As we evolve from the masculine 1000s to the feminine 2000s, we are experiencing a change of frequency in which the old male-driven system (1) is breaking down under the incoming power of 2’s feminine vibration which is slowly bringing equality, fairness, justice, and a much needed BALANCE into the world. But the old is resisting the new with a voracity that would rather destroy everything than have to share the abundance of Mother Earth with “others”.
The old tactic is to keep the feminine under control, and Mother Earth is the ultimate feminine vibration in physical form.
She is simply to be ‘used’ and capitalized on. This relentless ongoing attack on Mother Nature to extract her resources (abundance) forms the basis of misogyny (the pathological hatred of women), and gives rise to wars that never end.
In this overly-competitive system, some people think of themselves as the ‘winners’, and everyone else as losers. The very thought of losing is unthinkable and terrifying to them, but the feeling of terror must be denied no matter what. Of course, they cannot win this futile fight because time is the framework of evolution, and time is forever moving forward – in millennial proportions. But it’s becoming apparent that the damage they can do on the way out can be globally catastrophic.
In an evolving world, nothing can stay the same indefinitely. But power-hungry people like Donald Trump are still following the ways of the 1000s, using the tactic of DENIAL to delay this vital transition.
The 8th month of August emphasizes our own personal power. 8 exposes how those seeking power make themselves appear more powerful than they actually are – by disempowering others. They do this by homing in to people’s denials, things they fear other people knowing about. But when denial breaks down, as it must do as we evolve, we must take responsibility for what we have denied and bring it to full consciousness as quickly as possible. There is still a dangerous tendency to blame others for the problems on Earth, without seeing how we ourselves are contributing.
It is impossible to look honestly at today’s reality without having an emotional response. Emotion is feminine energy. To maintain control, the system subdues and manipulates the power of our feelings because that IS our own personal power. Our ability to FEEL is the WILL of life. It is what propels us in the direction we want to take. And the reason it is so hard to believe that we actually have Free Will is because the system only has acceptance for happy or so-called ‘positive’ feelings, which is only half the emotional range.
The Republican Party, which Donald Trump chose as his platform, is now having to confront its own denials which allowed Trump to slide in there so easily to begin with. When you openly deny scientific facts; when you deny basic human rights to certain sections of the population, while hailing another section as “superior”; when you deny women the right to govern their own bodies; when you deny equal pay for equal work – or a livable wage, you have set yourself up for people like Trump to rise – and take over.
There is no ‘master race’ on Earth. The belief in racial supremacy is primitive and repulsive. It was through these channels of denial that the master denier Donald Trump, emerged as a popular contender for the most powerful position on Earth. And yet he knows nothing about how the world works. How could he? He is in denial of reality itself!
Denial is a disease we all suffer from. This is why Trump’s rise is inevitable and necessary. If human beings did not deny reality, we would have already accepted our astonishing diversity and we would be evolved and enlightened beings. The world would be a very different place. But the system we are trapped in requires us to deny our emotions – deny how we REALLY feel inside – as we strive to conform to what we are told is “normal and natural” behavior. This too is denial of reality. There is nothing normal or natural about the industrial system of war and misery that we are evolving from. This system defies nature.
Yes, Donald Trump lies constantly … but lying is only one part of denial’s range. Denial is humanity’s most serious disease because it is the basis of self-destruction. Self sabotage is the result of continued denial of reality, so we have much to learn from the example that Donald Trump is reflecting.
Our need to be constantly ‘entertained’, and our addiction to ‘popular culture’, particularly TV, has also enabled him to rise to this power-position. “Reality TV” has been his forte for many years. That is where he learned the finer aspects of mass-manipulation through the stirring-up of people’s emotions, especially those emotions that are buried in denial, such as hate, rage, fear of inadequacy, fear of being wrong, fear of loss.
Denial acts as a malevolent firewall, the mission of which is to extract truth from consciousness, and prevent truth from reaching consciousness in the first place. In Donald Trump, we are seeing the extent of humanity’s denials being reflected back to us from the world stage. But denial denies everything, including its own existence. And this gives him another edge:
I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK? It’s, like, incredible.” ~DONALD TRUMP (Jan. 23, 2016)
People are asking, in stunned disbelief, how Trump is able to get away with all the lies, hate, fear mongering, and bigotry – and why some of the very people he attacked are now lining up to “serve” him. It is obvious that he is a master at manipulating emotions. But he himself is not an emotional man. It is unlikely that he ‘feels’ much at all, other than his own presence. His own ego – a ‘sense of self’ so out of proportion that he believes he is the most important and magnificent man on Earth. He ‘senses’ that everyone is hiding something. We all have denials of our own, no matter how cleverly we deny them.
He takes full advantage of the confusion he creates by throwing out suggestions, innuendos, accusations, and creating layer after layer of lies. No one could possibly get away with this for very long, but he is doing so because what he does is always BEYOND BELIEF. No one knows how to deal with the COLOSSAL LIE because anyone who tries is immediately confronted with their own denials. Fear of being exposed keeps most people too ‘frozen’ to be effective against such an unfeeling force.
This is what Adolf Hitler wrote about the ‘big lie’ in his book, Mein Kampf:
“The principle was that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victim to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying”.
This appears to be the strategy of Donald Trump, too. The “small minded masses” cannot conceive of someone telling such enormous and outrageous lies. But as we move further into the transparency of the 2000s, we are more able to ‘see through’ the lies, which is why Donald Trump is (at last) starting to loose his grasp.
But do not be lulled into a false sense of security about this. He has triggered the uprising of a misogynistic and racist following, who will still be there long after Trump falls. One of the reasons denial is so hard to take is that you then have to deal with the reality you were hiding – the secrets you were keeping from yourself.
As he continues to overestimate the stupidity of the masses, his strategy is backfiring and his own stupidity is on full display. But there are always those who stand behind the bully. Not only do they believe that the bully will keep them safe, but he also legitimizes their own bullying behavior.
“… there’s a deep, instinctual cruelty in Trump — he finds people’s weak spots, their insecurities, and he exposes them in front of crowds.” ~Ezra Klein
Many psychiatrists have now attested to the fact that Trump meets every description of Narcissistic Personality Disorder – which we used to call egomania – an obsessive preoccupation with one’s self. (1 is the number of SELF.) He acts on his own uncontrolled impulses and is possessed by delusions of grandeur and superiority. The egomaniac cannot empathize with others.
In her Book “Why Is It Always About You?”, Sandy Hotchkiss describes “the seven deadly sins of narcissism” as follows, (and every one of them is quite visible in Donald Trump):
1: Shamelessness. Shame is the feeling that lurks beneath all unhealthy narcissism, and the inability to process shame in healthy ways.
2: Magical thinking. Narcissists see themselves as perfect, using distortion and illusion known as magical thinking. They also use projection to dump shame onto others.
3: Arrogance. A narcissist who is feeling deflated may re-inflate by diminishing, debasing, or degrading somebody else.
4: Envy. A narcissist may secure a sense of superiority in the face of another person’s ability by using contempt to minimize the other person.
5: Entitlement. Narcissists hold unreasonable expectations of particularly favorable treatment and automatic compliance because they consider themselves special. Failure to comply is considered an attack on their superiority, and the perpetrator is considered an “awkward” or “difficult” person. Defiance of their will is a narcissistic injury that can trigger narcissistic rage.
6: Exploitation can take many forms but always involves the exploitation of others without regard for their feelings or interests. Often the other person is in a subservient position where resistance would be difficult or even impossible. Sometimes the subservience is not so much real as assumed.
7: Bad boundaries. Narcissists do not recognize that they have boundaries and that others are separate and are not extensions of themselves. Others either exist to meet their needs or may as well not exist at all. Those who provide “narcissistic supply” to the narcissist are treated as if they are part of the narcissist and are expected to live up to those expectations. In the mind of a narcissist, there is no boundary between self and other.
On this basis, it is doubtful that he would willingly drop out of the race, even though his campaign is floundering badly. He would have to be forced out, or he would have to invent another ‘big lie’. But whatever happens, we must not lose this opportunity to learn more about the debilitating force of denial, both our own and other people’s.
I am not just running against Crooked Hillary Clinton, I am running against the very dishonest and totally biased media – but I will win! ~Donald Trump (August 6, 2016)
Denial shuts down the imagination and diminishes awareness. Whatever realities we refuse to recognize is a measure of our ignorance. That is what the dumbing down process is – the closing of our minds through emotional manipulation. Trump denies his own dishonesty through deflection – throwing it at other people: the dishonest press, crooked Hillary, lyin’ Ted, Pocahontas, etc., while praising anyone who praises him.
We are evolving beyond the easily manipulated INFORMATION AGE into the AGE OF TRUTH – and the ‘truth deniers’ are rising against this in brutal fashion. They will do anything to take life back to how it used to be when their “authority” went unchallenged. In the case of Trump, that would be the 1980s and 90s.
“Honesty is such a lonely word, Everyone is so untrue, Honesty is hardly ever heard, And mostly what I need from you. ~Billy Joel (52nd Street, 1978)
Billy Joel’s classic song, “Honesty”, is about lack of shame – which is guilt in denial. And denied guilt is what makes our world so dishonest, brutal, and totally out of balance.
Denial is also the most misunderstood disease. This is why MENTAL HEALTH is now a serious topic of conversation at all levels, covering not only Donald Trump’s sanity, but also the spate of people whose backlog of denied emotions is now bursting out and killing other people – all over the world.
On the basis of “everything starts within”, all hatred is self hatred. When you do not accept what you are honestly feeling, you are denying it the path it needs to take in order to heal, and so the hate just sits there, within the body, and festers – until it makes you physically ill, or something in your outer life triggers it – and it rushes to the surface. When emotions burst out like that, they can be very dangerous. And this is the energy Trump is using as fuel. Denied emotion. Denied reality. Denied guilt.
The fact is that we are all responsible for our own emotions because they are an inseparable part of who we are as individuals. There is never a need to harm yourself, or others, in the process of emotional expression.
The USA has seen itself as “#1” for so long that we can learn many lessons about the 1 energy from what she is experiencing now. 1 is the number of SELF. The number of ego. The number of leadership. The number of change.
2 is the number of principle, sincerity, and the ability to persuade without force. 2 is also the number of accountability. As terrifying as the thought of a Donald Trump presidency may be, (and it is looking more unlikely by the day), his emergence as a strong presidential contender is both inevitable and rich in karmic lessons which we all have to learn at this precise time in the human journey.
As a species, no matter where we live in the world, we have reached a tipping point here in this 9 year of endings and completion, (2+0+1+6=9), regarding the dumbing down process, and we have to continue figuring things out for ourselves. To do so effectively, each of us must find our point of balance between masculine mind, feminine emotion, and biological body. Those three parts of ourselves are shattered and scattered by a system which, to a larger extent than we may want to admit, is doing our thinking for us, by controlling our emotions.
But when those three parts of ourselves align within the individual, they align with other individuals who are also healing and evolving from the old system. Out of that balance emerges the fourth dimension in the form of WHOLE human beings – unique individuals who are spiritually, emotionally, and physically connected. Thus the reality of WE ARE 1.
1 is the number of ego – and we have been so misinformed about the ego that it’s very easy to blame it for everything. Ego is your sense of who you are, as an individual. Ego is not the culprit. Ego is the gauge. It moves one way when one’s sense of superiority oversteps the bounds of balance (inflated ego) – and the other way when self-hatred gets the better of you (deflated ego). Finding this inner balance is an essential part of our evolution.
Meanwhile, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right – on we go – marching to the same old beat of the established, politics-as-usual, drum. But as we evolve, we are learning to dance to the beat of our own drum which, of course, comes from our own individual hearts. That’s where our LOVE resides. It is only our denials that prevent us from loving more fully.
Remember: humanity is not losing its mind. Our minds are being stretched and expanded by our recognition of reality. The vibrations emanating from our feelings are cracking the walls of denial and are pulling our minds OPEN. And so, we are evolving emotionally and intellectually at the same time.
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