Tag Archives: numerology

WEEK 40 – Hope, Realism, Practical Action

Week 40 runs from October 1st to 7th. It marks the beginning of a 10-week cycle in which all the week numbers begin with 4 – which gives us a chance to get better organized and more aware of the nature of what we are experiencing.  Detail-oriented 4 helps us to understand what a situation most needs – and what ‘tools’ are at our disposal.

In the next 10 weeks, the decisions and choices we make are deeply emphasized. 4 is never the smoothest of roads, and this is a time to mix hope with realism and practical action.

“Hope is not like a lottery ticket you can sit on the sofa and clutch, feeling lucky. Hope is an axe you break down doors with, in an emergency.” ~ Rebecca Solnit

The WILL of humanity is actively freeing itself, and people are beginning to understand the enormity of this responsibility. We must be aware of what’s happening in the outer world, because it reflects what’s going on inside us individually and collectively.

Free Will is not given to us by others. The Will already exists within us in the form of feminine energy – our senses and emotions. But in this age of transparency, we can see just how un-free, attacked, demeaned, muted, and held down the feminine actually is – all over this ‘man’s world’.

No wonder there is such a thing as ‘rape-culture’ on this planet, when Mother Earth herself is being raped, choked, poisoned, and tortured, in the name of “business”, every second of every day.

“Male supremacy” in every culture is being confronted, as never before. But it is the un-evolving WHITE male, from a particular ‘background’, that truly dominates – with a sense of entitlement that is both absurd and terrifying. This is why ‘titles’ and hierarchy are such important aspects of the old system.

The dominant male had his time (the millennium of the 1000s). But here in the 2000s, feminine energy is rising, the nature of which is not to dominate, but to bring empathy, equality, fairness, justice, and balance into life.

Balance brings steadiness, increased awareness, and courage. We cannot stop the old system from breaking down, but we can participate in sowing the seeds of a more loving and creative world, in which we do not have to destroy vast swathes of LIFE, in order to feed our desires or feel secure.

This extends to all life-forms. What we do to animals is so grotesque that our hearts would shatter if we really peered into it and FELT the agony and terror there. Our empathic powers can short-circuit when faced with this level of cruelty. How we treat animals is an accurate gauge of what we are capable of doing to each other.

And sure enough, as one heartbreaking example, there is a genocide going on in Yemen in which men, women, and children, are being starved to death by a system that maintains control through constant war. But humanity cannot evolve while it is at war with itself – or while it imprisons children, (the future), in isolated ‘camps’ after tearing them away from their parents.

There are so many things happening in the world that need our attention that it’s impossible to keep up with it all.  But we must not ignore the alarming spread of racism around the world, and what could be a long descent into fascism.  The WILL of humanity must resist this with all its might.

And yet, the human “race”, and all racial matters, go beyond skin tone, ethnicity, nationality, culture, and religion. The human “race” begins with the great imbalance between male and female which tells us that compassion is a weakness, rather than our POWER to evolve, and that women are the ‘weaker sex’.

The old system – the “human race” – is fully exposed in the transparent 2000s. It cannot withstand the scrutiny, confrontation, or shock of having its shadowy-self subjected to the light of reality. And life is likely to get even more dangerous as this reactionary, un-evolving, enraged, masculine energy CLINGS to power.

As the world becomes smaller, we become more aware of the sheer diversity of life. So many different realities. So many different people, each with their own story. And so many different species. All sharing an abundant planet, but unable to accept certain others as EQUAL. Unable to communicate. But as we continue to open new paths into the future, many people are focusing on what we can contribute to life on our planet, instead of only what we can extract from it.

We ARE the change we seek, but we are using such a small percentage of our potential. Our light has been turned down by a system that allows very few to shine – which brings me to another ‘axe’ quote that I’ve seen frequently in recent weeks:

“The forest was shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe as its handle was made of wood, and they thought it was one of them.” (Anon)

4 is restrictive, matter-of-fact, and technically-inclined. 4 is the builder and engineer, and can help us to start building new foundations on which to steady ourselves, and keep some balance during this volatile transition.  It can also help us break through certain barriers which, in the past, we did not know how to confront, or even realize that they needed to be confronted.

4 is a serious energy which verifies data and points out inaccuracy.  4 is the number of mechanical movement, which is a principle factor of TIME – and these are indeed CHANGING TIMES.

10 brings things to the ‘next level’, and in the next 10 weeks, all the way through the 10th month of October, we will have a better idea of what we are actually dealing with. 11 is the number of LIGHT, which has many meanings – and November is the 11th month of this 11 Year. We are headed for a month-long cycle of 11:11 energy. We cannot know how that will affect us in November, but what happens in the 4 weeks leading up to it will give us many clues.

Buy my book, LIFE CYCLES: Your Emotional Journey to Freedom And Happiness, HERE

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOKS  your journey through the cycles of time. Get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these tense, unpredictable, and  evolutionary times, each book contains inspiring monthly, weekly, and daily readings for your specific yearly cycle. This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle). GET YOUR YEAR BOOK HERE 






WEEK 39 runs from Monday September 24th to Sunday the 30th. It marks the end of a ten-week cycle in which all the Week Numbers began with 3 – and we often have the most to learn from a cycle as it comes to an end.

We are also moving through the end of the old male-driven millennium of the 1000s, which is evolving reluctantly and violently, into the feminine 2000s. The old system continues to fall apart, but what replaces it is yet to be formed – or even conceived. We are experiencing the end of an era, and until we, as individuals, and as a whole, start laying the groundwork for something new, the chaos and danger will continue. Emotional 9 represents the potential that arises from the end of an era.

Creative 3 represents imagination and empathy, it also enables us to see alternatives that are both logical and idealistic. (We will start to feel this aspect more deeply next week as we enter Week 40 and a 10-week cycle in which all the week numbers begin with 4 – the number of METHOD, SYSTEM, HARD WORK, and CONSTRUCTION).

3’s complexity is astonishing. Whatever we try to create, 3 helps us put it together. 3 provides continuance, just as the creation of a baby brings continuity to any species. 3 is the result of  masculine 1 (the father) and feminine 2 (the mother).

3 is the child. When there is imbalance between masculine and feminine, the child suffers – and we are now experiencing the rise of feminine energy for the purpose of equality, balance, and healing.

Look at the atrocities happening to children all over the world, and keep in mind that children are the future. 3 is the ultimate ‘life goes on’ energy. And the survival chakra is fully charged in this 3  9  12  3  vibration.

This energy moves our emotions, the physical sensations of which not only open our minds but our hearts, too. This massive infusion of feminine energy can bring significant healing to the deadly infection of heartlessness that holds humanity hostage. The entire class system is based on racism. That’s what classification (labeling) IS. The fabric of humanity will be torn apart by a system that has no heart. Our hearts are broken and heavy from the weight of our unexpressed feelings.

“…it’ll soon shake their windows and rattle their walls, for the times they are a-changin’…” ~Bob Dylan

“Where is the outrage?”  Rage is suppressed anger. Rage has been building for a very long time, but we are programmed to believe that anger is a ‘bad’ thing, rather than the very emotion that brings constructive change – if constructive change is the intent. Expressing outwardly what is trapped inside is a major part of humanity’s healing process.

Anger is response to PAIN, and the whole world, including Mother Earth herself, is in agony. It is 3’s optimism and its desire for happiness that will keep us going through thick and thin as we make our way through the 3 energy of the 21st century (2+1=3). But not ‘blind’ optimism or indifference. As the next 10 weeks will show us, we are all involved in this transformation, and the situation is likely to get a lot worse before it gets better.

Whenever a number is followed by 9, the original number reproduces itself. 3+9=12. And 1+2=3. And since 3 is the square root of 9, (3 x 3 = 9), the focus on children, family, and deep emotion, is even more distinct.

This includes the child that exists in all of us, no matter our age – especially aspects of our childhood that ingrained certain beliefs in us, or painful situations from which we never fully healed.

3 is the number of repetition, pattern, and persistence.

3 represents words, sounds, sociability, creativity, optimism, friends, beauty, appearance, entertainment, and diversion. 3 is the number of people, population, popular culture, the artist, and the audience.

People love to get caught up in a good drama; a cliff-hanger; ‘waiting for the next shoe to drop’. The 3 vibration touches all of our senses and triggers all of our feelings. 3 represents the airwaves, the internet, media, social media, TV, radio, music, film, literature, all the creative arts, the stage, and the staging of things.

But this is reality we’re experiencing here, not a reality-TV show.

3 is also the number of illusion, deception, and distraction. It can get us so caught up in the drama that it scatters our focus and shortens our attention-span. It can have us hopping from one thing to another without going deeply enough into anything to fully understand it. This is why 3 is often called the number of ‘shallowness’.

But the deeper we go, the more intelligence we gain, and the more able we are to implement what we have learned. Combine this with detail-orientated 11 (2018 is an 11/2 Year), and our capacity to expand awareness is indeed evolutionary.

3 also represents gossip, judgment, hearsay, and the tendency to believe the loudest voice, the most repeated statement, and the ‘big lie’. 3 evokes pettiness, jealousy, spite, deception, fraud, enemies, slander, manipulation, revenge, and even blackmail.


is a   9  9  9  11   day in the world.

9 9 9  is the emergency code for the UK.

9 1 1  is the emergency code for the USA.

The old systems of both empires have reached unsustainable levels and are collapsing under the weight of their own imbalance.  Eventually, this will enable a new way of life to emerge, which focuses on healing, not harming, and in which all people really ARE equal. But there is no easy way out while forward movement is curtailed by those who are clinging to the kind of power that belongs in the past – power over others rather than the empowerment of all. Basic physics shows us that imbalance brings chaos. No justice, no peace!

While 3 emphasizes the power of WORDS, the 11/2 energy of 2018 and the dramatic 9 energy of September (along with the 9 in Week 39), emphasize the enormous power of communication that emanates from our FEELINGS.

These are very NOISY times, and naturally so. And while it is important to express ourselves outwardly and openly, it is just as important to take the time to fully experience what we’re actually feeling – without the mind’s constant chatter – without judging the feeling – without dialog – without sound. 3’s emphasis on communication includes the messages that you send to yourself. Your emotions are your HONESTY communicating with you.  FEEL your feelings. HEAR yourself.

“Do not the most moving moments of our lives find us all without words?”  ~Marcel Marceau

The great French mime artist, Marcel Marceau, did not use words in his act, but his audience easily recognized what his emotions were conveying. He recounted how captivated he was as a child by Charlie Chaplin’s silent movies, and how this inspired him to become a mime. The first time he actually used mime was to keep Jewish children quiet as he helped them escape into Switzerland after the Nazis invaded France.

Cover art Copyright : Vadim Rysev  123rf.com

Buy my book, LIFE CYCLES: Your Emotional Journey to Freedom And Happiness, HERE

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOKS  your journey through the cycles of time. Get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these tense, unpredictable, and  evolutionary times, each book contains inspiring monthly, weekly, and daily readings for your specific yearly cycle. This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle). GET YOUR YEAR BOOK HERE 





week 38


WEEK 38 runs from Monday September 17th to Sunday the 23rd.

Millennium = 2

Century = 2+1 =3

Decade = 10

Month =  9/11 and 20/2

Week 38 = 11/2

Year =  11/2

This is the energy of PARTICIPATION and WORKING TOGETHER, and what a creative vibration this has the potential to be. Amid all this chaos, hate, and destruction, there are things we can do, and there are behaviors and circumstances that we can transform if we put our minds and hearts into it.

When the mind and heart work together, they produce feelings of courage and confidence, and we trust ourselves. But the mind and heart must now evolve to a point where they accept all of our feelings, and not just the pleasant ones. The entire emotional range is an essential part of who we are. It enables us to express our true response to experience. Every feeling, instinct, and urge you have, is teeming with information about the reality of your situation.

The mind is distinctly masculine. The emotions are distinctly feminine. The physical heart is where they meet, as equals. The heart is the ‘go-between’ which resonates with both our masculine electricity and our feminine magnetism.

The heart is meant to be the BALANCE POINT between mind, emotion, and body. But our inner and outer realities are dangerously out of balance – because the masculine mind considers itself  to be superior to emotion and body. Consequently, what’s happening in the outer world is all about the control of women, including women’s bodies – and destroying the balance that feminine energy (which we all possess) is bringing to Earth. Feminine energy is our WILL.

The fear and anger being triggered by this assault is switching our minds ON, and as the Will rises to defend itself, this turbulent transition from the 1000s to the 2000s is taking a turn towards truth and equality. Denial of reality is everywhere, and it’s killing us. But because our first instinct (our first feeling) is to survive, we are pulling ourselves out of denial – out of that insane illusion that has always distorted our understanding of the human journey.

Now we are seeing denial after denial, lie after lie – all over the world – in all walks of life, but especially among those whose power-positions are threatened by this shift in time. The old system is based on the number – the number of SELF. But without truth, it is SELF DESTRUCTIVE. Without awareness, we cannot survive.

We have been repeating the same old events and circumstances throughout time, along with the same old outcomes. War. Death. Destruction. Pain. Misery. Slavery. Terror – all stemming from the antiquated idea that masculine mind is superior to feminine feelings, and that the body is a useless ‘shell’, rather than the temple that houses all these inner functions. These misunderstandings are where imbalance, injustice, and all other unfairness begin.

Here we are on Planet Earth – experiencing physical life – as the millennium merges with the 2. We have to be awake for this – and willing to play our part in helping to shape a better existence for ourselves. And in such dangerous times, we have to develop the courage and confidence to do so as we go about our daily lives.

Look out into the world and you’ll see denial right before your eyes – denying guilt, denying fear, denying truth, denying reason, and denying its own denials. In the transparency of 2, you can see right through it. Of course, we also have to be aware of the feelings and realities that we ourselves are denying. Being honest with ourselves opens the evolutionary path.

We each have our own life to live, and our own story to tell, with its own cast of characters. We are expressive beings. is the number of expression, communication, and creativity – and puts power into it.

38 wants to create something special and worthwhile. But remember that 38 can also be deceptive. represents illusion and appearance, and can be quite the bully.

We can try to hide from reality. Or we can panic. Or we can raise our determination, pay attention to the details, find their connections, see the bigger picture, and increase our ability to understand and handle the complexities of these times. We evolve by learning from experience and steering ourselves accordingly. The vibrations coming from our emotions shake OPEN the mind and communicate TO the mind what the experience IS.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018 is the 261st day of the year, making this  a  9  9  9  11  day. Be aware of what you are feeling and thinking as the day (and week) unfolds. 11 illuminates what we need to be aware of – and absorbs this information. represents expanded awareness.  This is a time to make a point – or to recognize the relevance or irrelevance of someone else’s point. is the number of completion, making this a good time to finalize something – but again, be very aware of the details. Don’t rush things along just because you want to see results.

Also on the 18thyour weekly forecast acts as a daily forecast. This happens whenever the month and day add up to 9. (9+1+8 =1+8=9).  On this date, and again on the 27th, we get a much clearer view of how our emotions are used to control us. Both 9 and 11 can shock us with their revelations, but these numbers also inspire us to transform our feelings into beneficial change.

The 38/11/2 vibration enables us to see beyond the status quo and imagine new possibilities. = creativity. = manifestation. 11 = light, which is currently illuminating the gaps that exist between us – gaps that contain a lot of ILL feeling (hate).

38/11/2 is a healing and optimistic vibration that focuses on people (3), power (8), and connection (11).  There IS common ground – and our DESIRE to find it draws us magnetically to it. Desire is a feeling – and a vital part of the emotional range. Everything starts within.

“Truth is so great a perfection, that if God would render himself visible, he would choose light for his body and truth for his soul.”  ~ Pythagoras.

Denial of reality leaves us numb and unfeeling, but because denial denies its own existence, we do not realize just how feelingless and ‘indifferent’ we can be. We are afraid to face reality because the feelings involved are so intense. However, we’re a lot more honest with ourselves than we used to be – and naturally so, since emotion IS our honesty!

It is so important to have accurate information. 8 can help us here because is the number of POWER through correct understanding.

is the number of perception. Old understandings of reality are breaking down as we leave the shadows of denial that have forever obscured our understanding of life. is also the number of sensitivity, emotion, sensuality, cooperation, peacefulness and kindness. But look what happens in the old system when truth comes to light: denial, denial, and more denial…..

We have no patience because we misunderstand the power and purpose of TIME – just as we misunderstand the power and purpose of FREE WILL.  As I have said many times, is a gentle slow-moving energy, but if you try to push against it or speed it up, it pushes back hard and slows you down even more!  is the number of patience, attention to detail, and right timing.

There is never a need to harm yourself or anyone else in the process of expressing your feelings. Anger is the most judged against of all the emotions, especially in women. But that is changing, too. Women have a lot to be angry about, and important lasting change often begins with the honest expression of this natural emotion.

When the feelings of anger and rage are channeled with loving intention towards constructive change, mountains move.

We have VOCAL CHORDS for a reason. We are not all professional singers or speakers, but we do each have our own song – our own story – the mixed feelings coming from our hearts. Your vocal chords are your main means of releasing an emotion. There is a reason that the vocal chords look like a vagina. The vocal chords give birth to the feelings in your heart and sets them free.

Normal healthy vocal chords (voicedoctor.com)

Week 38 is the 9th week of a 10-week cycle in which all the Week Numbers begin with 3.  Week 38 is a time of facing reality head-on and expressing inwardly and outwardly how it’s making us FEEL. With the 3 energy so strong right now, people may be expressing themselves, vocally, at a more heightened level than we are accustomed to. The freeing of the human WILL depends on the vocalization of what is in our hearts. But this does include our overall INTENT which is either loving or unloving. The way forward is with love.

8 = power, including holding power over others, or being overpowered. is the number of communication, and its lowest ebbs include blackmail and other forms of pressure. This may be far more widespread than we imagine.

Humanity is time-traveling through the chaos and confusion of our own denials, and it is understandable that we often feel defeated and doomed by this system that refuses to die. Yet we can see it dying before our eyes. And in its death throes, it becomes more and more in denial, more and more insane.

As our journey through the cycles of time continues, remember that time is the rhythm of nature. Time is movement and growth. Time is numbers. Time is potential – and in order to fulfill potential, change is unavoidable. Time is change.

The system disables our ability to change and grow by deliberately keeping everything the same. It is from this monotony, (disguised as ‘normalcy’,) that we must escape. In the course of time, consistency and change work hand in hand. How astonishing it is that the only thing that is constant in this world, is change.

Buy my book, LIFE CYCLES: Your Emotional Journey to Freedom And Happiness, HERE

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOKS  your journey through the cycles of time. Get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these tense, unpredictable, and  evolutionary times, each book contains inspiring monthly, weekly, and daily readings for your specific yearly cycle. This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle). GET YOUR YEAR BOOK HERE 






WEEK 37 is a 10/1 week (3+7=10=1) in the 9th month of the year. Not only does Week 37 begin on the 10th, it is also the 253rd day of the year which adds up to 10. Another 10 is formed when you add all the days involved: the 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, and 16th add up to 91, which = 10.

We are also in the final 15 months of the DECADE OF THE 10s. So it seems that 10 really is trying to tell us something important this week – which pertains to our own personal power, as individuals, to change what we need to change in ourselves, in order to bring about evolutionary change in the world.

10 amplifies the fact that is the number of THE INDIVIDUAL THE SELF – and 1 is the number from which we have the most to learn as we continue to transition from the 1000s to the 2000s.

With so many instances of 10 this week, it is bound to be a time of movement, action, and consequence. And for every action taken, there is a reaction.

“ The times they are a changin’ ”

~Bob Dylan, 1964

10 represents ‘next step’ and ‘new phase’. 10 provides opportunity to change the central issues that govern our lives. The basic numeric spectrum consists of the numbers through – and then comes 10, which brings us back to 1, but on an elevated level. 10 produces the RESULT of what we have learned from the basic steps that came before it.

Now, as a result of the spiraling energy of Week 36, the 10/1 energy of Week 37 brings us to a point where more of the old ways give way to the new, regardless of any draconian measures to obstruct this unavoidable millennial movement. People have been evolving inwardly for some time now, and 10 activates outer action.

10 also represents the binary code – computerization – the digital age – and our tendency for ‘binary thinking’, in which we seem to believe there are only two choices to each of the myriad issues we face. This ‘either/or’ trap is reflected in the 2-party political systems all over the world which limit us to the same old political tune to which we have been marching throughout time: left, right, left, right, left, right.

This creates the psychological illusion that individuals can do nothing to help themselves and opens the door for dictatorship, authoritarianism, and nazi-ism, to march right in and remove all semblance of Free Will from the people. But never forget that it is Free Will we are evolving towards. Free Will is feminine energy. 10 opens our minds and brings forward NEW ideas that make the old unbalanced ways obsolete.

2 teaches us that reality extends way beyond 1 and 2, and that the true role of government in an evolving world is to keep everything in balance so that one power does not overpower another. It is the sensitivity of 2 that enables us to discover and maintain this balance.

1 expresses itself mentally. 2 responds emotionally. Even this 11/2 Year is made up of two 1s. Humanity is evolving by connecting the dots, and finally putting 1 and 1 together.

1+1=2 is the first point of CONNECTION. Consequently, our evolutionary journey since the beginning of the 2000s has been a voyage of discovery, propelled by our growing ability to follow patterns and connect details. The only solution to this war of opposing points of view is to find their connection. 2 is the number of common ground.

What’s happening now is the result of what went before. Life on Earth has always been this way. But now, as we shift from the shadows and secrets of masculine 1, to the openness and transparency of feminine 2, we can see it more clearly. The old ways are ending and will not come back. 

2 is the number of gradual development through equality (balance). This must start within – as equality between our masculine minds and our feminine emotions.

We saw an example of this struggle this weekend as Serena Williams was penalized by a male tennis official for expressing her anger at being unfairly accused.  And yet, when male players express themselves angrily, it is considered to be the noble act of ‘fighting back’. It’s OK for men to express anger, but not women – and especially black women.

The whole concept of the ‘angry black woman’ is a horrible myth. Emotion is our HONESTY, and the reason so many black women are rising in every field right now is that their realism is waking up an emotionally repressed and therefore dumbed-down population. In the openness of the 2000s, our TRUE colors shine. Anger is the most judged against of all the emotions.

Feminine energy, regardless of skin tone or physical gender, is our ability to feel. FEELING is equally as powerful as THINKING, and when both of these parts work together, we evolve as the powerful, creative, and loving individuals we have it in us to be. That is the inner balance we ALL have to find as we move further into the 2 vibration.

Prejudice against emotional expression is found in all areas of life.  What is now referred to as PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) used to be called “hysteria” and was gravely looked down on (especially by the military) because it made distraught war-weary soldiers seem ‘womanish’. So they changed the term to “shell shock”, (and then PTSD).  But the term ‘hysteria’ is still frequently used for women. 

1 is the number of EGO (one’s sense of self), and 10 exposes ego that is super-inflated, to the point where insanity is clearly visible. There are a lot of super-egos out there who are so absorbed in themselves that their grip on reality is slipping more and more each day. Unfortunately, many of these people hold positions of great power and are a danger to life itself.

Finding balance in the ego is not easy, and a deflated ego is often just as dangerous because it thinks so little of itself that it gives support to the inflated one, the bully, the ego-maniac. Only by accepting ourselves as we are (self-acceptance) can we ever find the essential balance between wanting too much and expecting too little. Balance in the ego IS self-acceptance.

Our struggle to move FORWARD continues against the pull of those who want to drag us BACKWARDS in a futile attempt to keep this dying system alive. As evolving life, we cannot avoid this struggle, or the alternating feelings of losing and gaining control, as this mental/emotional rollercoaster speeds up, slows down, and speeds up again.

Week 37 is the 8th week of a 10-week cycle in which all the week numbers begin with 3. All aspects of communication are extremely important right now, including Net Neutrality, proper fact-checking, and the bravery of whistle-blowers.

Both 3 and 7 are essential vibrations with which to transform the ‘information age’ into the AGE OF TRUTH. Meanwhile, our minds and emotions are bombarded with lies, including lies that have some truth to them; and lies so big that we ‘think’ there ‘must be’ some truth to them. The multi-billion dollar conspiracy theory industry has found success in infiltrating the mainstream media – which leaves itself open to such attacks when it focuses on ratings and revenue and the sheer negligence of making entertainment (3) out of NEWS and knowledge (7).

But we the people have to take responsibility too, because in this supply-and-demand system, journalism’s ‘lowering of the bar’ was possible because of the population’s insatiable need to be entertained. 3 is the number of COMMUNICATION, creativity, people, population, popularity, popular culture, gossip, hearsay, illusion, and outer appearance. 3 is the number of the stage – and in this 10 Week – it is also the number of the next stage.

This old dying system has always used our own feelings and emotions as weapons to control us. But as we continue to wake to the rhythm of no-nonsense 2, those tactics no longer have the same effect. The system depended on its ability to communicate to a population that could not feel what was happening to it. But not now. Not in this dawning age of transparency and heightened intuition.

2 is the darkness of YIN. 1 is the light of YANG. Neither is supposed to dominate the other, yet here we still are, in a ‘man’s world’ that refuses to let go of the past and evolve with the rest of humanity.

Each one of us has an ego, part of which struggles with old, familiar, but outdated understandings, because discovering what we don’t yet know frightens us so much. That’s where 2’s feminine courage comes in, standing adamantly against unfairness and the harming of others. It’s not just women who are feeling this deeper side of 2. Men have a full range of emotions too, but are generally conditioned to subdue their feelings more than women.

We are seeing women rise with a different kind of wisdom here in the 2000s – along with men who are not afraid of their emotional energy, and are also opening their receptive channels. 1 EMITS. 2 RECEIVES. This produces a chemical reaction between masculine electricity and feminine magnetism. We are electro-magnetic beings but have never experienced true balance between the two and therefore have yet to discover our true potential.

Next week: we move into the 11 energy of Week 38.

Artwork: www.123rf.com

Buy my book, LIFE CYCLES: Your Emotional Journey to Freedom And Happiness, HERE

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOKS  your journey through the cycles of time. Get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these tense, unpredictable, and  evolutionary times, each book contains inspiring monthly, weekly, and daily readings for your specific yearly cycle. This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle). GET YOUR YEAR BOOK HERE 






WEEK 35 is the 6th week of a 10-week cycle in which all the Week Numbers begin with 3. The combination of 3 and 5 produces a fast-paced, creative, physical, and sexual vibration. 35/8 produces the passion to persevere until all the different factors align, a path opens, and a result is arrived at.

We are moving through FERTILE GROUND this week, which enables us to sow seeds of the future, by making something significant happen in the present. 35/8 is the pregnancy vibration in which a baby – or a ‘brain-child’ – is conceived.

3 = happiness, communication, creativity, the stage, the world stage, entertainment, illusion, appearance, friends, enemies, depth, shallowness, truth, and lies.  3 = people, children, fun, social structure, social media, news, gossip, hearsay, blackmail, storytelling, and the enticing power of the arts.

5 = freedom, diversity, sudden and unexpected development, changes of direction, expansion, attraction, and adventure. 5 = the fast lane, the physical body, sex, attraction, the different and unusual, gambling, indulgences, habits, addiction, impulsiveness, and learning from experience.

8 = POWER in the material world, and matters of economics, government, military, and industry. 8  gives us a return on whatever we have invested into life. 8 is the number of results. When abused, 8 is the number of the cold manipulator.

8 is also the number of the bully. When power is used to overpower the Free Will of others, there is always guilt – in denial. And denied guilt is the most dangerous form of denial because it justifies the chaos that selfishness creates, and feels emboldened by its own meanness.

There may be at least one situation where we say “I didn’t see that coming”, only to realize that all the signs were there, but were ignored through distraction or disinterest. There are important lessons to learn this week about inevitability, and the laws of cause and effect.

In this 8 Week, as we leave the 8th month of August, we are reminded that 8’s lower vibrations include greed, arrogance, and a sense of entitlement that is based on material worth, social position, or physical strength. 8 represents the coldness of a purely materialistic outlook.

You do not have to be rich to be greedy, and you do not have to be greedy to be rich. But wherever greed exists, it jeopardizes the entire planet. Hard line economic tactics (austerity) make things worse. If humanity does not establish balance – at some point everything will topple over. Then it will not matter how much money or influence you have, because you’ll be going over with it.

So, it’s in everyone’s interest to reverse this backward-slide. Time moves forward, and when we don’t move with it – when we remain stuck in the past – the future catches up with us and kicks us out of the way.

When we are pushed backwards, we must find a way to pull ourselves forward, and we need to be strong for this, especially emotionally. It is the WILL of the people that is evolving in these early days of the sensitive transparent 2000s. The Will is feminine energy. It is made of our feelings and emotions, which the system has controlled and subdued throughout time. The Will is our principle means of resistance.

If we return to the way things were, history will repeat, and we would simply end up back where we are now, having to travel this barbaric karmic circuit once again. What’s different now is the timing. The 2 energy of the 2000s gives us a chance to change things – if we can develop our courage to do so, and study the situation deeply enough to find the best way to make those changes stick.

“Dear Americans, if you want to know what you REALLY would have done in the early years of the nazi regime, consider what you are doing now.” ~Werner Herzog

This is a time to be honest with yourself about your own individual values and priorities. There is nothing wrong in not knowing the answers, provided you are willing to learn. So let down your guard and admit, to yourself, how you really feel.

Take care of yourself. Guilt will tell you that you cannot rest – but common-sense tells you that you cannot proceed successfully until you do.  A huge infusion of kindness is needed now – which starts with being kind to yourself.

3, 5, and 8 are all material numbers which enable manifestation. Week 35 draws us into the material world, and provides answers and remedies to this precarious time in the human journey. Keep in mind that Mother Nature IS the material world. There is nothing on Earth that does not come from HER.

35/8 teaches us how to create the results we want, rather than leave the quality of our lives in the hands of others. End results are not set in stone. End results are created by the decisions and choices we make. Of course, many of the obstacles we are now facing are the result of previous choices. We are all in the evolutionary process of releasing ourselves from old programming – and embracing the truth. Consequently, the very notion of truth is a major issue.

We can see how corrupt, misleading, and circus-like the ‘INFORMATION AGE’ has become when Rudy Giuliani tells us that “truth isn’t truth”, and Kelly Ann Conway tells us that there are “alternative facts”. But truth will always be truth. Fact is fact; fiction is fiction.

3 = people

5 = change

8 = power

The power of the people to change things is more apparent now as we become more aware of what we are up against. This is why attention to detail is so important.

Only the greater awareness of an evolving global population can counter the lack of awareness of the ‘supremacist’ mindset. A closed mind is incapable of learning anything new and therefore unable to evolve from its belief in its own superiority.

The very idea of different ‘races’ is also part of our ancient programming. Humanity is made up of different CULTURES which provide variety and richness to the experience of life. But the competitive class system turned our precious diversity into ‘races’ – against each other – in order to divide and conquer. Races are contests – the very essence of battle. Racial division is what keeps us in a state of constant war. I mention this often because it is so important to understand: THE HUMAN ‘RACE’ IS THE SYSTEM, NOT THE SPECIES.

We are human beings, one species among countless others. The ‘human race’ has been moving so fast in the great race to nowhere, that the reality around us has been nothing but a blur. And as we move closer to 2020, the full horror of our racial programming is staring us right in the face. WE ARE ONE – but we are not all the same! Without our beautiful diversity, humanity would be unable to hold itself together, unable to expand, and unable to survive the sheer weight of such monotony.

That old way of living can never be restored. It doesn’t allow for change, and it always leads to another world war which kills millions of precious lives, only to clean it all up, start anew, and repeat the same mistakes all over again.

Saturday, September 1 is the 79th anniversary of World War 2 – the date on which Nazi Germany invaded Poland in 1939. This reminds us that for as long as wars must be ‘won’ rather than diffused, war can never end.

The current rise of nazi-ism/white supremacy in the US, UK, and around the world is horrific, but our entry into the 2000s gives us a chance to put an end to that tired old pattern of suffering and stagnation, by doing things very differently this time around. Revenge is never the answer. Revenge is what keeps the old system going.

While certain leaders may be able to make significant changes, it is humanity itself that must push itself forward with the power of our WILL. The Will is made of feelings, emotions, instincts, intuition, caring, detail, patience, teamwork, cooperation, connection, and all the other attributes of the 2 energy.

As the Will continues to rise, as it must do in the 2000s, people are hungry for fact, not fiction; reality, not ‘reality show’. We have it in us to transform the corrupt ‘information age’ into the age of TRUTH. That is why the battle to control the internet and all forms of communication are inevitably part of today’s turmoil.

With correct understanding, we gain a BALANCED VIEW, and that is where freedom, fairness, justice, and equality begin.  You don’t have to change yourself. You just have to BE yourself. This is where honesty and trust begin. We cannot evolve any further until we develop this level of self-acceptance.

Until then, a mix of karmic and evolutionary vibrations will continue to reflect this almighty split in human values. Our basic choices are very few right now.  We can focus on the greater good of people and planet. Or we can allow fear of change to keep us locked in the past. We can also ignore it all, but Indifference is often a form of hatred – in denial.

Hate is not a natural emotion. Hate is the result of natural emotions such as anger, fear, and grief, that have been twisted and tortured in the process of denial, to the extent that they infect the other emotions. Hate is the absence of love.  In the process of coming out of denial, hate must rise to the surface so that we can accept its reality in the world – and most importantly, in ourselves. All hatred starts as self-hatred. And hating hate produces more hate. 

 One of 8’s most magical powers is the power of APPRECIATION. This means making the most of what you already have. Appreciate it with all your senses. Combine this with the creativeness of 3, and the resourcefulness of 5, and we realize that APPRECIATION transforms what we already have into something of greater value.

Week 35 is a time to release yourself from issues that have been holding you back or dragging you down. The way you conduct yourself in the outside world – the way you communicate and interact – can have a lasting effect. You are here for a reason, and these powerful vibrations contain creative sparks that trigger forgiveness, enthusiasm,  ideas, the ability to let go, and make a move in a direction that is right for you. In this fertile energy, whatever you imagine is a valid possibility.

Buy my book, LIFE CYCLES: Your Emotional Journey to Freedom And Happiness, HERE

CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOKS  your journey through the cycles of time. Get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these tense, unpredictable, and  evolutionary times, each book contains inspiring monthly, weekly, and daily readings for your specific yearly cycle. This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle). GET YOUR YEAR BOOK HERE 





Week 33 – The Power Of EXPRESSION

Week 33 runs from August 13th to 19th.  33 is the master healer, teacher, entertainer, and communicator. And because it is occurring in an 11 Year, its powers are boosted and magnified.

Week 33 is the 4th week of a 10-week cycle in which all the Week Numbers begin with 3 – the number of people, population, children, joy, friendliness, communication, optimism, sociability, social-media, words, images, hearsay, gossip, appearances, shallowness, the stage, putting on a show, illusion, entertainment, and influencing the masses.

August is the 8th month – the number of POWER itself. And the 8th month of an 11 Year gives us 19 – the karmic number from which we have the most to learn at this point in time.

33 is a great teacher and communicates exactly what we need to know. But it is up to us to pay attention to the details. This may affect your own personal life – or the world itself – (not that there is any difference). Your personal life is part of what’s happening in the world. In Week 33, our sense of ‘belonging’ is being triggered – and tested.

33 is the most balanced form of 6.

6 is the number of both balance – and extremes. This week, as we view things from different angles, and weigh things up in our hearts and minds, we have an opportunity to broaden our perceptions and evolve.

Balance and stability cannot be reached until our electric minds and magnetic feelings align within the biological body. Then, the power of communication reaches new levels, and we see things as they are, unobscured by the lies and misinformation we’ve been fed, generation after generation.

BALANCE means making adjustments as we go, and in the process, learning what must be regulated in order for the balance to hold. Therefore, 6, the number of JUSTICE and FAIRNESS, is also the number of RULES and LAWS.

Some rules were made to maintain balance, and some were made to enable certain people but restrict others. Without fairness, the balance collapses into the chaos we are now experiencing. History is trying hard to repeat itself, and we cannot allow that to happen. Humanity must find and heal its WILL – our ability to feel.

Balance means arranging things in a way that enables energy to move without obstruction. Balance puts everything in its right place so that life can flow FREELY.

The extremes of life are using the power of communication to confuse and subdue the population. And while we’re all distracted by deeply emotional events, they are bending and eliminating the very laws that would hold them accountable.

As a species, we have never known true balance. Humanity has always had an evil streak, a dangerous vibratory mix of irrational fear, greed, jealousy, and a deep stagnant rage – which is held in denial. Eventually, the hate it produces can no longer contain itself, and it bursts out uncontrollably and destroys whatever or whoever it despises.

Because we are evolving emotionally, our denied emotions are coming to the surface. Therefore, the potential this week (and for the next 5 weeks) is highly CREATIVE and highly DESTRUCTIVE at the same time. The CHOICES we make in the present determine the future. CHOICE is a principle aspect of Free Will. So is LOVE.

Week 33 exposes our addiction to entertainment. Our role of ‘audience’ has become the story, and the story is being engineered to obtain the reaction the system wants. This mind control is achieved by manipulating our emotions. This is why it’s SO important to find inner balance between masculine mind and feminine feelings. They have different but equally vital roles. Neither is ‘superior’ to the other.

1 = Mind = electricity = action.

2 = Emotion = magnetism = knowing.

2 is the number of cooperation, partnership, working together, caring, detail, patience, and deep intuition. As we move further into the magnetic 2 energy of the 2000s, we cannot leave the electrical 1 energy behind because every number is a multiple of 1.

2 is always made of two 1s. There is no other way for 2 to exist – thus the emphasis on the master number 11 – the great connecter through which life regenerates and expands – (1+1=2).

1 + 2 = 3. This represents flow – direction – the basic steps.

Humanity is becoming increasingly aware of how limited we are, and how much we still have to learn. And that’s what we are doing – LEARNING – about life, about ourselves and each other, about love and hate, about the ways of the past which keep us limited, and about the planet on which we depend for our physical existence.

“The forces of fascism are massing as Nazi propaganda speaks of making Germany great again…”  ~Louis MacNeice, “Autumn Journal”,1939.

The extremes are penetrating the mainstream in the form of nazi-ism, unquenchable greed, unbridled hate, massive political power-games, and denial of reality. This absence of both intelligence and love must never be normalized.

However – the more attention they are given, the deeper they are able to penetrate. So in order to find and maintain balance, we have to be aware of the extremes and use our senses as a gauge. Everything has its place in this world, including the extremes, and those who dwell there. Finding a way to push them back to their right place – the outer edges – is part of what it will take to evolve into a more sustainable – more loving – way of living.

“There is nothing as sure as a closed mind…”  ~from the movie, Dean Spanley

Authoritarian tactics create a breakdown of communication between people. And for as long as we are divided, we are conquered. Without free and open communication, we have no power. 3 is the number of SELF EXPRESSION.

33 teaches us about the power of kindness and unconditional love. It decreases the need to control and manipulate – and helps us to stand up to those who do. We all have personal lessons to learn now about peace, division, reconciliation, forgiveness, and emotional healing.

On the other hand, 33 can also bring out the urge to ‘take over’, go beyond established law and institutionalize. 33 is the principle energy behind the cruelty of dictatorship, patriarchy, and misogyny. 33 typifies the despot and tyrant.

“…and it’s a human need to be told stories. The more we’re governed by idiots and have no control over our destinies, the more we need to tell stories to each other about who we are, why we are, where we come from, and what might be possible.”   ~ Alan Rickman (21 Feb 1946 – 14 Jan 2016), talking about the power of stories..

The overall message this week is simple: EXPRESS YOURSELF! Each of us has our own point of view – our own personal way of looking at and understanding life. But we have to listen to other views – not just our own. That way, we can better understand how it all fits together.

Week 33 in an 11 Year activates the 44 energy. 44 demonstrates the power of hard work and dedication. 44 is the most balanced form of 8. Two squares. True balance. 44 helps us recognize where we are leaning so far in one direction that we cannot see what’s happening in other directions. This is the point at which we realize that our sense of perspective is distorted by distractions and false understandings. 44 teaches us that BALANCE is constant adjustment.

 If we do not bring balance and healing into our lives, nothing changes, and we remain trapped in this chaotic karmic loop. Our ideas and passions must be allowed to evolve. We must move beyond our usual cut-off point and WILL them into being with the combined power of our masculine electrical thoughts, and our magnetic feminine feelings.

This is inner alignment; balance;wholeness;free will. And with 11, 22, 33, and 44 all active throughout Week 33, this is a chance to take a serious step towards a goal, and excel in some way. 6 is the number of ‘reinvention’, which in this age of transparency means BEING yourself. Everyone is showing their true colors these days, even if they are putting on an act.

To coexist peacefully, we must stop judging each other over petty things. First, we must stop judging ourselves. Self-consciousness is the fear of how others see us… the fear of being judged and rejected. But it doesn’t matter how others see us. We are who we are, regardless. 3 brings out our self-consciousness and triggers peer-pressure. We have vital lessons to learn about this in Week 33.

“Can you remember who you were, before the world told you who you should be?” ~ Charles Bukowski

We are all participating in this system. No one is above the crowd. We are the crowd. We are fledgling life trying to understand itself. And each 1 of us is an integral piece of physical life.    

But do remember that when 3 is concentrated like this, it is easy to manipulate the masses by creating such mayhem that people consciously look away. 3 is where our addiction to entertainment comes from and is being used to keep us transfixed and distracted.

What we can learn from Week 33 – and the remaining weeks leading up to 2019 are crucially important since 2019 is a 3 Year. (2+0+1+9 = 1+2 = 3).

Buy my book, LIFE CYCLES: Your Emotional Journey to Freedom And Happiness, HERE


CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOKS  your journey through the cycles of time. Get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these tense, unpredictable, and  evolutionary times, each book contains inspiring monthly, weekly, and daily readings for your specific yearly cycle. This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle). GET YOUR YEAR BOOK HERE 




Week 32 2018 – a numeric BURST

WEEK 32 runs from August 6 to 12. And oh what a week it is in terms of raising our awareness of what’s happening in our own lives, and in the world! 3 is the number of communication, and 2 is the number of sharing.

ALL the numbers are active this week – basic numbers, master numbers, and karmic numbers. The general theme is ‘learning from past mistakes’. So, if you know that an adverse behavior or situation must stop, now is the time to stop it! Nothing new can begin until you do! But do remember that past mistakes are often not mistakes at all, but situations you had to encounter in order to learn and evolve.

Week 32 is a wake-up week! And the more awake and aware we are, the more we will appreciate our personal ability to reason, learn, and understand. The more consciousness we give to our feelings, the more depth the mind receives in return. Pieces of the puzzle will fall into place this week.

August in this 11/2 Year is a 19/1 month. 19 is the karmic holding pattern that contains everything we did not learn – and everything we must learn – in order to progress. 2018 is the 19th year of the 2000s, so we have two 19s converging, giving us 38, which produces another 11.

11 is the number of ILLUMINATION, INSPIRATION, and the power of CONNECTION. Without the two 1s in 11, we cannot move from 1 to 2. We cannot progress at all.

Week 32 connects us to the creative 3 energy of the 21st century, and the 2 energy of the 2000s. This gives us the incentive to persevere, be creative, and pursue our passions wholeheartedly. As others strive to control our WILL, remember that our feelings, emotions, senses, and impulses, (our feminine energy) are what the Will is made of.

We have to keep moving in the direction we want to go. We have to keep believing in ourselves. And we have to keep increasing our capacity to give and receive LOVE. These are the feelings that will carry us forward.

As we increase our understanding of this ‘divide and conquer’ system, humanity is starting to CONNECT where there has always been separation. But the sheer barbarism of separating children from their parents as political policy is still not resolved in the USA – and such atrocities are happening everywhere as people continue to be uprooted and separated by war, poverty, and other acts of gross inhumanity.

Transparent 11 is exposing the imbalance, unfairness, and injustice that has been there all along, but was shoved into the darkness of denial. People are so busy keeping up with the pace that the system sets for us that we ignore things that really do matter. Distraction is a brutal weapon. We cannot afford to ignore reality this week, because the theme is CHOICE – and we have to know what our choices consist of.

Week 32 is a 5 week in the world (3+2=5), the number of sudden change, unexpected development, choice, and freedom. Feelings of uncertainty (fear) are inevitable. Awareness of your situation and surroundings is essential. This is ‘eyes-wide-open’ energy.

Be aware of excesses that feel like freedom at the time, but are actually avoidance of facing reality. 32/5 is an energy of contrasts – including the pain and suffering that greed inflicts on the world – and the beauty and intelligence that comes from caring and giving.

Week 32

5 sits at the center of the numeric spectrum. Things can go ‘either way’ when 5 is active, and although we cannot prepare for all eventualities, we can at least be prepared to be flexible. 5 requires us to be IN THE MOMENT because only in present time can we see what our options actually are, and how capable we can be. 5 helps us to learn from experience. Then, instead of being stopped in our tracks by guilt, over things that went wrong, we realize that life itself is one big evolving learning experience.

Some people are so afraid of change that they choose to stay trapped in the past, incapable of learning anything new. They know that life is changing anyway, but they deny this reality and try to drag us BACK to a time when their power was taken for granted. They express rage and hate, and notions of ‘superiority’ to cover up their fear of being ‘irrelevant’ and ‘inferior’.

Our emotional and intellectual evolution has been underway for quite some time, and nothing will change that. Time moves forward – and life goes on.

Human cruelty (towards all living beings) isn’t new. But in the transparency of the 2000s, it can no longer be denied. The 1000s are what we are evolving FROM. Until we let go of the past, we will have the impossible dilemma of living in two different ‘times’ simultaneously.

WEEK 32 2018

3 represents appearances, performance, communication, words, images, sound, shape, the arts, the stage – and the way things are staged. In this 10 week period in which all the Week Numbers begin with 3, we are learning deep lessons about the power of communication, authenticity, shallowness, depth, and how to sense when something is real or contrived.

2 is the principle number of our times – real time – the 2000s – and represents transparency, honesty, cooperation, teamwork, sensitivity, and the power of patience. Very soon, we will enter the decade of the 20s. But here in the 10s, many of the old ways of the 1000s are falling apart.

No, humanity is not losing its mind. Our minds are being stretched and expanded by our recognition of reality. Our emotional vibrations are so intense that they are cracking the walls of lies and denial and are pushing and pulling our minds OPEN. As a result, (and as painful and confusing as this can be), we are evolving emotionally and intellectually at the same time.

TUESDAY, AUGUST 7, 2018  (8+7+11=26=8). This 88 energy also occurs on Wednesday, August 8, which is the 8th day of the 8th month. And because 2018 is an 11 Year, the 99 energy creates intense numeric spirals that propel us backwards to learn from the past, and rapidly forward once the lesson is learned.

8 represents POWER in the physical world, and the dangers of power when understanding is lacking.

TUESDAY, AUGUST 7 is also the 74th birthday of Special Counsel ROBERT MUELLER. (7+4=11).  He was born in the 18/9 Year of 1944. Therefore, a strong 911 vibration surrounds his birthday this year. 911 and 119 often reverse the status quo, and trigger both the highest and lowest vibrations on the emotional range.

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8th is the 220th day of the year and activates the Master Numbers 22 and 88.

22 is directly connected to the circumstances and conditions of large groups of people. 22 takes us beyond our limits – and enables us to focus deeply on our true intent. But when the intent is selfish, petty, greedy, or inhumane, the result can be restrictive, harsh, and destructive.

88 sets karmic 16/7 in motion. This focuses on the abuse of power through secrecy, conspiracy, and trickery, and exposes these things. 7 represents our capacity to LEARN.

Humanity is caught up in a futile battle to BE #1. But true leadership does not involve being ‘led’, or being ahead in the ‘game’ of life. Rather, leadership is the ability to lead one’s own life and to help those who cannot. This is how evolutionary progress is made – not through the cruel and selfish ways of the past that tear each other down.

In the transformational energy of Week 32, 1 represents the individual.  1 lifts other 1s UP. That is how 11 is formed. This is how life continues and flourishes.

FRIDAY,  AUGUST 10 is the 222nd day of the year, and these are powerful vibrations indeed. 222 adds up to 6, the number of justice, family, home, caring and responsibility, and the loving connection between parent and child. And because 2 also represents sensitivity, deep emotions are bound to arise today.

The 222nd day of this 11/2 Year, creates even more 8 energy (2+2+2+2=8) – the number of POWER – the power of the individual – and the combined power of many individuals. These multiple 2s, at a time when we are evolving from 1 to 2, carry an important message: the only antidote to self-destruction is self-acceptance, self-respect, self-love. Love is the greatest power of all. Outer peace comes from inner peace. 

Also on Friday, August 10, your personal weekly reading doubles as a daily reading. This occurs when the month and day add up to 9. (8+1+0=9). 9 represents endings, completion, drama, feelings, awareness, giving, empathy, compassion, and letting go in order to move forward. Circumstances and emotions intensify on these dates.

 When 9 is derived from 1 and 8, the focus is on worldly and economic matters. 1 = LEADERSHIP, including world leaders. 8 signifies POWER on the material plane. 10 brings existing conditions to a new level – usually for the better – but it can work both ways in this erratic 32/5 Week. New lows can be reached, too. And yet, the essence of Week 32 is one of personal freedom – amid others whose personal freedom is equally important.

Week 30 “DON’T DENY IT”

The pivotal affect of Week 29 in the world

Buy my book, LIFE CYCLES: Your Emotional Journey to Freedom And Happiness,





Cover Art courtesy of ractapopulous / Pixabay.com

Week 30 2018 – DON’T DENY IT!

WEEK 30 runs from Monday, July 23 to Sunday, July 29, starting a 10 week cycle in which all the Week Numbers begin with 3.

3 represents communication, the stage, how things are staged and crafted, the arts, creativity, entertainment, illusion, appearance, and the enormous power of words, sounds, images, and first impressions.

3 represents population, people, populism, popularity, social contact, and optimism. 3 is the number of joy, beauty, children, childhood, innocence, laughter, and the ‘lighter’ side of life.

However, 3’s extreme side can be shallow, spiteful, critical, dishonest, and destructive. It judges by appearance, lacks empathy, loves gossip, and is entertained by the suffering of others. Instead of the innocence of the child, the ‘spoiled brat’ is reflected as infantile behavior in adults.

Almost anything can be staged, and manipulating the emotions of the population has become a sinister art. That’s why it’s so essential to strengthen our emotional power, not by denying our feelings, but by expressing exactly how we feel, as spontaneously as possible. 3 is the number of outward EXPRESSION, without which we have no say in the course of our own lives, and no Will of our own.

In an authoritarian world, shutting down open communication – censorship – is an essential tool. 3 is the number of appearances and the ability to convince. But when people cannot be persuaded, the trick then is to create confusion.

From Week 30 until the end of September, communication – in all its forms – sets the theme on Earth. Notice how words and images are used to inform or disinform, to enlighten or deceive, to heal or harm. Notice how you yourself are communicating, and whether you are actually listening.

Notice the communication that occurs within yourself between your thoughts, feelings, senses, and urges. In today’s chaotic reality, people are sensing the true magnitude of their feelings, and the positive purpose of their emotional range.

Week 30 produces optimism amid the chaos. Provided we do not underestimate the seriousness of our situation, optimism can carry us over the most daunting hurdles. Hope is always the last thing to go – so hold onto it.

Meanwhile, this ‘must win‘ and ‘destroy the competition’ system has reached a stage of self-destruct in which the greediest and most unloving among us are preparing to fight to the bitter end for the grand prize of BEING #1. But it’s too late for that. The millennium of the masculine 1s is over, and we are entering the balance of feminine 2.

We are dealing with the most creative energy – and the most destructive energy – at the same time. So the question is, where are your intentions coming from?  Love? Or Hate? As people all over the world express their true feelings, their true colors appear.  No matter who we are or profess to be, whatever is inside is going to come out.

Being honest with ourselves is part of our evolution. But until we bring ourselves into present time by learning from past experience, we run the risk of destroying ourselves through sheer stubbornness – our refusal to recognize and accept reality.

1 teaches us that change is the result of inspiration and action. 2 teaches us the importance of openness, response, and coordination. And 3 is the chemical result of 1 and 2 which holds 1 and 2 together. 1 is the father. 2 is the mother. 3 is the child.

1, 2, and 3 add up to 6, the number of family, home, love, and responsibility. There are millions of families out there who are torn apart, homeless, desperate, and suffering. Torn apart by war and other violence, including poverty – and political design.


The ‘cold war’ between the Soviet Union and the West was an offshoot of World War 2.

World War 2 was a continuation of World War 1.

The attack by Russia on modern day democratic systems is an offshoot of the cold war.

An estimated 106 MILLION PEOPLE lost their lives in the two world wars. This week marks the 104th anniversary of World War 1 which began on July 28, 1914. It seems that whenever the 3 energy is concentrated, people communicate more about the possibility of World War 3, because the power hungry individuals who control the world, communicate their desire for it.   

The September 11 attack on the USA in 2001, led to the second Iraq War in 2003 under George W. Bush (USA), and Tony Blair (UK).

The first Iraq War (the Gulf War), continued from 1990 to 1991, under George H.W. Bush and Britain’s Margaret Thatcher. Before that, there was another Iraq war, and another one before that, going back not decades, but centuries. Wars do not end. Wars quiet down, only to flare up again when those old damaged feelings are re-triggered, and they always are, like constantly opening up the same old scab so it can never heal.

Sometimes war is unavoidable, but only because the system in which we are trapped needs war in order to maintain control. 3 is the number of friends and enemies, friendliness and animosity.

As humanity evolves in the course of time, we are experiencing the fears of those who are stuck in the past, too afraid to move forward. The sensitivity of 2 is bringing our emotions to the surface as never before. Unfortunately, this includes people who are in such emotional denial that when their feelings do surface, they burst out uncontrollably and are extremely dangerous. Denied fear bursts out as terror, and materializes as terrorism – foreign and domestic.

The world is awash in LIES. A lie is denial of reality – the reversal of truth. Denial of reality is the biggest problem on Earth today. In the end, denial will destroy the deniers, because denial of reality is lack of awareness – stupidity.

And yet, we are all denying something. If we weren’t, we would have evolved past this chaos by now. So we have to be careful that we are not denying that we’re denying, which is the energy of a hypocrite.

But the more aware we are of our own denials, the more easily we see through the denials of others. Awareness of what is happening is essential. Awareness of reality is our greatest safety net.

One of the reasons even the most well-meaning people find it so difficult to combat the constant lies being told by governments, industries, and individuals, is that denial cannot be argued with. Whatever you say, it will be denied, turned upside-down, inside out, and tossed around until you start to question your own sanity. Denial denies everything – including its own existence. Denial will go to any length to divert attention from reality.

For as long as we are holding on to denials of our own – (for as long as we lie to ourselves), those who use denial as their primary tactic will always have the upper hand – because we are afraid of having our own denials exposed – accused of something we haven’t done – accused of the very thing that the deniers are guilty of – or denied recognition for something we have done.

11 is the number of illumination, exposure, connection, and inspiration. 2018 is an 11 year (2+0+1+8=11/2). In the next 10 weeks while the 3 energy of communication is so potent, there may be instances in which people shock us by expressing their true feelings. 3 can be such a gossipy energy that blackmail goes hand-in-hand with it. And in such a corrupt system, the threat of large-scale blackmail is extremely high, as we may see in the weeks to come.

We must be careful that the noise coming from everyone openly expressing themselves – or the noise of a system trying to divert our attention from something else – does not drown out some vital details. A detail is a slice of information. And the more information we have, the bigger and clearer the picture of reality becomes.

Injustice got a free ride in the masculine “I AM” 1000s. But that will change in the caring, sensitive, feminine 2000s. It was the combination of the 1, 2 and 3 vibrations that enabled the essential “Black Lives Matter” and “Me Too” movements to rise, along with many other forward-moving organizations that could not have survived in the previous millennium. For all the pain and suffering going on in the world, there is also great progress being made in all areas.

Being honest with ourselves is essential. Changing what we have been programmed to believe – changing our minds – can be confusing and painful. It can also be enlightening, elating, and exciting. As we open those parts of our minds that were closed, new possibilities come into view. We are not doomed or damned. We are evolving from an existence of deadly denial into one of truth.

It is through our feelings and senses that we experience physical life. Without our ability to feel, we are only a fraction of our whole selves. 1 is the number of SELF, and we cannot evolve into 2 (the number of others) until we can accept ourselves fully. Self-acceptance means loving all of yourself and not just parts of yourself. It means loving yourself unconditionally. You cannot love anyone else unconditionally if all of your self is not present to love them.

Read about the pivotal affect of Week 29 in the world

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Week 29

Week 29 runs from Monday, July 16, to Sunday, July 22, 2018.  This is an 11 WEEK (2+9=1+1=2), in an 11 YEAR (2+0+1+8=11). The 11:11 energy is active all week, bringing us into present time – immediate situation – and the power of CONNECTION. It is important to stay aware of what is happening in the outer world because it is a reflection of what’s going on inside humanity itself, of which we are all a part. The week is so packed with extraordinary vibrations that it is difficult to know where to start, but here goes:

Week 29 began on July 16 with the astonishing Helsinki meeting in which U.S. president Donald Trump openly sided with Russia’s Vladimir Putin on whether Russia attacked the American voting system in 2016. The true nature of the Trump/Putin connection is impossible to accurately assess until the bigger picture emerges (and it IS starting to emerge). But as far as the numbers are concerned, blackmail and treason are ‘in the air’, along with the sheer insanity of inflated egos, and matters of national and global security. The balance of power has reached a precarious level – and this was just  ‘DAY 1’ of a week filled with a dizzying mix of Master and Karmic Numbers.


77 is 7  multiplied by 11. So it is likely that many aspects of this situation are going to move and shake and come to a head this week.

The date, July 16 also breaks down to 77.

July = 7          1+6=7

11 is the number of FAME, and 77 brings fame to a whole new level. The sad truth is that there is simply no name on Earth more famous at this time than Donald Trump.

7 is the number of the mind. The learning number. The number of KNOWLEDGE, WISDOM, and DEEP INTUITION.

77 represents FAME AND FORTUNE, STARDOM, CELEBRITY, UNBRIDLED FREEDOM, ADVENTURE, WEALTH, PRIVILEGE, EXCITEMENT, CHARISMA, ROYALTY, and POWER. But before these things can be enjoyed (or even understood), the lessons of karmic 14/5 must be learned and applied, otherwise the ego becomes so inflated that it blocks out reason and intelligence. (7+7=14/5).

Then, freedom turns to addiction and paranoia, and bullying is used to get one’s way. Karmic 14/5 requires us to learn from experience, but 77 often believes it knows it all and has nothing to learn. This is the classic “emperor has no clothes” energy.

There is a certain ‘snobbery’ connected to 7, especially when it comes to the intellect. 77 can take this to extremes, creating an irrational belief in one’s own greatness, cleverness, and superiority. 77 is at the core of ‘white supremacy’, and male domination. Nothing brings out paranoia like the 7 energy, and it is the sheer terror of a shrinking white majority that is causing this maniacal attempt to turn back time in order to retain an antiquated power that cannot sustain itself in the 2000s. 77 represents INHERITANCE – not only in terms of estate, but also inherited traits and beliefs.

This is the energy of people who have everything they could possibly want, along with all the advantages of life, but still cannot hold such power together. They cannot find happiness because genuine love and empathy are missing from their lives, and will blame everyone but themselves for their misery.

There is more to this date than just 77. The full date, July 16, 2018 = 7+7+11=2+5=7.   So Monday, July 16, 2018, is actually a 777 DAY in the world. (7 x 3 = 2+1=3), the number of communication, discussion, friends and enemies, friendliness and animosity, performance, art, the stage, the world stage, gossip, hearsay, criticism, blackmail,  pettiness, patterns, continuance, illusion, and surface appearances.

77 occurs in the name Donald John Trump. His given names, Donald (5), and John (2), add up to 7. And the Family Name, Trump, also adds up to 7.

DONALD = 645134 = 2+3=5      

JOHN = 1685 = 2+0=2

TRUMP = 29347 = 2+5=7

Both given names = 5+2=7

Family name =7


14/5 involves the ability to learn from experience and the consequences of not learning from experience. Unable to learn, we keep making the same old mistakes over and over. Donald Trump was born on the 14th, and what occurred in Helsinki, on July 16th, 2018, shows just how inexperienced he is in matters of world affairs, and particularly, how vulnerable he has been rendered by the mistakes of his past.

When 14/5’s lessons are learned, 77 exudes a natural intuition that emerges from meticulous attention to detail. Adept at the gathering and connecting of facts and figures – this is the energy of the MASTER DETECTIVE. 77 has seen it all before and is aware of the ‘big lie’ method of deception.  77 is therefore able to utilize the unusual and unexpected instead of being too shocked to believe it. 77 = intelligence.

Add 11 to 77 and you have 88 – which adds up to another karmic 16 which brings us back to 7. Karmic 16/7 represents arrogance, the abuse of power, deep secrets, lies, conspiracy, ‘strange bedfellows’, exposure, and downfall.

On Wednesday and Thursday this week, we pass through the 199th and 200th day of the year. This is most symbolic of our journey through time – from the masculine 1000s to the balance of the 2000s.

Week 29 also corresponds to the fact that July in an 11/2 Year is a 9 Month. (11+7=18=9). 9 is the number of drama, deep emotions, endings, and conclusions. This not only affects the world at large, but also each one of us individually. Each 1of us is an essential, living, breathing, feeling, thinking, UNIT of life on Earth – and 2 is the number of UNITY.

This week is not all about Donald Trump and this international whirlwind. It is also about YOU, personally.  These energies give you an opportunity to know yourself better, and to know your true strength and capability (even if you feel exhausted). You are growing up, becoming more able, becoming a more whole being – evolving. 7 is the learning number – 11 sheds light on what you are dealing with – 8 provides the power of correct understanding – 9 intensifies the entire experience – and 1, the number of SELF, brings you 1 more important step forward in your own individual journey.

And, again, this was just DAY 1 of this whirlwind 11:11 week. If Week 29 started out like this, how on Earth is it going to end?

Week 29 ends on July 22:

7+22=29 = 11

2018 = 11

So, Sunday, July 22, 2018 is an 11:11 DAY in an 11:11 WEEK, in an 11 YEAR.


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Week 28 – Concentrated ’10’

Week 28 runs from Monday, July 9 to Sunday, July 15.  This is a 10/1 WEEK (2+8=1+0=1), in a 10/1 DECADE. 10 represents RESULTS – THE NEXT STEP – A NEW LEVEL.


Week 28 begins on the 190th day of the year, which also adds up to 10. So we begin the week on a wave of 10 10 10 energy.  This suggests that we pay great attention to what is being communicated. Things may not be what they seem when the 3 energy is active, especially when it is derived from 10 10 10. 

Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it. ~George Santayana

There are only 9 numbers in the numeric range. After that, the double digits can be reduced to a single number by adding them together. (1+0=1, 1+1=2, 1+2=3, and so on). So, 10 brings us back to 1, but with the benefit of what 1 through 9 has taught us. 10 produces the result of past experience, (what we learned or did not learn from it).

If we do not learn from the past, history must repeat itself – and right now, we are precariously positioned at the edge of a massive repetition which could drag us into another descent into the heartlessness of nationalism (nazi-ism). Racial ‘purity’, (white supremacy) has always been at the core of this movement, not only in Germany in the 1930s, but also South Africa from the 1940s to the 1990s. Apartheid means “separateness”.  The barbaric treatment of Palestinians by Israel has been going on since 1948, and nationalism in Russia is rampant. And in Italy. In Britain. In the USA. Its roots are everywhere. The circumstances of Week 28 are likely to bring this fact home to a LOT of people.

The 2000s are based on equality, justice, and therefore, balance, but we cannot move safely into that new reality until we have learned what the 1000s have to teach. And denial of reality is one of the main obstacles to our evolution.

The old collapsing system of the 1000s depends on denial for its survival. This is why we see people in power positions denying what is perfectly obvious to others. The closer we look at what’s happening in the world, the more we are able to SEE denial with our own eyes, HEAR it with our own ears, and sense it wherever it exists. 2 is the number of sensitivity, intuition, feeling, knowing, the acceptance of reality, and the intelligence to know what must be changed.

Of course, it is much easier to see denial in others than it is to see what we ourselves are denying, and yet the sense of urgency people are feeling is forcing us to be more honest with ourselves. Our survival depends on this. 

What we failed to learn in the masculine 1000s is now standing in the way of our progress. The opening of hearts and the expansion of empathy and caring among human beings, is a major aspect of this evolutionary move from the selfishness of the 1000s to the equality of the 2000s.

28 emphasizes the power of empathy, collaboration, and  partnership. There is power in numbers, and this is a time of combining efforts and joining forces. Week 28 exemplifies the power of the ‘group’.

Now, as 2 (the number of sensitivity, emotion, and helpfulness) combines with 8 (the number of power in the material world, including money, politics, and ‘authority’), some ‘strange bedfellows’ could emerge as they put differences aside and work together – AS ONE – for a mutual cause.

WEEK 28 – concentrated ’10’

Tuesday, July 10 is  a quadrupal 10 day: 10 10 10 10.

The 10th of the month = 10

Week 28 = 10

July 10, 2018 = 7+1+11=1+9=10

Decade = 10

Tuesday, July 10, 2018 is a karmic 19/10/1 day in which 1 has many lessons to teach. This includes the power that comes through sharing – and the loss of power that comes from greed and fear of ‘losing’.

19 also reminds us that 2019 is the final year of the decade of the 10s. The decade of the 20s begins on January 1, 2020, and the closer we get to that date, the more crucial it is for us to embrace the feminine principles of caring, empathy, kindness, depth, and realism. This quadruple 10 energy adds up to 40, which makes us aware of the hard work, dedication, attention to detail, and determination it will take to achieve this new level of existence.

WEEK 28 – more 1s

Wednesday, July 11 is an 11:11:11 day. As with yesterday’s triple-10 energy, not only is this the 11th  day of the month, but the entire date also adds up to 11.

Month = 7

Day = 11

Year = 11

                      29 = 11

This day of exposure and deep connection will help us look at reality in a different and more revealing light. The vibrations emanating from our emotions are so powerful that they pry open our minds. And once consciousness is stretched, certain denials can no longer be denied.

This triple-11 energy produces the master number 33/6, which illuminates the enormous power of communication, and how it is used to soothe, heal, inform, educate, and entertain. And also how it is used as a weapon to incite fear, hate, and rage, to deceive and misinform, to manipulate and control.

July’s 7 energy is helping us to learn. 7 is the number of the mind – the learning number. It is also the number of secrets, scandal, and exposure.

Also on Wednesday, July 11, your weekly forecast doubles as a daily forecast on . This occurs when the month and day add up to 9. (7+11=1+8=9). This combination makes you acutely aware of what you are feeling and thinking. All change starts within. Be sure to re-read your weekly forecast on Wednesday.

All these 10s and 11s have one very visible thing in common – the number 1. The number of originality and origins. The number of beginnings, and how things start. 1 is the nucleus of all the other numbers. It is therefore no coincidence that nuclear matters are so prominent and urgent in the world right now.

1 = self. 11 = many selves. 11 connects us. However, the focus on ‘connection’ does not mean that everyone must become the same. Nor does it mean that everything has to join together. Sometimes it entails breaking a connection that is too restrictive or controlling. This diverse evolutionary path must be traveled with our minds and senses fully open, in order to discover HOW to resist this drag back to the past – and break that pattern completely.

July 2 was the center-point of 2018.  This article describes energies that will be with us from now until the end of November. JULY 2, 2018 – MID-POINT 

Read your own WEEKLY FORECASTS here

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JULY 2, 2018 – MID-POINT

July 2 is the first day of Calendar Week 27. It brings us into a seven-day expanse of double 9/11 and double 20, and these numbers are highly significant as we move towards the turning-point-year of 2020.

July 2 =7+2=9



week 27=9



911 signifies massive shifts in human consciousness and drastic changes of direction. 911 brings rapid evolvement, and outpourings of emotion, both in the world and in our own personal lives.

911 not only signifies ’emergency’, but is also a numeric transformer which resets the course – and the potential outcome. 9 is the emotional trigger that helps us to address unresolved matters of the past, while 11 illuminates the path, shows us what we need to see, and inspires us into action. But because the system programs us to deny reality, we can be easily persuaded to disbelieve what we see with our own eyes – or believe something that isn’t really happening.

This has been given the term “gaslighting”, which means to manipulate someone by confusing them to such an extent that they think they’re going crazy. The term is taken from the Academy Award winning 1944 film, “Gaslight”, in which a husband tries to drive his wife insane to distract her from his criminal activities. Things would go missing, and he would tell her that she took them and hid them. A familiar picture on the wall was suddenly gone. He suggested she took it, hid it, and was becoming a kleptomaniac. The gas lights in the house would dim and brighten for no apparent reason, and he would tell her that she was imagining it – along with her suspicions about him and the young maid. Well, the world is being gaslighted at the present time. Much of the confusion is a tactic. And much is the incompetence and small-mindedness that comes with arrogance.

2 is the number of perception and intuition, and the 2 energy of the 2000s is breaking the illusions created not only by the Trump regime, but by many governments around the world, and is showing us reality instead. 2 is the number of openness and transparency. People see through it.  We see how it all works. And we struggle with the pain of how cruel and unjust it is, even if we are privileged enough to avoid the terror personally. But it is personal because none of us are free if one of us isn’t. 2 is the number of EMPATHY and CARING.

With 911 so prominent on July 2 and throughout July, there is an obvious connection to the emergency code for the USA. It also highlights the racism in the USA involving the  HABIT of white people calling 911 – the police – to report what they perceive as ‘bad behavior’ by black people. They do this knowing how easily such an encounter can turn deadly. But at least this hatred is being exposed now, and those who are caught on camera usually do not fare too well. The problem of course are the many incidents that go unrecorded.

“People addicted to power and money are terrified of losing their position and becoming merely part of the masses that they hate so much. But they are in deep denial of their fear.” ~ High Sparrow, Game of Thrones

Everything in this system is based on race – THE race that pits us against each other in order to ‘divide and conquer’. As I have said so many times, we are NOT the human ‘race’. The human race is the system, not our species. We are human beings – who have been deprived of being who we truly are. Although this is a terrifying and dangerous transition, human beings everywhere are now evolving out of the gaslight of the past, into the true light of reality.

11/2 is the number of intuition and intelligence. 2 is the opener of hearts. 11 is the opener of minds. And in this 11 year, (1+1=2), our hearts and minds are evolving fast, (some faster than others – and some have chosen not to evolve at all).


July 2 is the 183rd day of the year and marks the exact mid-point of 2018. There are 182 days before it, and there are 182 days that follow it. (1+8+2=11). Therefore,  July 2 is situated between two 11s, making this an 11:11 day as well. A day to get organized on the inside first, and then outwardly. And because 2018 is an 11 Year, the 11 energy is even more powerful on this mid-point date.

It is at the MIDPOINT that the past and present meet and it is essential at this time to lean more purposefully in the direction you want to go. This is a time of CHOICE – so decide well – and make a decision as to who you are and what you stand for.

“If we don’t fight hard enough for the things we stand for, at some point we have to recognize that we don’t really stand for them.” Paul Wellstone

It is hard to stand up for what you believe in when bullying is so rampant and unchecked in this interim age of Trump and other so-called ‘strongmen’ around the world. But it’s  not just the bullying that must be confronted; it’s the bullies themselves. And this is starting to happen as emotions (including anger) can no longer be held back. This is not easy for most people because intimidation – inflicting fear on people – is the bully’s principle weapon. And since terror is the most heightened form of fear, bullies are terrorists.

Of course, many people don’t understand this because we are programmed to believe that all terrorists hail from the Middle East or South America! What absurdity that is. Bullies and manipulators are everywhere. At home. In the work place. At school. In institutions and positions of influence. On the street. In wealth. In poverty. Everywhere.

As the Will of the people rises, so does the entire emotional range, including the fears that have always held the Will back. And because people are so unaccustomed to feeling at this level, a lot of sick feelings are bursting out and creating the most dangerous situations. This includes hate, which is not a natural emotion, but one which has been held onto so tightly that it can no longer see anything beyond itself.

Hate is an ILL feeling, a sickness, which needs to heal. In some cases, however, hate is held onto beyond the stage where healing is possible and we have to protect ourselves from this in others, and recognize any hate that we too are holding inside, perhaps in denial.

These are the things we are dealing with consistently, day in and day out – including the daily news cycle which moves at a dizzying pace. We cannot fully understand what’s happening in the outer world if we are unaware of the underlying causes.

The rise of feminine energy into this man’s world is indeed causing much of the turbulence, but without which we would become even more imbalanced, and vulnerable to our own extinction. But make no mistake, although women hold the bulk of feminine energy, not all women live by the feminine principles of caring, nurturing, being fair and just, creative rather than destructive, and cooperative rather than combative. The feminine energy in men is evolving too. Balance occurs when both the masculine and feminine within (electricity and magnetism) coexist as equals.

Understanding the power and purpose of our emotional energy gives us our best chance of survival because fear originates from our survival chakra which extends from the base of the spine into the sexual organs. While we must be aware of what’s happening in the world, and make every conceivable effort to resist this descent into fascism, we cannot make a difference if we do not know what we’re dealing with in terms of energy, vibration, and our position in the course of time.

In the past, any time the human Will has tried to free itself from the grip of the system, the system tightened its grip even more, and the collective psyche reaffirmed the erroneous belief that “you can’t beat the system”. But now, in this age of transparency, we can see that the nature of the system is so corrupt, corroded, and destructive that it must eventually destroy itself – as it is in the process of doing right now.

The millennial shift from the 1000s to the 2000s has thrown us into a completely new frequency in which we are becoming our WHOLE selves, and not just the parts of ourselves that are useful to the system. As humanity frees its own Will, we are literally pulling ourselves together. There can be no resistance without a strong WILL. Free Will is the nature of this evolutionary phase.

The more the mind allows our emotions to express themselves spontaneously without judging the feeling, our thoughts expand, our feelings deepen, and the 3-way acceptance between masculine mind, feminine feeling, and biological body, brings about an inner 4th dimension , the nature of which depends on the INTENT in our hearts. So let your core intent be peaceful, loving, and caring, because that is the way of the future.

Week 27 runs from July 2 to July 8. It is a 9/11 week in a 9/11 month, with a stunning array of other numbers helping us to accept the reality of present conditions. Remember, 1 is the number of the independent self, and 11 is the number of illumination. Each one of us is our own light, which we have to learn how to switch on from within. 27/9 can help us here.  More on this soon….

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Week 24 2018 – Creative Numerology

Week 24 runs from Monday, June 11 to Sunday June 17. It is a 6 Week (2+4=6) in the 6th month of the year. This double-6 vibration represents extremes and balance, home, responsibility, the feeling of belonging, and all ‘matters of the heart’. This energy is affecting the big world out there, as well as our own personal lives. 

is the number of justice, fairness, and equality – which are all forms of balance. However, this double-6 vibration is likely to create some kind of tipping point which requires us to find our way back to middle ground as quickly as possible. Be prepared to make such an adjustment here in Week 24.

66 is a powerful healing and nurturing vibration. It reminds us of the necessity of friendship and alliance, and the consequences of indifference and hostility. 66 shows us the outcome of communication that inspires – and communication that deceives. 66 brings forward the true star who champions the plight of others – as well as the true tyrant who does not care about the plight of others, and is often the cause of it. A star is a beacon of light which  the tyrant sees as a threat, to be extinguished. 

On Monday, June 11, 2018, we start off the week with a 6-11-11 vibration in the USA – and 11-6-11 in most other countries). 11 connects one thing to another (1+1=2) … and is the principle number of our times (the 2000s) – the age of transparency and truth. ALL of these numbers represent both balance and extremes.

June 2018 is an 8 Month in the world (6+11=1+7=8). represents POWER in all its forms, especially the power of information that is correctly understood. shows us the chemical reaction that occurs when various details converge, connect, and interact. This level of accuracy enables us to adjust as needed, and arrange things in a way that allows energy to flow without blockage.

As sensitive and practical combine this week, our focus on patient attention to detail is more needed than ever. There is no room for inaccuracy or deception. As the 11 energy of 2018 continues to shine its light on reality, the darkness we’ve all been living in (denial) is falling away. The truth is not a pretty sight, but until we accept it for what it is, we cannot find our way through and out of it. These are very practical numbers.

The world is in a 2 Year (2+0+1+8=1+1=2)

2 does not capitalize or colonize. 2 nurtures, referees, and makes sure everything is fair and just. Where there is imbalance, 2 provides the adjustment needed. 2 clarifies details, creates a bigger picture, and shows us how one thing connects to another, including things going on beneath the surface and behind the scenes. This year, 2 is derived from the master number 11 – the most balanced form of 2. Truth is coming to light because 11 = illumination, relevance, context, and revelation.

Sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the sake of someone else’s best interests. Week 24 is a 7 day cycle in which the overriding theme is CARING. Without it we are CARELESS. And when we don’t care, BIG mistakes are made.

Also in Week 24…

Everything becomes amplified on TUESDAY, JUNE 12. Even your personal weekly forecast DOUBLES as a daily forecast on this date. This occurs whenever the month and day add up to 9. (6+1+2=9). Circumstances and feelings reach a peak on these dates. represents endings, deep awareness, emotional expression, giving, compassion, and letting go in order to move forward. If you find yourself free-falling into a more realistic awareness, TRUST YOURSELF. Stay awake and aware, and you will land on your feet. 

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Week 22 2018

Week 22Week 22 of this 11 Year runs from Monday, May 28 to Sunday, June 3. This is a super-charged week to say the least, both in the world, and in our own personal lives.

The combination of 11 and 22 brings the 33 vibration into play. When multiple master numbers are present, ALL the master numbers from 11 to 99 are activated because they are all multiples of 11. And yet each has its own vibration, power, and purpose.

“I am life that wills to live in the midst of life that wills to live.”
 ~Albert Schweitzer

22 represents the Master Builder – and the Master Destroyer. It builds things. It rips things apart. 22 also represents human rights and dignity, and big ideas and large-scale plans to improve conditions for large groups of people. It also exposes the damage inflicted on human beings by other human beings when the power of 22 is used for purely selfish reasons. 22 is always about ‘others’. When it is abused, the destroyer steps in and ‘others’ become the enemy.

22 is the number of greatness, but when it is abused, the potential for greatness turns to self-absorption and ego-mania.

The United States is in the 22nd Week of a 22/4 National Year.

Donald Trump was born on the 22/4 Life Path (aka Destiny Path).

He is in a 31/4 Personal Year.

It is impossible to keep track of everything going on. A new atrocity or dire situation seems to occur every day. The horrors of racism continue to dominate, and are particularly visible right now in the USA, Britain, and Israel.

In Week 22 of its 22 National Year, the US is focused on conditions affecting thousands of refugee CHILDREN at the Mexican border, of whom 1,500 are missing. No one can account for them, giving rise to fears about human trafficking and heaven only knows what else. Or perhaps these children are with relatives who are too afraid to come forward in case the authorities take the children away. Whatever the case, fears for these children, many of whom were traveling alone, are real and valid. Child trafficking is a thriving industry.  In today’s reality, thinking the unthinkable is hard to avoid. And the policy to separate parents and children upon presenting themselves for entry is extremely cruel. Most of these families are not breaking the law. They are following the law – and walking into a trap.

Other children continue to undergo the horrors of school shootings, and neighborhood violence. In the U.K. this time last year, on May 22, the Manchester Bombing claimed 22 young lives at an Ariana Grande concert. Israel is strategically arresting Palestinian children in brutal fashion, and the horrific massacre of Palestinians last week, which included several children, finally gained the world’s attention.

It is a fact of life that children are the future, and they are being attacked by governments and maniacs. Of course it’s not just children. Crimes against humanity are happening with increasing impunity. It’s in your face, day in and day out. And it’s heartbreaking – and terrifying.

The comparison to Germany in the 1930s is unavoidable, right down to the sheer volume of traumatized displaced PEOPLE seeking refuge for themselves and their families. How all this unfolds in Week 22 of this 11 Year is yet to be seen, but there does seem to be a ‘whirlwind’ atmosphere about it, as if some kind of peak is imminent.

If we don’t fight hard enough for the things we stand for, at some point we have to recognize that we don’t really stand for them. ~Paul Wellstone

When master numbers congregate, as they do in Week 22, sparks fly. Some are highly creative, peaceful, and innovative. And some are regressive, cruel, and destructive. The principle lessons from the 1000s involve INDEPENDENCE and CHOICE. We have to choose our own direction – actually make a decision as to who we are and what we stand for – and what we will not stand for. And we have to develop the power of INTENT.

When we look at the 11:11 phenomenon in its full light, we cannot ignore the colon between the two 1s. This punctuation mark acts as a separator. On a digital clock, it separates the hours from the minutes. In numerology, it signifies diversity. We are all 1, and we are equal, but we are not all the same. Our differences are the basis of chemistry, and two 1s – or 11 – is where chemistry (potential) begins. Another thing that jumps out of 11:11 is its two different totals, both 22 and 4.

1= the individual

1+1=2 (each other)

11+11=22 (many individuals)

2+2=4 = potential (for better or worse).

Practical 4 brings us DOWN TO EARTH – and limits us until we allow ourselves to feel whatever feelings reality triggers. The symbol of 4 is the box, and when we feel as boxed in as we currently do in the world, frustration turns to anger, and anger turns to rage, which needs to be channeled in a practical way.

Psychology is continually used to control people, but the tables are turning now as the transparency of 2 reveals the true tactics of autocrats who use denial and chaos as strategy. Truth itself is under attack as once again the BIG LIE is employed as a weapon of control. This is not new. Hitler coined the phrase Big Lie (Große Lüge) in his book Mein Kampf:

“…in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.”

Hitler also denied using the Big Lie by saying that the Jews were the ones using it. We see this frequently in the Trump administration. Denial as policy. (Perhaps Donald Trump’s non-word “bigly” is just a mispronunciation of Big Lie!)

The art of denial includes deflecting the truth by blaming others for what you yourself are doing. The art of denial includes knowing how to take advantage of other people’s denials – those things people don’t want others to know about. This includes the fear of not knowing how to confront bullies without getting badly hurt. Some people are simply not confrontational or in any way aggressive. And that’s OK. What matters is to keep our minds open to reality. Denial is what we are evolving from.

A closed mind cannot learn anything new. It is therefore essential that we open our minds to new ideas, approaches, and possibilities. We cannot take a new road and remain on the old road at the same time.

Something seems to be coming to a head with Donald Trump, and the energy of Week 22, along with the USA’s 22 National Year, and his own 22 Destiny Number is likely to accelerate things considerably. 2 is the number of sensitivity, and while he is oversensitive to anything pertaining to himself, he is totally insensitive to anyone else’s needs and rights. He is not a master negotiator. He is a master denier. And before humanity can evolve past this hideous and agonizing segment of our journey into Free Will, we ALL have to come out of denial. He shows us every day just how futile and pointless denial is. Denial of reality is the main obstacle to equality and peace. Denial’s mission is to capture the truth and prevent it from reaching consciousness.

“Healthy relationships are made up of individual people, rather than halves of a whole.”  ~Eric Francis Coppolino

Free Will begins with our ability to express outwardly what we are feeling inwardly without harming our selves or anyone else in the process. That is what propels us forward individually, and collectively. We are a species of communicators. Each one of us has our own unique account of life, and the way we express ourselves tells our story. That’s how we get to know each other. That’s how we connect. That’s how relationships form. 2 is the number of relationship and connection. 22 helps us to form relationships in which we invest all our love without sacrificing who we are. We cannot evolve without self acceptance.

Everything in life is connected. Absolutely everything. We are 1. As the WILL of humanity continues to rise, we must let it sink in and feel the menace that systemic lying presents. We cannot let it persist. It is tearing language to shreds and this numbs our feelings and muddles our thoughts. This destroys our ability to COMMUNICATE honestly and intelligently. However, we are at a point in time (the 2000s) in which our feminine feelings and our masculine thoughts are evolving within us, by connecting and cooperating (in the heart).

The master number 33/6 will be instrumental this week in providing communication that educates the population, and which somehow overrides the BIG LIE. 33 is the most balanced form of 6 – the number of responsibility, love, family, parents, children, home, stability, equality, justice, fairness, and balance. 6 teaches us about the rights of individuals – and the purpose of government, which is to uphold those rights. 6 represents education, and 33 is a master teacher. 6 represents health and wellbeing, and 33 is a master healer.

However, the flip side of 6 is that of the tyrant and controller, and 33 can bring this tendency to the most depraved levels, especially when feelings of superiority are active. White supremacy and male dominance thrive in such an atmosphere.

In Week 22, we are likely to see both sides of the 22/4 energy – and the 33/6 energy, too. And as talks about nuclear weaponry are arranged between to of the most unevolved men on Earth, we are also likely to see both sides of 11/2. This is a stunning place to be in the course of time.

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MAY 25 2018

may 25 2018May 25 2018 brings unexpected flashes of light that penetrate the darkness and reveal what’s going on behind the scenes or beneath the surface. There is an emphasis on communication, action, reaction, opinion, learning, the opening of the mind and heart, secrets, lies, power, bullying, and the games people play.

YEAR = 2+0+1+8=11

MONTH = May = 5

MAY 2018 = 5+11=16/7

DAY = 25th = 7

DATE = 5+7+11=2+3=5

WEEK = 21 = 3

A change of course and atmosphere begins on Friday, May 25 2018. It seems to reach a preliminary climax on June 2nd or 3rd, but it actually expands for many months. With so much disinformation and sheer hatred being thrown at the population, our hearts, minds, and physical bodies are under enormous stress. When our inborn ability to express ourselves is compromised, we have no Free Will because the Will operates and advances through a balance of emotional and intellectual expression. Outward expression. We all have a voice – and therefore we all have a say in how we live. There is no one on Earth qualified enough to dictate this to us.

There is SO much going on here, including an unavoidable surge of anger and outrage, and the relief that comes when pent up emotions are finally released. Just remember that emotions are not weapons. They are your honest feelings, and in order to turn them into appropriate response and  action, you really do have to feel them as they move through and out of your body.

The development of our emotional power is not about screaming and yelling or being depressed. It’s about feeling the impact of a situation strongly enough to want to do something about it – and then BEING part of the solution. We must FEEL what is happening in order to change it.

Free Will is the future. With Free Will, we create our own realities by being who we really are, and learning as we go.  Everyone has a Will (feminine energy). But without peaceful intent, the Will is not free.


Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Numerology … get your Creative Numerology Year Book here –     PDF (by email)   OR   PRINTED           KINDLE

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Week 20, 2018

Week 20Week 20 runs from Monday, May 14 to Sunday, May 20.

People are not protesting political differences. People are protesting systemic injustice, cruelty, murder, incompetence, negligence, and the capture of the human Will. Our current position in the cycles of time is one in which the Will is rising to free itself – and we cannot know our true potential as human beings until we achieve this. When the feminine Will becomes equal to the masculine Mind, and they operate together, in harmony, who knows what can be achieved in this inner balance.

2 represents equality, partnership, cooperation, connection, details, and caring. We are awash in 2 energy in Week 20 – as flashes of 11 and 22 shed light on all those denials and distortions of the truth. We are moving further away from the 1000s and deeper into the 2000s, towards the end of the decade of the 10s – towards 2020 and the decade of the 20s.

It is not the nature of 2 to dominate, but 2 is nonetheless in the most dominant position as it takes its natural place in time. But we are being subjected to the dangerous denials of those who are terrified of losing their position in this game we call the human “RACE”.  They throw their denied fear at the world – and it hits us as terror.

In Week 20, we are at an important turning point. For the next 10 weeks, all the Week numbers begin with 2. No matter how fast things are moving in the outer world, 2 is trying to slow us down internally to give us a clearer sense of what is going on, and how we are ALL connected to current events – and each other.

The race is so complex in the Middle East that it seems to be spiraling in ways we have not seen before. As soon as Donald Trump pulled out of the Iran Nuclear Agreement in Week 19, a spontaneous escalation of bombing, suffering, and death occurred in the region. In these early days of the 2000s, we are dealing with the consequences of actions taken in the 1900s, and the overpowering growth of the industrial system which depends on both OIL and CHEAP LABOR – slave labor in many cases. The jockeying for position is breathtaking to observe.


Week 20 begins on May 14 – the 70th anniversary of Israel’s Declaration Of Independence in 1948.

This year on May 14 the USA makes its provocative embassy relocation from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

The following day, May 15, is the “Day Of The Catastrophe” or Nakba Day. The day on which the real physical occupation of Palestine began, ousting 700,000 Palestinians from their homes.

May 15 is also the first day of Ramadan – the 9th month of the Islamic calendar – a strictly observed holy month of prayer and fasting.

2018 is an 11 Year

May 15, 2018 is a 22/4 Day

1948 was a 22/4 Year

11:11 = 22

2 cannot exist without two 1s (1+1=2)

11 = connection. Therefore, 2020 = 11:11

The Master Numbers 11 and 22 are prominent as we approach 2020, and because all the master numbers, from 11 to 99, are multiples of 11, all nine of them are active in 2018.

Through its power of CONNECTION, 11 illuminates what we’re dealing with and forms a bigger, more precise picture. It shines its light on what we most need to see. But it also produces defense mechanisms for those who don’t want to be seen, which include creating distraction, blurring perception, muddying waters, reversing blame, the devious art of denial, and sheer brute force. While 11 signifies connection and unity, it also makes opposition to these qualities inevitable.

1 = SELF and 2 = SELVES…
1 = EACH and 2 = OTHER…

22 = large groups of people – the masses – and because it is a generally caring energy, 22 focuses on the conditions in which all of us find ourselves. But when the ego is over-inflated, caring is limited to the self, and others suffer as a result.

22 is the number of the Master Architect and Builder – and – the great destroyer that rips things to pieces. 22 represents large-scale concepts. For better or worse, 22 represents GREATNESS. With loving intent, 22 creates change by building something new which is designed to render the old irrelevant. But when the motivation is ego-based and selfish, the results are destructive and chaotic.

In the next 10 Weeks, the ways of the past will inevitably double-down and create chaos everywhere. But as humanity continues to free its own Will and evolve, it will be easier to see the potential of the future. It is vital that we do not normalize this ‘hostile takeover’ of the world.

Donald Trump was born on the 22/4 Destiny Path (6+14+1946 = 6+14+2=22/4), and the USA is in a 22/4 National Year in 2018. (7+4+11=22/4). May in a 22/4 Year is a 27/9 Month – the number of endings, conclusions, drama, deep emotions, and the opportunity to acquire genuine confidence, regenerate, reorganize, and rebuild.

People are trapped in history, and history is trapped in them. ~James Baldwin

Because the dying system itself is one big race to be #1 – racism can no longer be hidden or ignored. It is everywhere, and it affects everyone.

When racial discrimination become national policy, we have apartheid in our midst. Apartheid means “separateness”. Segregation. The police are often the worst offenders because their function is to uphold policy. In an authoritarian system, the police do not protect and serve the people. They protect and serve the system. These assaults and murders are distinct acts of terrorism. Crimes against humanity. And such tactics belong in the segment of time we are evolving FROM, and must never be ‘normalized’.

“One love, one heart, let’s get together and feel all right..” ~Bob Marley, One Love

Old concepts are changing drastically now, as the hypocrisy of white privilege is seen more clearly. White people can no longer hide behind the mask of superiority that the system imprinted on them. As some complain that “not all” white people are like this, the fact is that all white people have white privilege – put in place to keep poor whites in line by instilling the belief that even the poorest white is superior to any black. White people, including myself, need to be humbled and inspired by this – not crippled by guilt or made defiant by denied guilt – just humbly aware of our place in a diverse, fair, balanced, evolving world. Humility does not mean being any less than you are. It means accepting yourself exactly as you are. Self Acceptance is the greatest lesson that 1 has to teach at this time, and it applies to ALL of humanity.

The cruel act of separation (divide and conquer), is part of many immigration tactics around the world, including the separation of refugee children from their parents, announced as policy in the USA just last week. Separation tactics were used in Britain, as part of the Windrush atrocity.

1 = separation
2 = 1+1 = unity

If we look at 11 from a different angle, it is the very symbol of EQUALITY. Turn 11 on its side, and there it is. 

 The Will is made of feminine energy, (emotion). That’s the part of us that is evolving now. But the development of our emotional power is not about crying, yelling, or being depressed. It’s about feeling the impact of a situation strongly enough to want to do something about it – and then BEING part of the solution. We must FEEL what is happening in order to change it. This is how we WILL things into being.

War is not the answer. But it is the tactic of masculine energy that refuses to evolve into its higher potential. Unevolved 1 focuses only on the SELF and feels superior to others. It has to win, it has to be better, bigger, faster, smarter – it has to be best. It has to win at all costs. And when it feels itself slipping, it bullies its way back to the ‘top’. This small-mindedness creates the concepts of MALE SUPERIORITY, WHITE SUPREMACY – and the RACE to be #1. Unevolved 1 cannot move beyond the extremes of inflated or deflated EGO.

On the other hand, evolved 1 desires to learn new things, to lead its own life, and to accept that OTHERS have the same rights. Evolved 1 brings BALANCE to the ego. This is authenticity and genuine confidence (not a false outer appearance of confidence which cannot be maintained in 2’s transparency). 1 is the nucleus of all the OTHER numbers, and its purpose is to generate life, not hold it back.

When we take freedom and abundance for granted, we lose the balancing power that gratitude brings and we move into the tangle of greed, which is compounded by denied guilt. Not only is greed the inability to feel satisfied, it is also the inability to feel grateful. And taking the gifts of life for granted brings many problems. Greed renders us so afraid of loss that it closes our hearts to others, even those we love.

This transition between 1 and 2 is complex and difficult. 2 does not compete. 2 cares, cooperates, and accommodates. 2 is sensitive, intuitive, has patience, notices the details – and makes us aware of how 1 thing leads to another.

Week 20 ends on the 20th, which should be interesting.


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Week 18, 2018

Week 18WEEK 18 is a 9 Week (1+8=9). It runs from Monday, April 30 to Sunday, May 6.

1 = THE INDIVIDUAL, ego, self, beginnings.

8 = POWER, position, money.

9 = ENDINGS, drama, karma, deep emotions.

When 18/9 is out of balance, there is a tendency to go to extremes in pursuit of a goal. People stop caring about anything that does not pertain to what they are aiming for, and get caught up in selfishness, greed, contest, and irrational behavior. Here in Week 18 of this 11/2 Year (2+0+1+8=11=2), the EMPOWERMENT and DISEMPOWERMENT of INDIVIDUALS is strongly emphasized.

Imbalanced 18/9 denies the relevance of anything that stands in its way. Even the most obvious truths are denied. Imbalanced 18/9 narrows its focus to materiality, money, status, and power, to shield itself from guilt. It is important to remember that guilt is not an emotion. Guilt is a judgment we make against ourselves. And there is nothing more dangerous than denied guilt.

Guilt is inevitable in 18/9’s vibration because 9 represents compassion, caring, giving, healing, sympathy, empathy, and awareness. But it is difficult to live up to 9’s potential when 1 and 8’s denials prevent them from CARING about outcomes. Unbalanced 18/9 cuts off its nose to spite its face.


BALANCED 18/9 incorporates vision, personal power, potential, and resources – and works diligently with an idea until it comes to life. It sees this system of greed and hate for what it is  – one big RACE to be #1. Balanced 18/9 dismantles our racist programming and helps us see what is possible when we work together. Every individual is 1. We are all 1.

9 takes us backwards – to learn from the past.

1 brings us forward and 8 gives us the power of correct understanding.

Balanced 18/9 enables us to feel satisfied… (the opposite of greed). New ideas and ideals can then create the beginnings of a new system where balance is maintained through fairness, equality, justice, and truth. Yes, we are a long way from such a reality, but this vibration within 2018’s 11/2 energy of CONNECTION, can deepen our desire for it.  And desire brings movement…


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Week 17, 2018

week 17Week 17 runs from Monday, April 23, to Sunday the 29th.

1 (action) + 7 (intelligence) = 8 (power). It sounds simple, but at this stage of the human journey, there is a great complexity involved. 8 focuses on POWER in all its forms, including the power of DESIRE.

8 represents the Material Plane, which we often confuse with ‘materiality’ and greed. The Material Plane is Mother Nature herself, our main source of feminine energy, which greed is constantly attacking and throwing out of balance.

Everything on Earth originates in nature. Whatever we DESIRE, Mother Nature provides.

DESIRE is one of the strongest vibrations we have. We cannot exist without it because desire is the initial movement of life. The desire to BE. The Will to LIVE.  However, the  fact that human beings can desire horrific and despicable things doesn’t alter the fact that desire is an essential part of life. It all depends on whether our overall intent is loving – or not.

We are evolving from an antiquated system of male supremacy, white supremacy, and wealth supremacy, which relies on DENIAL OF REALITY for its existence. This system of competition and contest is where the horrors and atrocities of racism originate – and all forms of prejudice. We are not the ‘human RACE’. We are human beings.

In Week 17 of this illuminating 11/2 year, denial is much harder to maintain. No one is immune here. Our personal and collective awareness is expanding. And the more conscious we become, the more we recognize the predicament we are in!

In a system that is driven by contest and war, it is only a matter of time before the system goes to war with itself. And it’s only a matter of time before a system driven by destruction destroys itself.

The road out of denial is fraught with danger and brutality. But here in the feminine 2000s, our position is also filled with opportunity, potential, creativity, and the wonders we can achieve when we express ourselves from the heart – openly and freely. Peaceful intent takes us onto a path of realism and honesty, and the DESIRE to transform what we already have into something more caring, imaginative, intelligent, fair, balanced, loving, and joyful.

Greed is desire that is so out-of-control that it desires to control the desires of others. What craziness we live in! We are programmed to believe that desire is the problem, while being bombarded with advertising and enticements which increase our desire – for material things. It is our desire for freedom, justice, peace, and harmony that this system cannot tolerate.

1 is the INDIVIDUAL. 

7 is the MIND. 

1 is outgoing.

7 takes you inward.

1 exudes confidence and fearlessness.  

7 needs to know exactly what it’s dealing with.

1 is doing.  

7 is learning.

In Week 17, we experience both the chaos caused by lack of awareness – and the bigger picture that attention to detail creates. 17/8 highlights efficient planning, true understanding of existing information, and an intuitive ability to correct its own imbalances. But when the imbalance goes unchecked, 17/8 exposes extreme self-interest, arrogance, greed, jealousy, impatience with detail, and denial of the facts.


The events of Week 17 are connected in various ways to the decade of the 1980s. The decade of money and power, bullying, hostile takeovers, insider trading, and the  belief that money rules, might is right, and greed is good.

The main reward of 8 is the feeling of SATISFACTION that comes when you truly and thoroughly appreciate what you already have; and when you know you have enough. Greed is the inability to feel satisfied and therefore never happy. Greed is the belief that there is no such thing as enough, thus a constant feeling of lack.

As we evolve into our true selves, we see the shallowness of those outdated tactics. 17/8 shows us that we are so much more than the old system allows us to be. Fascism exists to prevent us from realizing our true worth, our true power, and our free Will. It must not be given a chance to take hold!

As we gain the power of self-acceptance, the controlling forces are scrambling to extinguish the rising WILL of humanity. As we move further into the transparency of the 2000s, the denials, lies, deflections and maneuvers are utterly astonishing. Therefore, on the road to 2020, we really must BE “the change we want to see in the world”.


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11 WEEK – 11 YEAR – continued – (March 18)

77The last day of this 11 Week in this 11 Year happens to be the 77th day of the year. (7 multiplied by 11).

While 77 can generate much wisdom when it comes to making the changes we need to make, we must first deal with its karmic compound which is 14/5 – affecting matters of freedom, change, expression, the physical body, sex, fertility, gender, different cultures, sudden, unexpected or unusual experiences – and commitment.

March 18, 2018 is also a 5 day (3+9+11=2+3=5).

14/5 Karmic energy arises from wasted or misused freedom, irresponsibility, and unwillingness to account for our actions. 77/14/5 often brings a ‘fall from grace’ brought about by scandal and ‘being caught’. No one is immune from the karma they create. 77/14/5 highlights the arrogance of believing in one’s own superiority.

7 is the number of conspiracy – and 77 magnifies this tendency 11 times.

77 is the number of stardom, celebrity, fame and fortune, the high life, the charmed life, tremendous privilege, affluence, and power over others. This often refers to the titans of politics, industry, and entertainment, and those in inherited power positions. There is nothing wrong with wealth and influence – unless it is abused. For instance, when you hold in your hands the power to make others suffer and choose to do so, privilege turns to cruelty and atrocity.

77 symbolizes a highly intelligent and principled mind – but when it’s karmic 14/5 lessons are not learned, we have a mind that is so shallow and self-absorbed that the suffering of others can actually be self-gratifying and even ‘amusing’ – such a dangerous form of insanity.

This major karmic influence implies that we must LEARN from past and present mistakes, let go of outdated ideas and practices, and be willing to learn new things as we go. But at this stage of our journey, almost 20 years into the 2000s, a willingness to learn is not enough. We will never be able to make the changes we must make unless we are emotionally driven to do so. 2 is the number of emotional drive – feminine energy.

77/14/5 implies change on a grand scale – not just waiting for others to change things or merely re-arranging the status quo so that it looks like change. We are talking about real and lasting transformation. In order to bring about change of such magnitude, we have to feel our desire for change on a much deeper level than we are accustomed to – and keep it balanced between the extremes of greed on the one hand and total self denial on the other. Desire is the spark that sets the power of attraction in motion.

7 is the number of the mind and learning. 11 is the number of light and revelation. So there is a lot to learn from this energy, provided we can keep our minds open to the vibrations of our feelings. But the mind tends to cut away from our emotional energy when those feelings get uncomfortable. But the fact is that we have arrived at a moment in time in which uncomfortable feelings are our greatest teacher.

An enormous emotional awakening is occurring in these early days of the new millennium. When we refuse to recognize reality, the emotional connection gets shut down, and we go about our lives, oblivious to something important that’s happening right before our eyes. In doing so, we cut ourselves off from a major part of our power as human beings. We cut ourselves off from our Will – the feminine vibration that keeps our masculine minds open and expandable.

14 is an emptiness you feel when you live a mind-body life in which emotions are exaggerated and insincere, or completely subdued. You’ve got to be cool. Cannot let them see you sweat. Show no emotion unless it suits the moment. Must be seen to be perfect.

When 14 is derived from 77, it takes shallowness to a dangerous level, because all culpability is denied. Never admit guilt. But this is just a ruse to insulate us from having to say we were wrong. Denied guilt is a tactic of the racist, bigot, and bully – and the pathological liar who manipulates people’s senses and perceptions, and convinces them that up is down.

When people deny their own guilt, they project it onto others and accuse them of what they themselves are guilty of. But because the weight of denied guilt is so burdensome, addictions of one form or another are required to deny and distract from that, too.

14/5 reveals a part of us that cannot or will not LEARN, and the consequences this brings. It emphasizes a part of us that is afraid to admit mistakes and stop making them. Sometimes we have to make the same old mistake over and over until one day the penny drops and we finally get it – and take a different and more reasonable approach.

The present is always the result of the past. Learning from our mistakes enables us to leave the past and enter the present. Facing the reality of how the past has unfolded can feel overwhelming. But we must remember that the past is a deep source of experience and knowledge from which to learn and grow.

This is the final day of Week 11, and the final article in this 7-Day series. I hope it has been helpful.

NOTE: If you are reading this after the day or week in question, there is still SO much to learn from this life-changing energy we’re traveling through. These articles represent important aspects of what we must learn between now and 2020.

March 18 is the 7th and final day of this 11/11 week. To read about the preceding days, follow the links below:

The week itself + Monday March 12th

Tuesday March 13th 

Wednesday March 14

 Thursday March 15 

Friday March 16

Saturday March 17



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11 WEEK – 11 YEAR – continued – (March 17)

March 17March 17 2018 is a 22/4 day in the world. (3+8+11=22/4). There are also three prominent 11s:

March 17 = 3+8=11

Week = 11

Year = 11

A strong focus on the 8 energy comes from the 17th.  8 is the number of POWER IN THE MATERIAL WORLD. And as the power-plays going on at the top of this old materialistic system become more visible, along with its sheer cruelty and indifference to human and animal suffering,  life is helping us to recognize our own personal power, a huge part of which has always been dormant .  This is the power of our WILL – our ability to feel and sense.

Our emotional circuitry runs through every fiber of our physical being, and it is the body’s function to receive the vibrations that our emotions emit. We interpret our experiences by how they make us feel. Outward expression of what we feel inwardly is the natural movement of the human Will.

The Will must be free in order to function fully, but it has never been free, and we cannot know what our true potential is until we free our Will and experience life in a state of openness and authenticity. This is such an important factor of these most unstable times.

Gandhi once said, “I want freedom for the full expression of my personality.” It is this desire that will open the way forward, instead of settling for the limitations that the old heartless system has imposed on all living beings. Gandhi also said, “Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”

Now, as great effort is being made to subvert the human Will even more than it already is, we must learn about this vital part of ourselves quickly. And it seems that we are doing just that.

The Will has always been kept down, because it is the part of us that resists our own oppression.

Now, as the feminine Will rises, the masculine spirit must accept her as his EQUAL. The surge of white supremacy that is rising globally is not primarily about being white. It is about being white and male. Everything going on in the world starts within the human condition, which is sexual at its very core.

The 2 energy of the 2000s is feminine in nature, and 2’s sensitivity is reversing the lack of feeling and passion that prevailed in the 1000s, and is bringing us ‘to our senses’. We instinctively know that the system is engineered to favor ‘the privileged few’, but the tendency was to shrug it off as something we could do nothing about.

The light of 11 (the sum of which is 2) breaks down these denials, and 8 reveals how the system is strengthened through the perceived weakness of the masses. But the masses are rising up. Moving from within. Being moved emotionally. 2 is the number of empathy and caring. Most importantly, the masses no longer see ourselves as ‘the masses’, but as equal individuals (I AM), and humanity (WE ARE). This is reflected in the 22/4 energy that comes from March 17 2018, which focuses on improving conditions for all, not just the few.

We know we are so much more than this. How do we know? We FEEL it! Life is something to be explored, not exploited. We are growing in our awareness. As the Will strengthens, so does our understanding of how to change what needs to be changed. 8 teaches us that knowledge is indeed power, when it is accurately understood. And as the human journey progresses towards 2020, we have a huge learning process ahead of us.

NOTE: If you are reading this after the day or week in question, there is still SO much to learn from this life-changing energy we’re traveling through. These articles represent important aspects of what we must learn between now and 2020.

March 17 is the 6th day of this 11/11 week.

Read about the week itself and Monday March 12th’s phenomenal energy HERE).

Tuesday March 13th  ~  Wednesday March 14  ~  Thursday March 15  ~ Friday March 16

Sunday March 18th is the final day of this 11 11 Week.



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11 WEEK – 11 YEAR – continued – (March 16)

March 16March 16, 2018

Whitewash and openness continue to collide, seeing is believing, but you can’t believe your eyes. Secrets and lies, scandals and spies, the world is awash in mysterious vibes…

Not only are we dealing with the 16/7 karmic energy that comes from the 16th, but also the 19/1 karmic energy that comes from March 16th (3+16=19). Therefore, in this 11th week of this 11 Year, the circumstances of March 16 are likely to reverberate for some time to come.

March 16 2018 is a triple-3 Day.

Month = 3.

Day = 16/7.

Year = 11/2.


75th day of the year = 3.

3 focuses on communication, the world stage, appearances, popularity, population, friends and enemies. The 75th day of the year not only connects to the 16/7 energy – but also to the karmic 14/5 energy that comes from March in an 11/2 Year.

Therefore, three separate major karmic vibrations, 14/5, 16/7, and 19/1, are all converging within this week’s 11 11 vibration. This should be a memorable day in terms of what we are able to learn about ourselves, each other, and the reality in which we live.

19/1 brings us ‘full circle’ as details that were hidden in the past move into present time. 19/1 brings matters of EGO to the foreground, including inflated ego, narcissism and delusions of grandeur – and – the deflated ego of those who do not believe in themselves enough to understand complex matters or make important decisions. Ego is our sense of self. And right now, the most inflated/deflated egos of all are struggling with complicated issues which affect the entire planet.

14/5 brings sudden development which is often the result of wasted or misused freedom – or when opportunity is grabbed at the expense of others, or in a way that undermines our own interests. 14/5 is connected to overindulgence in sexual and other physical pleasures so that inner development is neglected. 14/5 is the result of self-centeredness, laziness, being disorganized, irresponsibility, and lack of accountability. (This reaches new levels on Sunday March 18th, which is the 77th day of the week – and 77 = 14/5).

16/7 affects matters of secrecy, pride, and misplaced feelings of superiority. This is the number of conspiracy, behind the scenes activity, and the abuse of power. 16/7 is the number of EXPOSURE, particularly when it comes to unusual or illicit sexual affairs that hurt people, or strange partnerships which conspired to outdo others. 7 is the learning number – the number of the mind – the truth seeker of the numeric spectrum. But when it is derived from 16, the egotistical aspect of 1 ignores any details that are not central to its own agenda, and the controlling aspect of 6 thinks it already knows it all.

This should also be a memorable day for Donald Trump whose personal numerology also converges today:

Motivation Number (all the vowels in his birth name) = 16/7.

Expression Number (all the letters in his birth name) = 14/5.

Born on the 14th.

Professional Number (the sum of all his core energies) = 14/5.

Approach Number (day of birth + first name) = 19/1.

Of course, most of us have one or more major karmic influences to deal with in life, and we are usually able to deal with them if the intent in our hearts is basically loving. But the old system which is now falling apart, has always been ‘led’ by people who refuse to learn anything that could adversely affect their leadership position. 1 is the first number and is the natural number of leadership. 1 is also the number of the old male-drive millennium. The nature of life in the feminine 2000s has much more depth to it.

Karmic energy teaches us what we most need to learn in order to move forward and evolve. And mixed with the transparency of the 2000s, the innovation of 1 (the decade of the 10s), and the creativity and communication of 3, we realize that we can no longer deceive ourselves or be deceived by others. As we break down the barriers of denial and face reality, the vibrations of our magnetic feminine feelings open our electrical masculine minds. The suppression of this natural electro-magnetic exchange is where all suppression and oppression begins.

The circumstances of March 16 remind us that 7 is the number of wisdom. And as we wise up, we are driven to rise up against what is keeping us dumbed down.

7 is the number of intuition, and it is important to remember that intuition does not originate in the mind. On the contrary, it is the overcharged mind which prevents our natural responsiveness from getting through TO the mind. Intuition is a product of the emotions. Feminine energy. The ability to FEEL and SENSE. Emotion is our response to experience.

And in this sad and suffering world, and the callous engineering of our emotions, it is important to appreciate those little things (and big things) that DO make us happy, and not simply take them for granted. Allow yourself to smile, because the suppression of happiness only adds to the unhappiness that we are evolving from. In these serious and dangerous times, the 333 vibration that comes from March 16 2018 reminds us that 3 is the number of JOY.

NOTE: If you are reading this after the day or week in question, there is still SO much to learn from this life-changing energy we’re traveling through. These articles represent important aspects of what we must learn between now and 2020.

March 16th is the fifth day of this 11/11 week.

Read about the week itself and Monday’s phenomenal energy HERE). Read about the energy of March 13th HERE. Read about March 14 HERE. Read about March 15 HERE



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