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WHERE WE ARE – 2022 – WEEK 20

WHERE WE ARE – 2022 – WEEK 20

WEEK 20 runs from Saturday, May 14 to Friday, May 20and so begins a 10-week cycle in which all the Week Numbers mirror the years of the decade of the 2020s, (20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29.) So, this is a 2 Week in a 2 Month. And all this 2 energy corresponds with the millennium of the 2000s.

We have experienced a lot of 2 energy in the past 23 years, but this is the most concentrated it has ever been, and it will grow even stronger as we make our way through this volatile yet evolutionary decade.


  Let’s see how it all plays out as WEEK 20 takes us deeper into the new millennium – as the condition of our planet worsens – and as fascism all over the world continues its bid to suppress an evolving population.

The bullies, dictators, autocrats, racists, and misogynists are competing among themselves as to who can be the most shockingly cruel. Their focus is on wielding power, not empowering people. And because so many are jockeying to be “number one”, they will eventually destroy each other. This is competition at its most extreme, which is the very basis of war.

  2022 is a 6 Year (2+0+2+2=6) – the number of BALANCE and EXTREMES, JUSTICE and INJUSTICE, FAIRNESS and UNFAIRNESS. 6 is the number of the KIND AND LOVING FATHER – and also the TYRANT AND CONTROL FREAK. 6 is the number of HOME, FAMILY, and BELONGING – and also those who are HOMELESS, LOST, and ALONE. We seem to be adrift on a sea of OPPOSITES this year, with some of the least conscious among us in power-positions which they are in no way qualified to hold.

  Last week, we concluded a 7-week cycle in which all the week numbers were karmic TEEN numbers. Karma is the wheel of unlearned lessons – and we are living in highly karmic times.

  That 7-week karmic experience seems to have woken up a lot of people who were not aware of just how bad things on Earth have become (and have been for a very long time). The Will of the people is finally feeling its fear and starting to express the horror that these nazi maneuvers are triggering all over the world.

  People who were keeping quiet are speaking up. And there are people in positions of power who are also fighting to prevent a fascist takeover. Hate must not be allowed to win – and courage is visibly on the rise.

  Being afraid doesn’t stop us from having courage. Being afraid of something that stands to harm us is our honest response to reality and gives us the incentive to be brave. Without fear, courage cannot exist. Don’t be afraid to be afraid. It was denied fear that kept us asleep for so long.

  The Will of the people is evolving. And it’s the Will of the people that the oppressors are so afraid of. However, their fear is so deeply in denial that the chances of their ever waking up is slim. The nature of the Will is to be free, among others who are also free, to embrace the richness of our diversity, to peacefully experience life in our own unique way – and thrive. No matter where we live in the world, we are ALL connected. We are many – and we are 1.

  The 2 energy, like all feminine energy, has been systematically held back throughout time, and there has been a reluctance to act in our own best interests and speak out against oppression. We no longer have the luxury of denial. Of course, I use the word “luxury” sarcastically. Right now, denial of reality is keeping the chaos going. Ultimately, denial of reality is the suicide of consciousness.

  This 10-week cycle in which all the week numbers correspond to all the decade numbers, begins on May 14, and ends on July 2. And it could be that during this time, people everywhere will have to CHOOSE the direction they want their lives to go. After all, CHOICE is obviously the very basis of 2.

“Don’t let yourself become numb to this. Don’t let them bombard you with so much inhumanity that you just tune it out. Don’t give up on the dream of living in a humane world, where people in need are cherished and lifted up rather than turned away. They want you to give in. Don’t.”    ~Elad Nehorai

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

YOUR CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – your journey through the cycles of time.

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You can get a whole year of Monthly, Weekly, and Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these tense, extraordinary, unpredictable, and evolutionary times, each book contains inspiring Monthly, Weekly, and DailyForecasts for your specificYearly cycle. This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

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Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness HERE

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Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

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WHERE WE ARE – 2022 – WEEK 19

WHERE WE ARE – 2022 – WEEK 19

WEEK 19 runs from SATURDAY, May 7 to FRIDAY the 13th. This is the 7th week of a 7-week cycle in which all the Week Numbers are KARMIC NUMBERS. 19 is a karmic holding pattern that contains everything we did not learn – and everything we need to learn – in order to evolve into a new and more peaceful form of existence. Whatever we throw out there eventually boomerangs back to us – in the form of life-changing lessons.

In 1999, as I was writing my numerology-based book, LIFE CYCLES, I realized that the millennial shift from the masculine 1000s to the feminine 2000s not only changed the angle from which to study the numbers, but it was also apparent that this gigantic “switch of gear” would change the entire direction of the human journey.

Now, 23 years into the 2000s, we are caught up in a gigantic transition in which masculine 1 is feeling and fighting off the immense pressure coming from the rise of feminine 2 – an energy whose time, quite literally, has arrived.

We are in the millennium of the 2000s, the decade of the 2020s, the year 2022, and the 11/2 month of May in a 6-Year (5+2+0+2+2=11/2). Next week, we enter a 10-week cycle in which all the week numbers begin with 2, which will bring us even deeper into the millennial 2 energy.

Meanwhile, Karmic 19 has much to teach us, especially as far as women’s rights and all aspects of FREE WILL are concerned.

   1 = beginnings and forward movement.

   9 = endings and letting go of the past.

   1 is the first number – from which all other numbers are formed.

   9 is the last number in the numerological spectrum and contains the energy of all the other numbers. (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 = 3+6 = 9).

1 represents the individual and teaches us about the power of 1 individual to change things – for better – or worse.

1 = progress, but we are at a point in the human journey where further progress is impossible until we gain the power that comes from better understanding ourselves; knowing who we are, what brought us here, and where we are headed. 9 takes us backwards – into the past – so that we can learn whatever we failed to learn from previous experience.

 19 brings forward all that was started but not finished. And this applies to the history of the world as well as our own personal lives.

Current events are conspicuously linked to events that occurred in 1919 and 1991.

In 1919, the Russian Civil War was already underway, and resulted in the Russian occupation of many of its surrounding countries. It renamed itself the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics – or USSR. Ukraine was declared part of the USSR in 1919.

Ukraine declared its independence from the USSR in 1991The USSR itself was dissolved in 1991.

Both 1919 and 1991 add up to 20, the events of which are coming back to us here in the 2020s.

Remember that wars do not end in peace. Wars regroup, mutate, and spread. Even when a war is “contained”, it only takes a small spark to set it off again. War is not something to be won, but something to be healed. War is the deadliest hereditary disease of them all. In this system of winners and losers, the mental and emotional wounds that war inflicts can never heal and are passed on through time – generation after generation. WEEK 19 reminds us that only a complete transformation of this war-driven system can stop this ongoing terror.

Terror is the most heightened form of fear. Terrorism terrorizes people in order to control them – and our own fear then becomes the weapon that controls us. Emotion is our WILL – feminine energy. And when we can take no more, the emotion of anger rises to free the Will. The only way for real and lasting peace to occur is through forgiveness and peaceful intent – not revenge.

THE WAR ON WOMEN has always existed; it is brutal, global, and undeniable. It represents the great imbalance that we as a species must evolve FROM, if we are to survive. But those who cling to the past, terrified of change, do not believe in evolution. They believe that masculine rules feminine, including the mother herself – Mother Nature. But to create a future that repeats the past is to create an ever-deepening RUT. There’s no going back to the way we were. In an evolving world, everything must and will change.

MASCULINE SPIRIT energy is ELECTRICAL – our ability to THINK, DECIDE, TAKE ACTION, and LEAD. He is the PIONEER, and the basis of moving ahead and discovering new horizons.

FEMININE WILL energy is MAGNETIC and contains the vast EMOTIONAL RANGE – and every FEELING, SENSE, URGE, and DESIRE we could possibly have. She is the basis of creativeness, caring, choice, healing, forgiveness (letting go), and love. Her greatest power is EXPRESSION.

“… woman needs to be equal to man – neither low nor high – and for that, man is not ready, because to make the other equal means you cannot control her anymore. You cannot control an equal. Low and high can both be controlled but the equal person is free; the equal is equal.” ~ Osho

Only through masculine/feminine unity can we have the FREE WILL we are meant to have and be the FREE SPIRITS we are meant to be. In order to be our WHOLE fully-functioning selves, the masculine and feminine within us must connect and work together. Without that, there is no inner balance. And since everything starts within, our differences and inequities reflect outwardly as the GREAT IMBALANCE we are seeing and experiencing in the outer world today.

The feeling comes first, the thought follows. The thought triggers more feelings which produce more thoughts. This is how feminine and masculine work together within the physical body, to expand consciousness. Without the WILLING interaction of our electrical minds and magnetic emotions, we are not fully conscious.

Feminine emotion without the benefit of the masculine mind makes emotional expression MINDLESS. And masculine thought without the warmth of emotion freezes our thinking and renders us both THOUGHTLESS and FEELINGLESS.

The rise of the FEMININE WILL is not an aggressive move, but a response to being held back past the point where being held back is bearable. This uprising is a healing and balancing move which is necessary for survival. Feminine does not seek to overpower masculine. Feminine energy seeks equality and fairness – which IS balance.

 Free Will begins with the freedom to express outwardly what we are feeling inwardly. On the journey of life, that is what propels us. But when we deny our feelings this natural movement, it is difficult to think for ourselves and are easily led. That is what enables autocratic countries to control their populations. But it has also been spreading quickly through the fragile democracies in the world, including the USA, where books are being banned, and certain words (such as “gay”) are not allowed to be spoken. Laws are being passed which preclude any mention of occupation and slavery. When the teaching of history is banned, nothing NEW can be learned, because the past is what we learn FROM.

The USA is in an 8 National Year, (the number of personal power). On May 2, 2022, a document was leaked from the U.S. Supreme Court showing the intent of the court to reverse the Roe vs Wade decision of 1973. This would essentially give the States the right to ban and criminalize abortion – with no exceptions, not even in the case of rape, incest, or to save the mother’s life.

This takes away the right of women to make their own decisions about their own bodies and is an outright attack on feminine energy. It is also based on religious ideology, which the Supreme Court is sworn to separate itself from. The Jewish faith, for instance, stipulates that the life of the mother must always take precedence over the unborn child. Will those women now become criminals?

Masculine has always considered itself to be superior to feminine – labelling women as “the weaker sex”. In traditional marriages, the bride is “property” to be given away, while the groom is given his father’s blessing, “Who giveth this woman?” Usually her father. The word PATRIARCHY means “rule by fathers”. Traditionally, the groom promises to “love, cherish, and worship”, while the bride promises to “love, cherish, and obey”.

For as long as women’s rights are decided by men (and women who support the patriarchal system), the world will always be dangerously out of balance.

The unprecedented move by the SCOTUS places all decisions made in the case of abortion in the hands of the States. There is much talk about Civil War – civilian against civilian – particularly in the USA. And history shows that STATE’S RIGHTS, over slavery, were at the heart of the American Civil War. Is this boomeranging, too?

Of course, men are also evolving, which is to say, they are feeling as well as thinking, and their innermost intent is loving, not hateful. This has sparked even more fear among those who are tied to the old system, claiming that men are being feminized and “sissified”. There is plenty of talk about “real men” – and how courage comes from having “balls” – suggesting that only men can have courage. But that is primitive thinking. Courage is a feeling – a feminine feeling – and is accessible to both men and women. The word courage comes from the word “cœur” – which is French for “HEART”.

“A liar always knows he is lying and that’s why liars travel in packs: in order to be reassured that the judgement day will never come for them. They need each other for the well-being, the health, the perpetuation of the lie.”  ~JAMES BALDWIN

The world is awash in lies and deception – designed to take away our power to create what we want out of what we already have. To protect and expand our evolutionary potential, we must find the courage to truly express how we feel, without harming ourselves or each other – otherwise our imaginations shrink and all we create is repetition. What we honestly feel IS our honesty, and only by being honest with ourselves, can we discover our own inner magic.

The masculine MIND can get things done provided there is a path available – a means to do it. But when it comes to breaking down barriers and creating meaningful change that will hold and endure, it is the feminine emotional WILL that’s out there paving the way for the MIND to follow.

We have no idea what it is to be truly free because freedom has been defined for us by a system that depends on our not being free. WEEK 19 is likely to expose a slew of instances in which feminine energy is being seriously curtailed. WEEK 19 is likely to expose hypocrisy and atrocity, quite dramatically.

Our true potential as individuals – and as a species – is unknowable at this stage of our evolution. But as our imaginations open, we do know that it has to be much more loving and livable than the cruel insanity of current times. 19 gives us innovative 10, and 10 gives us 1 – the number of CHANGE. As rough as life is in the 2020s, awareness continues to expand, right continues to evolve out of wrong – and “CHANGE is gonna come”. We must BE that change.

READ ABOUT WEEK 20 HERE  (and your personal weekly reading, too)

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

YOUR CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – your journey through the cycles of time.

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KINDLE $9.99

You can get a whole year of Monthly, Weekly, and Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these tense, extraordinary, unpredictable, and evolutionary times, each book contains inspiring Monthly, Weekly, and DailyForecasts for your specificYearly cycle. This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness HERE

Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE…Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

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WHERE WE ARE – 2022 – WEEK 17

WHERE WE ARE – 2022 – WEEK 17

WEEK 17 is an 8 WEEK (1+7=8). It runs from SATURDAY, APRIL 23rd to FRIDAY the 29th. WEEK 17 is the 5th week of a 7-week cycle in which all the Week Numbers are TEEN numbers and are therefore karmic in nature.

Karma is the learning of what we have been unable to learn – and must learn – in order to evolve. Karma represents the natural laws of cause-and-effect. We are likely to see large-scale karma at work in this 8 Week, because 8 is the number of investment. It returns to us what we put out into the world.

8 gives you what you want, according to your priorities. But knowing what you want – and which order to put those priorities in – is largely what this week is about. 17/8 teaches us how to combine one or more things of limited potential into something of greater value. This enables us to maintain balance by adjusting our priorities as needed.

8 represents POWER in all its forms, and the circumstances of WEEK 17 reveal the power that comes from ACCURATE UNDERSTANDING – which is one of the greatest powers we can possess. The old dying system of the male-driven 1000s maintains its power by keeping the population misinformed, and so, as we move further into the 2000s, we are being bombarded with disinformation, deception, and replacing the facts – with fiction. A confused population is easier to “steer” than a well-informed one.

Propaganda is a powerful and cruel weapon which can shape and alter our perception of reality. But that will change as we move more deeply into the 2000s because 2 is the number of both perception and transparency. The truth is in the details. But the illusion is in the way the details are presented and perceived.

Amid all the other wars and atrocities occurring in the world, it is the INFORMATION WAR that keeps it all going. We are moving from the corrupt INFORMATION AGE to the AGE OF TRUTH. The transformative decade of the 2020s is a hard road to travel – full of revelations and shocks. But of course, shock is inevitable when we consider where we are coming from – from out of denial.

2 represents FEELINGS and SENSITIVITY, and humanity is experiencing emotions on an accelerated and profound level. At the same time, 2 is helping us to develop the power of PATIENCE without which it will be impossible to evolve beyond the intolerance and impulsiveness of the 1000s. We wanted everything immediately. Instant gratification – at the click of a switch. We also wanted instant answers. But 2 is the number of DETAIL – and PATIENCE with detail. Therefore, we must allow adequate TIME to pass for the understanding to sink in.

TIME is a natural phenomenon, visible and measurable, by the duration of the seasons, the tides, sunrise, and sunset. Time is the very RHYTHM of Mother Nature. Remember that PATIENCE is one of the great powers of the 2 energy. Patience is the ACCEPTANCE of time.

1 and 7 emphasize the SELF. 8 emphasizes POWER.





8 is the RESULT you get from what you give.




The inner and outer power that WEEK 17 illustrates can help us stand up to hate and confront it with personal truth. If we don’t, hate will have a free reign to define and control us. 17/8 also shows us the ineffectiveness of passivity and indifference, (which many are mistaking for peacefulness). We have to assert our own power if we are to save ourselves from those who would take our power away. That is a major part of our evolution – actually BEING who we are inside.

“We will NOT let hate win.” ~ Mallory McMorrow

Hate is not an emotion. Hate is an infection OF the emotions caused by suppression – ill feelings – ill Will – the absence of love. But the tendency, even in the most loving hearts, is to hate hate – and that’s how the infection spreads. Hate thrives on hate and therefore needs you to hate it. That is our dilemma. When we equate justifiable anger with hate, it becomes frozen in guilt and cannot change or even understand the conditions that caused it.

The entire month of April 2022 is a 10/1 Month in a 6 Year:

April = 4



Throughout April, 10/1 clarifies what brought us to the point we are at. 8 gives us a more accurate understanding of why the current mayhem had to happen – because we have not yet learned how to prevent it.

 “Only the weak are cruel. Gentleness can only be expected from the strong.”  ~ Leo Buscaglia

The descent into fascism – nazi-ism – authoritarianism – is not new. It happens when those in positions of privilege feel threatened by an evolving population – male supremacy, white supremacy, wealth supremacy, and all the other ridiculous notions of superiority which use cruelty to control others. But cruelty is an extreme weakness of mind and heart, which, believe it or not, humanity is in the process of outgrowing. This evolution can be a painful experience – which we will get through. Meanwhile, unlearned lessons of the past keep dragging us backwards to show us what we must evolve FROM.

In this age of transparency, whatever is hidden will be revealed, whatever is false will meet the truth, and whatever is forced will meet resistance.

WEEK 17 creates a wave of curiosity which can help expand your awareness. Wherever you are seeking answers, or when certain aspects of a situation don’t make sense, don’t be tempted to rush things along to get a quick result. Go more deeply into the details and give yourself time to notice what you’ve been overlooking.

Fear is bound to arise as we move through the uncharted territory of the 2020s, so don’t be afraid to be afraid. Only by learning what needs to be feared – and what does not – can you develop the courage that will see you through this transformative energy.

The laws of cause-and-effect are simple. If you do something this way, this will happen. If you do something that way, that will happen. Understanding this natural law is the KEY to knowing how to deal with situations for which you have no previous experience. This may involve unnecessary guilt or confusion regarding your responsibilities or duties. This energy brings lessons about when to stay and when to leave; when to increase your involvement and when to withdraw it. We are learning to gauge how much of ourselves we are able to give to others while fully pursuing our own hopes, dreams, and interests.

What happens in WEEK 17 can help you to untangle yourself from a specific type of guilt which makes you feel responsible for circumstances that you could not have prevented or handled any differently.

This is a time of redefining your own existence – and living according to your own Free Will. This does not isolate you. It can include the most loving and caring relationships. 8 is the number of APPRECIATION, and only by understanding the value of what you already have can you recognize how gifted you actually are.

“What if you gave someone a gift, and they neglected to thank you for it – would you be likely to give them another? Life is the same way. In order to attract more of the blessings that life has to offer, you must truly appreciate what you already have.” – Ralph Marston


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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

YOUR CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – your journey through the cycles of time.

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

You can get a whole year of Monthly, Weekly, and Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these tense, extraordinary, unpredictable, and evolutionary times, each book contains inspiring Monthly, Weekly, and DailyForecasts for your specificYearly cycle. This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

PDF (instant download) $11

KINDLE $9.99

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness HERE

Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE…Life Cycles



Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

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WHERE WE ARE – 2022 – WEEK 16

WHERE WE ARE – 2022 – WEEK 16

  WEEK 16 is a 7 week (1+6=7), and 7 is the learning number – the number of the mind and intellect. When 7 is derived from karmic 16, what we have to learn is usually serious, urgent, and evolutionary. Unless we are completely cut off from reality, we instinctively know that these are perilous times. And 7 reminds us that there are answers, some simple, some complicated, and some yet to be discovered.

  7 affects our ability to learn. When 7 is used with loving or friendly intent, it educates and inspires. This mysterious and intriguing energy holds our attention – and gives us something to think about – food for thought.

  WEEK 16 begins on Saturday, April 16, which brings a DOUBLE streak of karmic 16/7 energy into the world. April 16 is also the 106th day of the year, which brings even more 1, 6, and 7 energy into the picture.

  7 teaches us how to make things materialize by executing meticulous PLANS. 7 teaches us the amazing arts of ORCHESTRATION and STRATEGY (pulling it altogether perfectly, note by note, detail by detail).

  But karmic 16/7 can also bring some very different “arts” into being, such as trickery, conspiring, plotting, and playing cruel games with people’s minds, emotions, bodies, and lives.

  16/7 affects matters of SECRECY, PRIDE, and the ABUSE OF POWER. It exposes self-centeredness, lack of responsibility, and the need for accountability. Genuine feelings of love can become unreasonably conditional in this vibration.

  Without loving intent, this karmic energy results in the normalization of criminal tendencies. It produces an appetite for deliberately cruel, secretive, and illicit actions. In this “revenge” energy, people justify their wrongdoing by insisting that those they hurt somehow deserved it – or that their wrongdoing simply “didn’t happen”. Such behavior is usually well hidden, (7 represents secrecy) but in the transparent 2000s, these tendencies are clearly visible all over the world.

  16/7 can produce paranoia among the general population, and especially among those who are afraid of being “found out”. Desperate people are capable of doing unimaginable things. But 7 also teaches us that fear has a positive purpose if it is correctly understood. It is not a matter of being fearless. That would render you helpless in dangerous situations. It is a matter of discerning what needs to be feared, and what does not.

It is also a matter of never letting go of hope. As the old saying goes, “hope is the last thing to go, so hold on to it…”

  Or, as “Rebecca Solnit wrote in her book “Hope In The Dark”: “Hope is not like a lottery ticket you can sit on the sofa and clutch, feeling lucky. Hope is an axe you break down doors with, in an emergency.”

  Of course, 16/7 is not always this extreme. But, right now, transparent 2 is exposing the lengths to which people will go to achieve their objectives and hold on to POWER.

  1 is the number of the individual, (you and me), and every 1 of us is involved in humanity’s evolution. Masculine 1 is the number of FORWARD MOVEMENT and PROGRESS. 1 also represents the beginning – the atom – which enables physical form. The atom is what makes us – and it is also what can destroy us. There is an ominous emphasis on nuclear weaponry right now, and when we talk about the power of 1, we must remember that in autocratic systems, it only takes 1 individual to initiate a nuclear strike. 1 is the nucleus of all the other numbers.

  6 is the number of BALANCE. And in order for balance to maintain itself, it must understand the nature of the EXTREMES. And, of course, the world is in a 6 YEAR (2+0+2+2=6).

  6 represents RESPONSIBILITY, ACCOUNTABILITY, JUSTICE, PATERNAL ENERGY (both loving and patriarchal), relationship, parents, children, pets, and all matters of the home and heart.

  The combination of energies at play in WEEK 16 can help us to SEE THROUGH the lies, ruses, and cover-ups – not only in the world at large, but also in our own personal lives.

  2 is the number of CONNECTION. 2 slows everything down so that we can see reality more clearly. 2 is a gentle slow-moving energy, but if you try to push against it or speed it up, it pushes back hard and slows you down even more! 2 is the number of patience, caring, attention to detail, and right timing. shows us the reality of a situation, but it is up to us whether we look at it and study it – or not.

  Time itself is not slowing down. There are still 60 seconds to a minute and sixty minutes to an hour. What is slowing down is the pace at which we live our lives – as if life is forcing us to NOTICE and be conscious of our own reality. Without awareness of what’s happening, how can we know what to change or how to change it? Without the acceptance of past and present reality, we rip the most important chapter from the book of our lives – the part where it all starts to come together and makes sense.

  Gandhi told us to “BE the change you want to see in the world“, which is essential advice. But before we can make it happen, we have to ask ourselves, “what IS the change I want to see in the world?” and “what must I DO and what must I BE to bring it about?”  And because 7 represents the masculine MIND, represents the feminine FEELINGS, and 6 represents BALANCE, it appears that there is much potential this week for more inner clarity as to what WE, personally, can do to make the world a better place.

  Our evolution has been slowed down by covid, by never-ending social, racial, and economic injustices, and the terrifying Earth-changes (which we will be unable to withstand if we do not change our ways quickly). We have been slowed down by the political wars going on everywhere in the world. And then there are the military wars, which are extensions of the political wars – endless death and destruction, clashes of ideals and cultures, sexism, and heaps of other monstrous wrongs, all of which are slowly waking up the human WILL – our feminine energy – our ability to FEEL.

  The most basic aspect of the WILL is our survival instinct, which is activating our instinctive knowing (intuition), and all our senses. The WILL is our principal power (when it is free). It is the vital part of us that this cruel imbalanced system wants to render unconscious. 2 represents the WILL, and right now, the feminine Will is making a tremendous effort to will itself into its proper position of equality with the masculine MIND. Instead of just accepting male domination, she is fighting back in order to FREE herself. FREEING humanity’s WILL is the main objective of the 2020s. And that is why the power of women is steadily rising. It is also why the pushback against women is increasingly harsh.

  It is also important to recognize the indispensable role that black and brown women are playing in this evolutionary shift. There are many reasons for this, one of which is that they, more than most, understand the consequences of the great imbalance that we were “taught” was life. Their unique experience, input, and long-overdue repositioning is helping to facilitate the balance that is missing on Earth.

  7 is the learning number, and there’s a lot to learn this week about ourselves, others, and how limited we have been in understanding our true potential as human beings. And because we did not understand the magnitude of our ability as CREATORS, we became DESTROYERS instead.

  7 is the number of REFLECTION, and this week it is reflecting our reality back to us vividly. If our intent is to accept and deal with reality, then 7 will help us to do so.

  When REFLECTION is fused with EMPATHY, and when OPENNESS and HONESTY become “the way” instead of the barrier, we will have a chance to heal those misplaced feelings of superiority and snobbery (which are actually hate) and bring ourselves into balance with the rest of the planet.

  In order to heal, our emotions need understanding, acceptance, love, and outward expression, without harming ourselves or anyone else in the process. Emotional healing expands our capacity for empathy and caring, which are the key components of LOVE. Compassion is the healing balm of LOVE, and can prevent humanity from destroying itself . A change of HEART and a sense of urgency is where the healing begins.  Compassion is love of life…

“There is nothing as sure as a closed mind…” from the movie “Dean Spanley”

Read your PERSONAL FORECAST for week 16 HERE

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WHERE WE ARE – 2022 – WEEK 14

WHERE WE ARE – 2022 – WEEK 14

WEEK 14 runs from April 2 to April 8. This is the second week of a 7-week cycle in which all the Week Numbers are TEEN numbers – KARMIC numbers. They describe the lessons we must learn in order to free ourselves from the beliefs and habits that keep us trapped in the brutal conditions of these times. When 14/5 is active, learning from the past is essential:

Note that World War 1 began on 28 July, 1914.

DAY: 2+8=1+0=1


YEAR: 1+9+1+4=2+4=6


World War 2 began on 1 September, 1939.

DAY: 1


YEAR: 1+9+3+9=2+2=4


The Russian invasion of Ukraine began on 22 FEBRUARY, 2022 (22+2+6=3+0=3) a date that was comprised of six 2s – but it was on 24 FEBRUARY, 2022, that Vladimir Putin announced his “special military operation” to “de-Nazify” Ukraine.

DAY: 2+4=6


YEAR: 2+0+2+2=6


Does this mean that Putin’s atrocious attack on Ukraine will trigger World War 3? Let’s pray it does not, despite the crimes against humanity being committed there. But there is a connection to another war that needs mentioning, which supposedly ended in 1991, but really didn’t end at all. Wars do not end. They go into quiet phases only to erupt later on. I’m referring to the war that sprang out of World War 2 – the COLD WAR (1947 – 1991), between the Soviet Union and its allies (the Eastern Block) and NATO countries (the Western Block).

The Cold War began on the triple-3 day of 12 March, 1947 (which is perhaps connected to the 3 day (22/2/2022) on which the current invasion of Ukraine began).

DAY: 1+2=3


YEAR: 1+9+4+7=2+1=3


3 signifies both friends and enemies – and 9 pertains to unfinished business.

Note, too, that the American Civil War began on April 12, 1861.


DAY: 1+2=3

YEAR: 1+8+6+1=1+6=7


And the USA itself was born on the 14/5 LIFE PATH, (July 4, 1776), and has the same numbers as the civil war (437 and 743)


DAY: 4

YEAR: 1+7+7+6=2+1=3


Of course, there is no way to predict how Russia’s barbaric assault on Ukraine will go, because it depends on the choices made and actions taken. Both Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelenskyy are in the 5 Personal Year in 2022 but are approaching it from very different perspectives.

This week’s 14/5 energy has a lot to teach us all in that regard. 5 represents both CHOICE and ACTION. 14/5 karma emphasizes freedom, change, the physical body, attraction, sex, addiction, commitment, and how we react to sudden, unexpected, or unusual experiences.

14/5 gives us an opportunity to let go of our denials, accept where we got things wrong, and stop repeating old behaviors. We are programmed to deny reality in whatever way is convenient to the system. But human consciousness is becoming more able to see, sense, and feel what is real and what is not. There is nothing wrong in not knowing all the answers. If there were, how could we ever learn anything new?

14/5 reminds us that HINDSIGHT IS 20/20, which is extremely relevant now that we’re traveling through a 10-year cycle of 2020 energy. This decade is a major turning-point in the course of time.

5 represents FREEDOM, but since none of us have experienced true freedom, we have much to learn about how to be truly free among others who also have that right. We cannot be free if we are unable to express our true selves without harming or killing each other in the process. So, one of the most important lessons we have to learn involves knowing who we truly are as individuals – and not what the old judgmental “class system” tells us who and what we are supposed to be.

WEEK 14 cautions us against impulsiveness, recklessness, and insisting on having our own way without considering the effect we might have on others. That is not Free Will. It is selfishness.

5 represents EXPERIENCE and CONSEQUENCE, and 14/5 shows us the consequences of INEXPERIENCE and INDIFFERENCE. But when we learn from our mistakes and stop repeating them, they are no longer mistakes. They are EXPERIENCE itself.

Hidden motives, lack of planning, biting off more than we can chew, and denial of reality, can lead to serious mistakes and what we call ‘accidents’. If we do not look deeply enough into the details of a situation, we cannot use the past as the learning experience it is meant to be.

When we envisage an end result, without knowing what it will take to make it happen, we have no choice but to repeat the same mistakes. Learning from experience is the essence of 14/5 karma.

5 represents RESOURCEFULNESS and OPPORTUNITY. And we now have an opportunity to break our addiction to what keeps so many wars alive – OIL – and other aspects of Mother Nature that are meant to stay in the ground. The energy we need comes from the elements of sun, wind, air, and water – not the body of Earth herself. It is no coincidence that the horrors of WAR and ENVIRONMENTAL DEVASTATION are occurring simultaneously.

Just as feminine energy is the Will of people (and animals – yes, all life has Will energy), Mother Nature is the WILL of this living, breathing, conscious, feeling, planet. She will not allow herself to be destroyed. She is where THE WILL TO LIVE begins. But she could easily destroy what threatens to destroy her!

Healing the feminine energy within us all – our ability to feel – is the next vital step in the human journey. This is a matter of balance. A matter of survival. A matter of bringing ourselves into alignment with the Mother of all things. And while we’re trying to figure out how to do this, we will see emotions bursting out of people uncontrollably. That is why we must learn about our feminine energy as quickly as possible, not to control it, but to help it express itself without causing harm.

Multi-directional 5 represents variety, diversity, and differences of opinion, culture, color, creed, and background. 14/5 reveals a fear and hatred of those who are somehow ‘different’.

The ACTION and EXCITEMENT that 5 brings makes it easy to get so caught up in various dramas that we lose sight of our priorities and goals. It can make us restless and reckless, which, in the 6 Year of 2022, can rebound on us severely because 6 is the number of responsibility and being held responsible.

6 is also the number of BALANCE. But the old system is so out of balance that it is collapsing all around us. The transparency of the 2000s makes this very clear. Without secrecy and the manipulation of our hearts and minds, the old system of the 1000s cannot hold itself together.

We can only survive this great imbalance through a massive influx of feminine energy to counter the top-heaviness of masculine domination. This is happening in the outer world at the same pace it is happening within each one of us. We will regain balance as our evolving minds make space for our evolving feelings. The triple-2 energy of 2022 is bringing us to new levels of emotional intelligence. Emotion is the WILL – and FREE WILL is what we are evolving towards.

WEEK 14 highlights the use of intimidation to gain or maintain control – not just out there in the war-torn, oppressive world, but in the home, workplace, and neighborhood, too. 5 represents PHYSICAL PRESENCE, and this includes excessive force, bullying, and anything that curtails the WILL. The way of the Will is to be FREE.

In the decade of the 2020s, we have reached the point where 1’s lessons will be heaped upon us until we learn them. This does not mean that the most aggressive and oppressive people will suddenly change their ways, but it does mean that those who value freedom must work TOGETHER to protect it. 5 represents CHANGE. And what we are experiencing now is our recognition of what we are evolving FROM.

A note about TUESDAY, APRIL 5. This is the 95th day of the year – and 9+5 = 14/5. So, we have a double dose of 14/5 on this date which is amplified by the fact that April 5 adds up to 9 (add 9 to any number and you get more of the same energy). So, be sure to re-read your Weekly Forecast on Tuesday.

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WHERE WE ARE – March 29, 2022

WHERE WE ARE – March 29, 2022

TUESDAY, MARCH 29TH is the 88th day of the year. Those two 8s represent POWER and add up to the karmic number 16. This highlights SECRETS, PRIDE, and the correct use or abuse of POWER.

16/7 can involve “strange” alliances that conspire to outdo others. Deception and conspiracy theories run rampant in this energy. This is likely to be more visible in WEEK 16 (April 16 to 22), but because 88 is such a powerful number, whatever happens then may have taken root on, or is somehow connected to March 29.

March 29, 2022 is a 2 Day in the world (3+11+6=2+0=2). 2 is the number of CONNECTION, and there are certainly a lot of numeric connections happening on this date.  29 adds up to 11, and 1+1 also = 2. This connects us directly to the energy of the 2000s and the transformative decade of the 2020s. 2 is feminine emotional energy, the number of sensitivity, caring, inclusion, Free Will, and balance. 2 is the principal number of our times.

March 2022 = 3+6 = 9. This remarkable sequence (369) pertains to pattern, repetition, continuance, survival, and creativity. This is occurring in WEEK 13, and when 13 merges with this 9 month, we find ourselves with two more 2s. (13+9=22). March 29, 2022 holds a multi-directional power which we can all utilize in some personal way.

The convergence of all these powerful numbers on March 29 suggest that we are adjusting to reality, each in our own way, even though for many people these days, it takes courage just to get up in the morning. But as each 1 of us adapts to our own nature and circumstances, and becomes who we really are inside, humanity transforms and evolves. Although we are currently divided and scattered, we are always 1.

Perhaps this will involve something that happens in the world at large, but whether that is so or not, it will be a matter of gaining the PERSONAL POWER that comes from BEING who we really are inside. 1 is the number of SELF, and we cannot evolve from the 1000s to the 2000s until genuine self-acceptance has been achieved.



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WHERE WE ARE – 2022 – WEEK 11

WHERE WE ARE – 2022 – WEEK 11


Do you remember when 11:11 was such a prominent thing? Millions of people were “seeing” this number everywhere, and 11:11 became a world-wide phenomenon for 20 years or more.

1 represents the individual. Multiple 1s represent the masses. And the colon at the center represents how the system of the 1000s keeps the masses divided.

We may see more of this sequence in WEEK 11, but since the beginning of the 2020s, we have not heard much about 11:11 at all. I think this is because we have already passed through it and have ARRIVED at its sum – which is 22.

In our transition from the masculine 1000s to the feminine 2000s, we are solidly positioned in the double-2 energy of the decade of the 2020s, and the triple-2 energy of 2022. And now we are in a 2 week. (1+1=2). And because this year contains the energy of both 20 and 22, it seems that a point of no return has been reached. The white male-dominated, self-destructive system of the 1000s, in which WINNING is the ultimate goal, is so afraid of being “replaced”, that it will destroy everything rather than release the power it holds over the world.

Feminine 2 represents the WILL  of humanity in all its diversity. But 2 does not want to dominate or “win”. 2 wants BALANCE, FAIRNESS, CARING, and PEACE. 2 is the number of DIPLOMACY. This does not require us to take a “passive” approach, but it does require a different approach (which we are in the excruciatingly slow process of discovering). Amid the humanitarian catastrophe that is unfolding in Eastern Europe, the  WILL of the Ukrainian people is rising to defend itself, and it needs all the help it can get – without triggering a world war. 

 22 is the most balanced form of 4, and Ukraine is in a 4 National Year in 2022. 4 is the number of restriction and obstacles, as well as determination, effort, dedication, attention to detail, tactical planning, and breakthroughs of one kind or another. 

Remember that we all have feminine energy, regardless of our gender. Feminine energy is our ability to FEEL and SENSE (which explains why our lives have become increasingly emotional in recent years, especially since 2020, and why the rights of women and other “minorities” are constantly under attack. In the 2000s, the minority, in all its diversity, has become the majority, and this is why there is such a huge campaign to destroy democracy (majority rule) itself.


MONDAY, the 14th of MARCH (14/3) marks the 143rd anniversary of Albert Einstein’s birth, and the connection here to nuclear energy is glaringly obvious. 1 represents the atom, and 11 represents the splitting of the atom, which although vital to our understanding of our electro-magnetic world, also led to the development of nuclear weaponry.

 11 provides an evolutionary steppingstone from the 1000s into the balance of the 2000s. 1 is masculine electrical energy and 2 is magnetic feminine energy. It is this combination that holds the atoms together and gives life its cohesion (unity). But this combination is SO out of balance through sexism, racism, and all our other prejudices, that we are in danger of imploding and destroying ourselves in some kind of human meltdown!

Letting go of these biases within our own individual lives can help considerably in finding our way into BALANCE. To do this, we must learn the principal lesson that 1 has to teach, which is: WE ARE 1, but we are not all the same. 1 represents uniqueness and individuality. 

TUESDAY, MARCH 15 is a ‘double dose’ day on which your weekly forecast repeats as a daily forecast. This occurs when the month and day add up to 9. (3+1+5=9). On these dates, circumstances and feelings intensify. 9 helps us to LET GO of the past in order to move forward. March 15 is the 74th day of the year, adding even more 11 energy to this 11 WEEK (7+4=11), and this doubling of 11 energy brings us back to the whole concept of 11:11. Be sure to re-read your WEEKLY FORECAST on Tuesday.

FRIDAY, MARCH 18 is the 77th day of the year and has strong emotional undertones. All Master Numbers are multiples of 11, and so we are dealing with 11 x 7 on this date. 7 + 7 = karmic 14/5, and all of these numbers suggest that there are vital lessons to be learned.  Perhaps as the week unfolds we will be better able to figure out what they entaill. 5 is the number of the unexpected. 5 also enables us to learn from experience. March 18, 2022 is a 9 Day in the world (3+9+6=1+8=9), and March 2022 is a 3 6 9 month (3+6=9). And, of course, 7 is the number of mystery and intrigue.

This is a week of understanding your own connections – and whether you need to strengthen them, disconnect, reconnect, or leave things as they are. This is a week to dispense with pettiness and truly APPRECIATE what you’ve got. The light that comes from this level of gratitude can illuminate your entire situation, including how your habits and patterns are shaping your life. 11 sheds its light on what it will take to change things. 2 slows us down for the purpose of making us more aware of the details of our own lives – and what is happening in the world.

The world is in a 6 Year in 2022 – a journey of both EXTREMES and BALANCE, with an emphasis on HOME, FAMILY, RESPONSIBILITY, and JUSTICE. The creative 3 energy of March connects us more fully to the 3 energy of the 21st century, helping us to become more inventive and resourceful. But 3 is also the number of COMMUNICATION which is being warped and weaponized in this battle to kill the Will – by twisting and manipulating people’s feelings. This is a huge problem on Earth as we continue to be bombarded with disinformation, gaslighting, and outrageous lies. Propaganda has always been a major weapon of war, and unfortunately, communicative 3 enables it to spread. 

The more we let ourselves feel and sense, the easier it is to develop our natural sense of direction… our inner radar… our amazing intuition. 11 is one reflecting on oneself. To evolve, we must face our own reflection and BE the 1 we are.

While 11 is illuminating the way, there is insight to be gained from reading ALL of this week’s forecasts as well as your own. Read  WEEKLY FORECAST for WEEK 11 here.

It would also be a good idea to read the 6 MONTHLY FORECAST as well as your own because 2022 is a 6 Year in the world.



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Let there be peace

let there be trust

let there be compromise

we know we must

and if we don’t answer this call

there will be nothing left at all

let there be peace, love, understanding.


let there be peace

let there be calm

let there be tolerance

no more alarm

free the hate you hold within

learn to forgive and let love in

let there be peace, love, understanding.


let there be peace

in every place

and so evolves the human “race”

free the fear, free the pain

nothing to lose

the WORLD to gain

let there be peace, love, understanding.


let there be peace

let there be truth

let us be free to live as we choose

with borders and warriors a thing of the past

and love for each other the fuel of our hearts

let there be peace, love, understanding.


there is no prize

no first place

here at the finish line of the “race”

and when we see that no one can win

that’s when HUMANITY begins

let there be peace, love, understanding.

© Christine DeLorey 1999

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YOUR CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – your journey through the cycles of time.

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Acheter le livre de numérologie classique : CYCLES DE LA VIE : votre voyage émotionnel vers la liberté et le bonheur – ICI

WHERE WE ARE – 2022 – WEEK 10

WHERE WE ARE – 2022 – WEEK 10


WEEK 10 brings us into a new phase – the next level of the human journey which appears to be directly connected to what occurred on February 24, 2022 – the 55th day of the year.

  5+5 = 10.

It was obvious by then that Putin was again invading Ukraine, with possible ambitions of pushing even further into Europe. The 55th day of the year occurred in WEEK 8 – the number of POWER in all its forms, including the power of nations, nuclear power, and the power of the people. The following countries are in an 8 Year in 2022.







Putin’s criminally-insane power-play has thrown an already out-of-balance world even further out of balance. The suffering of the Ukrainian people is immense and is likely to worsen in the coming days and weeks. 5 represents unpredictability and the unexpected, and of course the outcome of this invasion is unknowable at this stage. 

The double-5 energy also shows up in the Personal Year Numbers of Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelenskyy. They are both in the 5 Year in 2022. 5 is the number of freedom and action, but it is also the number of recklessness. 

Ukraine is in a 4 YEAR – the number of LIMITATION, OBSTACLES, and being BOXED IN.  4 is also the number of DEDICATION, DETERMINATION, COURAGE, HARD WORK, and BREAKTHROUGH.

 55 is the most balanced form of 1, and with so many numeric sequences active in WEEK 10, it is difficult to follow the emerging and converging patterns. But they all play a role in what happens next and how we, humanity, respond to it.

“History is the greatest teacher, if you are willing to learn.” ~ Anon

Both 1 and 5 bring CHANGE. Innovative 10 brings change that comes from participation and effort, while unpredictable 5 makes it seem as if it’s happening suddenly. But it’s not. On the contrary, humanity has been here many times before – at the very point on the great karmic wheel where history is set to repeat itself. 

Humanity must decide, individually and collectively, whether we want to make the same old blood-soaked journey all over again until we finally learn what we’re meant to learn – or make that vital pivot that I referenced two weeks ago in the great Helen Keller quote: “A bend in the road is not the end of the road unless you fail to turn.” 

And here’s a quote from Albert Einstein which can help us better understand the severity of the situation 

I know not with which weapons World War 3 will be fought, but World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones.”

WEEK 10 begins on Saturday, March 5th, the 64th day of the year, (64 also = 10). It marks the beginning of a 10-week cycle in which all the Week Numbers begin with 1. This sequence ends on May 13 at the end of WEEK 19.

 1+9 also = 10 and is deeply karmic in nature. I see Karmic 19 as a numerological holding pattern which contains all our unlearned lessons of the 1900s – including the two world wars that occurred in its time-frame.

Karma is not punishment for past and present misdeeds. It is the drawing of experiences that will teach us what we most need to learn in order to evolve.

This 10-week cycle contains all the karmic numbers – TEEN numbers.  

This will affect all of us – and will certainly emphasize the energy of TEENAGERS throughout the world. 1 is the number of leadership. Today’s teens are tomorrow’s leaders, yet they were all born in the 2000s, and many do not have a 1 in their birthdate. Therefore, their perspective and form of leadership is likely to be quite different and much more effective. 

 No matter how old you are, if memories of your own teen-years occur in the next 10 weeks, you can be sure that an important life-lesson is involved, and that forgiveness of yourself and/or others is the key to putting the past behind you and moving forward.

 We are also moving through the 10-Year Cycle (decade) of the 2020s – the complexity of which will force us to learn the lessons of masculine 1 so that we can move into the feminine 2000s without destroying ourselves. Uncertainty can be horribly distressing – but it can also be an effective motivator.

WEEK 10 is a 7-day cycle of shifting circumstances and increased tension. But the vibrations of our rattled feelings will open our minds to the reality of whatever we are dealing with, increasing our ability to imagine the changes we have to make.

Fear of change created a lack of imagination and caused a karmic RUT in which we repeated the same old behaviors and mistakes – generation after generation – and believed that this was “freedom”. 

1 is the number of SELF. Our sense of self is the EGO. And as we transition from the ego-based 1000s to the cooperative 2000s, our individual egos are shifting too, affecting the way we feel about ourselves and each other. Ego is a vital but greatly misunderstood part of who we are, and we must create a BALANCE in the ego between overinflation and deflation, so it can evolve along with the rest of us. Without this understanding, ego-mania and the whims of just one or a few individuals can destroy the planet that we call HOME.

The 6 energy of 2022 not only represents BALANCE and EXTREMES, but is also the number of HOME, FAMILY, CARING, RESPONSIBILITY, PARENTS, CHILDREN, and PETS.  6 is also the number of the TYRANT and DICTATOR, and PATRIARCHAL control. And just look at how those aspects are emerging on the world stage right now. People losing their homes and everything they have, families being split up, forced to flee (or fight), millions of people ejected from everything that is familiar to them, with no idea of what comes next.

People are fleeing for their lives – including the refugees from Syria, Yemen, and other war-torn countries. People are people. Suffering is suffering. Cruelty is cruelty. This world is our HOME. And we are all part of ONE human FAMILY. If we don’t learn to love each other, we cannot survive. That’s the biggest lesson 1 has to teach: WE ARE 1.

 6 is now intensified by the 3 energy of MARCH, which creates a 369 vibration throughout the entire month, and this affects us all. SUNDAY, MARCH 6, produces even more 369 energy.

MONDAY, MARCH 7 is the 66th day of the year which adds emphasis to 6’s “BALANCE and EXTREMES” dynamic. 6+6=12, and 1+2=3. 

 369 shows us the MAGNITUDE and EXTENT of something and increases our awareness of POSSIBILITY. We are swimming in 369 energy throughout March.

 369 represents ALL the numbers combined. 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 = 3+6=9. The FIGURE-8 symbolizes infinity, but it seems that infinity may also be the result of the first 8 numbers combined.













   … and on it goes – forever…

 369 = empathy: the ability to relate to other people’s feelings and circumstances. This not only gives us fresh insight into our own lives but helps to bring us together as a species – instead of wanting to tear each other apart or ignore each other’s plight. We know there has to be more to life than THIS!

Amid all the fear, anger, desperation, destruction, and death, we are increasing our ability to feel, and our minds are opening as a result. In 369 energy, wherever we do not stretch ourselves, physically, mentally, and emotionally, we seem to get stretched anyway. Yes, “the lesson continues until it is learned.”

 369 represents survival and the human WILL (our feminine emotional energy). We are evolving towards genuine FREE WILL. This is the energy we are seeing in the ordinary people of Ukraine – and Russia. This is Putin’s war, not the Russian people’s, and he is clearly trying to kill the WILL of the Ukrainian people. Courage begins in the heart. Courage is a FEELING. Balanced with thought and reason, it becomes ACTION. 

Next week – WEEK 11 – the focus on nuclear energy is likely to increase. As I wrote back in WEEK 8:

 11/2 represents the nuclear nature of life. 1 is the nucleus of all the other numbers and represents the atom. 11 represents the splitting of the atom, which gave birth to nuclear weaponry.

Atomic energy is the nature of physical LIFE – but we weaponized it, (as we tend to do with many scientific discoveries). How we use it can enable life to flourish – or be destroyed.

After traveling through the masculine 1 energy for 1000 years, we are now in the feminine 2000s – the number of peace through diplomacy – and prosperity for all, not just the few. Yet here we are again, as those who crave a return to the past attempt to stop the future from unfolding.

2 cannot exist without the fusion (not fission) of those two 1s. Fusion is the joining together. Fission is the splitting apart. Our atomic reality is playing out in so many different ways right now.

ON SUNDAY, MARCH 6, your Weekly Forecast repeats as a Daily Forecast. This repetition occurs when the month and day add up to 9. (3+6=9). Feelings and circumstances intensify or reach a peak on these “double-dose” dates. So be sure to re-read your WEEKLY FORECAST on Sunday. In fact, there is additional insight to be gained this week from all the weekly forecasts as well as your own.

It would also be a good idea to read the 6 MONTHLY FORECAST as well as your own because 2022 is a 6 Year in the world.



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YOUR CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – your journey through the cycles of time.

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You can get a whole year of Monthly, Weekly, and Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these tense, extraordinary, unpredictable, and evolutionary times, each book contains inspiring Monthly, Weekly, and DailyForecasts for your specificYearly cycle. This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

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BORN ON FEB 29? when is your birthday in a non-Leap Year?

Born ion February 29When do people born on February 29 celebrate their birthdays in a non-Leap year? I am frequently asked by people who were born on February 29 which day they should celebrate their birthday.

February 28? Or March 1?

The answer is specific.


You were still in the womb on February 28, so that is certainly not your birthday. And if your year of birth had not been a Leap Year, you would have been born on March 1st. Also, February 29 and March 1 both add up to 4, and this fact keeps you aligned with whatever your Life Path Number happens to be. You do not have two different Life Path Numbers.

A LEAP YEAR occurs every four years. An additional day (February 29th) ensures that the calendar remains in alignment with Earth’s rotation around the sun. However, that extra day can produce a vibrational “wobble” or see-saw-effect which is felt throughout the year, and in the case of LEAPLINGS, throughout the life.

BEING BORN ON FEBRUARY 29TH enables you to connect all the various aspects of your journey in an evolutionary way, even though you do have to contend with the Leap Year Wobble as you go through life. But rather than producing feelings of constant instability, this birth date can produce unusual levels of resourcefulness, adaptability, and determination.

So, whether it’s February 29th in a Leap Year or March 1st in those other three years, Happy Birthday, dear Leapling…

Calendar Image:

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Your Journey Through The Cycles Of Time.

YOUR DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY and YEARLY GUIDE… Our personal numbers are communicating loud and clear in these unstable evolutionary times. And there is a Creative Numerology Year Book for each of the 9 yearly cycles to help you find your way. Each collectable and reusable book provides a rich description of your yearly cycle, and an entire year of accurate and inspiring MONTHLY, WEEKLY, and DAILY forecasts. Your CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK brings clarity to your personal journey through this turbulent and emotional cycle of time. This is numerology you can both FEEL and use.

You can buy these books individually, or buy all 9 books and GET ONE FREE (free book is not available with kindle).

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If you don’t know which Year Book to order, use the contact form on this website to send me your MONTH AND DAY OF BIRTH, or the birthdays of those you wish to buy for, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness  HERE     (Available in PAPERBACK or KINDLE). THE BOOK THAT’S ALL ABOUT YOU – AND YOURS….

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with. From  $95.00

WHERE WE ARE – 2022 – WEEK 5

WEEK 5 runs from Saturday, January 29 to Friday, February 4. In this week of sudden development, and “unusual” occurrences, we will gain valuable insight by accepting the reality of our experience, no matter how it makes us feel. Learning as we go is how we will evolve. Learning as we go is how we will survive. Learning from experience is one of 5’s most valuable functions.

The 5 energy runs in all directions which can make us overconfident – or afraid to make a move. If our focus is not where it is meant to be, it can also make us reckless and accident-prone. So, we need to stay awake and aware, and accepting of the fact that these are volatile times.

We are experiencing the unforeseen results of past action, or inaction. 5 is the number of the sudden and unexpected. 5 produces outcome and consequence and reveals what was hidden, or what we refused to see. 5 represents CHANGE – in our personal lives, and in the world. 5 is the number of EXPERIENCE. This is a week of both inner and outer transformation, based on the CHOICES made, and the directions taken.

Note that Vladimir Putin is in a 5 Personal Year in 2022, and it’s possible that he’s facing an unexpected reaction to his actions. Or perhaps this is how he planned it all along. 5 is such an unpredictable vibration. Whatever the case, when 5 is active, and when major choices have to be made, things can go in unexpected ways.

5 sits at the center of the numeric range, with 1, 2, 3, and 4 on one side, and 6, 7, 8, and 9 on the other. 5 can act like a seesaw. Up one minute, down the next. Globally and personally, the 5th week of 2022 is likely to be a hectic but important learning experience for us all, especially when it comes to life’s natural diversity and the resistance we put up to accepting what we perceive as “different” or “other”.

On Tuesday, WEEK 5 brings us into FEBRUARY – the 2nd month of 2022 – a year that is made up of three 2s – within the millennium of the 2000s – and the decade of the 2020s. As our evolutionary journey proceeds, we are moving deeper and deeper into the magnetic, emotional, feminine waves of the 2 energy.

2 is the number of unity and peace through DIPLOMACY, not force. But here we are, a divided species, teetering on the edge of yet another war, with an even deadlier potential than the other ongoing wars around the world.

FEBRUARY in this 6 YEAR (2+0+2+2=6) is an 8 MONTH (6+2=8).

6 is the number of BALANCE.

8 is the number of POWER – and many of the major world-powers are in an 8 Year in 2022.

The USA is in an 8 Year

RUSSIA is in an 8 Year

CHINA is in an 8 Year

The UK is in an 8 Year

The EUROPEAN UNION is in an 8 Year

The EURO (currency) is in an 8 Year

This BALANCING OF POWER is the outcome of the patriarchal, war-driven 1000s, and we cannot move into the potential of present time until we see these self-destructive endeavors for what they are – and find a way to make them obsolete. There is NO military solution to any of this. There never was. Yet we live in a militarized system in which winning is everything and wars do not end. They quiet down for a while, only to erupt again further down the road.

It is a system in which the value of scientific discoveries and technologies is based on how effectively they can be weaponized. And as we all know, words and images have become powerful weapons with which to deceive and control the population. This is where the 3 energy is most powerful. 3 is the number of COMMUNICATION.

2022 is the 3rd year of the 2020s.

2022 is the 23rd year of the 21st century (2+1=3).

3 also represents PEOPLE, POPULATION, SOCIAL MATTERS, FRIENDS, ENEMIES, ILLUSION, the STAGING of events (and circumstances), and all forms of ART and EXPRESSION.

week 48

And talking of the arts, the words “DON’T LOOK UP” convert to the number 8. This very powerful film portrays so many aspects of our times. Categorized as “satire”, it is a serious and important piece of art that accurately reflects the complacency – the dumbing down – the loss of conscious awareness – of the human species.

But that is not the only film that’s sending a vital message this week. The classic “GROUNDHOG DAY”, is categorized as a comedy, but it cleverly portrays 2’s power of CONNECTION and ATTENTION TO DETAIL, 3’s power of PATTERN and REPEATED EXPERIENCE, and 5’s power of URGENCY, ENTHUSIASM, and CONSTRUCTIVE ACTION. Wednesday, February 2 is Groundhog Day.

Yes, it’s horribly loud out there – people going against people, using words and images to control and dominate. But there is also tremendous inspiration to be found, which comes from people expressing love, not hate, being aware of the negatives as well as the positives, and seeking lasting solutions that bring balance and peace, which will bridge this terrible GAP of consciousness that keeps us divided. The horrors of this world will not disappear by ignoring them or denying they exist. Ignorance and denial give them space to grow beneath the surface and wreak even more havoc.

In WEEK 5, a small change of mind or direction can alter the whole course of events. If we do not LEARN from experience, we set ourselves up to repeat the same old mistakes that we have always made. In a world that has already changed drastically, demanding to get back to ‘the way things were’ keeps the karmic wheel in motion, and recreates the same conditions that brought us to where we are now. As we move further into the 2000s, we will outgrow this futility, but it is painfully obvious that we have a long way to go.

The 2 energy is teaching us to diffuse and de-escalate rather than inflame – and to be patient with the details, with the pace of our progress, and with each other. 1 is the essential energy of ACTION, but our misunderstanding of 1 has made us ridiculously impatient for results. We rush ahead without fully understanding what we’re dealing with, and then find ourselves dealing with our own inexperience, and in the confusing position of having to WAIT for correct understanding to reach us.

8 represents the power of CORRECT UNDERSTANDING, and 2 represents the power of PATIENCE, the power of DETAIL, the power of CARING, the power of DIPLOMACY, and the power of PARTNERSHIP.

Patience is not just a matter of being able to wait. Patience gives us the clarity to know when to hold back and when to take action. Correct understanding of patience hones our sense of RIGHT TIMING.

We must learn to accept time for the vital force that it is – a natural framework on which to learn, grow, and evolve. Life is a journey through time – and we are all time-travelers.

As we evolve emotionally, it is natural that we would feel our feelings on a level that we are not accustomed to. But the global rise of feminine energy that comes from 2 is expanding our overall consciousness considerably. We are now using that part of us that has always been kept down. But such deep emotional response can be uncomfortable and confusing, especially when denial of reality creates misinterpreted feelings and false perceptions.

As the struggle for power continues, we are likely to see examples of 5’s courage, flexibility, and resourcefulness, as well as 5’s recklessness and defiant selfishness.

The only way to change this self-destructive system is from within – from within ourselves. 1 is the number of the SELF – the INDIVIDUAL. We cannot evolve safely into 2, until we have learned the lessons of 1, one of which is that 1 individual can make a difference, and masses of individuals can make a massive difference.

It starts with the healing of all that emotion we’ve been holding in throughout our lifetimes. This will enable our minds to open significantly wider than they are today.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2022 (2 2 2 0 2 2) is the 33rd day of this 6 YEAR, (on top of which, 33 is a Master Number – the most balanced form of 6). Those five 2s make this a 10/1 DAY in the world, which can help us to bring whatever we’re doing (or becoming) to a new level – the next stage. This date contains vital lessons about focusing on what truly matters, remembering, connecting the pieces together, learning from the past, diplomacy, cooperation, partnership, and responsibility. Yes, GROUNDHOG DAY is here – again…

More insight can be gained by reading the 2, 3, 5, 6, and 8 Forecasts, as well as your own. The numbers are extremely busy this week.



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YOUR CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK – your journey through the cycles of time.

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Buy the classic numerology book: LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness HERE

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WHERE WE ARE – 2021 – WEEK 47

WEEK 47 is always a supercharged week, in the world-at-large and in our personal lives. Both 4 and 7 expose INACCURACY and the need for CORRECTION. The illuminating 11 energy that comes from 4 and 7 helps us to see through the darkness of denial, disinformation, and other deceptions. 

The 11th month of November amplifies this 47/11 vibration and brings all the Master Numbers (multiples of 11), into play this week, and throughout the month. This can result in increased awareness and/or large-scale achievements – or the paralysis that occurs when the master energy gets too intense to handle – or when that power is abused.

WEEK 47 runs from Friday, November 19th to Thursday the 25th. This is the 8th week of a 10-week cycle in which all the Week Numbers begin with 4. This week, one of the most prominent aspects of 4 involves deciding what your true priorities are – and organizing your life around them.

As we move further away from the masculine 1000s and more deeply into the feminine 2000s, it is vital that we understand our current position. We are caught in the GAP between these two very different segments of time, and until we learn the lessons of electrical 1, we cannot move into the balance of magnetic 2. And the world is becoming a lot more authoritarian and violent in an effort to avoid learning those lessons.

There is great tension everywhere, for various reasons, but 4 gives us the determination and staying-power to carry on, while 7 helps us find the hidden details with which to understand what we need to know. 

We are dealing with injustice after injustice, devastating event after devastating event, travesty after travesty, and tragedy after tragedy – constantly waiting for the next shoe to drop. But despite all that’s wrong in this world, remember that multitudes of dedicated and knowledgeable people are actively making a huge difference in many areas of life. 

It is particularly important to appreciate the great strides being made by the activism of YOUNG PEOPLE all over the world – and see them for who and what they are. They ARE the future – rising up to secure their very existence. And they need all the support they can get. Those born in the 1990s and 2000s have a distinct role to play in shaping the future. 

Of course, people of all ages are part of this surge forward, despite the violent push-back from the old, dying, sexist, racist, war-driven, and heartless system in which male is superior to female, white is superior to all else, power is ruthless, and money is God. That archaic mindset is also active – trying to keep the population confused, afraid, and divided.

The current numeric setup can help you to “remember” who you are and why you are here at this most unstable time in the human journey. 4 represents your sense of IDENTITY, and 7 nurtures your sense of DIGNITY. 11/2 provides the LIGHT with which to see yourself more clearly. And together, 47/11/2 provides the vital next step toward authentic SELF-ACCEPTANCE, and not the sheer selfishness that currently prevails. 

Practical 4 shows us what really matters, rather than the superficial things we worry about in our day-to-day lives. Intellectual 7 shows us the various faces of PRIDE which range from arrogance, egotism, and “superiority” — to self-respect and a balanced acceptance of both our strengths and weaknesses.

47/11/2 helps us to face unresolved matters of the past, how it has all manifested in the present, and what has to happen in order to heal from it, let it go, and move on. 

Which brings us back to the wave of ACTIVISM that is taking place in the world, involving climate change, misogyny, systemic racism, the justice system, law enforcement, poverty, displacement and homelessness, hunger, war, and the unending suffering of all the animals, including people. We have to know what the problem IS in order to solve it. 

“Ignorance allied with power is the most ferocious enemy justice can have.” ‪~James Baldwin

As the times change, hearts warm, minds open, people learn, and allegiances shift, notice how the power-hungry grow more ignorant, heartless, irrational, and desperate. Don’t give in to hate. What the world needs now is LOVE.

WEEK 47 = 11



Last week, on November 11, we passed through the 11:11 vibration, which also adds up to 22 – the number of large-scale ideas and complex plans, which work best when focused on improving conditions for the population and planet.


44/8 is a no-nonsense energy that gets on with its work until the task is completed. 44 is highly detail-oriented, and leaves nothing to chance. It can make a very difficult job look easy. However, 44 attracts OPPOSITES and OPPOSITION, and clashes of opinions and ideals. 44 does not create the opposition but simply exposes it. 

Monday, November 22 (11/22) gives us 33/6, which represents the master healer, master adjudicator and judge, the master communicator, and master teacher. Its presence right now suggests that, instead of rushing ahead impulsively, it would be better to stop, stand back, thoroughly assess the situation, and rearrange our priorities to suit new developments. This is a matter of balance and avoiding the tipping points – de-escalating rather than inflaming. You see, 6 is the number of balance, but it is also the number of extremes.

11 is the number of illumination. It sheds light on what we most need to see and offers expanded awareness and inspiration – and there are 3 active 11s on November 22. This produces the 55/10/1 vibration – and the possibility of innovation on a massive scale, which introduces something life-changing or system-changing into our reality. At least, that is its potential.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021, is a 22/4 day (11+6+5=22/4).

And because we are headed towards the 6 Year 2022, the 22 energy is extremely potent – the number of the MASTER BUILDER – and the MASTER DESTROYER. We must move away from the destructive ways of the past, otherwise we will merely repeat the same old patterns that led us to where we are now.

22 also emphasizes the need to streamline our material needs and understand that our true worth is not measured in dollars and material things, but by the quality of what we contribute to life.

We are also traveling through the 3 energy of the 21ST CENTURY (2+1=3). 3 represents all forms of COMMUNICATION, and there is no doubt that communication has been weaponized to create maximum unrest and confusion in the world. But transparent 2 enables us to see through these control tactics (if we look deeply enough).

3 is also the number of distraction, which is a BIG problem for many people. While we’re busy looking the other way, we cannot see the present reality for what it is, or how it is affecting us. 

We are in the 11th month of a 5 Year (2+0+2+1=5). 5 is the number of FREEDOM and CHANGE. 5 represents VARIETY and the DIVERSITY of life. 5 teaches if freedom for one takes away the freedom of another, neither is free. So, we have to develop 2’s powers of CARING, COOPERATION, and WORKING TOGETHER. 5 is the number of CHOICE, but it is in the 2 energy that the power of choice begins. It is also in the 2 energy that chemistry begins. 

2 = PATIENCE. We have too little PATIENCE because we misunderstand the true power and purpose of TIME. Time is the framework on which we evolve. Time is not just a matter of clocks. Time is the frequency of Earth’s rotation around the sun, the movement of the 4 seasons, and the space between the rise of the sun each day and the rise of the moon each night. That is the basis of time on Earth. Our clocks and calendars help us to keep track of it. 

“When you really pay attention, everything is your teacher.” Ezra Bayda

 2 also represents the importance of DETAIL. It is the details that paint a bigger and more accurate picture. PATIENT ATTENTION TO DETAIL is going to be a major part of our individual and collective progress for some time to come.

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You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these tense, extraordinary, unpredictable, and evolutionary times, each book contains inspiring monthly, weekly, and daily readings for your specific yearly cycle. This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free. (Free Book does not apply to Kindle).

Buy my book, LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness, HERE

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WHERE WE ARE – 2021 – WEEK 34

WEEK 34 runs from FRIDAY, AUGUST 20th to THURSDAY, the 26th.

“When times are this dark, remember to take a deep breath and stay grounded in what matters. What matters is empathy. If you’re up against a monster, the way you defeat that monster is refusing to become one.” – ANDREA CHALUPA

These are the very early days of the new millennium. And as the world continues to move through these unpredictable, chaotic, and heart-breaking vibrations, we are faced with multiple catastrophes, each of which has a unique urgency of its own, and all of which are connected to the fact that the old system is breaking down and ripping itself apart. And through those gaping holes, matters of the past keep oozing into the present.

WEEK 34 is a 7 week (3+4=7) – a revealing week – a learning week. No matter what your personal experience, there is vital insight to be gained as the Taliban regain Afghanistan, Covid continues to mutate and spread, Haiti suffers another devastating earthquake, and Mother Nature imposes drastic Earth Changes in order to rescue herself. And then there are the ongoing horrors of racism, sexism, poverty, hunger, homelessness, hatred, ignorance, the menacing threat of fascism, and so many other SYSTEMIC DEFECTS

We crave a peaceful life in a system that is structured on war and death. The reality is that human history is a catalog of battles and suffering.

During the occupation of Atlanta in 1864, General William Sherman wrote “War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it.  Some years later, as he addressed cadets at Michigan Military Academy, he modified that sentiment into three powerful words which have echoed their way through time – to this very day. He said, “WAR IS HELL”.

And it is. War is hell right here on Earth. 

7 represents the mind and the way we think. Therefore, the 34th week of 2021 can trigger important realizations. The system we thought was “life”, the 1000s, is falling down around us, and there is no point in struggling to keep it in place. We are experiencing the END of an entire millennium and our task is to build a new system in which all of life, not just some of life, is valued and respected. 1 is the number of the SELF – and right now, selfishness abounds.

We are in the 2000s now, and 2 represents not just the self, but multiple selves. 1 is the number of the individual, and we cannot have without two 1s

2 represents equality. 2 is the number of peace through empathy and diplomacy – and prosperity through cooperation, not competition. 2 will teach us about the astonishing power of patience – if we are patient enough to learn it. 

As a species, our ability to WAIT for results is seriously lacking and is the reason we make so little progress. Without patience with detail, with each other, and with our own progress, we will fail to move when we need to move, in the way we need to move. Or, in the words of Helen Keller, “A bend in the road is not the end of the road, unless we fail to make the turn.”

We reached such a bend in 2020, and the events of that ill-fated year are likely to spread, mutate, and continue to afflict us until we make that turn. It’s not just about covid-19. It refers to ALL the different toxicities we are wading through on this decade-long learning curve – the 2020s.

The year 2020 did not end. Right now, we are in 2020-1. Next year we will be in 2020-2. And then 2020-3, – all the way to the new decade of the 2030s. All this is taking place in the new millennium of the 2000s.  And look at the dates we are moving through THIS WEEK – August 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26.

This concentration of magnetic feminine 2 is waking up our deadened senses.

The masculine 1000s are over, but masculine energy that refuses to evolve is fighting back hard. We all have both masculine and feminine energy within us – the masculine mind (the Spirit) – the feminine emotions (the Will). No one is coming to “save” us. We can only evolve out of this mess by reaching a balance (equality) between Spirit and Will. The chaos out there is coming from the chaos we hold within. We have to learn whatever this curve is meant to be teaching us, and these lessons are both personal and collective. We are all evolving in our own natural way – according to our own unique experience of life.

This week, soul-searching 7 helps us to look inside ourselves. And the resourceful 5 energy coming from 2021 can help us bring large-scale systemic change by changing our own damaging habits and outdated beliefs. This week’s 5/7 atmosphere suggests that, individually and collectively, a realistic change of mind can lead to a positive change of circumstance.

Be sure to REST when you can. Rest takes various forms, but it always involves a release of tension. Rest enables us to let go of conflict and surrender to peace, albeit temporarily. We must know when to rest and not allow guilt to tell us that we cannot.

Rest enables us to absorb our experiences – and what there is to learn from them. And from rest… WE WAKE!

The energy of SUNDAY, AUGUST 22 can help us to go beyond our current limits. Don’t be afraid of big or unusual ideas. However, this energy can result in BREAKTHROUGH – or CHAOS – and we must therefore increase our ability to sort, arrange, and orchestrate the details, see the bigger picture, and know what we’re dealing with.  Our sense of timing is all-important here. Not only does the 22nd add to the enormous flow of 2 energy that we’re moving through, but August 22, 2021 is also a 35/8 day (8+22+5=3+5=8).

8 represents all forms of power, but in this case, it emphasizes the power that comes from having accurate information to work with – not gossip, rumor, hearsay, or speculation. 35/8 energy enables us to accomplish something we thought we could not do, but this highly creative vibration requires focus and attention to detail, without which it can be disappointing and destructive. So, be patient. You may not see results until the end of next week, which happens to be WEEK 35. In the 7 energy of WEEK 34, it’s more about seeking information, being inspired, setting priorities, planning, and organizing yourself around whatever you need to do. The 34th week of 2021 is rich in insight which is just waiting for us to grasp it.

As I said at the end of my article for Week 33 (A Look At Where We Are): What we are experiencing is a shift in TIME. It is likely to be a rough road for some time to come, but an evolutionary road, nonetheless. Hold on!


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We entered an interesting 10-day phase on AUGUST 8, (8/8), in which all the day numbers begin with 22. Sunday, August 8 is the 220th day of the year. Monday is the 221st day, Tuesday is the 222nd day, and so on, until we reach day 229 on Tuesday, August 17 (which is also an 8/8 day).

22 represents BIG ideas that benefit the many, not just the few, and improving conditions on a global scale. And because 22 is the most balanced form of 4, it also brings order, system, and precision into the world. 22 broadens its effectiveness by seeing as detailed a picture as possible.

In turn, this increases the 2 energy of the 2000s and the decade of the 2020s and brings us deeper into the realities of present time. The millennial shift from the 1000s to the 2000s is so significant that everything on Earth is changing.

It’s hard to imagine the changes that will have occurred a year from now, when these “22” day numbers occur in the year 2022. It is therefore imperative that we stop trying to get back to the old ways – that cruel imbalance that some still believe was “normal”.

Nature is bringing herself back into balance, which we are experiencing as massive climate change, pandemic disease, never-ending wars (usually to control her resources), global-scale displacement and homelessness, and yet another push downwards and backwards into fascism.

Understanding the global dynamics of this experience is vital. The whole world is changing – and we Earthlings – our entire species – must change the way we treat and relate to Mother Earth if we are to survive these multi-faceted Earth Changes.

The human “RACE” (the 1000s/I AM) must end, so that HUMANITY (the 2000s/WE ARE) can begin. 2 is MOTHER energy – the number of caring, relating, nurturing, fairness, instinctiveness, partnership, cooperation, and patience. Great attention to detail is needed because that produces a bigger and more accurate picture.

Although the patriarchy of the 1000s is over (they just don’t know it yet), feminine 2 does not seek dominance. Rather, 2 = partnership, equality, and balance. Feminine Yin (the Will) & Masculine Yang (consciousness) – working in equal partnership within our physical bodies – is what our evolution requires at this stage.

As a result, people are becoming much more emotional – but often without understanding the positive power and purpose of emotion. And where there is fear and anger, the conspiracy-theory industry exploits those emotions for its own ends, which is to profit from it. The demand for disinformation has never been higher. They know that a BIG LIE is easier to swallow if it is sandwiched between layers of truth. And without a deeper understanding of how the emotions work, people just eat it up – the ultimate “emotional eating” reaction.

The old system controls us by manipulating our emotions. Our ability to FEEL (magnetic 2) is equally as powerful as our ability to THINK (electrical 1). We are electromagnetic beings in an electromagnetic world. But much of humanity is fighting this truth by claiming to be superior to others. The fact remains, however, that 1 = SELF and 2 = OTHERS. What we are experiencing is a change in TIME. It is likely to be a rough road for some time to come, but an evolutionary road, nonetheless. Hold on! 

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The 5 Year Journey of 2021 reminds us that FREE WILL is our natural state, and yet none of us are free. 5 reminds us that we cannot be free while we are shackled to the past by our own feelings. No matter what else is going on in our lives, 5 is drawing our memories into present time, so that we can heal from the pain and misunderstanding of both the past and present.

“Your trauma is valid. Even if others have experienced “worse”. Even if someone else who went through the same experience doesn’t feel debilitated by it. Even if it “could have been avoided”. Even if it happened a long time ago. Even if no one knows…. Your pain matters. Your experience matters. Your healing matters. ”  ~ Daniell Koepke

The 7 energy of WEEK 25 takes us inwards so that we can see our own history more clearly. When we venture far enough inside ourselves, we find old issues that we never processes enough to be able to heal from them and put them behind us.

25/7 can also help us to understand the PRESENT trauma that we are all experiencing here in the 2nd year of the 2020s. We are evolving toward Free Will, which is total openness and spontaneity. It begins with the freedom to express outwardly what we feel inwardly.  But the Will is not FREE if it harms or imposes on others. This is a major lesson of the 2020s –  being honest with ourselves and others – and learning from HINDSIGHT.

TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 2021 is an extraordinary day. Yes, June 22 (6/22) occurs every year, but because each year happens only once, 6/22/2021 is a sequence unto itself. These numbers can help us to remember areas of our past that we’ve buried deep inside.

Month = 6

Day = 22(4)

Year = 2+0+2+1 = 5

6+22+= 33/6

33 connects to the 3 energy of the 21st Century. 3 represents COMMUNICATION, which is the basis of consciousness. But communication has been hijacked by the destructive old system which refuses to move into the past, where it belongs. Consequently, we are awash in lies, distractions, violence, hatred, and blatant denial of reality.

33/6 represents the master teacher, healer, entertainer, artist, and communicator whose lessons are learned – and taught – through unusual means. Popular culture plays a big part here, along with the innovative use of words, sounds, and images.

But in the wrong hands, 33’s approach becomes “populism” which masquerades as “the voice of the people” – when its true intent is to control the people. In its basest form, 33/6 is the number of the tyrant and narcissist. DENIAL is one of humanity’s biggest problems – and it is rampant right now.

With peaceful intent, 33/6 brings unique approaches to COMMUNICATION and CREATIVITY. 6 connects to the 6th month of this 5 Year. June 2021 is therefore an 11/2 month. 11 is the number of illumination, inspiration, creativeness, and producing a bigger picture by connecting the various details. CONNECTION is a major theme of the 11 energy – since 2 cannot exist without the connection of two 1s. While 1 represents the 1st step, 11 represents the next step.

JUNE 22 is also the 173rd day of the year (1+7+3=11/2).

The 22nd connects to the two 2s in the decade of the 2020s, and with the 2 energy of the millennial 2000s. Master Numbers are multiples of 11 (from 11 to 99), and they are all active on JUNE 22, 2021. This is a day to REMEMBER what has been forgotten or hidden. This will enable us to take that next step in whatever we are trying to achieve. Or perhaps we will realize that we have already taken it. We are each having our own unique experience here.

Caution is needed when considering what is best for others. 22 can inspire the world with its power of compassion and constructive good – or it can create havoc, destruction, and cruelty, through the abuse of power.

22/4 represents the master achiever, builder, diplomat, and organizer. It provides intelligence, instinctive understanding (intuition), and impressive administrative abilities. 22 helps us to achieve large-scale goals through partnership and teamwork. The abundance of 2 is teaching us how to channel our talents and qualities in ways that improve conditions for others. And 4 (the number of work – and how things work – gives us the stamina and determination to get the job done!

In the process of freeing the human WILL, we are evolving emotionally – and just look at what’s happening to people, everywhere. What is trapped inside is coming out – and while this is needed for the healing to progress, it can also produce dangerous situations in which people simply cannot control themselves.

Unprocessed emotions are flying all over the place. FEAR OF CHANGE is causing tempers to rage and hate to spew. But do remember that hate is not an emotion. Hate is a disease of the emotions, which only love can heal. And it is often the case that hate is so deeply entrenched that it cannot be healed at all, and it just has to die out.

People are unaccustomed to this level of feeling. Some are afraid they are losing their minds. But that very fear is preventing us from creating the alignment that comes when our masculine Mind accepts our feminine Will as an equal. This is plain to see in the outer world – the fear that this “man’s world” (1) will be ruled by women (2).  But feminine 2 does not want to control. It wants to remove control so that equality, fairness, justice, truth, and caring (all of which are forms of balance) can create a new foundation on which to build a better, freer, and more loving way of life.

But we cannot heal from something if we pretend it didn’t happen, or that it didn’t affect us. We let go of the past, not by forgetting it, but by remembering what there was to learn from it.

“We are not ready to return to “normal.” There is no normal. If 600,000 people died in, say, a nuclear strike, there would be endless memorials, holidays, acts of sympathy and healing. We would be forced to acknowledge it. Instead, we are all just. . .living with all that grief.”   ~ Mikel Jollett, author of the best-selling book, “Hollywood Park.”

Our present trauma is an accumulation of our past traumas and right now, 25/7 is taking us inwards… to help us HEAL at the root. The present is always the result of the past. And the present is alwayswhere the future is created. Each of us has our own inside story to tell, our own truth, our own reality, and we have to learn to EXPRESS our feelings honestly and spontaneously without harming ourselves or anyone else. 

LETTING GO of our traumas often means forgiving ourselves and others.  We cannot be in present time if we’re clinging to the past. But forgiving is not a mental switch that we turn on at our convenience. Forgiveness is an emotional process, something we must FEEL, including the feelings that the trauma itself generates. Forgiveness opens the heart in the places it is closed. Forgiveness is the ability to LET GO and MOVE ON.

However, ongoing abuse and continuing atrocities all over the world make forgiveness impossible. And that, too, is a major part of humanity’s present trauma. A system that profits from contest, war, and the suffering of others, will never change the tactics that keeps it afloat. Therefore, the system itself must BE changed. Knowing that it all has to change is part of the current trauma, too, because no one knows what the future holds – and we are all afraid of the unknown.

Nonetheless, change is inevitable because we cannot shift from the electrical masculine 1000s to the magnetic feminine 2000s without major systemic changes. 1 and 2 are completely different energies, and yet 2 is always the product of two 1s.

1 is the number of SELF. It instinctively “takes care of number one”.  Selfish, proud, adventurous, fast, forward-moving, inventive, independent, territorial, competitive, wants to be first, best, most successful, wants to BE Number One. 1 is the individual. 1 is light. 1 is masculine energy. 1 is paternal energy (but the patriarchy has overwhelmed life on Earth). 1 is electricity. 1 is the nucleus of all the other numbers. 1 is the beginning – the 1st step.

2 represents the relationship between our selves – and other selves. 2 = connection, and disconnection. When two 1s unite they produce 11, which is an essential evolutionary energy. It is the simplest of sums: 1+1 =2.

2 enables us to feel at the maternal level with empathy, sharing, caring, attention to detail, and PATIENCE. Of course, paternal energy is also loving and benevolent, but as our understanding of it evolves, we have to leave behind the antiquated notion that “father knows best” – or – masculine is superior to feminine. That’s where the whole idea of “supremacy” originates, along with all the other imbalances, prejudices, snobbery, and hate.

Patriarchy operates on the belief that feminine emotions are the servants of the masculine mind and must be kept firmly under control, that light is good (positive) and dark is bad (negative) – and we wonder why the horrors of racism exist.  

As the feminine become more powerful in this masculine world, the patriarchal reign cannot survive. There is patriarchy in all societies, but the most dominant strain sees its collective self as “white supremacy” … just as the nazis saw themselves as the “master race”. As I often say, the human race is NOT our species. The human race is the cruel war-driven class system that sets us against each other – with the so-called “ruling class” – white males – controlling everything.

We are evolving from a world in which the phrase “it’s a man’s world” was taken as fact – into a very different world in which masculine and feminine must work together to keep the balance. The sensitive 2 energy that 1 + 1 produces “reads” reality and relays its findings (feelings) to 1. Then 1 takes the action that the situation requires.

The 7 energy of WEEK 25 is taking you inward so that you can take a detailed look at what’s buried there – to experience all that feeling you have been unwilling to feel – and LET IT GO. This is how we lighten up. This is how we heal.

Of course, inner healing does not occur in a single day, week, or month. Emotional healing is ongoing – the work of a lifetime. But it does tend to happen in spurts and surges, and the array of numbers in action right now can certainly facilitate such growth.

On MONDAY JUNE 21, your WEEKLY FORECAST doubles as a daily forecast. This occurs when the month and day add up to 9. (6+2+1=9). Feelings and circumstances intensify on these dates. 9 represents completion, endings, awareness, global matters, outward expression, empathy, giving, compassion, and LETTING GO in order to move forward. 9 takes us back to the past to tie up the loose ends we left there, including a multitude of hurt feelings that we have yet to express. As we evolve, reflections of the past appear everywhere – and we must remember that in this cause-and-effect world, the past is an essential teacher.

Introspective 7 enables you to analyze your own life and get to the root of how your various experiences have shaped your present self. This is an opportunity to accept yourself exactly as you are and heal from whatever is preventing you from being who you have it in you to become.

We are moving through 7’s “strangeness”, enigmas, puzzles, and the unfamiliar feelings and thoughts they trigger. 7 brings out our fears, often to the point of paranoia. But emotional energy is magnetic, and living with all that fear, especially if we deny that we’re afraid, attracts the very experience we’re afraid of in order to break our denials down. 7 is the learning number – and this is a time to do our homework and get our facts straight. There is fact. And there is fiction.

Emotion is our honesty. Being honest with ourselves is a vital 1st step. The more we allow others to manipulate our emotions, the easier it will be for the old system to control us. Fascism does not declare itself. It slides into our lives by normalizing and legalizing, itself. It deceives, lies, and bullies. And once it takes hold, IT DOES NOT LET GO! That is why emotional healing is so necessary at this precise time, regardless of what else is on your agenda.

Although the energies of WEEK 25 and JUNE 22, 2021 are unique, it doesn’t mean that their effects only last for a week or a day. In fact, this week appears to be a vital turning point. What we learn from it – immediately or later on – stays with us in the form of lessons learned and experience gained.

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WEEK 22, 2021 – Creative Numerology

When the world changed from the fast, electrical, masculine 1000s to the slower, magnetic, feminine 2000s, we did not change with it. We are on a completely new wavelength now, and the increase of suffering all over the planet, is the result of our inability to change with the times. Instead of slowing down when 1999 brought us into the 2000s, we accelerated instead.

We cannot appreciate the massiveness of this shift in time, if we do not understand the nature of time, in all its simplicity, and all its complexity. Time provides the framework upon which we learn, grow, heal, and evolve. Time is the flow of numbers. Time is movement. Movement is life. And Life is the ultimate mystery.

2 represents balance, fairness, equality, and justice. We are currently traveling through:

  • The MILLENNIUM of the 2000s
  • The 21ST CENTURY (2+1=3)
  • The DECADE of the 2020s
  • A 10-WEEK CYCLE in which all the WEEK NUMBERS begin with 2, and which directly reflect the YEAR NUMBERS of the decade (from 20 to 29)s.
  • June = 6 + the 5 YEAR of 2021 = 11=2. Therefore, JUNE 2021 is a 2 MONTH, derived from the Master Number 11.

This convergence of 2 energy is mirror-like and reflective – and we’re seeing ourselves, and each other, as we really are. It is also helping us to learn how to live as spiritual/emotional beings in these physical bodies of ours. We seem to be a long way from learning this lesson, and yet people everywhere realize that there is more to life than the way we are living now!

When 2 and 2 connect, the ideal merges with the practical. Great ideas can emerge from opposing points of view. For example, instead of “evolution vs creation”, we can see that life is an evolving creation in which both positive and negative are natural – and necessary to a balanced existence. 22/4 often entails big ideas – and big changes which improve the lives of the masses.

22/4 can take you onto a much more prominent stage where you can be a talented builder of new concepts and new realities – diplomat, organizer, negotiator, and orchestrator. 11 has the dream, and 22 brings it to life. 22 is the Master Builder.

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace,” ~ Jimi Hendrix.

2 represents CONNECTION and DISCONNECTION. And the disconnect between people, as we transition further into the 2000s, has become a tug-of-war between the past and the present – between the love of power – and the power of love.

22 represents large-scale events and accomplishments, brought about by cooperation, diplomacy, persuasion, and great attention to detail, for the purpose of improving conditions for the masses (not just the few). But when ‘just a few’ use the 22 energy for selfish, greedy, or vengeful purposes, the end result is confusion, insensitivity, inappropriate responses, deception, and utter chaos.

22 gives us a choice from which none of us are immune: we can ask ourselves what we can get out of a situation, or what we can contribute to it. We can enflame volatile situations, or we can diffuse them. We can move through life with unloving intent. Or we can move through life with loving intent.

We are living in an age in which we are giving balance to our masculine minds, our feminine emotions, and that vital part of our physical existence – our bodies. This is an opportunity for some serious healing and inner connecting. 1 is the first number. The number of self – the individual. And that’s where BEING ONE starts. All growth starts within.

22/4 enables us to find workable solutions by being patient with detailed and complex matters and dedicated enough to keep going when the going gets tough.

22/4 gives us the gift of commitment and perseverance and helps us move safely and effectively through chaotic times such as these with our eyes, ears, minds, and hearts wide open. That’s what facing reality entails. Being your true self means being truthful to yourself. That is where we are – still – in the process of coming out of denial and seeing the world, ourselves, and each other as we really are.

We are ONE species. Not the human “race”. The race is the system. The race enables the wars and atrocities. Someone said to me recently that we are all “Earthlings”. I like that. Yes, we are.

22/4 gives us courage – and the ability to go after what we want. Fear does not always stop us from moving ahead. Fear can also spur us on – because fear and courage are opposite ends of the same emotional string which measures, interprets, and expresses our sense of security as we wing our way through life. (And yes, we’re all “winging it” through the transformational decade of the 2020s). Fear often indicates that we are finally ready to “feel the fear and do it anyway” – and keeps us aware of possible dangers along the way. Courage and fear work together.

If life is a symphony, we have reached that part of the score where everything slows down, and a different atmosphere is created. The key shifts from major to minor, as life shifts from 1 to 2; from thought to feeling; from light to dark, from action to contemplation. And from this comes depth, understanding, planning, and right timing. 2 slows everything down, and in such a concentration of 2, we must not try to push our way forward. That doesn’t mean that we should not act quickly and efficiently when needed. It means that we are involved in a slow process – which requires time to complete itself. 2 is the number of PATIENCE, and patience is the acceptance of time, and above all, the acceptance of reality.

When certain information comes to light, people often refuse to believe that their original belief could be wrong and will fight to uphold their preferred theories. The same applies to certain ‘experts’ who cannot change their minds because their income and prestige depend on continuing the BIG LIE. In the words of Carl Sagan:

“If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”

The devastating experience of Covid-19 gave us an opportunity to slow it all down, stand back, and take an honest overview of our lives and relationships, including our relationship with Mother Nature. It gave us long moments of reflection so that we can see where certain beliefs have bamboozled us. And to find ways to go about our lives which do not buy-in to a system that is killing us.

2 shows us, in different ways, just how powerful feminine energy is. We may find that in WEEK 22, (or any of the Week numbers that begin with 2), shows us the stunning difference between “strongman” tactics, and the power of a strong woman – or an emotionally honest man and a feelingless woman. Yes, these are complicated gender oriented times.

1 is the SELF. The EGO. 1’s unevolved nature is combative and territorial. But 1 is also the energy of ideas, action, invention, and electricity.

2 is the magnetic behind-the-scenes energy that takes care of the all-important details, connects it all together, and makes it all work – without which 1 cannot function successfully. But unevolved 1 barely acknowledges 2 and takes credit for 2’s efforts.

Unevolved 2 does not know its own value, or that it is the offspring of 1 that has split itself in two. This miraculous evolutionary growth is the reason 11 is such is sacred number, especially right now, as humanity continues down this evolutionary path on which everything appears to be upside-down. But this is not the way things on Earth have suddenly become. This is the way things have always been. And we’re only just realizing it.

There is a strong connection between COVID-19 – and the century we are evolving from – the 1900s,which is the main timeframe of the industrial age. Karmic 19/1 contains everything we need to learn in order to move out of this deadly imbalance and into a new form of sustainable life. People understandably want to get back to normal. And in the USA, here we are – almost back to normal – with a mass shooting almost every day.

There is much to learn from the year 1919. Many of the events taking place today, especially in matters of banking, oil, weapons, racism, and war, are connected to what happened in 1919 (which was a 2 Year in the world). This included the signing of the 19th Amendment in the U.S. on June 4, (102 years ago) regarding a woman’s right to vote. There were also deadly race riots in Chicago and Omaha. There was the 1918/19 Flu pandemic, the capturing of Jerusalem by British Forces which led to the creation of Israel in 1948 (a 22/4 Year), and the colonization of the Indian, African, and Australian continents (and more) by Britain.

22 is the most balanced form of 4.

 4 is such a practical number – the number of PRIORITIES, OBLIGATIONS, EFFORT, and DETERMINATION, while realistic 2 gives us DETAIL, PERSPECTIVE, and COORDINATION. As we move through these powerful vibrations, solutions for the present and future may be very different to the solutions that ‘appeared’ to work in the past. So much has changed and continues to change.

22/4 also represents obstruction, barriers, and opposition. When a hidden reality is about to be exposed, a barrage of denial is released to prevent the truth from reaching consciousness. And denial is the biggest problem we face on Earth at the present time because it poisons people’s hearts and minds. But denial is slippery by nature. It’s hard to pin denial down because it denies its own existence. Denial denies everything. Denial is difficult to confront, and yet that is what we must do. Denial is at the root of the famous “BIG LIE” theory put out by Joseph Goebbels and Adolf Hitler in the 1930s:

Always accuse the other side of that of which you are guilty.”


“If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it.” 

We can expect to see a lot of denial this week, and breakthrough, too, when it comes to leaving denial behind.

Everything on Earth is CONNECTED. To attack nature is to attack ourselves since we are part of nature and not separate from it. Until we start connecting what is happening to humanity to what is being done by humanity, we will remain stuck in this self-imposed unsurvivable box. We are meant to be free spirits. Competition is the nature of unevolved 1 and the futile need to BE #1.

However, 1 is also the number of CHANGE. Black lives really do matter, and the racial divide is shifting drastically. But the damage that has been done must be acknowledged and allowed to HEAL. 2 does not compete. 2 cooperates. 2 brings caring, equality, partnership, common sense, justice, and BALANCE into life.

“Air, water and soil are not economic entities. They’re sacred. Nature doesn’t care about the economy.” ~Barry Smit, 2007 Nobel Peace Prize winner for his work on Climate Change.

We must fully accept reality on Earth because this planet is all we have to stand on. Mother Nature is pure feminine energy. As the journey proceeds, we must pay great attention, not only to what we are told is happening, but most especially to what we are FEELING, because that is where our power is. 2 gives us the power of instinct and intuition and the ability to think for ourselves.

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You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these tense, extraordinary, unpredictable, and  evolutionary times, each book contains inspiring monthly, weekly, and daily readings for your specific yearly cycle.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free.(Free Book does not apply to Kindle). These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated for the entire year ahead … 

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 9/11 is the CODE OF REVERSAL. It turns things around. And one of the prominent numbers that came out of the brutal murder of George Floyd is 9.29 – the exact length of time – 9 minutes and 29 seconds – that a depraved white police officer cut off his air supply by kneeling on his neck, every horrifying moment of which was caught on film. In numerology, 9.29 converts to 911. (2+9=11). 

In the height of the Covid pandemic, this moved people, all over the world, emotionally, intellectually, and physically, in the most profound evolutionary way. The protests were massive and inconsolable. A reversal of the status quo had begun on the date of George Floyd’s death: May 25, 2020.

 911 is the emergency code for the United States. And the emergency in this case is white supremacy, the systemic inequity and violence towards people of color, and the disease of hatred that keeps it all in place. But on April 20, 2021, the USA turned a sinister corner in its history – especially its policing history – and arrived in the stark reality of present-time. The past just got pushed a little further into its right place – behind us – but there is still a long way to go.

The letters in the name George Floyd convert to 11. His life, and his death, are creating a monumental CHANGE OF DIRECTION, a much-needed reversal on the road to equality and a more balanced, loving, and caring existence on Earth. 2021 is a 5 Year, (2+0+2+1=5) which means that April 2021 is a 9 month (4+5=9)9 represents THE END OF AN ERA.

April 20, 2021 adds up to 11. (4+2+5=11). 11 provides the metaphysical bridge between the millennium of the masculine war-torn 1000s and the balance that the feminine 2000s is bringing. (1+1=2).

 1 = the individual, 11 = multiple individuals, and 2 connects us all as a species. 2 is the number of connection, partnership, equality, patience, detail, and new depths of understanding.

His murder occurred on May 25, 2020 (5+7+4=1+6=7) – a karmic 16/7 day in the world. And April 20, 2021, (the day on which the murderer was found guilty on all three counts) occurred in Calendar Week 16. The letters in George Floyd’s last words, “I CAN’T BREATHE”, which he cried out multiple times as his life was being stolen from him, also convert to 16. In its basest form, 16/7 represents the abuse of power.

George Floyd was in a 1 Personal Year in 2020. 1 brings CHANGE, PROGRESS, and NEW BEGINNINGS. All this occurred in the city of MINNEAPOLIS, and when you convert those letters into numbers, you get the master number 55 (49555176391).  55 gives us 10 – and 10 gives us 1. And when 1 is derived from 55, many ideas and situations are simply “before their time”. But in this case, we have an idea and a situation whose time is long overdue and is finally here!  There’s no going back from this enormous evolutionary step.

May in a 1 Year is a 6 month – and 6 is the number of JUSTICE. It reminds us of the countless others whose murders were not filmed, or they were filmed but the officers involved got away with it. It reminds us that we are not the human RACE. The system is the human “race”. WE are humanity. The reality of “no justice, no peace” is a major lesson for us all.

To better understand what is happening under the surface this week, read the notes about WEEK 16, in this week’s forecasts. And don’t forget to read your own personal forecast too.

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9 energy


I started writing this in the 9th week of 2021, (Feb 26 to Mar 4), but this focus on 9 is not just about one week. It is about the ongoing effect that 9 – the number of ENDINGS and RENEWAL – is constantly playing in our lives. Not only are we experiencing the end of an entire millennial cycle, and the beginning of a new one, but there is also the fact that 9 contains all the other numbers combined. (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9=4+5=9).  

3 is the square root of 9 (3×3=9). And 3 is extremely prominent now in the 3rd month of the year. 3 is the number of COMMUNICATION, WORDS, IMAGES, SYMBOLS, THE ARTS, THE STAGE, THE WORLD STAGE, POPULARITY, POPULATION, SOCIAL MATTERS, OUTER APPEARANCE, LAUGHTER, HAPPINESS, and OPTIMISM.

Optimism is hope, and we cannot survive without that. It is often said that “hope is the last thing to go, so hold on to it.” But we have to be realistic, too. True optimism is not a matter of thinking, “oh don’t worry, it will all work itself out in the end”, and then leave the burden of working things out to other people. We all have a part to play – and most of it goes no further than the decisions we make in our own everyday lives.

Evolution is not an automatic spiritual conveyer-belt which requires no effort on our part. It is the result of our ability to face the harshest aspects of whatever our reality happens to be, to honestly feel how it makes us feel, to empathize, learn, adjust, LET GO of the past, and BE the change we desire.

3 enables things to spread, such as hope, happiness, illness, lies, rumor, gossip, anger, and yes, LOVE. Be aware of how all of those things “spread” – and the forces behind them.

March 2021 (3+5) is an 8 Month – the number of POWER ON THE MATERIAL PLANE – the number of VALUE and WORTH. Economic, governmental, and military matters are likely to be in the spotlight, but whatever our personal situation happens to be, this is a time to evaluate what we ourselves are investing our time, energy, and money into – and what we are getting in return. It is a time to understand the nature of what we are supporting. It is also a time to LET GO of harmful habits, which we may not at first realize are harmful.

The MATERIAL PLANE is actually MOTHER EARTH. Everything we have of a material nature comes from her. Absolutely everything! MATERIALITY is GREED, which is a form of hate. And greed has ravaged this living, breathing, thinking, and loving planet to the most shameful and alarming degree. But she will bounce back in the 2000s because 2 is feminine energy – mother energy.

The 3 5 8 vibrations of March 2021 have highly creative potential, since all three of those numbers result in manifestation. So, let your mind open – and imagine new possibilities. 8 is the number of PERSONAL POWER – your personal ability to make things happen.

8 also represents the POWER that comes from accurate understanding. This means recognizing and LETTING GO of preconceived ideas and dogma so that the mind can open and learn new things. Our task is to LET GO of the past so that we can create a future that is not just a repeat of the past. 9 is the number of LETTING GO.

The dictionary definition of misogyny is hatred of, aversion to, or prejudice against women”. And misogyny is on display – all over the world. That is to be expected as the masculine 1000s give way to the feminine 2000s. But this “man’s world” is not going to change into a “woman’s world”. That would not bring the balance we need so desperately. But a partnership of masculine electricity and feminine magnetism (mind and emotion) will create a world in which the worth of a man and a woman are equal, without either having to become more like the other. A world in which a female child is valued the same as a male child. A world in which our understanding of gender expands beyond the primitive confines of male at one end and female at the other. A world in which the value of all others is recognized and embraced. A world of EQUALITY among the sheer beauty and richness of life’s DIVERSITY.

This expands to the primitive idea of white supremacy, too. 1 represents SELF. 2 represents OTHERS. The human “race” is not our species. The human race is the combative and unprincipled system that we’re trapped in, and out of which we must evolve. Life is not a race. Life is not a contest.

Not only are we in the new millennium of the 2000s, but also the new decade of the 2020s – a 10-year cycle in which life will force us to look to the past to understand how the present was formed, bringing fresh meaning to the term “20-20 hindsight”.

But it is 9 that enables us to look back and release ourselves from whatever is keeping us trapped. 9 takes us backwards in order to move forward. And 2, the number of PATIENCE, slows everything down until the correct understanding comes.

Time is the rhythm of nature. Time is the framework that makes evolution possible in the first place. Take your time. This is a complicated journey we’re on. A mystifying but fragile blend of creation and evolution – a partnership of Yin and Yang – and we are only taking our FIRST STEP – from “I AM” (1) to “WE ARE (2)”.

Conditions on Earth are enabling us to BE who we really are. The old system dictated our identity by labeling and classifying. That is what a class system does. But much of what we experience in the decade of the 2020s (2+0+2+0=4) is a matter of recognizing – for ourselves – who we really are – and then BEING that person. 4 enhances our sense of IDENTITY.

We can clearly see the extent of the selfishness and cruelty that humanity reached in the 1000s. 1 is the first number and is therefore the number of leadership. As our understanding of 1 evolves, a different kind of leadership is emerging which does not seek to control, but rather enables us to lead our own lives. Humanity is freeing its feminine energy – its WILL. This is what our current evolution is all about.

The purpose of government is to help facilitate and maintain this balance. And what is balance if not equality, justice, fairness, and stability? But because humanity has never experienced this level of existence before, it is difficult for many to LET GO of the old imbalanced ways. They want to get “back to normal” which cannot happen in these times of change. It is time to LET GO of the past and change the way we live. 9 enables us to LET GO – in order to move forward.

Meanwhile, in the 8 energy of March 2021, the powers of banking, government, the military, industry, religion, royalty, and other forceful influences, are all vying for position as their structures are buffeted around in this evolutionary whirlwind. While they fight amongst themselves, it is the people and planet that suffer.

Looking ahead, APRIL 2021 (4+5) is a 9 month in the world, and it would seem that some kind of crescendo is likely to occur. 45/9 is a dramatic energy in which the endings involved are life-changing and final. Whatever ends with 45, really does END. In this instance, 4 signifies the end of a particular road – a dead-end – and 5 suggests something new and unfamiliar. But if we try to stay on the old road that is leading nowhere, we create a dangerous standstill. Life is energy, and energy must move. FRIDAY, APRIL 9TH looks like a day of movement in the world since it is the 99th day of the year. The date itself = 9, too: 4+9+5=1+8=9.

It is easy to believe that life on Earth suddenly got turned up-side down in the past few years, but in reality, it was always up-side down, trickle-down, keeping the down-trodden down (and out). We are feeling the enormous pressure and confusion of turning ourselves the right way up. This is new and unfamiliar territory. But being on a new road doesn’t mean that it can’t lead to something wonderful.

2021 is a 5 Year – the number of adventure and excitement, and above all, learning from our experiences. It is a time to recognize our mistakes and bad habits, and stop repeating them. 5 is the number of CHOICE, CHANGE, and FREEDOM.

Things that we always took for granted are changing, and there is no shame in not having immediate answers. The moment we realize that we got something wrong, we automatically gain wisdom. The mind expands. Awareness increases. Then, a way forward becomes visible, the old ways lose their grip, confusion turns to clarity, and there is new light on the path.

Emotional 9 is the number of endings, from which new beginnings emerge. 9 generates new life out of the old. 9 is what allows life to continue. 9 enables us to FEEL alive. Life goes on, thanks to 9.

After 9 comes 10 – which brings us back to 1 where we begin again, on a more experienced and wiser level.

The world is full of existential problems – but for every problem, there is a solution that does not entail killing, destroying, and making things worse. We need the WILL to make this happen, and the willingness to open our imaginations. We are all going through something. We are all going through changes. That’s what evolution is. There is a much more fulfilling and happier way to exist – and co-exist – if only we could imagine it with ALL our senses, and not just the mind.

As Einstein so brilliantly observed, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, whereas imagination encircles the world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.”

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You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these tense, extraordinary, unpredictable, and  evolutionary times, each book contains inspiring monthly, weekly, and daily readings for your specific yearly cycle.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free.(Free Book does not apply to Kindle). These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated for the entire year ahead … 

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We are moving through a segment of time that is different to anything we have experienced before. Multiple historic events are converging in the millennium of the 2000s – and the decade of the 20s. We thought 2020 was behind us, but it’s not that simple.

We are still in 2020, but this year, we’re calling it twenty-twenty-1. Next year will be twenty-twenty-2, and so on, until the end of twenty-twenty-9. We are in a 10-year cycle in which we must grasp the concept of “20/20 hindsight” – which means seeing what we could not see before. It means learning from experience. Learning as we go. 2021 is a 5 Year, (2+0+2+1=5). The principal theme of 5 is to learn from both mistakes and successes. The goal is to see life as it really is.

This is a year in which to focus on our repeated experiences – and the programming that comes from that. When something is repeated enough, it becomes normalized, habitual, and imprinted on our psyche as unavoidable. This conditioning is how the system captures large chunks of the human WILL. We tell ourselves, “that’s life”  but this imprinted rut insists that nothing can change, which prevents us from expanding our experience of life. 5 represents both EXPERIENCE and CHANGE.

The 5 Global Year is a time to recognize and dismantle our ingrained patterns so that our personal history does not merely repeat itself. The instability of 5 can affect our perception and perspective, to the extent that we cannot be sure of what we are seeing, hearing, or sensing. We cannot be sure because we tend to shut down our sensory system whenever we see or hear something that feels unpleasant, or something we don’t understand.

Our personal patterns always reflect the same points of view which we cannot look beyond. This means that we cannot learn anything new. The circumstances of 2021 will make us look beyond what has always been, so that a  more sustainable and loving way of life can form.  5 is the main point of balance in the numeric spectrum. All roads lead to – and from – 5.

On the 6th day of 2021, the Capitol Building in Washington DC was violently attacked by those who are desperate to keep the old ways of the 1000s – the ways of white supremacy and male dominance – firmly in place. It was not an uprising – it was a push-back – back to the past. This is 2021, and men and women everywhere are evolving beyond those old concepts.

January 6 = 1+6=7. And 7 is the learning number. The number of introspection and analysis. 7 takes us within – to find the cause of a problem and arrange a way out of it. 7 is also the number of conspiracy theory, secrets, lies, plotting and planning to outdo others. 7 exposes wrongdoing in a way that brings downfall and disgrace.

The USA – and the UK – are in the 7 National Year in 2021.

The 1st month of a 5 Year = 6, and 6 is the number of EXTREMES. 6 is also the number of balance. In the instability of this 5 Year, we may find ourselves teetering between one extreme and another for some time to come, but knowing this in advance can help us deal more effectively with such situations as they arise.

Both 1 and 5 represent CHANGE. 1 teaches us that one step leads to another – and another – and for every step we take, there is a reaction. The raw aggression that occurred on January 6 is the result of generations of “steps” all reaching critical mass simultaneously. THIS is why it’s so important to understand the laws of karma – the laws of cause-and-effect.

Despite the rigors and the heartbreaking death toll of 2020, the first year of the 20s also marked a shift in consciousness when it came to the power of women, especially black and brown women, and the racism on which the old dying system is based. And now we are in the 2nd year of the 20s.

Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.” Stephen Hawking

As I have often written, the human “race” is not our species. The human “race” is the system in which our species (humanity) is trapped. A race is a contest to be the best, to win, to be first, to BE #1. This constant state of contest, one-upmanship, and the need to ‘trump’ each other, manifests on a larger scale as never-ending WAR.

For as long as we think of ourselves as the human ‘race’, racism is unavoidable. Yes, 2020 was a terrible year in many respects, but it also enabled the white population, especially after the horrific televised murder of George Floyd, to finally understand the terms “white privilege” and “Black Lives Matter”. Tremendous insight was gained from that, which spread, world-wide. It finally sank in that the atrocities of racism have been going on forever, and must end.

2020 was the beginning of a new reality in which feminine 2 will bring true equality, fairness, justice, and balance into this cruel and primitive “man’s world”. It will not be an easy transition. After all, we are experiencing the end of the world – as we know it.

As we move further into the equality that comes from 2, there are likely to be many attempts to drag us back to the past. It could take the entire decade for the fringe to evolve – and much of it never will. There will always be EXTREMES. Everything has its furthest point.

Just as we cannot move safely into the 2 energy until we learn the lessons of 1, we cannot fix our problems until we understand the full extent of what we are dealing with, and how it began. 2 is the number of DETAIL, and it is the details of a situation that create the bigger picture.

Similarly, we cannot heal until we recognize just how sick we are.  Not just from Covid-19, which from a metaphysical perspective is a symptom of a more deeply rooted cause – the race itself – the class system, which classifies us according to how useful or desirable the system judges us to be.  No one is immune to this. We are all labelled, one way or another.

The principal technique of this judgmental male-driven system is DIVIDE AND CONQUER, the consequences of which have manifested in the most violent way – not just in the USA, but everywhere. We are all experiencing the divisions, gaps, and misunderstandings that separate us as a species. Suppressed feelings, many of which are extremely dangerous, are being drawn to the surface. Unbridled rage is not acting from intelligence. Rage shuts reason down.

2021 is about CHOICE. We can avert total disaster by making the right choices, which means being AWARE and not merely influenced by what others tell us, by not being “glued” to our electronic devices and the tentacles of social media. Our connection to technology is overriding our connection to the natural world. But we cannot exist in physical form without feminine energy – Mother Nature herself.

Both FaceBook and Twitter are in a 2 Year in 2021, so that should be interesting.

The destructiveness of the conspiracy theory industry is becoming more exposed as we move further into the transparency of the 2000s. But oh, what damage it has done! Vital details are concealed, truth is twisted and engineered to suit the desired narrative. Emotions are “whipped up” so that they express themselves on cue, rather than naturally.

We are evolving emotionally. When electrical masculine 1 aligns with magnetic feminine 2, we have INNER BALANCE, which manifests as peace in the outer world. Every feeling that was ever held back will have to move OUT of us if we are to heal and evolve. This is why issues of freedom, slavery, oppression, poverty, domination, hate, terror, cruelty, war, and today’s “by-hook-or-by-crook” approach to business and politics, are such major issues of these times.

Our emotions are our truth tellers. But it is hard to know what to express when the facts are twisted to suit someone else’s agenda or beliefs. What we call public opinion is often the result of carefully crafted corporate and political efforts to manipulate the public heart. The ‘war for hearts and minds’ is a war ON hearts and minds, for the purpose of brainwashing and gaining compliance.

We are in the process of freeing our individual and collective WILL. Covid-19 is metaphysically connected to the WILL: for instance, a ‘nasal drip’ indicates emotions that want to leave the body but cannot find their way out.  A hacking cough is a sign of emotions stuck in the lungs, literally trying to hack their way out. Emotions are fluid. They leave our bodies through the respiratory system – mucus through our mouths and noses, and the shedding of tears through our eyes.

However, hate is NOT an emotion. Hate is a disease OF the emotions. The absence of love. Ill feelings. The spread of hate throughout the globe is a pandemic in itself, which only love can heal.

Surviving these tumultuous times will give us enormous resilience and the courage to open our imaginations. How we change this world will be the direct result of our intent and our resolve to make things better. There is no going back to the way things were. What we eventually create out of the current mess must be healed of racism, sexism, and all prejudices. Healed of greed and the urge to do harm.

We are being pushed and pulled in all directions, but these ongoing jolts and stretches of uncertainty are helping us to evolve, emotionally and mentally. People are feeling everything more deeply every day, and the vibrations coming from our feelings release us from denial and open our minds.

The harm that denial does is highly visible. It is everywhere. As we recognize our own denials and stop denying, reality falls into view and the truth reveals itself. We see that many people in positions of great power are sick and demented. The insanity of the old system has pushed its way to the top, and we are now face to face with the dangers of that reality.

2 = timing. 2 = transparency. 2 = behind-the-scenes activity. 2 reveals the hidden details. 2 exposes the underlying truth. 2 connects it all together. And 2 activates our feelings as we come face to face with the truth.

I am writing this on January 16th. The presidential inauguration in the USA occurs on the 20th. And from the 20th to the 29th, like an echo of the decade of the 20s, we have 10 days in which every day is a 20 day – the 21st, 22nd, 23rd etc. And then, we enter the 28 days of February – month #2.

The first two months of 2021 contain an extraordinary concentration of 2 energy. The 1000s are over and 2 is the principle number of our times. The 2020s are indeed uncharted territory – which cannot be charted until we realize and accept that this is where we are. 


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You can get a whole year of Monthly/Weekly/Daily Forecasts (with all the calculations made for you) in your own CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY YEAR BOOK. Written specifically to help you steer your way through these tense, extraordinary, unpredictable, and  evolutionary times, each book contains inspiring monthly, weekly, and daily readings for your specific yearly cycle.

This is a 9-book collectable set. Buy one book – or more – or buy all 9 books and get one free.(Free Book does not apply to Kindle). These books make the most excellent gifts which will be used and appreciated for the entire year ahead … 

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WHO ARE YOU?  WHY ARE YOU HERE?  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?  This profile will help you to understand your purpose for being here at this precarious evolutionary time in the human journey, what you have to work on, and what you have to work with.  From  $95.00

Buy my book, LIFE CYCLES: your emotional journey to freedom and happiness, HERELife Cycles by Christine DeLorey


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WEEK 46 2020

The 46th week of 2020 is a 10/1 week which denotes a new level of innovative, systemic, change. This goes way beyond the old left/right political march of repeated history, ongoing conflict, and war. WEEK 46 brings everything to a NEW LEVEL. It brings deeper understanding, determined collaborative action, and a way forward.

But first, why is 2020 so difficult? Our experience of moving from the 1000s to the 2000s is doubled now because 2020 is also the first year of the decade of the 20s. Moving from the 10s to the 20s mirrors our experience of moving from 1000 to 2000. There’s no getting away from this, or from the myriad fears that these gigantic changes are triggering, such as fear of the unknown, fear of loss, and fear of being trapped with no way out.

There are only 9 numbers in the numeric spectrum. After that, the double digits can be reduced to single numbers by adding them together.

10 = 1+0=1.

11 = 1+1=2.

12 = 1+2=3, and so on…

10 brings us back to 1, but with the benefit of what 1 through 9 has taught us. That’s the good news. We are evolving. We are moving forward. 46/10/1 brings us into a new phase.

The fact that 2020 is a Leap Year is also relevant. An extra day is inserted at the end of February so that the calendar remains in alignment with Earth’s movement around the sun. While this keeps the calendar functional and reflects the timing of the seasons, it also produces a vibrational “wobble” in the day-to-day numeric flow which can throw us totally out of balance. In 2020, this shake-up seems more pronounced than ever. It is important not to underestimate the power of calendars, since our entire lives revolve around then. There are many different calendars in the world, but the Gregorian calendar predominates because it is used as a standard in this industrial system.

All life revolves in cycles, and it is often at the very end of a cycle that we are faced with what still needs to be learned – and here we are in the final weeks of this highly important year of 2020. The desire to learn pushes us forward. Denial of reality pulls us back. And that’s where we are right now – caught in an absurd vortex of things we are only just starting to understand. And yet, we understand so much more than we did a year ago.

As things stand today, politics decide everything that occurs on this planet, right down to whether people live or die, and indeed, whether the planet herself lives or dies. With the U.S. election, the unrelenting spread of Covid-19, the continued destruction of the natural world, the growing hatred that exists between people, and the never-ending wars that humanity wages against itself, there is no getting away from – or rising above – what is happening on Earth right now. This is our reality, which is kept in place by denial of reality. As we continue to mindlessly hack away at the natural world, we hack away at the very body that enables us to physically exist – which is self-destruction.

“The age of nations has passed. Now, unless we wish to perish, we must shake off our old prejudices and build the Earth.” ~Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

The events of 2020 have gained our collective ATTENTION. 2020 is not to blame for all the shocks, dire conditions, and confusion in the world. 2020 is simply where we are – still transitioning from the electrical masculine 1000s to the magnetic feminine 2000s. Such a gigantic change of frequency is unthinkable to those who want the old system to stay exactly as it was, and because 1 represents our sense of self – the EGO – the most out-of-balance egos seem to believe that only they can ‘run the world’.

2 is the number of SENSITIVITY and governs the respiratory system, the lungs, breathing, and the entire emotional range. It is not a coincidence that COVID-19 hit the world in 2020. The heart and lungs are so closely connected when it comes to the vibrations that emotions carry, especially when we hold our feelings in instead of expressing them out of the body. The outer reality of life on Earth cannot change until the suppressed emotions of generations are allowed to move, express themselves outwardly, and heal.

But as long as we refuse to feel how life is making us feel, we can never see the complete picture. And that is what makes us vulnerable to propaganda and conspiracy theories. Others control us by controlling our emotions, which in turn limits the mind. We are evolving emotionally, and emotions are our response to experience. For instance, if we cannot look at the grief and suffering of the animals, or the widespread destruction of the natural world, there is no way to fully appreciate Mother Nature’s connection to Covid-19. Or the cries of “I can’t Breathe” coming from the black community (and again, not just in the USA), to the inability to breathe that comes with this virus. 2 is the number of CONNECTION. It is ALL connected.

How heartbreaking it is to know that we are still tearing each other to pieces – dropping bombs on people in their homes – shooting children in their schools. Aren’t our lives short enough? Why must we kill each other? Why must we kill total strangers for some political reason to which they are not directly connected? As mentioned last week, it is the inability to feel that enables people to kill with such ease.

The old system of winners and losers cannot willingly give up its power. But that does not mean that it will be able to hold on to it. In the course of time, nothing can stay the same forever. Systems that span generations eventually fall apart and must be replaced with something better, more sustainable, more loving, more accepting of reality, more evolved.

These conflict-ridden times are bringing us face to face with our DIFFERENCES. Yes “we are 1”, but we are not all the same. 2 represents DIVERSITY, in every sense of the word. And 11 = EQUALITY. Those two 1s are completely equal. 1 is the 1st number. It leads. And, right now, the emphasis on LEADERSHIP – and lack of leadership – is all-consuming, especially in the USA where potential national security problems are arising out of Donald Trump’s refusal to give up power. In WEEK 46, however, the emphasis may shift significantly to the 46th president-elect, Joe Biden. There is no way to know in advance how this will move, so here we are again, waiting for results. 2 is the number of PATIENCE, which is a power in itself.

I wrote this in 2016:

“Yes, of course we must accept that Donald Trump is now the 45th president of the USA. Anything else is denial of reality. But what he has said, and done, and proposed will not take us forward. They will take us BACK to a time which much of white America believes was “great” simply because white America led the way. The same can be said of other countries, too. White supremacy is rising to defend itself – all over the world.”

1’s emphasis on LEADERSHIP this week is also global and refers to many other nations whose leaders do not have the wellbeing of the people or planet in mind. It refers to the industrial wars and the rampant greed and cruelty, the weight of which is bringing the old system down.

Of course, what’s happening at this point in the journey goes way beyond party politics. This is survival – and NOT just survival of the ‘fittest’ and wealthiest, but the survival of all human beings, and all forms of life.

1 represents the INDIVIDUAL, and one of the main lessons 1 teaches is how to lead our own individual lives. 2 represents the WILL (our feminine energy) and is helping us to understand that Free Will has no interest in imposing itself on others. Free Will is a state of being which none of us has reached yet – but it is what we are evolving to. In the process, we are learning to let go of what we have outgrown.

WEEK 46 lights up the various factors that most need our attention. In fact, the entire 11th month of November is shedding extra light. 11 is the number of ILLUMINATION and INSPIRATION. 10/1 tells us to start as we mean to go on and not get sidetracked by the ocean of conspiracy theories and disinformation out there. 46/10/1 enables forward movement that is based on fact, practicality, and genuine courage (which is very different from “bravado”).

“When I accept myself, I am freed from the burden of needing you to accept me”. ~Steve Maraboli.

We talk of the ONENESS of life – and yet our species has never been so divided. 1 is the number of the SELF – the INDIVIDUAL – therefore, oneness must begin within each individual. The 1 energy gives us SELF-AWARENESS, which must evolve into SELF-ACCEPTANCE and BEING who we really are. The four parts that make us whole must UNITE inwardly before we can experience the outer results:

THE MASCULINE SPIRIT: governs mind, thought, action, light.

THE FEMININE WILL: governs emotion, senses, gravity, dark.

BIOLOGICAL FORM: the physical body, matter, the material world, creativity.

THE HEART: the physical/metaphysical vessel where all of the above meet – acceptance, common ground, balance, LOVE.


Why is life so rough at this point in the journey?

Because this point is what we are evolving FROM!

What are we evolving TO?  

Whatever we desire.

Be aware of your intent. 

Let kindness lead the way.

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