture instead of getting lost in the nit-picking details. How can you expect to create a new reality for yourself when you are merely lurking in its shadows, unable to stand out and dazzle the world with your true colors? Discard those old ways which never did work for you. Enough is enough. Out of endings, new beginnings rise.

Climb down from that roller coaster of disappointment. You will soon realize that a particular fear was unfounded. Stop struggling with a situation you can do absolutely nothing about! There is still a long way to go on your 4 journey, but if you are willing to accept that the present, regardless of its details, provides the only entry into the future, then you are over the worst of it now. Remember that the 4 road leads to breakthrough, not breakdown.

Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 4 YEAR CYCLE.  

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00


CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





monthly forecast

This Monthly Forecast describes how the 5th month of May interacts with your 5 Year (5+5=1+0=1).

 “If you don’t go after what you want, you will never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you are always in the same place.” ~ Nora Roberts

In the 5th month of your 5 Year, if something you have taken for granted reverses itself, face this reality squarely and notice that there is more than one way to proceed. You do have a choice. It may be difficult to take a route you have never taken before, but no matter how alien these untraveled roads seem, you can be sure that one of them will lead to the result you want. Take comfort from the fact that if it were not for this upheaval or change of focus, you could find yourself going around in the same old worn-out circles – yet again.

With courage and a sense of adventure, this is a month of dynamic forward movement, new ideas and people, enthusiasm, independence, and sudden development. Someone else’s situation may be reflecting important information to you – or showing you the outcome of not exerting your personal power in the world.

The climb you wish to make must start with a single step. All you need is the courage to make a particular move that you were unable to make before. You may even find yourself being supported in an unexpected way, by someone who has been drawn to your talent, originality, your belief in yourself, or simply to the beauty of your spirit.

Yet, despite all the encouragement that this month offers, you may feel vulnerable, abandoned, or stuck. This is because May’s   5   5   10   1   vibrations require you to stand alone in your new circumstances and experience the power of your individuality and independence. You are in new territory in which you must focus on you, your life, your desires and ambitions, and your ability to be yourself and lead your own life.

A significant change has taken place, and yet your life has not changed enough for you to feel totally comfortable. Give yourself time to adjust to an unexpected shift, and although it is necessary to focus on you, remember that others have their own agendas, priorities, needs, and problems, too.

Be sure that the attention you are receiving is not solely for the purpose of improving someone else’s situation while your own needs remain neglected. Be aware of the games people play. Be realistic.

BEGIN something – a new activity, friendship, relationship, business, or project – or start a new phase of an existing experience. Relax with who you are. Make a change that will remove you from those who don’t appreciate you, and place you where what you have to offer is actually being sought.  

Recognize when you are behaving self-destructively and try to offset this tendency with a more constructive use of your time, energy, and resources. What you are trying to achieve is important – but other people’s goals and needs are important to them, too. The more at ease you feel around others, the more comfortable they will feel around you, and the more progress can be made.  

Recognize past mistakes regarding your expectations of other people, and your sense of self-importance. Your reality has changed direction and it is very important to know where you stand – and to remain flexible. This is a chance to positively transform your life, your relationships, and your view of the world.

Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 5 YEAR CYCLE.

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00


CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





monthly forecast

This Monthly Forecast describes how the 5th month of May interacts with your 6 Year (6+6=11/2).  

Peace can never be achieved by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.  ~Albert Einstein

This month emphasizes relationships, cooperation, peace, love, compassion, details, CONNECTION, and being honest with yourself. Above all, be patient. The art of problem-solving is one of 6’s principle themes, and this month, life may send you a sensitive situation to practice on. Use gentle persuasion and tact. Make suggestions, not demands.

Force and aggression will work against you. But miracles can happen if you are patient enough to wait for them, and aware enough to see the different options available. Take it all in your stride – with the intent of understanding, deeply and compassionately, what is going on.

If you try to force your plans ahead, you may push them into the wrong place and time. By diverting your attention to another person or circumstance, a new experience will arise from which you will gain valuable information. A new intelligence will form which can help restore some much-needed harmony to an important relationship or situation.

If you find yourself saying, “I don’t have time for this”, take a deep breath and just take the time. The world will not fall apart if you stop what you’re doing to sort this out. In fact, something important could fall apart if you don’t. Many details are involved, including some that you are avoiding. Let go of all that stress and go slowly and peacefully instead. Be diplomatic and courteous. The people with whom you must interact this month are all potential partners in some way.

Others may need your attention, patience, and understanding. Don’t judge or condemn. You now have an opportunity to solve a problem which affects you and possibly others. You are well aware of a past mistake, and you know that there is too much to lose by repeating it even one more time.

By fully accepting your present reality, as nerve-racking as it may be, you will finally know what adjustments need to be made. By actually making those adjustments, you will be able to reinvent yourself and achieve an overall improvement in the way you live your life. The erratic pace of May’s sensitive   6   5   11   2   vibrations is helping you to build authentic COURAGE.

You may have to examine your own tactics and motivations to realize just how subtly you may have been controlling others – or have allowed your repressed feelings to control your own behavior. You may even find yourself being held accountable for past actions. If so, accept it. Don’t fight it. Life is merely pointing out a mistake so that you don’t have to suffer its consequences again.

Fear and anger must be recognized within you and given outer expression. Take responsibility for the role that you have played in a particular matter, and instead of allowing blame and guilt to rule, look for common ground on which to build.  

Love must be free in order to be love, so relax with that fact and seek healing instead of deeper conflict. Consider the needs and feelings of all concerned. Insecurity breeds obsession, and this can jeopardize all your relationships. Don’t try to force someone into a position that is merely convenient for you, or allow yourself to be used for someone else’s ulterior motives. This is extreme behavior, and the only thing it creates is WAR. This is a month in which you are learning about PEACE, which of course, starts within.

Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 6 YEAR CYCLE.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00


CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





monthly forecast

This Monthly Forecast describes how the 5th month of May interacts with your 7 Year (5+7=1+2=3).

Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance. ~Confucius

This month emphasizes the joy of life. However, its    5   7   12   3   vibration is so light and carefree that you may fail to notice it or take it seriously. Now, in this serious 7 Year, it is time to understand how your present circumstances hold the answer to your future happiness and fulfillment.

There is also an emphasis on innocence, creativity, communication, social interaction, art, and beauty. Imagine how life would be without these joyful elements. It would not be worth living. Try to feel, accept, and embrace May’s exuberant energy. It will show you how helpful and supportive others can be if you approach them in a genuinely friendly way.

The weight you are carrying is made up of all those ideas, facts, and emotions that you are currently unable to process or express – compounded by guilt, which tells you that you should already know the answers to your questions. This can result in an uncomfortable tension in your shoulders as if you have been carrying something alien on your back and are now trying to shake it off.

Remember that guilt doesn’t care if you find the answers or not. It only wants you to feel guilty – a heaviness you can no longer afford to hold.

Be aware of the flaws, imperfections, or superficiality in some of the activities, people, and things you thought could or should make you happy. 7 dulls the gloss, glamour, and trivial aspects of life, so that you can see reality instead. There could be some concern in matters of friendship, creativity, social standing, your (or someone else’s) physical appearance, or the way in which you and others are expressing yourselves.

The change you desire may require you to learn new skills, behavior, or procedure. Being comfortable and self-assured in foreign or even hostile surroundings is part of what you must learn in order to groom yourself for the opportunities that lie ahead in the months to come.

Friends and family are an important part of May, so don’t become too withdrawn or reclusive. The elements of social connections and secrets come together in a strange way this month. 7 promotes openness, but its opposite reflection is that of plotting, scheming, or hiding the truth. Be aware of the motivations of others – without becoming paranoid. Or is it you yourself who is subconsciously plotting to bring yourself down?

Accept the situation, just as it is, and focus on finding a realistic solution. By creating an optimistic atmosphere, the solution will be easier to accept by all concerned. This is a cycle of self-expression, but do not use it to trivialize, criticize, spread gossip or rumor, or obsess over something. Thoughtlessly expressed words can create havoc in May’s communicative   7   5   12   3   vibrations. There is no need to hurt others – or yourself – just because you are dissatisfied. Communicate creatively, not destructively.

And remember that May in the 7 Year is about planning rather than doing. Be very patient. Give yourself time – the whole month if necessary – for new ideas and structures to form in your heart and mind.

Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 7 YEAR CYCLE.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00


CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





monthly forecast

This Monthly Forecast describes how the 5th month of May interacts with your 8 Year (5+8=1+3=4).

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works. ~ Steve Jobs

May’s   5   8   13   4   vibrations bring you into a down-to-earth karmic cycle which highlights the work that must be done to fulfill a goal – and the obstacles that stand in your way. This month emphasizes the way you see yourself – and how you believe others see you. The circumstances of May can revive your sense of identity, your sense of purpose, and your sense of direction.

As you sort out your beliefs about you and your reputation, you may experience limitations, delays, postponements, mental blocks, and other complications. If so, consider all the details as they arise. Only then can you analyze the situation realistically, and get organized. Make a commitment to getting through this obstacle course, and then feel yourself and your capabilities grow!

You will be amazed at what you can achieve with patience, effort, efficiency, and belief in yourself. This means that you must feel your fear. You may not like how it feels, but this is nothing compared to the feeling of dissatisfaction – self-hatred – you will experience if you do not face and feel your fear, head-on, and take advantage of this month’s opportunity to advance. The key to dealing successfully with fear is to know what should be feared and what should not.

Appreciate what you already have, including your ideas, resources, talent, passion, and imagination. Appreciating them means loving them, using them constructively, expanding them, and increasing their value. Appreciate, too, the people around you whose individuality and problems are very real. Others may be only too happy to cooperate if they know that you truly believe in yourself.

Persevere, chip away at, and break through restrictive situations. In the process of laying this all-important groundwork, you will encounter what you thought were your limits, only to realize that your expanded belief in yourself has pushed your limits to a place where they no longer pressure you. You are READY to take this vital next step.

We often limit ourselves through outdated thinking or because we feel we must do things in a certain way. Some obstacles may seem immovable, such as age, responsibility, limitations of the physical body, finances, or the conditions of your personal or working environments. By accepting the reality of your life in all its detail, you may find that certain “obstacles” serve a constructive purpose.

An opportunity may arise to heal your physical body or make changes to other areas of your life with which you thought you would always be “stuck”. These represent some of the wonderful but less obvious rewards of the 8 Year.

Get plenty of rest this month because current circumstances can deplete your physical energy. Acknowledge that you have a fear of change and feel what your fear is telling you. When your passion becomes stronger than your fear, it is a sign that the power of your Will is finally breaking free. When you become passionately involved with the pressures of getting a goal off the ground, you will be able to look back over the past five months and pleasantly startle yourself with how far you have come.

Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 8 YEAR CYCLE.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00


CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





monthly forecast

This Monthly Forecast describes how the 5th month of May interacts with your 9 Year (5+9=1+4=5).

One’s knowledge cannot go beyond one’s experience. ~John Locke

May’s karmic  9   5   14   5   energy reveals old judgments that have been imprinted on you throughout your life. The more clearly you understand (feel) the inaccuracy or irrelevance of your old programming, and how it is restricting your progress today, the more easily you will be able to steer yourself in a direction that is right for you.

Old programming does not let you see the present situation for what it is. It prevents meaningful change by insisting that what once seemed ‘normal’ still is – or ever was. This month, you may find that what you believed was truth may not be true at all.

Part of you, (your mind), is demanding to know why all this change is necessary, and that you should ‘pull yourself together’, snap out of it, and get back to ‘normal’. But before you do shrug off that other part of you (emotion) as it tries to tell you what it needs in order to heal, be sure to notice how the past has made the present inevitable, and that your craving to get back to ‘normal’ is actually a wish to get back to the past – which is full of the same old mistakes, habits, and ‘programming’ that led you to your present circumstances. It all comes to a head this month.

That is why issues you thought were over are now back in your life!

Guilt and blame have no place in this cycle. Admit that mistakes have been made, but don’t judge yourself or others for having made them. Simply realize that now, the only option left is that of real and meaningful CHANGE. Allow your mistakes – your mis-steps – to evolve into valuable experience.

Be aware of your surroundings or you could become accident-prone, reckless, or unable to keep up with changing situations.  

There is an emphasis on your physical body this month. Take care of it and realize how vital a part of you it is. You may want to block out – deny – your present reality with excesses of food, alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, or some other means of avoiding the emotions involved. In May, your physical condition is an indicator of just how much memory you are suppressing, and how much buried emotion you are holding in.

You may feel lonely standing there at this crossroads – this major decision point – with no idea where any of these roads will lead. But you are not alone. Millions of people, all over the world, are also standing at their crossroads. But it is you alone who must make the choice of either moving forward into a reality of your own design – or returning to ‘normal’ and stagnating in an unacceptable situation.  

This month emphasizes FREEDOM, and you must now free yourself from normal routines and activities, or at least approach them in a different way. In many cases, ‘normal’ is just another word for average.  

Notice how normal conventional thinking has almost killed Free Will on this planet. Allow yourself to think differently. Make peace with yourself. Everything starts with the self, and if there is no peace within, there can be no peace in your outer reality either. 

This cycle responds to your expectations; not what you think you expect, but on a deeper level, what you feel is going to happen. When sudden or unexpected things occur this month, they are likely to be things that you did expect deep down but were unwilling to bring into consciousness and shrugged them off instead. Or you may be thinking very positively about change – but nothing changes. This shows that deep down you did not expect anything to change – and that mere ‘positive thinking’ is always outweighed by denied feelings.

Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 9 YEAR CYCLE.

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00


CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:







Creative Numerology – COPYRIGHT © 1999 TO 2024 – Christine DeLorey – all rights reserved

weekly forecast

WEEKLY FORECAST – April 30, 2023

TO CALCULATE YOUR NUMBER FOR 2023, simply add 7 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation).

Example birthday: April 26:

Month: 4

Day: 2+6 = 8

Year: 2+0+2+3 = 7

4 + 87 =19 (Keep adding until you get a single number).

1+9 = 10

1+0 = 1

In this example, the Year Number for 2023 is 1.

If you are in doubt about your Year Number, use the CONTACT FORM at the bottom of this page to send me your month and day of birth. (Year of birth is unnecessary in this calculation).

Use your Yearly Number to read your Monthly and Weekly forecasts throughout 2023. (Your Personal Year runs from calendar year to calendar year – not from birthday to birthday).



NOTE 1: WEEK 18 is a 9 WEEK (1+8=9). This is the 6th week of a 7-week cycle in which all the Week Numbers are TEEN numbers, and are therefore KARMIC in nature. This means that major lessons must be learned in order to evolve beyond the current chaos. 

Emotional 9 represents endings, completion, compassion, giving, and letting go of whatever keeps us trapped in the past. 

18/9 reveals the extent to which some people don’t care about anything that isn’t central to their own goals and needs. This makes them cruel, combative, and irrational. When people are incapable of accepting responsibility, empathizing, or feeling remorse for wrongdoing, that is denied guilt. And there is nothing more dangerous than denied guilt because it has no moral restraints to prevent it from doing whatever it wants.

When the  selfish side of 1 and the greedy side of 8 combine, they can squeeze LOVE right out of a situation so that hate is all that’s left. Indifference is also a form of hate – in denial.

In unbalanced 18/9 energy, even the most obvious truths are denied, and even the most intelligent people can be fooled by disinformation. Unbalanced 18/9 narrows its focus to power and position, to shield itself from what it fears the most – losing power and position.

1 represents the ego (sense of self), and when the ego is balanced, the need to dominate is replaced with genuine confidence. When 8 truly appreciates what it already has, satisfaction replaces greed and bullying.

In BALANCED 18/9 energy, new ideas and ideals can sow the seeds of a new system of fairness, equity, justice, truth, and Free Will. We are obviously a long way from such a reality, and it is imperative that we recognize that the battle between preserving the war-driven past – and creating a peaceful future – is happening right now in the present. The difference between democracy and authoritarianism is the difference between having a path to Free Will, and having no Will whatsoever.

9 takes us back to the past – so we can learn from it. If we do not learn from the past, we cannot learn anything NEW.

1 and 8 remind us just how dire environmental matters have become, and how human beings cannot seem to grasp the severity of this self-destructive disconnect between ourselves and the natural world. In order to re-connect, we will have to accept the reality that we are not separate from Mother Nature. She is our physical and spiritual life support machine!

NOTE 2: Your weekly forecast repeats as a daily forecast on THURSDAY, MAY the 4th. This repetition occurs when the month and day add up to 9(5+4=9)9 is the number of endings, completion, compassion, giving, and letting go in order to move forward. Feelings intensify on these ‘9’ dates, and because it’s occurring in a 9 WEEK, its influence is doubly strong. Remember to re-read your weekly forecast on Thursday. And yes, yes, “May the 4th be with you!” 

NOTE 3: 2023 is a 7 year in the world (2+0+2+3=7), so be sure to read the 7 Forecast as well as your own. The 128, and 9 forecasts are also very potent this week.



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Where do you go from here? The emphasis is on love, responsibility, where you belong in this world, and with whom. The ‘old you’ brought you this far and does not want to re-travel those tired old circles of the past. The ‘old you’, more than anything, has a deep desire to evolve and move on. So, whatever your situation entails, let the ‘new you’ handle things. It’s time to make a turn onto a more open and independent road.


You have more time than you think, so slow down. If someone else’s circumstances seem more pressing (or interesting) than yours, acknowledge their reality. But as you develop a more effective way to communicate, you may have to play a background or supportive role. Get your priorities straight. Don’t try to force or manipulate anything because your motivation can be clearly seen in this transparent cycle.


You need to be ‘you’ again; to breathe and think for yourself again, to live your own life again. You may be feeling optimistic, but there is no question that you have been hurt along the way, and that healing will take time. Meanwhile, what a strange cycle this is. A vortex, steppingstone, passageway, a shift of focus or scenery – and a reminder that it’s up to you to steer yourself in the direction of your choice.

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






If you feel stretched or squeezed, it could be because you are changing direction but are clinging to an old approach at the same time. It’s OK for your feelings and beliefs to change. In fact, they must change if you are to find stability. Emotional honesty (being honest with yourself) will change your whole view of life. New information or insight may come from someone else, or from deep within yourself. Either way, there is light on your road now.


Your situation is like that of the aspiring young actor who moves to the big city to find fame and fortune – and becomes a waiter. The question is, do you want to be the best waiter in town, or the best actor? If you put all your energy into waiting, your aspirations will have to wait, too! Sometimes you simply have to take a gamble, but in this cycle, the more choices you have, the greater your responsibility to choose wisely.


You need someone else’s cooperation, but you are also in a position to set new priorities and rearrange schedules in order to make something happen. Something must be moved forward, or perhaps you need to catch up with something that has moved ahead while you were busy taking care of other things. Find a more effective way to communicate, which includes listening – and really taking in what you hear.

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





Weekly Forecst


You do not have the full picture yet. This is a phase of development in which to analyze what you have, and devise some kind of plan, pattern, or list which can lead the way to the next step – and then the next. Be patient. Don’t rush. This is a very creative segment of your journey. The pressure that seems to be coming from others is more likely to be coming from your need to please or oppose them.

Weekly Forecst


Reaching a particular goal will take focus, dedication, correct information, and balance. It will also require your full mental, emotional, and physical presence. These are the ingredients of magic – and you now have a chance to turn a good idea into reality. Don’t let guilt convince you that focusing on your own needs would be unfair to others. One way or another, others can benefit from this too. 

Weekly Forecst


Strong feelings may arise as an old situation gives way to a new one. It’s time to break out of that rut, take a different route, and let your true colors shine. Things are ending so that new beginnings can begin. You are strong! And you are probably longing for more freedom to live by your own design. The atmosphere is changing, and there is reason to be confident.

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






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WEEKLY FORECAST – April 23, 2023

TO CALCULATE YOUR NUMBER FOR 2023, simply add 7 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation).

Example birthday: April 26:

Month: 4

Day: 2+6 = 8

Year: 2+0+2+3 = 7

4 + 87 =19 (Keep adding until you get a single number).

1+9 = 10

1+0 = 1

In this example, the Year Number for 2023 is 1.

If you are in doubt about your Year Number, use the CONTACT FORM at the bottom of this page to send me your month and day of birth. (Year of birth is unnecessary in this calculation).

Use your new Yearly Number to read your Monthly and Weekly forecasts throughout 2023. (Your Personal Year runs from calendar year to calendar year – not from birthday to birthday).



NOTE 1: WEEK 17 is an 8 WEEK (1+7=8). It runs from SUNDAY, APRIL 23rd to SATURDAY the 29th. This is the 5th week of a 7-week cycle in which all the week numbers are KARMIC NUMBERS – TEEN NUMBERS. And just LOOK at how teenagers – and young people in general – are being affected as this cycle unfolds. We are seeing just how powerless – and powerful – this age group has become, and is becoming. They are the future trying to form, but how can they form a survivable future if they feel that more of the same (and worse) is all they have to look forward to?

Of course, this powerful energy is affecting us all. Read more about it in my latest article: WHERE WE ARE ~ WEEK 17 ~ 2023 ~ 

NOTE 2:  The 7 energy of 2023 is affecting us all, so be sure to read the 7 Forecast as well as your own. The 1, 2, and 8 Forecasts are also extremely powerful this week.



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If aspects of your situation don’t add up or make sense, give yourself time to understand what’s happening, and don’t set unrealistic deadlines or conditions. Your questions may be profound, but they have simple answers. What do you really believe about your ability to live freely, independently, and lovingly? This cycle exposes old programming that needs to evolve into new understanding – and action.


A certain situation may seem unfair or intrusive, but your acceptance of reality, and the feelings it triggers, will provide the soothing of your ego – and the insight you need. You can now gain more from humility and a desire to learn than from any form of manipulation or aggression. Speak your truth – but be prepared for the pressure of others disagreeing with you. Actually, other points of view can be very helpful now.


This cycle enables you to notice where guilt or rivalry has been mistaken for love. This provides you with the incentive to take a freer approach. How much of your knowledge – and daily routine – is based on other people’s circumstances or opinions? Notice how much happier and effective you are when you are dancing to your own tune, or at least, to a tune of your own choice.

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






The more limited or boxed-in you feel, the more you need to keep things friendly. Don’t take anything too personally. It takes all sorts to make a world. You are now learning about the power of words and images and how easily they can both reflect – or distort – the truth. You need more freedom, and so does someone else. There is middle ground – but finding it will be difficult if one is trying to outwit the other.


Change is movement. Movement is felt. Don’t try to put your feelings into words or act them out. Just feel them moving in your body – including those feelings of compassion that are evolving out of your anger or indifference. Something great can emerge from this experience with emotional honesty. If you are looking for that next step, it’s not far away. You may even be standing on it. There is a chance that you can now do something you thought you couldn’t do – something that can bring more ease into your life.


This is an opportunity to opt out of a thankless situation. Or perhaps a long-standing commitment has come to an end. Either way, your life belongs to you. Feelings of expectancy – or uncertainty about what to expect – are signs that the road ahead holds many options. But first, an old reality must end. You will exhaust yourself if you feel obliged to live by old routines, or other people’s rules or expectations. It is time to rearrange priorities, and perhaps redefine your understanding of success.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





Weekly Forecst


Feel the beauty of your innocence and your desire for friendliness, cooperation, and peace. Recognize a cold layer of heartlessness that you also possess. Be honest with yourself. Let all your harsh feelings and judgments move into love’s light where they can be accepted and healed. When we expect automatic acceptance from those close to us, we place heavy conditions on love. And when we treat each other as we want to be treated, love can flow and heal in all directions.

Weekly Forecst


Keep an open mind because vital information may be coming from someone or something you thought had nothing to teach you. Life is trying to give you what you desire, so make sure you are prepared to receive it. Your fear of failure will subside once you visualize, intellectually and emotionally, exactly what you hope to accomplish. Visualize the journey – and the end result. Feel it with all your senses – and then work backwards to see how it was achieved.

Weekly Forecst


Those intense feelings can help you to break a barrier of denial that is holding you back and keeping you confined. When you change your focus from how limited you are to how capable you are, you will realize that tolerance is just a temporary measure of how much stress you are able to endure. But why put yourself through that? Acceptance of reality opens the way forward.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






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weekly forecast

WEEKLY FORECAST – April 16, 2023

TO CALCULATE YOUR NUMBER FOR 2023, simply add 7 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation).

Example birthday: April 26:

Month: 4

Day: 2+6 = 8

Year: 2+0+2+3 = 7

4 + 87 =19 (Keep adding until you get a single number).

1+9 = 10

1+0 = 1

In this example, the Year Number for 2023 is 1.

If you are in doubt about your Year Number, use the CONTACT FORM at the bottom of this page to send me your month and day of birth. (Year of birth is unnecessary in this calculation).

Use your new Yearly Number to read your Monthly and Weekly forecasts throughout 2023. (Your Personal Year runs from calendar year to calendar year – not from birthday to birthday).



NOTE 1: WEEK 16 is a 7 WEEK (1+6=7)in a 7 YEAR (2+0+2+3=7)in an 11/2 MONTH (4+7=11/2). This is the 4th week of a 7-week cycle in which all the WEEK NUMBERS are KARMIC NUMBERS,  TEEN NUMBERS, which hold essential lessons that enable us to evolve.

7 is the learning number, the number of the mind, but when 7 is derived from karmic 16, these lessons expose what has been hidden. So, this could be a week of many surprises.

7 affects our ability to analyze facts, and when 7 is used with loving or friendly intent, it educates and inspires. This mysterious and intriguing energy holds our attention, and gives us something to think about – food for thought. What we learn in 7 can be transformed into action when we reach 8, because 7 shows us what we are dealing with, what we are up against, and what is going in our favor.

7 teaches us how to make things materialize by executing meticulous PLANS. 7 teaches us the amazing arts of ORCHESTRATION, ARRANGEMENT, and STRATEGY (pulling it altogether perfectly, note by note, step-by-step, detail by detail).

But karmic 16/7 can also bring some very different “arts” into play, such as TRICKERY, CONSPIRING, PLOTTING, and playing cruel games with people’s minds, emotions, bodies, and lives. Karmic 16/7 affects matters of SECRECY, PRIDE, and the ABUSE OF POWER. It exposes self-centeredness, lack of responsibility, and the need for accountability. Genuine feelings of love can become unreasonably conditional and distorted in this vibration.

Without loving intent, this karmic energy results in the normalization of criminal tendencies. It produces an appetite for secretive and illicit actions without regard for how they might affect others – or perhaps adversely affecting others is actually the motive.

In this “revenge” energy, people justify their wrongdoing by insisting that those they hurt somehow deserved it – or that their own wrongdoing simply “didn’t happen”. Such behavior is usually well hidden because 7 represents SECRECY, but in the transparent 2000s, these tendencies are becoming increasingly visible – all over the world.

16/7 can produce paranoia among the general population, but especially among those who are afraid of being “found out”. Desperate people are capable of doing unimaginable things. But 7 also teaches us that fear has a positive purpose if it is correctly understood. It is not a matter of being “fearless”. That would render you helpless in dangerous situations. It is a matter of figuring out – discerning – what needs to be feared, and what does not. Correct understanding of our own emotions is such an important evolutionary aspect.

It is also a matter of never letting go of hope. As the old saying goes, “hope is the last thing to go, so hold on to it…”  Or, as “Rebecca Solnit wrote in her book, “Hope in the Dark”: “Hope is not like a lottery ticket you can sit on the sofa and clutch, feeling lucky. Hope is an axe you break down doors with, in an emergency.”

Of course, 16/7 is not always this extreme. But, right now, transparent 2 is exposing the lengths to which people will go to achieve their objectives and hold on to POWER. Karmic 16/7 exposes the effects of power in unqualified or ill-intended hands, and the formation of partnerships for the purpose of outdoing or controlling others.

In the 16/7 karmic energy, people tend to be successful, only to fall from grace later on, and lose more than they ever bargained for. This is the energy from which scandals are made. The “16/7 fall” occurs when people have been overly secretive, or engaged in some kind of conspiracy to improve their own position, without regard for the harm they inflict on others.

It seems that a lot of prominent people are headed for a fall. When the people understand HOW this system works, the system breaks down because it depends on secrecy to operate. Empires fall as truth closes in.

Wherever people are expressing themselves with exaggerated pride or vanity, or are seeking revenge, their difficulties are likely to worsen. 16/7 also teaches us about the dangers of snobbery – believing that we are somehow superior to others.

This manipulation of the collective mind manifests as large-scale IGNORANCE, and anything that could result in having to feel emotions we do not like to feel, including an irrational fear of “others”. Our own ignorance does not want to get involved with anything that could upset, disturb, or inconvenience us in some way. But ignorance is not bliss. On the contrary, ignorance is emptiness – lack of awareness – the opposite of woke.

Denial of reality is a numbing place. A dumbing experience. When we do look at reality and truly feel it, and react with our feelings, we are told to keep everything ‘positive’. We are told, “Don’t let it get to you. That’s just life.”  But, if we are awake and aware, it gets to us anyway. That’s conscious life – which is perhaps the opposite of “artificial intelligence”.

7 is the number of science, study, and testing theories to reach a conclusion, and sometimes new information can change those conclusions. Scientific learning never ends. However, it is important to understand the difference between science and technology.

Science provides the knowledge. Technology is what people decide to DO with that knowledge.

The best approach to 16/7 is OPENNESS and HONESTY, and the peace that occurs when we have a balanced appreciation for ourselves – including our faults and areas of inexperience. In order to get things right, we have to be able to admit, especially to ourselves, where we got it wrong.

There is a ‘strangeness’ about the 16/7 energy – a fog – which acts as a veil for all kinds of deception and secret activity. Many situations that appear to be mere quirks of fate or “coincidences” are often the result of 16/7 reaching its point of no return – and suddenly the truth floods out for all to see.

It is interesting to note that TENNESSEE is the 16th State of the USA.

Remember this: karma is the drawing of experience that teaches us what we most need to learn in order to evolve. And that same magnetism can be used to draw desirable experiences, too.

NOTE 2:  The 7 energy of 2023 is affecting us all, so be sure to read the 7 Forecast as well as your own. The 12, and 6 Forecasts are also extremely powerful this week.



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You have the ability to move your life in a new direction, but you do not have the power to stay afloat in an old situation or frame of mind. This major crossroads is so busy that you cannot backtrack without the risk of some kind of collision or clash. So, look forward instead. Something new is calling. There’s no going back to the old you, or to the old reality in which the old you existed. It has all changed.


How can you proceed with dignity if you feel you are not being respected or taken seriously? With great tact and patience, that’s how. Be aware of how you are communicating. And more aware of what others may be experiencing. You must understand them if you want them to understand you. As something from the past enters the present, remember how you felt back then – and how your circumstances and feelings have changed over time.


Do not cut off from your thoughts and feelings before you have a chance to understand them. In order to stand on your own two feet, you need clarity. But that cannot be achieved if you don’t let your thoughts and feelings complete themselves. Independence of thought and freedom of expression are essential to your progress. Have patience with unusual ideas.

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

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If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

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Look for ways to combine the needs or ideas of others with your own. Be aware of what you’ve got, see where it is needed, and prepare to offer your support or service to others. Your success depends on whether you are patient enough to notice the various details involved, and don’t push ahead until you fully understand them. This is all part of getting organized.


Think before you act. When you realize that you’re on automatic pilot, bring yourself back to manual control and notice all the details of your situation or surroundings. Reassess your position and needs. Even the best ideas must remain mere concepts until they are taken beyond the idea stage and brought to life. Be careful how you judge others, especially if you feel you cannot reach them emotionally or intellectually.


Emotions are not meant to be acted or blurted out. They are meant to be FELT – as sensations – within the physical body. It is frustrating when your answers produce more questions, but at least you’re asking the right questions now. Your desire to live more fully and take life in, (rather than merely protect yourself from it) is pushing its way through the false belief that you cannot make constructive changes. Yes, you can!

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

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If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





Weekly Forecst


The more you accept your own reality, the more you will be able to appreciate the realities of others. Wisdom is not handed to us on a plate. Insight reaches us after experience opens a space for it to enter the mind. The only way to embrace others without losing your precious individuality is by being yourself – and by accepting them just as they are, too. We are diversity. We are chemistry. We are all evolving in our own way, and at our own pace. To each their own.

Weekly Forecst


If shallow rewards are what you seek, you will find them at the shallow end of life. However, this is a chance to swim further afield. In order to stay afloat when you are out of your depth, discard that competitive streak. It weighs you down. And know the difference between a friend and an acquaintance. Make time for all that is important to you. Don’t let anything distract you from what truly matters.

Weekly Forecst


Just look at that ball of confusion in which you’ve been living: thoughts, feelings, memories, disappointments, hopes, joys, fears, relationships, responsibilities, all jumbled together with no separation between what feels good and what does not. It’s time to sort it out and regain some stability. Feel those buried feelings and express them safely and privately out of your body. This is how you heal from the inside out. It is how you let go of the past.

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

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If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






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Creative Numerology 6

WEEKLY FORECAST – April 9, 2023

TO CALCULATE YOUR NUMBER FOR 2023, simply add 7 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation).

Example birthday: April 26:

Month: 4

Day: 2+6 = 8

Year: 2+0+2+3 = 7

4 + 87 =19 (Keep adding until you get a single number).

1+9 = 10

1+0 = 1

In this example, the Year Number for 2023 is 1.

If you are in doubt about your Year Number, use the CONTACT FORM at the bottom of this page to send me your month and day of birth. (Year of birth is unnecessary in this calculation).

Use your new Yearly Number to read your Monthly and Weekly forecasts throughout 2023. (Your Personal Year runs from calendar year to calendar year – not from birthday to birthday).



WEEK 15 is a 6 WEEK (1+5=6)

in a 7 YEAR (2+0+2+3=7)

in an 11/2 MONTH (4+7=11/2)

NOTE 1:  WEEK 15 is the third week of a 7-week cycle in which all the week numbers are TEEN NUMBERS.

TEEN NUMBERS are the revealers and the healers of KARMA. They mirror back to us the EFFECTS of our actions and intent. This implies that major lessons can now be learned which can help us to move beyond the cruel and archaic system in which we are trapped, by changing the way we see ourselves – and each other. And especially how we see and seek to understand the younger generation and the chaotic, dangerous, evolving world into which they were born. Right now, the power and disempowerment of teenagers, and young people in general, from all walks of life, all over the world, is front and center. They are the future – trying to form.

Older people, too, have healing to do from our own teen years. Our memories and dreams are vivid and powerful right now.

Of course, we pass through the teen weeks every year, but because 2023 is a 7 Year, a learning year – the number of the MIND – the nature of these karmic lessons seems all the more urgent. 7 analyzes its experiences and finds ways to orchestrate its findings into workable solutions – and has a refreshing cleverness about it. This energy loves precision and exactitude. The 7 energy reminds us that SCIENCE is ongoing learning, and in an evolving world, the learning never ends.

However, 7 also represents the abuse of power, secrets, lies, blackmail, jealousy, and plotting – the essential energy behind conspiracies and conspiracy theories. But secrets are becoming hard to keep in the new millennium of the 2000s, since represents openness and honesty. As we move further into the transparency of the 2000s and the decade of the 2020s – we are getting a much clearer view of the old system’s mechanisms and motives.

APRIL 2023 is an 11/2 MONTH in this 7 YEAR (4+7=11/2), and while 2 brings widespread transparency, (we can SEE what’s going on), 11 illuminates everything to the point where there is simply no way to DENY what’s happening. The world is awash in denial – of reality – of our true feelings – and of our responsibility to ourselves and each other. The TEEN WEEKS urge us to GROW UP, and as Gandhi so vividly visualized, “BE the change you wish to see in the world.”

WEEK 15 is a 6 WEEK (1+5=6) and this numeric combination can produce a roller-coaster effect, as we swing from extremes to balance, and from balance to extremes. The intensity of the 15th WEEK of this 7 YEAR, will make us aware of just how extreme the extremes actually are. WEEK 15 will show us the consequences of our choices and/or the choices of others, and situations in which we have no choice at all.

Both 1 and 5 indicate strong CHANGE, but there is a difference between them. 5 brings change suddenly, while 1 brings change through gradual step-by-step progress. Sometimes, the sudden change that occurs in 5 is the result of the smaller changes made in 1, all coming together at the same time, creating chaotic situations that we were unprepared for.

Both 1 and 5 represent EXPERIENCE, and 6 is the number of BALANCE. But there will be times when we feel as if we are in ‘free-fall, and that balance seems impossible to find or maintain. But once we accept that our evolutionary journey moves in unexpected spurts, the more easily we will be able to cope with them, and hopefully, see the opportunities involved, too.

You are where you are because you have something to learn there – even if that ‘something’ means learning how to leave where you are – or how to stay where you are. Whatever the case, your only way forward is to LEARN AS YOU GO. Therefore, do not berate yourself for making mistakes. LEARN from them. Stop repeating them. Then they are no longer mistakes, they are the very EXPERIENCE and BALANCE you need in order to move forward.

2 represents the POWER of patience. Great patience is needed, not only with yourself, other people, and details, but also with those inevitable periods when you have to WAIT for results. And even when you have to wait, notice how you are constantly learning new things. Patience is not just a matter of being able to wait. Correct understanding of patience gives us the clarity to know when to hold back and when to take action. The art of patience hones our sense of RIGHT TIMING.

6 affects family, children, parents, home, domestic matters, duty, security, neighborhood, community, education, health, institutions, and tradition. 6 represents justice, equality, and fairness. 6 represents the caregiver, protector, mender, and problem-solver.

6 also exposes harsh, judgmental, and controlling tendencies, especially as it relates to this patriarchal system (male supremacy), and the self-anointed “ruling class” (white supremacy), and other false beliefs, including  wealth supremacy, and religious supremacy).

6 is the number of EXTREMES, and fascism is as extreme as our species can get. But it is inaccurate to say that fascism is rising. On the contrary, fascism is something we DESCEND INTO. One of its cruel tactics is to weaken the population by breaking up and displacing communities and families. But in the end, nobody can prosper from this. No one.

“As long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality persist in our world, none of us can truly rest.” ~Nelson Mandela

We may also gain a deeper understanding of how certain people and groups are changing the world – for better and for worse. The world we once knew – the 1000s – has gone. We are now tasked – all of us – and urgently so – with helping to shape a more loving and caring way to live, while the old reality of the 1000s, so set in its ways, keeps trying to drag us backwards to a time when its dominance was simply accepted. But the times have changed literally, millennially, and it is not accepted any longer.

Justice is fairness.

Fairness is balance.

Balance is peace.

This is the law of nature.

Simple physics.


NOTE 2: Your WEEKLY FORECAST repeats as a DAILY FORECAST on FRIDAY, APRIL 14. This occurs when the month and day add up to 9 (4+1+4=9). This is a good day to complete things – and a good day to forgive – and let go of what is tying you to the past. The 9 energy broadens our understanding of global matters, and our own deeply-rooted personal issues. Circumstances, memories, and emotions intensify when 9 is active. The 9 energy brings dramatic situations and outcomes and the DEEP feelings that arise from them. The 9 energy emphasizes giving, empathy, and caring. Be sure to re-read your personal forecast on Friday.

NOTE 3: Additional insight can be gained this week by reading the 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7 forecasts as well as your own.



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Whatever is blocking your view of reality, it’s time to acknowledge that the source of this blockage originates within – and is being mirrored back to you by what is taking place outwardly. Everything in this cycle is a reflection of what you are feeling on the inside – and those feelings need to be accepted and allowed to express themselves. Those feelings are your honesty.


There may be differences of opinion, but if you stick to the facts and handle things as diplomatically as the situation allows, favorable changes can develop. Remember that the facts are constantly affected by other facts, and that diplomacy can only work when all the facts are on the table and are being considered in their proper context.


Your reality is shifting, and until you gain more clarity, plans should remain flexible. You may feel as if you have jumped off a cliff and have no idea where or how you’re going to land. You are in a state of ‘limbo’. Accept things as they are. And remember that acceptance of reality inevitably involves the fear of uncertainty. If you allow for this – and trust in your ability to land on your feet – you will do just that.

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

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If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






In order to feel at ease again, accept that the nature of your current position is restrictive. The stress you are feeling is your own resistance to accepting the reality of your circumstances. If things are not happening as desired or expected, remember that being honest with yourself opens the way forward. It is time to start dismantling that box you have built around yourself.


Slow down! Rest. Let your mind be still. You need a clearer view of where you stand. This does not mean cutting yourself off from others or denying the intensity of your experience. On the contrary, in order to stand more firmly on your own two feet, you must rearrange your priorities and interact with others as an equal.


You still have a long way to go before you can attain a greater stability, but wouldn’t it be nice to proceed at a less stressful pace? You can do that now. You can retain your confidence and walk this tightrope called life without that constant sense of urgency. Facing reality can cause us to grip onto whatever seems to offer security. Well, just as long as you stay awake, aware, and responsible for your actions, you can loosen your grip a little now.

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





Weekly Forecst


Your fear of being seen as weak may have caused you to subdue certain feelings, but now, if you find yourself laughing and crying at the same time, you can be sure that some serious healing is going on. Believing that we must always be in control, or that success is measured in purely material terms, is what numbs our feelings and dumbs us down. This cycle offers sound intelligence.

Weekly Forecst


If your feelings of enthusiasm remain greater than your feelings of fear, you are on a promising path. But if certain fears persist, don’t ignore them. Their purpose is constructive – to alert you to potential problems and improve your overall timing. Don’t buy into the theory that you have to choose between fear and love. In this case, one particular form of fear holds important intelligence and is likely to be love’s greatest defender. Keep in mind that you are in a very creative phase of your journey right now.

Weekly Forecst


A certain matter is in the process of balancing itself, and it needs to take its own course. While you’re waiting for things to settle, focus on issues over which you actually have some degree of influence. Turn your attention to an area that can benefit from your presence, input, or experience. This cycle enables you to see your potential more clearly and can provide a much-needed confidence-boost.

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






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WEEKLY FORECAST – April 2, 2023

TO CALCULATE YOUR NUMBER FOR 2023, simply add 7 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation).

Example birthday: April 26:

Month: 4

Day: 2+6 = 8

Year: 2+0+2+3 = 7

4 + 87 =19 (Keep adding until you get a single number).

1+9 = 10

1+0 = 1

In this example, the Year Number for 2023 is 1.

If you are in doubt about your Year Number, use the CONTACT FORM at the bottom of this page to send me your month and day of birth. (Year of birth is unnecessary in this calculation).

Use your new Yearly Number to read your Monthly and Weekly forecasts throughout 2023. (Your Personal Year runs from calendar year to calendar year – not from birthday to birthday).



NOTE 1:  WEEK 14 is the second week of a seven-week cycle in which all the week numbers are TEEN numbers – KARMIC numbers. As mentioned last week, these energies affect young people profoundly, (especially teens), but they also bring us back to our own teen years, no matter what our age, so that we might learn now what we could not learn then, and heal from the experiences of our younger years.

These energies also have a profound effect on world events, which are affecting each of us individually. The sheer stress of living through these rough and dangerous times is taking a toll on humanity, mentally, physically, and emotionally, as if we are being squeezed through an evolutionary wringer. But karma involves the learning of what we need to learn, which in turn involves changing our minds, and changing our very understanding of life on Earth.

14 is the karmic vibration of 5 – the number of freedom, change, adventure, suddenness, new directions, unusual and unexpected developments, agility, resourcefulness, and cleverness. However, 5 also represents recklessness, indifference, impulsiveness, selfishness, addiction, and errors of judgment.

5 is the number of DIVERSITY – without which there is no chemistry – just blandness and sameness. 5 infuses the energy fields with differences, variations, and possibilities. 5 is a sensual, sexual, and physical experience, the quality of which is determined by the CHOICES we make.

5 represents both EXPERIENCE and LACK OF EXPERIENCE. Karmic 14/5 holds us back (and bounces us around) until we learn what our various experiences have to teach. 14/5 is the essential “the lesson continues until it is learned” energy.

Even those who refuse to learn are likely to learn a vital lesson or two this week.

5 represents ACTION and CONSEQUENCE, and 14/5 shows us the consequences of ignoring the warning signs, or “playing with fire”. Learning from our mistakes and mist-steps and not repeating them, gives us the experience we need to evolve.

The world is in an 11/2 Month in April 2023 (4+2+0+2+3=11/2), and 11 is going to shed a lot of light on our current position in the journey. 2 is the number of DEPTH and SUBSTANCE, and humanity is certainly traveling through substantially deep waters at this time.

2 brings experiences in which we must CARE, and be prepared to HELP.

11/2 gives us shared experiences. 2 is the number of COOPERATION, not competition. 2 is the number of PEACE, not war.

When events affect us on a national or international scale, their impact sends out clusters of numbers which expose a specific theme, and reveal how different aspects of the situation connect. This week, the karmic number 14/5 occurs prominently.

Based on its July 4, 1776 “birthday”, the USA was born on the 14/5 LIFE PATH, (aka the Destiny Path).

Month: 7

Day: 4

Year: 1+7+7+6 = 2+1=3


The USA is in a 9 National Year in 2023, (9 = endings, drama, deep emotions, the end of an era).

The American Civil War began on April 12, 1861.

Month: 4

Day: 1+2=3

Year: 1+8+6+1=16/7


Notice that 1861 and 2023 are both 7 Global Years. This does not mean that another civil war is inevitable. On the contrary, this numeric connection to the events of 162 years ago is providing an evolutionary opportunity to avoid such a catastrophe, and move forward, not backwards.

1+6+2=9, and 9 = endings. 1861 was a karmic 16/7 year which occurred in the secretive masculine 1000s, and 2023 is occurring in the transparent feminine 2000s. 2 is the number of the WILL, which now stands in the way of history repeating itself. The feminine WILL is rising – all over the world.

 July 4, 1776 produces the numbers 7, 4, and 3 = 14/5.

April 12,1861 produces the numbers 4, 3, and 7 = 14/5.

The main gist of the 14/5 energy is to LEARN FROM THE PAST, and not repeat its mistakes! For this reason, we are bound to see many instances of history trying to repeat itself, present day situations that can be traced back to almost identical situations in the past. By noticing this pattern, we can clear a path into the future without having to drag our mistakes around with us. But this requires the desire for truth, the desire for rectification, the desire for a lighter, freer, and kinder existence on Earth, the desire for Peace. And it all starts with what we are feeling INSIDE.

Donald Trump was born on the 14th, and is in a 9 Personal Year in 2023 (endings, drama, deep emotions, the end of an era). He will be 77 years old on June 14, 2023, and of course, 7+7=14/5. We recently passed through the 77th day of the year, and you can learn more about this Master Number, which is also a Karmic Number, from the notes of WEEK 11.

Israel was born on the 14th of the 5th month, on the 5 LIFE PATH

Day: 14

Month: 5

Year = 1+9+4+8 = 22/4


(Born in a 22/4 Year, there is a strong connection here to the millennium of the 2000s, and the decade of the 2020s). MASSIVE change is occurring in Israel.

World War 1 began on 28 July, 1914.

Day: 2+8=1+0=1

Month: 7

Year: 1+9+1+4=2+4=6


World War 2 began on 1 September, 1939.

Day: 1

Month: 9

Year: 1+9+3+9=22/4

1+9+22=3+2 =5

The Russian invasion of Ukraine began on 22 FEBRUARY, 2022 (22+2+2+0+2+2=3+0=3), a date that was comprised of six 2s, (2 being the principle number of our times – the 2000s and the decade of the 2020s) – but it was on 24 FEBRUARY, 2022, that Vladimir Putin announced his “special military operation”.

Day: 2+4=6

Month: 2

Year: 2+0+2+2=6


Then there is the COLD WAR, which supposedly ended in 1991, but wars do not end. They go into quiet phases only to erupt later on. This was the war that sprang out of World War 2. It ran from 1947 – 1991),  between the Soviet Union (Russia and the countries it invaded and occupied – the Eastern Bloc) and NATO countries (the Western Bloc).

The Cold War began on a triple-3 day – 12 March, 1947 (which is connected to the 3 day (22/2/2022) on which the current invasion of Ukraine began).

Day: 1+2=3

Month: 3

Year 1+9+4+7=2+1=3


3 signifies both friends and enemies – and 9 pertains to unfinished business, drama, and endings.

5 is the number of physical presence, and this includes sexual matters, excessive force, occupation, oppression, deceit, and anything that curtails FREE WILL.

Elon Musk is in a 14/5 Year in 2023.

Richard Branson is in a 14/5 Year in 2023.

Both Tennessee and Wisconsin are in a 14/5 Year in 2023.

Insistence on having things our own way, without considering the effect this might have on others, is not Free Will. It is selfishness (which is one of the antiquated human behaviors that we must evolve from). ALL the adversities we are experiencing on Earth at this time represent the REALITIES we must evolve out of, if we are to survive.

But adventurous and freedom-loving 5 also gives us new ideas and introduces us to new frontiers and possibilities. 5‘s instability can sometimes jolt us out of our complacency, end our addictions and monotonous routines, and show us a different way.

Impulsiveness, hidden motives, lack of planning, biting off more than we can chew, can lead to serious mistakes, and what we call ‘accidents’. This is a week in which to realize just where we went wrong, (individually and collectively) – and adjust accordingly.

In our journey through time, we are in a dangerous interim period between the end of one era before the new era has had a chance to form. And it’s going to form in the shape of the decisions WE make.

NOTE 2: The 14/5 energy runs powerfully this week. MONDAY, APRIL 3, 2023 is a 14/5 DAY (4+3+7=14/5), in a 14/5 WEEK.

On WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, your weekly forecast repeats as a daily forecast. This occurs when the month and day add up to 9. (4+5=9). 9 represents giving, completion, letting go in order to move forward, deep emotions, empathy, and increased awareness. Circumstances and feelings intensify on these DOUBLE-DOSE days. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5 is also the 95th day of the year – and of course, 9+5 = 14/5. So, we have a double dose of 14/5 on this date, too. Be sure to re-read your Weekly Forecast on Wednesday.

NOTE 3: 5 is multi-directional and multi-dimensional, so, there is much insight to be gained this week by reading ALL the different forecasts as well as your own.



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To understand the changes taking place in your life, consider the people involved – and how you have affected, or are affecting, each other. Unless you are consciously seeking a complete break, it would not be wise to forge ahead without considering the feelings and needs of everyone involved. Yes, you need more freedom and independence, but you also need the balance that makes those things possible.


Something must end, but there are things you don’t want to lose in the process. You may not be as free as you desire, but you are free to make choices which can relieve the overall tension. The love in your heart wants to express itself, but it cannot compete with your fear of losing position or dignity. In this cycle, fairness restores dignity, humility enhances position, and patience gives everyone, including you, some much needed breathing space.


This is a chance to move ahead. Something you thought you were in danger of losing can now recover and grow. Long-term fulfillment is emphasized. If you are wondering what your next step should be, slow down! This opportunity cannot be rushed or taken for granted. It needs to be taken seriously, appreciated, examined, and carefully planned for. It is time to start gathering accurate information.

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

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If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






With all that has recently occurred mentally and emotionally, don’t ignore the physical toll it has taken. Pace yourself sensibly. A certain matter can be rewarding if handled correctly. Do not merely drift along as if you have no Will of your own. There are some aspects that you cannot control, but you hold a valuable card, nonetheless. Much depends on your ability to be honest with yourself.


Your feelings are more intense than usual – for the purpose of anchoring you to reality; and to stop you from drifting off to some undesired area, or back to undesired circumstances. You have reason to feel confident, but remember that in freedom, you can only rely on other people for so much, and for so long. Focus on increasing your independence – and recognizing the gifts and potentials that your changing horizons offer.


It seems that you have outgrown a situation, and you need to focus on something that is more in keeping with who you are now. Be honest with yourself and others as to what you are truly feeling. You cannot expect anyone to read your mind. Nothing in life is guaranteed, but progress can be made by accepting your mixed emotions. Apply those simple things that are believed to heal all. Time. Rest. Hope. Love.

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

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If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





Weekly Forecst


Your view of reality and your feelings towards others have changed. The way you think and communicate have changed too. YOU have changed. Now, in order to feel comfortable again, you must adjust to your new reality. As your mind expands, the confusion is temporary, but it is still confusion. Take things slowly – and not too personally. Be patient. Try to relax.

Weekly Forecst


Whether you feel overwhelmed or underwhelmed, take some deep breaths and try to relax. Perhaps you are not seeing an opportunity because it is so different from what you expected it to look like. So, allow your expectations to rearrange themselves to suit reality. The finer details are important. This cycle can be exciting, but chaotic. Get organized. Be determined to complete whatever needs to be done.

Weekly Forecst


As far as your sense of direction is concerned, the information coming from your feelings – senses – instincts – and dreams – will be indispensable in the weeks ahead. Now, as things start to shift, shake, and, in some cases fall apart, be assured that everything will fall into place again, albeit a different place, as new circumstances form. This is an opportunity to stabilize a difficult area of your life, and increase your long-term security.

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

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If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






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Weekly Forecast

WEEKLY FORECAST – March 5, 2023

TO CALCULATE YOUR NUMBER FOR 2023, simply add 7 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation).

Example birthday: April 26:

Month: 4

Day: 2+6 = 8

Year: 2+0+2+3 = 7

4 + 87 =19 (Keep adding until you get a single number).

1+9 = 10

1+0 = 1

In this example, the Year Number for 2023 is 1.

If you are in doubt about your Year Number, use the CONTACT FORM on this website to send me your month and day of birth. (Year of birth is unnecessary in this calculation).

Use your new Yearly Number to read your Monthly and Weekly forecasts throughout 2023. (Your Personal Year runs from calendar year to calendar year – not from birthday to birthday).



NOTE 1:  

Welcome to WEEK 10.

It begins on Sunday, March 5, which is the 64th day of the year. 6+4 = 10

March 2023 (3+2+0+2+3) is a 10 MONTH).

And the 10th day of this 10 month occurs on FRIDAY.

There are only 9 numbers in the numeric spectrum. Everything after that is a combination of the first 9 numbers. Therefore, 10 brings things to ‘the next level’, where we start at 1 again, (1+0=1), but with the benefit of what we have previously learned. And that is the  principle theme of this week – identifying the ‘next step’, and bringing things forward into a new phase. 

And because March is the 3rd month, and 3 is the number of communication, population, and illusion, new phases are likely to occur in our ability to honestly convey what we are feeling and thinking. At a time when democracies all over the world are being threatened by authoritarianism and subjected to outright cruelty, and all manner of atrocity, it is essential to remember that FREE WILL begins with our ability to express ourselves freely. Without that, we cannot BE ourselves. Free Will is ever-increasing OPENNESS that is based on loving intent – not hate. 

Extreme ideology, censorship, the banning of books and other modes of communication, (thought control), the push toward technological domination, the erosion of women’s rights, ALL human rights, and the massive drive to take us back to the “good old days” of slavery and colonialism, and calling it “FREEDOM”, are visible and measurable attacks on the WILL of humanity. This week, however, we may see a visible and measurable rise in the WILL herself. The feminine energy that exists in us all, regardless of our physical gender, IS the Will. So, this is not an abstract concept that only affects others. You are likely to experience this shift of inner gears yourself.

We have entered a 10-week-long cycle of KARMIC CONNECTION in which all the week numbers begin with 1, followed by all the numbers from 1 to 9.

10, 11, 12,, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19.

Karma is not punishment for past and present misdeeds. It is the drawing of experiences that will teach us what we most need to learn in order to evolve. One of the most timely and relevant descriptions of karma, in my opinion, comes from the astrologer, tarot reader, and intuitive guide Suzie Dronzek, who wrote:

Karma is not about good things or bad things that come forward, but the balance that’s needed to make situations ‘right’.

In various ways, I think – and hope – we will see the depth of Suzie’s words come to life this week, and in the weeks and months ahead. We cannot move forward as a species until it does.

WEEK 10 is a 7-day cycle of shifting circumstances and increased tension. But if we allow the vibrations of our rattled feelings to open our minds, instead of closing our minds to what is happening, our ability to imagine new possibilities, and set them in motion, will increase enormously. Fear of change created a lack of imagination – which caused us to repeat the same old behaviors and mistakes, generation after generation. That must change now. 1 is the number of CHANGE and FORWARD MOVEMENT – and 10 is 1ten-fold!

NOTE 2: ON MONDAY, MARCH 6, your Weekly Forecast repeats as a Daily Forecast. This repetition occurs when the month and day add up to 9. (3+6=9). Feelings and circumstances intensify or reach a peak on these “double-dose” dates. Be sure to reread your personal forecast on Monday.

NOTE 3: TUESDAY, MARCH 7, is the 66th day of the year, which connects us back to the 3 energy of March (6+6=1+2=3). The emphasis on OUTER APPEARANCES, COMMUNICATION, CREATIVE OUTPUT, FRIENDS, and ENEMIES, is extremely powerful today.

NOTE 4: There is additional insight to be gained this week by reading the 1, 3, and 7 forecasts, as well as your own.



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Ego gets wrongfully blamed for many things. Ego is your sense of self, without which you would not know who you are, yet we are told to subdue or even kill the ego! What makes ego so difficult to accept is that it tends to fluctuate between over-inflation and deflation. Our own inconsistency then becomes confusing. Current circumstances can help your ego to reach a much-needed balance – and this will restore your confidence.


Others cannot read your mind. They can only read you as they see you. The enormous power of communication is emphasized, but before you can make yourself clear to other people, you must first be clear in your own mind as to what is happening, what you’re feeling, and what you’re thinking. This has nothing to do with competing or gaining the upper hand. It is about sincerity.


Try to express your feelings spontaneously and allow others to do the same. Their lives have changed too. There is still a barrier between you and someone else – or a situation that binds you too tightly together. By allowing the feelings involved to move, the problem will not be as big or impenetrable as it was. An important breakthrough is possible if you let genuine friendliness enter the situation. This will take you deeper into the creative and/or healing process.

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CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

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If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






Being unable to plan ahead is frustrating, but it is inevitable since you still don’t know precisely what you are planning for. Be patient as you come to terms with the fact that more change is needed. Fear of change is creating that sense of “I’m damned if I do, and I’m damned if I don’t.”  But you are not damned. You are in the empowering but sometimes frightening process of shedding guilt, facing fear, and gaining courage.


This cycle brings a change of gear – a change of direction – a change of mind. At first, this can make you feel that you don’t belong, that you have nothing to contribute, or nothing in common. Recognize where guilt, blame, or pride are preventing you from opening your imagination and seeing the options available. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you need. But do make sure you ask those who are actually in a position to help.


It will be difficult to express love or compassion while you are so concerned about getting hurt in some way. Guilt, blame, and denial will prevent a clearing of the air. Confrontation is unnecessary – and yet you do have to express some deeply buried anger out of your body. Until you recognize this emotional buildup and allow it to move, privately and safely, the understanding that makes forgiveness possible will be unable to reach your mind.

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





Weekly Forecst


A recent jolt can now improve your sense of direction. You may wonder if you are drifting away from what you desire, but once you accept this fear instead of denying it, you will realize that it exists because you have been blindly moving ahead without any kind of map or plan. Don’t exhaust yourself looking for shortcuts. There aren’t any! Real planning is needed now.

Weekly Forecst


Don’t take things too personally because this cycle is not exclusively about you. It is about other people’s beliefs, feelings, and circumstances, as well as your own. By playing the role of partner, assistant, or friend, your cooperation will be returned to you later in the year when you need it most. Karma is not punishment for previous misdeeds. It is the learning of what you previously did not know.

Weekly Forecst


Proceed with friendliness and acceptance of other people’s views, feelings, mistakes, and problems. This cycle can make you feel that the ball is in your court and the onus is on you to ‘perform’ in some way. The extent to which you experience this feeling of ‘being judged’ may well be a measure of how you are judging yourself. You can now release yourself from the weight of any shame or guilt you have been carrying.

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






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Weekly Forecast


Monthly Forecast – MARCH 2023

TO CALCULATE YOUR NUMBER FOR 2023, simply add 7 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation).

Example birthday: April 26:

Month: 4

Day: 2+6 = 8

Year: 2+0+2+3 = 7

4 + 87 =19 (Keep adding until you get a single number).

1+9 =10

1+0 = 1

In this example, the Year Number for 2023 is 1.


If you are in doubt about your Year Number, use the contact form on this website and let me know your month and day of birth. (Year of birth is unnecessary in this calculation).

Use your NEW Yearly Number to read your Monthly and Weekly forecasts throughout 2023.



monthly forecast

This Monthly Forecast describes how the 3rd month of MARCH interacts with your 1 YEAR (1+3=4).

 You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. ~Buckminster Fuller

You know you cannot continue in the same old way. You can sense that an old reality is ending and a new one is beginning. In order to ease the uncertainty, (fear), that threatens to keep you at a standstill, look more closely and honestly at the circumstances that are tying you to the past.

The closer you get to your limits, the more you will feel boxed-in and compressed, but this is no time to give up. The 1 Year is a time of great change, and it is worth remembering that meaningful change seldom occurs as comfortably as we would prefer.

The restrictive 1 3 4 vibrations of March in the 1 Year provide an opportunity to experience the positive power of your own Will, which is now trying to reduce the pressure by pushing those limits away from you.

Commit yourself to hard work and be determined to exert as much effort as the situation requires. Concentrate. And listen to your body when it tells you that it’s time to rest. This month, mistakes can occur through inexperience – mixed with a lack of focus. So, stay alert and aware, and remember that a mistake is not a mistake if you learn something from it.

Form a practical plan of action to protect your overall goals, while honestly assessing whether your current course is any different from the one you have been traveling for the past nine years or more. Be aware of how easily we deceive ourselves into thinking we are doing things differently, when in fact we have simply found a different way to do the same old thing!

See yourself in a more positive light. Simplify – and you will become more able to take care of your responsibilities. Observe the small details, and where they fit into the larger picture. Clear your life of the material and emotional clutter you have amassed over a long period of time, and which is now preventing you from seeing beyond what you think are your limits.

Listen to the chaos in your mind – all the different opinions and judgments that are battling for your attention. Then, give your mind a rest – by accepting your present situation exactly as it is. Only then will you be able to get your priorities in the right order. This month, your mind needs periods of complete relaxation, as much as your body does.

Face the facts. Be practical. Put everything in its place. Organize. Clear the decks. Sort it all out, detail by detail. Then observe the walls of what were your limits move away from you. Let your expanded belief in yourself push these boundaries to a place where they can no longer pressure you. Having cleared the strongest barriers of all – your own denials – you will know that if you judge something before you experience it, you have no way of knowing what the experience actually is, or what it has to offer.

You are on unfamiliar ground, but you must take the lead and initiate things you thought could only be done by others. Knock on new doors. Look for ways to break free from your various dependencies. You do not need other people’s approval. Let your feelings tell you what you really want, and how to get it. Stop dithering and step forward. See where those first few steps lead. Then, by the end of March, your new understandings will help you to construct a strong foundation on which to build a new reality that reflects who you are now.

 Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 1 YEAR CYCLE

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





monthly forecast

This Monthly Forecast describes how the 3rd month of MARCH interacts with your 2 YEAR (2+3=5).

I am life that wills to live in the midst of life that wills to live. ~Albert Schweitzer 

Compromise and acceptance are needed in the unpredictable   2  3  5   vibrations of March. This is a month of change, freedom, and unexpected developments. Try to understand someone else’s side of the story. Relationships can now be strengthened through sincere and open interaction. A vital change is taking place.

Someone else’s circumstances may provide an opportunity for you to move into a more desirable position. By patiently being there, listening, relating, and/or encouraging, you can prevent a problem from escalating, or perhaps impress others with your ability to step in and help.

Don’t get sucked into the problem itself. Just cooperate where you can. This will enable you to take a fresh look at your own situation through a much wider perspective. Don’t be intimidated by the power that others appear to have, but do be prepared to learn something which can help you steer yourself free of confining circumstances.

If you find yourself thinking “I have no choice “, remember that life, and your potential, extend way beyond your present circumstances. It could be that your view has been too limited. Your own or someone else’s situation should now encourage you to broaden your horizons – and remind you that mistakes are often our best means of learning.

However, because we tend to deny our mistakes, we repeat the same error over and over so that positive change is never achieved. Look for a different approach this time and turn a mistake into valuable experience – from which you can actually prosper.

Pay attention to the condition of your physical body. Recent stresses and strains may be taking a toll. Calm yourself down. Nourish yourself, in every sense of the word. Take care of yourself.

You may be trying to subtly control someone, or it could be you who feels cut off from open expression. Nothing can be achieved until this tension is addressed. Stop taking everything so personally and admit to yourself where you have misjudged a situation or denied your role in it.

Present circumstances are testing and developing your ability to relax and be free in chaotic or even hostile situations. The nature of your intent will determine the quality of your 2 Year journey, and of course, peaceful intent will greatly relieve the ongoing jumble of stress in which you currently exist.

Try to be diplomatic, considerate, tolerant, kind, and gentle. CONNECTION is an ongoing theme this year, and your own wellbeing is directly connected to the wellbeing of others. If one person in your circle is unhappy, this will affect everyone. If there is a battle of wills going on, understand that in this cycle, it is a fight you cannot win. Winning is not the issue. Coexisting peacefully is what this is all about.

The peace of mind you crave can only be achieved by accepting your situation exactly as it is, and by finding more realistic ways to unite with others.  ‘Peace of mind’, just like happiness, is never permanent. These beautiful states of being come to us in ‘moments’, which must be cherished as they arise.

Instead of fighting for something you do not have, make the most of what you do have. Cooperate with your environment and the people in it. Only then will you be able to regain your focus. You cannot change others. You can only change your reaction to them. So, relax those high expectations which none of you could live up to anyway. Partnership, teamwork, forgiveness, peaceful intent, and above all, awareness, and acceptance of reality, will create a clear road ahead for all concerned.

Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 2 YEAR CYCLE

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00


CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





monthly forecast

This Monthly Forecast describes how the 3rd month of MARCH interacts with your 3 YEAR (3+3=6). 

The solution to the problems of human relationships is to be found in liberty. ~Frederic Bastiat

What do you feel when you think of the word “home”? Somewhere in your vision for the future is a place in which you feel a warm and loving sense of both freedom and belonging. If not, you may have overlooked an important aspect of happiness and fulfillment.

This month, you may uncover an unexpected truth about yourself, a loved one, or close associate. You may feel content with this. Or you may feel that a certain situation or responsibility is preventing you from experiencing any kind of happiness at all.

In the powerful   3  3  6  vibrations of March, something is likely to occur which features duty, home, spouse, lover, children, family, pet, friend, relative, or neighborhood, which enables you to communicate on a new level, to make an important decision, and move closer to personal freedom. No matter what is involved initially, the potential for eventual JOY is enormous, even if it is mixed with feelings of a heavier nature.

Determine which responsibilities are yours and which are not. Are you placing responsibility for your happiness on someone else? Are you holding yourself responsible for someone else’s happiness? Is guilt telling you that you cannot pursue your own needs while someone else is having difficulty with theirs? Are you judging others or allowing them to judge you without considering each other’s individuality and unique circumstances? Are you setting unnecessary rules? Are you living unhappily under someone else’s rules?

Everyone is responsible for creating their own happiness, no matter what their relationship happens to be. Something positive – even miraculous – is happening here, but you must feel and listen to your true feelings – as opposed to your stubbornness – if you are to appreciate the positive potential that lies beneath the surface of your current situation.

Balance is the key. When your feelings are all muddled up together with no separation between what feels good and what does not, eventually nothing feels good at all. This is a chance to finally clear the air!

Disagreements and diversity within a family or group are part of what it takes to be a family or group. Otherwise, you’ll all be tied together by a fruitless common bond with each one yearning to move in different directions. Although you are connected by the love within your close relationships, each of you is a unique individual who must lead his or her own life and find his or her own happiness.

If you believe that others are holding you back, it is time to speak your mind. But be prepared for an unanticipated response that exposes the part that you yourself have played.

Coexisting with people whose experience of life is different from your own isn’t always easy. But now, your willingness to understand them will enable them to better understand you. Of course, understanding someone does not necessarily make them any easier to accept, but whatever transpires in March can leave everyone involved feeling enlightened, inspired, or at least optimistic that the healing of a particular rift will eventually take place.

As you observe and accept how others choose to live, you will realize that you need to be FREE to make your own choices. One thing is certain: you need your own time, your own space, and your own style, if you are to live as you want to live.

 Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 3 YEAR CYCLE.

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00


CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





monthly forecast

This Monthly Forecast describes how the 3rd month of MARCH interacts with your 4 YEAR (4+3=7).

Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers. ~Alfred Tennyson

January brought change. February made it personal. And the   4   3   7   vibrations of March will clarify what has happened since the beginning of the year – and help you figure out what to do next. Meanwhile, go about your life quietly and conscientiously. You have a lot on your plate, and you may have to give one aspect a rest while you focus on another.

Arrange your agenda so that you can spend some time alone, with no distractions. You need to think, contemplate, feel your true feelings, and PLAN your future moves. Be aware that planning – not doing – is the main theme of this strange and introspective 7 month.

If you are feeling anxious, understand that your unexpressed feelings are preventing you from recognizing your “higher” identity and, therefore, your true strength. You will see an immediate improvement in your health, attitude, and situation, once you let it all out – especially your fear.

Of course, fear is perfectly natural when you consider the fact that you are unsure of where the road ahead will lead. The uncertainty of this cycle can be frustrating, and yet the only thing life requires of you now is your full presence in it – your awareness of it – and your willingness to learn.

You have been “lost” for longer than you may want to admit, and what you are experiencing now is the acceptance of that fact, the desire to do what is best, and perhaps the fear that you may not know what “best” actually is.

So, slow down. Stop struggling. Face the facts and take each situation as it comes. You have had quite enough of your present circumstances and are realizing that you are capable of creating a much more fulfilling existence for yourself. It is a matter of organizing your life around creating it.

Appreciate your own company. Ask yourself what you really want to achieve in this precious lifetime of yours. What do you want to be doing – how do you want to be feeling – a year from now; five years from now; ten years from now? Stop what you’re doing and ask yourself: “what is really happening here?” Then wait for the answers to reach your conscious mind. Listen to them. FEEL them. This practical use of your intuition will help you devise specific plans for the future. It may take the words, actions, or circumstances of someone else to open your mind, but only you can answer the questions you are asking at this time.

Reflect, meditate, analyze. Review the past. Accept the present. Envisage your life not in fragments or segments, but as one continuing journey over which you have more control than you may realize. Your present circumstances are a small and temporary part of the whole adventure, and a turning point to a brighter future.

Release yourself from the illogical judgment which tells you that you have to produce continuous results in order to be successful. Take your time and look for alternatives instead. If you believe you cannot do something because you don’t know how – learn how.

Above all, move away from the guilt which is telling you that you should be doing better than you are.  In this chaotic world, you are doing a lot better than you think!

Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 4 YEAR CYCLE.  

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00


CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





monthly forecast

This Monthly Forecast describes how the 3rd month of MARCH interacts with your 5 YEAR (5+3=8).

Never forget that change is a positive force that is generally for the better, and that life is a performance for which none of us are given the opportunity to rehearse. ~Sally Brompton

You cannot reach a new destination if you are afraid to take that first step. This month, there are places to go, people to see, work to do, and unusual possibilities to explore. Commit to efficiency and professionalism. No matter what changes are taking place in your relationships and general circumstances, the current potential for growth is significant.

If your personal power in this world is to reach a higher level, you must first be aware of a power struggle you are engaged in. In order to bring clarity to an area of confusion, a balance of power is needed. This will enable you to reclaim your life as your own.

The   5  3  8  vibrations of March offer the chance to make a significant move in the direction of your choice. And do remember that choice is what it’s all about this year. Everything in life is a matter of choice, right down to how you treat other people and allow others to treat you. Stay alert. And remember that the most important changes must first take place within.

If you believe that others are holding you back, it is time to release your dependence on them. They may be traveling a different route entirely. A change in one of your relationships is likely, and although it may feel uncomfortable at the time, this is a positive change which cannot help but improve your long-term conditions.

There is at least one burden that you have carried for too long and which needs to be put in perspective. By expressing yourself in a friendly and cooperative way, you will be helping to empower someone else so that you, yourself, can gain more freedom.

In this month of action and high expectation, present yourself with confidence. Don’t be deterred if your plans are interrupted or propelled into an unforeseen direction. Ride it out – see where it leads. Do not judge something before you have fully experienced the feelings involved.

You now have the ability to make things happen to your advantage. Your power to manifest requires flexibility and attention to detail, so that you can see the hidden opportunities as well as the obvious ones.

Another part of your power includes being able to sense avenues of success. To sense is to feel. This is sometimes referred to as emotional intelligence, and includes knowing and then doing what must be done for the desired result to materialize. It is perhaps the most important area of learning in which we must all become engaged if we are to regain our freedom in the world.

You don’t have to look for abundance. It’s already there. It is all around you. So, recognize how you have been building walls between you and greater prosperity. It’s time to build bridges, instead.

Those in the 5 Year (and those with strong 5 energy in their charts) now have an amazing chance to not only become aware of valuable information but to also understand its deeper meaning.

Developing resourcefulness is a major part of the 5 Year journey. Don’t be defeated by mistakes – learn from them – gain experience from them, especially in matters of business, money, and your own personal standing in the world. In the words of visionary Buckminster Fuller, “…don’t fight forces — use them.” 

Change those old beliefs that have always prevented personal progress or satisfaction. Feel the freedom that always follows the release of stubbornness.

The odds are in your favor, so decide what you want – and pursue it. Opportunity is everywhere if you are open and alert enough to see it. Act in a serious and well-organized way, and above all, believe in your own abilities. Take what you want but know when you have taken something as far as it can go. Know when you have had or done enough. Know when you are satisfied.

Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 5 YEAR CYCLE.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00


CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





monthly forecast

This Monthly Forecast describes how the 3rd month of MARCH interacts with your 6 YEAR (6+3=9).

We tend to think of the rational as a higher order, but it is the emotional that marks our lives. ~Merle Shane

An ENDING of some kind will help you to move away from an extreme situation so that a more balanced existence can be experienced. This is the right time – the natural time – for such an ending to occur. Be aware of any obsessive or possessive behavior this month. If it exists anywhere in your life, now is a good time to put an end to it. This is not love. There may be another less apparent aspect of your life which is ready to end. If so, life will bring it to an end for you.

Perhaps you are facing an obstacle which could push you toward some kind of extreme. If so, go into your deepest feelings and accept the reality of everything that is happening to you and whoever else is involved. It is time to let go of a feeling or belief that is keeping you tied to the past.

Don’t be afraid of endings. They set you free from the pain of yesterday. But do not deny your feelings about what is ending. If you cannot get past the feeling, you will be unable to proceed, no matter how much you deny it exists.

Don’t rush. It takes time, sometimes a great deal of time, to fully experience and heal from the feelings as powerful and as conclusive as those you are likely to feel this month. March may bring a dramatic situation into your life concerning the home, family member, friend, or a cherished idea, project, or possession. Extreme grief – or extreme happiness – may be experienced. Remember: you are learning the true meaning of love this year, and that love is often hidden beneath erroneous judgments you have made over a long period of time.

Of course, not all endings are traumatic. Some can lift the weight of the world from your shoulders, unless guilt has convinced you that it is wrong to feel this way. Perhaps it is guilt that needs to be ended now, or some other feeling, belief, or attitude that is preventing love from flowing freely.

Notice where unwanted items, circumstances, and memories are cluttering up your life and preventing inner peace. Put an end to these areas of stagnation and start to live by your own design. Those feelings of frustration and fear are coming directly from your heart – your heart’s desire to start living fully again, to experience joy, and above all, to feel a true sense of belonging and ‘home’.

This is also a cycle of giving, purely for the sake of the pleasure it creates. But giving is not confined to material or monetary matters. Acceptance, love, fun, laughter, understanding, gratitude, and encouragement are the greatest gifts you can bestow on those around you at this time.

And the greatest gift you can give yourself is that of regaining your sense of individuality and realizing that life does indeed ‘go on’ – the moment you heal from and let go of what was keeping it at a standstill.

Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 6 YEAR CYCLE.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00


CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





monthly forecast

This Monthly Forecast describes how the 3rd month of MARCH interacts with your 7 YEAR (7+3=1+0=1).

To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. ~Joseph Chilton Pearce

The nature of the 7 energy is to rise and fall, to ebb and flow. A recent fall, ebb, or loss has altered the direction of your life, and one of the things it seems to have given you is an increase of time and/or space in which to think, analyze, learn, plan, and heal.

However, only part of you seeks quiet spiritual awareness, while another part wants fast forward movement. Part of you has little interest in materiality, while another wants all the material rewards it can get. This push-and-pull of your desires is making you aware of your inconsistencies and inner conflicts. Don’t judge yourself for having them! You need to know just how independent or dependent you are; how free or enslaved your Will is; and how much you rely on the participation, opinion, or approval of others. You need to recognize the parts of you that you have been refusing to acknowledge.

The power of your own truth is rising. If you allow it to flow freely, it will enable you to live as you desire – perhaps not immediately – but if you don’t start somewhere – such as now – your goals may never materialize. The power of your own truth starts with being honest with yourself.

There is bound to be confusion as you leave denial and face reality. The truth may be hard to understand or accept as you move from one level of consciousness to another. We are all evolving in our own way and in our own time. Being honest with yourself opens the way forward.

In the innovative 7  3  10  1 vibrations of March in the 7 Year, what seems like a distraction is often a catalyst for a much-needed change of pace and focus. March is a time of originality and new beginnings. But the situation is not simple. Much of the healing that needs to occur in you is now being reflected by something that is happening to someone else, or by the emergence of deeply buried memories and feelings. Either way, life is about to take you back to the very beginnings or origins of what you most need to heal. You may be surprised to discover just how much feeling you have ignored, and for how long.

Even when you identify the parts of your past that need healing, the old buried emotion still needs to be accepted, and expressed out of your body. This month offers healing on a very large scale – and you must give the process both the time and acceptance it needs.

It is time to get to know the real you, rather than the ‘pretend’ you. By now, you may be feeling withdrawn, tired, reserved, or secretive. Others may see a strangeness about you and wonder what is happening to you. There is no need to alienate yourself from those who care for you, but if you ignore this month’s introspective agenda, you are likely to have bouts of aggressive or submissive behavior which are unlikely to be helpful. You may become cynical and pessimistic. You may engage in episodes of egotism and intolerance. Or you may become timid, afraid, and unable to act decisively.

If you believe you already have Free Will, you are mistaken. At this time, no one on Earth is free. We are all enslaved to various situations and beliefs which would not be able to survive if we started to really think and feel for ourselves.

No one can “give” you freedom. It is not theirs to give. FREEDOM is a state of being which can only come from within – and the same is true of PEACE. The circumstances of March offer you a taste of both.

Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 7 YEAR CYCLE.

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00


CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





monthly forecast

This Monthly Forecast describes how the 3rd month of MARCH interacts with your 8 YEAR (8+3=11=2).

The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper. ~Bertrand Russell

 SLOW DOWN. As much as you may feel compelled to do something, this cycle urges you to be patient and bide your time. Your own needs are being taken care of behind the scenes where your impatience cannot damage their potential. March is all about right timing, and this is not the time to push your plans ahead unless it involves playing a cooperative role in some kind of partnership.

Give your attention or support to someone or something else instead. The way you respond to others will have a major impact on your overall plans. You will be needing the support of others later in the year, and now is a good time to remember that what goes around, comes around.

The  3  8  11  2   vibrations of March provide a preview of what we must all learn in the years ahead with regard to patience, power, freedom, peace, teamwork, partnership, cooperation, intuition, and diplomacy. Try to stay as composed as delays, doubts, or time-consuming details distract and frustrate you. Attention to detail and a high sense of priority are essential now.

The most significant contribution you can make this month is to give others your patience, kindness, and understanding. Their circumstances may be more complex and painful than you imagine. Don’t force your presence or ideas on anyone. Stay in the background. You are here to help, not control.

All individuals are connected to the one large body we call humanity; and humanity is only a part of an even larger entity called life. This month provides a spectacular opportunity to experience this connection for yourself. Try to approach matters in a relaxed but attentive frame of mind so that you can recognize and absorb this new intelligence and connect the dots. Listen carefully and hear what is really being transmitted – or omitted.

At some point while you’re cooperating, taking a back seat, tending to details, and putting your own plans on hold, you will realize that until these details are taken care of, you cannot proceed anyway.

Someone or something has entered your life to tell you, or show you, what you most need to know at this time. Or perhaps this person or thing has been around all along. Whatever the case, through the power of patience and the ability to see other sides of the story, a new sense of direction can now emerge. This will confirm that although the purpose of this month’s events is to take your mind off your own goals, it is also to help you clarify them.

What is motivating you? If your goals are based on competition, greed, one-upmanship, revenge, or anything that does not have a peaceful and loving intent, you cannot attract success. Find the love in your heart and allow it to direct you.

No matter how it seems out there, humanity IS evolving from war-like competitiveness to peaceful and loving connectedness and CO-existence. Doing what we love and loving what we do – doing what we FEEL like doing – is the key to freedom, happiness, and peace on this planet. Of course, this cannot happen until we develop the courage to be free and peaceful within ourselves, and to know that the chaos we are experiencing in the outer world is our own resistance to freedom and peace. And notice that the deeper ‘resistance to change’ digs in its heels, the more irrational it becomes.

Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 8 YEAR CYCLE.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00


CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





monthly forecast

This Monthly Forecast describes how the 3rd month of MARCH interacts with your 9 YEAR (9+3=1+2=3).

It is hard not to exaggerate the happiness you haven’t got.  ~Stendhal

March marks the end of a phase in which you were so easily swayed or hurt by the insensitivity of others, but don’t be surprised if your own insensitivity becomes an issue, too. This is a time to conclude a situation which is no longer desirable, and this can be an enormous relief if you don’t deny the inevitable feelings that arise when you say farewell to an old friend, habit, belief, or situation.

March triggers nostalgia and longing. Don’t let guilt tell you that you must keep up the appearance of being rigidly in control of your emotions. Guilt’s function is to stop the emotional movement that allows life to flow freely. Guilt cannot move out by itself.

You are going over old ground in order to retrieve feelings of happiness that are buried there. But be sure that what you are remembering is not just the appearance of happiness. We can easily deceive ourselves into believing we were happy just because we were able to smile.

It is the inner feelings of happiness, and not the pretense, that you must search for now – feelings of true fulfillment, no matter how brief they may have been. If you cannot find old happiness at all, you will first have to express the layers of sadness that are burying it.

The 9 Year is emotional by nature. It is also very healing and can help you expand your creative ability, stretch your imagination, and see new potentials. Let the emotional and healing   9   3   12   3   vibrations of March help you discover a talent you have kept hidden – and to phase out situations that do not contribute to your well-being. Notice the positive responses from others as you find a more natural way to communicate.

Friends are a major aspect of this cycle. Perhaps there is an unresolved issue hanging over you. Perhaps a current friendship has lost its sparkle. Perhaps the nature of a friendship is causing a problem. A friendship may end, or a misunderstanding may be cleared up. Remember that the only approval you need is your own.

Keeping up appearances is a form of fear. It is fear of rejection – fear of how you are perceived by others. Self-acceptance is the only antidote. Accept yourself for who and what you are – and who you were, too.

Self-acceptance creates a healing inner magnetism which enables you to attract who and what you love, instead of situations and people with whom you have nothing in common. 

Realize how hard you have been on yourself in the past. What is the worst that can happen if you don’t get your life exactly as you (or others) think it should be? Answer that, and you will release yourself from the painful grip of guilt that always tells you that you should be doing better than you are.

Notice, too, where you may be transferring your own guilt onto others by implying that they should be doing better than they are.

While you are searching for past happiness, you will see that the only times you were genuinely happy were when you were not concerned about what others thought of you. Remember that neediness attracts neediness. Guilt attracts guilt. Satisfaction attracts satisfaction, just as money attracts money, and love attracts love.

Before you can know where you’re going, you must know where you are. Make sure you read the description of your 9 YEAR CYCLE.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00


CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:







Creative Numerology – COPYRIGHT © 1999 TO 2024 – Christine DeLorey – all rights reserved

weekly forecast

WEEKLY FORECAST – February 26, 2023

TO CALCULATE YOUR NUMBER FOR 2023, simply add 7 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation).

Example birthday: April 26:

Month: 4

Day: 2+6 = 8

Year: 2+0+2+3 = 7

4 + 87 =19 (Keep adding until you get a single number).

1+9 = 10

1+0 = 1

In this example, the Year Number for 2023 is 1.

If you are in doubt about your Year Number, use the CONTACT FORM on this website to send me your month and day of birth. (Year of birth is unnecessary in this calculation).

Use your new Yearly Number to read your Monthly and Weekly forecasts throughout 2023. (Your Personal Year runs from calendar year to calendar year – not from birthday to birthday).



NOTE 1: The energy of WEEK 9 involves the way we respond to whatever we are experiencing, and because February 2023 is a 9 MONTH in this 7 YEAR, the emphasis on realism and truth is stronger than ever…


February = 2


The emotional vibrations of 9 shake our minds open and expand our awareness. The alternative is to use denial of reality to render our minds so narrow that vital information simply cannot enter. And now, all the emotions we denied in the process of denying reality are coming to the surface. Reality is sinking in, literally.

On Wednesday, WEEK 9 brings us into the 1 MONTH of March, the number of change and innovation, and the beginning of something new… or at least the potential for something new to emerge out of something old. This is a time to LET GO of what was – and work with what is instead.


March = 3

7+3 =10, and 1+0 = 1.

No matter what your situation happens to be, this is a time to dispense with denial and accept reality fully. This may be a matter of realizing and being grateful for what you’ve already got. Or it could mean facing what you’re up against and finding ways to deal with that. Whatever the case, this is a time to LET GO of any misconceptions that you are clinging to, so that progress is actually possible.

Meanwhile, how people respond and react to what happens this week is a major factor, especially when it comes to the re-emergence of old hostilities, resentments, and hatreds. Forgiveness is not easy, but it is vital to your own wellbeing. Forgiveness does not mean letting down your guard if someone cannot be trusted to treat you fairly. But it does mean accepting what happened, releasing yourself from the shock of that experience, reclaiming your life as your own, and moving on.

If you haven’t already read OUR 19/1 KARMIC RUT which I re-posted last week, WEEK 9 in this 1 MONTH would be a good time to do so. It explains a lot.

NOTE 2: you can gain additional insight this week by reading the 1, 4, 7, and 9 Forecasts as well as your own.



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Surface appearances can be deceiving, so stay alert and try to picture your actions from someone else’s perspective. Take some time for yourself. Recognize the fact that you could not control a recent situation, and yet here you are fighting off the weight of the misplaced guilt it has produced. Be kind to yourself. You have a right to be who and where you are.


Teamwork and cooperation are needed. Only by acting in the best interests of all concerned, can you comfortably travel this slow, emotional, and down-to-Earth vibration. Sometimes, taking a back seat can place you in a more powerful position, but you will only be able to take advantage of this through a patient, considerate, practical, and humble frame of mind.


Be friendly to your own ideas, recognize their long-term potential, and trust in your abilities and intelligence. If you think you are lacking good ideas, it’s because you are shutting them down before you have figured out how to make them happen. Your Will is made of your feelings, and where there’s a Will, there’s a way. Be patient. A piece of the puzzle is not in place yet.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






Barriers arise when different ideals, beliefs, or cultures refuse to accept each other. One such barrier can now be removed so that peace has a chance to develop. The first step is to genuinely desire a solution, which will be impossible if you are blinded by old judgments. Full acceptance of your current reality, including its long-term potential, for better or worse, will bring much insight.


Being able to love yourself is essential if you are to live freely and safely. This form of self-respect enables you to make moment-by-moment decisions which serve the best interests of everyone involved. Now, however, you must rescue this power by recognizing a certain mistake which you are in danger of making or repeating. Be determined to break an old pattern of behavior.


There is power in numbers! Two heads are better than one! Cooperation means working together! You can achieve more as a team than you can alone! Peace is a two-way street! There are two sides to every story…  Let these little clichés help you to realize how peaceful life can be when everyone’s needs are being met, and everyone’s story is being heard.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





Weekly Forecst


Things cannot stay as they are, and this is a chance to recognize the fact that reality is constantly changing, and that previous expectations or beliefs are no longer realistic. You can now benefit from a recent change of mind or circumstance. Issues from the past are affecting everything in the present and cannot be avoided. Ongoing adjustment to your plans can help you feel freer and more optimistic than you thought possible.

Weekly Forecst


Guilt is telling you that your ego must be kept in check when, really, all you are doing is trying to take back some of your own power. But guilt does not want you to feel powerful – it wants you to feel guilty! As you wait for deeper understanding, treat others as you would like to be treated, and remember that if you hold on to the past and try to move forward at the same time, all you can achieve is standstill.

Weekly Forecst


This cycle cannot be rushed because it is made of present time. But you can look back into the past because present time is a reflection of how the past has unfolded. Slow right down! Whatever you are feeling is an indication of what you want – or don’t want. Your understanding of cause-and-effect will grow as you find connections between what is happening now, how it came to be – and what you can turn it into.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






Join me on





WEEKLY FORECAST – February 19, 2023

TO CALCULATE YOUR NUMBER FOR 2023, simply add 7 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation).

Example birthday: April 26:

Month: 4

Day: 2+6 = 8

Year: 2+0+2+3 = 7

4 + 87 =19 (Keep adding until you get a single number).

1+9 = 10

1+0 = 1

In this example, the Year Number for 2023 is 1.

If you are in doubt about your Year Number, use the CONTACT FORM on this website to send me your month and day of birth. (Year of birth is unnecessary in this calculation).

Use your new Yearly Number to read your Monthly and Weekly forecasts throughout 2023. (Your Personal Year runs from calendar year to calendar year – not from birthday to birthday).





We are likely to experience a whirlwind of energy as WEEK 8 crosses paths with the 9 GLOBAL MONTH of February (the number of drama, endings, and deep emotions) – in this 7 GLOBAL YEAR, the number of truth, lies, learning, and under-the-surface matters.

Each week, there are many interlocking cycles of different lengths and vibrational qualities operating together – like the cogs and wheels of a fine analog watch – all ticking and moving according to their own precise function. It is this movement, and these connections, that enable us to assess WHERE WE ARE in the journey of life. Of course, clocks and watches are not time itself. They are devices humanity invented with which to MEASURE time.

Time moves forever forward. But we are living through an enormous timeshift (from the 1000s to the 2000s, and a large percentage of the population are so afraid of change that they are determined to move backwards – back to the way things always were – out of balance, male dominated, racially and sexually motivated, and driven by greed, contest, conflict, and war.

This week’s numeric setup is a reflection of the ongoing TUG OF WAR between the past and present, and sends a flurry of signs and messages, some of which are obvious. But because 7 represents “the mysterious” and “hidden”, some are much harder to decipher than others. And so, the speculation and theories will continue to run rampant.

WEEK 8 of this 7 YEAR reflects the use and abuse of POWER – not just out there in the big world, but also in our own personal lives.

Not only is SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2023 a karmic 19/1 Global Day, (2192023=19=10=1), but the fact that it is also the 19th day of the month makes this a double 19/1 day. KARMIC 19 represents some of the most important lessons we are meant to learn from the previous millennium of the 1000s. By learning the lessons of 19, we evolve into innovative 10 (1+9=10), and from 10 (1+0=1), we move from 1 to 2. You see, the next step after 10 is 11 … and 1+1=2. This energy brings us into PRESENT TIME, so that we can discern what, in the past, brought us here – and where the future is headed if we carry on in the same way.

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2023 (2202023=11/2), and 11/2 brings our attention to the nuclear nature of life on Earth. 1 is the nucleus of all the other numbers, and represents the atom. 11 represents the splitting of the atom, which led to the birth of atomic weaponry. Atomic energy is the nature of physical LIFE – but we weaponized it! How we use it can enable life to flourish – or be destroyed.

After traveling through the masculine 1 energy for 1000 years, humanity is now in the feminine 2000s. 2 is the number of PEACE through diplomacy, and PROSPERITY for all, not just the few. Yet here we still are, as the past continues its attempt to stop the future from unfolding.

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2023 (2212023=1+2=3). 3 emphasizes communication, friends, enemies, creativeness and destructiveness, truth and deception. Whatever is going on in your life, this is a day to listen carefully, and try to analyze what you are hearing, rather than jumping to conclusions. 3 is the number of both shallowness – and depth.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2023 (2222023) is the 53rd day of the year, which adds more 8 energy to this 8 WEEK (5+3=8). Those five 2s add up to 10, which denotes a new phase of an ongoing situation, the 0 represents untapped potential, 5 is the number of sudden and unexpected developments, and 3 is likely to bring unusual or unexpected communications relating to matters of POWER and SECRETS.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2023 is the 55th day of the year. Innovative and fast-moving 55/10/1 triggers ideas that were once considered to be “before their time”. 55/10/1 brings things to the NEXT LEVEL and propels us forward – but only if we learn from current and past experience, deal efficiently with sudden events, and use our resources intelligently. Without that, we remain in a deadlock situation. gives us RESOURCEFULNESS – and double-5 doubles our potential. At the same time, 8 tells us to use what we’ve already got to get what we want or need. This is the energy of new ideas, original thinking, and invention. 55/10/1 also signifies the consequences of not making necessary changes in the right way, time, and place. “A bend in the road is not the end of the road – unless you fail to turn…”, as Helen Keller reminded us.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2023, (2252023) is a karmic 16/7 DAY in this 7 YEAR – which further emphasizes truth, lies, learning, and under-the-surface matters. 7 is the number of secrets kept – and exposed. FEBRUARY 25 is also a DOUBLE DOSE DAY which happens when the month and day add up to 9(2+2+5=9)9 broadens our understanding of global matters and deep-rooted personal issues. 9 represents ENDINGS and LETTING GO, it triggers dramatic situations and deep feelings, and emphasizes the need for empathy and kindness. It really is time to LET GO of what has been hurting you, so that you can focus on something else that really needs your attention! Be sure to re-read your weekly forecast (below) on Saturday the 25th.

NOTE 2: Additional insight can be gained this week by reading the 12, 3, 5, 7 and 9 Forecasts as well as your own.



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When considering what is best for your future, notice what is happening in the present, and trace your way back to precisely what, in the past, led to your current reality. This cycle demonstrates what occurs when indifference takes the place of your true feelings. If you feel angry, afraid, hurt, or frustrated with yourself for not being more ‘in control’, look around. Notice everything. Get your bearings! Stay informed. Regain your confidence.


You will be unable to see all the details if you’re not looking patiently enough at them – or for them. Even if you are not in a strong position, you can make progress just as long as you do not push too hard or assert yourself too strongly. Your life has changed, and you need more time to understand the new reality into which you have landed. Calm down. Breathe easy. Don’t rush. Observe carefully.


See yourself as an equal no matter how great your differences seem. Do not put on an act. Everyone is experiencing life in their own way, and the need to be ‘better’ or ‘right’ cannot coexist with creativity, friendship, truth, or love. The need to be better or right is the denied fear of being inferior or wrong. Let communication flow in all directions, pay close attention to what is happening, and there will be no need to be so afraid of making a mistake.

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






You may be dealing with restrictions and time-consuming details, but good ideas and solutions are also starting to emerge. You are not powerless. You have encountered an obstacle that can only be dismantled through open communication, and the firm intent to make peace – without compromising your own freedom. Remember that a little friendliness can go a long way.


There is an obstacle on your path, which in the past, you were never able to deal with. And here it is again! So, slow down. Keep your ears, eyes, and mind open. You are on sensitive ground now, and there are potential delays and misunderstandings everywhere. Tolerance and attention to detail are needed. For insight into what is holding you back, look in the mirror. If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then who IS that person staring back at you?


The emphasis is on change, freedom, and gaining personal power. An attractive possibility exists, and only you can decide whether the terms are acceptable. Think back to previous situations which resulted in disappointment because you did not speak up or state your needs clearly. You can now gain valuable experience from a previous mistake. What do you really desire the end result to be?

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





Weekly Forecst


Recent events have stirred your emotions which are waking up your mind. Only if you are aware of your extremes – or something that is having an extreme effect on you – will you be able to find a comfortable balance. In order to heal your heart, and your love, any coldness or indifference you experience needs to be accepted as the heartlessness that it is. This is a chance to evolve into a more realistic and loving frame of mind – and start building a foundation for greater long-term security.

Weekly Forecst


Base your decisions on reality, not wishful thinking. Slow down and look at how your life has changed, and how you may have been trying to maintain a false appearance. The opportunity or responsibility that lies ahead could be bigger than you think. If you are to benefit from it, you must educate yourself with relevant knowledge. You need accurate information – so you need to look at what you are avoiding.

Weekly Forecst


A significant step forward is possible if you are prepared to both give and receive. This cycle emphasizes the power of combined effort, even though there may still be some resentment or ego issues to deal with. A team operates best when the individual abilities of all concerned are appreciated and used appropriately. This is a time for patience, fairness, BIG ideas, and careful attention to detail.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






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weekly forecast

WEEKLY FORECAST – February 12, 2023

TO CALCULATE YOUR NUMBER FOR 2023, simply add 7 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation).

Example birthday: April 26:

Month: 4

Day: 2+6 = 8

Year: 2+0+2+3 = 7

4 + 87 =19 (Keep adding until you get a single number).

1+9 = 10

1+0 = 1

In this example, the Year Number for 2023 is 1.


If you are in doubt about your Year Number, use the CONTACT FORM on this website to send me your month and day of birth. (Year of birth is unnecessary in this calculation).

Use your new Yearly Number to read your Monthly and Weekly forecasts throughout 2023. (Your Personal Year runs from calendar year to calendar year – not from birthday to birthday).


NOTE 1:  This is the 7TH WEEK of this 7 YEAR (2+0+2+3=7).  7 is the number of learning, analysis, awareness, spirituality, mystery, intrigue, the pursuit of truth and understanding, effective planning, and precise orchestration. Of course, every number has its shadow side, which in the case of 7, includes  harmful plotting, secrecy, lies, blackmail, envy, revenge, deceit, conspiracies (and “conspiracy-theories”), excessive pride, arrogance, scandal, and the classic “fall from grace”.

7 can produce great dignity and confidence. It can also trigger feelings of inadequacy and paranoia.

In this  strange, shadowy, soul-searching week, as world events unfold in whatever way they do, you may find that on a personal level, memories resurface, seemingly out of nowhere, taking you by surprise. These include things from the past that you thought you were “over”, but are clearly not.

Deep inner healing is a major theme this week. The “inner” nature of this DOUBLE-7 vibration triggers feelings and thoughts that we are holding inside – secrets we’ve been keeping from ourselves. You see, we cannot evolve into our true selves until we recognize what is preventing us from doing so.

7+7 = karmic 14/5. This energy offers productive forward movement, provided we are able to LEARN from past mistakes, stop repeating them, and find a new and more intelligent approach. This will enable us to handle unexpected situations with more ease, more resourcefulness, and more courage.

Then, on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16TH, karmic 16/7 enables us to learn what needs to be learned, provided that our need to “be right”, or “better than”, does not prevent us from seeing what we got wrong.

NOTE 2: Also on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16th, your weekly forecast repeats as a daily forecast, and insight can be gained by rereading your own weekly forecast on this date. This repetition occurs when the month and day add up to 9 (2+1+6=9).

9 increases our understanding of global and large-scale matters, as well as deep-rooted personal issues. Memories, circumstances, and emotions intensify on these dates.

Dramatic 9 brings endings, conclusions, completion, and ‘letting go’ of what we are holding onto in order to move forward. It is essential, therefore, to understand that we cannot let go of the past if we don’t know what the past consists of. What’s happening now is the result – the outcome – of what happened in the past. This is why history serves such an essential purpose, (our own personal histories, included).

Letting go of the past does not mean forgetting about it. No, the past is what we learn from (and 7 is the learning number). Letting go means allowing the past to move into its natural position in the course of time – behind us.

9 also emphasizes the need for empathy, caring, giving, and FOR-giving. Ultimately, forgiving others and ourselves is what healing from the past is. But this cannot occur when the truth of the past is prevented from reaching our consciousness.

NOTE 3: Additional insight can be gained this week by reading the 57 and 9 Forecasts as well as your own.



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The way you communicate or present yourself is emphasized. Listen carefully and be prepared to read between the lines. Focus. Do not let erratic or peculiar thoughts distract you. Others can give you what you want, but they may want something from you in return. If your needs or ideals are very different, do not be intimidated. You hold a bargaining chip. Choose wisely. Think long-term.


You want to face the facts, but the intensity of your feelings may come as a shock. Your situation is confusing. You know your feelings are valid, and yet you want to cut them off before acceptance sets in. Denial would be so much more convenient. But only your conscious acceptance of your circumstances and feelings can give you the major insight that this cycle offers. There is something valuable to gain here. Stop fighting it.


All of your feelings need outward expression now, and mixed feelings are therefore unavoidable. Allowing this combination of emotions to move freely within you will help you to understand what your situation most needs. It’s OK to grieve – it’s OK to be afraid – and it’s also OK to feel those rays of hope, optimism, and excitement. Let yourself feel it all because each of your emotions is an expression of your love. Sometimes love feels joy, and sometimes love gets hurt. Whatever the case, let love express itself as it needs to.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






Slow down. Take the time to notice how you are connected to others. You may prefer to deny certain facts, but you will benefit greatly from the new intelligence that this cycle offers, especially where different beliefs, lifestyles, generations, or cultures are concerned. Whatever feelings arise, feel them fully. Not feeling them has prevented you from being free – free to be who you really are.


If you feel out of your depth, the tendency may be to cling to whatever seems to offer the most security or the easiest way out. In this situation, you must carefully plan your next step, after analyzing all the facts. You are learning to juggle, orchestrate, expand your resourcefulness, and most importantly, stand on your own two feet. Just be sure that you are not about to replace one bad habit or situation with another.


Something must be brought to a conclusion, but probably not in the “proper” or “usual” way. A different approach is needed. Be practical. This means adapting to your changing reality, moment by moment. The details are important. So is the big long-term picture. As Einstein so aptly put it: The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking that created them”.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:





Weekly Forecst


Listen carefully to what others are saying, observe their actions, and don’t assume that you already know what their reality is. Don’t assume either that your own situation is a foregone conclusion. There are under-the-surface details that you cannot see yet. Feel what you are really feeling. Then you will gain insight into your own and other people’s motivations – and you’ll be less inclined to repeat an old mistake.

Weekly Forecst


The more you try to manipulate or impose conditions within this cycle, the more chaotic it becomes. It’s not easy dealing with your own ignorance, extremes, rules, prejudices, or addictions, but simply recognizing them can take a lot of pressure off your shoulders. You are gaining a deeper sense of who you and others actually are, and why you are connected in the way you are. This is a time to prioritize.

Weekly Forecst


Until we learn how to heal and evolve our emotional energy, we will tend to hurt ourselves and each other without realizing it. And since the unevolved mind prefers not to know how hurt the feelings are, we continue the hurtful behavior as if it is “normal”. Self-forgiveness is the key – not because you did not already know what you are learning now, but because you thought you should already know. Oh, the futility of guilt!

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK by making a donation – large or small. This will help to offset the costs of this ad-free site and keep it available to everyone. Thank you so much.     DONATE HERE


WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time

You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these extraordinary, unpredictable, evolutionary, and often frightening times, each book contains inspiring daily, weekly, and monthly forecasts for your specific yearly cycle. Your Year Book will be used and appreciated every single day for the entire year ahead..

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE)

Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

All of my books are available in most countries that have Amazon. Just search CHRISTINE DELOREY. Here are some links:






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WEEK 49 – on the road to 2020

WEEK 49 runs from Tuesday, December 3, to Monday, December 9. It is a karmic 13/4 Week, and the final week of a 10-week cycle in which all the week numbers began with 4. There is a heightened degree of seriousness about this week. Fact vs fiction! Don’t get carried away. Keep your feet on the ground. This is practical and realistic energy.

4 represents restriction, sorting things out, putting things in order, obstruction, delay, hard work, dedication, determination, and breakthrough. Attention to detail is essential in this vibration. 4 is the number of mechanism and shows us how whatever we are dealing with works – how it moves – and what the end result is likely to be if it keeps moving in the same direction.

4 is the number of SYSTEM, and we are now likely to see more clearly just how the system works – and how it isn’t working.

“I’m just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round,
I really love to watch them roll,
No longer riding on the merry-go-round,
I just had to let it go.”

~ John Lennon, Watching the Wheels

“Watching The Wheels” is a song about ‘the system’. John Lennon was murdered 39 years ago in New York City, in Week 49, on December 8, 1980. His song, “Imagine” is also about the system. The title seems to be a prophetic ‘instruction’ for these times, because until our ability to imagine alternatives evolves, all we can conjure up is more of the same.

This year, WEEK 49 is a karmic 13/4 week in a 6 month.

December = 1+2=3



The restriction (or breakthrough) that brings is likely to involve children, family, domestic, and economic matters, the stability of institutions, and challenges to established law. The 9 in 49 brings something to an end. 9 brings drama and deep emotions. Something or someone may reach their limits this week – or perhaps a feeling that this really is the “final straw” will sweep over the population. But of course, it won’t be the final straw. The damage has been done, some of which is irreversible. 4 is the number of WORK, and we have our work cut out for us as far as shaping the future is concerned. However, it’s ‘holiday time’ again, and people are distracted.

13/4 draws attention to safety in working environments, pay structure, equal opportunity, and work ethics, including the devastating impact of industry on the natural world. And this is likely to accelerate all the way through 2020 – which is a 4 Year. And because 2, the number of unity and joint effort, is so prevalent in the new millennium, unions, worker’s rights, and economic fairness are likely to be major issues.

Denial of reality will be very obvious this week, and yet, as more exposures are made, denial will continue to deny, regardless of evidence, and what we see with our own eyes and hear with our own ears. That’s what denial does. It denies everything. It even denies it is denying. Denial of reality is the root-cause of most of our problems on Earth today, and in matters of politics, it is becoming standard procedure.

We must not become numb to the lies. A major aspect of our evolution is to be able to recognize these gaslighting tactics and not let them muddle our senses. That level of trickery is what we are evolving from. 2 is the number of transparency. 2 is also the number of perception and the senses. This week’s karmic 13/4 energy is likely to bring us ‘down-to-Earth’, perhaps with a thud, as we get closer to the much bigger secrets that are terrifying so many blackmailable people in powerful positions around the world. And if that is the case, it means that they have no power at all. Someone else is pulling their strings.

We cannot change what we refuse to look at. And without accurate understanding, we hold ourselves back and box ourselves in. And we cannot change anything if we keep things the same. This two-party system that dominates so many countries in the world keeps us marching to the same old tune:  left/right/left/right/left/right. The March of the Same Old Same Old; competing approaches to the same tired old system of capitalism.

13/4 exposes the dangers of being inflexible and uncompromising. It wakes us up to the sheer lack of inspiration brought about by not having a specific GOAL to aim for. 4 needs a goal to work towards in order to maintain its vital sense of PURPOSE. 4 has to have a REASON to work, otherwise it starts to make hard work out of easy tasks.

WEEK 49 brings obstruction, or exposes it, and it also provides the determination to break through barriers. 4 brings success through unremitting effort and hard work. And 9 enables us to complete what we start. Don’t be distracted by anything trivial or irrelevant. Things are happening in the world – and in our own lives – which we simply cannot afford to ignore (deny).

Karma is not punishment for past and present misdeeds. Karma is the learning of what we have been unable to learn, and what we most need to learn in these harsh unprecedented times. Karma is the natural law of “cause and effect” – and this is a WEEK of Karmic Balance.

Your personal weekly forecast repeats as a daily forecast on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6. This repetition occurs when the month and day add up to 9(1+2+6=9). On these ‘double dose’ days, (triple-9 when you include the 9 in Week 49), circumstances, memories, and emotions intensify. 9 represents endings, conclusions, and letting go of the past in order to move into present time – which is where we really do need to be – because the present is where the future is created.

Read your Personal Forecast for Week 49 HERE.

And remember that no matter which year you happen to be in personally, the world is in a 3 Year in 2019 (2+0+1+9=2=3). Much insight can be gained by reading the 12, and 3 forecasts as well as your own. The 4 and 9 Forecasts are likely to affect us all, too, this week.


Buy my book LIFE CYCLESyour emotional journey to freedom and happiness