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Creative Numerology – Week 49 runs from December 3 to 9. This is a karmic 13/4 Week. (4+9=13=4).  4 is the number of restriction, obstruction, delay, hard work, dedication, and breakthrough. Attention to detail is essential in this energy.


Week 49 brings to a conclusion a 10 week cycle in which all the week numbers began with 4. In this 10/1 year of 2017, this has been a crucial time in the human journey.

In Week 45, we passed through what I call the Plane Of Reversal which comes from the sequence 11/9 and 9/11. This energy has a tendency to turn things up-side-down and inside-out. In the USA, the infamous Tax Reform Plan was unveiled by the Republican Party on November 9 (11/9). This suggests that the plan could be reversed and replaced with something more feasible and fair. Or that it really will reverse the status quo and plunge millions of Americans into widespread hardship and eliminate healthcare for millions more. We already know that this plan will do the reverse of what its architects say it will do. Perhaps the restrictive nature of Week 49 will stop it from going any further. Or perhaps not.

Only time will tell as the USA moves forward towards its limiting and ‘practical’ 4 National Year in 2018. The same applies to the ‘austerity’ and racism taking place in Britain (also moving into a 4 Year in 2018). Donald Trump moves into his 4 Personal year, too, which makes 2018 a Destiny Year for him – a year that connects directly to the 4 path on which he was born.

Humanity is in the midst of an evolutionary process in which we must free our WILL from those who are oppressing it. We cannot evolve until we deal with these two major evolutionary elements: DENIAL and REVERSAL and, in particular, the ability of people to reverse this brutal push toward authoritarianism. We are far more powerful than we realize.

1 represents individuality and independence, and we have to stop denying that WE, individually, are the 1s who must implement reversal instead of waiting for it to miraculously occur with little effort on our part. How we achieve this must be uppermost in our minds. None of us are free – and none of us are above this fray. We must learn what 1 has to teach before we can move into 2, without destroying ourselves and our precious Mother Earth.

We traveled through an abundance of 1 energy during this 10-week period, including two days of 11:11 vibrations. And on November 29th / Week 48, 15 distinct 1s occurred in the date alone. Yes, 1 is definitely trying to teach us something! (See link at end of article).

And now, we are moving through a week-long segment of karmic 13/4 energy. It began on Sunday, December 3, which is the 337th day of the year, which also adds up to 13/4. Add the two 13s together and you have 2+6=8 – the number of POWER in the material world. On its baser level, 8 is also the number of greed, bullying, and the delusion of superiority based on wealth, background, or physical might.


December = 1+2=3



These two 4s give us a more balanced form of 8, and yet, wherever there are two 4s, there are always opposites and opposition. 44 exposes just how divided we are as individuals – and as a species – and breaks down our denials with logic – so that we have no choice but to face reality. This can feel as if we are moving through a compression chamber as so many different feelings rush to the surface and pull us in all directions at the same time. As difficult as this is, it is to be expected since we are evolving emotionally.

44/8 not only brings correct information, but also a deeper understanding of it. Most of the information coming to us now is much more complex than it first appears. Mentally and emotionally, this is a push-and-pull, stop-and-go, hurry-up-and-wait, what-the-hell-is-happening, kind of week. Although that sounds like every week, this chaotic atmosphere is likely to intensify as we move closer to 2020.

It is essential that we strengthen ourselves emotionally for whatever lies ahead – not by denying what we feel and pretending we are somehow above it all – and not by being so overwhelmed by our feelings that we become despondent and broken. There is nothing wrong with fear when we understand its natural power and purpose. Denial of rational fear has played quite a role in enabling the power-hungry to take more of our power away.

Strengthening ourselves emotionally requires masculine mind to accept feminine emotion just as it is – and as an equal. In the outside world, this has reflected as women having to behave more like men in order to have some semblance of equality, but never actually being equal. As our feminine energy rises, it is confronted in the outside world by bullies and ‘strongmen’ who are terrified of being ‘replaced’ by women. This is where ALL racism begins in this ‘human race’ we are told is life.

As more truth is exposed, denial will continue to deny, regardless of evidence. That’s what denial does. Denial of reality is the root-cause of most of our problems on Earth today, and the combination of karmic 13/4 and master 44 may bring us ‘down-to-Earth’, perhaps with a thud! And perhaps with a reversal that is quite unexpected. As truth seeps through denial’s cracking walls, denial has less and less ground on which to stand, and those making the denials appear more and more insane. The more we face and deal with reality, the more sane we become – and the easier it is to recognize the dangerous insanity that has pushed its way into the highest power-positions – and from which we must evolve.

As hardline masculine 1 continues its effort to drag us back to a time when it reigned supreme, equality-seeking feminine 2 is finding its power here in the 2000s by providing a counterweight to what would otherwise be total male domination. It’s not just women doing this. We all have feminine energy. We all have emotions, and this ability to feel is the basis of Free Will. The feminine Will, which is present in both women and men, is RISING to free itself, while the forces that have kept the Will subdued are DESCENDING into outright authoritarianism because of their denied irrational fear of becoming irrelevant.

Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight.   ~Albert Schweitzer

Week 49 brings obstruction, but also the means and determination to break through barriers. 4 = success through effort and hard work. Things are happening in the world – and in our own lives – which we cannot afford to ignore. The 49/13/4 vibration can help us move out of denial into the light of reality, even if it feels like an assault on our senses. We cannot change what we refuse to see.

Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see.  ~John Lennon, Strawberry Fields…

In Week 49, on December 8, 1980, 37 years ago, John Lennon was murdered. He was 40. This occurred 3 weeks after the release of his new album with Yoko Ono, “Double Fantasy”. One of the most pertinent tracks on this album is “Watching The Wheels”, which sums up his disdain for the industrial system pretty well. And of course, there will always be “IMAGINE”, which is more than a song about peace. It is also about our need to stretch our minds – to image-in – to visualize and create a better world. Without the power of imagination, we cannot make the reversals we need to make. We have been living in a system that prevents us from imagining anything outside the system.

In terms of the numerology involved, it was obvious back in the 1990s that the system would collapse in the 2000s, especially after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. The current system certainly needs to go because a system that is based on competition but simultaneously strives to ‘destroy the competition’, is a system of self-destruction. Our task is to transform what we have left into a  system that will nurture life, not destroy it. Only through the power of our WILL, in the spirit of peacefulness, can this be achieved.

December resonates to the number 3 (1+2=3) – the number of communication, the internet, media, ‘society’, social media, social matters, words and images, entertainment, population, and popularity. 3 is the number of EXPRESSION, and it is essential that we express ourselves openly and honestly if we are to save our fundamental NEED to express ourselves! When we do not express spontaneously, or when we express spontaneously but without correct understanding, we do not produce enough energy to keep the space around us open. So it seems as if life is closing in on us. It is not. It is only the suppression of our Will – holding back our true feelings – that makes us feel this way.

I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain. ~James Baldwin

The feeling of anger is totally compatible with love. Anger is the result of pain, which love wants to heal. Yelling out or cursing when we hurt ourselves is a normal outward expression of pain. But when we hold our anger IN, it hardens – and is hard to heal. Then it turns to rage, and then hate. And because our emotional denials have been so commonplace and normalized, we don’t even realize that this is happening within us.


Hate is NOT an emotion. Hate is an infection of the emotions caused by suppression. Hate is a severe deficiency of love. The tendency, even in the most loving heart, is to hate hate – and that’s how the infection spreads. Hate thrives on hate and therefore needs you to hate it. That is our dilemma. When we equate justifiable anger with hate, it becomes frozen in guilt and cannot change or even understand the conditions that caused it.

In dealing with stark opposition and opposites, we are dealing with fixed belief against fixed belief. This is like trying to connect two like-ends of a magnet. They simply cannot connect. The means of connection (and our current phase of evolution) can only be found when positive (masculine mind) accepts negative (feminine feelings) in the balance of equality.

This brings us back to the karmic aspect of Week 49. Karma is not punishment. Karma is the learning of what we have been unable to learn – the natural laws of ’cause and effect’. We are likely to learn something important in this regard on Wednesday, December 6, when the month and day add up to 9.

As we move towards 2020 (a variation of both 11/11 and 22/4), we are having to face our own reflection – which is often quite frightening because we see our weaknesses along with our strengths. In the 2000s, we must move beyond the confines of 1 as the FIRST number. This is reflected in extreme ideologies, such as “Britain First” and “America First”… and any irrational sense of superiority.

Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person. ~ Mother Teresa

Once we accept our rational fear of having no set path before us, our natural pioneering spirit can kick in, imagination can expand, and progress can be made. We came into this millennial lifetime to cut a new and original path for ourselves. 1 is the number of leadership, which does not necessarily mean leading others, or following someone else. The lessons of 1 enable us to lead ourselves. 1 is the number of independence, and we are now realizing just how dependent we are – all of us.

Those that care for the sick, the unloved, the abused and the abandoned I count as the greatest Angels amongst us. ~Sass Jordan

1 is the number of SELF. We came into this lifetime to learn how to be independent and take care of and be responsible for the SELF – and still have deep and meaningful relationships; to help people up when they are down; and care for people who cannot get up at all. It’s not all about people though. Basic kindness must start with the animals. But the assault on wildlife is so rampant and heartless right now that entire species are going extinct. To create a kinder world, we must be kind to all of life.

The essence of independence is choice, and we all have some very important choices to make in the weeks and months ahead. They will not all be watersheds and defining moments. It is the choices we make in our ordinary everyday lives that will forge the path towards where we want to be.

Meanwhile, the frenetic pace of our evolutionary spirals and reversals will not slow down. 2018 is an 11 year in the world – two 1s bringing us forward in time towards 2020.

I had a dream that all of time was running dry
And life was like a comet falling from the sky
I woke so frightened in the dawning, oh so clear
How precious is the time we have here.

Are we not wise enough to give all we are?
Surely we’re bright enough to outshine the stars
The human kind gets so lost in finding its way
But we have a chance to make a difference til our dying day

LAMB, “Wise Enough” official video 

11:11 2017 – THE WAY OF THE WILL

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11 11 2017 – THE WAY OF THE WILL

Every year, the 11 11 vibration peaks on November 11, (and 29th), but because each year has its own unique energy, the angle from which we look at this sequence differs. 2017 is a 10/1 Year (2+0+1+7=10=1), in a 10/1 decade. So, in 2017, 10/10 and 11:11 are working side by side.

There are only 9 numbers in the numeric spectrum, and 10 brings us back to 1, but at an elevated level. 10 represents deep systemic change. 11 brings light, revelation, inspiration, and movement.

11:11 in this 10/10 year signifies rapid development in whatever direction our evolving minds take us. Both form a metaphysical bridge from 1 to 2.



These dangerous chaotic times are the result of humanity trying to live as we did in the electrical male-driven 1000s, even though we moved into the magnetic feminine 2000s almost 2 decades ago.

11:11Of course, our masculine energy isn’t going away. 1 will always be the first number. But we must now make room for our feminine energy (we all have both) so that EQUALITY can be attained, first inwardly, and then in the outer world. When you look at 11 from a different angle, you can see the equals sign.

10 represents the binary code – the mainstay of our digital world. So it is not surprising that we are seeing such numeric sequences in our day-to-day lives. Digits are numbers, and numbers have energy, power, and purpose. They are the language of learning, and the building blocks of life.

11 is the most balanced form of 2. In fact, 1 + 1 is the ONLY means of reaching 2. And while 1 represents the masculine SPIRIT (consciousness), 2 represents the feminine WILL (emotion).

We are in the process of freeing our feelings from the prison that our minds created for them. This is freeing our WILL from the prison created by this ‘man’s world’ we’re all trapped in. The vibrations of our feminine feelings are forcing our masculine minds to open, enabling us to evolve mentally and emotionally at the same time. We are programmed to believe there is no such thing as FREE WILL. But there is. And the freeing starts when we honestly express how what is happening in our lives, and in the world, is making us feel.

Anger is rising – and it’s about time! Anger is the most judged against and therefore suppressed emotion of all. Expressing anger, or any emotion, does not mean harming another, or yourself. It means experiencing the sensation of the feeling without your mind shutting it down before it can complete itself, just as men have typically shut women down when they become ‘too emotional’. But no matter what our gender happens to be, emotion is our honesty!

The Will is not only our ability to feel and sense, but also our ability to know. It is our inner radar. Our deepest intuition. Its feminine nature, and the overall role of women in this dishonest world are paramount to our evolution. Feminine energy does not want to dominate. It wants to be equal. It instinctively knows that fairness, justice, and equality bring balance – and balance is peace. It is this feminine wisdom that the old war-ridden system has suppressed throughout time, but that will change here in the 2000s.

The power of the 11/2 vibration can only get stronger as we move through these dangerous and unpredictable times towards 2020. That is where 11:11 finally converts to 22, and this has enormous significance as our evolutionary journey unfolds. The time between now and 2020 is short, and we have much to experience and learn en-route.

22 is the most balanced form of 4, the number of correctness, detail, order, system, limitation, dealing with decay, hard work, how things work, dedication, and breakthrough. The road towards 2020 (and the decade of the 20s) is a tough one, filled with pitfalls, shocks, and sorrows, but it is also filled with hope, inspiration, and the opening of our imagination. A new reality will form one way or another, and it will do so from our ability to imagine something better than we currently have – to “image-in” and create a more loving and sustainable way to live on Earth.

The anger that people are feeling now is opening the way forward, and the balance that feminine energy brings paves the way to major transformation.

1 = SELF, and 11 provides the MIRROR IMAGE through which we become self-aware. Then, through the process of emotional healing, we become self accepting. This requires self-forgiveness, and the understanding that we are SO much more than this insane system has ever allowed us to know.

11+11= 22, which focuses on the many, rather than the few. 22 emphasizes the conditions and circumstances under which human beings live. In its highest form, 22 brings improvement, cooperation, and acceptance for each other. But when 22 is misused, the caring and empathy that 2 produces is replaced by indifference to the suffering of others, and the few feel justified to take cruel advantage of the many, usually for the sake of greed.

11 and 22 have always been synonymous with power-grabs and war. November 11 is Veterans Day in the USA – and Armistice Day all over the world. It marks the 99th anniversary of the end of World War 1 on November 11, 1918. This is important to remember as world leaders meet in Asia this week to make their deals, and decide the fate of the masses.

The huge shake-up in Saudi Arabia and the sale of billions of dollars worth of arms from the USA and UK, leans heavily towards a massive war against Iran. Let’s hope not. Meanwhile, according to the UN, the Saudi stranglehold on Yemen, which has already claimed thousands of civilian lives, could bring forth a famine of unprecedented proportions. The suffering there is immense.

November 11th occurs on the 315th day of the year, which adds up to 9. It occurs on the very last day of Week 45, which is a 9 Week. This emphasizes the 9/11 or 11/9 sequence, which produces reversal, catalyst, and strong reaction to sudden experience. 9 takes us backwards so we can learn from the past, while 11 sheds its light on specific areas in need of adjustment and healing. It was in week 45 that the 45th U.S.president, Donald Trump, praised the government of Saudi Arabia, and tweeted: “I have great confidence in King Salman and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, they know exactly what they are doing.”  On 9 November, (9/11) the government of Saudi Arabia ordered all Saudi citizens in Lebanon to leave!

The situation with North Korea is also tied to the 11 energy, because 1 is the nucleus of all the other numbers, and 11 symbolizes the splitting of the atom, and nuclear weaponry. The North Korean people are a reflection of extreme suppression of the WILL. They are totally controlled by their emotions, especially terror – the most heightened form of fear.

In reference to North Korea, Donald Trump recently declared “the era of strategic patience is over”, but the reality is that the era of strategic patience has only just begun. 2 is the number of strategic patience – and dedicated diplomacy. War is the way of the 1000s – the way of the past. The same is true of white supremacy, which begins with male supremacy.

1 is the number of leadership, and it is becoming clear that we are not meant to be ‘led’. We are meant to learn how to lead our own lives according to our own Will. The true purpose of government is to facilitate this evolution, not crush it.

2 also makes it clear that the ‘human race’ is not our species. The human RACE is the cruel unfeeling system from which we are evolving. Our species is humanity. Racism is rampant because, from the moment we are born until the day we die, the system forces us to race and compete against each other. 11:11 is a symbol of humanity rescuing its own Will. We are all involved in this process, whether we know it or not, even those who are quite happy with the way things are. We are in the 2000s now, and it’s a very different vibe. This is where we learn the true meaning of “we are 1”.

November 11 in this 1 Global Year is a 5 Day in the world (11+11+1=2+3=5)

1 2 3 4 – 5 – 6 7 8 9

5 is the number of freedom, change, and the unusual and unfamiliar. 5 brings sudden development, the end result of which is open to speculation because 5 sits at the very center of the numeric scale and can go ‘either way’, like a see-saw, until stability is regained. 5 represents gambling and taking chances. It is also the number of adventure and excitement, sex, and the ‘high life’.

Wednesday, November 29 is an 11:11 day in the world. It is also the 333rd day of the year which translates to 111 111 111. 2017 is a 1 year (2+0+1+7=1+0=1). We are also in the decade of the 10s, and 1+0=1. That’s an awful lot of 1s as we evolve from the 1000s to the 2000s.

November 2017 is a 3 Month (11+1=1+2=3).

3 is a complex and magical number which represents all forms of communication. 3 also represents the arts, the ones that make us happy and enthralled – and the ones that harm and deceive. 3 is the number of the stage, how things are ‘staged’, and the various stages we – or a process – go through.

3 symbolizes people, population, popularity, and popular culture. 3 represents social interaction, social media, and the social discord that splits us. 11 is a symbol of this split – and 2 is the energy of unity, cooperation, and the acceptance of differences. And what is diversity if not our ‘differences’? Without diversity, there is no chemistry or contrast. Diversity is our richness and potential. This week’s state and local elections in the USA were a reflection of people communicating their acceptance of diversity, and their rejection of division and hate.

Meanwhile, there is much danger of losing ‘net neutrality’ which would give government and business more control over the internet. Communication at all levels, including journalism, is extremely vulnerable. The more transparent life becomes, the closer we get to the truth. And the closer we get to the truth, the more vulnerable we are to the self-protective reactions of those being exposed.

The emphasis on entertainment and communication has spotlighted masculine abuses with stunning disclosures about film mogul Harvey Weinstein. This quickly spread to other areas where the masculine has routinely abused the feminine. As we move towards the end of the decade of the 10s, the extent of sexual abuse, especially where children and young people are involved, could reach an entirely new level. Attempts to cover up the truth lose their effectiveness as we move further into the transparency of the 2000s. Feminine 2 will eventually curb masculine energy that refuses to evolve. And no matter what happens in the world, the feminine WILL in all of us, by nature, must RESIST its own oppression.

In the meantime, the wars and atrocities cannot help but continue – until we learn life’s most basic steps: the lessons of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. This years trip through the 11 11 energy contains them all.

“We will get there,

heaven knows how we will get there,

we know we will.

It will be hard we know,

and the road will be muddy and rough,

but we’ll get there,

heaven knows how we will get there,

we know we will…”

Osibisa, Woyaya

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power of 8


(Originally published in 2008)

8 is the number of POWER. It teaches us that power, in any form, cannot be maintained without BALANCE, and that balance cannot hold without accurate understanding. 8 is associated with money, business, competition, and the incorporation of anything that is useful to it. It is widely believed that those are the principle means of gaining personal power in the world, and the belief that ‘money is power’ sprang from this rather shortsighted point of view.

Yes, 8 is the number of power on the material plane, but in the context of true balance and accurate understanding, it is more precise to say that knowledge is power. But when knowledge is manipulated in order to gain power, true balance and understanding are lost. The real purpose of 8 is not to exploit the material plane (Mother Nature), but to keep the material plane alive!

8 is the symbol of infinity. The constant flow of energy. Perpetual motion. The continuance of life. Our lack of understanding has thrown life on Earth, and the planet itself, so far out of balance that the continuance of life as we know it is seriously threatened.

We are experiencing the rebalancing of power in all worldly matters, including the money-driven corruption in politics, science, business and media. While greed fights on for what it believes is its right to take everything, we can expect a rough ride for some time to come. But what so few seem to notice, or remember, is that there is nothing as unstoppable and immeasurable as the power of Mother Nature. She IS the material plane! We ignore her at our peril.

Without an understanding of the vital role that balance plays in holding the world ‘together’, the 8 influence translates as greed and ignorance. By its nature, greed ignores any reality that does not feed its hunger for “more”! Greed must also convince others to deny reality so that it’s power-seeking mission can continue unobstructed. Greed must control, manipulate the truth, and capitalize on anything that suits its purpose, even if it stands to destroy other aspects of life.

Power-hungry people distort the truth by making it appear that they have more power than they actually have, using the natural emotion of fear as a weapon with which to overpower. Underdeveloped 8 energy is the energy of bullies who deny their enormous insecurity by projecting their fears onto others. Genuinely powerful people rarely have to assert themselves in an intimidating way. We must remember that the consequence of power depends largely on whose hands it is in.

Denial of reality has been the main cause of the great imbalance we are now waking up to on Earth, environmentally, economically, politically, and in almost every other way. However, (combined with the 2 energy of the 2000s which signifies balance through connection, cooperation and diplomacy) the 8 energy can help us to end our own denials which will, hopefully, produce an evolutionary movement away from the edge of self-destruction, onto safer ground.

The imbalance is perpetuated by those who stand to lose what they’ve got should the playing fields of life be more even, and by those who are still mistaking their denials for reality. They even deny the existence of evolution. Of course, there is imbalance on the other side of the creation/evolution argument, too. Those who believe that everything stems from evolution are denying the fact that everything on Earth, even an atmosphere, is created – and it evolves. A more balanced look at this shows us that life is an evolving creation.

We lie the loudest when we lie to ourselves.” ~ Eric Hoffer

It is important to understand what denial is because it exists in all of us whether we deny it or not. Denial’s mission is to capture truth and prevent it from reaching consciousnessAlthough truth can remain hidden for what seems like an eternity, truth cannot be totally destroyed. The mission of denied truth is to seek conscious acceptance. Its magnetism draws attention to situations which, when enough dots are connected, sheds light on the denial until we ‘sense’ that there must be more to a situation than meets the eye. Truth then reaches consciousness in a roundabout way – through ‘gut’ feelings. Now, truth is breaking out all over the place, only to be denied again and again by those whose purpose is served by keeping the truth locked away, and by those who are too afraid to face and feel what the truth may reveal.

The 8 energy has the firm INTENT to be fully aware. It thrives on truth, and much of that energy is making its way into the hearts and minds of individuals all over the world, with the understanding that everyone is evolving differently, in their own way, and at their own pace.

Wherever there is a “war” for the hearts and minds of people, you can be sure it is an attempt to control those hearts and minds with an agenda-driven concentration of misinformation. That tactic has not worked because the more you try to control people, the more tolerance they develop for their own feelings, and the more able they become to feel and sense the truth – even if those feelings take generations to finally express themselves.

Reexamine all you have been told, Dismiss what insults your soul.” ~Walt Witman

The 2 energy is teaching us how much more can be achieved when empowered individuals join together for a common cause. In the 2000s, truth is finding its way into consciousness through 2’s intuitive and sensitive passageways. We are growing more adept at feeling and sensing the truth, rather than depending on others for information.

Denial does one thing only. It denies. It even denies that it is denial, and that it is denying. We can see this quite plainly in many people who hold powerful positions.

When an old culture is dying, the new is created by a few people who are not afraid to be insecure.”  ~Rudolf Bahro

Denial has taken such a hold on Earth that we have had to bring ourselves to the edge of extinction in order to realize how ignorant and misinformed we have been about so many things. 8 is the most powerful energy we have when it comes to discovering the truth and taking appropriate action. The overall understanding of humanity is increasing now. A massive shift in consciousness is occurring, visibly and measurably, one individual at a time. This is personal – and if you’re not denying, you can certainly FEEL the winds of change howling through the world right now. But this time, change really does mean change – a completely new way of life that is almost impossible for people to imagine at this stage – a way of life that enables us to evolve out of denial, to face reality no matter how dreadful it happens to be, and find ways to reclaim our Free Will.

Power seeking people gain power by overpowering others. They have learned that this is easily done by controlling our emotions, especially the emotion of fear. That is why 8 is often called the number of the bully. When people are emotionally confused, they do not know what to think, and then look to others to inform them. By keeping people afraid, you can mold them like putty.

The 2 energy of the 2000s is helping us to gain awareness of our emotional power – our sensitivity to reality – so that we can decide everything for ourselves, including what is true and what is not. Many of us experience this as ‘gut feelings’ or instinct, but what we have to learn now is to combine that power with the power of our minds. This means that our minds must begin the often difficult process of accepting our feelings, no matter what form they take. Our feminine energy (emotion) is every bit as sacred as our masculine Spirit, but acceptance of this does appear to be where Spirit has encountered its own limits. This is changing now, slowly, but surely. If we don’t like the way a feeling feels, we must find out what caused it, and deal with that instead of denying the feeling.

Denial comes in many guises including a belief that we should focus only on the positive and ignore what is labeled ‘negative’, or anything that doesn’t feel ‘nice’. But, surely, to be truly positive is to be truly aware. Therefore, the focus needs to be on reality, not just those parts of reality which don’t threaten or disturb our so-called ‘peacefulness’. It is amazing how many people are in shock at what is happening in the world, as if it just started yesterday. We must be careful not to use positive thinking as a form of denial. Reality has always been plain to see, but we wouldn’t look at it. We need to start looking at things as they really are, and make a conscious effort to notice what we previously ignored.

“Our complex global economy is built upon millions of small, private acts of psychological surrender, the willingness of people to acquiesce in playing their assigned parts as cogs in the great social machine that encompasses all other machines. The capacity for self-enslavement must be broken.”  ~Theodore Roszak, The Voice Of The Earth

8 is the number of SATISFACTION – knowing when enough is enough. But when 8 is abused and misunderstood, greed takes control, and greed is the opposite of satisfaction. It can never get enough – even when it appears to have it all – because it is SO afraid of losing what it already has! It needs to control everything, including people’s personal lives, thoughts, feelings and needs! It tells us that we must do what it says or some terrible fate will befall us. It tells us we cannot expect privacy. It tells us that, in such a dangerous world, we have no rights at all. To have no rights is to be enslaved. In an atmosphere of greed, human rights violations are seen as something the ‘markets’ will sort out. But, the markets are the system. The system is greed.

“If you can find money to kill people, you can find money to help people.”  ~ Tony Benn

Denial is starting to bend under the weight of truth. and the lost power of the oppressed is very slowly rising through the genuine desire for real and meaningful change. 8 may well be the number of power on the material plane, but when our practices stand to destroy the material plane itself, the 8 energy produces reflections of ourselves and what we are doing, and we can see that we will destroy ourselves if we do not make the right changes. There are many out there who would rather die than face their own denials, and some of them do have the appearance of having more power than everyone else. That is an illusion, of course, because self-destruction is the absence of power.

8 offers correct understanding of the role BALANCE plays in holding physical life together. Our day to day lives have become increasingly dramatic, traumatic and emotional, for everyone, not just the most vulnerable. It is important to recognize just how widespread this reflection is, because it is showing us where we all are, where humanity is in our evolutionary journey. We are at the extremes of life.

The environmental condition of earth is a huge reflection of just how dumbed down we became, and how those we looked to for information have covered up the truth. They are still doing so. In terms of balance, how can any intelligent being suggest that now that the polar ice caps are melting, we should drill for oil in the two most important and sensitive balance points on the planet. The North and South Poles are Earth’s electro-magnetic connection. Greed wants to drill into them in its relentless and mindless search for more oil while, clearly, alternative sources of energy which do not threaten Earth can be developed. If the poles collapse, as their ice caps are currently doing, there is every likelihood that the very axis of Earth will collapse along with it. The poles are what enable a planet to be a planet and not just a collection of rocks and dust.

In her effort to survive, Mother Earth is begging us to stop what we’re doing to her, not because she will die, but because WE will. She is our first and foremost connection to the material realms of life. She is the physical manifestation of mother energy. She will survive because survival is the very nature of the feminine. We inherit our survival instinct from her. But the fact that the majority of people are still denying these survival warnings is a startling reflection of just how denied feminine energy has been in general. Survival is the most basic instinct we have. Yes, 8 is the number of power, and Mother Nature will continue to remind us, brutally if necessary, with what we still like to call ‘natural’ disasters, until we reach the necessary understanding, that SHE wields the greatest power of all on the material plane.

Strong feelings are bound to arise as the journey continues. Let them. Take full responsibility for them. There is never a need to hurt yourself or anyone else when expressing your feelings. As we continue to evolve emotionally, many of us will become much stronger for the experience. But many others will not understand what’s happening and we are likely to see people’s suppressed emotion’s exploding out of them in dangerous ways. A reflection of this comes in the form of the terrorist, disgruntled employee, rejected lover, or the crazed teenager, whose pain, anger, and hatred have been held down for so long that it has to burst out in any way it can in order to express itself. It is up to each of us to find ways to express our feelings safely, and preferably privately, until a deeper understanding of the emotional healing process is reached. There is a lot of information on the website, and in my book LIFE CYCLES Your Emotional Journey To Freedom and Happiness  which, in Part Three, discusses in more detail the emotional healing process and its undeniable connection to Free Will.

When 8 is exaggerated or manipulated, its natural desire for correct understanding and balance gets crushed by greed – the urge to attain and amass. Concentrated 8 energy often results in inaccurate assessments and wrong diagnoses, misunderstandings, underhandedness, falsifying the truth, the manipulation of rules, winning at any cost, ruthlessness, bullying and, of course, denial, denial, denial.

Another thing to remember is that panic is the denial of what fear has to teach. Panic is a dreadful experience in which you cannot see any way out of a situation. You believe that no alternative exists. It is the feeling of being trapped and simultaneously judged against. It is usually you doing the judging but there is no way to realize that while the feeling of fear is so concentrated and indescribably intense, and while your denial is pushing its message away. You feel like you’re going to die. And yet the moment you realize that a panic attack is what you’re having, it subsides – immediately. At that point, you need to realize that you are NOT stuck in fear. On the contrary, you just let fear pass through you and out of you – and you are so much stronger as a result. If you are able to relate to this material, you are at a stage of emotional, intellectual, and physical evolvement which will enable you to develop the antidote to paralyzing fear – genuine COURAGE.

We must help the process along by lifting ourselves out of our own denials, no matter how unfamiliar the concept feels, no matter how strange it sounds, and no matter how much emotion we have to let ourselves feel in the process. While it is true to say that denial of reality caused most of this imbalance, it is also true that emotion is the reality that was most heavily denied. For instance, people see some awful thing happening in the world and they ask, ‘where is the outrage? Doesn’t anybody care?’ But then, when people do get angry, they are told that anger is ‘bad’ and that we must ‘control’ this natural emotion. Consequently, nothing gets changed. How can there be outrage if rage is not allowed out?

There is nothing wrong with anger provided it is allowed to express itself. That is why loving intent is so necessary – but we must also be aware of when we are denying our true feelings in favor of the appearance of loving intent. We need a more accurate understanding of the positive power and purpose of emotion, as well as HOW to express emotion so that healing, not harm, occurs.

What makes it so hard for people to embrace their own feelings is that, in the course of a lifetime, or many lifetimes, denial has created an enormous buildup of emotional energy which must also be released from the body so that balance between our masculine and feminine can be achieved within the body. These feelings are OLD feelings. But, no matter how old and bitter they happen to be, they need acceptance in order to heal. This form of healing is going to be a massive task – impossible for some. Nonetheless, we all embarked upon that leg of the human journey in which emotional healing must take place when the numbers changed from 1999 to 2000. We must now learn how the energetic imbalance in individuals is directly connected to the planet. There are so many experiences that we have not yet had, individually and collectively, which will help us to gain deeper understanding and, perhaps, bring a sense of excitement and adventure back into our lives, and break those chains of rigid conformity that have placed such awful restrictions on our natural creativity.

“The quest for certainty blocks the search for meaning. Uncertainty is the very condition which impels people to unfold their powers.” ~ Eric Fromm

8 energy helps us to see through the illusions that we mistook for life, and to look at reality head-on. The more we see things as they really are, the more emotional our lives become, the more intelligence we gain, and the more determined we are to be honest with ourselves and each other about our problems, our blessings, and our potential to change the habits and patterns of generations.

We appear to be involved in a very slow process. But in the context of time/space, rather than the linear time we are accustomed to on Earth, these changes are occurring more rapidly than we realize. Linear time denotes the amount of time it takes for an effect to occur, step by step, once a cause has been triggered, as opposed to the ‘instant’ result we could achieve if we were not so densely clogged up with unexpressed emotion and therefore lacking in understanding of how to change things. The rapid pace of life being experienced now is an illusion. We are actually evolving in slow motion.

One day it will have to be officially admitted, that what we have christened reality is an even greater illusion than the world of dreams.” ~Salvador Dali.

8 tells us to look at what we’ve got and appreciate it. To appreciate means to understand the value or magnitude of something. And what we’ve got is this monotonous cradle-to-the-grave-cookie-cutter existence which cannot possibly be what life is all about. We haven’t even begun to recognize our own powers as human beings, let alone tap into them. We have been asleep to our own personal power because we’ve been so tied up in this feelingless system in which we give our power to others for the sake of what we are told is our own security.

Compared with what we could be if we were more able to think and act for ourselves, we are only half present in our own lives. We use such a small part of our physical, emotional and mental capacity, that we have not learned to test our limits, striving occasionally to think ‘outside the box’, only to find more boxes on the other side. We have all kinds of powers and can sometimes imagine them in detail. But we fail to use them because we have been conditioned to believe that we cannot.

The 8 energy has a love of high quality. It tells us that we can – and must – evolve into higher versions of ourselves if we are to survive the changes, build a balanced new reality that is based on Love, and then thrive in it. It must also be remembered that 8 is just one number – one form of energy that really does need the unique powers, vibrations and qualities of all the other numbers. Only together do they add up to balance.

THE POWER OF 8  – text and image: © copyright Christine DeLorey 2008-2019 – all rights reserved.


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The numerology of calendar WEEK 43 is busy and diverse, and while the pace of life on Earth continues to accelerate, we are in a cycle that is trying to slow us down.

Week 43 is a 7 WEEK, (4+3=7), which is the number of learning. But unless we slow down to a pace that allows us to study the details of one situation before rushing into another, very little can be learned, and our minds become more prone to distraction and manipulation.

7 is the number of the mind, analysis, and the flow of information. 7 is also the number of secrets, scandal, conspiracy, and exposure. Both 4 and 7 are truth-seeking and error-correcting numbers, and Week 43 is the 4th week of a 10 week cycle in which all the Week Numbers begin with 4.

4 = limitation

3 = communication

7 = knowledge

Calendar Week 43 begins on Sunday, October 22, 2017 (1/22/1) which is a 6 Day – and represents justice, education, healing, family, home, and responsibility. 6 is the number of the dictator or tyrant – the number of control. The patriarchal system from which we are evolving, with all its extremism, austerity, and cruelty, is a product of under-developed 6. But this is also the number of the loving father, and the evolving man who promotes equality and fairness. While 6 can take us to extremes, it is also the number of BALANCE.

Master Number 22 focuses on a larger picture and sheds its enormous light on how ‘the few’ affect ‘the many’. This numeric mixture reminds us that humanity is one family, and Mother Earth is our home. 22 provides enormous potential to improve conditions for people (and all life forms). But in the wrong hands, it can result in incompetence, selfishness, and sheer spite. 22 is the most balanced form of 4, but when balance is lost, inflated egos become extremely dangerous, especially when supported by deflated egos.

On Thursday, October 26, your personal weekly forecast repeats as a daily forecast. This repetition occurs when the month and day add up to 9. (1+0+2+6=9). On these ‘double dose’ days, conditions, memories, and feelings intensify. 9 represents ‘letting go’ in order to move forward. Be sure to re-read your personal forecast on Thursday.

October 26, 2017, also has a 10/1 vibration (1/8/1) which focuses on the power of the individual, the abuse of power, and the need to maintain our free will amid such great efforts to stifle it. This is a day to be super-conscious of the rise of fascism in the world, and use this week’s 4 energy to develop your determination to keep yourself, and those you care for, free and safe from this very real threat. To ignore it is ignorance. And we live at a time in which ignoring or denying the truth can create dire consequences.

Friday, October 27 is the 300th day of this 10/1 Year. October is an 11/2 Month, and October 27, 2017 is an 11/2 Day (1/9/1). 11 illuminates what we most need to see. These two 11s are connected to the 22 energy we experienced at the beginning of the week, making this an entire week of connecting dots and producing a bigger picture and a deeper understanding. 2 is the number of connection. In this energy, suddenly we realize something important after a period of oblivion. Suddenly the penny drops – and we finally ‘get it’.

Feminine 2 is the number of the new millennium which is why feminine energy, all over the world, is now rising so visibly, vocally, and effectively. The timing is right. The male-driven 1000s are over, and 2 will bring balance to what has always been a ‘man’s world’. Feminine energy is humanity’s WILL, which has never been free, but is rising to free itself now by expressing – without guilt or shame – just how badly it has been treated in the course of time.

Allow your fear to work for you, not paralyze you. Allow its messages to transform themselves into courage and resolve. The opposite of love is not fear. The opposite of love is hate. The opposite of fear is confidence – and the belief that no matter what, you will find your way.

In this week’s busy numeric blend, nothing is quite as it seems. 3 provides a platform, and amplifies communication. This includes the way you communicate with yourself, so be careful not to react impulsively or believe everything you hear. 3 fuels all the arts, including illusion. Remember that denial, deception, distraction, and diversion are arts unto themselves.

3 also enables us to speak from the heart – which then touches the hearts of others. One of 3’s qualities is to spread and expand, sometimes as rumor, gossip, and hearsay, but also as truth, inspiration, excitement, and incentive.

3 is such an important vibration here in the early 21st century (2+1=3) because it provides the sustaining energy of optimism – which is another word for hope. Hope is a vital lifeline – something to hold on to as we move through this rough uncharted territory.

27 is a form of 9. It activates our intuition by merging emotion (2) and mind (7), which provides a more balanced appreciation of what is happening – in an atmosphere in which reality is being deliberately blurred. Yes, we are up against a lot as we struggle to hold onto our WILL and rescue parts of it that are already enslaved to this collapsing system.

Life is an ongoing story, and we must constantly determine whether we are dealing with fact or fiction, truth or lies – and this is not an easy task! However, despite this week’s contradictions and ‘strangeness’, we are likely to unearth NEW information that can make the task a little easier. And the way we react to what we learn is most important too. FREE WILL – the ability to express outwardly what we are feeling inwardly – is at stake here.

Controlling the Will Of The People starts with controlling women – and most specifically, women’s bodies – because it is the physical body, both female and male, that enables us to FEEL our emotions. That is why so much effort is being put into preventing free expression, and why the whole issue of free speech is so prominent at this time. 27/9 urges honest and open response to experience.

At the same time, the innovative 10/1 energy of 2017 shows us alternatives and solutions – and attention to detail is essential. But only a greater awareness – an expansion of consciousness – can accommodate all the different factors at play. This is something you have to want so strongly that you literally WILL it into being. You cannot force your mind to open. Only when it opens is there space for new understanding to come in. Open-mindedness has nothing to do with being gullible or easily led. Open-mindedness requires a deep desire to learn, to know, to understand. And of course, desire is a feeling.

2 is the number of PEACE through diplomacy, not force. On October 20th, Donald Trump, signed an executive order which expands his authority – and the Department of Defense headed by General Mattis, to declare a national state of emergency. This is an addendum to a George W. Bush Executive Order made after the 9/11 attacks which makes it easier to call up Reserves and retired military personnel, at short notice, for indefinite duty. At the time of writing, one can only speculate what this could mean, but it does not bode well.


Signed 10/20/2017 = 10/20/10

On Saturday, October 28th, we are once again in 10 10 10 10 energy. To better understand this quadruple-10 vibration, please read my article for Week 41, entitled: PAY ATTENTION”.

Decade = 10.

Year = 10.

Month = 10.

Day = 2+8 = 10.

10  10  10  10 = 40.

The very next day, on Sunday, October 29, (10/11/10=3+1=4), we enter the ‘master energy’ of WEEK 44.

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This week’s numerology urges us to PAY ATTENTION to what is going on, even though the pace of events is so hard to keep up with. Week 41 is a 5 week (4+1=5) which sparks our intellectual curiosity and a desire to be better informed. In the 4 1 5 vibration, we want to get things ‘right’. We want to understand.

Practical 4 seeks out and corrects inaccuracy. 4 represents challenge, strictness, restriction, and success through effort and determination. 1 represents the individual, the ego, one-step-at-a-time movement, and progressive change. 5 represents sudden change, unexpected development, the physical world, our physical bodies, “all walks of life”, variety, variation, and freedom.

Tuesday, October 10 brings us into 10  10  10  10 energy.

Decade = 10

Year = 10

Month = 10

Day = 10

10  10  10  10 = 40.

This corresponds with this 10 week cycle in which all the week numbers begin with 4, (Week 40 to 49).

The last time we experienced the quadruple-10 sequence was 9 years ago, on October 10th, 2008. On that date, the stock markets across Europe, Asia, and the USA crashed. The system was broken by greed and incompetence, and so began an unprecedented financial crisis that is still affecting economies today.

So here we are, moving through that volatile 10  10  10  10 energy again, but even more vulnerable this time around. Human rights, at so many levels, are being violated on a scale we have seldom seen before. Slavery never ended. It just changed its outer appearance – and its name. In this age of transparency, its diabolical image is reappearing, but now it’s called ‘trafficking’.

10 Downing Street is very much in the spotlight. The British Government’s Headquarters is often referred to as simply, “Number 10”. And this seat of global power is in uncommon disharmony at this time.

Environmental disasters are happening with greater frequency and impact, while our assault on Mother Earth worsens. There are more displaced people in the world now than after World War 2. Human and animal suffering never ends. Then there is the threat of nuclear engagement in which millions of lives are at stake – while the gigantic yet fragile egos of leaders Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un spar with each other. October 10 is a big day in North Korea – the 68th anniversary of the founding of its “ruling political party”.

The Iran Nuclear Agreement is also in danger of being abandoned. 1 signifies all things nuclear. In fact, it was in October 1962 that the Cuban Missile Crisis put the whole world on edge. This involved leaders John F. Kennedy (USA) and Nikita Khrushchev (USSR) and Fidel Castro (Cuba).

And then there is the upsurge of authoritarianism, (nazi-ism) that is trying its best to take control of all life on Earth. Hate and violence go hand in hand.

It is imperative that we PAY ATTENTION to what is happening as the effort to drag us backwards  intensifies, and the attempt to normalize authoritarianism accelerates. While we are all distracted by very real and emotionally rousing events that are coming at us so rapidly, laws are being passed which make authoritarianism LEGAL.

Someone tweeted just recently “I long for the day when people wearing swastikas and people wearing Black Lives Matter tee shirts accept each other and just ‘get along'”. It is shocking to see the number of people who do not understand what nazi-ism actually is – an irrational belief in racial superiority – the ‘master race’ – racism at its MOST extreme. There is no middle ground once we reach that level of authoritarianism. If you resist its ‘authority’, you die. Yes, resistance continues and becomes more resolved, but under the most extreme danger of exposure. Resistance has to be coordinated in secret. It becomes ‘the underground’.

When we are no longer permitted to question authority, our WILL, (the feminine energy that all human beings possess), is completely trapped and restrained, and our lives are no longer our own. The regime OWNS us. When we can no longer express dissent, we are enslaved! Expressing outwardly what we feel inwardly propels us forward in the journey of life. And this is precisely why women’s rights are always under attack. If feminine energy were to attain equality in this man’s world, the whole system would fall apart – which it is currently doing.

“We are not what happened to us, we are what we wish to become.” ~Carl Jung

At the same time, we have to focus on creating the kind of world we want to live in – to set our priorities – and arrange our lives around them. If we give up on this, we give away our Will. By focusing on building a new way of life that makes the old way obsolete, we give ourselves a goal which can carry us through the inevitable rough spots ahead.

Without 1 there can be no other numbers. 1 is the nucleus, the atom, the beginning, the first step.

1 = leadership – and being ‘in the lead’. 1 also refers to leading our own lives – and being ‘led’.

1 = the “RACE” for superiority – actually BEING #1.

1 = contest and competition.

1 = the self ~ the individual.

1 = the ego (one’s sense of self).

1 = unevolving masculine aggression and contest (war)

1 = the divine masculine – the evolving man – (equality)

1 = action and speed.

1 = 1-step-at-a-time development (1 thing leads to another – cause and effect).

1 = the power of 1 ~ and the power of many 1s who are united in a common cause.

And this week there are many 1s affecting our lives. (10 is 1 multiplied by 10).

One of the challenges of the 1 energy is to speak up for ourselves and let it be known how we feel, instead of allowing uncomfortable situations to escalate without ever speaking up to clear the air. This means developing courage and determination (which are characteristics of 4).

Remember that guilt and blame are not emotions. They are judgments which may, or may not, be accurate. Judgments we have made over time, as well as those we have inherited from previous generations, create a belief system that affect all the decisions we make today.

There is an emphasis on relationship and loyalty this week. This can help us to untangle ourselves from hurts and insecurities of the past, so that we can BE in, and deal with, what’s happening in the present. Begin with a judgment you have made about how certain people or situations should be. Then look more closely at how they actually are, and how they became that way. If we cannot find the cause, changing the effect will be impossible. And so, we are going back and forth between areas of the past from which we must free ourselves, the emergencies of the present, and the potential in the present from which to create the future. There’s a lot going on in the evolving human condition right now.

There is no shame in not knowing all the answers, and we should not pretend to understand something if we don’t, or try to be someone we are not. Week 41 emphasizes the qualities of honesty and sincerity. We give these feelings consciousness when we express them not only in the words we speak, but also in the actions we take.

Week 41 is a 5 Week, and 5 is the number of all things ‘different’ – diversity – variety – the ‘spice of life’. 5 is physical and sexual. The 5 vibration helps us to LEARN from past and present mistakes and mis-steps, so that we can stop repeating them on the great karmic wheel of unlearned lessons.

5 represents learning from experience. 5 brings contrast to the openness that life is becoming – which enables us to see things more clearly, and many things for the first time, even though they have been there all along. We are all in the evolutionary process of understanding the concept of FREE WILL, and the absolute necessity to rescue and protect it.

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WEEK 40 – Logic and Reason

October is the 10th month of this 10/1 year: (2+0+1+7=10=1). Every week has its own unique numerology too, and on October 1st, we entered a 10-week cycle in which all the week numbers begin with 4 – the number of logic and reason. 4 teaches us what we most need to learn. Delays and restrictions occur when 4 is active, but this vibration also provides us with the determination, persistence, and common sense to hang in there – prevail – when the going gets tough.

From now until late-December, 4 brings obstruction – but it also enables progress and breakthrough. 4 focuses on the reality of what we’re dealing with, and areas of our lives in which we feel ‘stuck’. 4 exposes ruts and routines – habits and addictions – and shows us that “it doesn’t have to be this way”.

Tradition is questioned – and we must remember that by nature, tradition resists change. And so, paradoxically, 4 also brings out opposition to new ideas.

4 represents success through hard work, organization, and diligent attention to DETAIL. Its critical eye points out errors and holds us back until we correct them. This mechanical energy shows us procedure, framework, and how things work.

“We are all just prisoners here, of our own device…” ~The Eagles, Hotel California

4 is a serious vibration. Only the facts will do. Precision. Exactness. Science. Focus. Method. Rules. Regulations. Observation. Correctness. Efficiency. Organization. Just imagine what can be achieved if we utilize this energy consciously, for the purpose of freeing ourselves from this box we are all trapped in.

4 is symbolized by the square, the box, the cube, the container, the prison. 4 represents SYSTEM – and it is this industrial/militarized/class system that boxes us in and holds the box in place. 4 represents barriers, law, order, policing, justice, maintaining control – and at the most extreme levels, austerity and authoritarian oppression.

The strictness of 4 may not sound appealing, but what we are dealing with now requires our strict attention. No matter what our personal plans happen to be, planning ahead makes little sense if we don’t know the direction we are headed in. 4 is the number of purposeful delay – thus the saying: “there is a reason for everything”.

The mix of inexperience and impatience with detail make standstill inevitable. 4 exposes the details, so we can study the facts and base our decisions on what we learn from them.

We’ll be learning a lot about karmic 13/4 in the next ten weeks. 13 is not ‘unlucky’, but it does insist that we take responsibility for our mistakes and miscalculations – and correct them. There may be some inner-shock involved as new understandings dislodge old beliefs – followed by the fulfillment that comes with learning something new.

We will also be feeling the affects of master number 22/4 which enables us to think and act BIG in terms of helping people, not harming them. But if 22 is mishandled, it creates chaos on a very large scale. For every action, there is a consequence, and both 13/4 and 22/4 show us that the consequence of power depends very much upon whose hands it is in.

“When a situation is not made conscious, it occurs outside, as fate.” Carl Jung

1 brings change through activity, actualization, and activism. 1 is the number of action. 3 communicates outwardly what we feel inside. 3 = population, popularity, entertainment (and our addiction to it). It’s not a matter of suppressing art. On the contrary, when we come out of this wall of denial that we’re currently struggling through, consciousness will expand and our creative abilities will reach entirely new levels. 3 is the number of creativity, and the 21st century places us in a hundred year cycle of expansive, communicative, creative 3 energy (2+1=3).

The first day of October gave us four distinct bursts of 1:

Month =10=1.

Day =1.

Year = 2+0+1+7=1+0=1.

Decade =10=1.

( 1+1+1+1 = 4)

It was on the 274th day of the year that the USA suffered its 273rd mass shooting of 2017, at the “Route 91 Harvest Music Festival”  in Las Vegas. The 10 energy brings things to new levels – and the demand for gun regulation in the USA is increasing significantly. With such a powerful gun lobby, changing the rules will be extremely difficult, but with the resolve of both 4 and 10, (logic, reason, intelligence, innovation, and new potential), progress can be made if the WILL is strong enough. The Will is made up of our emotions – the feminine energy within us all.

As we learn more about our emotional power, remember that terror is also an emotion – the most heightened form of fear. And terror-ism is the deliberate infliction of terror on others – no matter where that person is from or what ideologies are in place. It takes more than the customary “thoughts and prayers” to achieve meaningful change when it comes to this horrific loss of precious life. Only a large scale voluntary change of heart and mind can do that. When logic and reason spread, mind and emotion can then agree with each other – and that is when truly meaningful change can be implemented.

“Racism is man’s gravest threat to man – the maximum of hatred for a minimum of reason.” Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel

On October 2, the much loved multi-talented rock star Tom Petty died. This sad event is also connected, in an inspiring way, to the upsurge of hate, racism, nazi-ism, and old programming – and the overcoming of these things. There was a time when Tom Petty used the confederate flag as part of his act (1985). He grew up in the south, where this flag was part of daily life for most (white) southerners. But as he became educated on its symbolism and its connection to slavery and the Ku Kulx Klan, he expressed his deep regret and completely denounced it. He said:

“people just need to think about how it looks to a black person. It’s just awful. It’s like how a swastika looks to a Jewish person.”

What a timely analogy. Along with his music and other talents, he left us with a visual, emotional, intellectual, and logical message of love. A vital aspect of our evolution is to recognize the ignorance we inherited from previous generations, which left us oblivious to the harm it does. Understanding the past is how we learn what works, and what doesn’t, and what’s real and what isn’t.

But much effort is being put into whitewashing history so that we cannot learn from the mistakes of our ancestors. Many text books, (especially children’s), routinely distort the facts. This Canadian book completely erases the plight of Native Americans, blotting out the Trail Of Tears and all the other atrocities, by stating that Native Americans merely “agreed to move to other areas” to accommodate the influx of white Europeans. This of course is just one example. The erasing of history (cover-up) is happening everywhere.

There is so much going on all over the world – all connected to history and our endless wars, and by the brutal (and illogical) nature of the system itself. 4 is the number of system, and in this age of transparency, we can see things more clearly now.

1 is the number of the individual. The number of change and progress. 10 brings us to new levels and new potentials. Mixed with this concentration of 4, blockages can be removed by pushing practical ideas into reality. This gives individuals a larger role in changing the overall direction.

On October 10, 19, and 28, we are moving through 10 10 10 10 energy. That’s 4 tenfold – requiring major effort – and hopefully resulting in major breakthrough.

2 = caring, cooperation, connection, patience, and UNITY.

2 = others.

22 = many others, and connects directly to the circumstances of large groups of people.

22 takes us beyond our limits and enables us to focus on our true intent. But if our intent is selfish, greedy, or inhumane, the results are chaotic and destructive.

In a world that demands instant gratification, it is difficult to accept that a quieter, humbler, slower, and more focused pace is needed. But that is what we must do if we are to notice the details and make the right decisions.

These waves of concentrated 10 energy remain with us through October and November – and the 11 year of 2018. As we evolve out of the 1 energy of the 1000s and move further into the 2000s (towards 2020, (which is when the decade of the 10s ends), we are forced to learn what 1 has to teach. Things cannot improve until we do. 

For the next 15 months, we are moving through alternating and often clashing bands of masculine-electrical-intellectual 10/1 energy – and feminine-magnetic-sensitive 11/2 energy. Circumstances are rigorously triggering our emotions, but our conditioned minds want to prevent our feelings from expressing themselves outwardly. When we hold our feelings in, (denial), they settle in specific areas of the body where they fester and make us ill. We all have ill-feelings which must be allowed to move and heal if we are to move forward in the journey of life. But in some cases, we will see these repressed emotions bursting out of people as rage – sometimes silent rage which can be even more deadly because we cannot see it coming.

Ill feelings have different causes and symptoms because we have all had different programming and experiences. We are 1 – but we are not all the same. That’s where 2 comes in to teach us about the chemistry – and potential – of our own different parts – mind, body, emotion – our individual diversity. October 2017 is a 2 month. Only inner peace can create outer peace. Everything starts within.

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WEEK 38 – The Power Of People

WEEK 38 is the 9th week in a 10 week cycle in which all the week numbers begin with 3. We often have the most to learn as a cycle comes to an end – and there is a LOT to learn about 3 in the next two weeks. This week’s combination of 3 and 8 sheds light on what we most need to see and understand (whatever that turns out to be).

38 gives us 11, the number of illumination and inspiration. Both 3 and 8 are the principle numbers of creativity and making things happen – and 11 has intuitive and inventive qualities that are uniquely its own.

3 represents PEOPLE, communication, expression, creativity, friends, joy, entertainment, sport, media, social-media, social interaction, words, images, optimism, drama, humor, color, sound, appearance, illusion, shallowness, hearsay, gossip, and envy.

8 is the number of POWER in all its forms, including economic, political, and military matters. 8 is an enforcing energy, which is often used by bullies and tyrants to make themselves feel powerful. 8 is utilized to maintain control over the material world, which is an unnatural use of this energy, the true purpose of which is to protect nature. 8 is the number of abundance, resources, and resourcefulness. Human beings are not separate from nature. Our very existence is part of the natural process.

8 is the number of prosperity. It incorporates existing resources to increase function and value. All too often, the business world  incorporates existing resources to simply increase profit. Week 38 sheds light on the natural environment and the devastating effect of this unchecked industrial system.

When 3 and 8 meet, communications are loud and insistent, but not always logical. People go to great lengths to get a point across, whether there is a valid point to be made or not.

Like never before, we are seeing the terrible suffering caused by people imposing their power over other people. This has always been the case, but the extent of the cruelty has become more blatant. Yes, empathy and love are spreading among humanity, but the sheer hatred out there is more widespread than ever. This is why we must be more aware of the hate – ill feeling – that we ourselves are holding inside but are denying.

Hate is not an emotion, but the result of emotions that have become infected by indifference and lack of love. The extremes of hate are emerging all over the world in the form of nationalism (nazi-ism) and authoritarianism – and we all hold some hatred inside. We might not call it hatred, but that’s what it is when we say,  I can’t stand that”, or “I detest this person“. Emotions are felt in varying degrees, and hate follows that pattern too.

The evolutionary process of emotional healing applies to all of us and is the only means of relieving ourselves of old sadness, grief, unresolved dispute and anger, lingering fears, and the inability to move out of our comfort zones and venture more deeply into life. This week’s 3 8 11 vibration can help us to IMAGINE alternatives.

88 years ago, on 26 October, 1929, a 3 day in the world (8+1+3=1+2=3), in an interview with The Saturday Evening Post, Albert Einstein said:

“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, whereas imagination encircles the world.”

While knowledge is essential, imagination enables us to go beyond what we already know, so that new knowledge can form. The POWER of PEOPLE also consists of the ability to learn new things. Being able to visualize POTENTIAL is vital to our evolution. 3 provides the OPTIMISM that can carry us through difficult, mind-bending, and heart-breaking times like these. 8 provides self-empowerment, essential information, and unpretentious confidence.

The inner condition of humanity is projected into the outer world. The world stage is a reflection of ourselves. 3 is the number of the arts – and inner communication (feelings and thoughts), is where art – and imagination – begin.

Our emotions are messages we send to ourselves. But because we are so unfamiliar with the interaction of emotion with the mind and biological body, this energy is easily manipulated by outside forces. In the chillingly competitive race to influence the masses, we are controlled by our emotions, a process that the system refers to as the ‘battle for hearts and minds’.

Emotion is the WILL of life. The nature of the WILL is to be FREE. From the highest joy to the depths of despair – the entire emotional range is a measure of how free – or un-free – we are. Free Will is the next evolutionary step in the human journey, which is why the current system is doing everything it can to keep the feminine down, numb our feelings, and dumb down our minds. Emotion is our honesty, and as we evolve, we are learning to be honest with ourselves. Free Will begins with the freedom to express outwardly what we feel inwardly. This is what it means to live from the ‘inside out’. Expression is what propels us.

In the transparency of the 2000s, we are able to see the driving force behind this capitalistic system – which is based on winning and losing. No wonder so many believe that life is just a ‘game’.

The white male claims superiority by eliminating competition. But isn’t competition what capitalism is all about? No. Capitalism wants to destroy the competition and reign supreme – which is why the issues of white supremacy – and male supremacy – are so prevalent. The self-destructive class system is falling apart under the weight of its own imbalance, hypocrisy, and denials.

It is often said, and usually with good intent, that “there is only one race – the human race”, but this is a misunderstanding. There is no “race” at all. A race is a contest, a competition, which keeps us divided and constantly striving to outdo each other. We are NOT the human “race”. Each ONE of us is a unique individual HUMAN BEING. Each of us is 1. And together we are 1. It is imperative that we learn this fundamental lesson of the 1 energy as we make our way further into the 2000s. If not, a race war (which is what ALL wars are) could be instigated just to keep the system – the human ‘race’ – going.

An important characteristic of 3 is that it helps information to spread. This is why 3 is known as the number of gossip, hearsay, and rumor. 3 also helps us to put our knowledge, thoughts, and feelings, into words that we ourselves can understand – which then spreads to others – for better or worse. 11 will bring to light a lot of hypocrisy and dishonesty this week, but we can expect to be enlightened and inspired, too. As we evolve emotionally and intellectually, we express ourselves from the heart which then speaks to the hearts of others.

3 can be very distracting – as reflected in the entertainment industry, the news, the internet, and the creative world in general. But when we allow ourselves to focus in 3, we can create amazing things which apply to all aspects of life, not just the arts. You may want to create a business, a solid relationship, a situation, a home, or even an atmosphere. Or a book, a painting, or anything you feel aligned with and dedicated to. There is a creative way and a destructive way in all the decisions we make.

8 also amplifies the power of 3 by providing opportunity. 8 is a metaphysical magnet – the material world’s great attracter. 8 is a feminine number – the number of abundance, just as Mother Earth herself provides absolutely everything we have. 11 is the number of LIGHT – illumination – and regardless of where we live, we are likely to see some serious light being shed where we were previously kept in the dark.

September’s 9 energy is amplifying everything right now, boosted by the double-10 energy that comes from the 9th month of a 10/1 year. 9 (the number of endings and conclusions) takes us back to the past so we can learn what we failed to learn back then, while 1 brings us forward in direct proportion to our ability to learn. A massive increase of consciousness is forming as a result, along with the frustration of what seems like such SLOW progress. Frustration is a mix of fear and anger, and is quite natural under these circumstances.

Our biological bodies are the instrument through which the emotional range (magnetism) expresses itself. Feelings are the sensations created when emotion meets body. The mind (electricity) then interprets what the emotions are conveying (depending on how open the mind is to receiving the physical feelings).

The emotional range is our inner radar. Don’t let the need for ‘certainty’ shut it down. Remember that awareness of reality is our best safety net.

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WEEK 36 – The Will To Continue

Week 36 is a 9 Calendar Week in the 9th Calendar Month of September, and runs from September 3rd to the 9th. Its deeply sensitive vibrations bring out our empathy, caring, and compassion. But 9 also creates dramatic and often traumatic situations which can trigger our entire range of emotions. 9 has the shape of a spiral, and just like being on a spiral staircase, we can never be sure of what’s around the corner. Uncertainty produces fear. But this particular fear can also become the ‘mother of invention’.

The 369 sequence represents continuance, and helps us to sustain the load, get through the wilderness, and bear the brunt – until we finally reach what we are aiming for. 369 gives us the WILL to ‘carry on’. Continuance also suggests that we are more able to face reality rather than look the other way. 9 is the number of increased awareness.

As the old system continues to collapse, people are refusing to go backwards and repeat the same old historic nightmare. People are refusing to march along to that old monotonous ‘left/right/left/right” political rhythm that keeps us trapped on this karmic wheel to nowhere.

369 shows us where repeated patterns have created this rut in which we are stuck – and from which we must find our way out. 369 shows us where habit and history repeat and repeat – and where CHANGE is essential to our survival. Ultimately, survival and continuation are the same thing.

2017 is a 10/1 Year in the world (2+0+1+7=1+0=1) – the number of extraordinary change. It facilitates forward movement and brings us to the next step. September 2017 is a 10/1 Month in a 10/1 Year, which is taking us to new levels of experience.

10 is the nucleus of the decimal system, while 1 is the nucleus of ALL the numbers. North Korea’s hydrogen-bomb test this week is not surprising because 1 represents our atomic beginnings, and hydrogen is #1 in the Periodic Table. 11 symbolizes the splitting of the atom, on which nuclear weaponry is based. When a nucleus is deliberately split in two, enormous amounts of energy are produced. 1 is the number of origins, and we must learn what 1 has to teach before 11 can transform 1 into 2. (1+1=2). In the wrong hands, what enables life can also destroy it.

This splitting of a cell – nuclear fission – is also reflected in the splitting of countries, people, and families: i.e. India and Pakistan, North and South Korea, Israel and Palestine, the world-wide ‘trafficking’ of human beings as slaves, the threat of deportation of America’s DREAMERS, and the entire class system which is based on splitting us up and keeping us divided. These cruel and painful splits are releasing enormous amounts of emotional energy (magnetism) into the world, giving new life to the human WILL, which is emotional, magnetic, and feminine in nature. The rise of the WILL is the only thing that can bring balance to our dangerously imbalanced ‘man’s world’.

This huge degree of human (and animal) suffering is not new. At this point in our evolution, we are experiencing the accumulation of all we have not learned from our thousand-year journey through the 1 energy. Before we can evolve into the balance of the 2000s, we must recognize the sheer horror of what we are evolving from, and learn our lessons – the first of which is: we ARE 1. We are 1 species – made up of many 1’s (individuals).

11, from a different angle, gives us the equals sign and, indeed, teaches us to look at life from different points of view, not just the ones with which we have been programmed. 11 broadens our horizons, opens our minds, and increases our potentials and possibilities.

This 10/11 transition reminds us that cooperation rather than competition will change the way we live – from this aggressive, mindless, self-destructiveness, to something that is more tolerant, and less hate-filled and cruel. We repeat the same old patterns over and over, generation after generation and we call this ‘life’, when in fact it is a mere reflection of a failing system that runs on secrecy, ignorance,ILL WILL, greed, and ongoing war. But the change in millennial energy, from masculine 1 to feminine 2, gives us an opportunity to break this karmic loop, and evolve, emotionally, intellectually, and physically.

Be aware of the massive contribution coming from our emotions. Notice how our feelings hold our minds open while we analyze the reality of who we are – why we’re here – and where we’re going. This is one of the ways in which masculine and feminine work together, within the body, each with their own function, different but equal.

We cannot pass 1 – the first number – until we recognize ourselves for the individuals we are. From self-awareness comes self acceptance. We can never fully accept each other without accepting our own individual selves first. That’s what a balanced ego is. There is a great deal of love among humanity, but until we love ourselves first, we can never know how deeply we have it in us to love.

Meanwhile, we can see the ridiculousness of white supremacy as the main force behind this self-destructive system. We see that those who are labeled ‘minorities’ actually make up the majority here on Earth. We are experiencing reversals now, represented by the numbers 911 and 119. The 16th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the USA occurs next week – (Week 37 is a 10 10 10 week).

3 represents all forms of communication, including the media, social media, the stage, performance, acting, entertainment, appearances, talent, style, and beauty. However, the flip-side of 3 brings pettiness, trickery, illusion, deception, dishonesty, exaggeration, jealousy, smear campaigns, hearsay, and gossip.

6 = problem-solving, responsibility, the sharing of power, accountability, security, balance, domestic matters, home, family, children, parents, marriage, education, teaching, healing, justice, community, kindness, and LOVE. 6 reminds us that without justice, there can be no peace. However, 6 is also the number of extremes, the tyrant, the bully, the stealing of power and property, injustice, prejudice, unfairness, imbalance, insecurity, cruelty, and HATE.

The power-hungry always grow more heartless, cruel, and desperate as the times change, people evolve, and the power shifts. Just remember that love is the greatest power of all. It’s light will always outshine hate. Hate is not a natural emotion. Hate is an infection of our emotional circuitry which narrows and empties the mind. Hate is an ILL feeling.

9 brings drama into our lives for the purpose of showing us how the past is repeating itself and what is still to be learned from it. In your own personal life, don’t fight the memories. It’s time to heal from what they represent, and move forward with the 10 energy of real and significant CHANGE.

9’s healing vibrations help us to right the wrongs of the past by accepting their reality and allowing the feelings involved to express themselves OUT of the body. 9 is the number of FORGIVENESS and LETTING GO. Denial of reality is not easy to maintain in the presence of 9, and quite impossible when we are traveling through multiple bands of 9, as we are right now.

People are starting to recognize the magnitude of their own personal experience in this evolving journey we’re ALL on. Everyone has a story to tell. We are all story tellers. That’s our nature. Self expression. Living to tell the tale. We’ve all been through things that have broken down our false assumptions and made us more aware of reality. The pain we experience in the face of adversity puts tremendous pressure on the mind – forcing it open. We do not want to suffer, and so, as the suffering goes on, we must look for how it began.

1 is the number of origins and beginnings and getting to the true cause. 2 is the number of detail and sensitivity. When magnetic 2 and electrical 1 combine, creative 3 is born. The 21st century is a 100-year cycle of 3 energy which enables us to outgrow our destructiveness, open our imaginations, raise our creative vibration, and make something significant happen.

2 slows everything down so that we can actually see what we’re dealing with, what we are up against, and what we have the potential to become. Therefore, in the 2000s, we must develop the power of PATIENCE: with detail, other people, ourselves, the pace of our progress, and the time it takes to forgive.

By slowing ourselves down, we are able to see the finer details – the bigger picture – and the way things really are, rather than the illusion that the system has painted for us. 3 is the number of illusion, which truly is an art in itself. But 2’s transparency is showing the inner workings of everything now. We see the machinery that keeps the system chugging along. The system runs on secrecy and cover up, but the 2 energy brings openness instead.

The more the mind allows itself to feel, without casting judgment on the feeling, we recognize the height of our thoughts, the depth of our feelings, and the breadth that comes from a 3-way acceptance between our masculine minds, our feminine feelings, and our biological bodies. From this configuration, a 4th dimension emerges, the nature of which will come from the INTENT in our hearts.


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WEEK 35 – Fertile Ground

Week 35 runs from Sunday, August 27 to Saturday, September 2. This is an 8 Global Week (3+5=8). The combination of 3 and 5 produces a creative and sexual vibration. This is the chemistry of concepts and conception – pregnancy – manifestation – new life – changes of scene and circumstance – and the strength to persevere until the desired result is achieved.

Babies are conceived, and ideas are brought to life in the 35/8 energy. We are traveling through FERTILE GROUND this week, enabling us to bring something to fruition – or make something significant happen.

3 = people, communication, and appearances.

5 = freedom, change, and sudden development.

8 = power, perpetual motion, and accurate understanding.

Not only are we dealing with the horrifying reality of people imposing their power over other people, but also with the POWER OF THE PEOPLE to change things. Week 35 is an 8 Week in the 8th month of August, the vibration of which is expanding our minds with new information, and a deeper understanding of existing information. We cannot change anything unless we know precisely what we are up against, and this is becoming clearer by the day.

Week 35 is the 6th week of a 10 week cycle in which all the week numbers begin with 3 – (the number of creativity and optimism). This is a confidence-building week in which to accept our weaknesses, and build on our strengths. 3 is the number of our current century. 2+1=3.

3 represents creativity, words and images, the arts, entertainment, the stage, airwaves, and ‘social media’. But we must remember that entertainment enables ACCESS to and INFLUENCE over our minds and emotions, which makes us easily controllable.

The 10/1 energy that comes from 2+0+1+7 is bringing us to new levels of consciousness and the next step of our evolutionary journey into Free Will – inner balance and outer peace. It is a painful experience because, in our own lives and in the world in general, we have no choice but to face the reality that we are evolving FROM.

Only the greater awareness of an evolving global population can counter the lack of awareness of the ‘supremacy’ mindset – or set mind – a mind that is incapable of learning anything new and therefore unable to evolve from its archaic belief in its own superiority. The very idea of different ‘races’ is also part of our ancient programming. Humanity is indeed made up of different CULTURES which add variety to the experience and richness of life, but the competitive class system turned our precious diversity into ‘races’ – against each other – in order to divide and conquer.

I mention this often because I believe it is so important to understand: THE HUMAN ‘RACE’ IS THE SYSTEM, NOT THE SPECIES.

We are human beings, one species among countless other species on Earth. The human race has been moving so fast, so busy racing around in the great ‘race’ to nowhere, that the reality around us has been nothing but a blur. And as we move closer to 2020, the horror of our racial programming is staring us right in the face. WE ARE ONE – but we are not all the same! Without diversity, humanity would be unable to hold itself together.

This is the Creative Numerology Weekly Forecast for those in the 1 Year in Week 35. But it actually applies to all of us because we are all in 2017, which is a 1 Year in the world (2+0+1+7=1+0=1):

Strong emotional waves are forcing you to look at yourself as you are now and realize how much you and your circumstances have changed. Try to relax whenever you can. You have survived more than you thought you could, and although you know the sands of life will not be stabilizing any time soon, you are becoming more adept at surfing them.

3, 5, and 8 are all material numbers which enable manifestation. Week 35 draws us into the material world, inducing ideas which can help us answer the questions we most need to understand at this precarious point in time. Keep in mind that Mother Nature IS the material world. There is nothing on Earth that does not come from HER.

In recent days, the USA has seen the magnificence of a total eclipse of the masculine sun, by the feminine moon. It was an event that held people in awe and made them laugh, cry, cheer, sing, dance, gasp, and gaze in sheer wonder. No one disputes that this event was predicted scientifically.

But then came the horrors of the flood waters of Hurricane Harvey to the USA’s 4th largest city, Houston, Texas. And yet, that same old mindset refuses to believe the scientific data which shows that these extreme Earth Changes are real and increasingly catastrophic.

The millennial 2 energy of the 2000s represents DETAIL, ATTRACTION, PERSUASION, PATIENCE, COOPERATION, TEAMWORK, and indeed, MOTHER NATURE herself. 2 is bringing an infusion of feminine energy into this “man’s world”, to straighten the imbalance – the top heaviness – of this ‘class’ system now ravaged by greed and outright cruelty. The 2000s will eventually bring an entirely new way of life into being, but getting there won’t be easy because as awful as the old system is, it’s the only one we know. But that old way of living can never be restored. It doesn’t allow for change, and it always leads to a world war which kills millions of precious lives. Restoring the old system simply means repeating the same mistakes all over again.

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2017 is a 911 day.

September = 9.

The 1st = 1.

2017 = 1.

Both 911 and 119 represent reversal, high drama, and deep emotions. September 1 is also the 78th anniversary of World War 2 – the date on which Nazi Germany invaded Poland in 1939. This is a stark reminder that for as long as wars must be ‘won’ rather than diffused, wars can never end – thus the current rise of nazi-ism in the United States and around the world. I am hesitant to use the word ‘rise’ because, it seems to me that nazi-ism is something we descend into.

1939 was a 22 year in the world – the master number that affects the masses – massively. This is an important aspect to remember as we move closer to the year 2020, which I believe represents a huge turning point in the human journey. And in his prophetic book, “1984” George Orwell wrote:A society becomes totalitarian when its ruling class has lost its function but succeeds in clinging to power by force or fraud.” 1984 adds up to 22.

A noticeable shift of power begins this week and is likely to continue throughout September, because September in this 10/1 Year, is a 911 MONTH. This involves the power of the individual – the value of correct information – along with 911’s U-turns, deep emotions, and the element of surprise (the effect of shock). 911 is also the emergency code in the USA and the Philippines.


2+0+1+7 = 10 = 1.

August 28, 2017 = 8 1 1 = 10 = 1.

The 28th = 10 = 1.

This 10 10 10 vibration produced a powerful blast of 30/3, affecting all forms of communication, not just on that day, but permanently, going forward. And not just what is being communicated, by whom, and to whom, but also how those communications are being perceived.

In this 8 Week, and as we leave the 8th month of August, we are reminded that the lowest forms of 8 include greed, bullying, and a sense of entitlement based on one’s material ‘worth’. 8 represents appetite, desire, ‘more’, and the coldness and hypocrisy of a purely materialistic outlook.

This week’s numeric patterns shed light on the consequences of greed – a disease which renders us unable to feel satisfied – always wanting more, even when we already have more than we could ever need. Greed’s irrational fear of loss makes sharing and fairness impossible. Greed will only give to gain something in return.

You do not have to be ultra rich to be greedy, and you do not have to be greedy to be ultra rich. But wherever greed exists, it jeopardizes the entire planet. Hard line economic and social tactics against the population (austerity) only make things worse. If humanity does not re-establish balance – at some point everything will topple over. Then, it will not matter how much money or influence you’ve got, because you’re going over with it.

This is not mere 2-party partisan politics we are dealing with now. That old limited left/right system is falling apart under the weight of its own top-heaviness while its various ‘strongman’ are positioning themselves to bring it back to life and take complete control. But because competition is the system’s nature, it will not be long before these ‘leaders’ try to knock each other out of the game.

If we were to return to the way things were, history would repeat, and we would simply end up back where we are now. However, what’s different this time around is the timing. The 2 energy of the 2000s gives us a chance to change things – if we can develop our courage to do so, and study the situation deeply enough to find the most effective way to make those changes stick.

“Dear Americans, if you want to know what you REALLY would have done in the early years of the nazi regime, consider what you are doing now.” ~Werner Twertzog

Nazi-ism is a repeat of history. Even concentration camps are back in view now that Donald Trump has ‘pardoned’ Arizona’s ‘toughest sheriff” Joe Arpaio for his crimes against human rights. In 2010, Arpaio admitted that his notorious Tent City was a concentration camp.

While certain leaders may be able to make significant changes, it is humanity itself that must push itself forward with the power of our own WILL. The Will is made of our feelings, emotions, instincts, intuition, urges, caring, kindness, patience, teamwork, cooperation, connection, and all the other attributes of the 2 energy.

As the Will continues to rise, as it must do in the 2000s, people are hungry for fact, not fiction, reality, not ‘reality show’ or conspiracy theory. We have it in us to transform the ‘information age’ into the age of TRUTH. That is why the battle to control the internet and all aspects of communication is an integral part of today’s turmoil. Correct understanding brings balanced perspective. And balance brings fairness, justice, and peace.



We are experiencing a mix of both karmic and evolutionary vibrations which reflect a split in human values. We can focus on the greater good of people and planet, or cling to the past in fear of change. We can also ignore it all, but ignorance, too, belongs in the past. Indifference is often a form of hatred in denial. Indifference is to ignore, which is ignorance.

Hate is not a natural emotion. Hate is the result of natural emotions such as anger, fear, and grief, that have been twisted and tortured in the process of denial, to the extent that they infect the other emotions. Hate is the absence of love.

It is therefore inevitable that in the process of coming out of denial, hate will rise to the surface so that we can face its reality in our world – and most importantly in ourselves. All hatred starts as self hatred. And hating hate – only expands hate.

In the realness of Week 35, you will be more able to release yourself from issues and habits that have been holding you back or dragging you down. The way you conduct yourself in the outside world – the way you communicate and interact – can have a lasting effect on your future. So think before you speak or take action. Deep down, you know you are here for a reason, and the powerful vibrations contained in Week 35 can help release you from confusion and disbelief – and send you a creative spark that triggers new ideas, forgiveness, letting go, enthusiasm, and moving in a direction that is right for you. Whatever you imagine is a valid possibility. The entire week is one in which to recognize and be MOVED by new potential

Order my books – or your personal profile – here


Nikola Tesla’s Astonishing Numbers

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence”. ~Nikola Tesla

NIKOLA TESLA was born on July 10th, 1856. He was born on the 10/1 Destiny Path – the number of ELECTRICITY, innovation, movement, speed, progress, and the power of the individual. The 10th of the month also adds up to 1.  He was born in Week 28, which adds up to 10/1.

1 is the number of the PIONEER. And 10 is the form of 1 that brings things to a new level, which Tesla certainly did in his 87-year lifetime. He died on January 7, 1943 – producing some highly fascinating numeric patterns.
Tesla birth and death numbers6 represents BALANCE and EXTREMES, and the connection between the powers of electricity, magnetism, and matter. The first multiple of 3 is 6, the combination of which brings 9 into being. Numbers are not static, or even linear. They move in all directions. Therefore, Tesla’s birth and death numbers, as viewed in the above chart, contain the 369 sequence.

“If only you would know the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, you would have a key to the Universe.”

These famous words have always been attributed to Nikola Tesla, and although I am unable to find the above quote in any of his written or spoken works, there is no doubt that the 3 6 9 sequence plays an enormous role in life – the roles of continuance, survival, repetition, variation, pattern, reflection, communication, creativity, responsibility, emotion, and love.

The following chart demonstrates the never-ending 369 movement, and the creative rhythm of continuance…

Tesla 369 sequence

(There is also a connection here between the function of 8 in the above chart – and 1 and 7 which occur in both his date of birth and date of death.)

Tesla’s work helped to revolutionize our understanding of electricity, radio waves, x-rays, magnetism, and many other scientific aspects…. and some profoundly spiritual aspects, too.  He had a way of looking into the future, which, in the course of time, has become today.

As we move from the electrical 1000s into the magnetic 2000s, it seems that there may be a lot more to Tesla’s work than our evolving minds can currently comprehend!

Here is a link to a very cool video in which modern day engineers/musicians used TESLA COILS  to make music at University of Illinois concert in 2013.  When watching this video, just think: WE are part electricity (light/consciousness) and part magnetism (the dark matter that receives the light and gives it visibility, grounding, and functionality). This is the interaction of masculine/feminine energy…. It also demonstrates why we cannot be all positive – or all negative – all the time, and still be balanced

Article posted on July 10, 2017: Happy Birthday Mr. Tesla!

This article was originally published in 2016



Feeling Sorry For YourselfIf you have been hurt – or if you are feeling ‘feeling sorry for yourself’, do not let guilt tell you it is wrong to feel that way. When you allow yourself to feel your own sorrow, or whatever emotions arise, you release yourself from the shock of your experience.

Denial keeps the shock in place – which prevents healing.

FEEL your emotions fully and let them move through and out of your body, without aiming them at others. This is a major part of the healing process.

Be sure to read your Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly forecasts, which are written with emotional healing in mind…Your Life Path Number will also be very helpful to you.

Visit my shop too. There is a wealth of information there.

WILL RISING …free will


As time moves forward and humanity evolves, we are outgrowing the antiquated, corrupt, and war-driven system that has been controlling us throughout the ages. This is not something we can simply ‘rise above’ or detach from. We are ALL part of this major transition in the human journey, each with our own unique and invaluable role in creating the future.

Feeling the emotions involved is a vital part of our evolution because the system gets its power by controlling our ability to feel and sense, which affects our ability to think and function. The human WILL is the emotional feminine energy that we all possess. And as the Will of humanity rises to protect and free itself, this is the part of us that is most under attack.

The more willingly we accept reality, the more easily the WILL will be able to release itself from its old programming. The freeing of the human Will is the next vital evolutionary step. Without it, we have no control over our lives whatsoever. Therefore, knowing what the Will is, and how it works, is essential.

We have been programmed to believe that the Will is simply “positive thinking”, determination – or stubbornness. From a religious perspective, we are told that it is God’s Will that matters. At the same time, religion tells us that God gave us Free Will. This is an enormous contradiction. We are also told that we are created in God’s image, which means that God must have a feminine side, or there would be no women in his creation.


Some religions are evolving too. Last month, after the US Military dropped their most powerful non-nuclear bomb on an air base in Afghanistan, Pope Francis issued a much needed criticism which speaks to the ongoing war on the feminine. He said it is wrong to call this bomb the “Mother of all bombs” (MOAB). “I was ashamed when I heard the name”, he said, “The word MOTHER should not be used in reference to deadly weapons.” He explained that a mother GIVES life. A bomb destroys life.  I have to say that this angle was unexpected.

The WILL is comprised of our emotions, feelings, senses, urges, matters of the heart, the feminine principles of life, and a strong empathy with ‘others’. (negative energy/magnetism)

In contrast, masculine SPIRIT (consciousness), is comprised of thought, intellect, vision, ideas, competition, the mind/body connection, light, action, and a strong sense of ‘self’. (positive energy/electricity)

Because the power and purpose of feminine energy is not given proper recognition, masculine energy often takes the credit. For instance, we are programmed to believe that INTUITION is a function of the masculine mind. But we also know that it is the overactive mind that prevents our natural responsiveness from getting through TO the mind. The enormous power of intuition is a product of the emotions – our ability to FEEL and SENSE.

We are now feeling and sensing on a much deeper level than ever before. The vibrations of our feelings open our minds. In turn, our minds give consciousness to our feelings. So, the more the system triggers our emotions, (as it will continue to do for a long time to come), the more we will be able to ‘see’ what’s actually happening. The 2000s brought us into an age of transparency, and a system that runs on secrecy cannot survive. But the damage this old system can cause on its way out is terrifying, and we have to face the facts about this. Our position in the journey is a transitional one. We are in a confusing and contradictory gap between two millennial cycles.

“Positive thinking”, without acceptance of reality and the feelings it triggers, is self-deception. To think positively means facing reality head-on, no matter how it makes you feel, and trusting yourself to deal with it in the most constructive way.

Indifference to other people’s suffering is also a form of emotional denial – and is often the result of our refusal to see the role that we ourselves are playing or have played. Without acceptance of reality, we rip the most important chapter from the book of our lives – the part where it all comes together and makes sense.

On our journey into Free Will, we have encountered enormous gaps in the human fabric which represent the unresolved differences between us. It often seems that there is no way to bridge them – but for as long as we remain divided, we remain conquered.

We are experiencing an attempted ‘hostile takeover’ of the world by corporations, with the oil industry and its connections to Russia at the helm. Resistance to this cruel industrial coup is strong and growing, and it is important to understand where our power is coming from -from our entire range of feelings. It is coming from our honesty, our intent, and our understanding of the facts. RESISTANCE IS THE WILL IN ACTION – taking a determined stand to free itself.

As exhausting as it often is, the resistance against this descent into fascism has been working well – which is all the more reason to expect attacks against it as we move ahead. Remember that they, too, are resisting. They are resisting the evolution of humanity, which is already in progress, and of which they are also a part (but don’t know it yet). We are one.

This resistance, and counter-resistance, is exactly what is happening in the inner human condition as our masculine minds fight off our feminine feelings. Inner peace brings outer peace. Everything starts within, including the disastrous imbalances of the outer world.

“Get up, Stand Up, Stand up for your rights.” ~Bob Marley

The Will is so powerful that the current system could not operate at all if this power was free. OR, without greed and corruption, it could operate beautifully, fairly, lovingly, creatively instead of destructively, and open to the enormous potential that fairness and equality would bring.

The purpose of government is to act on behalf of people and planet, and constantly adjust the points of balance so that life can flow naturally and creatively, without one form of energy overpowering another. The purpose of government is to MAINTAIN BALANCE, fairness, equality, and caring. Balance means adjusting as needed. It means arranging things in a way that enables energy to flow freely.

FREE WILL instinctively understands the laws of karma – cause and effect – and that life reacts to actions taken. There are no ‘punishments’ in life, but there are consequences and end-results. Emotion adds DEPTH to our lives and enables us to notice and comprehend complexity and detail as it takes us beneath the surface and behind the scenes.

Although the attempts to deliberately confuse and manipulate are real and dangerous, most of the heavy turbulence we are experiencing right now is due to the imbalance caused by inequality and unfairness. With so many governments defunding essential services, including education, environment, healthcare, food safety, workplace safety, and animal welfare, we must ask ourselves what the end result is likely to be. A heartless “culling” of life which the system deems unuseful, oppositional, inferior, or burdensome?

What the world is experiencing now is not just ‘politics as usual’. But it is the result of politics as usual. Those in control do not seem competent at all, but while that factor helps to curtail their efforts to some extent, it also makes them more dangerous because the consequence of power depends on the intent of whose hands it is in.

Criminally insane individuals have been elevated into positions of enormous power. When people focus narrowly on money and power, that is all they think about. Anything or anyone else is just clutter, secondary, unimportant, mere collateral.

“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”  ~Gandhi

As the WILL of humanity continues to rise, it is pushing back hard against this attempt to kill it. By nature, the WILL must EXPRESS itself, so be aware of attempts all over the world to suppress free speech, or to muddle communication so completely that no one knows what to believe. Be aware of the act of labeling factual information as ‘fake’, and replacing it with a fake response. The art of language-manipulation has upped its game in recent years. A lie is always easier to swallow when placed between layers of truth.

Remember too that when people engage in ‘circle-talk’ and deflective denial, (accusing one’s opponents of what you yourself are doing ), eventually those false accusations come full circle and hit the denier in the head. Denial will go to extraordinary lengths to deny, even when the denial is perfectly obvious to others.

As the industries that run the system become more automated – and greedier – they have less need for human workers. To be ‘industrious’ is to be “constantly, regularly, or habitually active or occupied.” However, the industrial system views those who are not working as a liability. That’s where the cruel concept of “austerity” comes in, and makes life as miserable as possible for the masses, even those who are loyal to the system. The slave-master mentality takes over, life is devalued, and people suffer and die.

When we moved from the 1000s to the 2000s, we changed frequency and direction. This millennial shift from masculine 1 to feminine 2 switched on our sensitivity, which was a shock for our minds.

Many people are still having difficulty dealing with their feelings because the mind tells them that to feel on this level cannot be ‘normal’, and is therefore ‘crazy’. Biological form is also impacted because that is what enables us to recognize what we feel – in the form of specific sensations in the body.

We must learn to accept our various feelings, no matter what they are, and allow this natural magnetic energy to pass through and out of us. Some feelings take a long time to move, such as grief, anger, and fear. We are programmed to shut these feelings down. We are told which feelings are appropriate and how long we should be feeling them. But emotion is far too spontaneous an energy to be controlled like that. In fact, that’s what Free Will is: spontaneity and openness.

Prolonged emotional suppression causes many of our illnesses, and is the basis of stress. Emotional expression is a natural pressure valve. It protects us from  being torn apart inside by the trauma we impose on our WILL. Stress is the pressure our feminine side feels when we hold our feelings BACK – push them down – or snap them out so fast that nothing is learned – and someone gets hurt. Stress is the push and pull of held-back magnetism. The weight of feelings that are being made to wait. GRAVITY within the body.

Nothing clears the mind and keeps our feet on the ground like a strong emotional experience. When emotion is recognized as the singular scientific element that it is, and not some obscure offshoot of the brain, this world will be a different and far more peaceful place. As Nikola Tesla put it, “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

Most importantly, we must learn to express our emotions with the intent to HEAL, NOT HARM. There is never a need to hurt yourself or anyone else in the process of emotional healing.

The cruel authoritarian streak that is marching across the planet is already doing terrible damage to our species – and all the species of Mother Earth. Truly accepting this fact is not a mental exercise. It will trigger some very deep feelings – and we cannot afford to cut ourselves off from this.

The feeling of compassion is the healing balm that will save humanity from itself – doing what’s right simply because it’s right. We only have to look at the suffering of migrants and refugees to see where a little compassion could help stabilize the world considerably. Immigration issues are not only the result of people having to flee from the horrors of OUR present-day wars in THEIR countries, but also the colonization and occupation of these countries in the course of history. In the present atmosphere of xenophobia and hate, it takes courage to truly care and express those feelings.

“You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.” ~Bob Marley

We must develop courage, including the courage to face our own reflections and see ourselves as we really are! And yet, courage is another thing that masculine energy seems to claim as its own. Courage is equated with testosterone, and having ‘balls’. Where courage is lacking, we are told to “man up”.  Courage comes from the HEART! (Cœur is French for heart). Courage is the result of the COMBINED power of thought and feeling. And because it is in the physical heart that all of our feelings and thoughts are processed, men and women everywhere are developing remarkable courage in all its forms. What amazingly resilient and complex beings we are!


2017 ~ WEEK 15

In this 1 Year, April is a 5 month.


April = 4.

1 + 4 = 5.

Week 15 runs from April 9 to 15. It has been a breathtaking week so far – because both 1 and 5 represent fast-moving action and fundamental change. The 4 energy of April corrects inaccuracy, and works hard to get to the truth. 4 operates through fact, detail, and precision. Of course, we will have to wait and see what all this is leading to. But in true 1/4/5 fashion, something significant seems to be unfolding here.

This is likely to include the American aircraft carrier, guided-missile destroyers, and other vessels, which are headed to the Korean Peninsula – at a time when the numbers 1 and 5 have tremendous significance to North Korea itself.

Not only is a large-scale military parade scheduled in Pyongyang for Saturday, April 15, to celebrate the 105th birthday of the late Kim Il Sung, the founder of the Kim Dynasty, April 15 is also the 105th day of the year. Kim Jong Un, according to American records, was born on 8 January, 1984, which places him right now in a 1 Year – 5 month.

1 + 5 = 6, and Kim Jong Un is preparing for his 6th Nuclear test.

ADDED APRIL 18: It now turns out that the aforementioned American war vessels were not headed for the Korean peninsula after all. It was either a lie – or great incompetence – bringing further question to the Trump administrations credibility. Given out by the American government as news, does this not constitute ‘fake news’?

Also, on Saturday April 15th, which is traditionally ‘Tax Day’ in the USA, protest marches are planned in Washington DC, and multiple cities and towns across the country, to demand the release of Donald Trump’s tax information, which would show where his true interests lie. Are these two events, in very different parts of the world, connected? With RUSSIA still very much in the picture – and possibly connected to the Brexit vote in the United Kingdom as well, again we will have to wait and see.

Numbers tend to cluster, visibly, around important events or potentials. And the numeric patterns forming this year are extremely complex because they occur in TRANSITIONAL energy – a gap that exists between one cycle and the next. This one is super-complicated because the 10/1 energy of 2017 is connected to the 10/1 energy of the decade – and the other cycles involved are a thousand years long.

This gap , or vacuum, forces us to confront the past – the 1000s – so we can finally learn what 1 has to teach, and then move into the 2000s without destroying ourselves – and the planet. We are seriously hampered by those who are trying to drag us BACK to a time when they felt most comfortable. FEAR OF CHANGE, and losing ‘position’ in the ‘race’, is so immense that it is dripping down on the world as terror.

The closer we get to the year 2020, the more intense life is likely to get. Therefore, because 2 is a slow and detail-filled energy, we have to slow ourselves down, individually, to the pace of 2 – the pace at which the details come into focus, instead of being just a blur because we are RACING past them. It does seem that 2020 is indeed going to be a year of vision and decision.

“everybody moving so fast – makes you feel like you’re already part of the past..” ~Ray LaMontagne, “Airwaves.”

2 is a gentle slow-moving energy, but if you try to push against it or speed it up, it pushes back hard and slows you down even more! 2 is the number of PATIENCE and TIMING.

1 is the number of THE SELF and a principle lesson of 1 is that we must BE ourselves, rather than what we are told we should be. We are human BE-ings. A principle lesson of this 1 Year is how to BE the unique beings we are in a world full of other unique beings.

2 is the number of COOPERATION and PEACE. 2 exposes hypocrisy like no other number, and reveals what’s going on under the surface and behind the scenes. Not only do we see it, we also feel and sense it. 2 is the number of sensitivity, intuition, and inner knowing.

2 represents the group – which is made up of individuals. 2 also holds the feminine desire for equality – not domination. The Black Lives Matter movement grew out of this dual focus and its impact has created a turning point in our understanding of racial matters, by exposing our systemic racism – not only in the USA, but everywhere.

It is so important to remember that the human ‘race’ is not our species. We are HUMANITY. We are DIVERSITY. The human ‘race’ is a system that is based on unfair competition, and “winning” at any cost. That was the way of the 1000s. The way of the 2000s is unity and cooperation – and the principle lesson here is that we are all in this together. WE ARE 1 .

 This one-two combination is helping us to recognize the extent of our diversity (potential), and the fact that human beings exist in SO MANY different forms. The old system keeps us boxed in to its categories (judgments) which keeps us at war with ourselves and each other. This 1-2 combination will eventually bring an end to this futile RACE to be #1, but meanwhile, the shaky balance continues to shift in all directions – and there is chaos.

What’s happening at this point in the journey goes way beyond party politics. This is survival – and NOT just survival of the ‘fittest’ (the richest). It is survival of all human beings – and all forms of life.

“If you don’t become the ocean, you’ll get seasick everyday.” ~ Leonard Cohen

We are being pushed and pulled in all directions, but in these ongoing jolts and stretches of uncertainty, humanity is evolving, emotionally and intellectually. We are feeling everything more deeply every day, and the vibrations coming from our feelings open our minds and release us from denial.

Notice that denial is highly visible now IN 2017. It is everywhere. As we recognize our own denials and stop denying, reality falls into view and the truth reveals itself. We see that many people in positions of power are demented and very sick individuals. The insanity of the old system has pushed its way to the top, and the inmates really are running the asylum. How power is used depends very much on whose hands it is in!

This week, the fiasco of White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, suggesting (during Passover) that “not even Hitler used chemical weapons”, shows the astounding ineptitude and ignorance of those in power. Spicer was reminded that over 6 million Jews and other groups, who were classified ‘subhuman’ by the nazi system, were gassed in Hitler’s concentration camps, which Spicer referred to as “Holocaust Centers”. In January, a White House Statement issued on Holocaust Remembrance day, omitted all reference to Jews. While nationalism has been a mainstay of the Trump campaign and presidency, it must be remembered that the very word ‘nationalist’ gave birth to the word “nazi”.

The heart-breaking images of Syrian children choking to death had a horrifying global impact. And yet, an estimated 274,000 Syrian civilians were killed before the images of the babies emerged. We all saw the images of Aleppo and the plight of the refugees as they were forced from their homes by the violence of our oil wars and literally made to roam the Earth – on foot – or at sea – looking for a safe place to exist. Where was the concern for Syria’s children then?

When we see people being abused, such as the airline passenger who was dragged from his paid-for seat because United Airlines wanted to dead-head some crew, most people could emphasize with what that poor man was going through, but at a time when it is imperative for us to learn about emotions in general, what about those inflicting the violence and indignity on him. What were THEY feeling? What do bullies feel when making others suffer? They feel POWERFUL … rendering the victim helpless with physical restraint, terrified of what might happen to them as every vestige of their Will, and their dignity, is taken away from them. Bullies inflict the weight of their “might” or “authority” on others because that is the only way they can FEEL powerful. The world is full of these weak, frightened, self-loathing individuals. The fear of failure involved here needs to be recognized and healed, because that is what lays the foundation for authoritarianism and dictatorship. All fascist regimes rely heavily on bullies in positions of authority.

The injustices, wars and atrocities going on in the world are the manifestation of the battles going on inside us, between our masculine minds and feminine feelings. Peace requires cooperation and forgiveness – and after a thousand years of constant conflict, it will not be an easy task. For as long as ‘winning’ is our objective rather than fairness, forgiveness, cooperation, and peace, these inner and outer wars can never end.

The chemistry of 1 and 5 acts as a catalyst, and the 10 energy of 2017 (and the 10 decade) adds SPEED, FOCUS, ORIGINALITY, and NEW POTENTIALS to the equation. This is a pivotal moment in the human journey – or at least, the beginning of a measurable evolutional movement which continues all the way through May – which is the 5th month of this 1 year.

The mind is a powerful thing, but when masculine mind and feminine emotion cooperate, we develop a balanced appreciation for who we are, what we are capable of, and why we are on Earth at this particular time. And we see this potential in others, too – without insecurity or jealousy, and with acceptance, not defensiveness. Feminine energy is our emotional energy, which exists in men and women alike. Feminine 2 does not seek to dominate. Rather, 2 supplies the balance and stability currently missing from life on Earth.

When mind and emotion work together in partnership with the physical body, we are whole. Or at least, we are more whole than we have ever been. Who knows what our potential then becomes.

The prominence of 1 and 5 is occurring within the 3 energy of the 21st century. In order to successfully transition from the 1000s to the 2000s we must learn about 3, since 3 is the product of 1 and 2.

3 is the number of EXPRESSION – and we must be aware of the effort being made to subdue all forms of expression that go against the old system. 3 is the number of the child, and the potential for some kind of rebirth, possibly of the human heart, (compassion). Meanwhile, images of suffering children are constantly showing on the world stage, to open our hearts to the plight of others.

Part of the art of brinkmanship is to keep people’s emotions jangled and frayed, so that any form of respite would be welcome. One of the main lessons of the 1000s is that war is not the answer. And more war is simply that – more war – the same old thing that we’ve always had. Peace cannot result from force.

George W. Bush famously said: “There’s an old saying in Tennessee. I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee.. (pause) fool me once, shame on… shame on you. (pause) fool me can’t get fooled again.”

Well, we must not – get fooled again. This is not real and meaningful change. Nationalism (nazi-ism) is not something that “rises”. It is something that we descend into – whenever the self-designated ‘ruling class’ feels threatened. The oil industry is the mainstay of the old system but its relevance is fading in the course of time. Clean, sustainable, renewable energy pours down on us – freely – from the sky, in the form of sun, wind, and rain, and is emerging as the obvious replacement. Bring back coal mining? Why?

Remember the days and years after 9/11 when it was deemed ‘unpatriotic’ to protest a “war president”. After the deadly debacle that the occupation of Iraq turned out to be, and still is, hopefully we have learned how easy it is to demand the allegiance of the people through deceptive words, images, and the staging of evidence.

“War against a foreign country only happens when the moneyed classes think they are going to profit from it.” George Orwell

In 2010 while he was the CEO of Exxon, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said that he acknowledged the fact that humans were affecting the climate to some degree, but the extent of it was unclear. “Therefore, what can you do about it?” He also said, “The world is going to have to continue using fossil fuels, whether they like it or not.”


3 is the number of drama. 3 is also the number of people and population. People have a BIG appetite for drama. We love to be entertained. And the entertainment industry knows how to trigger particular emotions. 3 is the number of the arts – both creative and destructive. Art reflects reality. But what are now called “reality shows” are false realities.

‘Reality shows’ are staged and scripted and designed to keep the audience engaged, eager, and distracted. Entertainment is BIG business. But we are at a stage in the journey here in 2017 at which we must regain our connection to the real world because we all have a part to play in creating what we desire life to be.

We have to be aware of the manufactured chaos, melodrama, and riveting cliffhangers. We have to be ultra-careful that we are not being drawn in to false story-lines. We have reached a new level of uncertainty, and we have to find our courage, weigh-up what we learn, and believe in our ability to feel, sense, and intuit our way through this rough ride into the future.

As humanity continues to evolve as a species, we will continued to be pulled back by the fear of change. No one wants to feel fear, but until we accept fear for the natural emotion it is, we will attract fearful situations which force us to face our fears. Fear is NOT the opposite of love. Hate is the opposite of love – and hate is NOT a natural emotion. Hate is a sick emotion – an ill feeling – which desperately needs to heal. And it is here in the interim – the mean time – that we have the opportunity for enormous inner healing. Fear is rising in the world, and we have to find a way to express it honestly rather than hold it in, transfer it onto others, or deny it altogether. Fear denied is the basis of terror.

 3 is the number of EXPRESSION. This is our power. We move forward by expressing what we feel – by being honest with ourselves. Emotion is our honesty – which is why this dishonest system programs us to subdue any feelings which do not serve the system. It is vital that we better understand the 3 energy of the 21st century because its 100-year span is playing an essential role here on Earth.

It is here and now, in this 10/1 year and this 10/1 decade that we must make these observations because the 3 energy is being used to deceive – on a global scale. It always was used in this way, but along with all the creative aspects of 3, its ability to conceal and deflect also reached a new level.

3 represents the enormous power of communication: words, images, appearances, creativity, beauty and the beast, sentimentality, attraction and repulsion, gossip, hearsay, ART in all its forms, artfulness, illusion, game-playing, drama, the stage, and how things are staged and presented.

3 is all about THE SHOW. And right now, life is being presented as a “reality show”. Communication must take place in a way that informs rather than confuses. Facts must be explained in whole sentences and paragraphs.

Finally, the following people, countries, and even one currency, are all in the 3 Year in 2017. Their 3 monthly and weekly forecasts have been very interesting just lately:
















…all of my old articles (from 2007) are available here


 © copyrightChristine DeLorey 2017 – all rights reserved

2017 ~ WEEK 10 ~ A NEW LEVEL

As we move through the 10th WEEK of this 10 YEAR in this 10 DECADE, the pace of our journey will accelerate. 1 represents forward movement, altered states, change, and speed. 10 brings us back to 1 (1+0=1), with the advantage of major lessons learned – and we have all learned a lot in recent months.

Although this ‘speeding up’ will be obvious in what is taking place in the outer world, 10 10 10 also brings inner movement as our masculine minds and feminine emotions reach new levels of cooperation within the biological body. This week’s energy cannot help but change the way we think and feel – each of us in our own unique way. 1 is the number of the individual, and represents our uniqueness.

The system has always been able to control the population by manipulating our thoughts and feelings. That is the principle tactic of the “war for hearts and minds” (which is actually a war against hearts and minds). With our basic senses under control, we cannot make sense of complex matters, or empathize with others who are suffering. But this tactic no longer has the same effect because the vibrations of this chaotic shift from the 1000s to the 2000s are unblocking our consciousness and expanding our awareness.

However, coming out of denial can produce shock, anger, grief, and fear. Being awake can be quite a nightmare! The multi-layered nature of the details, and the speed at which they are coming at us, can be overwhelming – which is why so many people feel drained and exhausted right now. 2 = DEPTH, DETAIL, and CONNECTING it all together.

Denial is a self-justifying barrier that stands between consciousness and reality. As the openness of the 2000s continues to bring the walls of denial down, we see just how great the role denial has played in keeping this cruel unbalanced system in place. We are likely to see all kinds of denials of reality this week, at every level – including the denials we all hold within ourselves. Everything starts within – and the turmoil in the outer world is a reflection of our inner turmoil.

You cannot fully accept yourself and deny certain parts of yourself at the same time. For instance, how can you love yourself unconditionally without accepting, loving, and taking responsibility for your own feelings? How can you love yourself unconditionally if you hate the way you look? Or the way you behave? This energy pinpoints parts of you which you believe are imperfect so you can develop more self-acceptance, and love yourself more fully. This means loving yourself as you are. This can only be done by you. And this week is an ideal time to gain a deeper understanding of self-denial.

Our dilemma is that 1 is the energy we are evolving from, (the ways of the 1000s), and our waning resistance to change is almost as powerful as our increasing resistance to oppression. But, thankfully, as we move further into the 2000s, we are undergoing a natural transition in which the Will of humanity is rising to free itself, and move forward into present time.

1 is the first number – the number of leadership. We are experiencing the consequences of allowing ourselves to be ‘led’ by dangerous power-hungry individuals, instead of learning how to lead our own individual lives. The old political system – with its narrow range of left and right – cannot possibly represent the full spectrum of humanity in all our diversity. Bringing down a heartless, corrupt, and incompetent system is certainly desirable, but replacing it with a more extreme version of itself is not change – it is self-delusion, and the insanity of repetition.

The majority is made up of minorities… and the whole notion of racial, sexual, and genetic superiority is fading into the absurd… especially as the incompetence and ignorance of those who espouse such hatred becomes increasingly apparent. We are ALL citizens of the world.

10 is coming to life this week – showing us new steps – new possibilities – and making us aware of how ordinary people can do, and aspire to do, extraordinary things. It makes us aware of how ordinary people can live as they want to live, rather than be told how they are supposed to be living, by people who are unqualified to make such assessments. This week’s burst of triple-10 energy gives us an opportunity to move beyond previous programming and step more confidently into our lives, despite the chaos going on around us.

“We had too many people who wanted to save the world. We lost sight of the fact that our primary purpose is to create value for our shareholders.” ~Former BP CEO, Tony Hayward

With the focus so strongly on the SELF this week, nothing is more needed than the authentic confidence that comes from believing in our ability to handle whatever life brings. We cannot reach this state through mere ‘selfishness’. If we are here on this planet at this particular time in the journey, then we came here to be part of the change from 1 to 2; from imbalance to peace. Of course, it is just as likely that other souls came here to prevent such a shift.

People (and animals) are suffering beyond belief, as some continue to profit from the destruction of this abundant planet and refuse to share her resources. We often forget that the basis of feminine energy on Earth is Mother Nature herself. She IS the material world. There is nothing we have that did not come from HER.

Everything affects everything. It is all connected. 1 is the nucleus of all the other numbers, and we are in the process of a nuclear reaction that is occurring on the inside – at the emotional magnetic level. The effect this is having on the electrical outer world appears to be chaotic when in fact it is our only hope of healing our damaged planet and everything on it. We actually need to be experiencing this chaos – because it was the only thing that woke us up – so entrenched was the conditioning that the system imposed on us.

March is the 3rd month. And the 3 energy is very strong right now. 3 is the number of communication, creativity, the arts, ‘the stage’, and how things are staged. 3 is the number of illusion, magic, and the setting of moods and scenes. March is the 3rd month of this 1 year, all of which connects to the creative 3 energy of the 21st century. (2+1=3). New levels will be reached here, too: new highs and, unfortunately, new lows.

QUADRUPLE 10:  Both Monday, March 6, and Friday, March 10 are 10 10 10 10 days in the world (40), which also connects us to the 4 energy produced by March in the 1 Year (3+1=4). 4 represents matters of identity, limitation, work, how things work, logic, problems and how to solve them, order, system, determination, and breakthrough.

Tuesday, March 7 is an 11/2 day in the world which will provide more light and transparency. It is also the 66th day of the year. 66 is a master number, and is the most balanced form of creative 3 (6+6=1+2=3).

This week is the ideal time to DO what you’ve been putting off. If you are presented with an obstacle of some kind, accept what cannot be done and BEGIN something else. Only you can know what this means. For instance, someone may see this as an opportunity to change course and do something different and specific. Another person may see this as an opportunity to finally take a break from a situation that was draining his or her energy.

No matter what happens, this is a highly creative and innovative time for us all. Not just in matters of art and entertainment, but in terms of starting to create a new existence for ourselves. New life is emerging out of the chaos. And precious new lives are entering the world every moment of every day. People are discovering new solutions and ideas which nurture instead of destroy, and love instead of hate. 10 is the energy that enables us to evolve from one stage to another. 10 enables real and measurable progress. And the closer we get to 2020, the more 10 has to teach us.

10 is a fast-paced evolutionary step. Remember that 1 is the energy we are evolving from – and that we evolve at the same rate that we learn what 1 has to teach. This week, 10 puts us on the fast track as far as this learning is concerned.

Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.   ~Gandhi

 As the old system fights so ruthlessly to retain power, we are moving through a level of uncertainty and danger which most of us have never faced before. This emotional pressure is forcing us to FEEL our feelings on a much deeper level. As a result, the WILL of humanity is rising up – in the form of open expression and a new level of determination to be free.

It is the fascist mindset that has imprisoned the Will to the extent that most people do not know what the Will is and how essential it is to life itself. The WILL is the part of us that the system extracts in order to keep itself running. The Will is feminine energy – magnetism – emotion.

Resistance to oppression requires us to use our full emotional range – without forcing or denying any feeling – but just responding HONESTLY to our experiences. The Will IS our honesty – our realness – and our barometer as to what is good and what is not. Week 10 brings THE FREEING OF THE WILL to a new level, too.

Some people are so afraid of being hurt or harmed that they deny this fear, and replace it with a form of ‘hardness’ which prevents the Will from moving and freeing itself. But we are at a new level now. It’s OK to soften this stance, accept what happened to you as part of the road you have traveled, let go of the pain of the past, forgive, and allow personal HEALING to occur.

The frenetic pace of events often leaves us feeling drained and hopeless. While these are indeed honest feelings, resistance can be strengthened by noticing and expressing our lighter feelings, too. If we allow the heaviness to bring us down completely, we may never be able to get up again. So remember to breathe, to eat, rest, play, laugh, and love. Resist by keeping the loving and happy aspects of life ALIVE! Resist by appreciating all that is good in life – and there is so much good out there as we continue to evolve.

Feminine 2 is Masculine 1’s natural partner – but the war against the feminine is at the root of why humanity is the only species on Earth that is at war with itself. This is where the atrocity of racism BEGINS. 1 is the number of beginnings and root cause.

1 is the seed, the start, the individual, “I AM”, self-awareness, ego, and self-acceptance. 1 is the electrical masculine energy within us all. 1 is our connection to consciousness (“I think, therefore I AM”), and we are now at a point in the journey where we must evolve beyond mere self-consciousness into the perpetually healing current of SELF ACCEPTANCE and genuine SPONTANEITY. This week’s multiple 10 vibrations provide a large-scale opportunity to reach new levels of self acceptance (and throughout this 10/1 Year in this 10/1 Decade).

We do have to remember though, that this includes new lows as well as new heights. We can expect new levels of manipulation and control. Don’t let it suck you in. Resist. The emotional/mental tug-of-war going on within us requires us to make a firm decision about the direction we desire our lives to take. 1 represents both speed and change – and the emergence of new possibilities. The old system is dying. To go back into it is to die with it. This is not how life is supposed to be, and we cannot ‘normalize’ it if we are to find our way through it.

“We are the ONES we have been waiting for”. ~Unknown

ONE is the number of SELF. The individual. As the 1 energy of the 1000s evolves further into the 2000s, we are learning about the power of unity when practiced from the ever-expanding position of love, rather than the limited and shrinking position of selfishness, greed, hate, and the inability to feel satisfaction. We have been conditioned to deny whatever we don’t want to face, but this programming is unraveling as we evolve in the course of time. We are starting to learn as we go. We are starting to BE who we really are inside. The true SELF is emerging. There is so much truth in Gandhi’s words: “We must BE the change we want to see in the world”.

There is so much wisdom from the past which we must hold onto. There are many aspects of the past that must be preserved as the system continues to destroy itself. Here’s another timely observation, this time from Albert Schweitzer:

I am life that wills to live, in the midst of life that wills to live”.


…all of my old articles (from 2007) are available here

2017 ~ THE POWER OF 10

2017 is a 10/1 Year in a 10/1 Decade. There are only 9 basic numbers. Every number beyond 9 is a variation of the original 9. Therefore, the natural function of 10 is to bring us to the ‘NEXT LEVEL’, where we start again, but with the advantage of what we learned along the way. (2+0+1+7=10=1).

1 is the starting point. 1 is the ‘seed’, the individual, the SELF. It teaches that we must love ourselves in order to know the depth at which we can love others. Self love is self respect. This year, we are learning about the power of our own uniqueness, individuality, and honest feelings. This is true of any 1 Year, but the DOUBLE-10 energy of 2017 cannot help but have profound evolutionary effects. Self acceptance is the inner peace that brings peace to the outer world.

Learning from previous experience is a central part of the 10 vibration. Now, in 2017, 10 is strengthening humanity’s resolve to resist the grip of fascism that is trying to take root throughout the world. This is not change. This is resistance to change. And so, there are two very different types of resistance going on at the same time, creating an inevitable tug-of-war between the past and present – to determine the future.


10 brings us to the ‘NEXT STEP’ in a tired old system that allows a few power-hungry individuals to decide the fate of all life. 1 is the number of SELF and COMPETITION. 2017 will bring all this into the clear light of day.

The election of Donald Trump reflects the extreme aspects of the 1 energy which pertain to EGO. He is unaccustomed to being challenged and does not know how to handle the emotions that arise when he is confronted or disappointed. His ego is overinflated one minute and extremely fragile the next. His tendency to fight off his feelings is reflected in his inability to let go of perceived ‘slights’ and just move on. His misogynistic, racist, and revengeful behavior has been well documented over the decades. As president, his first executive orders included attacks on science (knowledge), human rights, women’s rights, and multi-pronged attacks on the ultimate feminine source – Mother Earth. In 2017, we realize that this is not ‘politics as usual’. It is a matter of survival.

However, it is important to understand that what is happening now had to happen! Life in the OUTER world is a reflection of our INNER reality, as individuals (1), and collectively (2). The ‘awakening’ of humanity has been a slow process because the system controls the Will of the people by controlling our emotions. In the sensitive vibrations of the 2000s, the Will is rising anyway, and controlling the Will of the people is not as easy as it used to be.

goodbye-2016And then, along came 2016 – a very unpopular year. And yet, for many it was the best year ever in terms of growing, expanding one’s awareness, and becoming whole. Its spiraling 9 energy certainly ravaged our feelings. But those strong emotional vibrations forced open our reluctant minds and revealed a more accurate picture – and we see things more clearly now.

2 is the number of unity, but this can work both ways. We can unify as individuals and work together to accelerate the healing of the human Will – or we can allow guilt and fear to justify unity with those who oppress us. When active and resourceful 1 combines with sensitive and transparent 2, we become more aware of tactics, methods, and choices. The 1/2 combination provides the ability to trust your own senses, connect dots, let the denial go, and see the bigger picture.

Self expression is our primary resource. Our ability (and need) to communicate propels us forward in life. If we are made to “shut up”, we would have no incentive to create, invent, explore, enjoy, or love – and our lives would become shallow and meaningless. Words MATTER. Communication in all its forms is the realm of the magical number 3 – which is the result of 1 and 2 combined.

The presentation of lies to erase the truth is brain-washing – or tactical denial. We are all holding various realities in denial. We don’t know we’re doing it because denial takes our memory. Denial denies it is denial. And because we learn from history and from past mistakes (and successes), obscuring our memory and normalizing an abnormal situation ensures that we do not evolve. The transparency of 2 is breaking down the WALLS of denial. Knowledge is power.

WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 21: Protesters walk during the Women's March on Washington, with the U.S. Capitol in the background, on January 21, 2017 in Washington, DC. Large crowds are attending the anti-Trump rally a day after U.S. President Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th U.S. president. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)

On January 21st, 2017, the uprising of women in pink hats, all across the world, and men who supported them, was a massive reflection of what is happening WITHIN the human species. That was a 5 day in the world – the number of freedom, sex, conception, the physical body, spontaneity, excitement, adventure, variety, the unusual, and living life to the full. Feminine energy IS the Will – and the surge of PINK that occurred on that stunning 5 day was the WILL of the people – rising to free itself.

We are in the 2000s, and feminine 2 is the number of unity, equality, justice, cooperation, patience, detail, diplomacy, caring, teamwork, BALANCE, and peace. These are the only conditions in which stability and peace have a chance to form.

Feminine 2, by nature, does not want to control life. Feminine energy is the bringer of life and, above all, wants life to SURVIVE. Right now, the survival instinct that exists in both women and men (the 1st chakra) is very much alive as we FEEL and SENSE the gravity of the situation.

We are having to hold ourselves together in a level of vibrational turbulence that we have never experienced before. 1 reflects our precious individuality, and 2 reflects the need for cooperation among individuals. 1 is the number of electricity and the mind. 2 is the number of magnetism and the emotions. So we can expect quite a few electric shocks and magnetic tugs as 2017 unfolds.

As we move from the old greed-driven masculine 1000s to the uncharted feminine territory of the 2000s, we are evolving into openness, honesty, and free will. But the determination of the old system to hold on to power and privilege has never been more fierce and heartless. We cannot evolve from 1 to 2 without severely damaging ourselves, or perhaps even destroying ourselves, unless we learn what 1 has to teach. Its lessons are profound, and here we are – learning them – in this 10/1 Year within this 10/1 decade. This 10/10 energy is preparing us for ongoing change and rapid evolution – as we get closer to the year 2020. (10+10=20).

1 and 0 represent the binary code and the basis of computerization. While matters of the internet and Net Neutrality have been major issues for many years, we will reach new levels of concern in 2017. After all, today’s technology has been most instrumental in exposing the greed and cold-heartedness that is causing the great imbalance that is toppling the system.

Free Will depends on free expression. But the twisting of language, the falsifying of facts (lying), and the manipulation of feelings, create the confusion and mental exhaustion that enable dictators to take control. Our emotions are under constant attack, which is why we MUST learn more about their true power and purpose. Don’t go numb. Stay awake and aware.

1 is the first number – the nucleus of all the other numbers. Therefore, matters of nuclear power, nuclear weapons, and nuclear waste, are cause for great concern in the current global atmosphere, especially when 1 is doubled and the number 11 comes into play. Just as 10+10=20, 1+1=2.

1 is the number of independence and leadership. But the patriarchal system makes us dependent on others to lead us, instead of learning how to lead our own lives. This leaves us vulnerable to authoritarians who have a knack for convincing people that only “they” know what is best for us and that we are simply incapable of leading ourselves. This old dogma cannot hold in the openness of 2.

These are very karmic times, which is to say that outer reality, and the way you are viewing it, offers specific experiences and lessons which can bring you to your next step. Karma is the wheel of unlearned lessons. Experience is our teacher.

One of the gifts that came from the emotional chaos of 2016 was COURAGE. As a result, here in 2017, what is waking in this “1 Year of the Individual” – is HUMANITY’S HEART – 1 heart at a time. It’s going to take a while..


…all of my old articles (from 2007) are available here

 © Christine DeLorey 2017 – all rights reserved


January 20, 2017 = 1 2 1. This is a very significant date in the human journey. These numbers reflect our position in the volatile space between one millennium and the next. We are experiencing the vibrational differences between the electrical masculine 1000s and the magnetic feminine 2000s. And the shocks will continue until we finally wake up to the enormity of what is happening.

While 1 signifies speed, action, and the start of something new, 2 slows everything down by drawing attention to important details which must be recognized and dealt with before real progress can be made.


4 is the number of order, foundation, method, system, facts and figures, and effective organization. 4 is the number of effectiveness. However, until we feel its powers of determination and purpose, 4 can create limitation, delay, and the feeling of being boxed-in. 4 teaches us that every problem has its answers and solutions if we are patient enough to find them – and then find the most effective way to put them into practice. 4 represents results through hard work. This confirms that although the journey of 2017 will not be easy, 4 gives us the power of perseverance.

We cannot solve a problem until we understand its true nature, and we are dealing with complex and dangerous matters now. The first step to stabilizing our position is acceptance of reality. Eyes wide open! Denial is easy to spot in this age of transparency – but the old guard cannot operate in openness and is trying desperately to push everything back into secrecy.

It’s OK to be afraid. Fear is a natural part of the emotional range, with its own power and purpose. It is fear that is waking people up right now! Fear is not the problem. Denial of fear is the problem. Indifference is the problem. Being paralyzed by fear is the problem, too. Constant distraction is the problem. As evolving beings, we must learn to accept what must be feared, and discard the petty or false fears which keep us tied to this floundering way of life.

January 20, 2017, marks the beginning of a serious segment of the journey in which humanity is starting to recognize the power of its own Will (feminine energy), which is rising up against the old ways of oppression, and the ridiculous notions of white supremacy and patriarchy. The war on women is real and terrifying, and women are fighting back.

Yin_and_Yang.svgThe Will is our ability to feel and sense. The Will is also MOTHER’S LOVE and the natural tendency to nurture and protect, and we all possess this energy, male and female alike. The Will (emotion) is YIN and the Spirit (consciousness) is YANG, both of which are different but equal – and interdependent. But this male-driven system must keep the feminine down in order to maintain its dominance. This cannot continue as the feminine 2000s unfold.

45 is also prominent today because it marks the inauguration of the 45th POTUS, which is the result of an election that occurred in Week 45 of 2016. Both 45 and 2016 add up to 9 – the number of endings, conclusions, awareness, and emotional healing. 4 = restriction, 5 = freedom. 9 is the most emotional number of all (from the heights of happiness to the depths of despair), and there is no doubt that people are experiencing extraordinary depths right now.

This numeric combination tells us that this is NOT the beginning of a new system, but the end of the old one – this unfair, out of balance, and utterly cruel way of life.

Donald Trump will bring the system down because that is what greed is bound to do in the end – consume itself. Racial matters are coming to a head because that is what the old class system IS – the race to be number 1 – “winner” take all. But that is not the true nature of life. We cannot discover our true potential while a person’s “value” is based on how much money they have, the color of their skin, the nature of their culture, their religion, or who they love. Life is not about winning. It is about living.

The 20th day of January 2017 connects us directly to the millennial energy of the 2000s, and reminds us that the NEW system will not be based on competition (1), but on cooperation (2). Peace will come through peaceful desire and diplomacy, not more war.

No matter what happens on the long and difficult road ahead, just remember that the human RACE is not a species. The human RACE is the system itself. The human RACE must end, so that a free humanity can begin…


LEAVING 2016 (week 50)

Calendar week 50 runs from December 9th to 15th. It is a 5 Week in the world. This week’s unpredictable 5 3 9 combination acts as a catalyst for a major change of direction. The abruptness of unforeseen events can throw us off-guard or give a false appearance, so this is no time to ignore what’s happening in our world. Awareness of reality is our greatest safety net.

This is a 5 WEEK: the sudden, unexpected, unusual, and diverse.

3 MONTH: appearance, performance, and all forms of communication.

9 YEAR: the end of an era – drama – deep emotions – increased awareness.

After the grinding of gears we experienced in the last 10 weeks when all the Week Numbers began with restrictive 4, we now have three weeks ahead of us in which the Week Numbers begin with 5 – the number of freedom, movement, sudden development, gender and sex, physical presence, diversity, and anything that is ‘different’. Impulsive moves can create havoc, so we need to think carefully before rushing forward.

5 brings change, and a big change occurred on Friday, December 9, the very first day of Week 50, when the CIA announced that it has growing evidence (along with 16 other US intelligence agencies), that Russia interfered with the U.S. presidential election, in favor of Donald Trump. How this plays out in the days and weeks ahead, is impossible to guess – and this level of uncertainty is a 5 characteristic – on a major scale. This affects not only the United States, but many other democracies around the world which Russia may want to influence.

Because 5 sits at the very center of the numeric spectrum, events can shift without warning in any direction, which is why CHOICE is such a major aspect. The question “where do we go from here?” looms large. Knowing what our options are is vital.

The choices being made at the government level affect our lives deeply – and we really do need to better understand the intent behind them.

Not only are we learning from previous experience, but also from new experience in present time. There is nothing ‘normal’ about current conditions. 5 exposes our habits, addictions, and programmed beliefs, and breaks down deceptive structures and walls where truth is hidden. 5 often gives us an erratic, fast-moving, and chaotic dose of reality. Things can happen very quickly in the 5 energy – here today – gone tomorrow.

Caution is needed in our personal lives, and in the world at large, because 3, 5 and 9 are accident-prone vibrations, especially when our attention is distracted and scattered.

When 5 and 9 combine, the karmic 14 energy is formed, and the potential for mistakes and mis-steps increases. 1 = forward movement while 4 = restriction, and we can easily get ‘lost’ when we are unfocused or indifferent to what is happening around us. On the other hand, when we learn from mistakes instead of repeating them, karmic 14/5 can deliver fast and meaningful progress.

5 is where EVERYTHING MEETS – and there are bound to be clashes. However, when we take things slowly enough to observe the obvious details, and deeply enough to unearth the hidden details, one opportunity leads to another.

When 3 and 5 combine, the resulting 8 energy enables inner desire to manifest on the physical plane. This is the vibration of conception and pregnancy. The 3/5 combination can bring new life into a situation – or into the world. This is a time of waiting and expectancy – and while this can indicate much joy and excitement – there is also much fear about a re-birth of fascism.

8 is the number of power on the material plane – and the great battle for power (which has always existed at the top of the class system) has lost any semblance of ‘trickling down’ on the masses. The fall-out from the great fight at the top is gushing down now and affecting everyone. There is an old African saying “When elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers”. And the ‘grass’ is suffering terribly – the people – the animals – and all of the natural world. Remember that the consequence of power depends on whose hands it is in.

As Donald Trump continues to put together a government of bankers, generals, oil men, and hardliners, who clearly oppose the purpose of their assigned departments, we must ask why Russia put so much effort into helping him, and why he is choosing these particular people, many of whom are deeply involved in Russian commerce. And as feminine energy (free will) rises, the more it is likely to be attacked. The anti-woman makeup of Trump’s appointees is quite chilling. 3 key choices have been accused of sexual or physical abuse against women, as has Trump himself.

Many who profited the most from the old system of the male-driven 1000s either do not realize that the system is collapsing under the weight of its own unfairness and top-heaviness, or they do realize it, and are having a last ditch attempt to revive those ‘good old days’. But time moves forward regardless. The balance-seeking energy of the feminine 2000s will eventually render this battle over, and put it in its proper place, in the past. Meanwhile, fascism must be vehemently resisted.

Once we accept the reality of a situation, 5 can help reduce our fears through its gift of resourcefulness, and its ‘can-do’ sense of adventure. 5 teaches us how to find our way forward when we cannot tell which way forward is. 5 can help us sort through and weigh up the FACTS and ensure that the mistakes of history are not repeated. Notice the effort to obscure the meaning of the words ‘fact’ and ‘truth’, and manipulate people into believing the ridiculous notion that “facts don’t matter.” This has always been a tactic of this dishonest system, but now it is more blatant.

A much bigger picture is forming which goes way beyond party politics, and focuses on nation against nation, and the alliances between nations and corporations that are now forming. Gigantic corporate mergers are in the works which will evoke corporate dominance – and disempower the population. The proposed merger between ATT and Time Warner could destroy any privacy we currently have, but that is not the only issue. It could also make it impossible for millions of people to access the internet at all, simply by making their services unaffordable. After all, it is the internet that is currently providing the transparency through which we are able to gain awareness of how the system works.

Fascism is the most heartless extreme which always tightens its grip when capitalism is on the downswing. Fear of loss then sends the deadly disease of GREED into overdrive, and ‘austerity measures’ are put into play. This robs the population of fundamental needs -basic human rights – so that the ‘weakest’ cannot survive at all.

Fascism must be resisted with all our might (and we have more power than we seem to realize), but it is not just a matter of protesting, marching, suing, and whatever other means are available. If fascism does take hold, open resistance will have to go underground. That situation does not yet exist – but this is not ‘politics as usual’. It is an attempt to totally control all the people, and all of life, indefinitely.

December is a DOUBLE 3 MONTH. The first 3 comes from the month itself (1+2=3), and the second 3 is the result of adding 2016 to it. (3+2+0+1+6=1+2=3). 3 represents people and population, happiness, sunshine, friends, joy, and the lighter side of life. The reverse side of 3 = misery, gloom, hopelessness, enemies, bitterness, and the depths of despair.

3 is also the number of OPTIMISM, which is a powerful force when mixed with realism. Humanity has so much to discover and look forward to, but we have to create it ourselves. 3 is the number of CREATIVITY. We have to ‘BE the change we want’. And that is something we must keep in our hearts, no matter how things unfold in the days, weeks, months, and years ahead.

3 is the number of COMMUNICATION – but the deceptive word-play and outright lies with which we are currently dealing is bringing confusion to a new level. How do we wade through this muck? Remember that everything starts within. Know who you are. Know how you feel. Know what is truly in your heart. BE that person. Care about others. And be prepared to learn and evolve as you go. Have faith in yourself. Have faith in life.

What we are going through now cannot be avoided in the course of our evolution. We can never go back to how things were. If we learn from both our mistakes and successes, what is good will stay and what is not will fall away. We can only go forward. The drag we are feeling is the result of trying to hold on to the past and move forward at the same time. We can only let go of the past by learning what it has to teach.

LEAVING 2016 (week 49)

This is calendar Week 49. What an exhausting year 2016 has been – with 4 more weeks to go!  In this spiraling 9 Year of drama and trauma – and this wobbling Leap Year of insecurity and disbelief – our emotions have been so deeply unconscious that we had to be shocked into seeing the reality of our world, our lives, our leaders, and our selves. But denial is hard to escape from because denial’s nature is to deny its own existence. Denial of reality is life’s real ‘darkness’, and has always been our biggest barrier to evolvement.

At a time in the human journey when we are evolving emotionally, our feelings are ferociously under attack, which is why so many people feel drained and exhausted. We are being spun. At the same time, fascism, which deviously feeds off the genuine concerns of citizens, continues to rise, everywhere. One of the most important lessons we can learn in week 49 is that people are not easily controlled when they are aware of the methods used to control them.

4 is the number of FACT and DETAIL, and here we are in the final week of a 10-week cycle in which all the week numbers began with 4 – the number of order, system, restriction, obstruction, delay, hard work, dedication, our sense of identity, and breakthrough.

4 has taught us a lot about the 4th Estate – otherwise known as the press. Journalism acquired this title because their principle role is to report the truth and help keep governments and corporations honest – and should be looked upon (unofficially) as the 4th branch of government. That is how essential the press is meant to be. But of course, this requires dedication to the truth – which cannot coexist with concerns about “ratings”, being the ‘first’ to report, or a journalist’s personal ‘image”.

Week 49 is a karmic 13/4 week which holds important lessons about carelessness when attention to detail is essential – about insisting on doing things “your way” – and about identifying yourself by the work you do, or the persona you reflect, rather than the person you are.

4 seeks out the illogical and incorrect and replaces it with practicality and accuracy. This energy thrives on detail, formula, routine, organization, and the recognition of patterns. However, if learning is not the intention, 4 can also bulldoze its way over anything that crosses its path in order to prove itself right – and superior.

Week 49 brings plenty of obstruction, but also the means and determination to break through barriers. Don’t be distracted by trivial or irrelevant matters. This is an opportunity to escape from denial and move with more ease into the light of reality, even if we do not like what we see there. We cannot change what we refuse to look at.

4 means getting organized and constructing a firm foundation from which to work. Solid information sources and organization are essential to maintaining freedom in the months and years ahead, despite any obstructions and distractions that are thrown in our path.

4 is the number of practicality, maturity, determination, effort, and the kind of enthusiasm that can only be maintained by realism – and approaching goals with both firmness and flexibility. 4 can make us very stubborn at times, but the 9 energy of 2016 can help us LET GO of the need to be ‘right’ all the time and actually learn something new. 4 is the number of common sense and logic.

Situations may arise in which the number 13 is brought forward in relevant ways, such as the 13th Amendment, which was ratified 151 years ago on December 6, (a 9 day in the world) and which corresponds directly to the surge of white supremacy which has arisen in the USA – and throughout the world). The whole question of RACE is reaching a critical stage – as the cracks in this dying system reveal the horrific imbalance that exists between human beings.

We are not the human ‘RACE’.  The human race is a system, not a species.

We are humanity – humankind – and we have not even begun to understand our purpose and potential because the system depends on our not knowing it. In this system we are simply units of work.

But we are not here in creation to provide labor to some industry or other. We are here to create – not destroy. What’s happening now threatens to subdue the creative pulse with a destructive one – which is self destruction. No imagination. No resourcefulness. Small mindedness. Closed mindedness. Minds focused so narrowly on greed or hate that the mind shrinks and mindlessness sets in.

4 represents the FACTS OF THE MATTER. But this term is all too often used to communicate opinion. A surge of ant-intellectualism is sweeping through the world and is being communicated very noticeably. 3 is the number of COMMUNICATION, and December is a DOUBLE 3 MONTH (1+2=3+9=1+2=3).

Anti-intellectualism – part of the dumbing-down process – reached new levels this week when Trump spokesperson, Scottie Nell Hughes, communicated to Diane Rehm of NPR that there is “no such thing as facts any more”.

No such thing as knowledge? No difference between fact and opinion? Between fact and fiction? She went on to cast doubt on the existence of truth itself – and implied that we cannot actually ‘know’ anything for sure.

COMMUNICATION is transmission. It is how we think and learn – and it is under attack by the remnants of an old unsustainable way of life which runs on fear, greed, and hate.

In a month when communication is the principle theme, it is important to know that this age-old tactic of extreme nihilism has always been used in nazi and fascist propaganda. Skepticism at this dangerous level is the denial of any objective basis for truth, and renders communication almost impossible. 3 is perhaps the most magical number. It is the number of happiness, after all. But it can also be the shallowest. Shallowness is lack of depth, curiosity, feeling, intellect, effort.

Part of 3’s magic is the power of OPTIMISM, which is another word for HOPE. That is what carries through bad times. Without it, we sink into the depths of despair. HOPE is the last thing to go! So hold on to it. It is the belief that we can learn how to change what needs to change, and that we have it in us to turn things around.

This karmic 13/4 Week began on the 337th day of this Leap year (3+3+7=13/4), so here is another double vibration. KARMA is the learning of what we most need to know in order to move forward. Karma teaches the laws of cause-and-effect. If you do “this” – this will happen. If you do “that” – that will happen … and these are deeply karmic times.

The 13/4 vibration of Week 49 can help us gain more understanding of the role we have played in allowing certain things to happen by ignoring the ‘how’ and ‘why’. We don’t go deeply enough into the facts. But the path we are on right now is unfamiliar and potentially perilous. We don’t know where it’s leading – so we need to focus, look beneath mere surface appearances, and pay attention to the details.

Mass communication is a way of getting inside everyone’s head at the same time. This is why the proposed merger between the communications giants AT&T and Time Warner is such an important issue. If it goes through, it would give them the unprecedented power to control everything we hear, see, and do, online.

One of the emotions so many people are feeling at this time (but may not have identified as such) is the fear of being trapped with no way out. We all experience this in our own way because we are individuals, and our circumstances and backgrounds are different. Understandably, we avoid this fear at all costs, because it feels SO bad. So we compromise. We make decisions that we believe will ensure we never have to feel this feeling – and we end up feeling it anyway because that is what denied emotions do. Fear is not the problem. Being unable to face our fears is the problem – and the more we refuse to face our fears, the more we attract conditions that force us to do so. No one wants to live in fear. That would be like living in constant hell. Therefore, we must learn how to properly process this natural emotion, the purpose of which is to keep us safe.

Talking of communication and learning experiences, President Elect Trump made a serious error this week by communicating with the president of Taiwan, apparently with no knowledge of the treaty between the United States and China. Another aspect of nihilism is the rejection of established laws and institutions – which may sound attractive to some. But in a world which so desperately needs diplomacy, not provocation, this is extremely reckless. This is how wars are started. We are in the 2000s, and 2 is the number of peace through diplomacy.

And talking of treaties, Monday, December 5 marks the eviction deadline for the embattled but determined water protectors at Standing Rock, North Dakota. Since April, they have been protesting the planned pipeline of oil company, Dakota Access, across Native American land and waterways. Just one oil spill would contaminate the water supply and decimate sacred religious and spiritual sites. 2,000 American veterans are expected to arrive in North Dakota by Monday to protect and stand with them.

The emphasis on LAND and WATER is extremely important here, not only because we need water to survive as a species, but also because emotion is FLUID and is symbolized by water. Emotion is feminine energy, emotion is under attack, and you can’t get more feminine than Mother Nature – the giver of both land and water.

UPDATE Dec 4: The Obama Administration will not grant the necessary permit for the Dakota Access Pipeline. This most favorable result, after months of deeply emotional protest and great hardship, reflects the human WILL (the feminine principle) at work. Most especially the will of the people right there on the ground, but also the will of millions of people in the US and around the world who supported them. Of course, this is probably not the end of the story. That pipeline has to go somewhere…

Note too, that the independent and foreign press covered this major event in great detail, while the US mainstream media it gave minimal attention.

The entire world is at the mercy of people who do not understand the true value of the ecosystem because they measure value in terms of currency, and overlook the greater reality. They control all the food, water, air, seed, and soil. The point here is that knowledge is power, and they lack knowledge. They will eventually fail.

This week, one of the world’s greatest scientific minds, Stephen Hawking, wrote an article about Brexit – and the election of Donald Trump. Here is an excerpt:

“…we are at the most dangerous moment in the development of humanity. We now have the technology to destroy the planet on which we live, but have not yet developed the ability to escape it. Perhaps in a few hundred years, we will have established human colonies amid the stars, but right now we only have one planet, and we need to work together to protect it.

To do that, we need to break down, not build up, barriers within and between nations. If we are to stand a chance of doing that, the world’s leaders need to acknowledge that they have failed and are failing the many.

With resources increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few, we are going to have to learn to share far more than at present.”


ALARM continues to ring out frantically as Donald Trump prepares to make his mark on the world. It is increasingly clear that the heartlessness of fascism is upon us again, and that this time around, our capacity for war and destruction is greater than it’s ever been.

So many different issues are in jeopardy, including our fragile environment, existing peace agreements, basic human rights, the rounding up of 3 million people for deportation, women’s rights, and the ‘normalization’ of white supremacy groups such as the KKK.

Even the most optimistic people sense that the future does not look hopeful. However, as this terrifying reality continues to sink in, humanity is experiencing a powerful emotional response – and this is a healthy thing.

Everywhere we look, the Will of the many is controlled by the few. Oppression and cruelty have reached such lows around the world that humanity’s WILL has been shaken to the point where it is starting to realize – finally – it must RESIST its own destruction.

Your Will is the part of you that FEELS. It is the part of you that instinctively resists any efforts to harm you and yours. Your instincts, senses, and urges, are part of the Will’s profound structure. The survival instinct is on full alert. Resistance starts within – with the power of your feelings.

If you do not know how to identify your WILL, you are likely to feel it very strongly now. Week 47 is an 11 Week in this 11th Month of this 9 Year, and whenever 9 and 11 combine, there is always an emphasis on the Will.

There is something else going on in this week’s 11 11 and 9 11 mixture, that may help us understand what is happening on a larger scale. 11 represents ILLUMINATION and INSPIRATION – and as we move towards the end of this 9 year of endings, the lights of reality are more switched-on than ever. The 2 energy of the 2000s represents TRANSPARENCY and OPENNESS.

In this light, we can see people as they really are. And we can be seen for who WE are too. People are being themselves. Even when people are putting on an act, the act can be seen. And it’s happening to everyone.

The fact that Trump chose Breitbart’s Steve Bannon as his Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor, is frightening, but what he said in an interview at Trump Tower this week with Hollywood Reporter, showed a side of him that he could not help but show. He was being himself. Bannon said: “Darkness is good. Dick Cheney, Darth Vader, Satan. That’s power. It only helps us when they get it wrong. When they’re blind to who we are and what we’re doing.”

In the transparency of 2, we can see people as they are – and what they are doing – almost like a cartoon ‘lightning-strike’ which, for a brief moment, reveals the person’s true identity. But this is not a matter of judging others. It’s a matter of clarity and being more aware. Besides, we are more able to see the good in people too, and grasp the fact that NO ONE is “perfect”.

We cannot move forward – evolve – until the WILL of the people MOVES to save itself, and resists this latest fascist force with every ounce of its power. WILL POWER. However, we can only do that by understanding the true nature of the Will, and educating ourselves with (instead of distracting ourselves from) the DETAILS of what we are dealing with in the outer world.

It is important to understand that will-power is not our ability to “think positively” or ‘will’ things into being with the power of our minds. Will-power is our ability to feel – honestly – and will things into being with the power of our desire. But we have been conditioned to believe that desire is somehow ‘wrong’. This really depends on whether the desire has any love in it. But desire in itself is vibration, movement, feeling, life.

This week’s 11 11 energy gives us the master number 22. (2+2=4)

Week 47 adds up to the karmic number 13. (1+3=4)

So we have 4 that is derived from the Master Number 22, and 4 that is derived from the Karmic Number 13 – in the 7th week of a 10 week cycle in which all the Week numbers begin with 4.

That’s a lot of 4 energy – the number of order and system, success through hard work, attention to detail, restriction, obstruction, identifying problems, seeking solutions, dedication, effort, and breakthrough.

Naturally, the feeling that anything could happen at any moment will continue for a long time to come. And things will happen – we know this. Alternating sensations of apprehension and enthusiasm are common in this energy, and are often experienced simultaneously. 2016 continues to be a time of shock and surprise because it is a 9 Year – the number of conclusion and deep emotions. 9 is the number of tolerance – which denotes how much pressure we are able to endure. Tolerance is therefore an important form of resistance.

We are meant to be feeling on this level, at this precise time because we are developing our emotional power and our ability to feel and sense our way through difficult and unusual situations. And each of us has an ability to assist, protect, facilitate, and raise awareness in others. Week 47 brings an influx of insight and information which can help us find effective ways to resist the current threats.

In the process, we are gaining a deeper understanding of guilt so that we can release ourselves from it. The system runs on guilt, blame, and shame – all of which are forms of judgment. Remember that guilt is NOT an emotion. Guilt slows evolution down because it stops emotion (feminine energy) from expressing itself as it needs to. Expression is what propels us forward. This is why FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION must be protected with all our might.

Guilt prevents the ever-expanding openness that Free Will is meant to be. Don’t mistake guilt for love.  Guilt judges harshly and seeks punishment. Love simply loves and seeks healing.




We are all evolving into something we have yet to become, but because we are afraid of our own potential – afraid of our own power – we tend to resist this change, consciously and subconsciously. This helps us justify our desire to run back to times when we felt more sure of ourselves. It is often tempting to retreat and  go backwards rather than actually change.

We will evolve anyway because we are moving through TIME, which is the numeric framework on which all movement occurs. Time is a far more vital and multi-dimensional force than most people realize. In the course of time, we are learning the difference between what needs to be feared because it can do great harm, and what does not need to be feared because it has no basis for alarm.

“A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.” ~John A. Shedd, “Salt from My Attic”, 1928.

Fear will always hold us back if we do not understand its power and purpose in the vast emotional range. So we have to find the courage to FACE our fears: to move through them, and learn as we go, instead of pushing them into denial and opting for what appears to be the “safest” (but often weakest) way out.

The more we deny fear when it arises, the more we attract situations that will force us to face our fears. We are not meant to be “fearless”. As evolving beings, we are meant to learn how to process fear in a way that provides intelligence, not paralysis. What we are experiencing now is providing valuable lessons in this regard.

Week 46 began on Friday, 11 11 2016, and because 2016 is a 9 Year, the 11 11 phenomenon will be with us for the entire month. (See link at end of page to my short piece on 11 11 2016).

Week 47 (next week) begins on November 18th which is an 11 day – in an 11 week – in this 11th month. This gives us 11 11 11 – and the master number 33. It will be interesting to see what happens in the established financial and corporate world throughout November, and particularly on November 18 – (and November 21, which also holds triple-11 energy). But that’s next week back to the present…..

Week 46 is a “10/1” week (new beginnings), and as this 9 year of endings merges with the 10/1 energy of the decade, and the incoming 10/1 energy of 2017, we find ourselves at the beginning of an enormous unpredictable turning point – personally, nationally, and  globally.

This week’s 10 10 10 energy brings forward #30 – which represents the power of COMMUNICATION, the stage, the airways and internet, the arts, entertainment, illusions, and outer appearances. 3 provides the platform to get the message across. Our perception of what is being communicated is extremely important now.

3 is also the number of HAPPINESS and OPTIMISM, and this is a good time to recognize and appreciate what you already have. Be aware of how you yourself are communicating and try not to get caught up in gossip and rumor. 3 also encourages you to check the facts instead of taking what you are told for granted.

Thursday, November 17, 2016 (11+8+9=28=10=1) adds another component of 10, and we have 10 10 10 10 = 40. This reminds us that we are currently traveling a 10-week cycle in which all the Week Numbers begin with 4 – the number of both restriction and breakthrough, effort and laziness, order and chaos, detail and vagueness, and our very sense of identity as individuals, nations, and cultures. 4 helps us to ORGANIZE, and inspires the qualities of dedication, staying power, and efficiency.

10 is such a powerful number as we continue to evolve from the 1000s to the 2000s. The 10 energy takes us to NEW LEVELS, and there is no doubt that a new level of urgency prevails since the election of Donald Trump. This very visible descent into fascism must not be trivialized and “normalized”. Its foundations have been laid – it IS happening – and we do have to accept that fact. Already, the new American administration is being embraced by fascist organizations in Europe and around the world.

Fascism is also a form of terror, which is why so many people are terrified of what may lay ahead. Denying that you are afraid will weaken you because you will have to block out large areas of reality from your consciousness. Accepting that your various fears exist, and being determined to move through them anyway will strengthen you and also help you to keep yourself safe. That is how we will evolve emotionally. Emotion is feminine energy, which, first and foremost, is what is under attack here.

“I pray he surrounds himself with decent people.”  ~Richard Branson

As I write this, the Trump administration just announced that he will immediately undo the Dodd-Frank financial regulations which were put in place after the 2008 banking crisis and signed into law by President Obama. With a Republican Congress cheering him on, there is little to stop him succeeding with this. The last time the republicans held all branches of government was in 1928 – followed the very next year by the Wall Street Crash of 1929 – and then the Great Depression which lasted for 10 years.

The Crash of ’29 occurred on October 29, 1929. This was in Week 44 (the most balanced form of 8), the number of finance, incorporation, and power in the material world)… it is also the presidential number of Barack Obama.

29 adds up to 11 – and there are two 29s in this date. This 11 11 event affected the whole world, and was instrumental in the rise of fascism in Germany. As foreign investors withdrew their interests there, millions were thrown out of work, and several major banks collapsed. Hitler was able to use the despair of the people to gain support for the nazi (nationalist) party by promising to repeal various laws, boost the economy, and provide more jobs. The rise of nationalism led to World War 2 (nation against nation), at a time when Germany was already under much criticism for its treatment of prisoners-of-war from World War 1. At the same time, the crash in the USA enabled the Fascist Party, founded by Benito Mussolini, to tighten its grip on Italy.

The crash of ’29 actually began on October 24, 1929 (1+6+3) which was a 10/1 day in the world. This is a piece of history we can truly learn from in this 10/1 week and 10/1 decade. It is not enough to look at what is happening today and think that we are informed. Many Americans have no idea what fascism actually is because they have never experienced it. Furthermore, the meaning of the word “fascist” has been devalued over the years as people increasingly used it to describe anyone with opposing political views.

Fascism is not mere political ideology. Fascism, nationalism, authoritarianism, nazi-ism, call it what you will, is total control of the people by government, which itself is controlled by the interests of the few, not the many, and is always headed by a bully, dictator, ‘strongman’. We are experiencing the ‘winner-takes-all’ corporatization of government, cloaked by vague promises of “freedom” and “wonderful times ahead”, along with a flood of conspiracy theories to keep the population emotionally ‘charged’ against opposition – it is “divide and conquer” in the extreme.

“We must stand up defiantly to any dark or divisive acts, and look out for the most vulnerable among us.” ~George Takei

The old system is cracking down hard on the human WILL which is made of emotional energy – the feminine principles of life – which all men and women possess, just as all men and women possess masculine energy – spirit – light. But when light does not have any love in it, the world has a crisis on its hands.

This is why 11 is such an important number. The number of illumination. The two 1’s hold the potential of connection, acceptance, and peace. They also hold the potential of two opposing sides constantly resisting each other. A closer look at 11 reveals what is in the space between those two 1s – the gap that divides humanity and pits 1 against 1, individual against individual, past against future, right against left – IMPASSE.

The space reserved for middle ground is filled instead with the suppressed suffering of generations – and indifference to that suffering, all of which is here again in the PRESENT. The concept of the ‘master race’ – white supremacy – has raised its ugly head once more. Eventually peace is restored because the alternative is self-destruction. But war never ends. There are no winners. It will happen again and again – until we learn to do things differently.

We cannot know exactly how this will play itself out, or what interventions may occur, if any. As the old ways of the fast-paced electrical masculine 1000s race against the slowness of the magnetic feminine 2000s, it is impossible to keep up with it all. But it is that very slowness in 2 which gives us the depth of vision needed to start building new foundations that are not merely repeats of the past but are based on love and equality, rather than hate, and the abuse of power.

If you are angry, express your anger outwardly. Don’t hold onto it and let it morph into rage. But do remember that your emotions are not weapons. There is no reason to hurt yourself or anyone else in the process of emotional healing. Your feelings are your Will, and are your best means of understanding your reality – in-depth – and not merely at the surface level.

Because the situation is so urgent, we have to find a way to process our emotions as fully as possible – and plan for the future at the same time. In fact, our feminine feelings and our masculine minds MUST work together now in order to be effective. THAT is what it means to be whole. THAT is the potential we are so afraid of.

It is not enough to say, “ok go ahead and grieve but be quick about it”. That will not help to bring new ideas into the mind but, rather perpetuate the old mindset which brought us to this massive turning point. We cannot ‘come together’ to accept fascism. We have to ‘come together’ within ourselves first – the coming together of mind and emotion. Inner connection. Self acceptance.

To do this, we must understand more of how the feminine emotions work within the biological body, and how the masculine mind opposes emotion because it only wants to think – and not have its thoughts interrupted by feelings. But without the input that the feelings offer, the mind cannot learn anything new and cannot come up with anything original (repeated history).

Fascism will be resisted. It always is. But knowing the true nature of what we are up against is paramount. We can learn a lot from people who have resisted this energy in other countries, but because times have changed, we also have to learn as we go. We must give ourselves the time and space to STUDY the situation more fully if we are to approach it ‘differently’ and effectively.

We are still in the 9 Year of 2016 – which takes the shape of a spiral. Just like being on a spiral staircase, we cannot see what is around the corner. The election of Donald Trump caught the world by surprise and the shockwaves are vibrating strongly. However, this is also triggering 2’s evolutionary qualities of intuition and receptiveness, and a desire for new and deeper understanding.

We move ever-forward in the course of time, and we cannot allow ourselves to be pulled back to a time that no longer exists. But we do need to give ourselves time and space in which to think and feel for ourselves. November is a 2 month (11+9=2+0=2) – the number of patience, cooperation, detail, slowness, perception, kindness, nurture, sense, sensitivity, the senses, intuition, and behind the scenes activity.

We can change outer realities all we want, but if nothing moves inside, the old situation will keep coming back. The more things change, the more they stay the same.”

That’s what all this 10 energy is about – real and meaningful change – innovation – originality – the next level – NEW beginnings.

It all begins within.

Ring the bells that still can ring,  forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in. ~Leonard Cohen. September 21, 1934 – November 10, 2016