Creative Numerology – Week 49 runs from December 3 to 9. This is a karmic 13/4 Week. (4+9=13=4). 4 is the number of restriction, obstruction, delay, hard work, dedication, and breakthrough. Attention to detail is essential in this energy.
Week 49 brings to a conclusion a 10 week cycle in which all the week numbers began with 4. In this 10/1 year of 2017, this has been a crucial time in the human journey.
In Week 45, we passed through what I call the Plane Of Reversal which comes from the sequence 11/9 and 9/11. This energy has a tendency to turn things up-side-down and inside-out. In the USA, the infamous Tax Reform Plan was unveiled by the Republican Party on November 9 (11/9). This suggests that the plan could be reversed and replaced with something more feasible and fair. Or that it really will reverse the status quo and plunge millions of Americans into widespread hardship and eliminate healthcare for millions more. We already know that this plan will do the reverse of what its architects say it will do. Perhaps the restrictive nature of Week 49 will stop it from going any further. Or perhaps not.
Only time will tell as the USA moves forward towards its limiting and ‘practical’ 4 National Year in 2018. The same applies to the ‘austerity’ and racism taking place in Britain (also moving into a 4 Year in 2018). Donald Trump moves into his 4 Personal year, too, which makes 2018 a Destiny Year for him – a year that connects directly to the 4 path on which he was born.
Humanity is in the midst of an evolutionary process in which we must free our WILL from those who are oppressing it. We cannot evolve until we deal with these two major evolutionary elements: DENIAL and REVERSAL and, in particular, the ability of people to reverse this brutal push toward authoritarianism. We are far more powerful than we realize.
1 represents individuality and independence, and we have to stop denying that WE, individually, are the 1s who must implement reversal instead of waiting for it to miraculously occur with little effort on our part. How we achieve this must be uppermost in our minds. None of us are free – and none of us are above this fray. We must learn what 1 has to teach before we can move into 2, without destroying ourselves and our precious Mother Earth.
We traveled through an abundance of 1 energy during this 10-week period, including two days of 11:11 vibrations. And on November 29th / Week 48, 15 distinct 1s occurred in the date alone. Yes, 1 is definitely trying to teach us something! (See link at end of article).
And now, we are moving through a week-long segment of karmic 13/4 energy. It began on Sunday, December 3, which is the 337th day of the year, which also adds up to 13/4. Add the two 13s together and you have 2+6=8 – the number of POWER in the material world. On its baser level, 8 is also the number of greed, bullying, and the delusion of superiority based on wealth, background, or physical might.
December = 1+2=3
These two 4s give us a more balanced form of 8, and yet, wherever there are two 4s, there are always opposites and opposition. 44 exposes just how divided we are as individuals – and as a species – and breaks down our denials with logic – so that we have no choice but to face reality. This can feel as if we are moving through a compression chamber as so many different feelings rush to the surface and pull us in all directions at the same time. As difficult as this is, it is to be expected since we are evolving emotionally.
44/8 not only brings correct information, but also a deeper understanding of it. Most of the information coming to us now is much more complex than it first appears. Mentally and emotionally, this is a push-and-pull, stop-and-go, hurry-up-and-wait, what-the-hell-is-happening, kind of week. Although that sounds like every week, this chaotic atmosphere is likely to intensify as we move closer to 2020.
It is essential that we strengthen ourselves emotionally for whatever lies ahead – not by denying what we feel and pretending we are somehow above it all – and not by being so overwhelmed by our feelings that we become despondent and broken. There is nothing wrong with fear when we understand its natural power and purpose. Denial of rational fear has played quite a role in enabling the power-hungry to take more of our power away.
Strengthening ourselves emotionally requires masculine mind to accept feminine emotion just as it is – and as an equal. In the outside world, this has reflected as women having to behave more like men in order to have some semblance of equality, but never actually being equal. As our feminine energy rises, it is confronted in the outside world by bullies and ‘strongmen’ who are terrified of being ‘replaced’ by women. This is where ALL racism begins in this ‘human race’ we are told is life.
As more truth is exposed, denial will continue to deny, regardless of evidence. That’s what denial does. Denial of reality is the root-cause of most of our problems on Earth today, and the combination of karmic 13/4 and master 44 may bring us ‘down-to-Earth’, perhaps with a thud! And perhaps with a reversal that is quite unexpected. As truth seeps through denial’s cracking walls, denial has less and less ground on which to stand, and those making the denials appear more and more insane. The more we face and deal with reality, the more sane we become – and the easier it is to recognize the dangerous insanity that has pushed its way into the highest power-positions – and from which we must evolve.
As hardline masculine 1 continues its effort to drag us back to a time when it reigned supreme, equality-seeking feminine 2 is finding its power here in the 2000s by providing a counterweight to what would otherwise be total male domination. It’s not just women doing this. We all have feminine energy. We all have emotions, and this ability to feel is the basis of Free Will. The feminine Will, which is present in both women and men, is RISING to free itself, while the forces that have kept the Will subdued are DESCENDING into outright authoritarianism because of their denied irrational fear of becoming irrelevant.
Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight. ~Albert Schweitzer
Week 49 brings obstruction, but also the means and determination to break through barriers. 4 = success through effort and hard work. Things are happening in the world – and in our own lives – which we cannot afford to ignore. The 49/13/4 vibration can help us move out of denial into the light of reality, even if it feels like an assault on our senses. We cannot change what we refuse to see.
Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see. ~John Lennon, Strawberry Fields…
In Week 49, on December 8, 1980, 37 years ago, John Lennon was murdered. He was 40. This occurred 3 weeks after the release of his new album with Yoko Ono, “Double Fantasy”. One of the most pertinent tracks on this album is “Watching The Wheels”, which sums up his disdain for the industrial system pretty well. And of course, there will always be “IMAGINE”, which is more than a song about peace. It is also about our need to stretch our minds – to image-in – to visualize and create a better world. Without the power of imagination, we cannot make the reversals we need to make. We have been living in a system that prevents us from imagining anything outside the system.
In terms of the numerology involved, it was obvious back in the 1990s that the system would collapse in the 2000s, especially after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. The current system certainly needs to go because a system that is based on competition but simultaneously strives to ‘destroy the competition’, is a system of self-destruction. Our task is to transform what we have left into a system that will nurture life, not destroy it. Only through the power of our WILL, in the spirit of peacefulness, can this be achieved.
December resonates to the number 3 (1+2=3) – the number of communication, the internet, media, ‘society’, social media, social matters, words and images, entertainment, population, and popularity. 3 is the number of EXPRESSION, and it is essential that we express ourselves openly and honestly if we are to save our fundamental NEED to express ourselves! When we do not express spontaneously, or when we express spontaneously but without correct understanding, we do not produce enough energy to keep the space around us open. So it seems as if life is closing in on us. It is not. It is only the suppression of our Will – holding back our true feelings – that makes us feel this way.
I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain. ~James Baldwin
The feeling of anger is totally compatible with love. Anger is the result of pain, which love wants to heal. Yelling out or cursing when we hurt ourselves is a normal outward expression of pain. But when we hold our anger IN, it hardens – and is hard to heal. Then it turns to rage, and then hate. And because our emotional denials have been so commonplace and normalized, we don’t even realize that this is happening within us.
Hate is NOT an emotion. Hate is an infection of the emotions caused by suppression. Hate is a severe deficiency of love. The tendency, even in the most loving heart, is to hate hate – and that’s how the infection spreads. Hate thrives on hate and therefore needs you to hate it. That is our dilemma. When we equate justifiable anger with hate, it becomes frozen in guilt and cannot change or even understand the conditions that caused it.
In dealing with stark opposition and opposites, we are dealing with fixed belief against fixed belief. This is like trying to connect two like-ends of a magnet. They simply cannot connect. The means of connection (and our current phase of evolution) can only be found when positive (masculine mind) accepts negative (feminine feelings) in the balance of equality.
This brings us back to the karmic aspect of Week 49. Karma is not punishment. Karma is the learning of what we have been unable to learn – the natural laws of ’cause and effect’. We are likely to learn something important in this regard on Wednesday, December 6, when the month and day add up to 9.
As we move towards 2020 (a variation of both 11/11 and 22/4), we are having to face our own reflection – which is often quite frightening because we see our weaknesses along with our strengths. In the 2000s, we must move beyond the confines of 1 as the FIRST number. This is reflected in extreme ideologies, such as “Britain First” and “America First”… and any irrational sense of superiority.
Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person. ~ Mother Teresa
Once we accept our rational fear of having no set path before us, our natural pioneering spirit can kick in, imagination can expand, and progress can be made. We came into this millennial lifetime to cut a new and original path for ourselves. 1 is the number of leadership, which does not necessarily mean leading others, or following someone else. The lessons of 1 enable us to lead ourselves. 1 is the number of independence, and we are now realizing just how dependent we are – all of us.
Those that care for the sick, the unloved, the abused and the abandoned I count as the greatest Angels amongst us. ~Sass Jordan
1 is the number of SELF. We came into this lifetime to learn how to be independent and take care of and be responsible for the SELF – and still have deep and meaningful relationships; to help people up when they are down; and care for people who cannot get up at all. It’s not all about people though. Basic kindness must start with the animals. But the assault on wildlife is so rampant and heartless right now that entire species are going extinct. To create a kinder world, we must be kind to all of life.
The essence of independence is choice, and we all have some very important choices to make in the weeks and months ahead. They will not all be watersheds and defining moments. It is the choices we make in our ordinary everyday lives that will forge the path towards where we want to be.
Meanwhile, the frenetic pace of our evolutionary spirals and reversals will not slow down. 2018 is an 11 year in the world – two 1s bringing us forward in time towards 2020.
I had a dream that all of time was running dry
And life was like a comet falling from the sky
I woke so frightened in the dawning, oh so clear
How precious is the time we have here.
Are we not wise enough to give all we are?
Surely we’re bright enough to outshine the stars
The human kind gets so lost in finding its way
But we have a chance to make a difference til our dying day
LAMB, “Wise Enough” official video
11:11 2017 – THE WAY OF THE WILL
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