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Week 22 2018

Week 22Week 22 of this 11 Year runs from Monday, May 28 to Sunday, June 3. This is a super-charged week to say the least, both in the world, and in our own personal lives.

The combination of 11 and 22 brings the 33 vibration into play. When multiple master numbers are present, ALL the master numbers from 11 to 99 are activated because they are all multiples of 11. And yet each has its own vibration, power, and purpose.

“I am life that wills to live in the midst of life that wills to live.”
 ~Albert Schweitzer

22 represents the Master Builder – and the Master Destroyer. It builds things. It rips things apart. 22 also represents human rights and dignity, and big ideas and large-scale plans to improve conditions for large groups of people. It also exposes the damage inflicted on human beings by other human beings when the power of 22 is used for purely selfish reasons. 22 is always about ‘others’. When it is abused, the destroyer steps in and ‘others’ become the enemy.

22 is the number of greatness, but when it is abused, the potential for greatness turns to self-absorption and ego-mania.

The United States is in the 22nd Week of a 22/4 National Year.

Donald Trump was born on the 22/4 Life Path (aka Destiny Path).

He is in a 31/4 Personal Year.

It is impossible to keep track of everything going on. A new atrocity or dire situation seems to occur every day. The horrors of racism continue to dominate, and are particularly visible right now in the USA, Britain, and Israel.

In Week 22 of its 22 National Year, the US is focused on conditions affecting thousands of refugee CHILDREN at the Mexican border, of whom 1,500 are missing. No one can account for them, giving rise to fears about human trafficking and heaven only knows what else. Or perhaps these children are with relatives who are too afraid to come forward in case the authorities take the children away. Whatever the case, fears for these children, many of whom were traveling alone, are real and valid. Child trafficking is a thriving industry.  In today’s reality, thinking the unthinkable is hard to avoid. And the policy to separate parents and children upon presenting themselves for entry is extremely cruel. Most of these families are not breaking the law. They are following the law – and walking into a trap.

Other children continue to undergo the horrors of school shootings, and neighborhood violence. In the U.K. this time last year, on May 22, the Manchester Bombing claimed 22 young lives at an Ariana Grande concert. Israel is strategically arresting Palestinian children in brutal fashion, and the horrific massacre of Palestinians last week, which included several children, finally gained the world’s attention.

It is a fact of life that children are the future, and they are being attacked by governments and maniacs. Of course it’s not just children. Crimes against humanity are happening with increasing impunity. It’s in your face, day in and day out. And it’s heartbreaking – and terrifying.

The comparison to Germany in the 1930s is unavoidable, right down to the sheer volume of traumatized displaced PEOPLE seeking refuge for themselves and their families. How all this unfolds in Week 22 of this 11 Year is yet to be seen, but there does seem to be a ‘whirlwind’ atmosphere about it, as if some kind of peak is imminent.

If we don’t fight hard enough for the things we stand for, at some point we have to recognize that we don’t really stand for them. ~Paul Wellstone

When master numbers congregate, as they do in Week 22, sparks fly. Some are highly creative, peaceful, and innovative. And some are regressive, cruel, and destructive. The principle lessons from the 1000s involve INDEPENDENCE and CHOICE. We have to choose our own direction – actually make a decision as to who we are and what we stand for – and what we will not stand for. And we have to develop the power of INTENT.

When we look at the 11:11 phenomenon in its full light, we cannot ignore the colon between the two 1s. This punctuation mark acts as a separator. On a digital clock, it separates the hours from the minutes. In numerology, it signifies diversity. We are all 1, and we are equal, but we are not all the same. Our differences are the basis of chemistry, and two 1s – or 11 – is where chemistry (potential) begins. Another thing that jumps out of 11:11 is its two different totals, both 22 and 4.

1= the individual

1+1=2 (each other)

11+11=22 (many individuals)

2+2=4 = potential (for better or worse).

Practical 4 brings us DOWN TO EARTH – and limits us until we allow ourselves to feel whatever feelings reality triggers. The symbol of 4 is the box, and when we feel as boxed in as we currently do in the world, frustration turns to anger, and anger turns to rage, which needs to be channeled in a practical way.

Psychology is continually used to control people, but the tables are turning now as the transparency of 2 reveals the true tactics of autocrats who use denial and chaos as strategy. Truth itself is under attack as once again the BIG LIE is employed as a weapon of control. This is not new. Hitler coined the phrase Big Lie (Große Lüge) in his book Mein Kampf:

“…in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.”

Hitler also denied using the Big Lie by saying that the Jews were the ones using it. We see this frequently in the Trump administration. Denial as policy. (Perhaps Donald Trump’s non-word “bigly” is just a mispronunciation of Big Lie!)

The art of denial includes deflecting the truth by blaming others for what you yourself are doing. The art of denial includes knowing how to take advantage of other people’s denials – those things people don’t want others to know about. This includes the fear of not knowing how to confront bullies without getting badly hurt. Some people are simply not confrontational or in any way aggressive. And that’s OK. What matters is to keep our minds open to reality. Denial is what we are evolving from.

A closed mind cannot learn anything new. It is therefore essential that we open our minds to new ideas, approaches, and possibilities. We cannot take a new road and remain on the old road at the same time.

Something seems to be coming to a head with Donald Trump, and the energy of Week 22, along with the USA’s 22 National Year, and his own 22 Destiny Number is likely to accelerate things considerably. 2 is the number of sensitivity, and while he is oversensitive to anything pertaining to himself, he is totally insensitive to anyone else’s needs and rights. He is not a master negotiator. He is a master denier. And before humanity can evolve past this hideous and agonizing segment of our journey into Free Will, we ALL have to come out of denial. He shows us every day just how futile and pointless denial is. Denial of reality is the main obstacle to equality and peace. Denial’s mission is to capture the truth and prevent it from reaching consciousness.

“Healthy relationships are made up of individual people, rather than halves of a whole.”  ~Eric Francis Coppolino

Free Will begins with our ability to express outwardly what we are feeling inwardly without harming our selves or anyone else in the process. That is what propels us forward individually, and collectively. We are a species of communicators. Each one of us has our own unique account of life, and the way we express ourselves tells our story. That’s how we get to know each other. That’s how we connect. That’s how relationships form. 2 is the number of relationship and connection. 22 helps us to form relationships in which we invest all our love without sacrificing who we are. We cannot evolve without self acceptance.

Everything in life is connected. Absolutely everything. We are 1. As the WILL of humanity continues to rise, we must let it sink in and feel the menace that systemic lying presents. We cannot let it persist. It is tearing language to shreds and this numbs our feelings and muddles our thoughts. This destroys our ability to COMMUNICATE honestly and intelligently. However, we are at a point in time (the 2000s) in which our feminine feelings and our masculine thoughts are evolving within us, by connecting and cooperating (in the heart).

The master number 33/6 will be instrumental this week in providing communication that educates the population, and which somehow overrides the BIG LIE. 33 is the most balanced form of 6 – the number of responsibility, love, family, parents, children, home, stability, equality, justice, fairness, and balance. 6 teaches us about the rights of individuals – and the purpose of government, which is to uphold those rights. 6 represents education, and 33 is a master teacher. 6 represents health and wellbeing, and 33 is a master healer.

However, the flip side of 6 is that of the tyrant and controller, and 33 can bring this tendency to the most depraved levels, especially when feelings of superiority are active. White supremacy and male dominance thrive in such an atmosphere.

In Week 22, we are likely to see both sides of the 22/4 energy – and the 33/6 energy, too. And as talks about nuclear weaponry are arranged between to of the most unevolved men on Earth, we are also likely to see both sides of 11/2. This is a stunning place to be in the course of time.

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MAY 25 2018

may 25 2018May 25 2018 brings unexpected flashes of light that penetrate the darkness and reveal what’s going on behind the scenes or beneath the surface. There is an emphasis on communication, action, reaction, opinion, learning, the opening of the mind and heart, secrets, lies, power, bullying, and the games people play.

YEAR = 2+0+1+8=11

MONTH = May = 5

MAY 2018 = 5+11=16/7

DAY = 25th = 7

DATE = 5+7+11=2+3=5

WEEK = 21 = 3

A change of course and atmosphere begins on Friday, May 25 2018. It seems to reach a preliminary climax on June 2nd or 3rd, but it actually expands for many months. With so much disinformation and sheer hatred being thrown at the population, our hearts, minds, and physical bodies are under enormous stress. When our inborn ability to express ourselves is compromised, we have no Free Will because the Will operates and advances through a balance of emotional and intellectual expression. Outward expression. We all have a voice – and therefore we all have a say in how we live. There is no one on Earth qualified enough to dictate this to us.

There is SO much going on here, including an unavoidable surge of anger and outrage, and the relief that comes when pent up emotions are finally released. Just remember that emotions are not weapons. They are your honest feelings, and in order to turn them into appropriate response and  action, you really do have to feel them as they move through and out of your body.

The development of our emotional power is not about screaming and yelling or being depressed. It’s about feeling the impact of a situation strongly enough to want to do something about it – and then BEING part of the solution. We must FEEL what is happening in order to change it.

Free Will is the future. With Free Will, we create our own realities by being who we really are, and learning as we go.  Everyone has a Will (feminine energy). But without peaceful intent, the Will is not free.


Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Numerology … get your Creative Numerology Year Book here –     PDF (by email)   OR   PRINTED           KINDLE

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Week 20, 2018

Week 20Week 20 runs from Monday, May 14 to Sunday, May 20.

People are not protesting political differences. People are protesting systemic injustice, cruelty, murder, incompetence, negligence, and the capture of the human Will. Our current position in the cycles of time is one in which the Will is rising to free itself – and we cannot know our true potential as human beings until we achieve this. When the feminine Will becomes equal to the masculine Mind, and they operate together, in harmony, who knows what can be achieved in this inner balance.

2 represents equality, partnership, cooperation, connection, details, and caring. We are awash in 2 energy in Week 20 – as flashes of 11 and 22 shed light on all those denials and distortions of the truth. We are moving further away from the 1000s and deeper into the 2000s, towards the end of the decade of the 10s – towards 2020 and the decade of the 20s.

It is not the nature of 2 to dominate, but 2 is nonetheless in the most dominant position as it takes its natural place in time. But we are being subjected to the dangerous denials of those who are terrified of losing their position in this game we call the human “RACE”.  They throw their denied fear at the world – and it hits us as terror.

In Week 20, we are at an important turning point. For the next 10 weeks, all the Week numbers begin with 2. No matter how fast things are moving in the outer world, 2 is trying to slow us down internally to give us a clearer sense of what is going on, and how we are ALL connected to current events – and each other.

The race is so complex in the Middle East that it seems to be spiraling in ways we have not seen before. As soon as Donald Trump pulled out of the Iran Nuclear Agreement in Week 19, a spontaneous escalation of bombing, suffering, and death occurred in the region. In these early days of the 2000s, we are dealing with the consequences of actions taken in the 1900s, and the overpowering growth of the industrial system which depends on both OIL and CHEAP LABOR – slave labor in many cases. The jockeying for position is breathtaking to observe.


Week 20 begins on May 14 – the 70th anniversary of Israel’s Declaration Of Independence in 1948.

This year on May 14 the USA makes its provocative embassy relocation from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

The following day, May 15, is the “Day Of The Catastrophe” or Nakba Day. The day on which the real physical occupation of Palestine began, ousting 700,000 Palestinians from their homes.

May 15 is also the first day of Ramadan – the 9th month of the Islamic calendar – a strictly observed holy month of prayer and fasting.

2018 is an 11 Year

May 15, 2018 is a 22/4 Day

1948 was a 22/4 Year

11:11 = 22

2 cannot exist without two 1s (1+1=2)

11 = connection. Therefore, 2020 = 11:11

The Master Numbers 11 and 22 are prominent as we approach 2020, and because all the master numbers, from 11 to 99, are multiples of 11, all nine of them are active in 2018.

Through its power of CONNECTION, 11 illuminates what we’re dealing with and forms a bigger, more precise picture. It shines its light on what we most need to see. But it also produces defense mechanisms for those who don’t want to be seen, which include creating distraction, blurring perception, muddying waters, reversing blame, the devious art of denial, and sheer brute force. While 11 signifies connection and unity, it also makes opposition to these qualities inevitable.

1 = SELF and 2 = SELVES…
1 = EACH and 2 = OTHER…

22 = large groups of people – the masses – and because it is a generally caring energy, 22 focuses on the conditions in which all of us find ourselves. But when the ego is over-inflated, caring is limited to the self, and others suffer as a result.

22 is the number of the Master Architect and Builder – and – the great destroyer that rips things to pieces. 22 represents large-scale concepts. For better or worse, 22 represents GREATNESS. With loving intent, 22 creates change by building something new which is designed to render the old irrelevant. But when the motivation is ego-based and selfish, the results are destructive and chaotic.

In the next 10 Weeks, the ways of the past will inevitably double-down and create chaos everywhere. But as humanity continues to free its own Will and evolve, it will be easier to see the potential of the future. It is vital that we do not normalize this ‘hostile takeover’ of the world.

Donald Trump was born on the 22/4 Destiny Path (6+14+1946 = 6+14+2=22/4), and the USA is in a 22/4 National Year in 2018. (7+4+11=22/4). May in a 22/4 Year is a 27/9 Month – the number of endings, conclusions, drama, deep emotions, and the opportunity to acquire genuine confidence, regenerate, reorganize, and rebuild.

People are trapped in history, and history is trapped in them. ~James Baldwin

Because the dying system itself is one big race to be #1 – racism can no longer be hidden or ignored. It is everywhere, and it affects everyone.

When racial discrimination become national policy, we have apartheid in our midst. Apartheid means “separateness”. Segregation. The police are often the worst offenders because their function is to uphold policy. In an authoritarian system, the police do not protect and serve the people. They protect and serve the system. These assaults and murders are distinct acts of terrorism. Crimes against humanity. And such tactics belong in the segment of time we are evolving FROM, and must never be ‘normalized’.

“One love, one heart, let’s get together and feel all right..” ~Bob Marley, One Love

Old concepts are changing drastically now, as the hypocrisy of white privilege is seen more clearly. White people can no longer hide behind the mask of superiority that the system imprinted on them. As some complain that “not all” white people are like this, the fact is that all white people have white privilege – put in place to keep poor whites in line by instilling the belief that even the poorest white is superior to any black. White people, including myself, need to be humbled and inspired by this – not crippled by guilt or made defiant by denied guilt – just humbly aware of our place in a diverse, fair, balanced, evolving world. Humility does not mean being any less than you are. It means accepting yourself exactly as you are. Self Acceptance is the greatest lesson that 1 has to teach at this time, and it applies to ALL of humanity.

The cruel act of separation (divide and conquer), is part of many immigration tactics around the world, including the separation of refugee children from their parents, announced as policy in the USA just last week. Separation tactics were used in Britain, as part of the Windrush atrocity.

1 = separation
2 = 1+1 = unity

If we look at 11 from a different angle, it is the very symbol of EQUALITY. Turn 11 on its side, and there it is. 

 The Will is made of feminine energy, (emotion). That’s the part of us that is evolving now. But the development of our emotional power is not about crying, yelling, or being depressed. It’s about feeling the impact of a situation strongly enough to want to do something about it – and then BEING part of the solution. We must FEEL what is happening in order to change it. This is how we WILL things into being.

War is not the answer. But it is the tactic of masculine energy that refuses to evolve into its higher potential. Unevolved 1 focuses only on the SELF and feels superior to others. It has to win, it has to be better, bigger, faster, smarter – it has to be best. It has to win at all costs. And when it feels itself slipping, it bullies its way back to the ‘top’. This small-mindedness creates the concepts of MALE SUPERIORITY, WHITE SUPREMACY – and the RACE to be #1. Unevolved 1 cannot move beyond the extremes of inflated or deflated EGO.

On the other hand, evolved 1 desires to learn new things, to lead its own life, and to accept that OTHERS have the same rights. Evolved 1 brings BALANCE to the ego. This is authenticity and genuine confidence (not a false outer appearance of confidence which cannot be maintained in 2’s transparency). 1 is the nucleus of all the OTHER numbers, and its purpose is to generate life, not hold it back.

When we take freedom and abundance for granted, we lose the balancing power that gratitude brings and we move into the tangle of greed, which is compounded by denied guilt. Not only is greed the inability to feel satisfied, it is also the inability to feel grateful. And taking the gifts of life for granted brings many problems. Greed renders us so afraid of loss that it closes our hearts to others, even those we love.

This transition between 1 and 2 is complex and difficult. 2 does not compete. 2 cares, cooperates, and accommodates. 2 is sensitive, intuitive, has patience, notices the details – and makes us aware of how 1 thing leads to another.

Week 20 ends on the 20th, which should be interesting.


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Week 18, 2018

Week 18WEEK 18 is a 9 Week (1+8=9). It runs from Monday, April 30 to Sunday, May 6.

1 = THE INDIVIDUAL, ego, self, beginnings.

8 = POWER, position, money.

9 = ENDINGS, drama, karma, deep emotions.

When 18/9 is out of balance, there is a tendency to go to extremes in pursuit of a goal. People stop caring about anything that does not pertain to what they are aiming for, and get caught up in selfishness, greed, contest, and irrational behavior. Here in Week 18 of this 11/2 Year (2+0+1+8=11=2), the EMPOWERMENT and DISEMPOWERMENT of INDIVIDUALS is strongly emphasized.

Imbalanced 18/9 denies the relevance of anything that stands in its way. Even the most obvious truths are denied. Imbalanced 18/9 narrows its focus to materiality, money, status, and power, to shield itself from guilt. It is important to remember that guilt is not an emotion. Guilt is a judgment we make against ourselves. And there is nothing more dangerous than denied guilt.

Guilt is inevitable in 18/9’s vibration because 9 represents compassion, caring, giving, healing, sympathy, empathy, and awareness. But it is difficult to live up to 9’s potential when 1 and 8’s denials prevent them from CARING about outcomes. Unbalanced 18/9 cuts off its nose to spite its face.


BALANCED 18/9 incorporates vision, personal power, potential, and resources – and works diligently with an idea until it comes to life. It sees this system of greed and hate for what it is  – one big RACE to be #1. Balanced 18/9 dismantles our racist programming and helps us see what is possible when we work together. Every individual is 1. We are all 1.

9 takes us backwards – to learn from the past.

1 brings us forward and 8 gives us the power of correct understanding.

Balanced 18/9 enables us to feel satisfied… (the opposite of greed). New ideas and ideals can then create the beginnings of a new system where balance is maintained through fairness, equality, justice, and truth. Yes, we are a long way from such a reality, but this vibration within 2018’s 11/2 energy of CONNECTION, can deepen our desire for it.  And desire brings movement…


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Week 17, 2018

week 17Week 17 runs from Monday, April 23, to Sunday the 29th.

1 (action) + 7 (intelligence) = 8 (power). It sounds simple, but at this stage of the human journey, there is a great complexity involved. 8 focuses on POWER in all its forms, including the power of DESIRE.

8 represents the Material Plane, which we often confuse with ‘materiality’ and greed. The Material Plane is Mother Nature herself, our main source of feminine energy, which greed is constantly attacking and throwing out of balance.

Everything on Earth originates in nature. Whatever we DESIRE, Mother Nature provides.

DESIRE is one of the strongest vibrations we have. We cannot exist without it because desire is the initial movement of life. The desire to BE. The Will to LIVE.  However, the  fact that human beings can desire horrific and despicable things doesn’t alter the fact that desire is an essential part of life. It all depends on whether our overall intent is loving – or not.

We are evolving from an antiquated system of male supremacy, white supremacy, and wealth supremacy, which relies on DENIAL OF REALITY for its existence. This system of competition and contest is where the horrors and atrocities of racism originate – and all forms of prejudice. We are not the ‘human RACE’. We are human beings.

In Week 17 of this illuminating 11/2 year, denial is much harder to maintain. No one is immune here. Our personal and collective awareness is expanding. And the more conscious we become, the more we recognize the predicament we are in!

In a system that is driven by contest and war, it is only a matter of time before the system goes to war with itself. And it’s only a matter of time before a system driven by destruction destroys itself.

The road out of denial is fraught with danger and brutality. But here in the feminine 2000s, our position is also filled with opportunity, potential, creativity, and the wonders we can achieve when we express ourselves from the heart – openly and freely. Peaceful intent takes us onto a path of realism and honesty, and the DESIRE to transform what we already have into something more caring, imaginative, intelligent, fair, balanced, loving, and joyful.

Greed is desire that is so out-of-control that it desires to control the desires of others. What craziness we live in! We are programmed to believe that desire is the problem, while being bombarded with advertising and enticements which increase our desire – for material things. It is our desire for freedom, justice, peace, and harmony that this system cannot tolerate.

1 is the INDIVIDUAL. 

7 is the MIND. 

1 is outgoing.

7 takes you inward.

1 exudes confidence and fearlessness.  

7 needs to know exactly what it’s dealing with.

1 is doing.  

7 is learning.

In Week 17, we experience both the chaos caused by lack of awareness – and the bigger picture that attention to detail creates. 17/8 highlights efficient planning, true understanding of existing information, and an intuitive ability to correct its own imbalances. But when the imbalance goes unchecked, 17/8 exposes extreme self-interest, arrogance, greed, jealousy, impatience with detail, and denial of the facts.


The events of Week 17 are connected in various ways to the decade of the 1980s. The decade of money and power, bullying, hostile takeovers, insider trading, and the  belief that money rules, might is right, and greed is good.

The main reward of 8 is the feeling of SATISFACTION that comes when you truly and thoroughly appreciate what you already have; and when you know you have enough. Greed is the inability to feel satisfied and therefore never happy. Greed is the belief that there is no such thing as enough, thus a constant feeling of lack.

As we evolve into our true selves, we see the shallowness of those outdated tactics. 17/8 shows us that we are so much more than the old system allows us to be. Fascism exists to prevent us from realizing our true worth, our true power, and our free Will. It must not be given a chance to take hold!

As we gain the power of self-acceptance, the controlling forces are scrambling to extinguish the rising WILL of humanity. As we move further into the transparency of the 2000s, the denials, lies, deflections and maneuvers are utterly astonishing. Therefore, on the road to 2020, we really must BE “the change we want to see in the world”.


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Week 16, 2018

CALENDAR WEEK 16 begins on April 16, on the 106th day of the year – which brings a triple streak of karmic 16/7 energy into the world.  16/7 represents secrets, lies, conspiracy, exposure, indignity, the classic ‘fall from grace’, and the lengths to which people will go to avoid that fall. Sometimes there is an actual physical fall or ‘trip’. And since scandal is already a major part of everyday life these days, we can expect it to increase considerably in Week 16.

The situation on Earth is real and dangerous, and because April 2018 is a 15/6 month (the number of both balance and extremes, and ‘taking sides’), we are always on the edge of one tipping point or another. As we inch our way forward towards the pivotal year of 2020, the only ‘side’ that will take us through this precarious journey is the side of fairness, justice, peace, and LOVE. But this is not a passive ‘side’. It requires knowing what we are up against, organization, action, and determination.

Karmic 16/7 involves partnerships that formed for the purpose of outdoing or controlling others. This is the ultimate ‘smoke and mirrors’ energy in which arrogance, denial, and abuse of power, is clearly seen in the transparency of our times. What the system was once able to hide under a cloak of secrecy, is being drawn further into the light of this 11/2 Year (the number of illumination and openness).

Of course, 7 is not all plotting, exposure, and outrage. 7 is also the deeply spiritual number of GRACIOUSNESS, CONSCIOUSNESS, INTROSPECTION, LEARNING, ANALYSIS,  INSIGHT, INFORMATION, PLANNING, COORDINATION, and INTUITION. What happens this week can permanently change the way we look at and understand what’s happening in our world

Week 16 and Emotional Healing

Anger, blame, shame, and grief are inevitable as the truth comes to light. The honest expression of our feelings is producing the light in the first place. But we must also learn to channel this magnetic energy in a way that actually creates the necessary changes, instead of merely feeling helpless and hopeless. Without love in our hearts, and a strong INTENT to resist this descent into authoritarianism, impulsive action can be destructive. Revenge is a tactic of the past. Practical action is needed.

Time is the framework of evolution. Time moves forever forward, and although these attempts to drag us back to the past are futile, they are devastating and deadly. Without time, nothing can change. Evolution is gradual change in the course of time. Sound and rhythm cannot exist without time. So without time, there would be no music. No synchronization. No coordination. And there is much truth to the saying that ‘time heals all’. Life is a journey through the cycles of time… and this week we are in a powerful cyclical combination of 11/2 – 15/6 – and 16/7.

If we don’t find ways to push the old extremes back to the outer edges (where they belong), balance cannot be achieved, and we remain stuck in time. But repelling the extremes begins within each of us, personally. As we leave the old system of the 1000s behind, remember that 1 is the number of the self – the individual. And the only way to heal humanity is by healing our individual selves from the damage that this old greed/war-driven system imposes on us. We heal from the inside out…. mentally and emotionally. It’s the only way.


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11 WEEK – 11 YEAR – continued – (March 18)

77The last day of this 11 Week in this 11 Year happens to be the 77th day of the year. (7 multiplied by 11).

While 77 can generate much wisdom when it comes to making the changes we need to make, we must first deal with its karmic compound which is 14/5 – affecting matters of freedom, change, expression, the physical body, sex, fertility, gender, different cultures, sudden, unexpected or unusual experiences – and commitment.

March 18, 2018 is also a 5 day (3+9+11=2+3=5).

14/5 Karmic energy arises from wasted or misused freedom, irresponsibility, and unwillingness to account for our actions. 77/14/5 often brings a ‘fall from grace’ brought about by scandal and ‘being caught’. No one is immune from the karma they create. 77/14/5 highlights the arrogance of believing in one’s own superiority.

7 is the number of conspiracy – and 77 magnifies this tendency 11 times.

77 is the number of stardom, celebrity, fame and fortune, the high life, the charmed life, tremendous privilege, affluence, and power over others. This often refers to the titans of politics, industry, and entertainment, and those in inherited power positions. There is nothing wrong with wealth and influence – unless it is abused. For instance, when you hold in your hands the power to make others suffer and choose to do so, privilege turns to cruelty and atrocity.

77 symbolizes a highly intelligent and principled mind – but when it’s karmic 14/5 lessons are not learned, we have a mind that is so shallow and self-absorbed that the suffering of others can actually be self-gratifying and even ‘amusing’ – such a dangerous form of insanity.

This major karmic influence implies that we must LEARN from past and present mistakes, let go of outdated ideas and practices, and be willing to learn new things as we go. But at this stage of our journey, almost 20 years into the 2000s, a willingness to learn is not enough. We will never be able to make the changes we must make unless we are emotionally driven to do so. 2 is the number of emotional drive – feminine energy.

77/14/5 implies change on a grand scale – not just waiting for others to change things or merely re-arranging the status quo so that it looks like change. We are talking about real and lasting transformation. In order to bring about change of such magnitude, we have to feel our desire for change on a much deeper level than we are accustomed to – and keep it balanced between the extremes of greed on the one hand and total self denial on the other. Desire is the spark that sets the power of attraction in motion.

7 is the number of the mind and learning. 11 is the number of light and revelation. So there is a lot to learn from this energy, provided we can keep our minds open to the vibrations of our feelings. But the mind tends to cut away from our emotional energy when those feelings get uncomfortable. But the fact is that we have arrived at a moment in time in which uncomfortable feelings are our greatest teacher.

An enormous emotional awakening is occurring in these early days of the new millennium. When we refuse to recognize reality, the emotional connection gets shut down, and we go about our lives, oblivious to something important that’s happening right before our eyes. In doing so, we cut ourselves off from a major part of our power as human beings. We cut ourselves off from our Will – the feminine vibration that keeps our masculine minds open and expandable.

14 is an emptiness you feel when you live a mind-body life in which emotions are exaggerated and insincere, or completely subdued. You’ve got to be cool. Cannot let them see you sweat. Show no emotion unless it suits the moment. Must be seen to be perfect.

When 14 is derived from 77, it takes shallowness to a dangerous level, because all culpability is denied. Never admit guilt. But this is just a ruse to insulate us from having to say we were wrong. Denied guilt is a tactic of the racist, bigot, and bully – and the pathological liar who manipulates people’s senses and perceptions, and convinces them that up is down.

When people deny their own guilt, they project it onto others and accuse them of what they themselves are guilty of. But because the weight of denied guilt is so burdensome, addictions of one form or another are required to deny and distract from that, too.

14/5 reveals a part of us that cannot or will not LEARN, and the consequences this brings. It emphasizes a part of us that is afraid to admit mistakes and stop making them. Sometimes we have to make the same old mistake over and over until one day the penny drops and we finally get it – and take a different and more reasonable approach.

The present is always the result of the past. Learning from our mistakes enables us to leave the past and enter the present. Facing the reality of how the past has unfolded can feel overwhelming. But we must remember that the past is a deep source of experience and knowledge from which to learn and grow.

This is the final day of Week 11, and the final article in this 7-Day series. I hope it has been helpful.

NOTE: If you are reading this after the day or week in question, there is still SO much to learn from this life-changing energy we’re traveling through. These articles represent important aspects of what we must learn between now and 2020.

March 18 is the 7th and final day of this 11/11 week. To read about the preceding days, follow the links below:

The week itself + Monday March 12th

Tuesday March 13th 

Wednesday March 14

 Thursday March 15 

Friday March 16

Saturday March 17



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11 WEEK – 11 YEAR – continued – (March 17)

March 17March 17 2018 is a 22/4 day in the world. (3+8+11=22/4). There are also three prominent 11s:

March 17 = 3+8=11

Week = 11

Year = 11

A strong focus on the 8 energy comes from the 17th.  8 is the number of POWER IN THE MATERIAL WORLD. And as the power-plays going on at the top of this old materialistic system become more visible, along with its sheer cruelty and indifference to human and animal suffering,  life is helping us to recognize our own personal power, a huge part of which has always been dormant .  This is the power of our WILL – our ability to feel and sense.

Our emotional circuitry runs through every fiber of our physical being, and it is the body’s function to receive the vibrations that our emotions emit. We interpret our experiences by how they make us feel. Outward expression of what we feel inwardly is the natural movement of the human Will.

The Will must be free in order to function fully, but it has never been free, and we cannot know what our true potential is until we free our Will and experience life in a state of openness and authenticity. This is such an important factor of these most unstable times.

Gandhi once said, “I want freedom for the full expression of my personality.” It is this desire that will open the way forward, instead of settling for the limitations that the old heartless system has imposed on all living beings. Gandhi also said, “Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”

Now, as great effort is being made to subvert the human Will even more than it already is, we must learn about this vital part of ourselves quickly. And it seems that we are doing just that.

The Will has always been kept down, because it is the part of us that resists our own oppression.

Now, as the feminine Will rises, the masculine spirit must accept her as his EQUAL. The surge of white supremacy that is rising globally is not primarily about being white. It is about being white and male. Everything going on in the world starts within the human condition, which is sexual at its very core.

The 2 energy of the 2000s is feminine in nature, and 2’s sensitivity is reversing the lack of feeling and passion that prevailed in the 1000s, and is bringing us ‘to our senses’. We instinctively know that the system is engineered to favor ‘the privileged few’, but the tendency was to shrug it off as something we could do nothing about.

The light of 11 (the sum of which is 2) breaks down these denials, and 8 reveals how the system is strengthened through the perceived weakness of the masses. But the masses are rising up. Moving from within. Being moved emotionally. 2 is the number of empathy and caring. Most importantly, the masses no longer see ourselves as ‘the masses’, but as equal individuals (I AM), and humanity (WE ARE). This is reflected in the 22/4 energy that comes from March 17 2018, which focuses on improving conditions for all, not just the few.

We know we are so much more than this. How do we know? We FEEL it! Life is something to be explored, not exploited. We are growing in our awareness. As the Will strengthens, so does our understanding of how to change what needs to be changed. 8 teaches us that knowledge is indeed power, when it is accurately understood. And as the human journey progresses towards 2020, we have a huge learning process ahead of us.

NOTE: If you are reading this after the day or week in question, there is still SO much to learn from this life-changing energy we’re traveling through. These articles represent important aspects of what we must learn between now and 2020.

March 17 is the 6th day of this 11/11 week.

Read about the week itself and Monday March 12th’s phenomenal energy HERE).

Tuesday March 13th  ~  Wednesday March 14  ~  Thursday March 15  ~ Friday March 16

Sunday March 18th is the final day of this 11 11 Week.



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11 WEEK – 11 YEAR – continued – (March 16)

March 16March 16, 2018

Whitewash and openness continue to collide, seeing is believing, but you can’t believe your eyes. Secrets and lies, scandals and spies, the world is awash in mysterious vibes…

Not only are we dealing with the 16/7 karmic energy that comes from the 16th, but also the 19/1 karmic energy that comes from March 16th (3+16=19). Therefore, in this 11th week of this 11 Year, the circumstances of March 16 are likely to reverberate for some time to come.

March 16 2018 is a triple-3 Day.

Month = 3.

Day = 16/7.

Year = 11/2.


75th day of the year = 3.

3 focuses on communication, the world stage, appearances, popularity, population, friends and enemies. The 75th day of the year not only connects to the 16/7 energy – but also to the karmic 14/5 energy that comes from March in an 11/2 Year.

Therefore, three separate major karmic vibrations, 14/5, 16/7, and 19/1, are all converging within this week’s 11 11 vibration. This should be a memorable day in terms of what we are able to learn about ourselves, each other, and the reality in which we live.

19/1 brings us ‘full circle’ as details that were hidden in the past move into present time. 19/1 brings matters of EGO to the foreground, including inflated ego, narcissism and delusions of grandeur – and – the deflated ego of those who do not believe in themselves enough to understand complex matters or make important decisions. Ego is our sense of self. And right now, the most inflated/deflated egos of all are struggling with complicated issues which affect the entire planet.

14/5 brings sudden development which is often the result of wasted or misused freedom – or when opportunity is grabbed at the expense of others, or in a way that undermines our own interests. 14/5 is connected to overindulgence in sexual and other physical pleasures so that inner development is neglected. 14/5 is the result of self-centeredness, laziness, being disorganized, irresponsibility, and lack of accountability. (This reaches new levels on Sunday March 18th, which is the 77th day of the week – and 77 = 14/5).

16/7 affects matters of secrecy, pride, and misplaced feelings of superiority. This is the number of conspiracy, behind the scenes activity, and the abuse of power. 16/7 is the number of EXPOSURE, particularly when it comes to unusual or illicit sexual affairs that hurt people, or strange partnerships which conspired to outdo others. 7 is the learning number – the number of the mind – the truth seeker of the numeric spectrum. But when it is derived from 16, the egotistical aspect of 1 ignores any details that are not central to its own agenda, and the controlling aspect of 6 thinks it already knows it all.

This should also be a memorable day for Donald Trump whose personal numerology also converges today:

Motivation Number (all the vowels in his birth name) = 16/7.

Expression Number (all the letters in his birth name) = 14/5.

Born on the 14th.

Professional Number (the sum of all his core energies) = 14/5.

Approach Number (day of birth + first name) = 19/1.

Of course, most of us have one or more major karmic influences to deal with in life, and we are usually able to deal with them if the intent in our hearts is basically loving. But the old system which is now falling apart, has always been ‘led’ by people who refuse to learn anything that could adversely affect their leadership position. 1 is the first number and is the natural number of leadership. 1 is also the number of the old male-drive millennium. The nature of life in the feminine 2000s has much more depth to it.

Karmic energy teaches us what we most need to learn in order to move forward and evolve. And mixed with the transparency of the 2000s, the innovation of 1 (the decade of the 10s), and the creativity and communication of 3, we realize that we can no longer deceive ourselves or be deceived by others. As we break down the barriers of denial and face reality, the vibrations of our magnetic feminine feelings open our electrical masculine minds. The suppression of this natural electro-magnetic exchange is where all suppression and oppression begins.

The circumstances of March 16 remind us that 7 is the number of wisdom. And as we wise up, we are driven to rise up against what is keeping us dumbed down.

7 is the number of intuition, and it is important to remember that intuition does not originate in the mind. On the contrary, it is the overcharged mind which prevents our natural responsiveness from getting through TO the mind. Intuition is a product of the emotions. Feminine energy. The ability to FEEL and SENSE. Emotion is our response to experience.

And in this sad and suffering world, and the callous engineering of our emotions, it is important to appreciate those little things (and big things) that DO make us happy, and not simply take them for granted. Allow yourself to smile, because the suppression of happiness only adds to the unhappiness that we are evolving from. In these serious and dangerous times, the 333 vibration that comes from March 16 2018 reminds us that 3 is the number of JOY.

NOTE: If you are reading this after the day or week in question, there is still SO much to learn from this life-changing energy we’re traveling through. These articles represent important aspects of what we must learn between now and 2020.

March 16th is the fifth day of this 11/11 week.

Read about the week itself and Monday’s phenomenal energy HERE). Read about the energy of March 13th HERE. Read about March 14 HERE. Read about March 15 HERE



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11 WEEK – 11 YEAR – continued – (March 15)

march 15March 15, 2018 brings even more 11/2 energy into this 11 Week/11 Year because the date itself adds up to 2 (3+6+11=2+0=2) . It is also the 74th day of the year, which adds up to 11.

March 15 is also what I call a ‘double dose’ day which occurs whenever the month and day add up to 9. (3+6=9). This adds intensity to the numbers involved, and puts a lot of 9/11 or 11/9 energy out there – the number of reversal and dramatic emotional response.

9/11 also refers to learning from history, accurate records, and the sequence of events, and how 1 step leads to another. 9 takes us backwards so that we can see what led to present circumstances, while 11 sheds light on the details. 9/11 helps us to ‘connect the dots’ and form a larger, clearer picture.

9/11 is also the emergency code for the United States, Canada, The Philippines, and parts of Mexico.

These are dramatic, dangerous, and deceptive times. There are things happening today that would seem far-fetched even for the most fast-paced spy novel. Fact is often stranger than fiction.

The 3 energy of March, (boosted by the 3 energy of the 21st century), adds to the drama because 3 is the number of distraction, the stage, the creative arts, acting, entertainment, illusion, words, images, networking, and all forms of communication. 3 is also the number of friends (and enemies); friendship (and animosity). It is essential that we communicate from our hearts and be honest with ourselves and others – and we must also learn to listen.

1 is the father. 2 is the mother. 3 is the child.

And now we have to listen to the children because they are the future, and the future is demanding real, meaningful, and lasting change that benefits all of life. The future is one of happiness rather than constant suffering and misery; friendliness rather than animosity and hate; creativity rather than death and destruction. The future is one of truth rather than deception and denial.

The current emphasis on TEENS is right on time, because the teen numbers (from 13 to 19) are karmic numbers, which denote specific lessons that all of humanity must learn as we evolve to the next level of our journey into Free Will.

Traditionally, the karmic numbers have been confined to 13, 14, 16, and 19. But having studied numerology and metaphysics for 3 decades now, this makes no sense to me. Why just those four numbers? There are seven ‘teen’ numbers, all of which have distinct karmic lessons attached to them. Karma is not punishment for past transgressions. Karma is the learning of what we have not been able to learn – the inevitable consequence of our actions – the laws of ’cause and effect’. (I will be writing a lot more about the teen numbers this year because, no matter what our age today, we still have to learn whatever we did not learn as teenagers).

It is said that the most formative years in a child’s development are from 0 to 8. But surely another formative period occurs from 13 to 19, as the child transitions into an adult.

We are all children of this Earth, and from 2013 to 2019, we are all having developmental experiences as we move through time, from one millennium to another. Just as the teen years are a transition from childhood to adulthood, humanity itself is transitioning in this decade of the 10s – into the next stage of who we have it in us to become.

Instead of criticizing young people for refusing to conform to the norms of previous generations, they need to be respected, encouraged, celebrated, loved, and listened to!

15 teaches us how to find a balance between our responsibilities and our own needs and desires. It reminds us to take care of ourselves – and that others need care and attention, too. This is the lesson of relationship, love, and caring – and being able to love a person one way, and love something else in our lives another way. 15 helps us to broaden our horizons and live more fully. The combination of 3 and 15 (today’s date) enables us to stretch ourselves as needed, and because it is such a creative vibration, it helps us to stretch our imaginations, too.

As we continue to move towards the pivotal energy of 2020, our old visions of ‘normalcy’ will change dramatically. 2020 = DEPTH OF VISION – looking deeper into things – seeing with all our senses, not just our eyes.

But right now, the old world is colliding with the new and is holding on to power with defiant intimidating arrogance. Holding on with all their MIGHT: their armies, institutions, and deliberate dishonesty. Emotion is our honesty. What we feel is our response to experience, and THAT is how the old system has always controlled the population – through our emotions, especially fear, grief, and anger. But our feelings are so strong now – so real and raw – and the 2 energy of the 2000s is so transparent – that we can see through these control techniques, and are in a position to use our emotions to bring constructive change to Earth.

It is a slow process though. 2 is a gentle slow-moving energy, but if you try to push against it or speed it up, it pushes back hard and slows you down even more! 2 is the number of PATIENCE, ATTENTION TO DETAIL, AND RIGHT TIMING.

Remember:  We are ALL fellow travelers on the road of life, brought together in the wake of changing times.

In this 11th Week of this 11 Year, we are learning to absorb the shock of recognizing ourselves as we really are, where we came from, and where we are headed. From 2013 to the end of 2019, we are traveling a deeply karmic period in which the past, present, and future MEET – and this is where enlightenment is gained, and a more profound sense of purpose is discovered.

NOTE: If you are reading this after the day or week in question, there is still SO much to learn from this life-changing energy we’re traveling through. These articles represent important aspects of what we must learn between now and 2020.

March 15th is the fourth day of this 11/11 week.

Read about the week itself and Monday’s phenomenal energy HERE). Read about the energy of March 13th HERE. Read about March 14 HERE



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11 WEEK – 11 YEAR – continued – (March 14)

March 14March 14 is day 3 of the 11th week of this 11 year.

The Karmic Number 14 highlights our mistakes – the ones we make repeatedly. Sometimes we do this without realizing that it’s the same mistake. Sometimes we do this knowing that we’re making the same mistake, but we tell ourselves we will do things differently the next time around. But we don’t.

14/5 shows us where we are unable to learn, and produces adverse effects until we do.

March 14 is the birthday of Albert Einstein who famously said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.” But Einstein did learn from his mistakes. That is basically what science is – learning what works and what doesn’t. Experimenting. Looking at things from different angles. Chemistry. Invention.

The fact that Stephen Hawking died on March 14 – Einstein’s birthday – is like a burst of light connecting two great minds – to remind the world that knowledge is power. His passing comes at a time when governments and corporations are refusing to learn, and are rejecting science for the sake of profit and dominance.

Stephen Hawking fought hard to defend Britain’s National Health Service, without which he said he could never have survived. His passing comes at a time when health services in both Britain and the USA are being torn apart, for the sake of profit. Not only was Stephen Hawking one of the most brilliant scientists ever, but his courage and determination in the face of adversity, and his ‘never give up’ attitude, is an inspiration to us all.

March 14  2018 is a 10/1 day in the world (3+14+11=28=10=1).

It is also the 73rd day of the year, which gives us another 10.

We are also in the decade of the 10s.

We are awash in 10/1 energy, here in the 11th week of this 11/2 year, and since 11 is also made of 1s, the 1 energy is telling us that we must learn everything there is to learn about 1, before we reach the end of the electrical 10 decade in 2020, and the decade of the magnetic 20s begins (just 18 months from now).

Some numerologists insist that Master Numbers should never be reduced to their sum, but without adding one and one together, we cannot see the full picture or understand the full potential. In fact, without adding 1 and 1 together, 2 cannot be reached, and we remain at a standstill. I keep master numbers whole when I am calculating, but the numbers they produce, (11 = 2, 22 = 4 etc) are always present, even when the Master energies are dormant.

1 is the nucleus. 1 is the first step. And that’s as far as we have come.

As a species, we are being held back by our inability to evolve from I AM to the balance of I AM and WE ARE – because we are terrified of change, terrified of losing position and possession, terrified of having to share, and terrified of being seen as incompetent. And some people claim to be superior because they are terrified of being seen as inferior.

1 is the number of self, ego, the individual, masculine energy, territory, and action. This is the energy that moves us forward – but at its ‘lower’ end are the highly competitive and ‘do anything to get ahead’ energies which sow the seeds of contest, aggression, war, and stagnation.

There are only 9 basic numbers. Every number beyond 9 is a variation of the original 9. Therefore, the natural function of 10 is to bring us to the ‘NEXT LEVEL’, where we start again (1+0=1), but with the advantage of what we learned along the way from all the other numbers. 10 represents innovative ideas, turning points, and profound and lasting change.

The passing of Stephen Hawking on Einstein’s birthday at this specific point in time has great significance because of their understanding of nuclear energy.

1 represents the atom.

11 represents the splitting of the atom.

And here we are, at a time when the nuclear arms race is stepping up, not winding down. A time when Donald Trump (who was born on the 14th) has said that he doesn’t understand why we don’t use our nuclear weapons. A time when North Korea’s nuclear capabilities have increased significantly. A time when Russia is about to test a new ‘invincible’ nuclear weapon, and has warned Britain ‘not to mess with a nuclear power’, after Theresa May declared that Russia was behind the recent chemical attacks on British soil.

March 14 is the third day of the 11th week of this 11 year. March is the 3rd month. 3 is the number of communication – and the numbers are communicating loudly:

“The lesson continues until it is learned…”

Today, the children of America are walking out of their schools to demand safety in the very place where lessons are traditionally learned, along with many other vital changes. The future is declaring itself.

We must learn from experience. We must learn as we go. We must CHANGE, according to what we learn. 1, the number of SELF, teaches us that we can only change the world by changing our SELVES.

March 14th is the third day of this 11/11 week. (Read about the week itself and Monday’s phenomenal energy HERE). Read about the energy of March 13th HERE. If you are reading this after the day or week in question, there is still SO much to learn from this life-changing energy we’re traveling through…



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11 week

11 WEEK – 11 YEAR – continued (March 13)

Tuesday, March 13 is day 2 of this 11 11 week. (Read about the week itself and yesterday’s phenomenal energy HERE). If you are reading this after the date or week in question, there is always SO much to learn from this life-changing energy we’re traveling through…

March 13, 2018 is a 9 day in the world (3+13+11=27=9), which highlights dramatic and emotional events and circumstances. 9 is the number of conclusion. This can mean the end of something – or it can refer to the conclusions we reach in our minds. 9’s spiral shape can produce ominous “what’s next?” feelings because, just like being on a spiral staircase, we cannot see what’s around the corner.

This is also the 72nd day of the year. Now we have  two 9s and two 11s.

911 + 911 = 1822 =13.

So we also have two 13s here on the 13th.

13 is the karmic vibration of 4 and produces circumstances in which we must LEARN what 4 has to teach.

11+11=22, and 22 is the ‘master’ vibration of 4, in which we are able to put what 4 has taught us into large-scale and purposeful practice.

4 is the number of WORK and how things work – the number of SYSTEM, and all the different systems that govern our lives. 4 is the number of mechanism and procedure – and the number of classification (especially the class system, which is ruthlessly fighting for its life right now, against the rising WILL of the people).

4 is the number of identity – our own individual sense of who we are – and how we identify ‘others’. 4 shows us how we ‘label’ people and things according to how we have been taught to calculate ‘worth’. And 4 points out how we limit ourselves by this worthless labeling. Remember: 11 11 = 4. We are 1 – with ourselves, each other, and ALL the life on our self-sustaining planet, Mother Earth.

4 is the number of logic. Only the facts will do. The purpose of 4 is to find error and correct it, and sort out the truth from the lies – and this serves an enormous purpose in this 11 Week / 11 Year.

The symbol of 4 is the square or box. And the more we learn what 4 has to teach, the more confined and boxed in we feel. 4 is the number of both limitation and breakthrough. And today, mentally, emotionally, and even physically, is a day to keep going, push on through, and break out of that box!

To do this, we must be aware of when we ourselves  deny reality by pulling the box around us in an effort to protect ourselves from the feelings (especially fear, rage, and grief) that facing reality triggers. We cannot change what we are too afraid to look at. 4 gives us the determination and the WILL to carry on, and the intelligence to find solutions.

4 is the number of the HEART – which is where courage comes from (not the testicles, as this ‘man’s world’ seems to believe). By equating courage to ‘having balls’, we tell women that in order to be strong they must be more like men. 1+1 = 2, the number of our present point in time – the 2000s. 2 = feminine energy. Feminine energy = the WILL.

It is important to remember that 11 + 11 = 22 – the number of the master architect and builder. The number of compassion and improving conditions for human beings, (and the animals and natural world), on a global scale. But, like all ‘master’ energy, 22 can be used in the opposite way and become the master plotter and destroyer, and the heartless wreaker of chaos and suffering on large sections of the population. Master Numbers are concentrated POWER – and even those whose intentions are ‘good’ can become intoxicated by them. And when this power falls into the hands of those whose intentions are ‘bad’, the extent of the potential damage is incalculable.

911 is the emergency code in the USA, and the USA is in a 22/4 National Year in 2018, which is derived from 11/11.

July 4 = 7+4=11



Donald Trump was born on the 22/4 Destiny Path. June 14, 1946 = 6+14+2=22/4. (Always keep master numbers and karmic numbers whole when calculating).

When 9 and 11 merge, another 11 is produced: 9+1+1=11. Yes, the numbers are jumping out at us this week. They are jumping all over the place!

March 13th is the second day of this 11/11 week. (Read about the week itself and yesterday’s phenomenal energy HERE). If you are reading this after the date or week in question, there is still SO much to learn from this life-changing energy we’re traveling through…



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11 WEEK – 11 YEAR

The 11th WEEK of this 11 YEAR runs from Monday, March 12, to Sunday, March 18. This week’s complex alignment of numbers demonstrates how 11 interacts with other numbers. All Master Numbers are multiples of 11, and because so much master energy is involved here, our recognition of reality is being magnified. It’s as if we are looking at ourselves through a gigantic metaphysical microscope.

Who am I?

Why am I here?

What’s going on?

Where am I going?

Who is going with me?

Being totally honest with ourselves is a major part of our evolution. Without that, we cannot see what we’re dealing with, and we remain lost. 1+1=2, the number of sensitivity, and the principle number of life in the 2000s. 2 will keep shaking our senses and triggering our emotions until we accept how we truly feel about our own existence.

11/2 represents LIGHT, TRANSPARENCY, CONNECTION, COOPERATION, CARING, PATIENCE, and INSPIRATION. The 3 energy of March highlights COMMUNICATION and CREATIVITY, including how we are communicating with ourselves – and what our behaviors and beliefs are actually creating.

March 12 brings the Master Number 33 into play – the master teacher, healer, and communicator, who transmits information through popular culture and entertainment – or propaganda and intimidation. 3 represents illusion, which in itself can be very entertaining, but its purpose nonetheless is to trick our senses.

33 is the most balanced form of 6, the number of both BALANCE and EXTREMES. We must learn how to push the extremes (in ourselves and in the world) back to their right place at the edges – the fringes. 6 represents responsibility, justice, equality, love, healing, education, and community. With so much hate, fear and cold-heartedness on the rise, the power of LOVE that exists in us all must rise and flow. Each of us has a chance every single day to bring more kindness and compassion into the world.

March 12, 2018 is an 8 day in the world (3+3+11=17/8). 8 represents all forms of POWER. 8 helps us make things materialize and bring ideas to life. 8 = manifestation and abundance … unless it is taken over by greed and feelings of superiority. This widens the gap between wealth and poverty, comfort and struggle, fairness and injustice.

March 12 is also the 71st day of the year (7+1=8). These two 8s produce 88, and demonstrate that knowledge is power – when it is correctly understood, and when the mind is open and willing enough to learn new things. Meanwhile, people with extraordinarily small and dangerous minds – whose focus on greed is so narrow – are in positions of great power. When knowledge is used to mislead and control, it drains the intelligence of those who get drawn into it. 88 offers intuitive depth into what we are experiencing. Intuition is something we feel and sense, rather than something we have to figure out in our minds.


Before we can get to the knowing that comes from 7 (the number of wisdom and the mind), we must first get through 88’s karmic 16/7 vibrations, which represent the abuse of power, conspiracy, betrayal, scandal, secrets, lies, intrigue, and the dark art of denial – all of which is happening right now in the world, at levels that resulted in both world wars.

And yet humanity’s potential to change itself from within and alter this disastrous course has never been greater. But it will not happen by itself.

The war of the sexes – the inner imbalance between masculine mind and feminine emotion – has taken on new dimensions as women rise to claim respect, fairness, and equal value. It is from this imbalance that all injustice originates, and why peace on Earth is simply a dream. Balance requires us to truly feel whatever we are feeling, from the depths of despair – to the highness of joy – and the entire range of feelings in between. We cannot evolve, and nothing can change, until we release ourselves from the emotional and mental prison of the ‘old world ‘ which is descending into unabashed nationalism (nazi-ism), as it struggles to destroy the Will that is freeing itself.

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive~Sir Walter Scott, (from his epic poem Marmion – 1808)

Acceptance of reality provides our only way forward, but coming out of denial is not a simple process. The mission of denial is to capture the truth and prevent it from reaching consciousness. When we deny the truth, we cut ourselves off from reality. And each denial has to be supported by other denials, so that a whole wave of denial weaves its way through our lives. The web of lies encircling the world is almost impossible to keep up with.

We know that the world is full of deceit. But because everything in the outer world reflects our inner condition, we must also be aware of how we deceive ourselves. The more honest we are with ourselves, the easier it will be to understand what is happening in the outer world.

March in an 11 Year is a karmic 14/5 month (3+11=14/5). This is the energy of unpredictability. Its lessons are usually sudden and unexpected. 14/5 shocks us with aspects of reality that our denials were blocking. It teaches us things we didn’t realize we needed to know. 14/5 karma involves learning from both our mistakes and our successes – learning from experience – and using this knowledge constructively.

5 sits at the center of the numeric system. So there is a see-saw effect in the way we can be up one minute, and down the next. This is caused not by the number itself, but by the confusion that comes from our own indecisions or indifference.

5 is the number of FREEDOM. We are at a point in the human journey where we must make serious and often difficult decisions that help us regain our power as a species, much of which has been siphoned out of us by this greed-ridden system. No matter who we are or where on Earth we live, we are in the process of retrieving our power to exist as the free spirits we are meant to be.

And notice that when 5 and 11 combine as they do throughout March, (5+11=16/7), we are drawn back to 16/7 and we have to look at the whole ‘abuse of power’ aspects again. We have a wild ride ahead of us. So hang on tight!

And this is just Day 1 of this 11 Week / 11 Year. I will write more as this highly unpredictable week unfolds.



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2018 – WEEK 10

Week 10 runs from March 5 to 11. This is the 10th Week of an 11 Year – in a 10 Decade. Week 10 represents intense, immense, fundamental change which brings us to the ‘next level’ – while the light of 11 exposes what is hidden.

As we move deeper into the 2000s, we encounter feminine 2’s openness and transparency. Humanity is in the process of freeing our Will (feminine energy/emotion) – which is prompting cruel and desperate attempts to prevent the truth from surfacing. Suppression of the truth is denial of reality, which is the main problem on Earth today, and opens the door for authoritarianism to step in and take over. Denial is the barrier that stands between consciousness and Free Will.

Some people are in so much denial that their minds automatically shut out new information, rendering them unable to learn anything new.  Many of these people have risen to positions of great power on Earth, and denial has become ‘policy’. In the 2000s though, truth will prevail because truth and accuracy is 2’s nature.

Stay informed. Don’t ignore (deny) what is happening. And understand that this descent into fascism is happening all over the world. This is an attack on humanity BY other human beings. The power of humanity is its WILL – and that is what we must rescue, heal, and develop – the feminine aspects of life – our ability to feel, sense, empathize, and intuit.

The forward-moving and innovative nature of Week 10 can help us face the truth more willingly.

Week 10 

starts on the 64th day of the year, 6+4=10.

March 5, 2018 = 3+5+11=19/10/1

Decade = 10

Monday, the first day of Week 10, is a 10 10 10 10 day. This combination will have a profound effect on us as individuals because 1 represents the self. Multiple 1s represent many selves. We are 1.

4 x 10 = 40, and 4 is the number of both limitation and breakthrough. Although the attempts to dominate humanity (and all of life) are real and highly dangerous, we have it in us as a species to break through the barriers of the old failing system into a freer and more peaceful existence. But we are living in two different segments of time simultaneously, and we have to find our way through the chaos.

Humanity must rise to free its own Will. It’s the only way forward.

1 = masculine electricity

2 = feminine magnetism.

There are likely to be a few ‘lightening bolts’ this week that illuminate the shadows, if only for a moment, exposing the true nature of what’s going on. Our feminine senses are increasing their focus, and the vibrations of our constantly rattled feelings are opening our minds to the reality of our situation.

Tuesday, March 6 is a 2 Day in the world (3+6+11=2+0=2). It is also the 65th day of the year which = 11. This connects to the 11/2 year of 2018, making this an 11:11 day. Sunday, March 11 is another 11:11 day.

Also on Tuesday, your Weekly Forecast is repeated as a Daily Forecast. This repetition occurs when the month and day of any date add up to 9. (3+6=9). Feelings and circumstances intensify or reach a peak on these dates. (See link to the weekly forecasts at the bottom of this page).

Wednesday, March 7 is the 66th day of the year. 66 helps us develop the courage to take full responsibility for ourselves, to stop worrying about what others think of us, and stand tall in our own skin. Of course we cannot be independent in a system that thrives on our dependence on it, but the power of 66 enables us to see things as they really are, which is the first step to breaking free.

66 represents children and young people all over the world. While 3 is the number of the child, (1 is the father and 2 is the mother), 66 is 3‘s most balanced form, and represents maturity.

The wisdom of the millennial generation comes from their honesty – which comes from their feminine emotional energy. They are showing us that it is not enough to merely ‘know’ something. The mind alone cannot change anything. We can study a problem all we want, but until we are emotionally driven to do something about it, nothing changes.

Today’s young people were born into the chaos of changing millennia and they feel this on a profound and practical level. 66 is the number of the Master Communicator. And 6+6 = 12, which represents our current position – the gap between the 1000s and the 2000s.

1+2 = 3, the number of COMMUNICATION. 3 also represents the 21st CENTURY which is where today’s young people have taken root. And look what they are doing as we move into 2’s openness. They are opening the lines of communication that the fears and denials of preceding generations shut down. March 7, 2018 is a 3 Day in the world (3+7+11=21=3).

11 is the number of light and inspiration.

66 multiplies 11’s light 6 times!

No matter how old or young we are, this is a time to experience the power of our own youth by letting go of the guilt and emotional denial that ages us. So today be honest with yourself about how you are truly feeling, even if you don’t have all the facts.

Be prepared to let go of the dogma imposed on us by this greed-ravaged and war-torn system – and imagine the potential of life on Earth if we could evolve out of this path of self-destruction. We are ALL children – and it’s time to grow up.

Day 66 in this 11 year produces another Master Number – 77, and its karmic 14/5 aspect. 77 represents fame and fortune, the high life, riches, celebrity, inheritance, hierarchy, “affluenza”, and the power of awards and titles. 77 is an exciting energy – the number of sex, drugs, and the means to have whatever your heart desires. I will write more about this next week because the very last day of Week 11 (March 18th) is the 77th day of the year.

Thursday, March 8th is a 22/4 day, (3+8+11=22/4), which focuses on the conditions in which people (and animals) exist on Earth. This is accompanied by 4’s karmic 13 vibration which comes from the 67th day of the year. This combination focuses on our individual and collective sense of identity. The world is changing, and the validity of what we are programmed to believe is the ‘norm’ is collapsing. 11:11 = 22, and symbolizes equality. Turn 11 on its side, and you have the equals sign. We are living in symbolic times. And symbols of every nature are forms of communication.


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55 and 19

55 and 19Master 55 and karmic 19 are prominent numbers on Saturday, February 24, 2018 – the 55th day of this illuminating 11/2 global year. 55/10/1 brings dynamic energy into our lives and helps us to deal intelligently with large-scale change.

55 helps us to stay calm in chaotic situations, instead of panicking or going into denial. 5 is the number of resourcefulness, and this double-5 infusion helps us understand what a situation most needs, and how best to implement it.

Both 1 and 5 indicate strong change, but there is a difference between the two.

1 = independence.

5 = freedom.

1 brings change through gradual progress.

5 brings change suddenly.

Sometimes the sudden changes that occur in 5 are the accumulation of 1’s gradual changes all coming together at the same time. This can be both confusing and inspiring. 55 keeps us focused on developing the courage and Will to uncover the truth.

5 makes us aware of our physical presence among others, and right now, 1 is helping us to evolve beyond mere selfishness into self-acceptance. Only then can we genuinely accept ‘others’.

55 breaks down old barriers

55/1 brings to fruition what was once considered impossible or ‘before its time’ by enabling 1 to let go of what it is clinging to, so that life can flow freely and naturally. Only then can our greater potential unfold.

As new and unusual ideas arise, changes of consciousness may be experienced, but don’t mistake this for inconsistency. 55 represents true innovation, and breaking through old barriers into something new, original, functional, and lasting. The 55/10/1 vibration breaks outdated understanding, and brings us to the ‘next level’. 55 makes us realize that we are citizens of the world – we are ONE. (55=10=1).

However, all those outdated understandings (the old ways of the 1000s) are fighting desperately to maintain control and often become more dangerous when master numbers are in play. This will continue while the decade of the 10s is active, which makes 2020 such an important year in the human journey. The adage about ‘hindsight being 2020’ has a deep significance here.

55 enables us to understand the principles of equality among human beings and why this is the key to balance (peace) on Earth. This extremely fertile and sexual vibration gives birth to unusual concepts – and unusual children.


While 55 is the most balanced form of 1, 19 is the karmic vibration of 1. Today’s date makes this a 19 / 10 / 1 day in the world.




2+6+11= 19 / 10 / 1

19 / 10 / 1 is one of the karmic energies that humanity is working through in order to evolve from the masculine 1 energy of the previous millennium to the feminine 2 energy of the 2000s. (After 19 comes 20). 19 brings us face to face with what 1 has to teach – which is basically about our SELVES. 11 symbolizes 1 (the individual) coming face to face with oneself. (1+1=2).

In both 55 and 19, we must learn as we go. This means letting go of stubborn beliefs that keep us trapped in the past, discovering what works and what doesn’t, and accepting ourselves and each other as fellow travelers on the road of life. And while that reality seems a very long way off, and it is, it is nonetheless the road we are ON as we move deeper into the 2000s.

All this is occurring in the 8th week of 2018, which you can read about HERE


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WEEK 8 … and the power of 2

WEEK 8 runs from Monday February 19th to Sunday the 25th, bringing us into an unusually high concentration of 2 energy. 2018 is a 2 Year, (derived from master number 11), and February is the 2nd month of this 2 Year. There is a significant shift going on in Week 8, and if our senses are open, we will really feel it.

This karmic 13/4 Month emphasizes order and system, and the disorder that must occur as the old system – the old order – continues to implode under the weight of the chaos its demise is creating. With such lack of knowledge and constant denial of reality, it is obvious that humanity’s madness rose to the top, and the ‘inmates’ really are running this authoritarian madhouse.

Emma Gonzalez

Emma Gonzalez speaks from the heart with raw emotion – and moves the nation.  See link below for whole speech….

Children are being killed and abused all over the world, in diabolical wars and other atrocities that keep the old system going. The heart-breaking yet now routine slaughter of children is a stark reflection of the heartlessness that rules us. Young people are the future, and they know it!

But this old dying system doesn’t want there to be a future if it cannot control it. “If I can’t have it, no one can”!  “You will not replace us!”  And this depraved and dangerous level of selfishness is what we’re all dealing with now – and what so many young people are openly and bravely standing up to. As a result, and despite the chaos yet to come, a new future is unfolding.

In the transparency of the 2000s, the fantasy of ‘supremacy’ is so out of place. But we have not seen the worst of it yet. Revelations about the abuse and sexual harassment of women have changed the whole dynamic. But just wait until more layers of denial slip away and new revelations about the physical and sexual abuse of children are brought to light.

Everything we do, every breath we breathe – is tied to the system. But we entered a new frequency when we moved from the masculine 1000s to the feminine 2000s, in which the old system of secrecy and dishonesty simply cannot sustain itself. Transparency is openness, and openness is honesty.

This transition from a violent top-heavy ‘man’s world’, into a balanced world will not be easy. Balance is the home of equality, fairness, justice, and LOVE. And it is not the nature of feminine energy to dominate – so the world is not going to change from a man’s world into a woman’s world. That would be just as imbalanced. But we instinctively know that male dominance cannot continue within the power of 2, and the circumstances of Week 8 will verify this fact.

Humanity has always been at war with itself. That is the insanity we are evolving from, and 2 will help us deal with these complex matters through its power of connection. Symbolically, ‘adding 1 and 1 together’ is also the nature of this 11/2 Year. (1+1=2).

2 slows things down so we can notice the details, see how they connect, and look at life from a wider and deeper perspective. 2 = feminine energy, intuition, patience, cooperation, right timing, and efficiency. 2 thrives in groups, partnerships, and joint effort.

2’s transparency enables us to see through the denials, deceptions, and lies. 2 represents the senses, sensitivity, our ability to feel and think at the same time, and indeed to know the difference between feminine feelings and masculine thoughts. The evolutionary balance we so desperately need – starts within.

On Tuesday February 20th, we enter a 10 day cycle in which all the day numbers have TRIPLE-2 (222) vibrations:

  • February = 2,
  • each day begins with 2, (20th, 21st etc).
  • 2018 = 11 = 2

This infusion of 2 reminds us:

  • we are in the 2000s.
  • the decade of the 10s is ending soon.
  • the decade of the 20s is just 22 months away.
  • 2020 is likely to be a major turning point on Earth.


  • Thursday, February 22, 2018 = 2222 = 8.
  • The 53rd Day of the Year = 8.
  • This is Calendar Week 8.

8 is the number of POWER in the material world. Knowledge is power. 8 provides peace and balance through accurate understanding. 8 enables us to thrive, not just survive. 8 represents manifestation, abundance, business, economics, and the power of Mother Nature and her resources.

However, 8 is also the number of greed, and the chaos and cruelty that come from DENIED GUILT – the basis of psychopathic illness. 8 is the number of the bully, the abuser, the manipulator – and the mayhem that comes from intellectual laziness and mishandling of information.

Week 8 is a POWER week – in all its manifestations. And the POWER OF 2 is intense. The power of emotion. The power of the mind. The power of the human Will. The power of caring. The power of potential, imagination, and visualization. And the power of LOVE.

Parkland shooting survivor Emma Gonzalez gives compelling speech



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WEEK 7 – Part 2

The numeric makeup of 2018 (an 11/2 year in the world) is very complex, and although we experienced these energies in 2009, the effects are much stronger now as we move closer to the pivotal year of 2020.

The numbers occurring this week – the 7th week of the year – give us a glimpse of just how intense things will get in the meantime. Week 7 runs from February 12 to 18.

This is Part Two of  “Week 7” – read Part One here: … Week 7 – Part 1

Monday, February 12, 2018 = 2+3+11 = karmic 16/7

Calendar Week = 7

43rd Day of the year = 4+3=7

43rd day of this 11 Year = 7+11=1+8=9

February = 2nd month of this 11 Year = karmic 13/4

Let go of denial and face what ever the reality happens to be. There can be no solution until we know precisely what we are dealing with. We begin this week on a wave of triple-7 energy which implies that there is a LOT to analyze and learn in the coming days. Be sure to read the previous article on this powerful 777 vibe … Week 7 – Part 1

Tuesday, February 13, 2018 = 2+13+11=2+6=8

44th day of the year = 44/8

44th day of this 11 Year = 44+11= 55/10/1

Karmic 13/4

February = 2nd month of this 11 Year = karmic 13/4

Wherever opposites and opposition are creating barriers, 55 reveals the magnificent potential that comes from working together towards a common goal. The cultures of bullying, greed, austerity, and forced compliance, are highlighted by 44 – and 11’s sensitivity and intuition enables us to see through it. As a result, we see that the people who are imposing all this suffering are doing so out of a warped sense of superiority and fear of losing ‘position’.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018 = 2+14+11=2+7=9

45th day of the year = 9

45th day of this 11 Year = 9+11=2+0=2

Karmic 14/5

February = 2nd month of this 11 Year = karmic 13/4

45 creates spirals within spirals, endings within endings, and constant shocks to the system. 45 reflects  the most stubborn errors and misunderstandings of the past – to prevent us from repeating them.

4 = system, order, work, how things work, precision, detail, and the LOGICAL MIND.

5 = erratic change, freedom, resourcefulness, adventure, sex and gender, and the PHYSICAL BODY.

9 = conclusions, drama, trauma, the end of an era, letting go, and DEEP FEELINGS.

Thursday, February 15, 2018 = 2+6+11= karmic 19/1

46th day of the year = 4+6=1+0=1

46th day of this 11 Year = 1+11=1+2=3

February = 2nd month of this 11 Year = karmic 13/4

19/1 is the holding pattern that contains what we most need to learn in order to evolve. 13/4 reveals the barriers we create for ourselves by refusing to learn what must be learned.

46/10/1 triggers the DESIRE and DETERMINATION to make those changes.

3 opens the lines of communication.

Friday, February 16, 2018 = 2+16+11=2+9=11/2

2+0+1+8= 11/2

47th day of this 11 Year = 11:11


February = 2nd month of this 11 Year = karmic 13/4

February 16 = 2+16=1+8=9.

11 sheds light on what we need to see – both the past and present. 11:11 draws our attention to the possibilities of the future. (2020 in particular). 22/4 is the sum of both 11:11 and 2020. 22/4 represents greatness and major accomplishment – OR – great chaos. 22/4 signifies the conditions in which we (and all the other animals) live, and the need to improve them. This is n 11:11:11 day.

Saturday, February 17, 2018 = 2+8+11=2+1=3

48th day of the year = 1+2=3

48th day of this 11 Year = 3+11=karmic 14/5

February = 2nd month of this 11 Year = karmic 13/4

Be honest and open with yourself. Only then can you be awake and aware of the dishonesty that others are communicating. Past mistakes are not mistakes at all if you learn what they have to teach!

Sunday, February 18, 2018 = 2+9+11=22/4

49th day of the year – karmic 13/4

49th day of this 11 Year = 13+11=2+4=6

February = 2nd month of this 11 Year = karmic 13/4

Be kind to yourself today because that is where all kindness starts. If we are to evolve from this very cruel world, we cannot deny its existence. Our tendency to deny reality is the biggest barrier to our progress. This is not a time to look away from what we do not want to see. It is a time to look deeper into it. 22 takes what is and BUILDS upon it.


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WEEK 7 – Part 1

Week 7 2018Week 7 runs from February 12 to 18.

It began on a strong 7 7 7 vibe, which involves karmic 16/7, the master number 77, and the 14/5 karma that 77 contains. And that was just the first day of the week.

Calendar Week = 7

The 43rd day of the year = 7

February 12, 2018 = 2+3+11= 16/7

The master 11 energy from 2018 is constant throughout the year.

We are on the brink of disaster one moment, and the brink of breakthrough the next. The vibrations of Week 7 in this 11 Year have us swinging between the edge of true evolution – and the backwardness of the past. As the old system collapses, our subdued feminine energy is escaping through the cracks – and is the ONLY thing that can bring this man’s world into balance. But remember that humanity has never known true balance, and there is nothing predictable about the outcome. The future unfolds from the actions of the present – and we all have vital roles to play.

Facing the realities of this cruel, heartless, and meaningless world has triggered our first and foremost emotion – the survival instinct. We are feeling the wild effects of our un-evolved male-dominant world being brought into balance by the very energy it is most afraid of and has deliberately kept down … our feminine energy … our emotions … our WILL.

Week 7 brings us into the realms of the mind: information, analysis, learning, and planning. 7 represents the nonphysical, introspective, under-the-surface aspects of life, and our ability to get tangible results from knowledge gained.

7 also represents mystery and intrigue, strangeness, secrets, lies, conspiracy, scandal, deception, blackmail, treachery, and the classic ‘fall from grace’.

7 brings out our fears like no other number, and we must recognize how cleverly this natural emotion is used to control us. Yes, there is much to fear in these uncertain and volatile times, but remember that we’re evolving emotionally. Fear is not the problem. Fear is the messenger. The problem is being unable to face our fears – and name our fears (and what triggered them) – and know the difference between what needs to be feared and what does not. Week 7 is a learning week, and we have SO much to learn about the loving power and purpose of the entire emotional range, with all its strings, layers, and combinations.

The masculine mind has always considered itself superior to feminine emotion and the physical body, and has used RACE and GENDER as qualifiers of worth and merit. But in the increasing transparency of the 2000s, no matter how this lop-sided class system has classified us, we are facing realities about ourselves and each other that we’ve been ignoring – denying – for ever. As I have written many times before, the human RACE is not our species. We are humanity. The human RACE is the system in which we are trapped. 

For as long as we accept this big ‘RACE to nowhere’ as the norm, racism is held in place, and humanity remains the only species on Earth at war with itself. Week 7 draws us closer to war, but also gives us glimpses of what our potential could be, in a state of peace (balance).

Karmic 16/7 affects matters of secrets, self-awareness, and excessive pride (supremacy). 16/7 sometimes brings us in to an emotional mixture of fear, anger and suspicion, and the constant stress of having to calculate our every move.

However, the first day of Week 7, February 12, 2018, occurred in the company of two other 7s which do not have karmic vibrations. The masculine mind is moving – and it’s moving to the rhythm of our feminine emotions. Intelligence is expanding as our emotional vibrations pry our minds OPEN!

We are now facing the reality of what we are evolving from. But we cannot evolve from it if we do not understand how it came to be. Without this understanding, we will just do the same old thing over again. Those two other 7s are producing the 14/5 karmic vibration and may show us, through something unexpected, how denial of reality is the greatest problem on Earth today.

We deny reality because we don’t like the way certain feelings feel. But it takes both the mind AND the feelings to interpret reality. The mind believes that the feelings are an impediment, often oblivious to the fact that the vibrations of our feelings is what keeps our minds OPEN. If we cannot feel, the mind is closed to new understandings. This week’s 7 7 7 vibe is an opportunity to be more honest with ourselves and break through these ‘restraints of our own making’ – our denials.

16/7 focuses on the abuse of power. It focuses on unusual partnerships that conspire to out-do others or hurt people. This is not just about what’s happening on the world stage. Similar scenarios are going on in our own lives, or nearby.

16/7 highlights areas of self-centeredness and lack of accountability. It shows us where love has been violated by distorted motives. The horrible, deadly, heartless behavior occurring all over the world reflects those old unevolved parts of us that we don’t want to admit are there. That cannot change until we allow ourselves to express the emotions we’ve been holding in – for generations. However, such an outpouring could be dangerous if we do not understand the power, purpose, and the essentialness of the feminine energy that exists in everyone.

February 2018 is a karmic 13/4 month (2+11=13), the number of restriction, delay, effort, breakthrough, identity, organization, and detail. 4 seeks correctness and exactitude, and points out errors and deceptions. 4 is the number of system, work, how things work, and all work-related matters, including economics, jobs, the cost of living, and other practicalities. 4 thrives on effort, determination, precision, and efficiency.

4 also signifies the INNER work that will bring peace into our world. Until our masculine minds make peace with our feminine feelings, outer repression and aggression can only grow. Everything starts within and generates outwardly. 4 represents breakthrough.

4’s karmic vibration, 13, is associated with overwork, laziness, and ill-preparedness, (which we often mistake for being “unlucky”). 13/4 represents carelessness in situations where attention to detail is essential.  There are major lessons for us all to learn from karmic 13. And because the 11 energy ILLUMINATES and INSPIRES, it helps us to focus on – or at least search for – what we most need to see and understand. No one is immune to what is happening on Earth right now. This is what “we are one” (we are 1) is all about. Pulling ourselves TOGETHER.



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Balance and Extremes are the principle themes this week.

Also see FOOTNOTE added at the bottom of this page.

Week 6 runs from Monday, February 5th to Sunday the 11th. There’s a LOT going on, and I will try to break it down as best I can.

6 represents both balance and extremes, and warns of the consequences of people overstepping their limits and then not knowing how to deal with the chaos they create. As evolving beings, we will always have boundaries which we cannot safely pass until we learn what they have to teach.

February is a karmic 13/4 month in this illuminating 11/2 year. This combination can feel restrictive and oppressive, as 11 sheds its light on what we most need to see. 4 represents limits, barriers, determination, attention to detail, hard work, and breakthrough. Feelings of being boxed in or held back can provide the incentive – and the WILL – to see things from a more realistic viewpoint, and generate new ideas and solutions. This enables us to feel and sense the contrasts between the safety of balance and the dangers of extremes in the most practical – logical – ways. Without balance (fairness, equality, justice) there can never be peace.

6 can be very judgmental, yet unable to see its own flaws. Therefore, absurd denials and outright hypocrisy may loom even larger than usual this week. Taking responsibility, and being held responsible, are also emphasized.

6 is the number of the ‘tyrant’, so be aware of how easily our minds and emotions can be manipulated by those who want to control us. As the WILL of the people continues to rise all over the world, authoritarianism is also rising all over the world, to keep it down.  We must use our common sense – and ALL our senses – to see the truth behind the outer impression – and the reality behind the ‘reality show.’

As well as balance and extremes, 6 represents family, community, institutions, traditions, education, healing, justice, entertainment, and politics. 6 has enormous problem-solving qualities which can help us cope with the inescapable difficulties of our times. This too will expand our understanding of balance and extremes. Learning from the past is essential now.

Albert Einstein was born on the 6 Destiny Path, and these famous words of his have great relevance this week. He wrote: “We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.”  

So be aware of any beliefs, practices, or habits you may be holding on to, or which are being imposed on you, that do not make sense in today’s reality.

Wednesday, February 7th is the 38th day of this 11 Year, making it an 11/11 day. (3+8=11). Both 3 and 8 are extremely creative vibrations which, together, conjure up ideas which are original and unique. The four 1s that emanate from this date strip away the outer shell and show us  the bare bones – the reality – and the potential – of any situation. 1 (the nucleus of all the other numbers), is the principle number involved in nuclear energy. 11 is the principle number involved in nuclear weaponry, in which 1 (the atom) is split in half. The splitting of the atom gives us 11, and 11 brings us to where we are in the human journey – leaving the masculine 1000s behind and entering the feminine 2000s. 1+1=2.

Wednesday, February 7th is a 2 Day in the world (2+7+11=2+0=2). This is a day to slow down and really NOTICE what is happening. Attention to detail provides a bigger picture and greater intelligence.

Sunday, February 11, 2018 is another 11/11 day – and also a 6 day (2+11+11 = 2+4=6). This intensifies this week’s 6 energy considerably. February 11 is also the 42nd day of the year – which gives us 666.

The 666 sequence also appeared last week when the Dow Jones Index closed at 666 points down, the biggest decline since Brexit shook the markets two years ago. Then there are the questionable business dealings of Ivanka Trump’s husband, Jared Kushner, regarding the property, 666 Fifth Avenue, NYC.

Religion tells us that 666 is a symbol of evil. As a numerologist, I see 666 like this:

6+6+6=18 and 1+8=9. Both 1 (the number of self and ego) and 8 (the number of power and money) are the main energies that drive the industrial/class system in which the principles of balance and extremes are ignored – at our peril. This system is collapsing under the weight of its own greed and hate, and it is this shallowness and utter cruelty that we are evolving from. The combination of 1 and 8, when misused, not only brings out the evil in human beings, but also brings downfall and self-destruction. 1+8=9, and 9 is the number of drama and endings.


Your own Weekly Forecast repeats as a daily forecast on Wednesday, February 7. This occurs whenever the month and day = 9. (2+7=9). On these days, circumstances, memories, and emotions intensify. 9 helps us to ‘let go’ in order to move forward. 9 brings dramatic situations and outcomes (cause and effect) – along with generosity, empathy, and caring. These ‘double dose’ days increase our understanding of large-scale and global matters, and deep-rooted personal issues. No matter which year you happen to be in personally, the world is in an 11/2 year in 2018. Therefore, insight can be gained by reading the 2 forecast, as well as your own. The 4 and 6 forecasts are also very powerful this week.

Today’s front page of Berliner Zeigung

FOOTNOTE (added Monday, February 5): Talking of 11/11: The Berlin Wall has now been down for as long as it was up. 10316 days up and 10316 days down – which brings yet another 11/11 into this week’s powerful numerology.

The history reflected here is stunning – with direct connections to what is happening today, including the great division between East and West, the connections to Russia, The USA, Britain, Israel, Japan, and the constant threat of another world war….. and, as I mentioned at the top of this article “the consequences of people overstepping their limits and then not knowing how to deal with the chaos they create”. 




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© Christine DeLorey – 2018 – all rights reserved



speak your truthSPEAK YOUR TRUTH is a fitting mantra for this year. The 11/2 energy of 2018 connects with the 2 energy of the 2000s, offering us the potential to move beyond the limits that this old collapsing system has imposed on our hearts and minds – and on our ability to express ourselves.

The combined vibrations from 2, 0, 1, and 8, are raising our empathy and compassion, and demonstrating just how powerful kindness and caring can be. Without this counter-balance, we remain trapped in this wave of cruelty and destruction.

Evolution transforms potential into being. We evolve through our ability to face reality, learn, adjust, let go of the old, and become the change we desire. But the chaos and confusion of such large-scale transformation, with its constant drama, immaturity, and existential threats, can prevent us from making the inner changes needed to bring change to the outside world.

So we remain prisoners of this antiquated system, unaware of our true potential as human beings – a system that still refers to us as the human “RACE” – which provides the very foundation of racism. The human race is the system, not our species.

We HUMAN BEINGS are also referred to as “consumers”, and for as long as this focus on materialism consumes our lives, we have no WILL of our own. We have to pay to live – and live according to the rules of a system that is ravaged by hate and greed. It is in such denial of reality that it does not even realize that self-destruction is its nature. The system thrives by destroying our main source of feminine energy, MOTHER EARTH herself, without which humanity cannot exist in physical form.

However, the chaos is also activating our emotions – our own feminine energy – our WILL – the vibrations of which are opening our masculine minds. Our ability to FEEL is all that keeps us from becoming permanently enslaved.

This upsurge of feminine energy is making us more AWARE and ALIVE; more able to open our hearts, expand our consciousness, and put right what is wrong. It enables us to imagine NEW possibilities from a more loving, creative, and realistic perspective – and to more deeply understand how powerful we can be when masculine MIND and feminine WILL work together – as equals. Without that, we exist partially, not fully.

Speak your truth

In January, we are moving through the monthly vibration of 3.

January = 1



3 is the number of communication, and reminds us that everyone has a story to tell. So you must speak your truth among others who are also speaking their truth. 3 also represents appearances, illusion, the stage, creativity, attraction, popularity, people, happiness, good times, fashion, gossip, the arts, entertainment, peer pressure, insecurity, and fear of rejection. We are plainly seeing the results of our ‘reality TV’ culture, and how easily manipulated we are by pettiness and hearsay. 3 is known as the number of SHALLOWNESS. But that is only because the way we are living has prevented us from experiencing 3’s opposite end – DEPTH. Now is the time to communicate on a more profound, honest, and effective level. Speak your truth. Speak from your heart. Being honest with yourself in this blatantly dishonest world has a magic all its own.

January’s powerful 11 1 12 3 vibrations emphasize the importance of being able to sense what is true and what is not – and to act in the present based on how it will affect the future. When mind and emotion work together – intelligence expands. Therefore, although the age-old battle to suppress the feminine continues, feminine energy is moving into a position of equality anyway. This balance can only bring clarification to our minds, healing to our biological bodies, AND EQUALITY ON ALL LEVELS. The peace within then reflects as peace in the outer world. Balance is equality. Balance is fairness. Balance is justice. And “No justice, no peace” is a major truth in itself.

We are each having our own unique experience. The experience of BEING who we are inside, in physical form. This is why it is SO essential to understand what the human WILL is …. and that without FREE Will, we cannot experience life fully, or reach our full potential. The WILL is our feminine energy – emotion – feeling – sensation.

The domination of the world by male energy has created this mighty imbalance, the spin of which gives the impression of turning reality upside down and inside out. 2 is the number of transparency. And now, as the 11/2 energy of 2018 joins forces with the 2 energy of the 2000s, it will be much easier to see through the subterfuge and lies.

As more truth is revealed, the more desperate and dangerous those who are hiding the truth are likely to become. And yet the potential here is to move beyond the easily manipulated ‘information age’, and enter the age of TRUTH. Again, speak your truth is an ideal mantra for 2018.

The 11/2 energy of 2018 will shine its light into the shadows. 11/2 illuminates. 11/2 informs and clarifies. 11/2 raises the power of intuition and insight. 11 reveals what we most need to see. 1+1 gives us 2: the number of cooperation, patience, connection, caring, nurturing, diplomacy, fairness, and the importance of detail. 11/2 makes us sensitive, but at the same time helps us to turn our sensitivity into heightened intuition and courage.

Of course, this is the energy within us all that the system is trying to destroy. The energy of FREE WILL. But as January’s 3 vibration moves you into deeper waters, you will be able to understand complexities that once eluded you. In turn, you will be able to speak your truth with much more confidence.

Meanwhile, all over the world, those who are insane enough to want to control everything are telling us that only THEY can be trusted; Don’t trust the media. Don’t trust your own feelings and instincts. Don’t trust anyone but them. This is an age-old tactic of tyrants and despots. The 11/2 energy of 2018 will help us to trust ourselves on a level we have not known before, and BECOME the balance our world so desperately needs. 11/2 gives us courage. 1 is the number of SELF, and we cannot evolve into 2 (1+1=2) until we understand just how powerful we ourselves actually are.

The Master Number 11/2 is so informative, so powerful, so complex, and so transformational, that it will take more than just one article to describe it. I will be writing much more about this as the year unfolds. In real time, I am sure we will learn many new things about 11 – how this 11 year connects to the 11:11 year of 2020 – and Master Numbers in general.

To be continued…..

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